
The Mennonite Drug Connection - the fifth estate

John Doe
My drug dealer takes long enough, I couldn't imagine if he drove a horse and buggy. I'd never get my weed!
Bob Gillis
Fifth Estate should publish the CIA drug smuggling operations.
Former LAPD drug cop Michael Ruppert outed them and was eventually suicided.
Don McCready
I assure you the CIA, DEA and FBI knew all about it.
Vapletrichs Gne
Just in: Any group of people can commit crime.
After seeing this, I wouldn't be surprised if the Vatican was dealing in dope and other cardinal sins.
Dawn Nicolas
Just because a person belongs to a religious sect doesn't make them a Christian or above criminality. The love of money is the root of all evil! This really isn't that hard to believe.
Ratacatavious Brown
I live in Kentucky and at the peak of our "down home meth cooking" epidemic, now our meth comes from Mexico after 30 year prison sentences for cooks and stricter Sudafed purchase laws, I noticed a strange phenomenon. What I noticed was Amish buggies out on the road at 2 or 3 in the morning. Me and my husband used to laugh and say those must be the Meth Amish. There was definitely something strange about them out late like that. This was like 2007, 2009. We haven't seen them out like that in a long time. Being farmers, they would have easy access to anhydrous ammonia, a key ingredient in meth cooking. I don't know if they were cooking themselves or just selling anhydrous to others. I never knew any to be charged. It's been years since I saw them out like that at night. After seeing this, it really makes me think it wasn't just a joke.
Sarah Smart
Wow dude sold them out over a drunk driving charge?! That is crazy!
The US government will not tolerate private entrepreneur drug competition.
I'm picturing the Mennonite kingpin in his bed at night when he hears "clomp ...clomp.....clomp.... NEEEIIIGH" and yells to his wife: "hit the floor - it's a drive-by!!!!"
M Lee
Pretty ballsy Hannah Gartner to go to Mexico out in middle of no where and accuse drug smugglers...love her reporting.
LoveHope &Charity
Evil knows no bounds! It is represented in Every race, religion and country! " The heart of man is desperately wicked"
Sallie Gallegos
12:00 We don't drink. I live in Eastern New Mexico, and I've see the Mennonite ladies here stocking up on hard liquor. I'm sure it's for the fruitcakes.
Now it's time to do a docu on drug running and the Bush's and Clintons... way bigger story.. and way more serious drugs and amount of drugs.
Dj Logikal
If I was the son, I'd be pissed off with that bowl cut more than anything
Rich Monk
The CIA, Mossad, MI6, does not like competition!
James Derr
The one thing that pisses the US government off the most, is when you cut in on their source of income.