
Buddhism and the Art of Psychotherapy: 5 : Hayao Kawai: Amazon.com.au: Books

Buddhism and the Art of Psychotherapy: 5 : Hayao Kawai: Amazon.com.au: Books


Buddhism and the Art of Psychotherapy
(Carolyn and Ernest Fay Series in Analytical Psychology)
Hayao Kawai
4.09 · Rating details · 35 ratings · 5 reviews
In this engaging and intriguing work, renowned Japanese psychologist Hayao Kawai examines his own personal experience of how a Japanese became a Jungian psychoanalyst and how the Buddhism in him gradually reacted to it.

Kawai reviews his method of psychotherapy and takes a fresh look at I in the context of Buddhism. His analysis, divided into four chapters, provides a new understanding of the human psyche from the perspective of someone rooted in the East.

Kawai begins by contemplating his personal koan: “Am I a Buddhist and/or a Jungian?” His honest reflections parallel Jung’s early skepticism about Buddhism and later his positive regard for Buddha’s teachings. He then relates how the individuation process is symbolically and meaningfully revealed in two philosophical and artistic picture series, one Eastern and one Western.

After exploring the Buddhist conception of the ego and the self, which is the opposite of to the Western view, Kawai expands psychotherapy to include sitting in silence and holding contradictions or containing opposites.

Drawing on his own experience as a psychoanalyst, Kawai concludes that true integration of East and West is both possible and impossible. Buddhism and the Art of Psychotherapy is an enlightening presentation that deepens the reader’s understanding of this area of psychology and Eastern philosophy. (less)

Apr 18, 2017Bartosz rated it really liked it
An intimate and sincere testimony of personal experience of blending analytical psychology with the Japanese soul by Hayao Kawai, the first Jungian Analyst in Japan and a former Japanese Minister of Culture. Among other discussions, Kawai asks how can a psychology that grew on the Western ego soil relate to the Buddhist no-self experience. He says in the West, we have personal psychology, interpersonal psychology and transpersonal psychology. In Japan, there is only one - a non-personal psychology. Kawai pursues it by teaching his patients "how to be like a stone". I have used the ox-herding pictures described in this book in my own therapeutic practice, with good results. The Hua Yan philosophy is nowadays widely discussed as Jungian psychology advances into China, Japan and other Eastern countries and as quantum theory is becoming more and more understandable to psychologists. (less)
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Apr 04, 2022Cristina rated it really liked it
Interesting work of the first Jungian psychotherapist in Japan, where the author offers us a comparative analysis between Eastern and Western culture; just as he examines his own experience in relation to how Buddhism influenced (directly or indirectly) his choice of psychotherapeutic branch. Among the reflections that Kawai shares, my favorite is: "We are totally used to thinking in terms of modern technology. If it's broken, you fix it. We tend to think in a manipulative way, in an operational way." What I liked the most: ▪ It suggests skills that the professional must cultivate in order to achieve a successful intervention. ▪ He offers us a review of his psychotherapeutic method. (less)
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Jul 23, 2020Yc Liao rated it really liked it
Shelves: 01-philosophy-psychology, 03-sociology-religion-history
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. - 在日本,學習藝術的各種形式,不需要特別的資質,好的藝術家意思是掌握到恰到好處的“形”,而能夠良好的掌握形便可成爲“行易”,過程中勤苦修煉是必須的,然而人最終突破“形”在其中獲得了一個“動搖”yurameki,而這就是人們在藝術中所追尋的。
- 十牛圖與牛變白的故事!
- 我是什麽?仔細思索我,發現是很多部分組合起來的,當我們表達一種感覺或是想法,那到底是哪一個我?
- 西方自我、東方真如。
- 科學是顯性的因果,然而生活與世界則是必須看到弱性的因素。
- 語言的重要,與沒用。
- 千縷微風
In Japan, learning various forms of art does not require special qualifications. A good artist means mastering just the right "shape", and being able to master the shape well can become "easy to do". Diligent practice in the process is a must. However, people eventually break through the "shape" and gain a "shaking" yurameki in it, and this is what people are looking for in art. - Ten cows and the story of cows turning white! - What am I? Thinking about me carefully, I found that many parts are combined. When we express a feeling or idea, which one is it? - Western self, Eastern truth. - Science is an explicit cause and effect, but life and the world are a weak factor that must be seen. - Language is important and useless. - Thousands of Breeze

Product description
". . . what makes this book so forceful and readable, from beginning to end, is that Hayao Kawai has written it all, and tells it all, from the perspective of his own experience, both as an analyst and as a Japanese man who rejected Buddhism and then returned to make his own Jungian peace with it. When you consider both ends of these traditions, and realize how unlikely it is for a truly autobiographical book to come out of either of them, you will appreciate what Kawai is offering here. Get out your best Mikasa and pour yourself a cup of tea, dear reader. This is a good one."--Spring 60--Spring 60

" . . . a remarkable book by a remarkable man. Kawai's writing is direct, honest and self-effacing and it can be quite confronting to read., The exraordinary and heart-warming feture of this book is to see how one's fate can manifest itself through the unconscious, even if one has pushed it away."--Journal of Analytical Psychology

-- (04/01/2010)

"Dr. Kawai's self disclosures and ruminations serve as an open invitation to us all to step beyond our culturally imposed frames and expand our understanding of the impact of culture on the psyche and the implication for consciousness and individuation."--Journal of Analytical Psychology--Journal of Analytical Psychology

"Engaging, intriguing . . . and enlightening . . . "--Resource: A Guide to Books, Audiotapes, and Videotapes--Resource: A Guide to Books, Audiotapes, and Videotapes

"In a self-effacing style that fails to dim the brilliance of his intellect and intuition, Kawai explores the differences between the Japanese and Western ego . . ." --The Bloomsbury Review--The Bloomsbury Review

"Stories, three sets of drawings, and a nod to the value of silence enhance the presentation, which is graceful, humble, and sure."--Library Journal--Library Journal

"This brief taste of Kawai's riches hardly touches the repast he provides in his thinking. It is both popular and deep, humorous and serious, Buddhist and Jungian, individual and collectiveas East and West as his initial dream promised and as his life has fulfilled. . . ."--Psychological Perspectives--Psychological Perspectives
Dr. Kawai's self disclosures and ruminations serve as an open invitation to us all to step beyond our culturally imposed frames and expand our understanding of the impact of culture on the psyche and the implication for consciousness and individuation. - Journal of Analytical Psychology ""Stories, three sets of drawings, and a nod to the value of silence enhance the presentation, which is graceful, humble, and sure."" - Library Journal
From the Back Cover
In this engaging and intriguing work, renowned Japanese psychologist Hayao Kawai examines his own personal experience of how a Japanese became a Jungian psychoanalyst and how the Buddhism in him gradually reacted to it. Kawai reviews his method of psychotherapy and takes a fresh look at "I" in the context of Buddhism. His analysis, divided into four chapters, provides a new understanding of the human psyche from the perspective of someone rooted in the East. After exploring the Buddhist conception of the ego and the self, which is the opposite of the Western view, Kawai expands psychotherapy to include sitting in silence and holding contradictions or containing opposites. Drawing on his own experience as a psychoanalyst, Kawai concludes that true integration of East and West is both possible and impossible. Buddhism and the Art of Psychotherapy is an enlightening presentation that deepens the reader's understanding of this area of psychology and Eastern philosophy.
About the Author
Hayao Kawai, the first Jungian psychoanalyst in Japan, came to Los Angeles on a Fulbright Fellowship in 1959. He was professor of clinical psychology at Kyoto University and has written and edited more than fifty books in Japanese and four books in English, including The Japanese Psyche, The Buddhist Priest, Myoe, and A Life of Dreams.
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Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ 1603440534
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Texas A&M University Press; Illustrated edition (30 July 2008)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 184 pages

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미야지 료헤이
5.0 out of 5 stars 심리학에 관심이 있고 영어로 내용이 있는 책을 읽고 싶은 사람에게 추천입니다.
Reviewed in Japan on 18 February 2019
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 가와이 하야오씨에 의한 불교와 심리요법의 책이다. 이것은 미국의 분석 심리학회에서의 가와이 씨에 의한 강연을 기초로 하고 있다.
 서양의 심리요법가 중에는 불교에 깊은 관심을 가진 사람들이 있다. 이들에 의하면, 서양이 과학을 발달시키기 위해 많은 노력을 했지만, 동양에서는 인간의 마음, 의식의 문제를 깊이 탐구해 왔으며, 그 때문에 인간의 마음과 의식의 문제 에 대해서는 방대한 연구의 축적이 있고, 그 대부분은 불교 등의 경전으로 남아 있다고 한다.
 융은 서양 사람들이 가진 마음의 질병은 종종 굳어진 자기 의식으로 인해 그것을 해결하기 위해 '자아'(ego)를 넘어 더 넓은 '자기'(self )에 이르지 않으면 안된다고 생각한다. 이것을 자기 실현이라고 부른다.
 가와이는 자기 실현과 불교의 깨달음의 공통점 등도 상세히 설명해 나간다. 나는 자기 실현이 깨달음보다 평범한 사람에게 가능한 범위가 아닐까 생각한다. 그러면 심리학에서 불교에 흥미를 가질 뿐만 아니라 불교의 실천자로부터도 심리학으로의 길이 열린다.
 사실, 가와이 씨는 어렸을 때부터 불교에 저항을 느끼고 불교에 관심을 가지기 시작한 것은 꽤 나중에 심리 요법을 진행하면서 미국에서 십우도와 만다라에 만났다고 한다. 게다가 심리요법으로 경험을 쌓고 나서 점차 불교로부터 배워야 할 것이 많다는 것을 알았다고 한다.
 가와이 씨는 이통 슌히코 씨의 책에서 많은 것을 배우고 있는 것 같지만, 꽤 난해한 이통 씨의 책을 심리 요법이라는 현실적인 관점에서 읽는 것은 나에게는 놀라움이다.
쓰여진 영어는 매우 알기 쉽기 때문에, 확실한 내용을 영어로 읽는 귀중한 경험을 할 수 있다.
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전기 토끼는 귀의 꿈을 꾸는가?
5.0 out of 5 stars 불교, 일본인의 정신, 서양 문화와의 대비 등.
Reviewed in Japan on 15 March 2010
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David H. Rosen 씨에 의한 서문에 의하면, 영역된 가와이 씨의 4권째의 책이라고.
그렇지만 내용적으로는 서양인용으로 쓰여져 있기 때문에, 가와이 선생님이 직접 영어로 쓴 것인지, 일본어로 써 누군가가 번역했는지라고, 생각하거나. 일본 국내용으로 쓴 문장이 아닙니다.
미국의 융파 연구소가 내놓고 있는 북 시리즈에서 간행.
흠, 텍사스에도 이런 사람들이 있네요.

가와이 선생님이 왜 미국 유학, 스위스 유학하게 됐는가 하는 이야기, 소년 시절의 패전 경험에서 일본 문화를 싫어서 서양 문화를 동경한 것, 하지만 구미에서의 공부 과정에서 자신이 일본인임 을 의식하게 된 것, 귀국 후에 심리요법을 하는 동안 자연과 일본적, 불교적인 생각에 다가가는 것 등이 말해지고 있습니다. 이 이야기는 이미 카와이 선생님의 다양한 일본어 저작 중에서 말해지고 있습니다만, 영어로 서양인에 대해 말하고 있는 것을 읽는 것도 흥미롭다고 생각합니다.

그 밖에, 선의 「십우도」와 서양의 알케미(연금술)의 남성성·여성의 통합도와의 대비, 현대의 일본인 여성이 그린 새로운 십소도의 소개(표지가 중국적 보이지만, 이 일본 ​​여성이 그린 십소 그림 중의 1장입니다), 불교의 개념, 서양, 동양이나 일본의 의식·무의식의 파악 방법의 차이등에 대해 말해지고 있습니다.

서양과 일본의 멘탈리티의 차이를 영어로 어떻게 말하면 좋을까,라고 생각하는 분은 읽어 보면 흥미로운가라고 생각합니다. 일본인으로서 일본인에 대해 읽어도 흥미롭습니다. 과연, 그리고.

융파 심리학에 관심이 있는 사람을 위해 쓰여져 있기 때문에 융파의 개념이나 상자 정원 요법이 어떤 것인지를 전혀 모른다고 이해하기 어려울지도 모릅니다. 일반인에게도 읽을 수 있으므로, 심리학의 전문가일 필요는 전혀 없습니다만.
상자 정원에 대해 간단히 알고 싶은 분은, 아사히 문고에서 나오는 「부다의 꿈」(나카자와 신이치씨와의 대담)을 추천합니다.

나는 불교에 조예가 깊지 않았기 때문에 Part4의 중요한 불교의 곳을 잘 이해할 수 없었다.
아요야식(아라야시키)라든지. 이름은 알고 있지만 힘들다.

서양문화와 동양문화의 통합은 불가능하고 가능하다.
가와이 선생님을 하고 이렇게 말하게 하기 때문에 상호 이해는 간단하지 않겠지요.
그러나, 일본인이 서양 문명과 사귀고 가는 것의 정신적인 어려움을 일찍부터 지적하고 있던 것은, 다시 탁견이었다고 느끼는 대로.
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