
Exposition of the Divine Principle (Color Coded): Moon, Sun Myung

Exposition of the Divine Principle (Color Coded): Moon, Sun Myung: 9780910621755: Amazon.com: Books

Exposition of the Divine Principle (Color Coded) Paperback – April 2, 2020
by Sun Myung Moon (Author)
4.4 out of 5 stars 45 ratings

The Divine Principle explains in plain terms why our hearts are hard-wired to seek ultimate happiness and true love. It details the obstacles that emerge in human life to keep us from our dreams. In a ground-breaking overview of the entire history of humankind, Divine Principle reveals the path we need to take to find our true home.

The Divine Principle is a breathtaking combination of the Judeo-Christian tradition and Eastern Philosophy. It pays deep respect to the Bible and explains why history seems to repeat itself. It is a remarkable book that will definitely challenge readers, but deeply reward them with a set of unique life skills that can be applied by anyone in any personal or professional relationship.

This is the basic text explaining the theology of the Unification Movement and the essential teaching of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Newly translated from the original Korean, this reveals provocative new insight into God's principles of the created world, the deeper nature of the Fall, the nature of salvation, the mission of Jesus and the Second Coming of Christ.


Curtis rated it it was amazing
Shelves: classics, religion, motivational, re-reading

This is the 1996 translation of the Divine Principle from Korean. This is indispensible for serious students of the new religious movements in general and the Unification Church in particular. Modern readers, who are used to having everything spelled out in detail, may be challenged by the Divine Principle. 

Taken superficially, it may not seem like much, but if you take the time and make the effort you will find incredible depth. The basic concepts are explained, but the application of these concepts is left for the reader to discover.

To get the most out of the Divine Principle it should be studied side by side with the Bible. The author assumes that the reader has a solid foundation of Bible knowledge. It is especially valuable to read the Bible verses in context when they are reference in the Divine Principle text or as footnotes. Here is an example from Chapter 4 of Divine Principle.

We can infer this from Jesus' own teaching to his disciples, "You, therefore, must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matt. 5:48) According to the Principle of Creation, a person who has realized the purpose of creation does not commit sin, because he is in full harmony with God and possesses a divine nature. With respect to the purpose of creation, such a person is perfect as Heavenly Father is perfect. -Chapter 4 The Messiah: His Advent and the Purpose of His Coming.

To understand this reference to human perfection in the Divine Principle we have to read Matt 5:48 in context.

5:43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matt. 5:43-48 (NIV)

This makes it clear that perfection as taught in Divine Principle is the perfection of love. Our love must be unconditional like God's love. In a larger context, this key point is crucial to understanding the Unification Movement and its central focus on achieving world peace through loving and reconciling with historical enemies.

Other resources may also be used, such as The Master Plan by Kevin McCarthy or Essentials of Unification Thought. (less)
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Aug 07, 2012Ambrose rated it it was amazing

I have read and re-read this book. It never fails to stimulate my heart and mind. I first read it many years ago. As the years went on I realized that having only read some of the Bible had limited my experience with the Divine Principle greatly. Over time I read the Bible through many times and memorized much of it. As I did so, it continually reminded me of the Divine Principle. Factually, nearly any scriptural reading from Jewish, Buddhist, and other writings remind me of some passage or idea in Divine Principle.
Reading from the various world religions (mostly from the Bible) I find that my Divine Principle reading is Incredibly Enhanced. Of course, reading Divine Principle has increased my delight in these other writings as well. (less)
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Oct 07, 2018SERGIO VALGOI rated it it was amazing
Dagli albori della storia fino ai giorni nostri, l'uomo ha cercato senza posa la verità con cui superare entrambi i tipi d'ignoranza (religiosa e scientifica) e conseguire la piena conoscenza. Attraverso la religione, l'umanità ha seguito il percorso dell'indagine della verità interiore, e attraverso la scienza ha seguito il percorso della ricerca della verità esteriore. La religione e la scienza, ciascuna nella propria sfera, sono state i metodi di esplorazione della verità, per superare l'ignoranza e trovare la conoscenza. (less)
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Cheryl Roth
Mar 07, 2015Cheryl Roth rated it it was amazing
A must read if you care about God, your life's purpose or the state of the world. It is not an easy read however, delving into deep topics such as the nature of God and the Universe, the purpose of life, the relationship between the spiritual world and the physical world, the cause of evil, how God has worked through human history to create a path toward peace and restoration of God's original ideal.

This is a book that you could read over and over your whole life and gain deeper understanding each time. It is a book that can transform the way one sees life and the way one lives life on a daily basis. The book is outlined so that each chapter builds upon the understanding gained in the previous. Chapters should not be taken out of context or order otherwise it limits the ability to fully understand.

It was written specifically for a Christian audience but the basic principles have a much wider application. There are many other books containing the speeches, writings and principles taught by Sun Myung Moon that clarify and broaden one's understanding of the Unification Principles. Without a full and in depth understanding the Divine Principle can be misunderstood. Without an open and prayerful mind it surely will be misunderstood.

I must also caution that this book is one of several translations. There are some points where it differs from the original hand written book, however most of it is accurate.
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Craig Lesher
Apr 06, 2020Craig Lesher rated it did not like it  ·  review of another edition

This book has been used to foster several Korean high demand end times 144,000 new religious movements aka cults such as Shincheonji led by messiah figure Lee Man Hee. It has mission centers globally and in the US, SoCal, NYC, DC , etc. They recruit via deception pretending to be much in common in order to bring victims to their Bible Study.
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Oct 14, 2021Ian added it
Even though I no longer believe, I’m including church books on my bookshelf because they’re an integral part of my history. And despite all the negatives of my religious upbringing, one silver lining is that the daily religious reading I used to do gave me above average reading + writing skills.