
gospel of thomas forgiveness

44 Jesus said, 

"Whoever blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven, and 
whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven
but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven."

The Gospel of Thomas is a non-canonical sayings gospel. It was discovered near Nag ..... Forgiveness, Very important – particularly in Matthew and Luke, Assumed, Mentions being forgiven in relation to blasphemy against Trinity, Very ...

The historical Jesus[edit]

Some modern scholars believe that the Gospel of Thomas was written independently of the canonical gospels, and therefore is a useful guide to historical Jesus research.[70][77] Scholars may utilize one of several critical tools in biblical scholarship, the criterion of multiple attestation, to help build cases for historical reliability of the sayings of Jesus. By finding those sayings in the Gospel of Thomas that overlap with the Gospel of the Hebrews, Q, Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, and Paul, scholars feel such sayings represent "multiple attestations" and therefore are more likely to come from a historical Jesus than sayings that are only singly attested.[78]

Comparison of the major gospels[edit]

The material in the comparison chart is from Gospel Parallels by B. H. Throckmorton,[79] The Five Gospels by R. W. Funk,[80] The Gospel According to the Hebrews by E. B. Nicholson[81] and The Hebrew Gospel and the Development of the Synoptic Tradition by J. R. Edwards.[82]

Matthew, Mark, Luke
New Covenant
The central theme of the Gospels – Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself[83]
The central theme – Love is the New Commandment given by Jesus[84]
Secret knowledge, love your friends[85]
Very important – particularly in Matthew and Luke[87]
Mentions being forgiven 
in relation to blasphemy against Trinity[89]
The Lord's Prayer
In Matthew & Luke but not Mark[91]
Not mentioned
Not mentioned
Love & the poor
Very Important – The rich young man[94]
Jesus starts his ministry
Jesus meets John the Baptist and is baptized in the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar[98]
Jesus meets John the Baptist, 46 years after Herod's Temple is built (John 2:20)[99]
Only speaks of John the Baptist[100]
not mentioned[104]
Disciples-inner circle
Peter, Andrew, the Beloved Disciple[103]
Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Simon the Zealot, Judas Thaddaeus, & Judas Iscariot[103]
Philip, Nathanael, Thomas, Judas not Iscariot & Judas Iscariot[103]
Peter,[104][107] Matthew,[104] Mariam,[107][108] & Salome[109]
Possible Authors
The Beloved Disciple[112]
Virgin birth account
Described in Matthew & Luke, Mark only makes reference to a "Mother"[114]
Not mentioned, although the "Word becomes flesh" in John 1:14
N/A as this is a gospel of Jesus' sayings
Jesus' baptism
Seen in flash-back (John 1:32-34)[91]
Preaching style
Brief one-liners; parables[91]
Essay format, Midrash[91]
Sayings, parables[116]
Figurative language & metaphor[118]
proto-Gnostic, hidden, parables[119]
Jesus' theology
1st-century liberal Judaism.[121]
Critical of Jewish authorities[122]
Many miracles
Duration of ministry
Not mentioned, possibly 3 years according to the Parable of the barren fig tree (Luke 13)
3 years (Four Passovers)[124]
Location of ministry
Mainly Galilee
Mainly Judea, near Jerusalem
Passover meal
Body & Blood = Bread and wine
Interrupts meal for foot washing
Burial shroud
A single piece of cloth
Multiple pieces of cloth[127]
Mary and the women are the first to learn Jesus has arisen[129]
John adds detailed account of Mary's experience of the Resurrection[130]

The 1999 fiction movie Stigmata is about the supposed attempt by the Roman Catholic Church to suppress the Gospel of Thomas by excluding it from the Catholic Bible.

See also