
Introducing our 2014-2015 Cadbury Scholar, Jeff Dudiak - Pendle Hill - A Quaker study, retreat, and conference center near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Introducing our 2014-2015 Cadbury Scholar, Jeff Dudiak - Pendle Hill - A Quaker study, retreat, and conference center near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Introducing our 2014-2015 Cadbury Scholar, Jeff Dudiak

jeff_dudiakI am from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where I am a philosophy professor at the King’s University.  I have a poet wife, Julie, and a baseball playing, snowboarding 13 year old son, York.  I am a lifelong Friend, raised in the Evangelical tradition, but having worshipped the whole of my adult life with liberal Friends.  I am a member of Edmonton Monthly Meeting, of Canadian Yearly Meeting, served for five years as CYM’s representative to Friends United Meeting, and am the current clerk of the Friends Association for Higher Education.

I am very interested in inter-Quaker issues, and one of the things I do is to try and identify issues on which Friends of different kinds have divergent, and often antagonistic, views, and to try and understand what is going on there, and how that might be more fruitfully addressed.  As the Cadbury scholar, I am attempting to perform such a study around the ways in which Quakers divergently think about, and speak about (or don’t), God. — Jeff Dudiak, 2014