

Top comments
Ruth Holbrook
Ruth Holbrook
5 months ago
You're so right. Everybody loves the outcast and we've had a portrayal of Matthew that elicits our sympathy, but we (as well as Matthew) need to face up to the reality of his past. Thinking about it, doing it this way takes us on the same journey that he is going through.


The Snipe Life

Simone Tetz
7 months ago
Thank you 🙏 I know that I was influenced to look at Matthew in a kinder light initially because the actor portrays him in such a sympathetic manner,  even vulnerable but of course the reality from the 1 st century would have been brutal. So this scene I think will spark many conversations about forgiveness.


The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

Language Literature
7 months ago (edited)
I would like to see more of Matthew's back story. I'm wondering what led to him becoming a tax collector? I think there's more to Matthew than him just choosing to be a bad guy. 🤷‍♀️ Why was he paraded? Why did his father put him out? Somethings going on there in the home...at least that's what I think. It seems like the classic rebellion of a child who's not understood or who feels unaccepted at home. They usually do the thing that their parents (especially their father) dislikes.


The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

15 replies
7 months ago
I like the character, Matthew in The Chosen.  He's peculiar bright and with his giftedness comes struggle and strife. As a gifted person with a penchant for strange and gifted people, I can relate to this particular character. Can't wait for the next season to come out.


The Snipe Life


Angela Pastorius
Angela Pastorius
7 months ago
8:23 WOW, this was an amazing analysis! If the directors and writers didn't mean to do that, I believe that God DID. Incredible point being made, but most of all, the touching of the hearts of those of us who didn't understand, just like Matthew. I love this character of Matthew because I feel like I can identify with how his mind works and how I miss the obvious when it comes to relating to people. Thank you for doing this review! 💞



Gerry Hatrick
Gerry Hatrick
7 months ago
Don't forget, Matthew met Quintus in the first place because he was trying to get Simon in trouble (in the series of course, extra-biblical)...saying he had no intention of turning in other fishermen....he went out of his way to bring harm to Simon, so he was indeed a bad guy.


The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

1 reply
Kristin Elizabeth Morris
Kristin Elizabeth Morris
6 months ago
I truly love how you unpack these scenes and where the writers are going in revealing deeper truths the Gospels have invited us to discover.  What a show.  And it's a blessing to have someone like you coming alongside to promote it with your insight and enthusiasm, brother!  Thank you.


The Snipe Life


7 months ago
Season 3 is looking to be as exciting as 1 and 2. And yes, the character of Matthew is fascinating. Jesus has already given him new outlets for his skills. And when Mary went missing,  who did Jesus send to find her? Matthew and Simon Peter. I'd imagine he's got them working on their relationship, whilst Matthew is growing in all the ways he needs to. 
I love how he's been growing close to Philip, especially when wanting to learn Torah again. And his closeness with the ladies, whilst they're learning too.



Dolores Parkinson
Dolores Parkinson
7 months ago
I think too it gives Paras an opportunity to show his acting skills beyond what we’ve seen so far. 

If the characters were one dimensional the series wouldn’t be very interesting or realistic. 

Showing Matthew on fire to a different idol prior to his ’burn out’ was a brilliant decision.


The Snipe Life


Ivana Gaiden
Ivana Gaiden
7 months ago
Thank you so much for portraying this thing . I’ve been thinking about this for so long and I know that Mathew is so charismatic character that no one want to realize how bad person he was. A deep back should show the real events that lead him to make such terrible desition. I really hope that Mathew should. Realize the real pain he cause to his people even maybe causing someone killed by collecting abusive taxes . I think that should be the point on Peter


The Snipe Life


Rusty Manis duckman1064
Rusty Manis duckman1064
4 months ago
Found your channel just now. You were talking about the changes in Mathew, and his reconnection with his parents. You said you'd like to see Mathew and Simon work it out. I think you start to see that in season 2 (ep 6th?) You can start to see a change in Simon


The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

1 reply
Sharon Spencer
Sharon Spencer
7 months ago
I have to agree with you about the Chosen writers they are amazing!!!!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I am really excited about the upcoming season!!!!


The Snipe Life


Lois Frazer
Lois Frazer
7 months ago
I love your analysis about Matthew.  It was how I found your channel.  Oh, and of course it was intentional.  I believe that look from Matthew at the fireside was recalling the exact moment his father disowned him.  I think there will be a wonderful reconciliation at some point!


The Snipe Life


Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson
7 months ago
Love the content.  Your channel popped up in my shorts last night. And I thought I recognized Vanessa.  My husband and i were  serving at Tres Dias when you guys went through. So blessed to see God use you both in this way.  Praying Blessings over your efforts.


The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

1 reply
7 months ago
The way they're portraying Matthew is that he's brilliant in some ways, but that most normal human feelings are beyond him. When was he supposed to learn these morals that his parents wanted him to have (memorizing the Torah doesn't count). He was highly intelligent so they pushed him out early, right? I've often wondered about brilliant children who are paraded around like they're freaks, go to college when still children, and never have a real childhood. Sounds like Matthew's upbringing was similar.



Phil Baumgartner
Phil Baumgartner
7 months ago
You are so good at this. I saw the parallels, but you take it to a new level.


The Snipe Life


LadySoul Last
LadySoul Last
7 months ago
This sneak peek of season 3 w/Matthew was quite the eye opener. His hair was styled in Roman fashion in addition to his clothing. I felt dislike for him in season 1 when he showed jealousy toward Simon for having discourse w/Quintus & again for showing delight when he thought Simon was in “breach of contract “ w/Quintus.



Jersey LTD
Jersey LTD
2 months ago
The Mathew scene hit me bc i hope one day my father can just know me.


The Snipe Life


7 months ago
Great analysis of the scenes  and Matthews growth. Looking forward to Season 3.


David M
David M
7 months ago
Peter:  "I can't forgive it; I'll never forgive it!"

I am looking forward to a future Peter who forgives Matthew after Jesus has the talk with Peter about how many times he needs to forgive.



Nora Dorsey
Nora Dorsey
6 months ago
Also, when Gaius told Quintus Matthew left, he said he had no recourse to stop him.



Laura wilson
Laura wilson
7 months ago
I'm truely wanting a scene in the upper room after Jesus dies while Peter admits to denying Jesus and Matthew being the biggest one who comforts him.


The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

4 replies
Jan Grover
Jan Grover
7 months ago
People should remember in season 1 episode 2 Matthew went to Quintus to tell him Simon was not reliable. Then Matthew spied on him to report to Quintus.


3 months ago (edited)
Did you see how Simon Peter was showing concern for Matthew & asking if he is going to be ok with Simon Z right before they were going to pray in front of Matthew's house?


Timothy Kennedy
Timothy Kennedy

7 months ago
Matthew's story, as the story of all the disciples, are the stories of us.  We all were, or perhaps still are, traitors, criminals, and idolatrous.  We should study these lives to see our own reflection clearer.


The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

2 replies
2 months ago
That one screenshot of Peter at 8:11 is straight up nightmare fuel

The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

1 reply
Peter Dahabreh
Peter Dahabreh
1 month ago
Did you ever find out  why his names isnt Levi in the show but Peter’s is Simon?


Susan Fanning
Susan Fanning
7 months ago
This may sound like I'm defending Matthew but I'll throw it out there anyway.  All this started when he was very young.He was rich at 13. Most 13 year Olds aren't mature when it comes to relationships.  He was bright in learning, but he was still a kid.Most kids would be a mess with being gifted and rich then not have social maturity. 
Am I thinking too much? A push over to young people?
( my doggo and cat rule over me, too🤣)


The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

4 replies
Alvina Awong
Alvina Awong
7 months ago
Aloha from Hawaii 🤗🌹🌈🕊️🔥🌹❤️ loved what you shared Brandon. Thank you


The Snipe Life


Kit Ramos
Kit Ramos
7 months ago (edited)
I'm not sure sure on that interpretation of the events.  we are still missing a good deal of context and backstory here.  especially around how he got into the tax collector role and how he ended up here.  what if when he started to work for the Romans he wasn't originally a tax collector but doing some other kind of accounting type work, and eventually had him working closer to the heart of Rome. which since he was doing so good at his job which was also likely a more affluent one he didn't have to worry to much and where he also got the start of his wealth. Then he was transferred to a role in tax collecting, as in he didn't volunteer but was volunteered for the job. Also he couldn't just jump ship on the tax collector job as he'd likely not get anything else with the Romans and because he already had a reputation of working for the Romans willingly, getting a job at a Jewish company likely seemed off the table as well. Also he knew his parents would of gotten word about his job, and would soon enough find out about where he was collecting the taxes. So his idea was not to extort his father for the tax money as he could of just let the guard do his thing and not done anything to stop it he didn't have to interact with the guards or his dad at that point at all.  Rather I think his thinking was more along the lines of "look if I was to do my job fully as they want me to you'll have to deal with stuff like this happening. But I can intercede on your behalf, and get them not to bother you. if you will accept me and my help"  but that was not the message the dad got out of that. and when he dissonwed him.  That's what set Mathew on the path he was on as his last idea on how to possibly to transition away from his Roman job was cut off.  As if you remember he did as his bodyguard/friend what would he do if he found himself suddenly in a land that was hostle to Romans, and the Guard replied he'd look for a change of clothes meaning he'd also look for ways to downplay anything that could get him into trouble while trying to get back to friendlier situation. Then Mathew said that's exactly what he's been dealing with this whole time, meaning there's a fair chance he's not really enjoying taxing people but all his other options seem much worse then what he's doing now.


Marjorie Ellis
Marjorie Ellis
7 months ago (edited)
Matthew will have to 'repent'.   Simon (Peter) will have to forgive him.   both have to be done to be ready to go to heaven (even if this is just a story)



Paul Soh
Paul Soh
2 months ago (edited)
The narrative of Matthew jacking up the tax to pocket some money for himself is probable but highly highly unlikely because unlike other tax collectors, matthew is most likely   the tax collector in the parable of tax collector vs pharisee parable.

Tax collectors iirc operates similar to the debt collectors (not loan sharks) of today. They get a tax bill (debt) from the romans, then they pursue it and get a kickback / cashback from what would be otherwise unrecoverable.

The jacking up would also have been a problem with the romans since it's obvious reasons for their citizens to revolt so while romans would condone under table corruption they would not condone these kind of open and obvious corruption.

Matthew here seems like the low rank tax collectors but in the bible Matthew would have been a tax collector mini boss, i.e. he would have 1 - 2 tax collectors working for him.

Naturally, Matthew would be more affluent than low tier collectors since his "business" has greater reach via multiple storefront and collection booths.


Julie John 1:1
Julie John 1:1
7 months ago
When is the theater showings? I missed something.

The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

1 reply
D T. F.
D T. F.
6 months ago
Matthew is no worse than the others.



Rosina Ampah
Rosina Ampah
7 months ago
Yes, he was a bad person but so are we, I think we need to be kind in judging him!


Denny from Charleston, SC
Denny from Charleston, SC
7 months ago
Taxes can be many a person's trouble. Back then more so under the Roman boot. Matthew was not forced to become a tax collector! He chose to!



3 months ago
from the get go I knew Matthew was special. It seems like hes on the spectrum. I took to Matthew right away.


Rosina Ampah
Rosina Ampah
7 months ago
Simon was betraying his folks too!


Cincinnati Pedal Steel
Cincinnati Pedal Steel
3 months ago
Matthew flat out said to Quintice “you were born a Roman…..” when comparing himself as a tax collector to the Roman’s and the dislike the Jews have for both of them. 

Plus the scene you showed Matthew also says that he chose to be a tax collector. Whoever is arguing with you doesn’t pay attention as well as they think.


3 months ago
It’s like the 12 steps for Tax Collectors!


Michael McClain
Michael McClain
7 months ago
interesting how Simon says ‘betrayed’.   then he does the same to Jesus.   that’s how it works.  as you judge, so shall you be judged.  haunting


1 reply
Ari Rabe
Ari Rabe
6 months ago
Something to note is that the Gospels don't actually give us details about the disciples' backstory because that is not the focus on the Gospels. Also there is no evidence that Matthew was a 'bad' tax collector or a 'good/fair' tax collector.
I think it would be better show a variety of tax collectors, maybe Matthew's colleagues. 
Also from the Gospels we know Matthew knows the OT prophesies very well. He is the 'English Major' of the Gospel accounts. He writes lots of details.
We need to know this is a drama that takes liberties with the dialog so you can understand the culture.
We can't impose the exact dialog or exact characterization as what the Real Matthew was like.


1 reply
Pilgrims Progress
Pilgrims Progress
4 months ago
8:12 that looks horrifying



Wednesday's Child
Wednesday's Child
7 months ago (edited)
I think Matthew did that for same reason Gaius joined the Romans. He knows he cannot win.  Gaius said he became a Roman ally because fighting was pointless. The Dead Sea scrolls jewish writings say they think God is going to defend Israel and make them victorious over the Romans. We know that did not happen. The Romans won. They destroyed the temple, surrounded Masada and scattered Israel. Christianity kind of won by becoming the religion of the empire.


1 reply
Sydney Bell
Sydney Bell
7 months ago (edited)
I saw this scene but I missed the second does anyone know what it was about?



The Snipe Life

5 replies
7 months ago
Simon holds a grudge. He did a job against his people also. Simon needs to forgive if he is more spiritual and show Jesus love. That’s is the only way to reconcile.



1 reply
4 months ago
I don’t think this commentary is accurate at all. Rome kept him for collecting taxes. This show is NOT the scriptures. It is a story about how it COULD have been. Let’s not confuse the two.


Sandra Jones
Sandra Jones
7 months ago
Do u think Matthew and his family will make up?


The Snipe Life

1 reply

7 months ago


The Snipe Life


The Snipe Life

1 reply
Iris Siri
Iris Siri
7 months ago (edited)
Matthew during pre-Jesus years, was faithless so it became easy for him to do bad things like becoming dishonest and becoming a greedy person that money only matters to him and security. Matthew did become a tax collector for a good reason: to secure his family's financial state and future, but of course, his parents being fully faithful to God, did not approve that  and never wanted anything from Matthew nor accepting anything from him because they see him as "traitor"  and all his earnings were "blood money" to bleed his other co-jews dry.  Matthew, just like Simon Peter, he became frustrated with God also because of what's happening and what happened  for centuries, before they were born . I can understand that in Matthew's point of view. We all get upset with God sometimes when bad things happen. Somehow, those were the traits that he has in common Simon Peter and also with Thomas. 😢

But I'm hoping that Matthew's parents will be able to witness that Matthew became a better person and how he had given up everything just to follow Jesus . I hope his parents will welcome him back again in their home 😢 I mean, everyone deserves a second chance, right? Matthew deserved to be loved 💔 he wanted to be loved and accepted ❣️ 

Matthew may have a bad record about money , being dishonest and being obsessed with getting rich but we have to remember that Matthew never intended nor even planned to betray or sell Jesus for 30 PCs of silver. We know who did that and it wasn't Matthew.



6 months ago


Reginald Galluzzo
Reginald Galluzzo
7 months ago
pքɾօʍօʂʍ 🙋


Julie John 1:1
Julie John 1:1
7 months ago
Alot of us were not very good people before Jesus.



The Snipe Life

1 reply
Jason Scroger
Jason Scroger
7 months ago
pretty sure no one is a good person, and the scriptures would not teach that



shane blyth
shane blyth
3 months ago
Why delete posts that support the show 100%


Ruth Holbrook
You're so right. Everybody loves the outcast and we've had a portrayal of Matthew that elicits our sympathy, but we (as well as Matthew) need to face up to the reality of his past. Thinking about it, doing it this way takes us on the same journey that he is going through.
Simone Tetz
Thank you 🙏 I know that I was influenced to look at Matthew in a kinder light initially because the actor portrays him in such a sympathetic manner, even vulnerable but of course the reality from the 1 st century would have been brutal. So this scene I think will spark many conversations about forgiveness.
Language Literature
I would like to see more of Matthew's back story. I'm wondering what led to him becoming a tax collector? I think there's more to Matthew than him just choosing to be a bad guy. 🤷‍♀️ Why was he paraded? Why did his father put him out? Somethings going on there in the home...at least that's what I think. It seems like the classic rebellion of a child who's not understood or who feels unaccepted at home. They usually do the thing that their parents (especially their father) dislikes.
Show less
I like the character, Matthew in The Chosen. He's peculiar bright and with his giftedness comes struggle and strife. As a gifted person with a penchant for strange and gifted people, I can relate to this particular character. Can't wait for the next season to come out.
Angela Pastorius
8:23 WOW, this was an amazing analysis! If the directors and writers didn't mean to do that, I believe that God DID. Incredible point being made, but most of all, the touching of the hearts of those of us who didn't understand, just like Matthew. I love this character of Matthew because I feel like I can identify with how his mind works and how I miss the obvious when it comes to relating to people. Thank you for doing this review! 💞
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Gerry Hatrick
Don't forget, Matthew met Quintus in the first place because he was trying to get Simon in trouble (in the series of course, extra-biblical)...saying he had no intention of turning in other fishermen....he went out of his way to bring harm to Simon, so he was indeed a bad guy.
Kristin Elizabeth Morris
I truly love how you unpack these scenes and where the writers are going in revealing deeper truths the Gospels have invited us to discover. What a show. And it's a blessing to have someone like you coming alongside to promote it with your insight and enthusiasm, brother! Thank you.
Season 3 is looking to be as exciting as 1 and 2. And yes, the character of Matthew is fascinating. Jesus has already given him new outlets for his skills. And when Mary went missing, who did Jesus send to find her? Matthew and Simon Peter. I'd imagine he's got them working on their relationship, whilst Matthew is growing in all the ways he needs to. I love how he's been growing close to Philip, especially when wanting to learn Torah again. And his closeness with the ladies, whilst they're learning too.
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Dolores Parkinson
I think too it gives Paras an opportunity to show his acting skills beyond what we’ve seen so far. If the characters were one dimensional the series wouldn’t be very interesting or realistic. Showing Matthew on fire to a different idol prior to his ’burn out’ was a brilliant decision.
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Ivana Gaiden
Thank you so much for portraying this thing . I’ve been thinking about this for so long and I know that Mathew is so charismatic character that no one want to realize how bad person he was. A deep back should show the real events that lead him to make such terrible desition. I really hope that Mathew should. Realize the real pain he cause to his people even maybe causing someone killed by collecting abusive taxes . I think that should be the point on Peter
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Rusty Manis duckman1064
Found your channel just now. You were talking about the changes in Mathew, and his reconnection with his parents. You said you'd like to see Mathew and Simon work it out. I think you start to see that in season 2 (ep 6th?) You can start to see a change in Simon
Sharon Spencer
I have to agree with you about the Chosen writers they are amazing!!!! ❤❤❤❤️ I am really excited about the upcoming season!!!!
Lois Frazer
I love your analysis about Matthew. It was how I found your channel. Oh, and of course it was intentional. I believe that look from Matthew at the fireside was recalling the exact moment his father disowned him. I think there will be a wonderful reconciliation at some point!
Chris Johnson
Love the content. Your channel popped up in my shorts last night. And I thought I recognized Vanessa. My husband and i were serving at Tres Dias when you guys went through. So blessed to see God use you both in this way. Praying Blessings over your efforts.
The way they're portraying Matthew is that he's brilliant in some ways, but that most normal human feelings are beyond him. When was he supposed to learn these morals that his parents wanted him to have (memorizing the Torah doesn't count). He was highly intelligent so they pushed him out early, right? I've often wondered about brilliant children who are paraded around like they're freaks, go to college when still children, and never have a real childhood. Sounds like Matthew's upbringing was similar.
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Phil Baumgartner
You are so good at this. I saw the parallels, but you take it to a new level.
LadySoul Last
This sneak peek of season 3 w/Matthew was quite the eye opener. His hair was styled in Roman fashion in addition to his clothing. I felt dislike for him in season 1 when he showed jealousy toward Simon for having discourse w/Quintus & again for showing delight when he thought Simon was in “breach of contract “ w/Quintus.
Jersey LTD
The Mathew scene hit me bc i hope one day my father can just know me.
Great analysis of the scenes and Matthews growth. Looking forward to Season 3.
David M
Peter: "I can't forgive it; I'll never forgive it!" I am looking forward to a future Peter who forgives Matthew after Jesus has the talk with Peter about how many times he needs to forgive.
Nora Dorsey
Also, when Gaius told Quintus Matthew left, he said he had no recourse to stop him.
Laura wilson
I'm truely wanting a scene in the upper room after Jesus dies while Peter admits to denying Jesus and Matthew being the biggest one who comforts him.
Jan Grover
People should remember in season 1 episode 2 Matthew went to Quintus to tell him Simon was not reliable. Then Matthew spied on him to report to Quintus.
Did you see how Simon Peter was showing concern for Matthew & asking if he is going to be ok with Simon Z right before they were going to pray in front of Matthew's house?
Timothy Kennedy
Matthew's story, as the story of all the disciples, are the stories of us. We all were, or perhaps still are, traitors, criminals, and idolatrous. We should study these lives to see our own reflection clearer.
That one screenshot of Peter at 8:11 is straight up nightmare fuel
Peter Dahabreh
Did you ever find out why his names isnt Levi in the show but Peter’s is Simon?
Susan Fanning
This may sound like I'm defending Matthew but I'll throw it out there anyway. All this started when he was very young.He was rich at 13. Most 13 year Olds aren't mature when it comes to relationships. He was bright in learning, but he was still a kid.Most kids would be a mess with being gifted and rich then not have social maturity. Am I thinking too much? A push over to young people? ( my doggo and cat rule over me, too🤣)
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Alvina Awong
Aloha from Hawaii 🤗🌹🌈🕊🔥🌹❤️ loved what you shared Brandon. Thank you
Kit Ramos
I'm not sure sure on that interpretation of the events. we are still missing a good deal of context and backstory here. especially around how he got into the tax collector role and how he ended up here. what if when he started to work for the Romans he wasn't originally a tax collector but doing some other kind of accounting type work, and eventually had him working closer to the heart of Rome. which since he was doing so good at his job which was also likely a more affluent one he didn't have to worry to much and where he also got the start of his wealth. Then he was transferred to a role in tax collecting, as in he didn't volunteer but was volunteered for the job. Also he couldn't just jump ship on the tax collector job as he'd likely not get anything else with the Romans and because he already had a reputation of working for the Romans willingly, getting a job at a Jewish company likely seemed off the table as well. Also he knew his parents would of gotten word about his job, and would soon enough find out about where he was collecting the taxes. So his idea was not to extort his father for the tax money as he could of just let the guard do his thing and not done anything to stop it he didn't have to interact with the guards or his dad at that point at all. Rather I think his thinking was more along the lines of "look if I was to do my job fully as they want me to you'll have to deal with stuff like this happening. But I can intercede on your behalf, and get them not to bother you. if you will accept me and my help" but that was not the message the dad got out of that. and when he dissonwed him. That's what set Mathew on the path he was on as his last idea on how to possibly to transition away from his Roman job was cut off. As if you remember he did as his bodyguard/friend what would he do if he found himself suddenly in a land that was hostle to Romans, and the Guard replied he'd look for a change of clothes meaning he'd also look for ways to downplay anything that could get him into trouble while trying to get back to friendlier situation. Then Mathew said that's exactly what he's been dealing with this whole time, meaning there's a fair chance he's not really enjoying taxing people but all his other options seem much worse then what he's doing now.
Marjorie Ellis
Matthew will have to 'repent'. Simon (Peter) will have to forgive him. both have to be done to be ready to go to heaven (even if this is just a story)
Paul Soh
The narrative of Matthew jacking up the tax to pocket some money for himself is probable but highly highly unlikely because unlike other tax collectors, matthew is most likely the tax collector in the parable of tax collector vs pharisee parable. Tax collectors iirc operates similar to the debt collectors (not loan sharks) of today. They get a tax bill (debt) from the romans, then they pursue it and get a kickback / cashback from what would be otherwise unrecoverable. The jacking up would also have been a problem with the romans since it's obvious reasons for their citizens to revolt so while romans would condone under table corruption they would not condone these kind of open and obvious corruption. Matthew here seems like the low rank tax collectors but in the bible Matthew would have been a tax collector mini boss, i.e. he would have 1 - 2 tax collectors working for him. Naturally, Matthew would be more affluent than low tier collectors since his "business" has greater reach via multiple storefront and collection booths.
Julie John 1:1
When is the theater showings? I missed something.
D T. F.
Matthew is no worse than the others.
Rosina Ampah
Yes, he was a bad person but so are we, I think we need to be kind in judging him!
Denny from Charleston, SC
Taxes can be many a person's trouble. Back then more so under the Roman boot. Matthew was not forced to become a tax collector! He chose to!
from the get go I knew Matthew was special. It seems like hes on the spectrum. I took to Matthew right away.
Rosina Ampah
Simon was betraying his folks too!
Cincinnati Pedal Steel
Matthew flat out said to Quintice “you were born a Roman…..” when comparing himself as a tax collector to the Roman’s and the dislike the Jews have for both of them. Plus the scene you showed Matthew also says that he chose to be a tax collector. Whoever is arguing with you doesn’t pay attention as well as they think.
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It’s like the 12 steps for Tax Collectors!
Michael McClain
interesting how Simon says ‘betrayed’. then he does the same to Jesus. that’s how it works. as you judge, so shall you be judged. haunting
Ari Rabe
Something to note is that the Gospels don't actually give us details about the disciples' backstory because that is not the focus on the Gospels. Also there is no evidence that Matthew was a 'bad' tax collector or a 'good/fair' tax collector. I think it would be better show a variety of tax collectors, maybe Matthew's colleagues. Also from the Gospels we know Matthew knows the OT prophesies very well. He is the 'English Major' of the Gospel accounts. He writes lots of details. We need to know this is a drama that takes liberties with the dialog so you can understand the culture. We can't impose the exact dialog or exact characterization as what the Real Matthew was like.
Pilgrims Progress
8:12 that looks horrifying
Wednesday's Child
I think Matthew did that for same reason Gaius joined the Romans. He knows he cannot win. Gaius said he became a Roman ally because fighting was pointless. The Dead Sea scrolls jewish writings say they think God is going to defend Israel and make them victorious over the Romans. We know that did not happen. The Romans won. They destroyed the temple, surrounded Masada and scattered Israel. Christianity kind of won by becoming the religion of the empire.
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Sydney Bell
I saw this scene but I missed the second does anyone know what it was about?
Simon holds a grudge. He did a job against his people also. Simon needs to forgive if he is more spiritual and show Jesus love. That’s is the only way to reconcile.
I don’t think this commentary is accurate at all. Rome kept him for collecting taxes. This show is NOT the scriptures. It is a story about how it COULD have been. Let’s not confuse the two.
Sandra Jones
Do u think Matthew and his family will make up?
Iris Siri
Matthew during pre-Jesus years, was faithless so it became easy for him to do bad things like becoming dishonest and becoming a greedy person that money only matters to him and security. Matthew did become a tax collector for a good reason: to secure his family's financial state and future, but of course, his parents being fully faithful to God, did not approve that and never wanted anything from Matthew nor accepting anything from him because they see him as "traitor" and all his earnings were "blood money" to bleed his other co-jews dry. Matthew, just like Simon Peter, he became frustrated with God also because of what's happening and what happened for centuries, before they were born . I can understand that in Matthew's point of view. We all get upset with God sometimes when bad things happen. Somehow, those were the traits that he has in common Simon Peter and also with Thomas. 😢 But I'm hoping that Matthew's parents will be able to witness that Matthew became a better person and how he had given up everything just to follow Jesus . I hope his parents will welcome him back again in their home 😢 I mean, everyone deserves a second chance, right? Matthew deserved to be loved 💔 he wanted to be loved and accepted ❣ Matthew may have a bad record about money , being dishonest and being obsessed with getting rich but we have to remember that Matthew never intended nor even planned to betray or sell Jesus for 30 PCs of silver. We know who did that and it wasn't Matthew.
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Reginald Galluzzo
pքɾօʍօʂʍ 🙋
Julie John 1:1
Alot of us were not very good people before Jesus.
Jason Scroger
pretty sure no one is a good person, and the scriptures would not teach that
shane blyth
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