
How to Build a Spiritual Practice for Major Business Growth | Entrepreneur

How to Build a Spiritual Practice for Major Business Growth | Entrepreneur

How to Build a Spiritual Practice for Major Business Growth

If you feel stuck right now, strengthening your spiritual practice -- or adopting one in the first place -- might help you get back on track.


Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You might think that spirituality has no place in your business. At least some entrepreneurs think like that. Most often, we are bombarded with the messages that claim productivity, analysis, charts, decks and the like are the keys to business success. These are all very handy tools when you have the clarity, vision and passion for what you do.

But let's be honest, even the most successful entrepreneurs feel the heat of running their own businesses. If you're a business owner, you are the driver. And if you're not at your best, it impacts the whole business, right? I'm sure you've experienced it. So, what do you do? Keep pushing forward? I suggest not; if you do, you're on the fast track to burnout.

A lot of emerging research shows correlation between entrepreneurs' spiritual practices and the growth of their businesses. For example, a literature review conducted by Balog, Baker and Walker (2013) published in the Journal of Management, Spirituality, & Religion summed it up by saying, "There is a rich connection between the personal values of religion and spirituality in the life of the entrepreneur and the success of their venture." It begs the important question: Could your business benefit from your spiritual practice?

If you feel stuck right now, strengthening your spiritual practice — or adopting one in the first place —might help you get back on the path to success.

Related: It Worked for Steve Jobs: Here's Why Spirituality is Critical for Entrepreneurial Success

Here are some exercises you can try to feel more at peace and grounded, which can translate to major business gains.

I swear by journaling. It is one of the first things I assign to my clients when I start working with them. You can journal in a notebook or the notes app in your phone, and there are even apps created specifically for journaling that are helpful as well. I personally like Day One.

You can have several different journals going at a time. I have one for my personal reflections, one for each of my daughters, one for health notes and some for projects I am working on. If you have never journaled before, here's how to begin: Just write freely about anything that is bothering you. It is always a good start to unleash your thoughts on any given situation. Additionally, free writing can allow you to experience distance from your thoughts and feelings, which might lead to increased levels of awareness.

Observing things as they are without judgement is also called mindfulness. Create time to simply witness your thoughts, feelings and actions as an impartial person. You can do this for ten minutes at a time, especially if a situation is bothering you. For example, if you are bothered with how you reacted to a situation, recall the memory of the situation as if you are watching a movie. Watch yourself reacting as you might watch a child — with compassion and understanding. At the core, we all want to be understood and unconditionally accepted for who we are. This exercise allows you to experience just that.

Following your intuition

We all have intuition, and we follow it on daily basis without even realizing it. Have you ever had an immediate "gut feeling" about something being either right or wrong without any logical explanation or reasoning? That's your intuition. The more you follow these illogical feelings, the more connected you feel with your true inner wise self or spirit. Being intuitive makes you engage your right brain, which is where emotions, senses, inspiration and creativity reside. A successful entrepreneur keeps a good balance between a creative mind and a logical mind.

Related: Spirituality Isn't a Part of Success. It Is Success in Its Entirety.

We can't survive without breathing, but did you know that breathing can also control our emotions? There are so many different types of breathing patterns that influence our bodies in different ways. Research shows that simply being mindful of your breath can be a very effective tool to combat anxiety, depression and stress. A practice of mindful breathing is also helpful in connecting with your inner self or spirit.

There you have it! Use these four simple methods to practice spirituality for the success of your business. If you currently do not have a spiritual practice, trying one (or several) of the above strategies can help you start building one that suits you.

Related: 7 Reasons Spirituality Is Integral to an Emotionally Wealthy Life

Gurpreet Kaur

Licensed Professional Counselor, Life Coach, Speaker, and Author
Dr. Gurpreet Kaur is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Life Coach, Speaker, and an Author. Dr. Kaur is very passionate about self-love, self-empowerment, wellness, reaching the full potential, and quantum mechanics principles application in life.


It Worked for Steve Jobs: Here's Why Spirituality is Critical for Entrepreneurial Success
Business leaders should be touting the benefits of a daily spiritual practice openly and loudly.


Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder and long-time CEO, is best known for being an inventor, innovator, and one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time — but he also had a strong and deep spiritual life.

After taking a break from corporate life in 1974 to backpack across India and search for spiritual enlightenment, Jobs adopted a life-long Buddhist practice and a strict vegetarian diet.

So, if spirituality played such a massive role in one of the most successful entrepreneur's life, why aren't more business leaders touting the benefits of a daily spiritual practice openly and loudly?

It's possible many hesitate to talk about the connection because they believe that spirituality and entrepreneurship are mutually exclusive.

To help connect the dots, here are five ways being super spiritual can help your business grow:

1. Set your intention
When you are crystal clear on the intention of your business, the universe will show off its infinite power to organize and line things up to support the achievement of your goals.

Deepak Chopra advises that we list our desires, then "release this list of desires and surrender it to the womb of creation, trusting that when things don't seem to go my way, there is a reason and that the cosmic plan has designs for me much grander than even those I have conceived."

Being spiritual brings to the forefront that true success comes from adding value to the lives of those we work with and the customers our business provides for, and as long as that is at the root of your intention for your business, there's nothing that will stop success from flowing to you.

2. Mind your thoughts
When you "vibe high" and radiate gratitude towards your business, gifts of equal or greater value will flow to you. Think of your feelings and thoughts as boomerangs that build speed and energy on their path back your way. The massive bestseller, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, explains this concept and how we can produce the "Law of Success" by carefully choosing our thoughts and what we give our attention. "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."

Related: Are You a Spiritual and a Solo Entrepreneur? Then Here's What You ...

3. Ask for signs
Chances are that if you're on an entrepreneurial journey, there were "signs" (aka little nudges from the universe) pushing you to explore and make your ideas manifest. Now that you've started your business, it's even more imperative to listen to the messages and nudges coming from your soul — let that be your GPS. Consult your soul and the universe by asking for unavoidable signs. For example, you could ask to see a penguin within the next 48 hours to reassure that you are on the right path. Pam Grout's bestselling book, E-Squared, has nine do-it-yourself energy experiments that prove your thoughts create your reality.

4. Lead with your soul
Another key teaching in spirituality is that of self-awareness. Being an exceptional leader requires you to be fully present and aware of yourself — your motives, your goals, and your expectations.

Weekly mediation will help create a deep spiritual connection with yourself, which will increase your level of self-awareness and help you hone an inspirational leadership style. Spirituality supports being humble and constantly staying open to the countless learning opportunities that go with entrepreneurship.

5. Detach
It can feel incredibly scary for an entrepreneur to let go and hand over authority and responsibility to someone else, but it's critical for growth. Letting go can be extremely difficult because you may fear losing control of your business or its trajectory. Some leaders believe that if they want the job done right, they must do it themselves, or at least be a highly involved part of the process. But, if you incrementally turn over portions of responsibility to competent team members, you'll invite collaborative success that can be rewarded to the individual and the entire team, which will earn loyalty and performance.

On a spiritual level, when you let go — you surrender and trust that the universe is always working to serve your highest interest. If you can surround yourself with talented team members, you can lean back into the deep soulful knowing that everything will unfold as it's divinely meant to.

Spiritual values have remained the same over centuries, and it's time for entrepreneurs to use them to their advantage. They are expressions of love, devotion, service, compassion, and kindness, and by tapping into them you allow your business, and yourself, to reach their highest potential.

Related: Spirituality Isn't a Part of Success. It Is Success in Its Entirety.

Elizabeth Pearson
Founder- Elizabeth Pearson Executive Coaching

When Elizabeth Pearson's 15-year career in corporate sales left her unfulfilled and depleted, she decided to bet on herself and start a business. Now, as an