
(2) The Book of Expanded Deism | Facebook

(2) The Book of Expanded Deism | Facebook

The Book of Expanded Deism

Simply speaking, Deism is the philosophy that teaches only the following two things: 1) One should base all of one's beliefs on reason, and 
2) reason leads one to conclude that God (the being who purposefully created the universe) exists or at least probably exists.

Sounds good, doesn't it? It is, but it is only the beginning of an adequate personal philosophy. It needs much more to help one be as sane, good, and happy as possible. In other words, Deism needs to be expanded to give one an adequate personal philosophy.
The Book of Expanded Deism is the result of decades of learning, thinking, writing, debating, and revising. In it, the longtime deputy director of the World Union of Deists, Jayson X, uses his reason, compassion, and hope to craft the best personal philosophy that he can. His hope is that many people will read this book and freely adopt as many of its assertions as they honestly can. The ultimate goal is to help all humans and all the creatures humanity impacts.
To learn more about the World Union Deists and/or Jayson X, go to www.deism.com or www.jaysonx.com. Jayson's email address is jaysonx1776@gmail.com. His favorite way to correspond is through email.