


Books By Stephen Batchelor
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The Art of Solitude Feb 18, 2020
by Stephen Batchelor
( 55 )
AUD 16.04

A moving and wide-ranging meditation on being alone with others in this world

When world renowned Buddhist writer Stephen Batchelor turned sixty, he took a sabbatical from his teaching and turned his attention to solitude, a practice integral to the meditative traditions he has long studied and taught. He aimed to venture more deeply into solitude, discovering its full extent and depth.

This beautiful literary collage documents his multifaceted explorations. Spending time in remote places, appreciating and making art, practicing meditation and participating in retreats, drinking peyote and ayahuasca, and training himself to keep an open, questioning mind have all contributed to Batchelor’s ability to be simultaneously alone and at ease. Mixed in with his personal narrative are inspiring stories from solitude’s devoted practitioners, from the Buddha to Montaigne, and from Vermeer to Agnes Martin.

In a hyperconnected world that is at the same time plagued by social isolation, this book shows how to enjoy the inescapable solitude that is at the heart of human life.
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Other Formats: Audible Audiobook , Hardcover
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After Buddhism: Rethinking the Dharma for a Secular Age Oct 28, 2015
by Stephen Batchelor
( 132 )
AUD 18.76

Some twenty-five centuries after the Buddha started teaching, his message continues to inspire people across the globe, including those living in predominantly secular societies. What does it mean to adapt religious practices to secular contexts?

Stephen Batchelor, an internationally known author and teacher, is committed to a secularized version of the Buddha’s teachings. The time has come, he feels, to articulate a coherent ethical, contemplative, and philosophical vision of Buddhism for our age. After Buddhism, the culmination of four decades of study and practice in the Tibetan, Zen, and Theravada traditions, is his attempt to set the record straight about who the Buddha was and what he was trying to teach. Combining critical readings of the earliest canonical texts with narrative accounts of five members of the Buddha’s inner circle, Batchelor depicts the Buddha as a pragmatic ethicist rather than a dogmatic metaphysician. He envisions Buddhism as a constantly evolving culture of awakening whose long survival is due to its capacity to reinvent itself and interact creatively with each society it encounters.

This original and provocative book presents a new framework for understanding the remarkable spread of Buddhism in today’s globalized world. It also reminds us of what was so startling about the Buddha’s vision of human flourishing.
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Other Formats: Audible Audiobook , Hardcover , Paperback , MP3 CD
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Alone With Others: An Existential Approach to Buddhism Dec 1, 2007
by Stephen Batchelor , John Blofeld
( 34 )
AUD 13.83

The author of Buddhism Without Beliefs bridges the gap between Western and Eastern philosophy with this humanist approach to Buddhism.

This uniquely contemporary guide to understanding the timeless message of Buddhism, and in particular its relevance in actual human relations, was inspired by Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way Of Life, which the author translated into English, the oral instructions of living Buddhist masters, Heidegger’s classic Being and Time, and the writings of the Christian theologians Paul Tillich and John MacQuarrie.

“The text is written with unusual clarity of style, making difficult matters readily accessible . . . It fills a serious gap in the dialogue between East and West, and does so in the most sensitive, most intelligent, and most careful way . . . Batchelor’s strategy—to use the Western disciplines in order to make Buddhism accessible to the Westerner—is, I think, highly successful. The book makes a fine introduction.” —David Michael Levin, Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University

“Magnificent-inspiring! . . . This excellent book has come to me personally as an illuminating text, despite my close on sixty years’ concern with Buddhism . . . [Batchelor’s] approach is likely to appeal to many categories of readers who have hitherto never considered Buddhism as having great relevance to themselves.” —John Blofeld, from the Foreword
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Other Formats: Paperback
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Living with the Devil: A Meditation on Good and Evil Jun 7, 2005
by Stephen Batchelor
( 41 )
AUD 13.83

Stephen Batchelor's seminal work on humanity's struggle between good and evil

In the national bestseller Living with the Devil, Batchelor traces the trajectory from the words of the Buddha and Christ, through the writings of Shantideva, Milton, and Pascal, to the poetry of Baudelaire, the fiction of Kafka, and the findings of modern physics and evolutionary biology to examine who we really are, and to rest in the uncertainty that we may never know. Like his previous bestseller, Buddhism without Beliefs, Living with the Devil is also an introduction to Buddhism that encourages readers to nourish their "buddha nature" and make peace with the devils that haunt human life. He tells a poetic and provocative tale about living with life's contradictions that will challenge you to live your life as an existence imbued with purpose, freedom, and compassion—rather than habitual self-interest and fear.
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Other Formats: Paperback , MP3 CD
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Secular Buddhism: Imagining the Dharma in an Uncertain World Feb 21, 2017
by Stephen Batchelor
( 30 )
AUD 17.98

An essential collection of Stephen Batchelor’s most probing and important work on secular Buddhism

As the practice of mindfulness permeates mainstream Western culture, more and more people are engaging in a traditional form of Buddhist meditation. However, many of these people have little interest in the religious aspects of Buddhism, and the practice occurs within secular contexts such as hospitals, schools, and the workplace. Is it possible to recover from the Buddhist teachings a vision of human flourishing that is secular rather than religious without compromising the integrity of the tradition? Is there an ethical framework that can underpin and contextualize these practices in a rapidly changing world?

In this collected volume of Stephen Batchelor’s writings on these themes, he explores the complex implications of Buddhism’s secularization. Ranging widely—from reincarnation, religious belief, and agnosticism to the role of the arts in Buddhist practice—he offers a detailed picture of contemporary Buddhism and its attempt to find a voice in the modern world.
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Other Formats: Audible Audiobook , Hardcover , Paperback , MP3 CD
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Verses from the Center: A Buddhist Vision of the Sublime Jul 1, 2001
by Stephen Batchelor
( 30 )
AUD 17.98

The understanding of the nature of reality is the insight upon which the Buddha was able to achieve his own enlightenment. This vision of the sublime is the source of all that is enigmatic and paradoxical about Buddhism. In Verses from the Center, Stephen Batchelor explores the history of this concept and provides readers with translations of the most important poems ever written on the subject, the poems of 2nd century philosopher Nagarjuna.
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Other Formats: Audible Audiobook , Hardcover , Paperback
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The Way of Korean Zen Feb 10, 2009
by Kusan Sunim , Stephen Batchelor , Martine Batchelor
( 17 )
AUD 22.14

The power and simplicity of the Korean Zen tradition shine in this collection of teachings by a renowned modern master, translated by Martine Batchelor. Kusan Sunim provides a wealth of practical advice for students, particularly with regard to the uniquely Korean practice of hwadu, or sitting with questioning. An extensive introduction by Stephen Batchelor, author of Buddhism without Beliefs, provides both a biography of the author and a brief history of Korean Zen.
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Other Formats: Paperback
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The Faith to Doubt: Glimpses of Buddhist Uncertainty Apr 1, 2015
by Stephen Batchelor
( 23 )
AUD 13.83

Kierkegaard said that faith without doubt is simply credulity, the will to believe too readily, especially without adequate evidence, and that “in Doubt can Faith begin.” All people involved in spiritual practice, of whatever persuasion, must confront doubt at one time or another, and find a way beyond it to belief, however temporary. But “faith is not equivalent to mere belief. Faith is the condition of ultimate confidence that we have the capacity to follow the path of doubt to its end. And courage.”

In this engaging spiritual memoir, Stephen Batchelor describes his own training, first as a Tibetan Buddhist and then as a Zen practitioner, and his own direct struggles along his path. “It is most uncanny that we are able to ask questions, for to question means to acknowledge that we do not know something. But it is more than an acknowledgement: it includes a yearning to confront an unknown and illuminate it through understanding. Questioning is a quest.”

Batchelor is a contemporary Buddhist teacher and writer, best known for his secular or agnostic approach to Buddhism. He considers Buddhism to be a constantly evolving culture of awakening rather than a religious system based on immutable dogmas and beliefs. Buddhism has survived for the past 2,500 years because of its capacity to reinvent itself in accord with the needs of the different Asian societies with which it has creatively interacted throughout its history. As Buddhism encounters modernity, it enters a vital new phase of its development. Through his writings, translations and teaching, Stephen engages in a critical exploration of Buddhism's role in the modern world, which has earned him both condemnation as a heretic and praise as a reformer.

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Other Formats: Paperback
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The Psychology Of Awakening: Buddhism, Science and Our Day-to-day Lives Mar 31, 2012
by Gay Watson , Stephen Batchelor , Guy Claxton
( 10 )
AUD 18.67

The Buddhist view of the mind - how it works, how it goes wrong, how to put it right - is increasingly being recognised as profound and highly practical by scientists, counsellors and other professionals. In The Psychology of Awakening, this powerful vision of human nature, and its implications for personal and social life, are for the first time brought to a wider audience by some of those most influential in exploring its potential for the way we live today. These include: David Brazier Jon Kabat Zinn Francisco Varela Joy Manne Geshe Thubten Jinpa Mark Epstein Gay Watson Maura Sills Guy Claxton Stephen Batchelor Deeply relevant, accessible and authoritative, The Psychology of Awakening will be of interest to all those who wish to understand the workings of their minds a little better and who are also seeking new ways of mastering the challenges - personal, professional and cultural with which modern life confronts us all.
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Other Formats: Paperback
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Die Kunst, mit sich allein zu sein (German Edition) May 27, 2020
by Stephen Batchelor , Saskia Graf
( 1 )
AUD 25.86

In seinem Buch dokumentiert Batchelor seine Erkundungen in Form einer literarischen Collage. Inspirierende Geschichten über Menschen, für die das Mit-sich-Alleinsein eine zentrale Bedeutung hatte, um ihre eigene Stimme, ihren Selbstausdruck zu finden, von Buddha bis Montaigne, von Vermeer bis Agnes Martin, mischen sich mit persönlichen Erzählungen. Er berichtet von seinen Erfahrungen an abgelegenen Orten, schildert, wie sich für ihn Mit-sich-Alleinsein in der Wahrnehmung und im Schaffen von Kunst ausdrückt. Und er beschreibt, wie ihn meditative Praxis aber auch die Einnahme psychoaktiver Substanzen zu einer tieferen Vertrautheit mit dieser Dimension unseres Menschseins geführt haben.
Als Menschen sind wir immer und unausweichlich allein und mit anderen zutiefst verbunden. Dieses Spannungsfeld ist in unserer hyperverbundenen Welt, die gleichzeitig von sozialer Isolation geplagt ist, mehr als deutlich erfahrbar.
Stephen Batchelors Buch bietet inspirierende Denkanstöße und Anregungen, wie wir in Frieden mit uns allein sein können und uns aus diesem Raum heraus kreativ und in empathischer Zugeneigtheit auf die Anderen, auf die Welt beziehen können.
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Other Formats: Hardcover