
Chasing an Elusive God from Christian Alternative Books

Chasing an Elusive God from Christian Alternative Books

Chasing an Elusive God
An essential guide to reading the Bible, not to find answers but to hear the urgency of the questions.

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Mar 29, 2013

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Mar 29, 2013

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Ray Vincent
More books 
Biblical criticism & interpretation (general), Biblical studies (general), Exegesis & hermeneutics

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Is there anyone “up there” to hear our cries for help? Will there ever be justice in this world? Why do we suffer? Is there life after death? Is there a meaning in history? How will it all end? Is there a God? What do we mean by “God” anyway?
The answers are in the Bible, some say. But are they? This book is a guide to reading the Bible not to find answers but to hear the urgency of the questions and to realise that those who wrote the Bible were searching too. They searched in many different ways. Sometimes what they say seems alien to our way of thinking. Sometimes we feel they are kindred spirits. Sometimes they challenge us to think again. Often they argue with one another, and as we read their words and respond to them we become part of the ongoing conversation. This, rather than false notions of “authority”, is what makes the Bible relevant and 
If you have problems with your Christian faith and the Bible this interesting and well-written book won't make them disappear but it will illuminate them and help you to deal with them in a realistic (I might say 'believable!') and fruitful way.

--Michael Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Social Theology, University of Birmingham, UK

About the Author
Ray Vincent is a Baptist minister. He studied at Regent's Park College. Oxford, and later gained the M.Th. of Glasgow University for a dissertation on the question of the New Testament Canon. He has now retired from full-time ministry and is an Associate Chaplain at the University of Glamorgan,
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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ John Hunt Publishing (16 March 2013)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 203 pages