
Satoshi Takahi - 68년이라는 많은 시간과 세월이 흘렀습니다. 1951년 한국전쟁고아들을 위하여 미국...

(6) Satoshi Takahi - 68년이라는 많은 시간과 세월이 흘렀습니다. 1951년 한국전쟁고아들을 위하여 미국...

Satoshi Takahi
20 December 2019 at 19:06 ·

68년이라는 많은 시간과 세월이 흘렀습니다. 1951년 한국전쟁고아들을 위하여 미국 MCC에서 작은 동산인 대구 경산에 Mennonite Vocational School을 건립하여 어려워하는 아이들을 모아 실업중고등교육을 성서에서 말씀하신 작은자에게 한것이 나에게 한것이라는 약속을 사랑과 봉사로 실천하였습니다. 저역시 이곳에서 은혜가운데 자라 지금의 이국의 파란 하늘아래에서 낙농목장을 작은 신앙의 가족들과 함께 감사해 하며, 즐겁게 땀흘리면서 수고의 날들의 삶을 살고 있습니다.

지금도 당시 이 학교에서 봉사의 생활을 하셨든 고령의 교장선생님께서 저의 이름을 잊지 않으시고 크리스마스인사 편지를 보내왔습니다. 이 편지는 저에게만 보낸것이 아니라 이 학교를 졸업함 모든 학생들에게 보내신 편지라고 생각이 됩니다. 연락이 되지 않는 선후배 여러분들께 이 편지를 실어 드립니다. 고령이신데도 날마다 저희들을 생각하시면 기도 하고 계십니다. Facebook에 교장선생님의 성함을 검색하시면 연락이 됩니다. 건강하시고 복된 여생을 보내시도록 위로와 용기을 북돋아 주시기를 바랍니다. 사모님께서는 많이도 아파하십니다.

편지의 원문을 실어드립니다. 주님의 평안이 여러분들과 함께 하시기를 기도 합니다. 9회 졸업생 은 헌기 (지금은 일본 이름을 사용하고 있습니다.)

Christmas 2019

Greetings in Jesus' Name! We pray for you and hope this letter will help update you on our lives!

This past year has been eventful in many ways! In June Lee had a stroke affecting his left side, and was in a rehabilitation facility for 5 weeks. Later he had rehabilitation here at home, and now continues in outpatient therapy. He has made much progress in walking and in the use of his left arm and hand. He still keeps his bird feeder with running water for the birds to drink, with a heater for cold winter days. His tooth implant removal didn't slow him down and he continues actively pursuing new challenges, especially on the computer!

In January Jody discovered what the doctor said was cancer beneath her spine, so she was under Palliative Care for several months. She received 10 radiation treatments and we are praising the Lord for His healing! She continues to review books for Choice Books. Just in November she had two echocardiograms of her heart and the last one showed some mild changes so the doctor sent her to the Emergency Room. The physician there recommended a stress test which revealed that her heart is healthy. :) She continues to drive. We both enjoy the Saturday evening Bible study that meets in our home.

In April the entire Suter family (Nancy and Jerry plus their children and grandchildren-15 in all) arrived to mulch our yard! Even the youngest, 5 year old Lincoln, could be seen carrying buckets of mulch for others to spread around. This was much appreciated!!

We just enjoy being together in our own home so have decided to have more help provided in our home rather than going to VMRC (Virginia Mennonite Retirement Center). Our church has been bringing Wednesday evening church meals, Lois Miller brings homemade soup, some neighbors donate food, and our children, Nancy, David, Pamela and Kevin, come to help-- from Harrisonburg, Atlanta and Ohio. Our friend in Maryland, Sharon Loufik, also came three times this year to assist us. Our daughter Pam and her husband Merlin are especially helpful in meeting our various needs "in old age".

We would love to share more about our 4 children, their spouses and/or friend, 8 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. All 30 of them are doing well in school and/or in their chosen vocations.
They all affirm their Christian faith in so many ways. We are happy that most of them plan to be here together with us just before the New Year 2020 to celebrate Christmas together, and help celebrate Jody's 90th birthday.

We thank Jesus for his loving Presence to help us weather the "storms of life". Our living, loving God is worthy of praise and worship! To Him be glory and honor!

May His peace be with you!

Lee and Jody            

Nancy and Jerry  Suter

멀리서 보내온 소식
참으로 놀랍고 마음 흐믓한 소식을 받았다. 그 옛날 MCC에서 한국 대구 경산 소나무에 둘러 쌓인 아름다운 동산에 전쟁고아들을 위한 Mennonite Vocational School 을 만들어 함께 하셨든 교장선생님이 이번 일본 태풍에 우리네 가족들과 농장이 어떦게 되셨는가 하는 걱정으로 보내온 소식이였다. 언제나 주님안에서 따스하게 그리고 염려 하여 주시는 고마운 마음의 소식을 올리게 된다. 혹시 이 학교를 졸업한 분들이 보시면 교장선생님께서 건강하시기를 Facebook에 응원의 소식을 담아 드려주시기를 부탁드린다. 그리고 더 힘차게 선한 삶을 위한 경주를 쉬지 않고 달리게 되도록 애쓰려고 한다.
Hello. Greetings in Jesus' Name!
We heard on the news that Japan experienced a very serious typhoon. Did that go as far as Hokkaido and did you have any problem with it?
It reminded us that we haven't heard from you for a long time.
I am doing quite well since the stroke I had on June 5. I am in physical therapy twice a week to help the left side of my body move more normally. I still use a walker but sometimes I "forget" to use it because I can walk short distances without it. My speech is a little difficult to understand sometimes.
Do you remember Bob Gerber who worked with MCC in Korea? He is visiting Harrisonburg from Indiana and we had breakfast with him and his wife this morning. They are thinking about possibly retiring in Harrisonburg because their daughter lives here. We love to reminisce about our years in Korea.
How is the farm work progressing this fall? How were your harvests this year? Have you continued to increase your dairy herd?
We would be happy to hear how your family is. How is your son and family in Tokyo? Have you been able to start a church on your farm?
We pray that God is continually guiding you, and giving you strength for each day! (Isaiah 40:29)
Love in Christ,
Leland voth

  • 민소나 참 다행입니다 쌤~~
  • Scott Kim 저희도 미국에서 만나 뵈었는데 참 열정적이시고 귀한 분이셔요. 주님인안에서 귀한 교제가 참 좋네요. 아울러 많은 피해가 없으셨기를 바래요


Leland Voth leaves to work at Taegu, Korea orphanage

Leland Voth leaves to work at Taegu, Korea orphanage -
View the Full Page

Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls, South Dakota) 31 May 1957, Fri Page 18


Leland and Joanne Voth celebrate 65th wedding anniversary

Posted by Fred Steiner on September 2, 2015 - 4:37pm


Leland and Joanne Voth celebrated 65 years of marriage on Sept. 2, 2015.

Leland grew up in China where his parents were missionaries with the General Conference Mennonite Church and later lived in Newton, Kansas. Joanne's home town is Bluffton. Joanne left Bluffton College for one year as an exchange student to Bethel College in North Newton, Kansas. She later graduated from Bluffton College. In 1950 they were married in the First Mennonite Church, Bluffton.
After their marriage Leland transferred to Bluffton College and later finished his Agriculture Education degree at Ohio State University. He taught at Freeman Jr. College in Freeman, S.D. for four years. Most of their lives (25 years) they have worked overseas: first at the Mennonite Central Committee's Vocational School for Orphan Boys in Korea for nearly 10 years followed by 25 years with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The Voth's served in Korea for 15 years, then worked with USAID in Laos for 2 1/2 years (until that country fell to Communism), on to the Congo (Zaire) for four years followed by an interim assignment in Washington, D.C., for five years. During the D.C. assignment Leland was responsibility for USAID agricultural work in Morocco and Jordan.

Their last overseas assignment was in Jamaica for four years. Three more years were spent in Washington, D.C., where Leland had responsibility for the agency's agriculture development work in Israel, The West Bank and Egypt. They retired first in Bluffton and after seven years there retired again in Harrisonburg, Va., where they have lived
for the last 14 years.

The Voths have four children: Nancy (Jerry) Suter, Pandora, OH; David (Laura)
Voth, Bluffton; Pamela (Merlin) Shank, Harrisonburg, Va., and Kevin Voth, Atlanta Ga. The Voths have eight grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren.
