
Spiritual quotes of Yung-chia Ta-shih

Spiritual quotes of Yung-chia Ta-shih

World  Spiritual  Heritage
Yung-chia Ta-shih

Spiritual quotes of Yung-chia Ta-shih
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I f we hold exclusively to Emptiness, we deny the entire causal world;
All is then attributed to chance, with no ruling principle, inviting evil to prevail.
The same error occurs when one holds exclusively to the manifested, denying the Emptiness;
That would be like throwing oneself into the flames in order to avoid being drowned in the water.

Buddhism / Mahayana / Zen (Chan) Quote n°3765 |   Yung-chia Ta-shih
Cheng-tao Ke “Sonf of Enlightment”, in Suzuki, 1960; pp. 89-103 

L et us be thoroughgoing, not only in inner experience, but in its interpretation,
And our lives will be perfect in meditation and in wisdom as well-not adhering one-sidedly to Emptiness (Sunyata) alone.
It is not we alone who have come to this conclusion;
All the enlightened, numerous as the sands of India, are of the same mind.

Buddhism / Mahayana / Zen (Chan) Quote n°3764 |   Yung-chia Ta-shih
Cheng-tao Ke “Sonf of Enlightment”, in Suzuki, 1960; pp. 89-103 

W hen the absolute Reality is known, it is seen to be without any individual selves, and devoid of any objective forms;
All past [mental and physical] actions which lead to hell are instantly wiped away.

After the Awakening, there is only vast Emptiness; this vast universe of forms ceases to exist [outside of one's Self].

Here, one sees neither sin nor bliss, neither loss nor gain.
In the midst of the eternal Serenity, no questions arise;
The dust of ignorance which has accumulated on the unpolished mirror for ages,
Is now, and forever, cleared away in the vision of Truth.

Buddhism / Mahayana / Zen (Chan) Quote n°3763 |   Yung-chia Ta-shih
Cheng-tao Ke “Sonf of Enlightment”, in Suzuki, 1960; pp. 89-103