
Oxford Handbook of Emotion, Social Cognition, and Problem Solving in Adulthood - Oxford Handbooks


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The Oxford Handbook of Emotion, Social Cognition, and Problem Solving in Adulthood 

Edited by Paul Verhaeghen and Christopher Hertzog

Adult aging influences the decoding of social and emotional cues. Older adults perform worse than younger adults in labeling some types of emotional expression from faces, bodies, and voices. Age-related declines also occur in following social cues from eye gaze. Other aspects of social perception show age-related stability, including automatic mimicry responses to emotional stimuli. There are also age-related improvements or positivity biases in some social perception tasks such as decoding information about smiles. Evidence to date indicates that age-related deficits in social perception are ... More

Keywords: agingemotionsocial perceptionemotion perceptionjoint attention

Bibliographic InformationPrint Publication Date: Jun 2014ISBN: 9780199899463Published online: May 2014DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199899463.001.0001


Paul Verhaeghen, editor 
Paul Verhaeghen, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology at Georgia Institute of Technology. He is interested in working memory, attention, executive control, creativity, aging, and the interfaces between them.

Christopher Hertzog, editor 
Christopher K. Hertzog, Ph.D., is a More


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Oxford Library of Psychology 
The Oxford Handbook of Emotion, Social Cognition, and Problem Solving in Adulthood 
Oxford Library of Psychology 
About the Editors 
IntroductionChristopher Hertzog and Paul Verhaeghen

Part 1 Emotion During Adulthood
Older Adults’ Perception of Social and Emotional CuesLouise H. Phillips, Gillian Slessor, Phoebe E. Bailey, and Julie D. Henry
The Effects of Age on Memory for Socioemotional Material: An Affective Neuroscience PerspectiveElizabeth A. Kensinger, Eric R. Allard,, and Anne C. Krendl
Age Changes in Facial Morphology, Emotional Communication, and Age StereotypingMary Lee Hummert
Do Everyday Affective Experiences Differ Throughout Adulthood?: A Review of Ambulatory-Assessment EvidenceMichaela Riediger and Antje Rauers

Part 2 Emotion in Context: Antecedents and Consequences
The Dynamics of Cognitive-Emotional Integration: Complexity and Hedonics in Emotional DevelopmentGisela Labouvie-Vief, Anne-Laure Gilet, and Nathalie Mella
Putting Emotional Aging in Context: Contextual Influences on Age-Related Changes in Emotion Regulation and RecognitionJennifer Tehan Stanley and Derek M. Isaacowitz
Positive Emotions and Health in Adulthood and Later LifeCatherine Riffin, Anthony D. Ong,, and Cindy S. Bergeman
Boundary Conditions for Emotional Well-Being in Aging: The Importance of Daily StressMartin J. Sliwinski and Stacey B. Scott
Tasks, Capacities, and Tactics: A Skill-Based Conceptualization of Emotion Regulation Across the LifespanNathan S. Consedine and Iris Mauss
Reconciling Cognitive Decline and Increased Well-Being With Age: The Role of Increased Emotion Regulation EfficiencyErin Senesac Morgan and Susanne Scheibe