
Dhawq - Wikipedia tasting 다크

Dhawq - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia

In Sufism, dhawq (tasting) is direct, first-hand experience.[1]
It refers, principally, to the Gnosis of God which is achieved experientially, as a result of rigorous empiric spiritual wayfaring.[2] It plays an important role in the epistemology of Al-Ghazzali, and is often expressed, to some extent, in teleological statements scattered throughout his works.
^ Ibn Arabi. The Meccan Revelations, Vol 1. Pir Press, 1988, p. 343.
^ Ovidio Salazar, "Al-Ghazali: Alchemist of Happiness", Video Documentary.

Dhawq - Oxford Reference

Refers to mystical intuition, that is, direct knowledge of invisible realities or of God. 
Connotes the incommunicability of unmediated knowledge. 
Often considered the initial stage of unveiling, to be followed by “drinking” (shurb) and “quenching” (ri).