
Biocracy – Mystery of Existence

Biocracy – Mystery of Existence


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As Aldo Leopold pointed out, one aspect of cultural evolution seems to be a movement towards wider circles of concern, care and compassion. As our numbers increases and technology develops, this is not only in our own self-interest, but essential for our survival.

In a seamless planet, and with the impact of our current civilization, we cannot make decisions while leaving out the effects on ecosystems and future generations.

Our current ideal of democracy, which is a form of tyranny of one generation of humans, has been a phase of our cultural evolution, and one that is now outdated. We need to move from a democracy to a biocracy. A process of decision making where the interest of nonhuman species, local and global ecosystems, and future generations are taken into account, because their interest is our interest.

In the seamless whole of Earth, the health of the whole and the parts are intimately connected, as is the health of current and future generations.

Our health and existence as individuals and society is dependent on the health of local and global ecosystems, and the health of these ecosystems are – now – dependent on the health and maturity of individuals and human society. In the same way, the health of future generations is dependent on the health and maturity of our current human generations, and life-centered choices of our current generation is dependent on taking future generations into account (bringing them into our circle of concern).

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5 thoughts to “Biocracy”

  1. I would like to find out how can I actively participate in the development of the Biocratic thinking. Who are the Biocrats and how can I find them?
    It is my belief Biocracy is an ideology that needs to grow. Needs to tackle every issue with practical solutions. Needs to be heard, hopefully worldwide, and this needs to happen fast. Human life in this planet will NOT survive if there isn’t a rapid ideologic change. If this ideologic change takes place it will be the basis for the sustainable development of our world. I want to be a part of it, and participate in talks, research, investigation and the development of practical ideas and finding of the tools that will gain us the access to a widespread knowledge of this ideology. The tools and solutions to convince governments to move to a Biocratic society without endangering theire economies and thretening delicate markets, as much as ALL our natural world and our natural free thinking based on mutual respect and compassion.
    I would like please to start by getting some contacts of groups or organisations who participate in this thinking to be able to debate and find the solutions we all need. I live in Berlin, Germany. Please contact me soon if possible.

  2. I answered this via email, and mentioned some of the guidelines that has worked well for me in the sustainability world:

    1. A solution- and partnership-orientation is more enjoyable, and often more effective. Sometimes, other approaches are needed, but usually not. The long term and wide changes comes when people are attracted to another way of living.

    2. At least three levels of changes need to happen. (i) Deep culture changes – eventually into a biocentric view. (ii) Structural changes – how we organize ourselves as a society. (iii) Individual lifestyle changes. The first is as important as the other two, and perhaps more important.

    3. Even small changes can have a big effect. You may think what you do is small compared to what is needed, but it can have a big influence on someone. We can never know the ripple effects.

    4. Find something you thoroughly enjoy doing. That makes it easier to stay with it over time.

    5. Remind yourself of the big picture, of why you are doing what you are doing. The Practices to Reconnect by Joanna Macy are very good here.

  3. April 18 2010

    Okay we’ve considered this idea , Biocracy, 2002, before, what’s different now?
    There is still no way to determine the “vote” of the Earth,
    till now.

    ed jonas

  4. Hi Ed.

    How we organize ourselves collectively is a process of exploration and figuring out what seems to work best, and this is one facet. A good start may be the opportunity to take someone to court on behalf of nonhuman species and/or future generations. And also to assign someone to speak up on behalf of nonhuman species/future generations in governmental committees, city planning groups, businesses etc.

    If there is a will, there is a way. And this is something that will be of immediate and practical benefit. After all, our health and well-being depends on the health and well-being of the larger social/ecological whole, and using resources efficiently (less/no waste) is of benefit right away.

  5. Hi Moe
    thanks for your response, I agree but feel it has to go further into our model of governance. I don’t know if you are in the US or Canada or elsewhere but my proposal was to give 10% of the seats in the House of Commons here in Canada to represent the Nature vote. Who would be the representatives is a bit of a question but it would work out to about 3 seats per territory or province here and I though one thus should be an aboriginal, one a male and one a female. It would probably require a change to the constitution to go forward but would thus assure that nature has some seats at the tables of power. thanks again

    ed jonas