
** Connect: How to Find Clarity and Expand Your Consciousness by Lee, Ilchi.

Connect: How to Find Clarity and Expand Your Consciousness with Pineal Gland Meditation by Lee, Ilchi.

Introduction: Take Back Your Brain 
1. Why Are So Many People Today Afraid and Frustrated? 
2. Are You Connected with Yourself? 
3. Find Solutions in the Unseen World 
4. An Ancient Map for Seeking Your Soul’s Home 
5. Ancient Practices for Connecting with Yourself 
6. Connecting with Your Body 
7. Connecting with Your Soul 
8. Connecting with Your Divinity 
9. Guidelines for Pineal Gland Meditation 
10. Five Steps to Becoming the Master of Your Brain 
11. Find Your Healing Points 
12. The Way to Light Up Your Consciousness Instantly 
13. People Who’ve Found Solutions with Pineal Gland Meditation 
14. My Own Pineal Gland Story 
15. Connecting Heaven to Earth 
Epilogue: Toward a World of Connection and Oneness 


The solution to your problems starts with connecting to yourself. An inspirational guide to a powerful meditation method for greater clarity, consciousness, and spiritual growth by New York Times bestselling author, world-renowned meditation teacher Ilchi Lee.

Are you feeling stuck in your current situation or your life in general? Are you having trouble managing stress? Have you sought answers at spiritual retreats without getting the clarity you need?

Relief can be closer than you think if you reframe how you look at your problems. New York Times bestselling author Ilchi Lee proposes there is one root cause to all the troubles plaguing us—separation.

We put up walls in every aspect of our lives, isolating ourselves. Those walls keep us from forming healthy relationships with others, with nature, and even with ourselves. But separation has a simple cure—finding a way to connect.

In Connect: How to Find Clarity and Expand Your Consciousness with Pineal Gland Meditation, Lee shows how to connect to your authentic self through the pineal gland in your brain. Activate your pineal gland through the meditations rooted in an ancient Korean tradition that Ilchi Lee describes in this book. You’ll experience clarity instead of emotion, compassion rather than judgment, and wholeness in place of separation.

This book will help you find the solutions you seek by opening the inner eye that leads to greater clarity regarding the health of your body, the dreams of your soul, and the wisdom of your spirit.


Connect: How to Find Clarity and Expand Your Consciousness with Pineal Gland Meditation Kindle Edition
by Ilchi Lee  (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.7 out of 5 stars    257 ratings

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Print length
258 pages

Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Ilchi Lee is an impassioned visionary, educator, mentor, and innovator. He has dedicated his life to help people harness their creative power and potential. He has developed many successful mind-body training methods, including Body & Brain Yoga and Brain Education. Lee is a New York Times bestselling author with over 40 books and a well-respected humanitarian who founded the Earth Citizen Movement and works with the United Nations and other organizations for global peace. Lee serves as the president of the University of Brain Education and the International Brain Education Association. --This text refers to the paperback edition.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
It’s easy, and normal, to think that the causes of our problems are to be found outside ourselves, in other people or in the environment, but that’s definitely not it. Dig deeper, and you’ll ultimately find that the primary cause of your problems lies not in your relationship with other people or in some imperfection in the environment, but rather in your connection with yourself. Yes, the earth suffers from pollution, and the behaviors and words of others can be toxic, but the first order of business is your own inner world, not the world outside of you. In fact, you will never be able to adequately solve outside problems if the interior connection isn’t established first. You experience physical ailments, from headaches and indigestion to much more serious diseases, because your connection with your body isn’t good. And if you’re troubled, unable to find direction in some area of life, you’re not really connected with your true self.

We can see the problems that arise from disconnection in every aspect of our lives, from our individual selves to the ecosystems of the earth. There are more than two billion Facebook users worldwide with approximately 300 friends per user, but loneliness has surfaced as a greater public health risk than smoking. People may have a lot of social media friends, but they don’t have that many true friends to turn to in real life, to talk to and share their hearts with comfortably.

The greatest challenges faced by humankind today―such as climate change, gender inequality, the wealth gap, military conflicts, trade disputes, and religious conflicts―have at their roots a deep-seated mindset that separates me from you and humans from nature. A solution that’s based on separation without consideration of mutual interests can never be a true or sustainable solution, and in the end such a “solution” disadvantages everyone. Unless we heal the disconnection that is so widespread in our lives, the hole in our souls will keep getting bigger, the conflict between different social groups will grow increasingly serious, and the Earth’s environment will reach a state in which recovery is impossible.

Once you understand that disconnection is the underlying cause of your problems, then the solution also becomes clearer. All you have to do is mend your broken connections. Recover your connection with your body, your connection with your true self, and your connection with people and the world. --This text refers to the paperback edition.
Product details

Publication date : July 15, 2019
Language : English
Print length : 258 pages
Customer Reviews: 4.7 out of 5 stars    257 ratings
Ilchi Lee
Ilchi Lee is a dedicated advocate for a peaceful, sustainable world, a New York Times bestselling author, and an innovative leader in human brain potential development.

A true believer in the power of each person to change themselves and the world around them, Ilchi Lee has developed many mind-body training methods, including Body & Brain Yoga and Brain Education, and has helped millions of people globally find their true potential and develop it for the benefit of all.

For more information about Ilchi Lee and his work, visit ilchi.com.
Top reviews
From Australia
Dr. Robert Rich
5.0 out of 5 stars beautiful content, beautiful words
Reviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 2 February 2020
I find the Shintoist saying, “There are many mountains to God, and many paths up each mountain” to be very apt when I read books about meditation. On the surface, this book of Korean-based practice is different from anything I’ve examined before, and yet it is very much the same principles, applied very similarly, but using different language, different metaphors.
Many of the meditations are in effect guided imagery, which I know to work from experience. I’ve used this kind of tool for myself, and for my clients. I have tried them out while reading, and they work -- as long as one enters the frame of reference provided. Disbelief, scepticism, is the only thing that can interfere with spiritual growth when applying such techniques.
So, with this proviso, I am delighted to be able to recommend this beautifully written meditation guide.
pamela lyell
1.0 out of 5 stars dosen't teach you what it says it will
Reviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 9 January 2021
usually like ilchi Lees work but this one just didnt deliver.
From other countries
YunMin Kang, DDS
5.0 out of 5 stars This is by far the most thorough guide book for developing the 'third eye chakra'.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 23 August 2019
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The book 'Connect' is by far the most thorough guide book for developing the 'third eye chakra' I've come across to date. It provides very easy step by step instructions/exercises as to how one can develop their third eye chakra or open the pineal gland, unlocking one's infinite potential. It also provides very clear explanations for what precautions and mind set you need to have, and why it is of essence for everyone to develop one's third eye chakra to connect with your true self.

As a long time spiritual aspirant, I've been interested in gaining inner wisdom by developing the third eye chakra. Of the available information on this subject, it seems much is either shrouded in mystery and attainable only for a few, or requires long, arduous meditation and training. there aren't that many readily available methods known to public. But this book makes it so easy that anyone can do it.

As instructed in the book I've been doing the pineal gland meditation as well as the BHP(brain healing point) exercise for some time now. I have noticed that I feel very peaceful and centered after each pineal gland meditation, so it has become my daily routine before I go to bed. Furthermore, I am having far more vivid dreams than ever before, which is very intriguing.

It is very touching and inspiring to read other people's sharing of their very profound experiences with the pineal gland meditation. What inspires me the most is that the author, Ilchi Lee, suggests that every one of us can connect to their true self with a realization that we are all one and that we can change the world for the better and the highest good of all. I wish this book had come out a long time ago. It will be a perfect gift not only for any spiritual aspirant but also anyone who wants to connect to their true self. This book gives me much hope and inspiration. I highly recommend this book if you want to evolve.
23 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Connect by Ilchi Lee
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 19 November 2019
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I really liked this book. I have read many books about self-help. In all of them were recommendations about other books, affirmations n exercises etc.. From the moment I started reading I felt this book connected them all together. All I have read came together to weave a picture I could grasp n formulate a plan for the rest of my life. A way of living that is authentic n true to my core values. It gives me a way of being that nurtures myself, family, friends, co-workers n even strangers that I meet on the journey I called life. Now don’t get me wrong, this is not easy but I feel that choosing a way of life that feels authentic to my belief system of core values has been my search for a long time. But the Possibility is what I received in reading Connect. The infinite possibilities open to me of my choosing second-by-second, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour this is what I found amazing n am profoundly grateful for. The exercises that are presented to use n to keep me on track are entirely doable. They take practice n mindfulness to do but I feel empowered when I complete an exercise. While my form was not exact when I started I feel my mind n body appreciated my efforts. I was also able to complete a workshop based around the information n exercises in the book where I was able to use the exercises to get the experience I needed to use them correctly. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to live from their authentic self. A place that you know exists within you, that you have felt, but did not know where or how to access. This book could be the beginning step to the path your looking for. Happy reading. Sam C
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susan toms
5.0 out of 5 stars How to Create the Bright Consciousness You Want.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 27 September 2019
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Some books on the topic of spirituality make me feel like I need to have special gifts or endure extreme hardship to become enlightened. That is not the case with Ilchi Lee’s latest book, Connect. In this book he guided me step by step on how anyone can tap into the power of the brain and to reconnect with the essence of your being, your true self.

He merges this process with the five steps of Brain Education to create what he calls a “Power Brain”. The first two steps are designed to heighten the awareness of your body and brain and release stress and tension by breaking out of patterns of thought and becoming more flexible (neuroplasticity). The third step detoxifies your brain of negative emotion and memories. The fourth step is awakening the pineal gland deep within the brainstem to energetically integrate the entire brain; right and left hemispheres, cerebral cortex, limbic system and brainstem. When these steps are achieved, you are connected to the life force energy in your body, your emotional state is stabilized, and your thoughts no longer control you. This is where true health, happiness and peace is possible and mastery of your life.

This makes so much sense to me. It outlines a Body-Mind-Spirit practice that pays full attention to each part, starting with the body and not just teaching spiritual concepts.

There is so much wisdom in this book. Thank you for showing us how to unleash the unused power of the brain, connect with our divine consciousness and how to apply it well in everyday life.
3 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Are you eager to Live a Meaningful Life?
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 24 July 2019
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If you want to have a deep sense of connection with yourself....this book is the one.
If you want to bring more calmness and clarity to your life....this book will guide you easily.
If you want to build authentic relationships...this book will awaken your genuine heart connection to yourself and to those around you.
If you want to find a clear direction in your life...this book will show you how to discern inner vs outer intention.
If you want to have practical tools to transform your unresolved past experiences...this book dives deep to uproot and utilize those experiences for your growth.
If you want to experience the Power of Pineal Gland Meditation...this book develops a simple practice to feel your essence, as you heal your body, mind and spirit.
I would even recommend this book for Book Clubs or groups who do healing work in a group setting or even as a family night. I got so much more awareness when I shared this process within a group setting. I even choose to start a Meet up group to help myself and others create this new but natural habit. I am so amazed at the pure simplicity of Ilchi Lee's flow of information, methods, and easy to learn meditation practice. I truly found my anchor of hope within my soul that I had been seeking for since I was a young child. You can do it too, just like me.
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Eleanor Kerkham
5.0 out of 5 stars An invaluable meditation handbook.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 30 September 2019
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This book by Ilchi Lee is fun to read and is very useful for those who have already found Body and Brain Yoga centers and for those doing, or even just curious about doing, any sort of exercise program. Drawing from an ancient Korean Sun Do classic and from his own extensive teaching, writing, and creative experiences, the author focuses on the crucial connections between our body and brain. He provides, in CONNECT, not only the principles for understanding how the body and brain work together, but also very practical and do-able physical and meditation exercises which strengthen and increase the body’s natural healing energy. After explaining basic exercises for awakening the body’s three energy centers, the author next provides careful explanations of a variety of meditation methods which allow the flow of energy through the mind and body and which expand human consciousness. Meditation methods can't, of course, be absorbed just by reading about them, which is why it seems best, after reading and learning from the considerable wisdom in the book, to then use it as a handbook on peneal gland meditation. It can become a personal treasure forever, just as many of the exercises could become a natural part of ordinary daily life.
One person found this helpful
Peter Piper
5.0 out of 5 stars A Complete System For Body, Soul, and Spirit Connection
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 22 September 2019
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Turn within and Connect! In his latest book, llchi Lee explains this central theme with a writing style that is easy to understand.

He explains that the root of life’s problems lies in a state of disconnection--we are disconnected from ourselves.
Subsequent chapters offer tangible exercises and meditations to heal and empower your body, mind, and soul. With these practices you connect with your true self, humanity, and the world. The best part is that it works!

I especially like that Ilchi Lee stresses establishing a strong foundation before focusing too much on more advanced meditation. To be clear, "Connect" includes a lot of advanced meditation too. We start with fundamentals and work up from there.

While rereading parts of "Connect" in preparation for this review, I have come to realize that there is a lot in this book which I wish to add to my day-to-day life. Much of it I already do, but the organization seems especially effective and complete. I think it will substantially help me understand how to take all these parts and put them together as a holistic spiritual art that I can consistently understand and perform.
5 people found this helpful
Caroline Baertsch
5.0 out of 5 stars Have you watched Versailles on Prime
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 18 September 2019
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I am trying to learn to connect, meditate and calm my mind. This has step by step instructions and I actually have connected a couple of times!!! I read the book and felt that I didn't get it all so I ordered on Audible so I can choose whether I want to listen or read. I pick up more of it each time.

Funny side story, I was watching Versailles on Prime and they arrested a Heretic who had a brain in a jar and mentioned the Pineal gland to the kings court. Apparently the Pineal Gland has quite a history!

I like his books, they are easy to read and follow, it is not technical so it is not dry reading. There were pages that I did not agree with, but that's okay I have learned that not everyone thinks the way I think and that just fine. see I am already evolving.. This book is great for beginners and seasoned adventurers. I hope you find what you are looking for in your life.
12 people found this helpful
John G.
5.0 out of 5 stars Connect with your body, your soul, and your divinity.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 13 November 2019
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A great guide to help humanity grow their consciousness and connect with their body, their soul, and their divinity.

I've read a number of Il Chi Lee's books and I found Connect to be one of the most practical in terms of meditation "how to." It is also one of his most easy to read books. The script flows; it is clear and succinct. The translators and "editorial team" did a great job on this one! Hurray!

I have both the paperback and audio. I use the audio as a refresher. There are so many techniques and principles that I have to go back and listen to the audio to ensure that the processes are clear in my mind. The paperback enables me to take notes and review sections that I may not have grasped 100% on the audio. It's the type of book that you need to have next to you as you do your meditations. I found it most helpful to read a few pages at a time and then practice.
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From other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic Book!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 24 September 2019
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I've been involved with Eastern philosophy and exercise practices for over 40 years, on and off. This book really gets at the heart of what it's all about. We connect to so many things every day. We connect to the internet, the WIFI, we connect to other people on apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. But these things are all external to us. We don't spend much time, and sometimes don't know how to connect to ourselves. This is what this book teaches us how, why, and how to recognize that inner voice that is always there to guide us, but one we often don't listen to, at least not nearly enough.

This is a timely book for a time when people are learning about what is really important in their lives. It's a somewhat  Agnostic approach that goes beyond and beneath organized thought of religion, politics, and belief systems. It goes to the heart of our pure self and inner being. A must read for all you seekers out there with so much wisdom contained therein! 
3 people found this helpful
Maureen Godfrey
5.0 out of 5 stars Taking time to Connect!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 11 September 2019
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I am so grateful for this book. I had not realized how much I had been living a disconnected life. I thought I was in touch with myself, but there was so much more to discover. As I followed the guidelines of author Ilchi Lee, I found that I was using the principles and training to tune into myself on a new level. It was as though I was on a voyage through a new dimension that was out there, yet in here at the same time. I became much more aware of the importance of just taking time to connect with myself, that all the stuff that consumes my mind becomes just stuff, that I can deal with, step by step, just a process that needs to be performed, because I have a broader view, a bigger picture of what my life is about. I could see it through Pineal Gland training, and I just knew. I am so grateful that such a book exists that can help everyone see this about themselves.
5 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Simple and profound ways to change your life
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 25 July 2019
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I found this book "Connect" to be a cozy friend that I would come back to whenever I wanted to read something positive and calming. There are a lot of uplifting messages sprinkled throughout the pages, as well as interesting little meditation and breathing techniques.

I would read a page or two, and sometimes a chapter at a time. It was almost like doing a short meditation or eating some healthy food- I knew I would feel more peaceful and healthy afterward.

The writing style is no-frills and full of wisdom, and Ilchi Lee does a good job of explaining to the reader new and somewhat unusual concepts related to meditation and the brain. When I tried Pineal Gland meditation I really felt something happening- my head felt very clear and bright and my body felt re-energized.

Overall, I feel like this book is quietly conveying incredibly important information. For those who are interested in meditation, spirituality, and the brain it will be a very satisfying journey full of practical wisdom and helpful tips.
38 people found this helpful
Linda Young
5.0 out of 5 stars helpful for my physical, energy, and spiritual growth
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 22 September 2019
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I am on a journey to improve my physical health, my energy circulation (and my awareness of it), and my spiritual health and happiness. This, another amazing book by Ilchi Lee, is contributing to my journey. It is not just about intellectual knowledge, but includes helpful activities to actually help me increase my awareness of my body and energy....my connection with my own self. During my lifetime, I know that I have lost a lot of the original mind body connection that is vital to health and happiness....I want it back. I have to say, this is not a book about just increasing mental knowledge. If I really want the benefit, I need to practice it in my life. I am committed to this. As I improve the connection to my own self, as I increase my own self awareness, my own health and happiness, my "brightness", will naturally spread to others, inncluding my family members and friends.
Susan Lee
5.0 out of 5 stars Practical guide for solving life's problems through self-reflection and connection
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 24 September 2019
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This is a book I will keep coming back to whenever I feel stuck in my life. Ilchi Lee is able to express in simple language how we can find the solutions to the obstacles we face in life through mindfulness and self-reflection. Utilizing ancient mind-body principles, he teaches us to bring our awareness inside our bodies to let go of our busy minds. After doing one of the meditations, my mind was clearer, more focused and calm. In that state, I saw more possibilities and opportunities rather than problems and obstacles.
If you are struggling with decisions or just can't see a way out of a situation, I really recommend reading this book and trying pineal gland meditation. These techniques are not just a one time thing, but something to keep practicing, to activate your creativity and problem-solving ability. I really appreciated reading the stories of people who found solutions to their own issues through the practice. May you be inspired as I was.
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Lily D
5.0 out of 5 stars Learnt a lot and could not stop reading!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 6 August 2019
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This is one of the best meditation books I've ever read, by one of my favorite authors who never fails to deliver tremendous value!
The book starts with very relatable questions and issues I've encountered in life, and it gradually took me to a whole new understanding about myself and my energy system as a human! I really felt everyone should learn this from a young age to help their energy recharge and stay connected within.
I could not put the book down, and I read it in just a week, I also highlighted many passages and exercises to go back to and try. This book is both practical and deep. The wisdom it contains is ancient and very pure, I could tell by the way I resonated inside it felt very natural and flowed effortlessly. I will keep going back to it, again and again, to keep drawing inspiration from it. I recommend this book to anyone looking to improve their human experience!
25 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars This book provides Simple tools to help deal with stress and anxiety in life
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 26 September 2019
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I have the audio book as well as the paperback version of the book, making it especially convenient to do the meditations. Listening to the meditations helps to focus on how to connect with the body. The paperback makes it easy to refer back to a particular section that you may want to reference after reading it through. Learning how to connect with your physical body in order to learn to calm yourself is an invaluable tool. Simple methods, such as belly-button healing, tapping, utilizing energy all work to connect our physical bodies with our spiritual bodies in ways I never realized before reading this book. It is easy to read and understand as well as put into practice in order to become more connected and in control of your body and your surroundings. I highly suggest this book to anyone!
2 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars A Deeper Connection to Yourself
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 22 October 2019
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Ilchi Lee has inspired me through his numerous books. 'Connect' is one of his most practical books offering clear methods and tools with which to first connect more deeply with yourself by turning your outward-looking consciousness to focus inward. He shows us the importance of taking back the power of our brain and demonstrates steps to become the master of our brain, so that we can be the creator of our own happiness, connect to our true selves and others and to find solutions to common problems. By following his two methods of pineal glad meditation, we can access and open the inner eye, receiving more clarity around the health, wisdom, dreams and meaningful connections that we all seek. This is a must read book that I would recommend to anyone looking for pure, simple and practical ways to live more mindfully.
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D. Rachlin
3.0 out of 5 stars Pick and choose what's meaningful for you
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 13 October 2019
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The scientific world sees the pineal gland as a rice-sized gland in the middle of the brain that secretes melatonin which helps regulate our wake-sleep cycle. Some cultures since ancient times have connected this little gland with a variety of spiritual values, and this is the basis for the book’s philosophy. Even if the assumed powers of the pineal gland are bumping up against your beliefs—as they do mine—, the many forms of meditation outlined in this beautifully written book will be of profound benefit if practiced on a regular basis. Devoting some time to mindfulness is a good thing, and the ways in which Ill Chi Lee makes connections between mind, spirit, and body through a wide variety of exercises gives the reader many choices. It's possible that one of the methods is beneficial to you and others are not.
The methods in the Connect book are one path to choose from or perhaps a method to supplement other ideas you are already practicing to have a happy and fulfilling life. Luckily, for this reader, the language in the book is not preachy, and Lee simply outlines his tried and true methods that have helped countless devotees around the world.
46 people found this helpful
Sara Moylan
5.0 out of 5 stars It's possible to have the creative, healthy life you want!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 18 September 2019
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I find myself so inspired to live my life as authetically as possible after reading CONNECT. I Have inherrited and picked up a lot of habbits that take me and my dear body down the rabbit hole of victimhood. It's a heavy, dark place to live; and no one wants to visit me there. In my reading of Ilchi Lee's book, CONNECT, I am excited to find so many ways to heal my connection between my body, my brain and my spirit, and to recover the creative life of love and peace I was created to have. I want my children to have it, my grandchildren to have it, my friends and students to have it. Thank you, Ilchi Lee, for sharing your vast wisdom and experience in your book!
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Diana Unger
5.0 out of 5 stars Look inside and learn to love yourself
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 19 September 2019
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We all have this ability to make things so complicated, we throw conditions in our own way and our thinking overwhelms us. Reading this book reminds me that I also have the ability to find clarity, to cut through the thousands of “you should” messages I receive in day to day life to get to what is important. When you are bombarded by well meaning advice it is hard to make a decision. But using the simple techniques described in this book, you are able to quiet the noise of daily life and connect with yourself. And when you do that, it becomes clear. The answers, your purpose, it’s like brushing dead leaves out of the way to see the path.

So read the book and see for yourself. Connect with yourself.
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Eileen Feurey
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book on Meditation
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 24 September 2019
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This is the best book about meditation I've ever read. It does a really good job explaining the mind/body connection and how disconnected we have become from our innermost self. It is an easy book to relate to which is important when trying to explain deep meditation - it is not too esoteric at all. The chapter on connecting with the soul was my favorite, especially the part about JiGam and how it drops one's brain from alpha waves to theta waves. This whole concept has helped me know when I'm meditating well and am experiencing the state between waking and sleeping. The author is also understanding of how it is not always easy to do. The book has really enhanced my meditation experience!
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5.0 out of 5 stars You will be Totally Amazed by the Experience of Reconnecting with Yourself
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 27 September 2019
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I found that there are certian parts of this book that stick with me on a daily basis. Pages 29 and 30 are a perfect example on how we disconnect from ourselves. I find by that solutions can be found in the simple and practical practice and training such as belly button healing, breathing, and pineal gland meditation. I found that if you read a few pages or one chapter at a time and reflect on the information that you were given you can experience a more powerful experience. Connecting to ones self is a great experience and I think that everyone should at least try doing some sort of self healing. I Highly Recommend this Must Read Book
5.0 out of 5 stars "Connect" is a guide to mending our broken connections.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 11 October 2019
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This book opens up the path to a journey for reconnecting to our inner self by awakening the human brain to its pure energy and consciousness; before we had thoughts, emotions, experiences and knowledge. In the journey it becomes clear that the primary cause of our problems are not found outside of ourselves, and the power to remedy those problems ultimately lie within us and the connection to ourselves. The meditation methods found in the book are the means toward making those connections and awakenings. I highly recommend this book if you are interested finding your absolute value so you can create an authentic life true to who you really are and what you really want.
Elba Bogo
5.0 out of 5 stars Connect to your self with the Connect Book
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 7 October 2019
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Connect!! The title speaks for itself. This powerful book will guide you how to manage your emotions in your daily life, and the solution of your problems starts with connecting to your self. If you want to recover your physical health, relieve stress, mental anxiety & develop happiness by reconnecting with the true self, then this is the book to read. Since everyday problems are inevitable, it’s important to take ownership of your problems and develop a habit & diagnosis for resolving them yourself. Do you want to begin have changes in your life?
Read this book it will change your life immediately for better!
Please get this book to Connect to your self well.
Charlene D.
4.0 out of 5 stars Interesting Book that explores body-mind-spirit connection
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 5 November 2019
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This book has insights and wisdom about the body, mind, spirit connection. It is one of ilchi lee’s more “heartfelt’ books as one feels as if he is speaking directly to the reader with affection. Some of the practices were more appealing to me than others but there is certainly a large menu of possibilities to try. There are a definite number of gateways and meditation options to explore. A lot to ponder here and it must be read slowly in a contemplative manner to be fully appreciated.
Anne Paske
5.0 out of 5 stars Connect to Your True Self by using the exercises and meditations to help open your Pineal Gland.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 23 September 2019
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This book is a well-written guide for learning to control your brain. It gives helpful, doable exercises and meditations designed to optimize the power of your own Pineal Gland. I not only bought the book, but I also bought the Audible version so I can listen to what I have just read in my car. I was delighted with the voice of the reader. His tone is calming and clear. I am so delighted with these purchases. I am looking forward to connecting with my True Self and the rest of the world community on a deep level, through the opening of my Pineal gland, with this wonderful book as my guide.
cat Sawai
5.0 out of 5 stars Why I need to CONNECT and why am I DISCONNECTED
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 25 July 2019
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This book caught my attention from the Introduction, "Take Back Your Brain". I sometimes don't feel I am in control of my own brain and I want to know how. I appreciate the simplicity of explaining the complexity of being a MASTER of my life through a body and mind interconnection that I can do through physical movement and sensitizing. It shares techniques that anyone can do and when I did it, I could feel the results. So interesting. I DO want to learn who I really am and what I really want. This is a book I will read several times.
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Life Changing! A must read!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 29 October 2019
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This book has been a true eye opener for me. From reading this book you begin to learn things about yourself and how your actions affect those around you. Ever since reading the book and going to Body & Brain yoga, my life has changed for the better. I have better control of my emotions, I have changed my perspective on life and my relationships with others has improved as well. If you want to dig deep and get a better understanding of who you are but you don't know where to start, this is the book for you!
Christine M. Morris
5.0 out of 5 stars Connect with your own inner wisdom
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 16 December 2019
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Ilchi Lee has written an eloquently simple yet deeply profound book that integrates tremendous spiritual wisdom in an accessible way. I am a qigong teacher, and I read a lot of self-help books related to energy healing. This is one of the very best. Lee uses easy-to-understand language and provides practical tools to help readers discover their own healing and wisdom within. I am using the techniques already and finding great benefit. This book is a gift to the world! Get yourself a copy and use it! :)
2 people found this helpful
Crispin Sargent
5.0 out of 5 stars CONNECT - Discover the path of healing
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 9 August 2019
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If we ask ourselves "who am I" and "what do I want" Ilchi Lee's book CONNECT can provide tools. Through clear explanation and guidance tools are provided to take action to fulfill life goals and vision.
I have been a student and practioneer of Body and Brain yoga for 16 years. I am grateful to Ilchi Lee for his wisdom and trust that I can continue to grow. His message is simple. Choose healing for your own growth and choose to share for the healing of others. CONNECT - an important addition to your healing library.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Ways to simplify things and love yourself
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 5 October 2019
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The title ‘Connect’ caught my attention first as these days we hear this word a lot but meaning felt very vague to me. The author Ilchi Lee guides us with simplicity of explaining why it is important for us to connect with one’s body, heart, and mind as well as to the humanity. His practical approach and exercises are easy to follow. I did some exercises and experienced changes right away. More of so, I become more aware of myself and accepting who I am. I will continue utilizing this book to find more about myself.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Connect is Lifesaving
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 5 December 2019
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Connect is a fantastic book for self-awareness. It is a book that you keep on your nightstand and refer to for amazing meditations to reach the ultimate focus to deep within and connect with who you truly are. It is an eye-opening experience packed in a great book. This is not just a book that you read and put on a shelf to gather dust. This is a manual on how to access your greatest potential!!! Buy it now... you will thank you:-). PS. Also a great gift!
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Sue Morinaga
5.0 out of 5 stars You May Not Really Know Yourself Until You Read This Book
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 16 August 2019
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I could not put the book down. Reading it gave me answers to finding out what I really want in this life time, what my soul wants. I thought I knew what I wanted (a happy family) but my soul wants more. It taught me how valuable my pineal gland is in helping me navigate through life. I didn’t even know about the pineal gland until recently through Body & Brain Yoga - Taichi. You will find answers to your existence and how to solve your life’s problems in this book.
2 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Pocket Guide to Expanding Your Consciousness And Managing Your Wellbeing
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 18 October 2019
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I purchased the paperback, kindle edition AND audible edition so I could take this book with me everywhere. Connect is a guide to creating a lifelong practice that combines ancient wisdom with modern knowledge of how our bodies and brains function to deepen our understanding of, and connection with, ourselves and actively manage our own overall wellbeing. It's written in a practical and straightforward style, with illustrations. It's suitable for beginners, and those who have experience with meditation and regular mindfulness practices will get something out of it as well.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Meditations easy to follow
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 31 August 2019
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I appreciated the different ways and clear explanations on how to connect with my body, mind and spirit. Self reflection is an important tool that helped me improve my relationship with myself. This book made me realize I have to spend time with myself and listen to the needs of my soul and not my human needs. The meditations helped me focus and release the distracting thoughts out of my head. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to bring peace into their lives.
One person found this helpful
Barbara Bardzinski
5.0 out of 5 stars Never stop growing and learning
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 25 September 2019
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I have used this book as a supplement to the training received at my Body and Brain studio. It provides instructions, illustrations and anecdotal stories of how Pineal Gland Meditation can be used to give greater insight into how our brains have been disconnected from our true selves by life experiences and recommends ways to overcome and reverse that process. Feelings, focus and personal/physical healing are addressed through additional sections on Brain Healing Points, Belly Button Healing, Energy Healing etc. A great reference book to have in your library.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Recovering balance, peace and clarity by connecting to myself, so simple!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 30 October 2019
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I found the book "Connect, How to find clarity and expand your consciousness with Pineal Gland Meditation" by Ilchi Lee to be very intriguing, so much so that it was hard to put down. The concepts are brilliantly presented and the experiential, physical exercises accompanying the principles are priceless. This book provides a step by step process to connect deep inside going beyond a visible world to an invisible world opening up a clearer, brighter consciousness enabling one to transcend perceived limits and resolve difficulties.
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Jan Cogan
5.0 out of 5 stars This book is a must read for everyone!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 18 August 2019
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I have been reading the Connect book many times, and I find that each time I pick it up I gain new insights on how to connect with my body and my brain. I feel much lighter and freer. I have been using the techniques presented in the book, and my body is much healthier. I am able to manage my emotions better, and my overall level of happiness has increased tremendously. This book is a must read for anyone who wants to be healthier, happier, and more peaceful!
2 people found this helpful
Maxine Wagoner
5.0 out of 5 stars Spirituality you can apply practically
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 9 August 2019
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I liked the entire book but got so many practical ways to use my pineal gland for daily life. One of the best chapters talks about how to solve your problems through elevating your consciousness level. I had never heard this information before. I tried it and found myself at peace with my decision and the other people involved were also at ease. So amazing!
I am recommending it to everyone in this era of separation and fear of our neighbors as a way to heal the pain that we are all feeling.
19 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars The simplest truth is the most profound!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 20 September 2019
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This book confirmed for me what I already instinctively knew: the problems we face individually and as a civilization arise from our disconnect with ourselves. To solve the challenges we face and create the lives we all want, we must each return to ourselves. In practical and readable terms, Ilchi Lee sheds insight into the results of the disconnection to ourselves, and simple exercises to remedy it. I really enjoyed this book and I plan to buy several more for holiday gift for people I love.
Candelaria Gonzalez
5.0 out of 5 stars Connect says it all
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 27 August 2020
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This is a book that will guide into getting to know how to connect with yourself. Learn how to look at your emotions, reactions,how you see yourself. The meditation guides to connect to the cosmic energy in our universe. A sense of peace inside. This is worth more than words can say. Love for yourself, love for humanity.
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Seeking and finding who you really are
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 24 September 2019
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This book, written by the enlightened Tao Master,Il Chi Lee, provides a practical, easy to follow yet profound method to activate the pineal gland. It is through its activation that we can learn to shatter illusion and discover who we truly are and the real purpose of our lives.
How often have we asked ourselves,'Is there more to life than these robotic patterns we mindlessly engage in day after day? Escape this trap by employing the wisdom found in Connect and connect to your true self.
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5.0 out of 5 stars I understand myself more and feel many 'aha' moments
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 13 August 2019
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Opening this book was like listening to the voice inside of me. I felt like the author was answering questions I had been asking myself for so long. Instantly I felt relaxed in my body and more aware of simple ways I can easily connect to my self with a caring mind vs constantly judging myself. I don't read that much but when I read this book I feel like I am eating fruit for my brain. I hope all people read this book and connect to themselves!
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Heather Hebert del Cuadro
5.0 out of 5 stars Create better health, happiness, and peace by starting with yourself!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 30 July 2019
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The Connect book helped me take a closer look inside and see what is really important: Health, creating my happiness, and keeping my mind at peace, even when there are outside stressors. By accessing your pineal gland through meditation, which this book teaches in detail, the importance and methods can help anyone learn or expand upon their current abilities. I enjoyed the simplicity and positive messages, as I read it, I am able to relax and appreciate the smallest things that we often take for granted in our daily lives.
12 people found this helpful
Csilla C. M.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book on the body-mind-spirit connection
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 10 December 2019
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This book is really a wonderful guide to connect to yourself. Different meditation helps to take a journey inside of you, to see how is your physical, emotional and mental condition. From there you can learn who you really are and what you really want. After using the techniques presented in the book, your body get healthier, you will be able to manage your emotions better, you will feel more peaceful! I highly suggest this book to anyone and everyone!
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Connecting has never been so easy!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 30 August 2019
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This is truly an amazing and inspiring book! Right from the beginning I felt like the book was speaking to and about me. It made me think and see my life in a different light and just like the title, I was able to Connect. The meditation exercises given were very easy to follow, but were so helpful for me to gain some clarity and peace of mind. I recommend this book for anyone who is searching for something in life, or searching for themselves.
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G. Liao
5.0 out of 5 stars If every human read this the world would be at peace !
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 8 November 2019
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This book helped me understand the value of connecting to oneself and how important it is for the human race to connect for the greater good. This book puts together energy, self growth, spirituality in a tactile way with step by step methods and scientific references. It’s a gateway for those who believe or open to the connection with our higher selves but yet unsure how to do so. A must-read for those who want to connect to the world of consciousness!!!
Vivian Ellenburg
5.0 out of 5 stars Must read.... for Health, Happiness and Peace
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 8 October 2019
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I really enjoyed reading the book Connect. It was very interesting and the step by step instructions on Pineal Gland Meditation was easy to follow. Reading the book gave me new insights on how to connect with my body and my brain. It helped me realize how important it was to be aware of my emotions, and how to manage them. By applying the teachings in my daily life, I now experience better health, feel more happy and am at peace.
Kathleen J. Atencio
5.0 out of 5 stars Connect to Yourself
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 12 August 2019
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I loved this book. I felt I was getting answers to questions I have right now, like why do I keep having the same emotions? I feel that the author is giving us very deep, profound, spiritual truths in an easy to understand way. I love his practical approach with easy exercises that are explained very well. I want to connect to myself more fully. I feel it will help me. I will start with the exercises presented in the book tonight!
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Bette Castoria
5.0 out of 5 stars The power of the human brain
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 12 September 2019
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I have a deep appreciation of the books Ilchi Lee has written. His latest ‘Connect’ is a clear and useful guide to reconnecting with our true self. To expand consciousness beyond that of our limited physical growth into the unseen world of energy. He writes about the power of the human brain. Utilizing that power we can create the life that we want to live, full of meaning and value, deeply connected to ourself and therefore connected to everything.
4 people found this helpful
Amy Anderson
5.0 out of 5 stars Go inside to find true happiness
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 18 September 2019
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Connect resonated with me on so many levels! I love this book and all of Ilchi Lee's other books. In Connect, Lee guides readers through exercises to help you go inside and connect with more deeply with your true self. I especially love the simple, yet powerful practices, that help me connect more deeply with myself. As a result I have experienced greater joy, inner peace and happiness. I highly recommend this book!
Josie G.
5.0 out of 5 stars At a time where I felt hopeless in the darkness, this practice guided me to my light.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 18 October 2019
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This book and this practice are life changing. I have significantly turned my life around from having no passion or purpose in life and being frustrated, angry and unhappy all the time to feeling pure joy, self love, love for others, calmness, reduced anxiety and stress, gratitude and happiness to name a few. At a time where I felt hopeless in the darkness, this practice guided me to my light. I am forever grateful.
4 people found this helpful
Susan Skywoman
5.0 out of 5 stars Best Meditation Guidebook
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 4 November 2019
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This is the best how-to book I've read that explains how to do meditation with the power to transform! If you've read about or tried excruciating forms of meditation that leave your body aching and don't seem to lead to any meaningful change, try something different - this is the book for you! Follow Lee's guidance, and feel yourself growing lighter, clearer and brighter, from the inside out.
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Bob V.
4.0 out of 5 stars Become the Master of Your Brain
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 4 October 2019
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If you need guidance in gaining clarity in your life, the book CONNECT is for you. CONNECT helped me feel lighter and brighter. "I am responsible for my life and the condition of my brain!”. I am a Power Brain and can choose whether my brain is dark or bright.
2 people found this helpful
Alex Fontanez
5.0 out of 5 stars Opens yourself to new techniques
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 26 May 2020
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This is a great book for people looking forward to explore meditation. I was familiar with it but this book gives allot of new information. I also was doing things in my daily life without realizing that they could help me. You must keep an open mind and open yourself to new experiences when you start reading.
5.0 out of 5 stars Be In Touch With Your Inner Self
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 14 September 2019
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This book is a wonderful guide that helped me to appreciate listening to my inner self. I love the short meditations the author provided in the book, & the fact that you don't need to sit for an hour to try to quieten the stress inside. I love it so much that I read it with my students at the end of each yoga class!!
Andrew Miyasato
5.0 out of 5 stars Do you ever wonder why you were born?
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 25 July 2019
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The book gives step by step guidance to practice. I wish it was in a spiral bind format as it takes following it very carefully. For anyone searching for answers or choices in day to day living this book is a must read. Why am I living? What is important in life? How do I know my life is the best it could be?
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Diane Hennion
5.0 out of 5 stars easy to read and understand: practical tools to improve self-connectivity, joy and peace
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 21 September 2019
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The author writes in a direct style to the reader with a loving and sincere tone. The book focuses on simple practices of thought and movement to aide in self-meditation for physical and mental healing. The value of this book is unlimited allowing the reader a path to connecting with one's body, heart, and mind. And, ultimately to humanity, nature, the earth and the divine.
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Elizabeth Mosher
5.0 out of 5 stars Self knowledge
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 19 August 2019
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Do you know who you are, really, and why you are living this life? With direct questions and and clear answers, Ilchi Lee explains why these questions are important for everyone to know. Giving simple, easy to follow methods for meditation and stress management, he shows a path to self knowledge and living a purposeful life. Big answers to deep questions. Well written.
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5.0 out of 5 stars This book is for everyone to read.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 20 September 2019
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This is the most comprehensive book to read about managing and developing our energy and consciousness. This book brilliantly teaches how to connect to our physical body, energy body, spiritual body and our true self; becoming our own best friends. While you understand yourself at a deep level, you find your place in the world; transcending the so called “obstacles and barriers”.
Sharon G.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great for self healing and grounding yourself
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 20 September 2019
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I loved the parts about finding the BHP healing points. I suffer from sinus issues and sometimes get headaches and the BHP healing really helps.
This book really helped me to find my center again. I did not realize how off balance I had become. I appreciated the helpful meditations and felt much more centered and grounded after reading this book.
Heidi Neubauer
5.0 out of 5 stars A must read...
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 23 September 2019
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Ilchi Lee does a wonderful job of making meditation and connecting to yourself easier. It is a great book to help explain our current situations and struggles and how to navigate life with more ease, through connection and knowing yourself better.
A wonderful gift for yourself and those you love, to create better and healthier relationships and planet.
3 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars The genius is in the simplicity! Now everyone can CONNECT to themself!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 12 August 2019
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I found great insight and practical meditation techniques to really connect to myself on every level.
I felt like I was receiving private personalized guidance from the author for a deep experience. Even someone new to meditation can find incredible value in this book!
You will want to share this with the ones you love!
One person found this helpful
Hong Young Kim
4.0 out of 5 stars power of connecting with yourself
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 30 September 2019
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I could reflect myself a lot and release ignored and suppressed emotions that I was not aware of. I think this book help you observe yourself and be connected with you deeply.
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On Line Shopper
5.0 out of 5 stars Connection to Ourselves
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 26 August 2019
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I found this book to be extraordinarily helpful in learning ways to deeply connect with my true self. The information covers a lot of material, but is easy to understand. Even more important, the meditations are simple and pure. Connecting with myself leads to emotional stability and great joy.
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Michael Shimotsu
5.0 out of 5 stars Change your Life
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 12 October 2019
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The title should read Change your Life. I have been a member of the Manoa Center since November 2018 and this book helped me identify and clarify the meaning of finding my true self. I go back to different chapters to help me get through my daily life.
Thank you
Ranjit Kapila
5.0 out of 5 stars Strongly recommend - Insightful and well written
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 25 May 2020
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The book is well written and lays out a motivation and path for elevating ourselves. It’s is insightful, has step by step path for mediation and is inspiring. I also enjoying reading about people’s experiences applying thistle their lives.
Yang CF
5.0 out of 5 stars Connect with myself
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 10 August 2019
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Perfect, easy, effective reading - This is what i have been looking for! Many things happened in life which brought me to inward journey to question “who i really am?”. This book is the complete answer to my journey. It brings clarity to my life. Highly recommended!!!
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Lea from Las Vegas
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book to own and to share
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 16 September 2019
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I really enjoyed reading this book. Very informative indeed. It has great meditation guidelines on how to calm your mind and help de-stress from school-related stress. This book helped me connect with myself. Great mindfulness tools that can be utilized throughout the day. Thank you so much.


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3부 브레인명상
  • 10장. 뇌의 주인이 되다_뇌교육 5단계
  • 11장. 힐링 포인트를 찾다_BHP명상
  • 12장. 의식의 불을 밝히다_천문명상

4부 내 안의 더 큰 나를 만나다
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맺음말 / 연결을 회복한 세상은 무엇이 다를까?
Introduction: Take Back Your Brain 
1. Why Are So Many People Today Afraid and Frustrated? 
2. Are You Connected with Yourself? 
3. Find Solutions in the Unseen World 
4. An Ancient Map for Seeking Your Soul’s Home 
5. Ancient Practices for Connecting with Yourself 
6. Connecting with Your Body 
7. Connecting with Your Soul 
8. Connecting with Your Divinity 
9. Guidelines for Pineal Gland Meditation 
10. Five Steps to Becoming the Master of Your Brain 
11. Find Your Healing Points 
12. The Way to Light Up Your Consciousness Instantly 
13. People Who’ve Found Solutions with Pineal Gland Meditation 
14. My Own Pineal Gland Story 
15. Connecting Heaven to Earth 
Epilogue: Toward a World of Connection and Oneness 
