
Witness Lee - The Knowledge of Life | PDF | Jesus | Holy Spirit

Witness Lee - The Knowledge of Life | PDF | Jesus | Holy Spirit
Chapter Page
Introduction 5Fourteen Points concerning Life 71 What Is Life? 92 What Is the Experience of Life? 193 The First Experience of Life—Regeneration 254 That Which Is Gained through Regeneration 315 The Sense of Life 496 The Fellowship of Life 597 The Sense of the Spirit and Knowing the Spirit 658 The Difference between Spirit and Soul 799 Three Lives and Four Laws 9310 The Law of Life 11511 The Inward Knowledge 15112 What Is the Growth of Life? 18313 The Outlet of Life 19314 Light and Life 205
INTRODUCTION Although we know that God’s desire and intention isto gain a corporate man, having His image, manifesting Hisglory, and possessing His authority to deal with His enemythat He Himself may gain eternal rest, yet very few knowthat this great desire and intention of God can only beattained through His own life. Even fewer have touched thismatter of knowing and experiencing this life which accom-plishes the purpose of God. Therefore, the saints today arerather weak and immature. Although there are many seeking ones, yet very few have found the way of life. Many peoplehave even mistaken zeal, knowledge, power, and gifts, etc., forlife.We thank God that in these last days of urgent need Godhas made manifest through our brother’s messages the line of His wonderful and hidden life, and thus made it possible forevery believer to see and touch this matter. These messagesmay be considered a crystallization of the cream of the saints’knowledge and experience of life in the past two thousandyears, plus our brother’s thirty years of personal experience;they are indeed complete and superb. The contents of thesemessages are divided into two main parts. The first part dis-cusses the knowledge of life and is divided into fourteen mainpoints which show the characteristics of life and its variousprinciples of working. The second part
 discusses the experi-ences of life and is divided into nineteen items which explainthe experiences in the various stages of the spiritual life andthe way of pursuing life. If we pursue and practice theselessons one by one, we will be enabled to rise in a straight lineand rapidly attain to the stage of the maturity of life.Therefore, these messages have made practical the almost
 The second part has already been published by the Living StreamMinistry entitled
 The Experience of Life.