
The Lankavatara Sutra Quotes by Red Pine | Goodreads

The Lankavatara Sutra Quotes by Red Pine | Goodreads

The Lankavatara Sutra Quotes

The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and CommentaryThe Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary by Red Pine
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The Lankavatara Sutra Quotes Showing 1-12 of 12
“There is no seer or anything seen / no speaker or anything spoken / the appearance of buddhas and also their teachings / are merely what we imagine 44. Those who view such things as real / they don’t see the Buddha / nor do those who imagine nothing / only those who transform their existence.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary

“I have always taught that things arise due to the conjunction of causes and conditions not that they arise without a cause.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“When you realize that whether something exists or not is nothing but the perception of your own mind, its external existence is seen as nonexistent and non-arising. Mahamati, there is no contradiction in my earlier and later statements.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“Mahamati, to see things as they really are means to transcend 414 what are nothing but perceptions of your own mind.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“The Buddha then repeated the meaning of this in verse: 1. “Non-arising means nonexistence / existence includes samsara / who sees these as illusions / doesn’t give rise to projections of form.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“The Buddha then repeated the meaning of this in verse: 1. “Distinguish units of letters / units of words and phrases / people who foolishly cling to these / are like elephants in a quagmire.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“Moreover, Mahamati, in future ages those who are wise might ask those who are not what I mean by ‘avoiding views characterized by sameness, difference, both, or neither.’421 And they might answer, ‘Whether form422 and so on are permanent or not or whether they are different or not is not a proper question.’423 Likewise, if they are asked to compare and contrast the characteristics of nirvana and samskara,424 characteristics and what is characterized, qualities and what is qualified, matter and what is made of matter,425 seeing and what is seen, earth and dust, practice and practitioner, they might answer, ‘The Buddha has declared these to be unanswerable.’ “But silence is something such foolish people would not understand. It is because those present lack sufficient wisdom that the tathagatas, the arhats, the fully enlightened ones say these are unanswerable to help them overcome fear. This is why they don’t answer. Also, it is to put an end to the mistaken views of other paths that they don’t respond.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“And the element distinguished as divisible form produces internal and external realms of earth—and with form comes space. According to those who cling to mistaken truths, it is the four elements and their elemental forms that give rise to the assemblage of the five skandhas.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“What is real i the absence of the fiction of self-existence.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“1. “Meditation practiced by beginners / meditation on the meaning of characteristics / meditation based on suchness / or the pure meditation of the tathagatas 2. On such shapes as the sun or moon / or a lotus in the depths of hell363 / or space after the fire364 / thus do practitioners contemplate 3. A myriad of objects such as these / fill the meditations of other schools / and those trapped in the realms / of shravakas or pratyeka-buddhas 4. Those who abandon these / are thereby free of projections / buddhas come from every land / with hands beyond conception / and touch their heads as one / and lead them into suchness.“365”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“The Buddha told Mahamati, “There are three different levels of srota-apannas and attainments of srota-apannas.436 And what are the three? They are basic, intermediate, and advanced. Those at the basic level are reborn seven more times at the most. Those at the intermediate level are reborn three to five more times before they attain nirvana. And those at the advanced level attain nirvana in this life. “For each of these three, there are three bondages: coarse, intermediate, and subtle. And what are the three bondages? They are belief in a body, doubt, and attachment to codes.437 In terms of differences among these three bondages, whoever reaches the subtlest of the advanced level becomes an arhat.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary
“The Buddha then repeated the meaning of this in verse: 1. “Mine isn’t a nirvana that exists / a created one or one with attributes / the consciousness that projects what we know / the cessation of this is my nirvana 2. This is the cause and supporting condition / whereby thoughts create the body / on this is what the mind is based / on this is what consciousness depends483 3. When the great river quits flowing / waves no longer stir / when conceptual consciousness ceases / the other forms don’t rise.”
― Red Pine, The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary