
Toshihiko Izutsu Sufism And Taoism P2.Ch09IX Determinism and Freedom

   SUFISM AND TAOISM: A Comparative Study of Key Philosophical Concepts

by Toshihiko Izutsu 1983

First published 1983 by Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, Tokyo
This edition is published by The University of California Press, 1984,
Rev. ed. of: A comparative study of the key philosophical concepts in Sufism and Taoism. 1966-67.



Preface by T. Izutsu

Part I - Ibn 'Arabi
1 Dream and Reality
II The Absolute in its Absoluteness
III The Self-knowledge of Man
IV Metaphysical Unification and Phenomenal Dispersion
V Metaphysical Perplexity
VI The Shadow of the Absolute
VII The Divine Nam es
VIII Allah and the Lord
IX Ontological Mercy
X The Water of Life
XI The Self-manifestation of the Absolute
XII Permanent Archetypes
XIII Creation
XIV Man as Microcosm
XV The Perfect Man as an Individual
XVI Apostle, Prophet, and Saint
XVII The Magical Power of the Perfect Man

Part II - Lao-Tzii & Chuang-Tzu

I Lao-Tzu and Chuang-Tzu
II From Mythopoiesis to Metaphysics
III Dream and Reality
IV Beyond This and That
V The Birth of a New Ego
VI Against Essentialism
VII The Way
VIII The Gateway of Myriad Wonders
IX Determinism and Freedom
X Absolute Reversai of Values
XI The Perfect Man
XII Homo Politicus

Part III - A Comparative Reftection 

I Methodological Preliminaries
II The Inner Transformation of Man
III The Multistratified Structure of Reality
IV Essence and Existence
V The Self-evolvement of Existence

IX Determinism and Freedom

In the previous chapter we came across the concept of the Heavenly

Command (t'ien ming). The concept is philosophically of basic

importance because it leads directly to the idea of determinism

which, in Western thought, is known as the problem of 'predestina-

tion', and in the intellectual tradition of Islam as that of qa<J,a' and

qadar. 1

The most interesting part of the whole problem is admittedly its

profound theological implication within the context of monotheistic

religions like Christianity and Islam. The problem as a theological

one might, at first sight, seem to be quite foreign to the world-view

of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu. That such is not the case, however, will

become clear if we but remember that Taoism too has its own

theological aspect.

In the foregoing chapters the Way or the Absolute has been

approached almost exclusively from the metaphysical point of view.

We have been, in other words, trying to analyze the metaphysical

aspect of the Way. And with reason. For that, after all, is the most

fondamental theme upon which is based the whole system of Taoist


But the Way as conceived by the Taoist philosophers is not simply

and exclusively the metaphysical Ground of all beings. It is also God

-the Creator (lit. the Maker-of-things, tsao wu chê), Heaven (t'ien),

or the Heavenly Emperor (t'ien ti), as He is traditionally called in

Chinese. The 'persona!' image of the Absolute in ancient China had

a long history prior to the rise of the philosophical bran ch of Taoism

which we are considering in this book. It was quite a vigorous living

tradition, and exercised a tremendous influence on the historical

molding of Chinese- culture and Chinese mentality. And we would

make a fatal mistake if we imagined that the Way as conceived- or

'encountered', we should rather say - by the Taoist sages were a

purely metaphysical Absolute. For them too the Way was a

metaphysical Absolute as well as a persona! God. The image of the

Maker-of-things must not be taken as a metaphorical or figurative

expression for the metaphysical Principle. The Chuang-tzu has a

Determinism and Freedom 419

chapter entitled 'The Great Lordly Master' .2 The title refers to this

'persona!' aspect of the Way.

If we are to analyze this 'persona!' concept of the Absolute in

terms of the metaphysical structure of the Way, we should perhaps

say that it correspbnds to the stage of' Being' at which the creative

activity of the Way becomes fully manifested. For, strictly speaking,

the Way at the stage of the Mystery, or even at the stage of Nothing,

is absolutely beyond common human cognition. Just as in the

world-view of Ibn 'Arabï the word 'Lord' (rabb) refers to the

ontological stage at which the Absolute manifests itself through

some definite Name - like Producer, for instance - and not to the

absolu te Essence which transcends all determinations and relations,

sois the Taoist concept of 'Maker-of-things' properly to be taken as

referring to the self-manifesting, or creative, aspect of the Way, and

not toits self-concealing aspect. Ail this, however, is but a theoreti-

cal implication of the metaphysical doctrine of Lao-tzu and

Chuang-tzu. They themselves do not elaborate this point in this

particular form. Besides, the concept of the Absolu te as the highest

Lord of Heaven belongs to a particular domain of religious experi-

ence which is of quite a different nature from that of the ecstatic

intuition of the Absolute as the One, then as 'Nothing', then as the

Mystery of Mysteries, although it is also true that the two types of

religious experience seem to have greatly inftuenced each other in

the historical process of the formation of Taoist philosophy, so

much so that the Taoist concept of the Absolu te as it actually stands

can justifiably be said to con tain two different aspects: metaphysical

and persona!.

However this may be, the description given by Chuang-tzu of the

activity of the Great Lordly Master in the administration of the

affairs of the creaturely world is exactly the same as what he and

Lao-tzu say about the working of Nature or the Absolute. The

following is one of a number of passages which could be cited as

evidence in support of this statement.

Oh my Master, my (sole) Master - He cuts the ten thousand things

into minute pieces. 3 And yet He has no consciousness of doing

'justice'. His bounty ex tends to the ten thousand generations. And

yet He has no consciousness of doing any particular act of 'benevol-

ence' .4 He is older than the oldest time (of history). And yet he has no

consciousness of being aged. He covers Heaven ( which covers every-

thing) and sus tains Earth ( which sustains everything). He carves and

models ail kinds of forms. And yet he has no consciousness of being

Skilful. 5

The point I am making will become clear if one compares this

passage with the words of Lao-tzu about the activity of the Way in

the form of Virtue, which were quoted in the previous chapter.


420 Sufism and Taoism

The Way gives birth (to the ten thousand things), yet daims no

possession. It does great things, yet does not boast of it. It makes

things grow, yet exercises no authority upon them. This is what 1

would call the Mysterious Virtue. 6

With this general theological background in mind we may rightly

approach the problem of necessity or 'predestination' in Taoism. In

discussing this idea, we shall be mainly dependent upon Chuang-

tzu, because he seems to have been particularly interested in the

problem of Necessity and human Freedom within the particular

context of Taoist philosophy.

We have pointed out earlier in this book the central importance

observed of the concept of Chaos in the philosophical system of

Chuang-tzu. We have observed there that, according to Chuang-

tzu, Being which surrounds us from all sides and in which we live as

part of it, reveals itself as a Chaos when we intuit its reality in the

experience of 'sitting-in-oblivion'. In the ecstatic vision peculiar to

this experience, all things appear 'chaotified'. Nothing remains solid

and stable. We witness the amazing scene of all things being freely

and unobstructedly transmuted into one another.

This image of Being must not mislead us into thinking only that

Reality is literally chaotic and nothing but chaotic. Chaos is a

metaphysical reality. But it represents only one aspect of Reality. In

the very midst of this seeming disorder and confusion, there is

observable a supreme order governing all things and events in the

phenomenal world. In spite of their apparent utter confusion, all

things that exist and all events that occur in the world exist and occur

in accordance with the natural articulations of Reality. In this

respect, the world we live in is a world determined by a rigorous

Necessity. And how could it be otherwise? For the ten thousand

things are nothing but forms in which the Absolute appears as it

goes on determining itself; they are so many forms of the self-

revelation of God.

This concept of the ontological Necessity is expressed by

Chuang-tzu by various terms, such as t'ien (Heaven), t'ien li (the

natural course of things determined by Heaven),ming (Command),

and pu tê i ('that which cannot be evaded').

Chuang-tzu regards 'living in accordance with the t'ien li' as the

ideal way of living in this world for the 'true man'. The expression

means 'to accept whatever is given by nature and not to struggle

against it'. It suggests that there is for everybody and everything a

natural course to take, which has been determined from the very

beginning by Heaven. The world of Being, in this view, is naturally

articulated, and nothing can happen against or outside of the fixed

course. Ali things, whether inanimate or living, seem to exist or live

Determinism and Freedom 421

in docile obedience to their own destinies. They seem to be happy

and contented with existing in absolute conformity with the inevit-

able Law of Nature. They are, in this respect, naturally 'living in

accordance with the t'ien li'.

Only Man, of all existents, can and does revoit against the t'ien li.

And that because of his self-consciousness. It is extremely difficult

for him to remain resigned to his destin y. He tends to struggle hard

to evade it or to change it. And he thereby brings discordance into

the universal harmony of Being. But of course all his violent

struggles are vain and useless, for everything is determined eter-

nally. Herein lies the very source of the tragedy of human existence.

Is there, then, absolutely no freedom for man? Should he

acquiesce without murmuring in his naturally given situation how-

ever miserable it may be? Does Chuang-tzu uphold the principle of

negative passivity or nihilism? Not in the least. But how could he,

then, reconcile the concept of Necessity with that of human free-

dom? This is the question which will occupy us in the following


The first step one has to take in attempting to salve this question

consists in one's gaining a lucid and deep consciousness that what-

ever occurs in this world occurs through the activity of Heaven -

Heaven here being understood in a 'persona!' sense. Chuang-tzu

gives a number of examples in the form of anecdotes. Here is one of

the m.

A certain man saw a man who had one foot amputated as a

punishment for some crime.

Greatly surprised at seeing the deformity of the man, he cried out:

'What a man! How has he corne to have his foot eut off? Is it due to

Heaven? Oris it due to man?'

The man replied: 'lt is Heaven, not man! At the very moment when

Heaven gave me life, it destined me to become one-footed. (Nor-

mally) the human form is provided with a pair,7 (i.e., normally man is

born with two feet). From this 1 know that my being one-footed is due

to Heaven. It cannot be ascribed to man!' 8

Not only this and similar individual cases of misery and misfortune-

and also happiness and good fortune - but the very beginning and

end of human existence, Life and Death, are due to the Heavenly

Command. In Chapter III we discussed the basic attitude of

Chuang-tzu on the question of Life and Death, but from an entirely

different angle. There we discussed it in terms of the concept of

Transmutation. The same problem cornes up in the present context

in connection with the problem of destiny or Heaven.


422 Sufism and Taoism

When Lao-tzii died, (one of his close friends) Ch'in Shih went to the

ceremony of mourning for his death. (Quite perfunctorily) he wailed

over the dead three times, and came out of the room.

Thereupon the disciples (of Lao-tzii) (reproved him for his conduct)

saying, 'Were you not a freind of our Mas ter?'

'Yes, indeed,' he replied.

'Weil, then, is it permissible that you should mourn over his death in

su ch a (perfunctory) way?'

'Yes. (This is about what he deserves.) Formerly 1 used to think that

he was a ('true') man. But now 1 have realized that he was not. (The

reason for this change of my opinion upon him is as follows.) Just now

1 went in to mourn him; 1 saw there old people weeping for him as if

they were weeping for their own child, and young folk weeping for

him as if they were weeping for their own mother. Judging by the fact

that he could arouse the sympathy of his people in such a form, he

must have ( during his lifetime) cunningly induced them somehow to

utter words (of sorrow and sadness) for his death, without explicitly

asking them to do so, and to weep for him, without explicitly asking

them to do so. 9

This, 10 however, is nothing but 'escaping Heaven' (i.e., escaping the

natural course of things as determined by Heaven), and going against

the reality of human nature. These people have completely forgotten

(from where) they received what they received (i.e., the fact that they

have received their life and existence from Heaven, by the Heavenly

Command). In days of old, people who behaved thus were consi-

dered liable for punishment for (the crime of) 'escaping Heaven'.

Your Master came (i.e., was born into this world) qui te naturally,

because it was his ( destined) time (to corne). Now he has ( departed)

quite naturally, because it was his turn (to go).

If we remain content with the 'time' and accept the 'turn', neither

sorrow nor joy can ever creep in. Such an attitude used to be called

among the Ancients 'loosing the tie of the (Heavenly) Emperor' .11

The last paragraph of this passage is found almost verbatim in

another passage which was quoted earlier in Chapter III, 12 where

the particular expression: 'loosing the tie' appears with the same

meaning; namely, that of complete freedom. And this idea would

seem to indicate in which direction one should turn in order to solve

the problem of the conflict between Necessity and human freedom

on the basis of a lucid consciousness that everything is due to the

Will of Heaven.

The next step one should take consists, according to what

Chuang-tzii observes about 'loosing the tie of the Heavenly

Emperor', in one's becoming indifferent to, or transcending, the

effects caused by the turns of fortune. In the latter half of the

anecdote about the one-footed man, the man himself describes the

kind of freedom he enjoys by wholly submitting himself to whatever

has been destined for him by Heaven. Other people - so the man

Determinism and Freedom 423

observes - might imagine that, being one-footed, he must find his

life unbearable. But, he says, such is not actually the case. And he

explains his situation by the image of a swamp pheasant.

Look at the pheasant living in the swamp. (In order to feed itself) the

bird has to bear the trouble of walking ten paces for one peck, and

walking a hundred paces for one drink. (The onlookers might think

that the pheasant must find such a life miserable.) However it will

never desire to be kept and fed in a cage. For (in a cage the btrd would

be able to eat and drink to satiety and) it would be full of vitality, and

yet it would not find itself happy .13

To be deprived of one foot is to be deprived of one's so-called

'freedom'. The one-footed man has to endure inconvenience in

daily life like the swamp pheasant which has to walk so many paces

just for the sake of one peck and one drink. A man of normal bodily

structure is 'free' to walk with his two feet. But the 'freedom' here

spoken of is a physical, external freedom. What really matters is

whether or not the man has a spiritual, inner freedom. If the man

with two feet does not happen to have inner freedom, his situation

will be similar to that of a pheasant in a cage; he can eat and drink

without having to put up with any physical inconvenience, but, in

spite of that, he cannot enjoy being in the wôrld. The real misery of

such a man lies in the fact that he struggles helplessly to change what

can never be changed, that he has to fret away his life.

Chuang-tzii's thought, however, does not stop at this stage. The

inner 'freedom' which is based on a passive acceptance of whatever

is given, or the tranquillity of the mind based on mere resignation in

the presence of Necessity, does r10t for him represent the final stage

of human freedom. In order to reach the last and ultimate stage of

inner freedom, man must go a step further and obliterate the very

distinction - or opposition - between his own existence and Neces-

sity. But how can this be achieved?

Chuang-tzii often speaks of 'what cannot be evaded' or 'that

which cannot be made otherwise'. Everything is necessarily fixed

and determined by a kind of Cosmic Will which is called the Com-

mand or Heaven. As long as there is even the minutest discrepancy

in the consciousness of a man between this Cosmic Will and his own

persona! will, Necessity is felt to be something forced upon him,

something which he has to accept even against his will. If, under

such conditions, through resignation he gains 'freedom' to some

extent, it cannot be a complete freedom. Complete freedom is

obtained only when man identifies himself with Necessity itself, that

is, the natural course of things and events, and goes on transforming

himself as the natural course of things turns this way or that.

424 Sufism and Taoism

Go with things wherever they go, and let your mind wander about (in

the realm of absolute freedom). Leave yourself wholly to 'that which

cannot be made otherwise', and nourish and foster the ( unperturbed)

balance of the mind. 14 That, surely, is the highest mode of human

existence. 15

To take such an attitude toward the inexorable Necessity of Being

is, needless to say, possible only for the 'true man'. But even the

ordinary man, Chuang-tzü says, should not abandon all hope of

coming doser to this highest ideal. And for this purpose, all that

ordinary people are asked to do is positively accept their destiny

instead of committing themselves passively and sullenly to fatalistic

resignation. Chuang-tzü offers them an easily understandable

reason why they should take the attitude of positive and willing

acceptance. Quite naturally Necessity is re.presented at this level by

the concrete fact of Life and Death.

Life and Death are a matter of the (Heavenly) Command. (They

succeed one another) just as Night and Day regularly go on alternat-

ing with each other. This strict regularity is due to Heaven. There are

things in this world (like Life and Death, Night and Day, and count-

less others) which stand beyond the reach of human intervention.

This is due to the natural structure of things.

Man usually respects his own father as if the latter were Heaven

itself, 16 and loves him (i.e., his father) with sincere devotion. If such is

the case, how much more should he (respect and love) the (Father)

who is far greater than his own!

Man usually regards the ruler whom he serves as superior to himself.

He is willing to die for him. If such is the case, how much more should

he (regard as superior to himself) the true (Ruler)! 17

The expression 'what cannot be evaded' (pu tê i) is liable to suggest

the idea of man's being under unnatural constraint. Such an impres-

sion is produced only because our attention is focused - usually - on

individual particular things and events. If, instead, we direct our

attention to the whole of 'that which cannot be evaded', which is no

other than the Way itself as it manifests its creative activity in the

forms of the world of Being, we are sure to receive quite a different

impression of the matter. And if, further, we identify ourselves with

the working of the Way itself and become completely united and

unified with it, 18 what has been an inexorable Necessity and 'non-

freedom' will immediately turn into an absolute freedom. This is

Freedom, because, such a spiritual state once achieved, man suffers

nothing from outside. Everything is experienced as something com-

ing from inside, as his own. The kaleidoscopic changes that charac-

terize the phenomenal world are his own changes. As Kuo Hsiang

says: 'Having forgotten (the distinction between) Good and Evil,

and having left aside Life and Death, he is now completely one with

Determinism and Freedom 425

the universal Transmutation. Without encountering any obstruc-

tion, he goes wherever he goes' .19

And since everything is his own - or we should say, sin ce every-

thing is himself as he goes on transforming himself with the cosmic

Transmutation - he accepts willingly and lovingly whatever hap-

pens to him or whatever he observes. As Lao-tzü says:

The 'sacred man' has no rigidly fixed mind of his own. 20 He makes the

minds of all people his mind.

'Those who are good, (he says), 1 treat as good. But even those who

are not good also 1 treat as good. (Such an attitude 1 take) because the

original nature of man is goodness.

Those who are faithful 1 treat as faithful. But even those who are not

faithful 1 treat as faithful. (Such an attitude 1 take) because the

original nature of man is faithfulness.

Thus the 'sacred man', while he lives in the world, keeps his mind

wide open. He 'chaotifies' his own mind toward ail. Ordinary men

strain their eyes and ears (in order to distinguish between things).

The 'sacred man', on the contrary, keeps his eyes and ears (free) like

an infant. 21

Here the attitude of the 'sacred man' toward things is sharply

contrasted with that of ordinary people. The former is characterized

by not-having-a-rigidly-fixed-mind, that is, by an endless ftexibility

of the mind. This ftexibility is the result of his having completely

unified himself with the Transmutation of the ten thousand things.

The 'sacred man' is also said to have 'chaotified' his mind. This

simply means that his mind is beyond and above all relative distinc-

tions - between 'good' and 'bad', 'right' and 'wrong', 'truthful' and

'untruthful', etc. Being one with the Way as it manifests itself, how

could he make such distinctions? Is everything nota particular form

of Virtue which is itself the activity of the Way? And is it not also the

case that every particular form of Virtue is his own form?

Chuang-tzü sees in such a situation the manifestation of the

absolute freedom of man.

The great clod (i.e., the earth - Heaven and Earth, or Nature) has

placed me in a definite form (i.e., has furnished me with a definite

bodily form). It has placed upon me the burden of life. It will make

my life easier by making me old. And (finally) it will make me restful

by letting me die. (Ali these four stages are nothing but four different

forms of my own existence, which, again, are four of the infinitely

variegated forms of Nature.) If 1 am glad to have my Life, 1 must be

glad also to obtain my Death.

What Chuang-tzü is concerned with in this particular context is not

the problem of transcending Life and Death. The question at issue is

that of Necessity, of which Life and Death are but two concrete

426 Sufism and Taoism

conspicuous examples. The gist of his argument is that the Necessity

of Being will no longer be 'necessity' when man becomes com-

pletely one with Necessity itself. Wherever he may go, and into

whatever form he may be changed, he will always be with the

Necessity which has ceased to be 'necessity'. If, on the contrary, the

union is not complete, and if there is even one part of the whole left

alien to himself, that particular part may at any moment damage his


(A fisherman) hides his boat in the ravine, and hides his fishing-net 22

in the swamp, thinking that the boat and net are thereby ensured

(against thieves). In the middle of the night, however, a powerful

man (i.e., a thief) may (corne and) carry them off on his back, without

the stupid (fisherman) noticing it.

Hiding, in this way, a small thing in a large place will certainly serve

your purpose to some extent. But (that will guarantee no absolute

security, for) there will still be ample possibility (for the small thing)

to escape and disappear.

If, on the contrary, you hide the whole world in the whole world

itself ,23 nothing will find any place through which it might escape.

This is the greatest truth common to ail things.

It is quite by chance that you have acquired the form of a man. Even

such a thing is enough to make you glad. But (remember that) a thing

like the human form is nothing but one of the infinitely variegated

(phenomenal) forms of the universal Transmutation. (If only one

phenomenal form is sufficient to make you so glad) incalculable

indeed will be your joy (if you could experience with the Way ail the

transformations it manifests). Therefore the 'sacred man' wanders to

his content in the realm of 'that from which there is no escape

and in which ail things have their existence'. And (being in such a

spiritual state) he finds everything good - early death is good, old age

is good, the beginning is good, the end is good. (The 'sacred man' is,

after ail, a human being). And yet he serves as a model for the people

in this respect. Ali the more so, then, should (the Way itself be taken

as the model for ail men - the Way) upon which depend the ten

thousand things and which is the very ground of the universal

Transmutation. 24

In Chapter III we read a story of a 'sacred man' whose body was

made hideously deformed by some serious illness and who made the

following remark upon his own situation.25

Whatever we obtain (i.e., Life) is due to the coming of the time.

Whatever we lose (i.e., Death) is also due to the arrivai of the turn.

We must be content with the 'time' and accept the 'turn'. Then

neither sorrow nor joy will creep in. Such an attitude used to be called

among the Ancients 'loosing the tie (of Heaven)'. If man cannot

loose himself from the tie, it is because 'things' bind him fast.

And to this he adds:

Determinism and Freedom 427

From of old, nothing has ever won against Heaven. How could 1

resent (what has happened to me)?

Instead of 'loosing the tie of Heaven', people ordinarily remain

bound up by all things. This is to say, instead of 'hiding the whole

world in the world', they are simply trying to 'hide smaller things in

larger things'. In the minds of such people, there can be no room for

real freedom. They are, at every moment of their existence, made

conscious of the absolu te Necessity of the Will of Heaven or -which

is the same thing - the Law of Nature, oppressing them, constrain-

ing them against their will, and making them feel that they are in a

narrow cage. This understanding of the Will of Heaven is by no

means mistaken. For, ontologically, the course of things is abso-

lutely and 'necessarily' fixed by the very activity of the Way, and no

one can ever escape from it. And 'nothing has ever won against

Heaven'. On the other hand, however, there is spiritually a certain

point at which this ontological Necessity becomes metamorphosed

into an absolute Freedom. When this crucial turning point is actu-

ally experienced by a man, he is a 'sacred man' or Perfect Man as

understood in Taoist philosophy. In the following chapters we shall

be concerned with the structure of the concept of the Perfect Man in



1. In the first Part of the present book Ibn 'Arabi' s interpretation of the qadâ' and

qadar has been given in detail.

2. **mi (±Jt:;fl 1 J{Ff!UH l;;f>:fM:fr, )l.:fr, ftmif, ftllfif,

].:). ii:tAmït!?.. *:t±ili.1). shih means a teacher or leader who is obediently followed

by his followers. Here the Absolute or God who 'instructs' ail existent things as to

how they should exist is compared to an aged venerable Master instructing his

students in the Truth. The idea is comparable with the Western concept of 'Lord' as

applied to God.

3. The word here is usually interpreted as meaning 'to crush'. Ch'êng Hsüan

Ying IJl±T-irtJp. 282), for example explicates the sentence as

follows: (This may be visualized by the fact that) when autumn cornes, frost falls and

crushes the ten thousand things (and destroys them). Frost does not eut them down

and crush them with any special intention to do so. How could it have the feeling of

administering 'justice'? Ch'êng

Hsüan Ying's idea is that the 'justice' of the Way corresponds to the relentless

-destructive activity of the cold season, while the aspect of' benevolence' corresponds

to the 'fostering' activity of spring. Concerning this latter aspect he says: 'The mild

warmth of spring fosters the ten thousand things. But how is it imaginable that spring

should have the emotion of love and affection and thereby do the work of' benevol-

ence'? It would seem, however, better to understand the word 'cutting to pieces' as

referring to the fact that the creative activity brings into actual existence an infinite

number of individual things.




428 Sufism and Taoism

4. Note again the sarcastic tone in which the Confucian virtue is spoken of.

5. VI, 281.

6. Tao tê Ching. LI.

7. Kuo Hsiang says: 'Having a pair here means man's walking (usually) with

two feet. Nobody would ever doubt that the human form being provided with two

feet is due to the Heavenly Command (or destiny)'.

To this Ch' êng Hsüan Ying adds: Since being biped is due to the

Heavenly Command, it is evident that being one-footed also is not due to man.

UtJ"ff ).

8. Chuang-tzü, III, p. 124.

9. Sin ce he himself was nota' true man', he could not te a ch his people how to behave


1 O. 'This' refers to the behavior of the people who were weeping so bitterly for him.

11. op. cit., III, pp. 127v-128.

12. ibid., VI, p. 260.

13. ibid., III, p. 126.

14. chungq:t(:E1i:Jf: rq:i, lfù/f'ibZ.rftJ).

15. op. cit., IV, p. 160.

16. ReadingrUX:A:R_1 instead of rtJ:RAX:J.

17. op. cit., VI, p. 241.

18. To express the idea Chuang-tzu uses the phrase: meaning 'to be trans-

muted into the Way' (Cf. VI, p. 242).

19. 5UE1:=.. VI, p. 243.

20. -m-.c.'. In this combination, the word ch' ang (-m-) - whose original meaning is, as

we saw earlier, 'eternal', 'unalterable' - means 'stiff' and 'inflexible'.

21. Tao Tê Ching, XLIX.

22. The text has IS!lJ1n1'J which is meaningless. Following the suggestion by Yü

Yüeh (

Ll1 iUî PIAAfu ) 1 read AfI instead of w.

23. This refers to the spiritual stage of complete unification with the Way which

comprises everything. 'Hiding the whole world in the whole world' is contrasted to

hiding, as we usually do, smaller things in larger things. In the latter case, there are

always possibilities for the smaller things to go somewhere else, while in the former,

there is absolutely no such possibility. Thus 'hiding the whole world in the whole

world' is paradoxically tantamount to 'hiding nothing' or 'leaving everything as it

naturally is'.

Determinism and Freedom 429

24. Chuang-tzü, VI, pp. 243-244.

25. ibid., VI, p. 260.
