楚辭 <招魂>의 文化的 位相과 朝鮮의 受容樣相A study on The 《Cho-sa(楚辭)》 〈Chohone(招魂)〉’s cultural topology and a pattern of acceptance in Joseon
약어 : 국언문
2019, vol., no.44, 통권 44호 pp. 91-122 (32 pages)
발행기관 : 국제언어문학회
연구분야 :
인문학 >
신두환 /Doohwan Shin 1
이 연구는 屈原이 지은 초사 <초혼>에 나타난 문화적 위상과 조선의 수용 양상을 중심으로 연구한 논문이다. 이 작품 속에는 영혼이 향유하는 사후세계의 다양한 문화가 독특하게 소개되고 있어서 흥미롭다. 초사 <초혼>은 문화의 원형과변주의 시각에서 자세히 관찰하면 동양 고대의 문화연구의 보고요 심연이다.
이것은 대부분 중국 전국시대의 생활상을 반영하는 풍부한 상상력이라서 더욱 의미가 있어 보인다. 초사 <招魂>은 초나라의 샤머니즘을 비롯한 당대의 주거문화, 음식문화, 음악문화, 놀이문화 등, 중국 고대의 문화가 풍성하게 소개되어 있어서 인간의 죽음과 관련된 문화의 기원이 되고 있다. 이것은 동양 역사상 사후세계 다양한 문화 향유에 대한 최초의 창의력이었으며 사의 찬미에 대한 아름다움의 극치를 보여 주었다. 이것은 후대로 오면서 상례문화로 발전하였으며 한국을 비롯한 동양의 세계로 퍼져 나갔다.
<초혼>은 후대 동아시아 문인들에게 흥미로운 작품으로 읽히면서 최근까지도 초혼의 주제의식은 다양한 장르의 문학작품을 비롯하여 영화, 대중가요 등 엔터테인먼트의 다양한 문화콘텐츠로 확산되고 있다. 초사 <초혼>은 碑銘과 祭文을 비롯한 인간의 죽음과 관련된 다양한 문화와 문학 작품 속에 수용되고 확산 되면서 동아시아의 碑誌類 등 다양한 예술 작품 속에 투영되어 있다.
This study focuses on the cultural status and acceptance patterns of Joseon in the <Chosa(楚辭)-the Chohone(招魂)> written by Qu Yuan(屈 原). This paper is a study on the <Chosa(楚辭)-the Chohone(招魂)>’s cultural topology and a pattern of acceptance in Joseon. the <Chosa(楚辭)-the Chohone(招魂)> of the history is a repository and abyss of ancient cultural research. In this work, various cultures of the afterlife enjoyed by the soul are uniquely introduced. The Chohone(招魂) is a repository of ancient cultural research in the Orient, closely observed from the perspective of a cultural archetype and variation. The Chohone(招魂) is a work composed of methods of fear, comfort, fear, and conciliatory that enshrine heaven and hell in the process of bringing souls from the Qin Dynasty. In this work, the imagination of the horror monster, which is passed down as the concept of hell which develops into a unique structure, is the origin of the horror novel, and in the investigation of comfort and peace, the ancient Chinese culture, including shamanism of the early period, such as the Chamanism, food culture, music culture, play culture, etc., is richly introduced, thus becoming the origin of the culture related to human death. It was the first creativity in the afterlife variety of cultural flavors in the history of the Orient, and it showed the height of beauty to the praise of death. It has evolved into a common culture and spread to Korea and the rest of the East. The Chohone(招魂) has been accepted and diffused into numerous works as it continues to be read and criticized as an interesting work for later East Asian writers. Until recently, the theme of The Chohone(招魂) has spread to various cultural contents of entertainment, such as movies, pop songs and other genres of literary works. The first story, "The Chohone(招魂)" is absorbed and diffused in various cultural and literary works related to human death, and it melts into various works of art such as a sentence for tombs and gravestones(碑誌類) in East Asia and shines brightly.
Qu Yuan, Cho-sa, the Chohone(招魂), cultural topology, a pattern of acceptance, the Joseon Dynasty
This study focuses on the cultural status and acceptance patterns of Joseon in the <Chosa(楚辭)-the Chohone(招魂)> written by Qu Yuan(屈 原). This paper is a study on the <Chosa(楚辭)-the Chohone(招魂)>’s cultural topology and a pattern of acceptance in Joseon. the <Chosa(楚辭)-the Chohone(招魂)> of the history is a repository and abyss of ancient cultural research. In this work, various cultures of the afterlife enjoyed by the soul are uniquely introduced. The Chohone(招魂) is a repository of ancient cultural research in the Orient, closely observed from the perspective of a cultural archetype and variation. The Chohone(招魂) is a work composed of methods of fear, comfort, fear, and conciliatory that enshrine heaven and hell in the process of bringing souls from the Qin Dynasty. In this work, the imagination of the horror monster, which is passed down as the concept of hell which develops into a unique structure, is the origin of the horror novel, and in the investigation of comfort and peace, the ancient Chinese culture, including shamanism of the early period, such as the Chamanism, food culture, music culture, play culture, etc., is richly introduced, thus becoming the origin of the culture related to human death. It was the first creativity in the afterlife variety of cultural flavors in the history of the Orient, and it showed the height of beauty to the praise of death. It has evolved into a common culture and spread to Korea and the rest of the East. The Chohone(招魂) has been accepted and diffused into numerous works as it continues to be read and criticized as an interesting work for later East Asian writers. Until recently, the theme of The Chohone(招魂) has spread to various cultural contents of entertainment, such as movies, pop songs and other genres of literary works. The first story, "The Chohone(招魂)" is absorbed and diffused in various cultural and literary works related to human death, and it melts into various works of art such as a sentence for tombs and gravestones(碑誌類) in East Asia and shines brightly.
Qu Yuan, Cho-sa, the Chohone(招魂), cultural topology, a pattern of acceptance, the Joseon Dynasty