
the Jesuit prayer called Daily Examen

Meeting for Learning 

I mentioned the Jesuit Examen a couple of times during the week. This week I have sat with an adaptation, and I have adapted it further so that the language speaks to me. I am attaching it in case any of you are interested. You may like to write one with words that work for you. (This is not a project nor homework - just sharing because I had hoped to have a handout for you during the retreat)


Love, and all the best with this year of intention


Practicing being open to the promptings of love and truth in my heart
Adapted from an adaptation of the Jesuit prayer called Daily Examen

Reminder to self 

This practice may increase my sensitivity to the promptings of love and truth in my heart, and support me in my discernment of where I am being led.
Sometimes it can be done mentally. At other times it may be good to write down my response, to record it for future reflection and to note changes.
It can be done any time through the day, after a meeting or conversation, or last thing at night.

Five steps of Daily Examen

After some silence give space for each of the 5 steps below before finishing with silence.

1. I give thanks for the blessings of today
2. I ask myself what were the surprises or unexpected promptings today that showed me the movement of spirit?
3. Was I able to respond to the promptings of love and truth?
4. Was there an area where I was prompted but didn’t respond, somewhere that I am being nudged to focus attention or take acton?
5. I pray for guidance tomorrow to be open to spirit, to celebrate something, to let go, to deal with some issue, to be open to a conversation in some area.