
Search | Scribd Thomas Kelly books Writings of Thomas Kelly, The Eternal Promise

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Writings of Thomas Kelly (Annotated)
Writings of Thomas Kelly (Annotated)
By Upper Room Books

68 pages
2 hours


Historical commentary
Biographical info
Appendix with further readings
For nearly 2,000 years, Christian mystics, martyrs, and sages have documented their search for the divine. Their writings have bestowed boundless wisdom upon subsequent generations. But they have also burdened many spiritual seekers. The sheer volume of available material creates a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Enter the Upper Room Spiritual Classics series, a collection of authoritative texts on Christian spirituality curated for the everyday reader. Designed to introduce 15 spiritual giants and the range of their works, these volumes are a first-rate resource for beginner and expert alike.

Writings of Thomas Kelly presents inspiring essays from this 20th-century Quaker whom Richard Foster called "a giant soul." This volume includes excerpts from Kelly's beloved Testament of Devotion, along with letters and other writings, some of which have not been widely available until now.
and a sequel to A Testament of Devotion
byThomas R Kelly

The Eternal Promise: A contemporary Quaker classic and a sequel to A Testament of Devotion
By Thomas R Kelly and Howard Macy

137 pages
5 hours

One reason for Kelly’s broad appeal lies in his understanding of the “seeker.” He knows that many of us, both inside and outside of the church, long for something more than the “com­mon, mild, gentle, half-hearted conventional religiosity” which we so often experience. We want authentic, vital, life-changing faith