
The Writings of Ibn Arabi | al-Qashanï al-Kashani (d. 730/1329 or 736/1335–6),

The Writings of Ibn Arabi | Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society

The Chapter Headings of the Fusus (PDF) | William Chittick

This is a study of the significance of the chapter headings of the Fusus as understood by four major commentators on the work. 

The first was Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi (d. 673/1274), Ibn al-Arabi’s son-in-law, chief disciple, foremost interpreter and the author of al-Fukuk, a commentary on the central themes of each chapter of the Fusus. 

At his behest his disciple Mu’ayyid al-Din al-Jandi composed one of the earliest and most extensive commentaries on the Fusus itself. 

Two other commentaries were written by ‘Abd al-Razzaq al-Kashani (d. 730/1329 or 736/1335–6), who studied the Fusus with al-Jandi, and 
Dawud al-Qaysari (d. 751/1350), who studied it with al-Kashani. 

From the Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society (Vol. II, 1984).

