
Measuring religion in Japan: 2017 Pew Research Center

PowerPoint Presentation

Measuring religion in Japan: 
ISM, NHK and JGSS Survey Research 
the Study of Religion in East Asia 
October 11, 2017 Pew Research Center
Introducing three national surveys measuring
religion: by Institute of Statistical Mathematics,
Belief or practices
Own belief or religion of one’s family
Different situations for men and for women
 for a successor and for a non-successor
 for a married and for an un-married
A sense of distrust towards religious organizations
Belief and political position
Today’s life and inheritance of a family grave
1. The Japanese National Character Survey by ISM
From four different perspectives:
1. Do you have any personal religious faith? yes/no
2. Without reference to any of the established religions, do you think a
religious attitude is important, or not important? yes/can’t decide/no
3. Do you believe that there is Life after Death? yes/no
4. How do you think of religion generally?
 Please choose the statement below that comes closest to your opinion.
a) Religion cannot save humanity; only advancement in science can save humanity
b) Advancement in science and the power of religion need to cooperate in
order to save humanity
c) Advancement in science and the redemption of humanity are unrelated.
Only the power of religion can save humanity
d) Neither advancement in science nor the power of religion can save humanity
e) Other(Specify)


