
Permaculture in New Zealand - Home

 Permaculture in New Zealand - Home

Our Story: The Oldest National Permaculture Organisation in the World

Permaculture in New Zealand is the oldest national permaculture organisation in the world. We are a registered charitable trust and rely on membership subscriptions, donations and proceeds from events for our income.

Permaculture is a well recognised and highly respected design approach with a growing number of practitioners who are at the cutting edge of thinking in their respective fields. To support this, Permaculture in New Zealand is a rapidly expanding and highly regarded network of permaculture practitioners and teachers that offers inspiration, support and information sharing to its members and the public, serviced by a small and effective council that acts to protect the integrity of the permaculture brand within New Zealand and that provides advocacy on a national level.

To promote the development and practice of permaculture in Aotearoa/New Zealand by:
Providing effective networking and information sharing
Endorsing permaculture teachers, awarding diplomas and supporting the development of different permaculture education pathways
Advocating for policy changes where these are important for the permaculture movement
Promoting permaculture through media and events and by proactively supporting better public understanding of permaculture

The fundamental permaculture ethics are: Earth care; People care; Fair share.
Permaculture in New Zealand recognises He Whakaputanga and is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. To achieve these, we operate with:
Respect and valuing of diversity:
Co-operation, working as a team Integrity and authenticity Valuing the contributions of young and old
Decision making congruent with a purpose:
Consensus processes Transparency and accountability Clear, direct communication Enjoyment and fulfillment
Willingness to change and evolve:
Permission to challenge and preparedness to be challenged Nurturing and supportive Commitment to continued learning
The day to day affairs of Permaculture in New Zealand are run by the National Council. The council meets remotely on the third Wednesday of every month at 8pm, and meets face to face 4 times a year, including one meeting at the AGM.