The False Gospel of Witness Lee and The Living Stream Ministries - Contrast
Original Title:The False Gospel of Witness Lee and the Living Stream Ministries – Contrast
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7/28/2020The False Gospel of Witness Lee and the Living Stream Ministries – Contrast
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it
The False Gospel of Witness Leeand the Living Stream Ministries
ON SEPTEMBER 25, 2010MAY 12, 2019/
Witness Lee was born in China in 1905. He moved to the United Statesin 1962. Lee claimed to be an apostle who was leading and fulfilling“The Lord’s Recovery” of the church prophesied in books of the OldTestament like Nehemiah. He established the “Local Churches” byteaching that there should only be one church per city and to call achurch anything other than “The Church in [Anaheim]” is fornicationwith the whore of Babylon.The Christian Research Institute condemned Lee’s teachings in the late70s. In 1977 E. Calvin Beisner co-authored an article for CRI TheTeachings of Witness Lee and the Local Church.(hp:// You can hear a lecture by Walter Martin (the originalBible Answer Man who founded CRI in 1960) delivered sometime inthe 70s here hp:// where he clearly laysout the heresies of Witness Lee and the Local Churches. There was alsoan open leer pu blished online several years ago An Open Leer To theLeadership of Living Stream Ministry and the “Local Churches”(hp:// signed by numerous apologists andChristian theologians.In late 2009, the Christian Research Institute (which is now headed byHank Hanegraff, who is plagued with controversy and criticism andwhose proper succession to Martin at CRI is disputed) published aspecial issue of the Christian Research Journal simply titled “We WereWrong.” (hp:// The wholeissue is an apology to the Local Churches and an explanation of howCRI was wrong and how the LC are actually “soundly orthodox.”Norm Geisler and Ron Rhodes wrote a response to the CRI piecehp://