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Ken Wilber

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Ken Wilber

Wilber with Bernard Glassman (background)


January 31, 1949 (age 71)

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States

Alma mater

Duke University
(no degree)
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
(no degree)


Author, integral theorist

Years active

1967~1999, 2000~present 2005~present

Known for

Integral theory

Kenneth Earl Wilber II (born January 31, 1949) is an American philosopher and writer on transpersonal psychology and his own integral theory,[1] a systematic philosophy which suggests the synthesis of all human knowledge and experience.[2]


2Integral theory
3Other ideas
3.1Mysticism and the great chain of being
3.2Theory of truth
3.3Pre/trans fallacy
3.4Wilber on science
3.5Current work
4Influences on Wilber
7.1Books by Wilber
7.2Audiobooks by Wilber
8See also
12Further reading
13External links

Wilber was born in 1949 in Oklahoma City. In 1967 he enrolled as a pre-med student at Duke University.[3] He became inspired, like many of his generation, by Eastern literature, particularly the Tao Te Ching. He left Duke and enrolled at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, but after a few years dropped out of university to devote all his time to studying his own curriculum and writing books.[4]

Wilber stated in 2011 that he has long suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, possibly caused by RNase enzyme deficiency disease.[5][6]

In 1973 Wilber completed his first book, The Spectrum of Consciousness,[7] in which he sought to integrate knowledge from disparate fields. After rejections by more than twenty publishers it was finally accepted in 1977 by Quest Books, and he spent a year giving lectures and workshops before going back to writing. He also helped to launch the journal ReVision in 1978.[8]

In 1982 New Science Library published his anthology The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes,[9] a collection of essays and interviews, including one by David Bohm. The essays, including one of his own, looked at how holography and the holographic paradigm relate to the fields of consciousness, mysticism, and science.

In 1983 Wilber married Terry "Treya" Killam who was shortly thereafter diagnosed with breast cancer. From 1984 until 1987, Wilber gave up most of his writing to care for her. Killam died in January 1989; their joint experience was recorded in the 1991 book Grace and Grit.

In 1987 Wilber moved to Boulder, Colorado, where he worked on his Kosmos trilogy and oversaw the work of the Integral Institute. Wilber now lives in Denver, Colorado.[citation needed]

Subsequently, Wilber wrote Sex, Ecology, Spirituality (1995), the first volume of his Kosmos Trilogy. A Brief History of Everything (1996) was the popularised summary of Sex, Ecology, Spirituality in interview format. The Eye of Spirit (1997) was a compilation of articles he had written for the journal ReVision on the relationship between science and religion. Throughout 1997, he had kept journals of his personal experiences, which were published in 1999 as One Taste, a term for unitary consciousness. Over the next two years his publisher, Shambhala Publications, released eight re-edited volumes of his Collected Works. In 1999, he finished Integral Psychology and wrote A Theory of Everything (2000). In A Theory of Everything Wilber attempts to bridge business, politics, science and spirituality and show how they integrate with theories of developmental psychology, such as Spiral Dynamics. His novel, Boomeritis (2002), attempts to expose what he perceives as the egotism of the baby boom generation. Frank Visser's Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion (2003), a guide to Wilber's thought, was praised by Daryl S. Paulson as "an outstanding synthesis of Wilber's published works through the evolution of his thoughts over time. The book will be of value to any transpersonal humanist or integral philosophy student who does not want to read all of Wilber's works to understand his message."[10] "Visser does an admirable job navigating the reader through Wilber’s theories." rev Sullivan

In 2012 Wilber joined the Advisory Board of International Simultaneous Policy Organization which seeks to end the usual deadlock in tackling global issues through an international simultaneous policy.[11][12]
Integral theory[edit]

Main article: Integral theory (Ken Wilber)

Upper-Left (UL)

Interior Individual

e.g. Freud

Upper-Right (UR)

Exterior Individual

e.g. Skinner

Lower-Left (LL)

Interior Collective

e.g. Gadamer

Lower-Right (LR)

Exterior Collective

e.g. Marx

All Quadrants All Levels (AQAL, pron. "ah-qwul"), is the basic framework of integral theory. It models human knowledge and experience with a four-quadrant grid, along the axes of "interior-exterior" and "individual-collective". According to Wilber, it is a comprehensive approach to reality, a metatheory that attempts to explain how academic disciplines and every form of knowledge and experience fit together coherently.[2]

AQAL is based on four fundamental concepts and a rest-category: four quadrants, several levels and lines of development, several states of consciousness, and "types", topics which do not fit into these four concepts.[13] "Levels" are the stages of development, from pre-personal through personal to transpersonal. "Lines" of development are various domains which may progress unevenly through different stages .[note 1] "States" are states of consciousness; according to Wilber persons may have a temporal experience of a higher developmental stage.[note 2] "Types" is a rest-category, for phenomena which do not fit in the other four concepts.[14] In order for an account of the Kosmos to be complete, Wilber believes that it must include each of these five categories. For Wilber, only such an account can be accurately called "integral". In the essay, "Excerpt C: The Ways We Are in This Together", Wilber describes AQAL as "one suggested architecture of the Kosmos".[15]

The model's apex is formless awareness, "the simple feeling of being", which is equated with a range of "ultimates" from a variety of eastern traditions. This formless awareness transcends the phenomenal world, which is ultimately only an appearance of some transcendental reality. According to Wilber, the AQAL categories — quadrants, lines, levels, states, and types – describe the relative truth of the two truths doctrine of Buddhism. According to Wilber, none of them are true in an absolute sense. Only formless awareness, "the simple feeling of being", exists absolutely.[citation needed][note 3]
Other ideas[edit]
Mysticism and the great chain of being[edit]

One of Wilber's main interests is in mapping what he calls the "neo-perennial philosophy", an integration of some of the views of mysticism typified by Aldous Huxley's The Perennial Philosophy with an account of cosmic evolution akin to that of the Indian mystic Sri Aurobindo. He rejects most of the tenets of Perennialism and the associated anti-evolutionary view of history as a regression from past ages or yugas.[16] Instead, he embraces a more traditionally Western notion of the great chain of being. As in the work of Jean Gebser, this great chain (or "nest") is ever-present while relatively unfolding throughout this material manifestation, although to Wilber "... the 'Great Nest' is actually just a vast morphogenetic field of potentials ..." In agreement with Mahayana Buddhism, and Advaita Vedanta, he believes that reality is ultimately a nondual union of emptiness and form, with form being innately subject to development over time.
Theory of truth[edit]

See also: Two truths doctrine

Wilber believes that the mystical traditions of the world provide access to, and knowledge of, a transcendental reality which is perennial, being the same throughout all times and cultures. This proposition underlies the whole of his conceptual edifice, and is an unquestioned assumption.[note 4] Wilber juxtaposites this generalisation to plain materialism, presenting this as the main paradigma of regular science.[19][quote 1]




Standard: Truthfulness
(1st person)
(sincerity, integrity, trustworthiness)

Standard: Truth
(3rd person)
representation, propositional)


Standard: Justness
(2nd person)
(cultural fit, rightness,
mutual understanding)

Standard: Functional fit
(3rd person)
(systems theory web,
Structural functionalism,
social systems mesh)

In his later works, Wilber argues that manifest reality is composed of four domains, and that each domain, or "quadrant", has its own truth-standard, or test for validity:[20]
"Interior individual/1st person": the subjective world, the individual subjective sphere;[21]
"Interior collective/2nd person": the intersubjective space, the cultural background;[21]
"Exterior individual/3rd person": the objective state of affairs;[21]
"Exterior collective/3rd person": the functional fit, "how entities fit together in a system".[21]
Pre/trans fallacy[edit]

Wilber believes that many claims about non-rational states make a mistake he calls the pre/trans fallacy. According to Wilber, the non-rational stages of consciousness (what Wilber calls "pre-rational" and "trans-rational" stages) can be easily confused with one another. In Wilber's view, one can reduce trans-rational spiritual realization to pre-rational regression, or one can elevate pre-rational states to the trans-rational domain.[22] For example, Wilber claims that Freud and Jung commit this fallacy. Freud considered mystical realization to be a regression to infantile oceanic states. Wilber alleges that Freud thus commits a fallacy of reduction. Wilber thinks that Jung commits the converse form of the same mistake by considering pre-rational myths to reflect divine realizations. Likewise, pre-rational states may be misidentified as post-rational states.[23] Wilber characterizes himself as having fallen victim to the pre/trans fallacy in his early work.[24]
Wilber on science[edit]

Wilber describes the current state of the "hard" sciences as limited to "narrow science", which only allows evidence from the lowest realm of consciousness, the sensorimotor (the five senses and their extensions). Wilber sees science in the broad sense as characterized by involving three steps:[25][26]
specifying an experiment,
performing the experiment and observing the results, and
checking the results with others who have competently performed the same experiment.

He has presented these as "three strands of valid knowledge" in Part III of his book The Marriage of Sense and Soul.[27]

What Wilber calls "broad science" would include evidence from logic, mathematics, and from the symbolic, hermeneutical, and other realms of consciousness. Ultimately and ideally, broad science would include the testimony of meditators and spiritual practitioners. Wilber's own conception of science includes both narrow science and broad science, e.g., using electroencephalogram machines and other technologies to test the experiences of meditators and other spiritual practitioners, creating what Wilber calls "integral science".[citation needed]

According to Wilber's theory, narrow science trumps narrow religion, but broad science trumps narrow science. That is, the natural sciences provide a more inclusive, accurate account of reality than any of the particular exoteric religious traditions. But an integral approach that uses intersubjectivity to evaluate both religious claims and scientific claims will give a more complete account of reality than narrow science.[citation needed]

Wilber has referred to Stuart Kauffman, Ilya Prigogine, Alfred North Whitehead, and others in order to articulate his vitalistic and teleological understanding of reality, which is deeply at odds with the modern evolutionary synthesis.[28][quote 2]
Current work[edit]

In 2005, at the launch of the Integral Spiritual Center, a branch of the Integral Institute, Wilber presented a 118-page rough draft summary of his two forthcoming books.[29] The essay is entitled "What is Integral Spirituality?", and contains several new ideas, including Integral post-metaphysics and the Wilber-Combs lattice. In 2006, he published "Integral Spirituality", in which he elaborated on these ideas, as well as others such as Integral Methodological Pluralism and the developmental conveyor belt of religion.

"Integral post-metaphysics" is the term Wilber has given to his attempts to reconstruct the world's spiritual-religious traditions in a way that accounts for the modern and post-modern criticisms of those traditions.[citation needed]

The Wilber-Combs Lattice is a conceptual model of consciousness developed by Wilber and Allan Combs. It is a grid with sequential states of consciousness on the x axis (from left to right) and with developmental structures, or levels, of consciousness on the y axis (from bottom to top). This lattice illustrates how each structure of consciousness interprets experiences of different states of consciousness, including mystical states, in different ways.[citation needed]

Wilber attracted a lot of controversy from 2011 to the present day by supporting Marc Gafni. Gafni was accused in the media of sexually assaulting a minor.[30] Wilber has in fact publicly supported Gafni on his blog.[31][32] A petition begun by a group of Rabbis has called for Wilber to publicly dissociate from Gafni.

Wilber is on the advisory board of Mariana Bozesan's AQAL Capital GmbH,[33] Munich-based company specialising in integral impact investing using a model based on Wilber's Integral Theory.
Influences on Wilber[edit]

Wilber's philosophy has been influenced by Madhyamaka Buddhism, particularly as articulated in the philosophy of Nagarjuna.[34] Wilber has practiced various forms of Buddhist meditation, studying (however briefly) with a number of teachers, including Dainin Katagiri, Taizan Maezumi, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, Alan Watts, Penor Rinpoche and Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche. Advaita Vedanta, Trika (Kashmir) Shaivism, Tibetan Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Ramana Maharshi, and Andrew Cohen can be mentioned as further influences. Wilber has on several occasions singled out Adi Da's work for the highest praise while expressing reservations about Adi Da as a teacher.[35][36] In Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, Wilber refers extensively to Plotinus' philosophy, which he sees as nondual. While Wilber has practised Buddhist meditation methods, he does not identify himself as a Buddhist.[37]

According to Frank Visser, Wilber's conception of four quadrants, or dimensions of existence is very similar to E. F. Schumacher's conception of four fields of knowledge.[38] Visser finds Wilber's conception of levels, as well as Wilber's critique of science as one-dimensional, to be very similar to that in Huston Smith's Forgotten Truth.[39] Visser also writes that the esoteric aspects of Wilber's theory are based on the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo as well as other theorists including Adi Da.[40]

Wilber has been categorized as New Age due to his emphasis on a transpersonal view[41] and, more recently, as a philosopher.[42] Publishers Weekly has called him "the Hegel of Eastern spirituality".[43]

Wilber is credited with broadening the appeal of a "perennial philosophy" to a much wider audience. Cultural figures as varied as Bill Clinton,[44] Al Gore, Deepak Chopra, Richard Rohr,[45] and musician Billy Corgan have mentioned his influence.[46] Paul M. Helfrich credits him with "precocious understanding that transcendental experience is not solely pathological, and properly developed could greatly inform human development".[47] However, Wilber's approach has been criticized as excessively categorizing and objectifying, masculinist,[48][49] commercializing spirituality,[50] and denigrating of emotion.[51] Critics in multiple fields cite problems with Wilber's interpretations and inaccurate citations of his wide ranging sources, as well as stylistic issues with gratuitous repetition, excessive book length, and hyperbole.[52]

Frank Visser writes that his 1977 book The Spectrum of Consciousness was praised by transpersonal psychologists, but also that support for him "even in transpersonal circles" had waned by the early 1990s.[53] Edward J. Sullivan argued, in his review of Visser's guide Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion, that while in the field of composition studies "Wilber's melding of life’s journeys with abstract theorizing could provide an eclectic and challenging model of 'personal-academic' writing [...] teachers of writing may be critical of his all-too-frequent totalizing assumptions".[53] Sullivan also said that Visser's book overall gave an impression that Wilber "should think more and publish less."[53]

Steve McIntosh praises Wilber's work but also argues that Wilber fails to distinguish "philosophy" from his own Vedantic and Buddhist religion.[54] Christopher Bache is complimentary of some aspects of Wilber's work, but calls Wilber's writing style glib.[55]

Psychiatrist Stanislav Grof has praised Wilber's knowledge and work in the highest terms;[56] however, Grof has criticized the omission of the pre- and peri-natal domains from Wilber's spectrum of consciousness, and Wilber's neglect of the psychological importance of biological birth and death.[57] Grof has described Wilber's writings as having an "often aggressive polemical style that includes strongly worded ad personam attacks and is not conducive to personal dialogue."[58] Wilber's response is that the world religious traditions do not attest to the importance that Grof assigns to the perinatal.[59]

^ Wilber: "Are the mystics and sages insane? Because they all tell variations on the same story, don't they? The story of awakening one morning and discovering you are one with the All, in a timeless and eternal and infinite fashion. Yes, maybe they are crazy, these divine fools. Maybe they are mumbling idiots in the face of the Abyss. Maybe they need a nice, understanding therapist. Yes, I'm sure that would help. But then, I wonder. Maybe the evolutionary sequence really is from matter to body to mind to soul to spirit, each transcending and including, each with a greater depth and greater consciousness and wider embrace. And in the highest reaches of evolution, maybe, just maybe, an individual's consciousness does indeed touch infinity—a total embrace of the entire Kosmos—a Kosmic consciousness that is Spirit awakened to its own true nature. It's at least plausible. And tell me: is that story, sung by mystics and sages the world over, any crazier than the scientific materialism story, which is that the entire sequence is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying absolutely nothing? Listen very carefully: just which of those two stories actually sounds totally insane?"[19]
^ Wilber: "I am not alone in seeing that chance and natural selection by themselves are not enough to account for the emergence that we see in evolution. Stuart Kaufman [sic] and many others have criticized mere change and natural selection as not adequate to account for this emergence (he sees the necessity of adding self-organization). Of course I understand that natural selection is not acting on mere randomness or chance—because natural selection saves previous selections, and this reduces dramatically the probability that higher, adequate forms will emerge. But even that is not enough, in my opinion, to account for the remarkable emergence of some of the extraordinarily complex forms that nature has produced. After all, from the big bang and dirt to the poems of William Shakespeare is quite a distance, and many philosophers of science agree that mere chance and selection are just not adequate to account for these remarkable emergences. The universe is slightly tilted toward self-organizing processes, and these processes—as Prigogine was the first to elaborate—escape present-level turmoil by jumping to higher levels of self-organization, and I see that "pressure" as operating throughout the physiosphere, the biosphere, and the noosphere. And that is what I metaphorically mean when I use the example of a wing (or elsewhere, the example of an eyeball) to indicate the remarkableness of increasing emergence. But I don't mean that as a specific model or actual example of how biological emergence works! Natural selection carries forth previous individual mutations—but again that just isn't enough to account for creative emergence (or what Whitehead called "the creative advance into novelty," which, according to Whitehead, is the fundamental nature of this manifest universe)."[28]
Books by Wilber[edit]
The Spectrum of Consciousness, 1977, anniv. ed. 1993: ISBN 0-8356-0695-3
No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth, 1979, reprint ed. 2001: ISBN 1-57062-743-6
The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development, 1980, 2nd ed. ISBN 0-8356-0730-5
Up from Eden: A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution, 1981, new ed. 1996: ISBN 0-8356-0731-3
The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes: Exploring the Leading Edge of Science (editor), 1982, ISBN 0-394-71237-4
A Sociable God: A Brief Introduction to a Transcendental Sociology, 1983, new ed. 2005 subtitled Toward a New Understanding of Religion, ISBN 1-59030-224-9
Eye to Eye: The Quest for the New Paradigm, 1984, 3rd rev. ed. 2001: ISBN 1-57062-741-X
Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists (editor), 1984, rev. ed. 2001: ISBN 1-57062-768-1
Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development (co-authors: Jack Engler, Daniel Brown), 1986, ISBN 0-394-74202-8
Spiritual Choices: The Problem of Recognizing Authentic Paths to Inner Transformation (co-authors: Dick Anthony, Bruce Ecker), 1987, ISBN 0-913729-19-1
Grace and Grit: Spirituality and Healing in the Life of Treya Killam Wilber, 1991, 2nd ed. 2001: ISBN 1-57062-742-8
Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution, 1st ed. 1995, 2nd rev. ed. 2001: ISBN 1-57062-744-4
A Brief History of Everything, 1st ed. 1996, 2nd ed. 2001: ISBN 1-57062-740-1
The Eye of Spirit: An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, 1997, 3rd ed. 2001: ISBN 1-57062-871-8
The Essential Ken Wilber: An Introductory Reader, 1998, ISBN 1-57062-379-1
The Marriage of Sense and Soul: Integrating Science and Religion, 1998, reprint ed. 1999: ISBN 0-7679-0343-9
One Taste: The Journals of Ken Wilber, 1999, rev. ed. 2000: ISBN 1-57062-547-6
Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy, 2000, ISBN 1-57062-554-9
A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality, 2000, paperback ed.: ISBN 1-57062-855-6
Speaking of Everything (2 hour audio interview on CD), 2001
Boomeritis: A Novel That Will Set You Free, 2002, paperback ed. 2003: ISBN 1-59030-008-4
Kosmic Consciousness (12½ hour audio interview on ten CDs), 2003, ISBN 1-59179-124-3
With Cornel West, commentary on The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions and appearance in Return To Source: Philosophy & The Matrix on The Roots Of The Matrix, both in The Ultimate Matrix Collection, 2004
The Simple Feeling of Being: Visionary, Spiritual, and Poetic Writings, 2004, ISBN 1-59030-151-X (selected from earlier works)
The Integral Operating System (a 69 page primer on AQAL with DVD and 2 audio CDs), 2005, ISBN 1-59179-347-5
Executive producer of the Stuart Davis DVDs Between the Music: Volume 1 and Volume 2.
Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World, 2006, ISBN 1-59030-346-6
The One Two Three of God (3 CDs – interview, 4th CD – guided meditation; companion to Integral Spirituality), 2006, ISBN 1-59179-531-1
Integral Life Practice Starter Kit (five DVDs, two CDs, three booklets), 2006, ISBN 0-9772275-0-2
The Integral Vision: A Very Short Introduction to the Revolutionary Integral Approach to Life, God, the Universe, and Everything, 2007, ISBN 1-59030-475-6
Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening, 2008, ISBN 1-59030-467-5
The Pocket Ken Wilber, 2008, ISBN 1-59030-637-6
The Integral Approach: A Short Introduction by Ken Wilber, eBook, 2013, ISBN 9780834829060
The Fourth Turning: Imagining the Evolution of an Integral Buddhism, eBook, 2014, ISBN 9780834829572
Integral Meditation: Mindfulness as a Way to Grow Up, Wake Up, and Show Up in Your Life, 2016, ISBN 9781611802986
The Religion of Tomorrow: A Vision For The Future of the Great Traditions, 2017, ISBN 978-1-61180-300-6
Trump and a Post-Truth World, 2017, ISBN 9781611805611
Integral Buddhism: And the Future of Spirituality, 2018, ISBN 1611805600
Integral Politics: Its Essential Ingredients , eBook, 2018
Audiobooks by Wilber[edit]
A Brief History of Everything. Shambhala Audio, 2008. ISBN 978-1-59030-550-8
Kosmic Consciousness. Sounds True Incorporated, 2003. ISBN 9781591791249
See also[edit]

Philosophy portal
The Cultural Creatives
Higher consciousness
Nicolai Hartmann
Shambhala Publications

^ This interpretation is at odds with structural stage theory, which posits an overall follow-up of stages, instead of variations over several domains.
^ This too is at odds with structural stage theory, but in line with Wilber's philosophical idealism, which sees the phenomenal world as a concretisation, or immanation, of a "higher," transcendental reality, which can be "realized" in "religious experience."
^ The Madhyamaka two truths doctrine discerns two epistemological truths, namely conventional and ultimate. Conventional truth is the truth of phenomenal appearances and causal relations, our daily common-sense world. Ultimate truth is the recognition that no-"thing" exists inherently; every-"thing" is empty, sunyata of an unchanging "essence". It also means that there is no unchanging transcendental reality underlying phenomenal existence. "Formless awareness" belongs to another strand of Indian thinking, namely Advaita and Buddha-nature, which are ontological approaches, and do posit such a transcendental, unchanging reality, namely "awareness" or "consciousness." Wilber seems to be mixing, or confusing, these two different approaches freely, in his attempt to integrate "everything" into one conceptual scheme.
^ The perennial position is "largely dismissed by scholars",[17] but "has lost none of its popularity".[18] Mainstream academia favor a constructivist approach, which is rejected by Wilber as a dangerous relativism. See also Perennialism versus constructionism.

^ Mark Der Forman, A guide to integral psychotherapy: complexity, integration, and spirituality in practice, SUNY Press 2010, p. 9. ISBN 978-1-4384-3023-2
^ Jump up to:a b Rentschler, Matt. "AQAL Glossary," Archived 2017-12-28 at the Wayback Machine "AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice," Fall 2006, Vol. 1, No. 3. Retrieved on Dec. 28, 2017.
^ Tony Schwartz, What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America, Bantam, 1996, ISBN 0-553-37492-3, p. 348.
^ "Ken Wilber – Teachers – Spirituality & Practice". spiritualityandpractice.com. Archived from the original on 2015-04-02.
^ Wilber, Ken (December 26, 2006). "Ken Wilber Writes About His Horrific, Near-Fatal Illness". New Heaven New Earth. Archived from the original on 24 July 2011. Retrieved 26 May 2011.
^ Wilber, Ken. "RNase Enzyme Deficiency Disease: Wilber's statement about his health". IntegralWorld.net. October 22, 2002. Archived from the original on 5 June 2011. Retrieved 26 May 2011.
^ Wilber, Ken (1993). The Spectrum of Consciousness. ISBN 9780835606950.
^ Frank Visser, Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion, 27
^ The Holographic Paradigm and other paradoxes, 1982, ISBN 0-87773-238-8
^ Paulson, Daryl S. (2004). "Review of Thought as passion". Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. 36: 223–227 – via APA PsycNet.
^ About Simpol-UK: uk.simpol.org – About Simpol-UK Archived 2013-07-29 at the Wayback Machine
^ Endorsements: Simpol.org – Endorsements Archived 2013-07-29 at the Wayback Machine
^ Fiandt, K.; Forman, J.; Erickson Megel, M.; et al. (2003). "Integral nursing: an emerging framework for engaging the evolution of the profession". Nursing Outlook. 51 (3): 130–137. doi:10.1016/s0029-6554(03)00080-0. PMID 12830106.
^ "Integral Psychology" In: Weiner, Irving B. & Craighead, W. Edward (ed.), The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology, Vol. 2, 4. ed., Wiley 2010, pp. 830 ff. ISBN 978-0-470-17026-7
^ "Excerpt C: The Ways We Are In This Together". Ken Wilber Online. Archived from the original on December 23, 2005. Retrieved December 26, 2005.
^ "I have not identified myself with the perennial philosophy in over fifteen years ... Many of the enduring perennial philosophers—such as Nagarjuna—were already using postmetaphysical methods, which is why their insights are still quite valid. But the vast majority of perennial philosophers were caught in metaphysical, not critical, thought, which is why I reject their methods almost entirely, and accept their conclusions only to the extent they can be reconstructed""Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2006-03-22. Retrieved 2006-03-14.
^ McMahan 2008, p. 269, note 9.
^ McMahan 2010, p. 269, note 9.
^ Jump up to:a b Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything, pp. 42–3
^ Wilber, Ken (1998). The Eye of Spirit. Boston: Shambhala. pp. 12–18. ISBN 1-57062-345-7.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Table and quotations from: Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything, 2nd edition, ISBN 1-57062-740-1 p. 96–109
^ Introduction to the third volume of The Collected Works of Ken Wilber Archived2009-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
^ Wilber, Ken. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. Shambhala Publications, 2000, pp 211 f. ISBN 978-1-57062-744-6
^ "The introduction to Volume 1 of The Collected Works of Ken Wilber". Ken Wilber Online. Archived from the original on 2009-03-19.
^ Donald Jay Rothberg; Sean M. Kelly; Sean Kelly (1 February 1998). Ken Wilber in Dialogue: Conversations with Leading Transpersonal Thinkers. Quest Books. p. 12. ISBN 978-0-8356-0766-7.
^ Lew Howard (17 May 2005). Introducing Ken Wilber. AuthorHouse. pp. 2–3. ISBN 978-1-4634-8193-3.
^ Ken Wilber (3 August 2011). The Marriage of Sense and Soul: Integrating Science and Religion. Random House Publishing Group. p. 187. ISBN 978-0-307-79956-2.
^ Jump up to:a b Ken Wilber, Re: Some Criticisms of My Understanding of Evolution Archived2011-09-07 at the Wayback Machine
^ "What is Integral Spirituality?" (PDF). Integral Spiritual Center. Archived from the original (PDF) on November 25, 2005. Retrieved December 26, 2005. (1.3 MB PDF file)
^ "'I Was 13 When Marc Gafni's Abuse Began'". forward.com. Archived from the original on 4 February 2018. Retrieved 3 May 2018.
^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2016-02-06. Retrieved 2016-02-18.?
^ "+kenwilber.com – blog". www.kenwilber.com. Archived from the original on 28 October 2017. Retrieved 3 May 2018.
^ "Ken Wilber – AQAL Capital". aqalcapital.com. Archived from the original on 2016-03-31. Retrieved 2016-03-30.
^ "The Kosmos According to Ken Wilber: A Dialogue with Robin Kornman". Shambhala Sun. September 1996. Archived from the original on 2006-08-13. Retrieved 2006-06-14.
^ "The Case of Adi Da". Ken Wilber Online. Archived from the original on 2008-02-13.
^ "Adi Da and The Case of Ken Wilber". Archived from the original on 2011-03-03. I mention Master Da (along with Christ, Krishna) as being the Divine Person as World Event. – Ken Wilber, Up From Eden, 1981
^ # Kosmic Consciousness (12 hour audio interview on ten CDs), 2003, ISBN 1-59179-124-3
^ Frank Visser, Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion, 194
^ Frank Visser, Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion, 78
^ Visser, 276
^ Wouter J. Hanegraaff, New Age Religion and Western Culture, SUNY, 1998, pp. 70 ("Ken Wilber ... defends a transpersonal worldview which qualifies as 'New Age'").
^ Marian de Souza (ed.), International handbook of the religious, moral and spiritual dimensions in education, Dordrecht: Springer 2006, p. 93. ISBN 978-1-4020-4803-6.
^ [Archived 2014-04-30 at the Wayback Machine "The Simple Feeling of Being: Visionary, Spiritual and Poetic Writings"], publishersweekly.com, June 4, 2014.]
^ Planetary Problem Solver Archived 2010-02-12 at the Wayback Machine, Newsweek, January 4, 2010
^ "The Perennial Tradition – Center for Action and Contemplation". Center for Action and Contemplation. 2015-12-20. Retrieved 2018-08-17.
^ Steve Paulson. "You are the river: An interview with Ken Wilber". salon.com. Archived from the original on 2009-07-03.
^ Helfrich, Paul M. (March 2004). "Thought As Passion: Making Ken Wilber Accessible". Retrieved 2020-10-10.
^ Thompson, Coming into Being: Artifacts and Texts in the Evolution of Consciousnesspp. 12–13
^ Gelfer, J. Chapter 5 (Integral or muscular spirituality?) in Numen, Old Men: Contemporary Masculine Spiritualities and the Problem of Patriarchy, 2009: ISBN 978-1-84553-419-6
^ Gelfer, J. LOHAS and the Indigo Dollar: Growing the Spiritual Economy Archived2011-01-04 at the Wayback Machine, New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry (4.1, 2010: 46–60)
^ de Quincey, Christian (Winter 2000). "The Promise of Integralism: A Critical Appreciation of Ken Wilber's Integral Psychology". Journal of Consciousness Studies. Vol. 7(11/12). Archived from the original on 2006-05-07. Retrieved 2006-06-15.
^ Frank Visser, "A Spectrum of Wilber Critics", "A Spectrum of Wilber Critics, essay by Frank Visser". Archived from the original on 2006-05-26. Retrieved 2006-04-28.
^ Jump up to:a b c Sullivan, Edward J. (Winter 2005–06). "REVIEW: Sullivan/Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion". JAEPL. 11: 97–99.
^ Steve McIntosh, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution, Paragon House, St Paul Minnesota, 2007, ISBN 978-1-55778-867-2 pp. 227f.
^ Notes to Chapter 6 of Dark Night Early Dawn: Steps to a Deep Ecology of Mind SUNY Press, 2000

... Ken has produced an extraordinary work of highly creative synthesis of data drawn from a vast variety of areas and disciplines ... His knowledge of the literature is truly encyclopedic, his analytical mind systematic and incisive, and the clarity of his logic remarkable. The impressive scope, comprehensive nature, and intellectual rigor of Ken's work have helped to make it a widely acclaimed and highly influential theory of transpersonal psychology.

Stanislav Grof, "Ken Wilber's Spectrum Psychology" Archived 2009-12-09 at the Wayback Machine
^ Grof, Beyond the Brain, 131–137
^ Grof, "A Brief History of Transpersonal Psychology" Archived 2011-07-16 at the Wayback Machine
^ Visser, 269

McMahan, David L. (2008), The Making of Buddhist Modernism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780195183276
Further reading[edit]
Allan Combs, The Radiance of Being: Understanding the grand integral vision: living the integral life, Paragon House, 2002
Geoffrey D Falk, Norman Einstein: the dis-integration of Ken Wilber, Million Monkeys Press, 2009
Lew Howard, Introducing Ken Wilber: concepts for an evolving world, Authorhouse, 2005, ISBN 1-4208-2986-6
Peter McNab, Towards an Integral Vision: using NLP and Ken Wilber's AQAL model to enhance communication, Trafford, 2005
Jeff Meyerhoff, Bald Ambition: a critique of Ken Wilber's theory of everything, Inside the Curtain Press, 2010
Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Jonathan Reams, Olen Gunnlaugson (ed.), Integral education: new directions for higher learning. SUNY Press, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4384-3348-6
Raphael Meriden, Entfaltung des Bewusstseins: Ken Wilbers Vision der Evolution, 2002, ISBN 88-87198-05-5
Brad Reynolds, Embracing Reality: The Integral Vision of Ken Wilber: A Historical Survey and Chapter-By-Chapter Review of Wilber's Major Works, J. P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2004, ISBN 1-58542-317-3
----- Where's Wilber At?: Ken Wilber's Integral Vision in the New Millennium, Paragone House, 2006, ISBN 1-55778-846-4
Donald Jay Rothberg, Sean M Kelly, Ken Wilber and the future of transpersonal inquiry: a spectrum of views 1996
----- Ken Wilber in Dialogue: Conversations With Leading Transpersonal Thinkers, 1998, ISBN 0-8356-0766-6
Frank Visser, Ken Wilber: Thought As Passion, SUNY Press, 2003, ISBN 0-7914-5816-4, (first published in Dutch as Ken Wilber: Denken als passie, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2001)
Joseph Vrinte, Perennial Quest for a Psychology with a Soul: An inquiry into the relevance of Sri Aurobindo's metaphysical yoga psychology in the context of Ken Wilber's integral psychology, Motilal Banarsidass, 2002, ISBN 81-208-1932-2
External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to: Ken Wilber

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ken Wilber.
Ken Wilber
Official website
Interview with Ken Wilber, Salon.com
Ken Wilber books – Shambhala Publications
Complete online bibliography of Ken Wilber's publications Criticism
Ken Wilber, his Critics, and the Integral: Links
IntegralWorld – An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber, created by Frank Visser.
Integral World, Criticism of the writings of Ken Wilber
Mark Manson, The Rise and Fall of Ken Wilber
the Skeptic's Dictionary Newsletter 38, Ken Wilber
Integral egos gone wild: Wilber and Cohen relish worship

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1949 births
20th-century American non-fiction writers
20th-century American philosophers
20th-century philosophers
21st-century American non-fiction writers
21st-century American philosophers
21st-century philosophers
American ethicists
American male non-fiction writers
American non-fiction writers
American philosophers
American spiritual writers
Consciousness researchers and theorists
Critical theorists
Hyperreality theorists
Integral theory (Ken Wilber)
Living people
Moral philosophers
New Age spiritual leaders
New Age writers
People from El Paso, Texas
People with chronic fatigue syndrome
Perennial philosophy
Philosophers of art
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Philosophers of education
Philosophers of ethics and morality
Philosophers of mind
Philosophers of religion
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Philosophers of sexuality
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Philosophy writers
Quantum mysticism advocates
Writers from Boulder, Colorado


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


出典検索?: "ケン・ウィルバー"ニュース · 書籍 · スカラー · CiNii · J-STAGE · NDL · dlib.jp · ジャパンサーチ · TWL(2018年1月)


ケネス・アール・ウィルバー・ジュニア(Kenneth Earl "Ken" Wilber Junior, 1949年1月31日 - )は、現代アメリカのニューエイジの思想家、トランスパーソナル心理学の論客、哲学者。アメリカ合衆国オクラホマ州生まれ。心理学の範疇を超えたアメリカを代表する哲学者で[1]、インテグラル思想の提唱者である。東洋の思想と修行の影響を大きく受けており、東洋の宗教的な知見、霊的発達の思想と現代心理学を総合的に統合するという巨大な試みを成し、「フロイトブッダを結合させた」というキャッチフレーズで知られている[2][3]

23歳の時に、トランスパーソナル心理学方面の様々なセラピーや古今東西の宗教思想とを鳥瞰図的に組み合わせ、わかりやすくまとめた第1作『意識のスペクトル』を公刊してベストセラーとなり、一躍時代の寵児となった[1]トランスパーソナル心理学の代表的論客として、その発展に大きく貢献し、最も影響力を持っており、その評価は賛否両論であった[4]。世界の伝統宗教にみられる、高次の微細なエネルギーに対応する身体性である微細身の概念を前提とし、エネルギーが階層をなし多次元の場を造り出しているという普遍的な霊的伝統「永遠の哲学」に連なる思想家であり、ヒンドゥー教ヴェーダーンタ仏教といった「永遠の哲学」が提示するものが正しいという前提に立って思想が展開されている[5]。『アートマン・プロジェクト』では、人間の心の発達は、ウパニシャッドの「梵我一如」の「我(アートマン)」であるところの真の自己を希求して進んでいく運動であると説き、その心理的な発達、意識の evolution(進化、外展)の過程を示した[6]。ウィルバーは、自己意識が生じる前段階、自我意識が生じるパーソナルな意識、自我領域を超えてアイデンティティが拡張するトランスパーソナルな意識へ至る発達過程としてモデル化し、さらにトランスパーソナルな意識を3段階に分けて説明している[4]


代表作は『進化の構造』(Sex, ecology, spirituality / Shambhala, 1995)、 『宗教と科学の統合』(The marriage of sense and soul / Random House, 1998)、『万物の歴史』(A Brief history of Everything / Shambhala, 1996)など。 20以上にも及ぶ著作は世界中の言語に翻訳され、専門家・一般読者の双方に幅広く読まれている。

インテグラル思想の研究組織であるIntegral Instituteを主催し、2005年には総合大学であるIntegral Universityを発足、現在同大学のPresidentとして運営の中核を担っている。






退学後、ウィルバーは、家庭教師や皿洗いをはじめとする諸々のアルバイトをして生計を立てながら、思索と修行と執筆の生活に従事する。1972年には、家庭教師の生徒のひとりであったエイミー・ワグナー(Amy Wagner)と結婚している。結婚生活は1981年まで続いた。また、この頃、ウィルバーは、自らの文章技術を磨くために、著名な東洋思想・禅の研究者であるアラン・ワッツ(Alan Watts)の全著作をノートに書きうつしたという。


1973年、ウィルバーは『意識のスペクトル』(The Spectrum of Consciousness)を完成する。この作品は、20以上の出版社に断られた後、1977年にQuest Booksより出版される。この作品は非常に評価され、ウィルバーは瞬く間に意識研究における新しいパイオニアとして認識されることになる。この成功を契機として、ウィルバーのもとには多数の教職の招待が舞いこむようになる。ウィルバーは、こうしたリクエストにこたえて、短期的にレクチャーやワークショップの提供を中心とした教育活動に従事することになる。しかし、教育活動の喜びを満喫しながらも、ウィルバーは、間もなく執筆生活に自らの活動を集中することを決意する。この決断について、ウィルバーはこう述懐する。


1978年、ウィルバーは、ジャック・クリッテンデン(Jack Crittenden)と協力して、雑誌ReVisionを創刊する。1979年には、『意識のスペクトル』(The Spectrum of Consciousness)の「要約」である『無境界』(No Boundary)を出版。その数年後には、ウィルバーの理論体系の新段階の到来を告げる『アートマン・プロジェクト』(The Atman Project)(1980年)と『エデンより』(Up from Eden)(1981年)を発表する。また、この頃、ReVision編集の作業に集中するために、マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジに移動する。

1983年、ウィルバーはカリフォルニア州マリン郡に移動する。間もなくして、ウィルバーはロジャー・ウォルシュ(Roger Walsh)とフランシス・ヴォーン(Francis Vaughan)の紹介でトレヤ・キラム(Treya Killam)と出逢い、結婚する。しかし、結婚の数日後、トレヤは乳癌と診断され、1984年から1987年まで、ウィルバーは、執筆活動をほぼ完全に停止して、彼女の看病に集中することになる。後日ウィルバーは、この過酷な状況のなかで、自らが一時的に瞑想の実践を放棄し、アルコールに依存するようになったことを報告している。また、1985年、療養生活のために夫婦で訪問したネバダ州レイク・タホで、ウィルバーは、汚染物質流出のためにひきおこされた疾病(RNase)に罹患する(ウィルバーは、今日も、この慢性疾患との闘病生活を続けている)。1987年、夫婦はコロラド州ボルダーに移動し、1989年のトレヤの死まで、比較的な平穏のなかで時間を過ごすことになる。ウィルバーは、トレヤの遺した日記を織り交ぜながら、ふたりの出逢いから離別までを著作『グレース・アンド・グリット』(Grace and Grit)(1991)にまとめている。

数年間の喪に服した後、1993年に、ウィルバーは10年ぶりの理論書を完成させた(出版は1995年)。それが、今日、ウィルバーの代表作として認知されている『進化の構造』(Sex, Ecology, Spirituality)である(この作品のまえに発表した最後の理論書はTransformations of Consciousness)。この作品について、著者は、「自らの最初の成熟した作品」("my first mature work")と形容しており、現在、構想されている「コスモス三部作」(Kosmos Trilogy)の第一部を構成する作品であるという。

1996年には『進化の構造』の「要約」として『万物の歴史』(A Brief History of Everything)を、そして、1997年には『進化の構造』について投げかけられた批判に応答することを目的として執筆された論文をまとめた『統合心理学への道』(The Eye of Spirit)を発表した。また、1998年には、Random Houseより、『科学と宗教の統合』(The Marriage of Sense and Soul)を発表している。

1997年、ウィルバーは、日々の哲学的考察を日記形式でまとめて、これを1999年に『ワン・テイスト』(One Taste)として出版している。この作品で、ウィルバーは、自らの理論家としての側面のみならず、実践家としての側面を強調している。その後、1999年には Integral Psychology を、2000年には『万物の理論』(A Theory of Everything)を、そして、2002年には初めての小説作品である Boomeritis を発表している。ウィルバーは、この時期をそれまでの執筆生活において最も生産的な時期であると回顧している(また、この時期、Shambhala Publicationsは、ウィルバーの全著作を編纂した集成の刊行を開始している――現在(2006年4月)、8巻が刊行済み)。

私生活の領域では、1997年にボウルダーにあるNaropa Instituteの修士課程に在籍していたマーシー・ウォルターズ(Marci Walters)と交際をはじめ、2001年に結婚をし、2002年に離婚している。その後コロラド州デンバーに移動して、著述活動、そして、自らの主催するIntegral InstituteやIntegral Universityの運営活動に取り組んでいる。













こうした事実に着目したウィルバーは、それぞれの視点が相補的に存在することを可能とするための枠組の構想に取り組むことになる。今日、広範に認知されている「意識のスペクトラム」(Spectrum of Consciousness)理論とは、日々の思索と修行の実践のなかで、こうした要求に応えるために創造されたのである。その概要は下記のように説明することができるだろう。

人間の意識は、複数の階層により構成されており、人間の成長はこれらの階層を段階的に通過することをとおして実現される。そして、この段階的成長の過程は、人間の生得的な自己中心性の克服の過程としてとらえることのできるものである。そして、古今東西の自己探求の方法は、この成長過程の各段階において経験される諸々の課題・問題を解決するための触媒(catalyst)として機能するのである。こうした成長段階は、大別して3 (4) つの段階に分類することができるという。

(人間の意識段階を上記のように3 (4) つに分類するのは、あくまでも便宜的なものであり、必ずしも、この数字にこだわる必要はない。こうした階層構造というのは、虹のようなものであり、その層数は、識別する視点により、多様なものとなる。実際、ウィルバーは、著作のなかで、必要に応じて、各階層をさらに詳細に峻別して説明をしている。各段階において個人が直面する課題・問題とそれらに適応した対応方法についての詳細な説明は、Transformations of Consciousnessの所収論文を参照していただきたい。)

ここで留意するべきことは、多数の発達心理学者が指摘するように、こうした成長段階というものが、非常に流動的なものであるということである。個人の成長段階とは、あくまでも重心(“Center of Gravity”)にすぎず、それは、個人の生存状況との関係性のなかで常に変動しつづけているものである。また、個人の内的領域について把握するうえで、段階(“stages”)のみならず、状態(“states”)・領域(“streams”)・スタイル(“styles”)等の要素にも着目することが重要になる。その意味では、こうした段階的な発達理論がインテグラル思想の人間観の「核」を構成するものであると見なすことは、深刻な誤謬を犯すことになるといえるだろう。


「前・後の混同」(“Pre/Post Fallacy”)とは、実際には非常に異なる2つの成長段階をある共通項の存在を理由に短絡的に混同することを意味する。

『アートマン・プロジェクト』(The Atman Project)と『エデンより』(Up from Eden)(これらは、ひとつの作品として構想された)の執筆中、ウィルバーは、深刻な思想的危機を経験する。これは、『意識のスペクトル』(The Spectrum of Consciousness)において展開されたモデルが内包していた問題が、これらの作品の執筆過程のなかで朧気に認識されはじめたことに起因するものであるという。


誕生の瞬間において、人間は、「堕落」(the Fall)を経験するまえの「至福」の状態にある。しかし、成長の過程のなかで、人間は、徐々に、こうした「至福」の状態から苦悩に満たされた状態へと「堕落」していく。それは、誕生の瞬間に存在していた霊とのつながりを喪失することなのである。意識の成長とは、こうして「堕落」をとおして「喪失」された霊(Spirit)とのつながりを恢復する過程なのである。


『意識のスペクトル』が内包していた問題とは、2種類の「堕落」(the Fall)――「存在論的堕落」(“metaphysical fall”)と「心理的堕落」(“psychological fall”)――の混同と形容できるものである。「存在論的堕落」とは、霊との意識的な同一感覚の喪失、そして、それにもとづく「罪」(疎外・別離・二元性・有限性)の世界への埋没である。そして、「心理的堕落」とは、自らがそうした堕落した状況にあることの内省的な認識である。


人間は、成長過程において、内省能力が成熟してくると、自らが「罪」の世界に生きていることを認識するようになる。内省能力の成熟がもたらすこうした認識は、不可避的に、精神的な苦悩を醸成することになる。そして、そうした苦悩は――もしそれを抑圧することなく対峙することができるならば――われわれを自らを救済するための積極的な取り組みへと突き動かすことになる。ウィルバーは、こうした成熟した内省能力の確立を契機としてもたらされる精神的な転換を「外的方向性」(“Outward Arc”)から「内的方向性」(“Inward Arc”)への転換と形容するが、それは、人間の人格成長がより高度の成熟段階であるトランスパーソナル段階へと向かうことができるために必要とされるものなのである。つまり、「存在論的堕落」の解決の可能性は、世界に存在することが構造的に内包する問題(「罪」)と対峙することが醸成するこうした苦悩の経験――「心理的堕落」――をとおしてもたらされるのである。

人間は、世界に誕生することそのものをとおして、「存在論的堕落」を経験している。その意味で、すべての人間は生まれながらにして「地獄」(“Hell”)に存在しているのである。しかし、自らが「地獄」に存在していることを認識することができるためには、そうした認識を可能とする内省能力を構築する必要がある。そうした能力が構築されるまでは、人間は、「存在論的堕落」という自らの状況そのものを把握することができず、結果として、「無意識的地獄」(“Unconscious Hell”)を生きることになる。

そうした自己内省力を欠如した状態にある人間の姿は、傍目には平穏に見えるかもしれない。しかし、実際には、その自覚が欠如しているだけで、当人の存在は「罪」に特徴づけられている。内省力の欠如は、内的な平穏という外観をあたえはするが、実際には、彼らの存在は、自らの存在論的状況に自覚的である人間と同様、「罪」に起因する諸々の執着により特徴づけられているのである。むしろ、自らが救済を必要としていることを認識することができていないという意味では、「天国」(“Heaven”)と最も乖離したところにいる状態ということができるだろう。真の救済のために必要とされるのは、そうした虚偽の平穏状態に留まることではなく、自らが救済を必要とすることを自覚することなのである。そして、これは、いわば、「無意識的地獄」を脱却して「意識的地獄」(“Conscious Hell”)へ前進していく行為ということのできるものである。こうした成長をとおして、人間は、はじめて「意識的天国」(“Conscious Heaven”)に到達するための可能性を生みだすことができるのである。

意識成長の過程をとおして内省能力が確立されてくれば、結果として、人々は、「意識的地獄」のなかで、苦悩と苦闘しながら日常を暮らすことになる。そうした状況に置かれた人間の視点には、しばしば、自己を執拗に苦悶させる苦悩から「解放」されることが、救済の証左として意識されるようになる。実際には、そうした苦悩は、「無意識的地獄」から「意識的地獄」への移行という非常に重要な意識深化の過程を経て獲得したものであるにもかかわらず、そのあまりの重圧のために、苦悩の存在しないことそのものが救済であると思いこんでしまうのである。こうした精神状態において、「無意識的地獄」と「意識的天国」とが――「意識的地獄」を特徴づける苦悩に煩わされていないと意味において――どちらもあたかも同じものであるように思われてくるのは自然なことであるといえるだろう。「前・後の混同」(“Pre/Post Fallacy”)とは、このように実際には非常に異なる成長段階をある共通項の存在を理由に短絡的に混同することを意味する。そして、ウィルバーが説明するように、『意識のスペクトル』は、まさに、こうした混同を犯していたのである。




人間の人格的発達について検討しようとするときに、複数の発達領域を認識することが重要となることをケン・ウィルバーは強調する。今日、注目を集めているHoward GardnerのMultiple Intelligence Theoryにも象徴されるように、人間の発達領域をひとつのものとしてとらえ、その発達度を測定することが個人の成長段階の把握を可能とするという発想には、修正がくわえられはじめている(例えば、"IQ"に対する相補的な概念として"EQ"というものが提唱されはじめていることは、こうした動向の端的なあらわれといえるだろう)。これまでに使用されてきた視点(測定方法)の価値を認識したうえで、しかし、それでは十全にとらえられない人間存在の他領域を認識・尊重することをとおして、はじめて人間性の包括的な理解に近づくことができるという姿勢は、ウィルバーのインテグラル理論の非常に重要な構成要素である。

具体的な発達領域(Lines of Development)の代表的なものとして、例えば、この領域における代表的研究者であるHoward Gardner (1983/1993) は、下記のものを挙げている。
言語(Linguistic Intelligence)
音楽(Musical Intelligence)
空間感覚(Spatial Intelligence)
身体・運動(Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence)
自己(Personal Intelligence―intrapersonalとinterpersonal)

また、その後の調査にもとづき、Gardner (1999) は下記の2つをくわえている。
自然(Naturalist Intelligence)
実存(Existential Intelligence)

留意するべきことは、これらの発達領域が、ある程度の自律性を保ちながら、個人のなかに並存しているということである。それぞれの発達領域は、独自の「介入」――「支援」(support)と「挑戦」(challenge)――を必要としながら、独自のダイナミズムにもとづいて段階的に成長をするのである。 また、人間がこうした自律的に展開する複数の領域を内包する存在であるということは、必然的に、個人の存在をあるひとつの発達段階に成立するものとして定義することが不可能であることを示唆する。



ここで、ウィルバーは、これらの並存する発達領域をひとつの人格の構成要素としてまとめる意識の統合機能(integrative capacity of the psyche)に注目する。これは、人格の内部に存在する諸々の能力を自己(identity)の重要な構成要素として抱擁する機能と形容できるものである。結果として、ある能力は自己の構成要素として重視されることになり、また、ある機能は自己の構成要素として放擲されることになる。こうした「取捨選択」の「判断」にもとづいて、自己の内部に存在する諸能力を整合性をもつ組織(self-system)として束ねる機能をウィルバーは意識の統合機能と形容するのである。その意味では、こうした領域は、人間の主体(subjectivity)のよりどころとして、とりわけ重要となる発達領域であるといえるだろう。つまり、これこそが、「意識の進化の中枢にあるものなのである」(Wilber, 2000, p. 35)。

この機能は、(自他識別機能・意味構築機能等)人間の根源的な精神機能を可能とする認知能力(cognitive capacity)として、発達心理学により綿密に研究されてきたものである。インテグラル思想においては、人間の意識体験の基盤に存在する「自己感覚」("the proximate self-sense")と形容されている。

ウィルバーは、認知能力の発達度は、他の発達領域における成長の可能性を設定するものとして、とりわけ重要となると指摘する。例えば倫理(morality)(Carol Gilligan)や信仰(faith)(James Fowler)等の領域における発達は、認知能力の発達段階を超えるかたちでは、展開しえないという。つまり、認知能力の発達度とは、これら他領域における発達の上限を設定するのである。その意味では、倫理や信仰の領域における成長を実現するためには、こうした認知能力の成熟が非常に重要となるといえるだろう。

因みに、トランスパーソナル研究において強調される「個を超えることができる前に、まず、個を構築しなければならない」("You have to be somebody before you can be nobody")(Jack Engler in Wilber, 1997, p. 353)という洞察は、あくまでも、人間の主体(subjectivity)のよりどころとして機能する認知能力(cognitive capacity)というひとつの発達領域についてのみあてはまるものである。上記の洞察が人間存在のどの領域にあてはまるものであるのかを明確化することなしに、その妥当性について検討をするのは無意味である。

尚、上記と関連する主題である、並存する意識の3領域――"Frontal Line"・"Soul Line"・"Causal Line"――については、「統合心理学への道」(The Eye of Spirit)を参照していただきたい。また、人間の意識成長について検討するうえで、「発達段階」("stages")・「発達領域」("lines")とともに重要となる意識状態("states")・性格タイプ("types")については、『統合心理学』(Integral Psychology)を参照していただきたい。

個人の人格的成長は、常に、関係性のなかで展開するものである。Robert Kegan (1994) の指摘するように、成長は、周囲の適切な介入――支援(support)と挑戦(challenge)――を必要とする。それらは、成長への潜在能力を解発する必要因子として機能するのである。そして、そのどちらが欠落しても、成長はありえないのである。必然的に、人間の意識の深化の可能性について探求するうえで、「個」(the individual)と「集合」(the collective)の有機的な関連性を把握することは、非常に重要となる。

インテグラル思想を構築するうえで、ウィルバーは、こうした課題について綿密な議論を展開している(Wilber, 1981/1996, 1983/2005, 1995/2000)。「個」と「集合」が重要な性質上のちがいをもつことを認識したうえで、ウィルバーは、それらを、人類の進化に参与する2つの重要要素として位置づける。 人類の進化とは、「個」の進化と「集合」の進化を相補的なものとして内包しながら展開する過程である。そのため、人間は、個人としての救済を追求しようとするとき、不可避的に、共同体の進化に取り組むことを要求されるのである。


今日、惑星規模で展開する現代文明を構築することをとおして、人類が、進化の最終的な目的地に到達したと信じる合理主義者にとり、今後、質的にさらに高度な認識構造、そして、それを基盤とする世界観が発生するとは信じがたい。実際、「意識の進化」という標語のもと、新しい世界観("New Paradigm")として提唱されるものは、おうおうにして、これまでの歴史のなかで獲得された成果を蔑ろにした退行的(regressive)なものである。彼らにとり、人類の進化とは基本的に完了しているのであり、今後、必要とされるのは、こうして確立された成果を展開していくことなのである。

進化の両義性:進化とは、現在の段階において解決することのできない課題・問題を高次の段階を構築することをとおして解決する過程である。しかし、そうした高次の発達段階を構築することをとおして、過去の段階には存在しなかった問題・課題を創造することになる。その意味で、進化とは、常に、新しい可能性と新しい危険性をもたらす過程であるということができる。また、進化の過程で、超越と継承(transcend and include)という法則のもと、共同体の構造が複雑化するなかで、共同体は、その複雑性ゆえに、必然的に比較的に単純な構造においては存在しえない問題・課題を包含することになる。人類の進化について検討するうえで、高次の構造を構築するということが不可避的に内包することになる両義性に注目することが非常に重要になる。
超越と抑圧の識別:進化の過程において、高次の構造は、常に、低次の構造を対象化して、自己の構成要素(基盤)として抱擁する。これにより、高次の構造は、自己の構成要素として抱擁された対象に対して支配力を行使して、操作することができるようになるのである("downward causation")。しかし、こうした低次階層への操作能力は、時として、歪なかたちで行使され、結果として、諸々の病理を生みだすことになる(例:抑圧・否認・歪曲)。進化の過程において、高次構造の構築は、人間に、低次構造の絶対性を解消することをとおして、より包括的な視野から行動することを可能にする非常に重要な活動である。しかし、そこには、また、諸々の病理を生みだす可能性が内包されていることをわれわれは留意しなければならない。
自然なヒエラルキーと病的なヒエラルキーの識別:進化の過程において、ある発達段階において全体であるものが、次の発達段階においてより包括的な全体の構成要素として抱擁されることになる。そして、より高度の統合能力をもつ構造に抱擁(embrace)されることにより、それそのものとしては所有していない意味(価値)を賦与されるのである。 こうした高次と低次の関係性(ヒエラルキー)は、いうまでもなく、このコスモスのあらゆるところに見いだされるものである。その意味で、ヒエラルキーは、自然の組織法則と形容することができるだろう。しかし、また、「抱擁」を基本法則として展開するヒエラルキー構造は、とりわけ人間の活動領域においては、常に、諸々の病理をひきおこす病的なヒエラルキーへと転じる可能性を内包している。従い、人類の進化について検討をする際、ヒエラルキーという法則が、実際に自然なものとして発現しているのか、もしくは、病的なものとして発現しているのかについて注意をする必要がある。

「前・後の混同」("Pre/Post Fallacy")の項目においても述べたように、目前に展開する世界があまりにも過酷な苦悩に特徴づけられるとき、われわれは、しばしば、そうした世界をもたらした歴史の過程を進化の過程ではなく退化の過程であると思いこむようである。そうした意識状態においては、それらの苦悩が高度の意識構造を構築することにより獲得されたものであることは無視され、ただ、その瞬間に経験される苦悩の重圧のみが注目される。そして、その感覚を正当化するために歴史観が構築されるのである。こうした「錯覚」を回避するために、上記の法則は非常に重要な意味をもつといえるだろう。

1995年に出版された『進化の構造』(Sex, Ecology, Spirituality)において、ウィルバーは、自己の思想活動をその端緒より特徴づけていた「個人」と「集合」の領域を相互に有機的に関連するものとしてひとつの包括的な理論構想のなかに統合することに成功する。そして、この理論構想は、『進化の構造』の発表後、継続的な修正をくわえられながら、今日の"AQAL"("All Quadrants, All Levels"を省略したもの)と形容されるものへと展開している。このあたりの理論展開の詳細については『進化の構造』とKosmic Karma and Creativityを参照していただくとして、ここでは、これらの理論構想をその基盤において支えている発想(態度)について紹介する。



水平的に存在する認識(存在)の領域として、ウィルバーは、"I"・"WE "・"IT"・"ITS"の4つをあげている。これらは、人間が生得的に所有する視点として普遍的に共有されているものであり、また、この世界のあらゆる事象を包括的に認識するうえで必要とされるものであるという。

"I"(Individual Interior):個の内面の領域。この視点は、個の主観的(subjective)な存在としての真実性を尊重するもので、そこでは、個は、自己の内的な意図にもとづいて行動する自律的な存在としてとらえられる。この領域の価値基準は、個人が、自己の内的な感覚をいかに正確に解釈・表現するかに注目する主観的な「誠実」(sincerity)というものである。

"WE "(Collective Interior):集合の内面の領域。この視点は、自律的な内面を所有する個人の相互理解と相互尊重を重視するもので、そこでは、集合(共同体)は、規範・倫理・価値等の文化を共有する個人による共感により維持されるものとしてとらえられる。この領域の価値基準は、集合(共同体)の構成員が、相互理解・相互尊重をとおして、いかにまとまりのある文化空間を構築するかに注目する「正義」(justness)である。

"IT"(Individual Exterior):個の外面の領域。この視点は、客観的に観察をすることのできる事象を重視するもので、そこでは、主観的な要素の影響することない、普遍的な事実が追求される。この領域の価値基準は、いかにあらゆる主観的な「歪曲」に影響されない「客観的」・「普遍的」な真実を抽出するかに注目する「真実」(truth)である。

"ITS"(Collective Exterior):集合(共同体)の外面の領域。この視点は、集合の組織体としての整合性を尊重するもので、そこでは、個は、あくまでも、集合の構成要素としてとらえられる。この領域の価値基準は、ある存在(個人・組織)が、それをとりまく外的な生存状況にいかに適合するかに注目する「機能的な適合」(functional fit)というものである。


ウィルバーの指摘するように、これらの視野の相補的な重要性を尊重することなく、どれかを絶対化すること("Quadrant Absolutism")は、深刻な悲劇をもたらすことになる。例えば、今日、現代社会は、内面性の価値を溶解しようとする文化的な潮流に席巻されている。これは、ウィルバーが「フラットランド」("Flatland")と呼ぶもので、近代科学の物質主義と現代思想の価値相対主義の融合により生みだされた、あらゆる価値基準の外面化・浅薄化の流れと形容することのできるものである。そこでは、人間を人間たらしめる内面性というものが妥当性をもつ価値領域として否定され、その代わりに、視覚や触覚等、肉体感覚により計測することのできる情報が信頼できる基盤として排他的に抱擁るれたのである。こうした状況において、人間の内面性を探求することをとおして人格の成熟を醸成することを意図する芸術等の営為の存在価値は、必然的に軽視されるようになる。こうした外面化・浅薄化の蔓延した社会においては、人間とは、あくまでも自己の肉体的衝動に忠実に行動する物質的存在にすぎず、その「治癒」は、肉体的衝動の充足をとおして可能となるものであるとされるのである。





こうした洞察にもとづいて、今日、インテグラル・コミュニティーは、研究と実践の相補的な重要性を強調するAction Inquiry(行動探求)のコミュニティーとして、その活動を展開しはじめている。活動の主眼は、個人の領域の変容(治癒)のみならず、また、集合の領域の変容(治癒)を包含する、包括的なものである。

今日、人類をとりまく生存状況が惑星規模で急激に劣化するなかで、人類の生存の可能性そのものが深刻な危機にさらされている。こうした状況のなか、現代文明を真の意味で持続可能なものとして構築しなおすための積極的な活動を展開することの必要性は、ますます切迫した課題として認識されている。しかし、実際には、そうした認識が、成熟した責任能力にもとづいて、意図的・継続的な変革の実践として世界的規模で実現されるまでには、まだまだ至っていない。むしろ、今日、世界的に頻発しているのは、生存状況の劣化を契機として発生する諸々の共同体間の衝突である。Steven LeBlanc (2003) の指摘するように、人間は、自らの生活する共同体の人口収容能力が自然資源の枯渇や自然環境の劣化により低下するとき、周辺領域を侵略することをとおして、自己の生存を図ろうとする生物である。今日、人類の繁栄と生存を可能としている重要資源である化石燃料が枯渇局面を迎えようとするなか(Heinberg, 2003)、自己の生存を確保するために、(国家・民族等)諸々の共同体間の衝突が頻発しはじめていることは、むしろ、当然のことといえるだろう。



インテグラル・アプローチを特徴づけるのは、内面と外面、そして、個と集合という領域を相互に関連するものとしてとらえる包括的な視野である。また、インテグラル・アプローチは、そうした視野を自己の認識構造として確立するために必要となる自己変容の実践に取り組むことを重視する実践思想である。 そうした包括的な視野をとおして自己の置かれている時代状況と対峙するとき、われわれは、はじめて、真の意味の責任能力を所有する存在として人生を生きることができるのである。

ウィルバーは、トランスパーソナルな見方を重んじることから[13]ニューエイジに分類されるが、近年では哲学者であるとも評価されている[14]。Publishers Weekly は彼を「東洋の霊性のヘーゲル」と呼んでいる[15]


東洋の修行を行い、その思想・実践に大きな影響を受けているが、清水大介は「ウィルバーの思想は、 東洋の思想と修練を受容したとはいえ、やはり思想の本質は強靭な骨格をもった西洋人のものかと思われる。後述の(本項では前述の)「前/超の虚偽」に示されるように、合理主義をしっかり踏まえている。北米は、西欧文明圏の一部であるということである。古今東西の思想が根本的に統合されているのだが、それが西欧的な強靭で生々しい思索力と合理的な精神によって遂行されている、といえるかもしれない。」と、彼の思想の根本は西洋人のものであると評している[1]

ビル・クリントン[18]アル・ゴア、ディパック・チョープラ、リチャード・ローア[19]、ミュージシャンのビリー・コーガンなど、様々な政治家や文化人がウィルバーの影響に言及している[20]。 トランスパーソナル心理学の主要な論客である一方、その評価は賛否両論である[4]



The Spectrum of Consciousness, 1977, anniv. ed. 1993.『意識のスペクトル1・2』吉福伸逸+菅靖彦訳、春秋社1985年。
No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth, 1979, reprint ed. 2001. 『無境界』吉福伸逸訳、平河出版社、1986年。
The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development, 1980, 2nd ed. 『アートマン・プロジェクト』吉福伸逸+プラブッダ+菅靖彦訳、春秋社、初訳1986、改訂1997年。
Up from Eden: A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution, 1981, new ed. 1996.『エデンから』松尾弌之訳、講談社、1986年。
The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes: Exploring the Leading Edge of Science (editor), 1982. 『空像としての世界』井上忠他訳、青土社、初訳1983年、改訂1992年。
A Sociable God: A Brief Introduction to a Transcendental Sociology, 1983, new ed. 2005 subtitled Toward a New Understanding of Religion. 『構造としての神』井上章子訳、青土社、1984年。
Eye to Eye: The Quest for the New Paradigm, 1984, 3rd rev. ed. 2001. 『眼には眼を』吉福伸逸+プラブッダ+菅靖彦+田中三彦訳、青土社、1987年。
Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists (editor), 1984, rev. ed. 2001. 『量子の公案』田中三彦訳、工作舎、邦訳1984年、新装1987年。
Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development (co-authors: Jack Engler, Daniel Brown), 1986.
Spiritual Choices: The Problem of Recognizing Authentic Paths to Inner Transformation (co-authors: Dick Anthony, Bruce Ecker), 1987.
Grace and Grit: Spirituality and Healing in the Life of Treya Killam Wilber, 1991, 2nd ed. 2001. 『グレース&グリット1・2』伊東宏太郎訳、春秋社、1999年。
Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution, 1st ed. 1995, 2nd rev. ed. 2001. 『進化の構造1・2』松永太郎訳、春秋社、1998年。
A Brief History of Everything, 1st ed. 1996, 2nd ed. 2001.『万物の歴史』大野純一訳、春秋社、1996年。
The Eye of Spirit: An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, 1997, 3rd ed. 2001. 『統合的心理学への道』松永太郎訳、春秋社、2004年。
The Marriage of Sense and Soul: Integrating Science and Religion, 1998, reprint ed. 1999. 『科学と宗教の統合』吉田豊訳、春秋社、2000年。
One Taste: The Journals of Ken Wilber, 1999, rev. ed. 2000. 『ワン・テイスト 上・下』青木聡訳、コスモスライブラリー、2002年。
Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy, 2000.
A Theory of everything (philosophy)|Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality, 2000, paperback ed.. 『万物の理論』岡野守也訳、トランスビュー、2002年。
Boomeritis: A Novel That Will Set You Free, 2002, paperback ed. 2003.
The Simple Feeling of Being: Visionary, Spiritual, and Poetic Writings, 2004. 『存在することのシンプルな感覚』松永太郎訳、春秋社、2005年。
Integral-Spirituality,2006. 『インテグラル・スピリチュアリティ』松永太郎訳、春秋社、2008年。
Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening, 2008. 『実践 インテグラル・ライフ:自己成長の設計図』鈴木 規夫訳、春秋社(2010年)。
『教育トピックの教育学的考察』村島 義彦、高菅出版、2002年。※巻末に”オデッセイ”の翻訳あり
『トランスパーソナル ヴィジョン 特集 ケン・ウィルバー』吉福伸逸監修、雲母書房、1989年。
『アメリカ現代思想 [1] 』吉福伸逸監修、阿含宗総本山出版局、1986年。※ウィルバーの論文収録
『アメリカ現代思想 [4] 』吉福伸逸監修、阿含宗総本山出版局、1988年。※ウィルバーの論文収録
What Survives?;Contemporary Explorations of Life After Death ,Gary Doore, 1990,『死を超えて生きるもの――霊魂の永遠性について』ゲーリー・ドーア編 笠原敏雄+上野圭一訳、春秋社。原書1990/日本語訳1993年。※ウィルバーの論文収録
『インテグラル理論入門I:ウィルバーの意識論』鈴木 規夫・久保 隆司・甲田 烈・青木 聡(著)、春秋社、2010年。
『インテグラル理論入門II:ウィルバーの世界論』鈴木 規夫・久保 隆司・甲田 烈・青木 聡(著)、春秋社、2010年。


^ a b c d e f g 清水 2019, p. 46.
^ 清水 2019, p. 45.
^ a b 黒木 2006, p. 296.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k Daniels 2009, p. 507.
^ a b c d e f g 菅原 1998.
^ 清水 2019, pp. 52-53.
^ a b c 甲田 2012, pp. 119-120.
^ ティール組織とは? その意味や事例、デメリットまとめ ビジネス+IT
^ a b 竹内 1987, p. 140.
^ a b 岩井國臣 トランスパーソナル心理学とウィルバー心理学 岩井國臣の世界
^ a b c 甲田 2003, pp. 172-173.
^ a b c d e f g h 清水 2019, p. 51.
^ Wouter J. Hanegraaff, New Age Religion and Western Culture, SUNY, 1998, pp. 70 ("Ken Wilber ... defends a transpersonal worldview which qualifies as 'New Age'").
^ Marian de Souza (ed.), International handbook of the religious, moral and spiritual dimensions in education, Dordrecht: Springer 2006, p. 93. 978-1-4020-4803-6.
^ [Archived 2014-04-30 at the Wayback Machine. "The Simple Feeling of Being: Visionary, Spiritual and Poetic Writings"], publishersweekly.com, June 4, 2014.]
^ 甲田 2003, p. 172.
^ a b 津城 2009, p. 507.
^ Planetary Problem Solver Archived 2010-02-12 at the Wayback Machine., Newsweek, January 4, 2010
^ “The Perennial Tradition – Center for Action and Contemplation” (英語). Center for Action and Contemplation. (2015年12月20日) 2018年8月17日閲覧。
^ Steve Paulson. “You are the river: An interview with Ken Wilber”. salon.com. 2009年7月3日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2006年6月16日閲覧。
^ a b Thompson, Coming into Being: Artifacts and Texts in the Evolution of Consciousness pp. 12–13
^ a b Gelfer, J. Chapter 5 (Integral or muscular spirituality?) in Numen, Old Men: Contemporary Masculine Spiritualities and the Problem of Patriarchy, 2009: 978-1-84553-419-6
^ Gelfer, J. LOHAS and the Indigo Dollar: Growing the Spiritual Economy Archived 2011-01-04 at the Wayback Machine., New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry (4.1, 2010: 46–60)
^ de Quincey, Christian (Winter 2000). “The Promise of Integralism: A Critical Appreciation of Ken Wilber's Integral Psychology”. Journal of Consciousness Studies. Vol. 7(11/12). 2006年5月7日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2006年6月15日閲覧。
^ Frank Visser, "A Spectrum of Wilber Critics", “A Spectrum of Wilber Critics, essay by Frank Visser”. 2006年5月26日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2006年4月28日閲覧。
^ Notes to Chapter 6 of Dark Night Early Dawn: Steps to a Deep Ecology of Mind SUNY Press, 2000
^ Steve McIntosh, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution, Paragon House, St Paul Minnesota, 2007, 978-1-55778-867-2 pp. 227f.

... ケンは、広い様々な分野や修行から引き出した情報を、高度に創造的に統合し、並外れた仕事をなしている... 彼の文献に対する知識はまさに百科事典的であり、その分析力は体系的で鋭く、論理の明晰さは目を見張るものがある。ケンの仕事は感動的なまでに幅広く、包括的な性格を持ち、厳格に知的であることから、トランスパーソナル心理学の理論として広く評価され、大きな影響力を持つものとなっている。(Ken has produced an extraordinary work of highly creative synthesis of data drawn from a vast variety of areas and disciplines ... His knowledge of the literature is truly encyclopedic, his analytical mind systematic and incisive, and the clarity of his logic remarkable. The impressive scope, comprehensive nature, and intellectual rigor of Ken's work have helped to make it a widely acclaimed and highly influential theory of transpersonal psychology.)

Stanislav Grof, "Ken Wilber's Spectrum Psychology"Archived 2009-12-09 at the Wayback Machine.
^ Grof, Beyond the Brain, 131–137
^ Grof, "A Brief History of Transpersonal Psychology"Archived 2011-07-16 at the Wayback Machine.
^ Visser, 269
アン・バン・クロフト『20世紀の神秘思想家たち』 吉福伸逸訳、平河出版社、1984年
菅原浩「微細次元の身体とトランスパーソナル・パラダイム」『人体科学』7(1)、人体科学会、1998年、 147-156頁、 NAID 110007154446
竹内啓二「図書紹介 K・ウィルバー 著 吉福伸逸 菅靖彦 訳 『意識のスペクトル:(1)意識の進化』 『意識のスペクトル:(2)意識の深化』」『モラロジー研究』第23巻、モラロジー研究所、1987年。
甲田烈「〈常に・すでに〉と〈逆対応〉-宗教体験のモデル化をめぐって」『比較思想研究』第30巻、比較思想学会、2003年、 171-177頁、 NAID 40006340760
黒木賢一「スピリチュアリティの諸相」『大阪経大論集』57(2)、大阪経済大学、2006年7月、 293-307頁、 NAID 110004824387
Michael Daniels 執筆『現代世界宗教事典—現代の新宗教、セクト、代替スピリチュアリティ』クリストファー・パートリッジ英語版) 編、井上順孝 監訳、井上順孝・井上まどか・冨澤かな・宮坂清 訳、悠書館、2009年。
津城寛文「宗教研究の射程確認-ひとつの糸口としてのケン・ウィルバー」『哲学・思想論集』第35巻、筑波大学人文社会科学研究科哲学・思想専攻、2009年、 144-129頁、 NAID 120002060746
甲田烈「非人称的アプローチによる「森になる」の実践」『国際生命情報科学会誌』30(1)、国際生命情報科学会、2012年、 118-122頁、 NAID 120002060746
清水大介「ウィルバーのアートマン・プロジェクト」『花園大学文学部研究紀要』第51巻、花園大学文学部、2019年、 45-85頁、 NAID 120006631753
Integral Japan(日本) インテグラル思想の研究・実践を目的に設立された組織
Ken Wilber : Official Website(海外) ケン・ウィルバー自身によるウェブサイト
INTEGRAL INSTITUTE(海外) ケン・ウィルバーの主催する研究機関
INTEGRAL WORLD(海外) インテグラル思想についての総合的な情報サイト



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The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development

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The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development

by Ken Wilber

 4.23  ·   Rating details ·  196 ratings  ·  8 reviews

Wilber traces human development from infancy into adulthood and beyond, into those states described by mystics and spiritual adepts. The spiritual evolution of such extraordinary individuals as the Buddha and Jesus hints at the direction human beings will take in their continuing growth toward transcendence.


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Linda McKenzie

Jan 14, 2019Linda McKenzie rated it it was amazing

Shelves: have-read-twice

With his usual brilliance and wide-ranging knowledge, Ken Wilber delivers stunning insights in this book regarding the nature of human development. Some readers may find the first third or so of the book to be somewhat laborious, especially if they are not familiar with psychoanalytic theory. Wilber marshals this theory as a jumping off point, reinterpreting it as he goes, to construct a coherent perspective on human development that goes well beyond the "healthy ego", or actualisation of the "autonomous", separate self level, at which conventional psychology stops. Indeed, as Wilber points out, psychology has tended to view any experience that transcends the ego, as with mystics, to be pathological and regressive. Wilber very ably refutes this idea to show that there are stages of human development, potentially available to all, that transcend that of a well functioning and actualised ego, culminating in unity consciousness.

Although the whole spectrum of development is fascinating—and Wilber shows how the same principles of development apply to all levels—at the post-egoic stages things get much more interesting. At this point the text is unencumbered by any attempt to reinterpret psychological theory because there is no such theory applying to these higher levels of development—or there wasn't, at the time of writing.

Basically, Wilber argues that, at every stage of development, from the lowest to the penultimate, everything we do, everything we seek, desire and grasp for, every stage of development we traverse, is part of an "Atman project" in which we are constantly reaching for substitute gratifications to compensate for what we are all actually seeking but missing, that is, the Atman or Real Self or unity consciousness. While we all intuit and implicitly "remember" the existence of this ground of our own being—the only "thing" that could ultimately satisfy us—and yearn for it, we seek it in ways that prevent us from finding it. We desire it and resist it at the same time, because it involves the terror of the death of our current identification, whether that be with the physical, mental or subtle aspects of our being. Only by accepting the death of our present self can we transform to the next stage of identification, with each stage incrementally moving closer to the reunification with, and as, the Atman.

In my view, this perspective gives a meaning, a beauty, and a nobility to all of the otherwise seemingly random, chaotic, foolish, self-defeating behaviour that largely characterises human existence, with all its concomitant frustration and disappointment, as well as the heroic and inspired striving, at this and previous stages of our evolution. Each and every step and misstep is part of an "Atman project" in which we are ineluctably evolving back to the oneness/love that we truly are. At this point, the Atman project is over, because we realise that we are the Atman.

And while this book does give meaning to what may appear to be meaningless, repetitive and perpetually disappointing struggles, as well as transient satisfactions, I also experienced it as a wake-up call to clearly recognise that our substitute gratifications are just that—substitutes, that can never permanently satisfy. Wilber does not adopt a didactic tone in the slightest, but he does provide the insight that the reason we are unhappy is because we are looking for happiness in all the wrong places. There's no shame or blame in that; it's simply the human condition, inherent to development. But contrary to the limited models provided by Western psychology, there *is* a trajectory of evolution beyond "self actualisation" of the egoic self, to which we might want to orient ourselves; to consciously cooperate with rather than resist the inevitable forward motion of development to our true highest potential.

I highly recommend this book. Persistence with it pays off. (less)

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Oct 30, 2019Tim rated it it was amazing

For me the great thing about reading Wilber is the way he breaks everything down to the essence - past the cultures, religious terminology, theories, opinions, he not only breaks it down but distills the truth to the essentials. It's not reductionist, more like the kernel as the Sufis might say. The ending of the book on evolution/involution in the path of the human soul is as crystal clear as I've ever seen things described. Again, you'll find all of this elsewhere - that's the idea really - this is all universal stuff. But nowhere is it said for the Western mind quite like this. (less)

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Robin Tobin (On the back porch reading)

Jun 13, 2020Robin Tobin (On the back porch reading) rated it it was amazing

Shelves: nonfiction

Integral thinking and development explained in Wilber’s thorough and quirky style.

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Jul 26, 2009Willa rated it really liked it

Great book, a courageous attempt to put the 'old' psychology (i.e. Freud et al) in a new context of developmental thought. Parts of it are a little outdated, as Wilber has since updated his theory of development, however the core is still unique in its endeavour of re-contextualising psychology for the 21st Century.

After re-reading... it is a masterpiece actually. Even though some fundamentals are outdated now - it doesn't matter too much (if you're aware of how Wilber's theory has developed since). (less)

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Eugene Pustoshkin

May 11, 2013Eugene Pustoshkin rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition

Shelves: 1my-library, ken-wilber, integral, integral-psychology, development-adult, developmental-psychology

Книга имеет заслуженную и общепризнанную репутацию блестящего исследования полного спектра (вертикального) развития сознания человека. Впечатление от издания портит только несколько трудноватый перевод (по крайней мере, когда я перечитывал книгу в оригинале, она составила впечатление достаточно доступного чтения, чего не скажешь о переводе). Однако текст непростой, поэтому нужно быть благодарными за то, что его всё же издали и, тем самым, дали навигационную карту тысячам людей!

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Jul 29, 2008Andrew rated it liked it

The Atman Project denotes the attempt to find Spirit in ways that prevent it and force substitute gratifications in space and time through grasping and despairing. This book describes awareness beginning at the pre-personal level through the transpersonal state.

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Mar 16, 2012Scott rated it liked it

I am tired of psychoanalytic and other psychologists using big words to explain simple concepts. Otherwise this book pairs well with Tuesdays With Morrie.

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Mar 07, 2019Kevin rated it it was amazing

ONE CANNOT LIVE A LIFE WITHOUT READING THIS BOOK. Had to really take my time with it, the realizations i had were REAL. Sometimes shocking even. One of many MAJOR self help and life coaching books in ways you wouldn’t tell from the title. DONT buy this book thinking it’s purely spiritual.

A. Mutimer

5.0 out of 5 stars An overview into which so much can be slotted

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 23 February 2005

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Drawing on a large number of psychologists, both inside and outside the mainstream, Wilber describes a transpersonal developmental psychology. He outlines a series of developmental stages and shows that each can be seen as the human's failed attempt to complete the Atman project, the Atman project being the project to be the universe, to be God, Atman.

Wilber shows that, at each stage, the seeds of failure inhere in the nature of the stage itself and that the human resolves this by raising itself one level higher thereby integrating the problematic elements of the current stage. However, the new stage has an essentially similar, flawed structure and so the process goes on and on until the project is completed and the human achieves total integration i.e. he does, in fact, become God.

Ken regards the process as having an outward swing, which is the ground covered by Western psychology and an inward swing, which is the ground covered by Eastern religion. The achievement of this book is to make a sensible whole out of the two. In the course of this Ken lays out his own ideas about the nature of developmental failure and argues strongly and persuasively that the desires seen in some people for further self-integration by such techniques as mediation are not, in general, desires to regress to earlier, more satisfying, states as many psychologists believe, but are the engines of further developmental progress.

After we have been taken along this somewhat controversial route the position is rounded out by describing what happened *before* we were born. I don't mean what happened to us in the womb, I mean he describes the developmental nature of the interlife(!) and he does this by reference to the Tibetan book of the Dead(!) OK, by now you have the idea, we are talking here about the BIG, big picture, the biggest there is, and inevitably, it is open to dispute.

In its favour the book is *seriously* well referenced, tightly argued and presents a very elegant argument. Against it is that some evidence that bears heavily on the more tenuous areas appears to me to have been ignored in order to make the case. For example, we are told that the Tibetan Book of the Dead says that, at death, irrespective of the stage a soul has achieved while on earth, the Atman project is momentarily completed in the interlife. But the (immature?) soul cannot sustain the integration and so a series of descents is made until physical birth recurs. This is an accurate reading of the TBOTD sure enough, but this admittedly ancient and well-respected work is not in accord with the evidence we get from certain modern-day seers and that which has been revealed by access to the superconcious under hypnosis. This leaves us (as always, groan) in a position where we choose our evidence, and we choose our world-view as a result.

Some reviewers have said Ken is repetitive, and I have to reluctantly agree with that. Repetition is, to some extent, inevitable in this book because he is describing a repetitive process, but he does make this worse by occasionally saying the same thing several times, all in close proximity. It is not a major failing but you do sometimes have the feeling you are being clubbed over the head with his points.

But I should not leave you on a negative. This book is a seriously good piece of work dealing concisely with a very difficult matter; a matter which to some of us is of the utmost importance i.e. it makes sense of the apparent contradictions between Western psychology and religion i.e. ego enhancement and ego dissolution. If this area matters to you then I strongly recommend it. For my own part, this was my first book by Wilber and I will read more, mainly to see if my perception that certain evidence is ignored under his worldview is incorrect.

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T. M. Jensen

5.0 out of 5 stars Good stuff

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 August 2014

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I needed to go back and unearth some of Ken's earlier ideas. This book is great!

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2.0 out of 5 stars Two Stars

Reviewed in India on 15 August 2016

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Good book. Bad production! Looks like a pirated book. Amazon should insist on quality.

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Le Chat qui lit

5.0 out of 5 stars INDISPENSABLE

Reviewed in France on 27 October 2012

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Ouvrage irremplaçable à tous ceux qui ont une quête spirituelle.

Il est très rare de trouver un livre si clair et qui pose des jalons aussi nets.

Il n'y a que Guénon qui m'a ouvert de tels horizons.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Wilber got it right in this book.

Reviewed in the United States on 29 June 2014

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In my opinion, The Atman Project is Ken Wilber's best work, even though it is one of his earliest works.

Ken did his homework with volumes of cross-cultural research, and came up with some astounding results in terms of how the individual human develops. There are also several charts in the appendices showing the stages of development proposed by various philosophers, psychologists, and mystics. The Atman Project is the companion book with Up from Eden, which addresses how humanity as a whole developed. But in both books, Ken doesn't stop with the past, he also shows us where we are headed in terms of the higher stages of human development. This is one of those books that will go down in history as a breakthrough in human thought and research.  Up from Eden: A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution

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Tim Johnson

5.0 out of 5 stars Gets Packed for the Desert Island

Reviewed in the United States on 1 December 2019

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Of the dozen books I want when stranded on a desert island, this is one. Been reading books on consciousness n transcendence for 50 yrs. This is the best; although I recommend starting with "The Spectrum of Consciousness". I read many sections 3 times to really absorb what Ken was saying. The extra effort was well worth it.

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Patrick D. Goonan

5.0 out of 5 stars A very special and unique book on development

Reviewed in the United States on 28 August 2006

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I have read the other reviews below mine and I understand that Wilber has shortcomings. On the other hand, I also think he has much strength and that this particular book is incredible for a variety of reasons.

First, I think his presentation of transpersonal development is a great attempt at a synthesis of many schools of thought and his overall model for such a cycle is realistic. While some of the correspondences between disparate models might be inaccurate in the particulars, there are enough correlations that it is reasonable to take this work as a good starting point for a more complete synthesis.

Second, I loved the way Wilber explained what it must be like to be an infant or small child. He described the experience of different stages of development so well; I couldn't put the book down and read these sections over and over again.

Third, I liked the way Wilber positioned human development as part of a larger evolution. I believe that he is correct in his general ideas and he presents a hopeful picture of the future of humanity.

Overall, I think this is a very interesting read and complimentary to most of the good standard material that is already out there on development. It doesn't read like a text, it is much more engaging and thought provoking. I really appreciated this approach. The book is also dense; he packs a lot of useful information in a short space without repeating himself as much as he does in some other books.

I did not love the preface, but once I got into the core of the book I was very pleasantly surprised. You can get this volume for as little as $5.00 used. I have bought copies for my friends because I think it is especially good for parents, teachers and others who need to understand the different lines and stages of development from the INSIDE. It is good stuff don't be discouraged away from this book because it isn't perfect in every respect.

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James P.

5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars

Reviewed in the United States on 4 July 2017

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Thanks for another amazing book Ken!

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Book Lover

3.0 out of 5 stars Overly Complicated But Interesting Concept

Reviewed in the United States on 7 September 2015

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Overly Complicated

Very tough read. Author uses way too many complicated terms and long words, extremely convoluted explanations more suited to impressing the academia than informing a lay reader. Could have been far more simplified, though the work has definite value. If you want to read about the various stages of psychological development, it's pretty clinical. It does a decent job of tying the various disciplines together for a more holistic view of transpersonal psychology, and at the heart of it is a really powerful idea of how people use substitute gratifications which prevent the psyche from achieving true transcendence, which I find fascinating. It also gives a better understanding of some of Sri Aurobindo's ideas of transcendence of self, but it's a long way to travel for what it delivers. I skipped to the second half of book, and found the final 1/4 of book much easier to digest.

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4.0 out of 5 stars I read the book thoroughly and got a full understanding ...

Reviewed in the United States on 25 January 2017

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I read the book thoroughly and got a full understanding of Ken Wilber`s point of view to see through the evolution of human spirituality. So much supportive enough to be introduced in the contenz of Wilber`s successive writings.

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책소개켄 윌버 대표 저서들의 핵심 개념을 알기 쉽게 풀어낸 유일한 대담집. 저자가 사상의 완숙기에 접어들어 집필한 책으로, 인간과 세계에 관해 수많은 학자들이 창안한 거의 모든 이론과 해석을 종합하여 인간의식과 물질우주의 진화 과정을 밝힌다. 물질.생물.정신.신성을 아우르는 저자 특유의 통합적 체계를 통해 범우주적 진화 패턴을 이해함으로써, 우리가 사는 세계와 그 속의 인간의 위치를 조망하고 전적으로 새로운 변용을 위한 우리의 잠재적 가능성을 발견한다. 그의 저서들 중 학자나 전문가가 아닌 일반 독자들을 위해 알기 쉽게 쓰여진 대표적인 책이며, 대담집 특유의 생생함과 가독성이 몰입도를 높인다.


옮긴이의 글


제2판 서문

독자에게 드리는 글


1부 활동 중에 있는 영

1장 존재의 연결 패턴

온우주|20가지 원칙: 존재의 연결 패턴|작인과 공존적 교섭|초월과 소멸|모든 홀론의 네 가지 추동|창조적 창발|홀라키|전면적 포섭의 길

2장 비밀스러운 충동

더 높고 더 낮은 수준|존재의 깊이와 폭|온우주의식|의식의 스펙트럼

3장 모두 너무나 인간적인

수렵채집 단계|원예농 단계|농경 단계|산업화 단계

4장 포스트모던 대혁명

포스트모던 분수령|탈근대성에서의 두 경로|내일의 끄트머리에서|초월과 억압

5장 온우주의 네 코너

4분면|의도적 대 행동적|문화적 대 사회적|하나의 실례|미래에 올 것들의 모습

6장 신의 두 가지 손

마음과 뇌|좌측 경로와 우측 경로|독백적 주시: 우측 경로로 가는 열쇠|해석: 좌측 경로로 가는 열쇠|그 꿈은 무엇을 의미하는 것인가?|사회과학 대 문화적 이해|해석학|모든 해석은 맥락 지향적이다|인간 이외의 존재에 대한 해석|영적 해석

7장 온우주에 조율되어

명제적 진리|진실성|공정성|기능적 적응성|결론: ‘영’의 네 가지 얼굴

8장 진.선.미

3대 가치|좋은 소식 : 3대 가치의 분화|나쁜 소식 : 3대 가치의 분열|탈근대성의 과업 : 3대 가치의 통합|영적인 3보

2부 활동 중에 있는 영의 더 상위 영역

9장 의식의 진화

발달의 상위적 단계들|사다리, 오르는 자, 관점|기본수준 : 사다리|자기 : 사다리를 오르는 자|분기점|새로운 세계의 출현 : 변화하는 관점들|병리 현상|상태와 단계|평원적 세계의 종교|프로이트와 부처

10장 글로벌로 가는 길 1

일차적 모체|출생외상|거짓 자기|분기점-1 : 신체적 자기의 부화|분기점-2 : 정동적 자기의 탄생|분기점-3 : 개념적 자기의 탄생|모든 신경증은 생태적 위기|초기의 세계관 : 태곳적, 마법적, 신화적|분기점-4 : 역할적 자기의 탄생 320|패러다임 전이|악마적 학대와 UFO

11장 글로벌로 가는 길

진화 대 자아중심주의|분기점-4(계속) : 삶의 사회적 각본|분기점-5 : 세계중심적 혹은 성숙한 자아|다양성과 다문화주의|분기점-6 : 켄타우로스의 심신 통합|무조망적 광기|트랜스퍼스널 영역의 가장자리에서

12장 초의식의 영역 1

마음이 떨어져 나가는 곳|트랜스퍼스널 단계들|분기점-7 : 심령적 단계|심층생태학과 에코페미니즘|에니어그램과 기본 골격|분기점-8 : 정묘 영역|융과 원형

13장 초의식의 영역 2

분기점-9 : 원인적 영역|비이원적 영역|순수한 현존의 즉각성|깨달음

3부 평원적 세계를 넘어서

14장 상승과 하강

간결한 요약|대홀라키|현세적 대 내세적|지혜와 자비|신과 여신|서로 다른 두 신들|하강적인 격자

15장 온우주의 붕괴

근대성의 존엄|근대성의 재앙|도구적 합리성 : ‘그것들’의 세계|근본적 계몽주의 패러다임|영도 없고 마음도 없고 오직 자연만|산업적 격자의 목소리

16장 에고주의와 에코주의

에고 대 에코|평원적 세계의 쌍둥이|에고주의의 진리|에고주의의 문제|에고주의와 억압|다시 황홀해진 세계|자연으로의 회귀|에코주의와 퇴행|실낙원|과거로 돌아가는 타임머신|근대성의 대전투 : 피히테 대 스피노자

17장 하강자의 지배

진화 : 시간 속에서 전개하는 대홀라키|진화 : 활동 중에 있는 영|비이원성의 희미한 빛|언제나 이미|비전의 퇴색|하강론자들의 지배|인터넷|가이아 종교

18장 통합적 전망

벽 위에 글쓰기|슈퍼맨 자기|대그물망 가이아 자기|포스트모던 마인드를 넘어서|세계의 변용과 문화적 격차|환경윤리 : 홀론적 생태학|기본적인 도덕적 직관|통합적 전망

부록: 홀론의 20가지 원칙

켄 윌버의 사상과 생애




P. 25 이 책을 읽어나가면서 독자들은 독자 자신의 더 심층적이고 더 상위적인 잠재력의 비범한 스펙트럼-을 발견할 것이다. 이러한 지도는 단순히, 독자들이 자신의 의식의 방대한 지형, 자신의 존재와 생성 과정의 거의 무제한의 잠재능력, 즉 자신의 원초적 자각의 거의 무한대의 팽창을 탐구하도록 하기위한 초대일 뿐이다. 그리하여 독자가 결코 떠나본 적이 없는 장소, 즉 독자 자신의 가장 심층적인 본성과 독자 자신의 본래면목에 도달하도록 하기 위한 것이다.  접기

P. 47 우리는 세계의 위대한 전통지혜에 따라서 이 진화적 전개의 상위적인 단계들-말하자면 ‘영’이 그 자신에 대해 의식적이 되고 그 자신으로 깨어나고 그 특유의 진리의 본성을 인식하기 시작하는 상위적인 더 심층적인 단계들-을 조망할 수 있습니다. 이러한 상위적인 단계들은 흔히 신비적이거나 “현실과 동떨어진” 것으로 상상되고 있지만 대부분의 경우 그것들은 한층 더 높은 발달에 대한 매우 구체적이고 매우 명료하고 매우 실제적인 단계들-말하자면 당신에게, 그리고 나에게 가용한 단계들, 우리 자신의 심층 잠재능력인 단계들-이라는 것입니다.  접기

P. 102 아마도 결국 진화의 순차적 순서는, 정말로 사물로부터 신체로 마음으로 혼으로 나아가 영에 이르기까지 각각 더 깊은 깊이와 더 깊은 의식으로, 그리고 더 폭넓은 포섭으로 각각 초월하고 내포하는 그런 것일는지도 모른다는 말입니다. 그리고 진화의 최고 단계에 도달하게 되면, 아마도 각 개체의 의식은 무한성-전체 ‘온우주’와의 전면적인 포섭-을, 다시 말해 그 자신의 참된 본성에 따라 깨어나는 ‘영’으로서의 ‘온우주’의식을 정말로 접하게 된다는 것입니다.  접기

P. 103 당신의 정체성이야말로 진정한 ‘전체자’이고, 당신의 주변이 아닌 바로 당신 속에서 전개하는 ‘전체자’와 더불어 당신은 더 이상 그러한 진화적인 흐름의 일부가 아니라 당신이 바로 그 조류입니다. 별은 더 이상 저 밖에서 빛나지 않고 여기 이 안에서 빛나고 있습니다. 초신성超新星은 당신 가슴속에 존재하게 되고 태양은 당신의 자각 안에서 빛납니다. 당신은 모든 것을 초월하고 모든 것을 포섭하기 때문입니다. 여기에 궁극의 ‘전체’란 없고 오직 끝이 없는 과정만 있을 뿐이고, 당신은 곧 전체 과정이 전개하는-끊임없이 불가사의하게, 항구적으로 경쾌하게-통로이거나 소통로이거나 순수한 ‘공’인 것입니다.  접기

P. 443 그리하여 우리는 그러한 분면들이 인간의 형태에 이르기까지의 4분면의 진화를 따라왔고, 그 시점에 이르러서야 비로소 인간들은 스스로 이러한 분면들에 관해 성찰하고 그것들에 대해 사고하고 그들 자신이 그것들 속에 깊이 각인되어 있음을 이제 막 알아차리기 시작하고 있습니다. 그래서 그들 자신의 (실존적) 상황에 대한 지식을 획득하려고 하는 이런 시도 속에서 다양한 지식의 탐구와 진리의 탐구를 창출해내고 있습니다.  접기

저자 및 역자소개

켄 윌버 (Ken Wilber) (지은이)


최고의 작품 투표

신간알림 신청

트랜스퍼스널심리학(Transpersonal Psychology)의 대가이자 통합심리학(Integral Psychology) 분야를 대표하는 학자. ‘의식 연구 분야의 아인슈타인’으로 평가받는 이 시대의 가장 영향력 있는 사상가 중 한 사람. 의학과 생화학을 전공했지만 《도덕경》을 읽고 큰 충격을 받아 심리학·종교·영성에 대한 동서양 사상에 심취했다.

23세에 쓴 첫 저서 《의식의 스펙트럼》은 인간의식 연구의 패러다임을 완전히 바꿔 놓은 책으로 평가받는다. 이후 20여 권의 저서를 통해 심리학과 철학, 인류학, 동서양의 신비사상, 포스트모더니즘 등을 총망라하여 인간 의식의 발달과 진화에 대한 통합이론을 제시하였고, 이러한 업적은 프로이트나 융, 윌리엄 제임스의 업적에 비견되기도 한다. 선불교와 티베트 불교의 수행법을 오랫동안 실천해온 수행자이기도 한 그는 통합이론과 수행법을 연구하는 통합연구소(Integral Institute)를 설립 및 주도하고 있다.

저서로는 《켄 윌버의 통합비전》 《모든 것의 역사》 《의식의 스펙트럼》 《무경계》 《에덴을 넘어》 《아이 투 아이》 《켄 윌버의 통합심리학》 《켄 윌버의 일기》 《모든 것의 이론》 《성, 생태, 영성》 《켄 윌버, 진실 없는 진실의 시대》 《내일의 종교(근간)》 등이 있다. 접기

최근작 : <켄 윌버의 통합명상>,<켄 윌버의 통합영성>,<켄 윌버, 진실 없는 진실의 시대> … 총 177종 (모두보기)

조효남 (옮긴이)


최고의 작품 투표

신간알림 신청

육군사관학교를 졸업한 후 미국 미시간 주립대학교에서 구조공학박사를 취득, 육군사관학교 교수를 역임한 후 한양대학교 건설환경시스템공학과 교수로 재직하였다. 공대 학장과 대만국립과학기술대 초빙 석좌교수를 역임하였으며, 2000년 이래 한국트랜스퍼스널(자아초월)학회 공동회장, 한국건강연대 공동상임대표, 미래사회와종교성연구원 이사, 한국정신과학학회 회장 등을 역임하였다. 현재는 서울 불교대학원대학교 초빙 교수이고, 한양대학교 명예교수, 공학한림원 명예회원, 한국정신과학학회 명예회장이다. 지난 30여 년간 도가기공, 불교 심신 수련과 함께 켄 윌버의 통합 사상을 국내에 소개하며 자아초월심리학, 통합철학, 불교, 윤리학, 기학氣學, 정신과학 분야의 학술 활동을 해왔다. 오랫동안 한양대학교와 고려대학교에서 공학윤리와 과학기술윤리를 강의해왔고, 지난 8년간 서울불교대학원에서 통합이론, 통합치유리더십, 핵심통합수련, 몸에너지동작치료, 통합에너지치유, 양자치유 등을 강의해오고 있다. 저서로 《의식, 영성, 자아초월 그리고 상보적 통합》 《역동적 통합변혁리더십》 《현대과학기술윤리》 《공학윤리》 등이 있고, 역서로 켄 윌버의 《감각과 영혼의 만남》 《모든 것의 역사》 《켄 윌버의 ILP》 《의식의 변용》 등이 있다. 접기

최근작 : <통합심신치유학 이론 편>,<통합심신치유학 실제 편>,<상보적 통합> … 총 27종 (모두보기)

출판사 제공 책소개

물질, 생명, 마음, 의식이 출현하고 진화해온 역사를 통해

우리 자신의 본래면목으로 안내하는 정밀하고 풍부한 지도!

켄 윌버 대표 저서들의 핵심 개념을 알기 쉽게 풀어낸 유일한 대담집

★ 소설가 김연수와 혜민 스님이 극찬한 학자, 켄 윌버!

★ ‘인간의식’ 연구 분야의 아인슈타인, 21세기 가장 영향력 있는 석학 켄 윌버 사상의 정수를 담았다!

인간과 세계는 어디에서 출발하여 어떻게 성장하고 진화하여 어디에 도달해 있고 어디로 나아갈 것인가? 저자 스스로 “가장 인기 있는 책”이라 소개하는 ≪모든 것의 역사≫는 저자가 사상의 완숙기에 접어들어 집필한 책으로, 인간과 세계에 관해 수많은 학자들이 창안한 거의 모든 이론과 해석을 종합하여 인간의식과 물질우주의 진화 과정을 밝힌다. 물질.생물.정신.신성神性을 아우르는 저자 특유의 통합적 체계를 통해 범우주적 진화 패턴을 이해함으로써, 우리가 사는 세계와 그 속의 인간의 위치를 조망하고 전적으로 새로운 변용을 위한 우리의 잠재적 가능성을 발견한다. 그의 저서들 중 학자나 전문가가 아닌 일반 독자들을 위해 알기 쉽게 쓰여진 대표적인 책이며, 대담집 특유의 생생함과 가독성이 몰입도를 높인다.

[출판사 서평]

소설가 김연수와 혜민 스님이 극찬한 학자, 켄 윌버!

‘인간의식’ 연구 분야의 아인슈타인, 21세기 가장 영향력 있는 석학

켄 윌버 사상의 정수를 담은 유일한 대담집!

물질, 생명, 마음, 의식이 출현하고 진화해온 역사를 한눈에 조망한다!

-켄 윌버 대표 저서들의 핵심 개념을 알기 쉽게 풀어낸 대담집

미국을 대표하는 지성 켄 윌버는 초기 트랜스퍼스널심리학Transpersonal Psychology에 이론적 기틀을 제공하고 통합심리학Integral Psychology 분야를 개척하여 심리학의 패러다임을 완전히 바꾸어놓은 천재적인 학자로 정평이 나 있다. 또한 거의 모든 학문 분야를 섭렵하여 제시한 통합 이론의 대가답게 철학, 종교, 신화, 과학, 인류학, 사회학, 동서양의 신비사상 분야의 대사상가로도 평가받는다. 미국의 제42대 대통령 빌 클린턴은 켄 윌버를 ‘가장 명석하고 통찰력 있는 사상가’ 중 한 명으로 꼽았고, 앨 고어, 워쇼스키 남매, 조지 루카스, 마이클 크라이튼, 디팩 초프라, 토니 슈워츠, 로저 월시 등 각계의 명사들이 윌버로부터 받은 영향을 술회하며 그의 책을 추천했다. 또한 물질.생물.정신.신성神性을 아우르는 범우주적 시선으로 인간의식의 발달과 진화 과정을 밝히는 윌버의 통합 이론은 각국의 다양한 분야에서 인간과 세계에 대한 21세기 비전으로 논의되고 있다. 20세기를 지배했던 이원론과 이성 중심의 서구 세계관들이 해체되면서 혼미 속에 도래한 21세기는 인간의 잠재력과 가능성을 새로이 발견해야 하는 숙제를 안고 있으며, 이에 윌버의 통합적 사유가 정교한 지도 역할을 하고 있는 것이다.

켄 윌버 스스로 “가장 인기 있는 책”이라 소개하는 ≪모든 것의 역사≫(2000)는 그의 저서들 중 학자나 전문가가 아닌 일반 독자들을 위해 알기 쉽게 쓰여진 대표적인 책이다. 대중적으로 널리 알려진 ≪무경계≫(1979)와 얇은 분량에 형형색색 이미지들로 그의 이론을 집약한 ≪켄 윌버의 통합비전≫(2007)과 함께 가장 대중적인 켄 윌버 입문서로 꼽힌다. 윌버가 23세에 집필한 데뷔작 ≪의식의 스펙트럼≫(1977)을 알기 쉽게 요약 정리한 책이 ≪무경계≫라면, 사상의 완숙기에 접어든 윌버가 이전 저작들의 내용을 종합하여 집필한 대작 ≪성, 생태, 영성≫(1995)을 알기 쉽게 인터뷰 형식을 빌어 설명한 대담집이 ≪모든 것의 역사≫이다. 인간과 세계에 관해 수많은 학자들이 창안한 이론과 해석을 망라하여 다소 소화하기 힘들 수 있는 켄 윌버의 사상 체계를 한눈에 조망할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 그가 자신의 이론을 어떻게 고안하고 수정하고 확장하고 체계화시켰는지도 들을 수 있다. 또한 대담집 특유의 생생함과 가독성이 몰입도를 높인다.

이원론적 물질주의 시대와의 근본적인 작별을 위한 21세기 비전

-온우주는 어떻게 구성되어 있는가

켄 윌버는 근대 이후 20세기가 물질 중심의 과학주의로 인간의 정신세계를 소외시키는 중대한 실수를 범했으며, 물질과 세계와 주체를 분리된 것으로 규정하여 인류의 잠재력과 가능성을 축소시켰다고 비판한다. 현대 사회가 물질적 풍요를 이루었음에도 우리가 불행한 것은 그 때문이며, 이는 그러한 소외와 분리로 인해 자기 존재에 대한 정체성의 경계를 넘지 못한 데서 기인한 병리적 현상이라는 것이다. 이에 윌버는 인류의 위대한 전통지혜인 ‘영원의 철학perennial philosophy’의 개념을 받아들여 인간이 결국 도달해야 하는 지점으로 ‘영성Spirituality’을 제시한다. 그렇다면 ‘영성’이란 무엇이고 ‘영Spirit’이란 무엇일까? 윌버가 ‘모든 것’이 출현하고 진화해온 역사를 통해 드러내려는 핵심은 바로 거기에 있다.

켄 윌버는 먼저 ‘온우주kosmos’라는 개념을 설명한다. 이는 피타고라스 학파로부터 도입한 것으로, ‘물질권.생물권.정신권.신성의 영역을 모두 포괄하는 전체우주’를 뜻한다. 이 책 제목인 ‘모든 것의 역사’란 바로 이 ‘온우주’의 역사를 말한다. 윌버에 따르면, 온우주는 ‘홀론holon’으로 구성되어 있다. ‘홀론’이란, 헝가리의 철학자이자 작가인 아서 쾨슬러가 ‘그 자체가 전체이면서 동시에 다른 전체의 부분인 어떤 존재’를 지칭하기 위하여 만든 용어로, 윌버는 모든 것들이 각기 하나의 전체이기만 하거나 부분이기만 한 것이 아니라 전체이자 부분, 즉 ‘홀론’이라고 말한다. 예컨대 하나의 온전한whole 원자는 하나의 온전한 분자의 부분이며, 분자는 하나의 온전한 세포의 부분, 세포는 온전한 하나의 유기체의 부분인 것이다. 하나의 ‘상징’도 그렇고, 또한 하나의 ‘이미지’와 하나의 ‘개념’도 그렇다. 그러한 모든 현실적 존재들은 다른 어떤 것이기 전에 하나의 홀론이며, 따라서 세계는 원자나 상징이나 세포나 개념으로 구성되어 있는 것이 아니라 홀론으로 구성되어 있다는 것이다. 결국 모든 홀론들이 온우주의 각 영역에서 어떻게 전개되고 있는지를 살펴보면 그들 모두가 드러내는 공통 패턴을 알 수 있으며, 이것이 바로 윌버가 제시하는 진화의 패턴이다.

우리 자신의 본래면목으로 안내하는 정밀하고 풍부한 지도

-마음과 세계는 어떻게 태어나고 어디로 진화하는가

켄 윌버는 온우주가 ‘물질matter→생명life→마음mind→혼soul→영spirit’의 단계로 진화한다고 이야기한다. 각 단계는 필연적으로 그 자체에 본래 내재된 한계에 봉착하고, 이는 다음 단계로 진화하는 동인이 된다. 즉 홀론으로서 각 단계는 하나의 전체인 자신을 초월하지만 하나의 부분으로서 다음 단계에 포함되고, 동시에 이전 단계에서는 찾을 수 없는 새로운 속성을 추가한다. 그렇게 홀론의 정체성은 온우주의 더욱더 많은 것을 포함하기 위하여 확장된다. 결국 진화란 자기초월을 통해 정체성이 확장되는 과정이며, 최상위 단계인 ‘영’은 모든 것을 초월하고 모든 것을 포함한다. 다시 말해 그것은 이 세계를 전적으로 넘어서지만, 그러면서도 이 세계 내의 모든 개개의 홀론을 남김없이 포섭한다. 모든 것 너머에서 모든 것을 포함하므로, 이때 각 객체의 의식은 무한성, 즉 전체성으로의 온우주의식을 접하게 된다. 무한하고 전체적인 온우주의식이란 ‘현현하는 모든 것들의 근본적인 바탕’에 다름 아니다. 모든 것들이 그려질 수 있는 흰 도화지, 불교의 개념으로 말하면 ‘공空’인 것이다. 이는 온우주가 진화를 통해 도달하게 되는 최종 목적지이자, 동시에 처음부터 모든 단계에 바탕으로서 내포되어 있는 온우주의 참된 본성이다. 그리고 그것은 곧 우리가 ‘영’의 단계에서 깨닫게 될 우리 자신의 ‘본래면목’이라고, 켄 윌버는 말한다.

켄 윌버의 탁월함은 이러한 진화의 패턴과 각 단계의 속성 및 한계를 개인의 의식뿐만 아니라 역사와 사회, 문화의 발달 과정을 통해서도 설명해낸다는 것이다. 즉 홀론으로서 각 단계는 개체적인 면과 집합체적인 면, 그리고 그것의 내적 측면과 외적 측면을 모두 가지고 있는데, 개체적인 것의 내적 측면이란 ‘나’의 ‘의식과 정신’의 영역을, 개체적인 것의 외적 측면이란 ‘나’의 ‘신체적이고 물질적’인 영역을, 집합체적인 것의 내적 측면이란 ‘우리’의 ‘문화적’인 영역을, 집합체적인 것의 외적 측면이란 ‘우리’의 ‘사회적’인 영역을 말한다. 윌버는 이러한 네 가지 영역을 ‘4분면’의 형태로 정리하고 있다. 결국 진화란 새로운 행동 패턴(개체적인 것의 외면)을 지니는 새로운 양식의 자기감(개체적인 것의 내면)과 함께 새로운 세계관(집합체적인 것의 내면)을 수반하고 새로운 기술경제적 기반(집합체적인 것의 외면) 속에서 이루어진다는 것이다. 인간의 발달과 진화에 대해 이야기하는 대개의 학문들이 상이한 진리를 말하는 듯 보이는 것은 각각의 분면에 해당하는 영역에 한정하여 연구가 이루어지기 때문이며, 윌버는 그 모든 것을 통합하여 하나의 지도 위에 그려놓은 것이다. 따라서 인간의 가능성에 대한 이러한 포괄적인 지도가 정치, 비즈니스, 교육, 건강 관리, 법률, 생태학, 과학, 종교 등 거의 모든 분야에서 폭발적인 관심을 끌고 있는 것은 결코 놀라운 일이 아니다.

우리 자신에게 잠재된 무한한 가능성을 발견하다

-온우주 진화의 최종 목적이자 최초의 동기

온우주의 진화 과정을 통해 켄 윌버가 우리에게 알려주는 것은 결국, ‘우리는 어디에서 출발하여 어떻게 성장하고 진화하여 어디에 도달해 있고 어디로 나아갈 것인가’이다. 이를 통해 우리가 발견하게 되는 것은, 우리 안에는 전적으로 새로운 변용에 대한 무한한 가능성이 내포되어 있다는 사실이다. 우리가 걸어온 길에서 만나게 된 사건들 중 우연히 일어난 것은 아무것도 없으며, 그러한 필연성으로 인해 모든 사건들은 일정한 단계를 거쳐 조율되고 화해되고 끝내는 통합될 것이다. 이 과정 전체가 바로 온우주가 스스로를 드러내는 방식, ‘영’이 스스로를 전개하는 방식이며, 이를 깨닫는 순간 우리는 비이원적인 전체로서 자신을 의식하게 되는 것이다.

“이러한 수준들과 분면들은 단순히 온우주의 모습들, 바로 우리 자신의 모습들입니다. 그래서 내가 생각하기에 전체적인 요점은, 우리는 ‘온우주’의 모든 양상들과의 공감적 조율 속에서 우리 자신을 발견하고 싶어 한다는 것입니다. 우리는 온우주 내에서 우리 자신을 편안하게 찾고 싶어 합니다. 우리는 각각의 분면에서 진리를 접촉하고 싶어 합니다. 우리는 각각의 분면이 서로 다른 음성으로 우리에게 말한다는 것을 알아차리게 됨으로써 비로소 그렇게 하기 시작하는 것입니다. 우리가 매우 신중하게 듣는다면 그들이 진리를 온화하게 속삭이고 있는, 그리고 마침내 우리를 고향으로 돌아오라고 조용히 부르는 조화로운 합창에 참여하고 있는 각각의 목소리를 들을 수 있습니다. 우리가 만

약 그와 같이 우리를 해방시켜주는 진리들을 알아보고 존중하는 방법을 알기만 한다면 그러한 진리들과 완전하게 동조할 수 있습니다.”(207쪽) 접기

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내가 남긴 글

친구가 남긴 글이 아직 없습니다.

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이 책 어때요?



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8.3% 20대 4.2%

16.7% 30대 8.3%

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5.2% 50대 11.5%

1.0% 60대 9.4%

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스포일러 포함 글 작성 유의사항

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품절된 뒤 중고는 너무 비싸서 구하지 못했던 책인데, 이렇게 구매할수 있어 좋아요.  구매

nova154 2016-02-03 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)

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공통패턴의 모든것을 취하여 그것들을 함께 모아놓는다면? 흥미로울것 같다..  구매

두끼 2016-02-08 공감 (0) 댓글 (0)

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기대가 많이 되는 책이네요  구매

심심 2016-05-25 공감 (0) 댓글 (0)

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'의식의 진화'라는 주제를 나와 우리 그리고 그것 이라는 사분면을 통해 종합적으로 통찰하고 통합할 수 있고 결국은 영(soul)으로 발전할 수 있다는 것을 주장한 책. 책에 나오는 용어가 낯설고 어려운데다 번역마저 이해하기 힘들었음. 교양삼아 쉽게 읽을 책은 아닌 듯.  구매

조이락 2016-04-19 공감 (0) 댓글 (0)

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등록된 리뷰가 없습니다.


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켄 윌버의 영원의 철학 새창으로 보기

나는 켄 윌버라는 이름을 1990년에 읽었던 김상일, [한밝문명론] (지식산업사, 1988)을 통해 알게 되었다. 김상일은 머리말에서 이 책의 틀을 잡는데 켄 윌버의 [Up Form Eden]이 도움이 되었다고 말한다. 켄 윌버의 책들이 번역되면서 그를 대단한 철학자처럼 소개하고 있는데, 사실 그의 주장은 아주 평범하고 오래된 것이고 허술하다. 올더스 헉슬리, [영원의 철학] (김영사, 2014) 책소개에 보면 "고도로 발달된 종교 및 철학에서는 오래전부터 이와 같은 개념(영원의 철학)을 발견할 수 있는데, 20세기에 와서 올더스 헉슬리의 이 책 《영원의 철학The Perennial Philosophy》에 의해 대중들에게 널리 알려지면서 드디어 하나의 고유명사처럼 자리 잡게 되었다. 현대에 와서는 동서양의 종교와 심리학을 독창적으로 통합시킨 유명한 사상가 켄 윌버가 ‘세계의 위대한 영적 스승·철학자·사색가들이 채택한 보편적인 세계관’으로 이를 즐겨 언급하고 통합사상의 기본 전제로 삼으면서 21세기에도 그 깊이와 가치를 인정받고 있다"고 되어 있다. 영원의 철학은 perennialism이라고 하며, 의식의 진화를 통해 svabhavikakaya(청정신)의 의식단계에 도달해야만 깊은 사고가 가능하다는 주장이다. 그런데 막상 이런 주장을 연구해보면 전혀 깊은 사고가 아니고, 여러 학문과 다양한 신비주의의 몽환적 교리의 뒤범벅에 불과함을 알 수 있다. 인간에 대한 과대평가를 통한 심리적, 지식적 쾌락에 불과하다. 

- 접기

anathema 2015-11-19 공감 (9) 댓글 (0)

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[서평] 모든 것의 역사 새창으로 보기

이 책은 켄 윌버의 다양한 지식 체계를 영성과 '공'의 지식 아래 통합하고 정연하게 정비하여 그의 사상을 정수를 담고 있다고 생각된다. 접근하기 쉽지 않은 그의 사유 체계를 대담이라는 형식으로 보다 독자의 이해가 쉽도록 설명하려 한 점도 큰 장점이다.이 시대의 가장 영향력 있는 철학자 중 한 사람으로 의학과 생화학을 전공했지만 노자의 ≪도덕경≫을 읽고 큰 충격을 받아 동서양 사상에 선불교와 티베트 불교의 수행법을 오랫동안 실천해온 수행자이기도 한 그는 통합 이론과 수행법을 연구하는 가장 유명한 학자이기도 하다. 선불교의 수... + 더보기

cool 2016-01-27 공감 (3) 댓글 (0)

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모든 것의 역사 새창으로 보기

   미국의 사상가이자 대중 연설가인 켄 윌버의 초기 대표작인 《모든 것의 역사 A Brief History of Everything》(1996) 가 김영사에서 재출간되었다. 초기 트랜스퍼널심리학에서 통합심리학을 넘어 동서양의 모든 학문을 섭렵하는 학자이며 동시에 지독한 (?) 수행자이기도 하다. 그래서인지 그가 집필한 몇 권의 책을 읽었지만 여전히 켄 윌버는 어렵고 난해한 천재 사상가로 기억된다.

   2005년 대학원 재학 중에 처음 켄 윌버를 알게 되었고 《모든 것의 역사 A Brief History of Everything》는 2004년 대원출판사에서 출간되었다. 그때 나의 식견으로는 방대한 학문의 스펙트럼에서 풀어내는 이론과 용어가 어렵고 낯설었다. 솔직하게 말하자면, 거의 모든 것을 이해하지 못 한 채, 책을 덮어야 했다.

   이후에도 그의 서적을 여러 권 읽었지만, 사실 켄 윌버의 이론에 대한 이해와 공감은 수련 체험이나 일상에서 부딪치는 문제를 해결하려는 과정에서 경험했다. 그랬구나.. 그가 말하려고 하는 것이 이런 것이었구나..발달과 진화에 대한 이론은 방대하며 난해하기만 했고 그는 단지 초월 및 영성에 대한 수행 체험에 빠진 신비주의 경험주의자로 왜곡했었다. 결국 인간 존재에 대한 가능성을 발견하고 깨닫는 과정에서 인간의 의식 발달과 온우주의 진화과정을 해석하고 동서양의 수행을 직접적으로 체험해야 했다.

“말하자면 여전히 당신은 이러한 영적 요소로만 구성되어 있지 않고, 역시 마음, 신체, 물질로도 구성되어 있습니다. 그래서 당신은 이지적으로 이러한 체험에 대해 자신을 바르게 적응시켜야 합니다. 당신은 그것을 해석해야 하고 설명해야 하고 그것에 의미를 부여해야 합니다.” - 본문 203쪽

“조화가 찾아 갈 수 있는 것은 ‘상승’ 조류와 ‘하강’ 조류의 결합에 있는 것이지 둘 사이의 어떤 전쟁에 있는 것은 당연히 아닙니다. ‘상승’과 ‘하강’이 통합될 때 비로소 양쪽 다 구제될 수 있는 것 같아 보입니다.” - 본문 51쪽

   윌버는 인간의 의식 발달 및 진화에 따른 과정에서 발생하는 초월적인 체험의 상태 보다는 단계를 더욱 중요하게 여겼고 이를 체계적으로 명료하게 전개시키고 해석했다. 특히 각 단계별로 진화하는 것이 아니라 한 단계를 초월하며 동시에 포함한다는 것이며 새롭게 생겨난다는 점을 거듭 강조했다.

“각 상위적인 수준은 그 선행하는 수준을 초월하고 내포하는 것으로서 일련의 동심원적 원화이나 겹겹의 둥지로 된 구환으로 생각하는 것입니다. 그것은 하나의 실현 홀라키로, 각 단계는 겹겹한 둥지형 양상으로 선행하는 단계들을 전개하고 나서는 감싸서 품어 넣습니다.” - 본문 266쪽

   10여년이 지나 김영사에서 재출간 된 《모든 것의 역사 A Brief History of Everything》를 다시 읽었다. 예전의 트라우마를 극복하고자 하는 기대도 있었지만 그저 포기하지 않고 3분의 2는 읽겠다는 결심을 했다. 여전히 쏟아지는 용어와 이론들이 버거웠지만 밑줄을 그어가며 고개를 끄덕였다. 읽은 분량이 점점 늘어나면서 이해에 대한 욕구 보다는 읽어야 할 챕터에 호기심이 생겼다. 심지어 재밌었다. 켄 윌버의 책이. 그동안 내 나름으로 수련(수행)하면서 경험이 생기고 다양한 분야의 책을 읽었으면서 이해력이 높아지기도 했겠지만 깔끔하고 읽기 편한 편집으로 가독성이 높아진 덕분이라고 생각한다.

“얼마나 많은 길을 우리 각자는 걸어 나가야 하는가? 결국에서 가서는 이것에 대한 해답을 얻게 될는지도 모른다. 인식의 굴레부터 벗어나고 각성의 깨우침 속에서 해방되면서, 경이로움이 계속 거품처럼 넘쳐흐르고 환희가 표면으로 솟아오르게 될 것이기 때문이다. 그래서 결국 우리 모두는 어떻게 경탄하는지를 알게 되는데. 그것은 바로 우리 안에 있는 그 ‘신’의 목소리로 말하는 것이며 우리의 영원한 고향을 불가해하게 가리키는 것이다.”

- 독자에게 드리는 글

- 접기

indiasun 2016-01-03 공감 (3) 댓글 (0)

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2015년 12월 인문/과학/사회 신간 추천 새창으로 보기

2015년 12월 인문/과학/사회 신간 추천

① <이슬람에서 여자로 산다는 것> - 아얀 히르시 알리 / 추선영 옮김 / 알마

  맞으면 아프긴 하지만 통증, 멍, 상처, 장애 등 우리의 신체를 결정해버린 징표들보다 훨씬 오래 가는 것은 맞아서 '아픈 것'이 아니라, '맞아서' 아픈 것이다. 아픔은 맞음으로 인해 필연적으로 귀결되는 현상이지만, 나는 왜 맞은 것일까? 왜 누군가가 나를 때렸던 것일까? 때릴 수 있었던 그 환경(체제, 제도 따위)과 내가 맞을 수밖에 없었던 환경(약자, 소수 등)은 결국 하나다. 분리될 수 없는 이 폭력의 전체성이 만연한 사회는 젠더전통, 근본주의 종교, 혹은 전쟁, 경제위기 등 특수 상황을 전면에 내세워 모든 폭력적 상황을 정당화시킨다. 아얀 히르시 알리의 책 번역 제목에는 두 개의 방점이 있다. 이슬람과 여자. 이슬람교와 아랍이 최근 IS 사태로 상당히 왜곡되고 있는 분위기가 안타깝긴 하지만 이 종교적 전통이 여자의 '참여적 태도'를 억압해왔다는 건 부인할 수 없다. 미국과 네덜란드 국적을 얻어가면서 이슬람에게서 분리된 이 정치인의 목소리는 그런 전통 속에서 희생된 여성 가치의, 아니 인간 가치의 존엄을 날카롭게 관통한다. 국내에 소개된 아얀 히르시 알리의 두 번째 책이며, 앞선 책의 번역을 맡은 추선영 씨가 또 한 번 귀중한 수고를 해주셨다.

② <쌤통의 심리학> - 리처드 H. 스미스 / 이영아 옮김 / 현암사

  순전히 흥미로울 것 같아 고른 책이긴 하지만, 어쩔 수 없다. 이건 사실이다. 나는 다른 사람이 고통 받는 모습을 보면서 즐거운 적이 있었다. 물론 죽을 정도로 고통 받는 누군가를 본 적은 없고, 아마 그런 모습을 본다면 비위 약한 내 내장기관이 가만히 있지 않을 것이다. 적당한 고통(?)이 어느 정도를 말하는 것인지는 모르겠지만, 대다수가 공감할 것이다. 저 정도의 고통, 그것이 신체적이든 처지에서 비롯된 정신적인 것이든, 그만한 고통이라면 얼마든지 즐겁게 봐줄 수가 있다. 어두운 내면이다. 부인하지 않는다. 창 틈으로 이 사회의 쇼윈도우 안에 있는 누군가의 고통이 나에게는 쾌락을 준다. 고통은 때론 전시되는 것 같다. 관음증적 변태 환자다. 왜 나는 이런 걸까? 학습된 것일까? 타고난 것일까? 여러 분야에 걸쳐 대답이 나오겠지만 이건 분명 짚고 넘어가고 싶은 부분이다. 찜찜하다. 그렇다고 나의 쌤통 심리를 정당화할 계획은 없다. 책에서는 정상이라고 말한다고 이미 스포일러가 떴지만. 일단은 되도록 줄여봐야지, 생각하는데 모르겠다. 우선 읽어봐야 할 것 같다.

③ <모든 것의 역사> - 켄 웰버 / 조효남 옮김 / 김영사

  사실 이 책에 '관심'이 있는 것은 아니다. 읽어야 한다고 생각하는 책이다. 30대에 막 접어든 나에게 정신의 영역은 피상적인 관심과 이따금 발동하는 '멋부리기' 모드로 들여다볼 수 없는 세계임이 명확해졌다. 반성하는 중이다. 세상은 더 어려워졌고, 깊게 들어가려던 예전의 거만한 시도들은 봉쇄시켰다. 나를 둘러싼 정신 사이에서 운신을 줄이는 대신 주변을 둘러본다. 최근 애니메이션으로 개봉해 다시 항간에 회자되고 있는 생떽쥐뻬리의 <어린 왕자>에는 중요한 것은 보이지 않는다는 사실이 바로 비밀이라는 말이 나온다. 그건 헤어짐과 죽음 등으로 필히 작별을 경험하게 되는 우리에게 위안을 주려는 말이지만, 실은 인간 정신의 정수를 보여준 종교와 철학의 대가들이 한 목소리로 던진 맑은 조언이기도 하다. 나 같은 사람들은 그런 말에 귀 기울이지 않을 수 없다. 켄 웰버를 알게 된 건 길희성 씨 덕분이다. 신비사상가라는 점에서 그를 주목하진 않는다. 나는 그가 '범우주적 시선'을 갖고 있다는 것에 매료됐다. 과연 그러할 지는 읽어보지 않아 잘 모르겠지만 구분 없이 펼쳐져 있는 이 우주 같은 시선과 그 두 눈에서 쏟아져 나올 사상적 정수가 무엇인지 궁금하다. 12월의 추천 신간을 쓴다고 새해 벽두부터 느릿느릿 찾아본 수많은 책들 중 오랜 시간 붙잡고 모니터 옆에 꽂아두고 싶은 유일한 책이다. 2016년의 주인공이 될 수 있을까.

④ <역사교과서 국정화, 왜 문제인가> - 김한종 / 책과함께

  그래도 짚어봐야 한다고 생각했다. 교과서 문제에, 아니 교육 문제에 정치권이 개입해 거국적 좌우 싸움을 벌이고, 안 그래도 선거구 확정 문제 등 다른 정치권 이슈들 때문에 도무지 아물어지지 않는 상처가 이미 오래 됐는데, 나는 뉴스를 볼 때마다 '이게 대체 뭐하는 짓인가?' 싶었다. 위안부 관련 문제도 그렇고 연말에 참으로 속 거북한 소식만 들린다. 송구영신의 기분 뒤로 무겁게 깔리는 구름 같은 걸 걷어낼 수가 없었다. 교육 문제가 사상과 밀접한 관련이 있고, 정치권은 늘 그랬듯이 그걸 가지고 싸움을 하지만 지금처럼 우리의 '생각' 자유의 문제가 정치적 카드에 든, 마치 만화 <포켓몬스터>에 나오는 카드들 속 귀여운 몬스터들처럼 이리저리 날아다니고 서로 공방했던 적이 있었나 싶다. 아니, 차라리 만화의 몬스터들은 귀엽기라도 했지. 그리고 또 하나 기가 막힌 건 교육의 현장에 있지 않은 이들이 왜 역사 교육이 좌우 편향을 나눠버린다고 예단하고 '피치 못할 결정'을 내리는 분위기를 조성한 뒤 그 일을 일사천리로 진행시켰냐는 거다. 혹시 어린 학생들이 하나의 팩트로부터 다양한 해석을 내리지 못할 거라는, 혹 그들이 하나의 해석만을 습관적으로 외워 나중에 '그런 어른'이 되어버릴 거라고 지레짐작한 것일까? 만약 그런 거였다면 나는 이만한 국가적 실패도 없을 거라 확언한다. 왜 문제일까? 누가 모르나?

⑤ <천국의 문을 두드리며> - 리사 랜들 / 이강영 옮김 / 사이언스북스

  우주/과학 분야를 읽다 보면 정신의 분야를 들여다보는 착각을 한다. 모르는 것이 참 많다. 내가 모르는 것도 많은데, 나보다 훨씬 잘 아는 사람들조차 모르는 것이 많다. 생각하지 못한 것도 있고, 확인하지 못한 것도 있다. 그러니 '우주'라는 단어가 얼마나 대단한 것인지, 짐작도 불가능하다. 전문용어, 영단어, 기호, 수학 등, 왜 하필 이런 것들에 그리도 취약할까 싶은데, 지금의 내가 범접하거나 이해할 수 없는 것들이 그 세계를 설명하는 기본 요소들인데도 나는 우주를 좋아한다.

  최근에는 새벽에 아파트 사이로 높이 떴다가 시계로 치면 1시에서 2시 사이의 방향으로 지나가버리는 (대략 3시간 정도 걸리는데) 목성 보는 재미가 있다. 저기까지의 거리가 얼마일까? 검색해보면 나오겠지만 그 수를 내가 이해할 방법은 없다. 작정하고 뛰어본 거리로는 10km가 최고고, 근래 맛 들린 자전거로는 42km가 최고였다. 그런데 수 억 km면... 저 행성을 작은 점으로라도 볼 수 있다는 고마운 마음이 '과학적 신비'를 이해할 수 있는 눈이 된다. 나는 과학을 그런 눈으로 읽는다. 확인하는 것이 아니다. 작아지고, 안으로 들어가고, 일치와 분리, 재결합을 느낀다. 리사 랜들은 유명한 과학자다. 너무 유명해서 굳이 유명하다고 하지 않아도 알 사람들은 다 안다. 미치오 카쿠, (故) 칼 세이건, 리처드 도킨스 등 과학 분야의 최전선에 서있는 전투적이면서도 사려 깊은 과학자이다. 쉽게 쓴 책이라고는 하지만 일반 독자들에게는 쉽지 않은 내용임을 숨길 수는 없을 것이다. 하지만 제목을 보라. Knocking on Heaven’s Door. 과학의 시선으로 우리가 들여다보는 건 그다지 딱딱하지 않다. 우주-인간의 관계이므로.

- 접기

탕기 2016-01-02 공감 (2) 댓글 (0)

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켄 윌버.. 그의 작업은 너무나 방대해서 어떻게 요약하기가 쉽지 않지만 대략적으로 보자면 그는 인간이 만든 모든 이론은 옳다고 한다. 특정 영역에서는 그것이 진리이기 때문이다. 그래서 그는 모든 이론이 있어야 할 자리를 지정해 주려고 한다. 왜 그자리에 그 이론을 위치시켜야 하는지를 설명하는 책이다.

"이해와 해석 과정에 있어서 부분과 전체는 순환적인 관계에 있다 전체를 이해하기 위해서는 부분을 이해 할 필요가 있으며 부분을 이해하기 위해서는 전체의 파악이 필요하다."

" 그러므로 이해란 전체에서 부분으로 그런 다음 다시 전체로 되돌아가는 끊임없는 순환운동이다. 우리의 과제는 이러한 의미의 통일성을 동심원적으로 확대시켜나가는 것이다. 전체와 부분 모두가 조화를 이루는지 그렇지 않은지가 바르게 이해하고 있는 있는지의 기준이 된다. 이러한 조화를 이루는데 실해 할 경우 그것은 이해하는데 실패 한 것이 된다." - 켄 윌버의 책중에서-

그렇다면 전체를 보기 위해서는 인간현상 자체를 관찰하는 시선이 필요할 것이다.그 시선을 설명하기 위해서 진화라는 개념을 가지고 온다. 그가 말하는 진화는 이미 심리학쪽에서도 광범위하게 받아드려지는 개념으로 자기중심성에서 얼마나 멀리 떨어져서 볼 수 있으냐는 것이다. 이 진화의 개념은 개인의 내면에서만 머물러 있는것이 아니라 우리로 확대시켜 보면 각단계에 따라서 만들어지는 사회시스템도 달라진다.

이러한 시선은 어떤 개념에도 동일시 되지 않는 정체성이 필요하다. 여기서 오해 받기 쉬운 용어인 "영"적이라는 단어가 나온다. 간단히 요약하면 영적이라는 것은 기존에 "나" 라고 동일시 했던 개념을 넘어서는 다음 단계로 나아가는 모든것은 "영"적이라고 할 수 있다. 이렇게 보자면 그가 말하는 진화니 영적이라는 말은 꽤나 상식적이다. 기어다니던 아기가 갑자기 뛸수 없듯이 진화에는 시간이 필요하고 누구나 그 과정을 지나온다. 그래서 그의 이론 모델에는 시간도 포함된다.

이러한 기준으로 나, 우리 , 그것, 그것들, 네가지 영역으로 나누고 가운데 시간축이 상하좌우로 나아가는 입체적인 모형을 제시한다. 그 모습이 마치 생물체의 세포처럼 전체와 부분이 유기적으로 연결되어있고 이해와 해석의 과정처럼 서로 영양을 끼치면서 순환된다.

사실 그의 작업은 인간에 대한 정확한 지도를 그리는것 그 자체가 목적이 아니라 지도 작성자의 변화를 위한것이다. 인간의 시공간, 내면, 외면, 의 레이어를 관찰함으로써 인간에 대한 이해를 돕는책.

김영사에서 새롭게 개정판이 나와서 반가웠음. 새로운 편집으로 가독성도 높이고 문장도 더 매끈해져서 읽기 편했음. 그의 책이 계속 나오기를 기대하며...

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Integral Meditation: Mindfulness as a Way to Grow Up, Wake Up, and Show Up in Your Life by Ken Wilber | Goodreads

Integral Meditation: Mindfulness as a Way to Grow Up, Wake Up, and Show Up in Your Life by Ken Wilber | Goodreads

Integral Meditation: Mindfulness as a Way to Grow Up, Wake Up, and Show Up in Your Life

Ken Wilber
4.07 · Rating details · 194 ratings · 17 reviews
A radical approach to mindfulness—combining an ancient meditation technique with leading-edge theory, resulting in a powerful new method of self-transformation.

With practical teachings and detailed instructions, Ken Wilber introduces Integral Mindfulness, a new way of practicing the widely popular meditation. Integral Mindfulness applies many of the leading-edge insights of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory--the first system to combine Eastern teachings on the five stages of awakening with the eight major Western models of human development, thus portraying the complete path of human evolution. In addition to all the benefits to body, mind, and spirit that standard mindfulness meditation confers, practicing Integral Mindfulness promises a more powerful approach to personal transformation and brings within reach the fullest experience of Enlightenment possible.

Beginning with as little as fifteen to thirty minutes of daily sessions, the meditator can gradually expand from there by slowly and easily adding significant aspects of the practice. Meditation instructions and step-by-step guided contemplations are given in detail. Readers learn how to create a graph to track progress and discover natural strengths and potentials. The book also offers recommended readings and resources to facilitate further study. (less)

A radical approach to mindfulness and self-transformation that combines an ancient meditation technique with leading-edge theory

With practical teachings and detailed instructions, Ken Wilber introduces Integral Mindfulness, a new way of practicing the widely popular meditation. Integral Mindfulness applies many of the leading-edge insights of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory—the first system to combine Eastern teachings on the five stages of awakening with the eight major Western models of human development, thus portraying the complete path of human evolution. In addition to all the benefits to body, mind, and spirit that standard mindfulness meditation confers, practicing Integral Mindfulness promises a more powerful approach to personal transformation and brings within reach the fullest experience of Enlightenment possible.
Beginning with as little as fifteen to thirty minutes of daily sessions, the meditator can gradually expand from there by slowly and easily adding significant aspects of the practice. Meditation instructions and step-by-step guided contemplations are given in detail. Readers learn how to create a graph to track progress and discover natural strengths and potentials. The book also offers recommended readings and resources to facilitate further study.

Paperback, 240 pages
Published March 15th 2016 by Shambhala (first published December 1st 2015)
1611802989 (ISBN13: 9781611802986)

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Mar 17, 2016Eugene Pustoshkin rated it it was amazing
Shelves: integral, integral-spirituality, integral-buddhism
This is an excellent book! Both beginners and advanced readers of Ken Wilber’s work will find their delight in it (if they approach the text with beginner’s mind instead of mind full of prejudices and excessive expectations—in fact, it does no good to approach any work with such an impure attitude).

In a very simple and accessible language it outlines an Integral framework for one of the most profound advances in the history of meditative/contemplative/spiritual practice, showing how the all-encompassing and elegant Integral AQAL system can be used as a practical means for cultivating awakened unitive consciousness admidst the world’s activities.

Beginners will find the book quite easy to read, yet providing some challenges to their previous assumptions. And why would one read a book that is not at least a little bit challenging?

Advanced readers could read between lines—and between lines and in the spaces between words and letters there is shimmering of this gigantic ocean of Integral Awareness, an interconnected unity of structure and state of human consciousness that is vibrant with spiritual awakening and is willing to flower in the space or opening of your being-in-the-world.

This is a pioneering work that lays down foundations of that which will likely be developed into very sophisticated and flexible systems of transformation by various individuals and communities of practice in the world. That’s a truly third-tier transpersonal vision of World’s enactment, delivered in a language which can be understood by people of different states and structures of consciousness.

It opens your heartmind up and allows the kosmic evolutionary impulse do its work in transforming your ordinary mind into the mind of Awakened Awareness. (less)
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Mar 18, 2016Ramo Boer rated it it was amazing
Shelves: mindfulness, meditation, spiritual-psychology, ken-wilber, psychology

Good to read that Wilber is still evolving in ideas, concepts and practical applications. Inspiring is his division in structures (Grow Up) of consciousness and states of consciousness (Wake Up). Showing Up are the practical ramifications of these insights.
A well articulated and explained oversight of available levels of development, psychologically and spiritually.

He makes a compelling plea for Cleaning Up - the knowledge that meditation and mindfulness in itself don't clean up our mess from the past, and that sincere and deep psychotherapy to own our wounds and reactivity is mandatory for most if not all aspirant and seasoned spiritual travelers and practioners!

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Sep 24, 2020Brian rated it it was amazing
This book was just what I needed to read this week. It gives simple examples of how and what to focus on during mindfulness sessions to make that which is subject be an object of deeper contemplation. It gives many positive in-roads for someone to step into more of a clear vision of what meditation can look like and invites those who are looking for more of a roadmap for spiritual and personal awareness of the suchness of life to begin one's journey into the depths of one's experience of being. Wilber is an author whose positive and integrative writing can become a bit bogged down in repetitive thoughts, and also one whose spirit of inclusion and forward movement brings me, as a reader, toward a sense of desire for action within myself and my community. This book reminded me what I fell in love with when I read his ideas in my early 20's, and now in my late 30's, having spent more time reflecting and expanding my own meditative practice, he is here again to inspire me to seek further depths of understanding and appreciation of the complexity of the universe that lays before me. His theories can come off as a elitist from certain views, but I think that he is inviting each reader to take up their own spiritual and personal path towards a greater understanding and experience of that which each reader is looking for in life and his confidence in his ideology is refreshing to hear. His writing gives me a desire to read more and to practice more mindfulness for myself and share the experiences I have with others, and that is what powerful ideas in writing tend to do for me. Thanks, Ken, for this opportunity to hear an old message from fresh eyes, heart, and spirit. It was a good opportunity for me to recharge in the light of your positive spirit of inclusion. (less)
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Apr 01, 2016Bob marked it as to-read
I bought the Integral Meditation book because I own all of Ken’s previous books.

The introduction made me very excited and promised a more productive or efficient spiritual growth process , a Super Duper Integral Meditation.

From one (or more)of Ken’s earlier books, the 3rd way of knowing or the 3rd eye or the eye of the spirit was prescribed something like this from Ken. “meditate for 5 years and then get back to me” The Introduction seemed to offer hope to me since 5 years of meditation have not met my expectations. So I was looking to a shortcut for meditation results.

But Chap

1,Growing Up, is simply a restatement of classic AQAL Stages
Chap 2, Waking up, is simply a restatement of classic AQAL States
Chap 3, Showing up, is more detail on the 4 quadrants classic perspectives
Chap 4, Our many Streams its a review of Ken’s Classic Lines of Development, etc

So I was hoping that Chap 5 would help me learn methods for SuperDuper Integral MEDITATION. But I didn’t get it. In fact it wasn’t till page 212 that I saw the word meditation. I would like to see the results of a search for the word meditation in the 221 pages of the book.

How do I do Super Duper Integral Meditation?
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Sep 01, 2015Friederike V. added it
I am very much interested in this book of Wilder to come, because (meanwhile 85) I have read all the books from this autor. --- Of course I like it, when his books are translated in German. If there is a project for translation, please let me know, I can wait. - - Otherwise I will buy the Englisch version by amazon. When is it to come on the market?

In these days we are just going through, one cannot but pray that thougts and consciousness of mankind rapidly will grow, will finish "sleepig"

Much success for much feed-back !

Friederike v. Müller, Germany

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Apr 14, 2018Fabian rated it liked it
If you're a Wilber fan (and I am) this book is redundant. If you're new to Wilber, this is not the book to start with; that would be "A Brief History of Everything."
I will say, I am inspired to spend more time meditating on each of the structure-stages (Growing Up) and continuing to identify the forces operating on me from each structure-stage. That inspiration could have just come from an article or essay.

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Jul 08, 2019Barb Cherem rated it liked it
Ken Wilbur does a lot of repeating, but what I found original in this book that was pretty profound was his distinctions between "Waking Up", "Growing Up" and "Showing Up", as I'd always sort of wondered how somebody as brilliant as Einstein could have such a paltry and shoddy personal life. His distinctions sort of explain these huge discrepancies that seem pretty common in many circles. I'm not sure I'd call it "emotional intelligence" or the lack of it, but something a bit more full bodied than that of Goleman, as it involves a maturing.
My reservations to Wilber is that he writes in an areas that truly needs vetting and has skirted that process in that he's not in the academic world where that would be a necessity. I think he is weakened by not having that sort of rigorous back-and-forth process at his disposal. He would be stretched if he did have that as a foundation; it would only improve his model and thoughts. As it is, he has "critics" with little redeeming merits to strengthen his thoughts and writing. I am sorry for that lack.
Otherwise, I find him an original and challenging author, despite his repetitive quadrants, which indeed are his foundation and very powerful. (less)
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Jul 14, 2020Jan rated it did not like it
Shelves: won-t-finish
What a load of new age rubbish: PSEUDO SCIENCE!

I wasn't a hundred percent convinced from the start because it sounded Freudian and he rambled in his writing as if he is making it up on the spot.

I did not even get past the first chapter.

I am not a theist. But he spent a good portion of his time bashing bible stories and then saying that ESP, precognition, and telekinesis is real.

This guy is two steps away from starting the next scientology.
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Jan 07, 2020Nicolas rated it really liked it
Shelves: coaching
I have been interested in learning more about integral theory (and its corresponding meditation). I started reading another of Ken Wilber's book but found it quite difficult to grasp for someone starting on his journey to the integral theory (and getting lost in the level of details provided).
This book - Integral meditation - is a good segway into this framework without being overloaded.
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Jan 12, 2018Peter rated it it was amazing
Shelves: spirituality, 2018
Understanding integral theory has been a great challenge, but I am getting closer. This for anyone who thinks about growth and development.

From Australia
Tom Stuart
5.0 out of 5 stars Puts a lot of the theory in a neat package
Reviewed in Australia on 11 June 2019
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Wilber repeats a lot of stuff in his books but for me, as a reader, it is like reinforcement and there is a little bit of development each time, even if simply phrasing things in a more explicable way. As for his metatheory, it makes sense of my experience, as someone who is not particularly intelligent and yet I seem to more easily embrace complexity, diversity, paradox, and uncertainty, than many around me who are way smarter. And after many years and hours of spiritual disciplines, I've discovered for myself the states and stages, though the growing up stages are clearer to me than the waking up stages.
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From other countries
Dr G W Owens
4.0 out of 5 stars Complex but very
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 22 October 2017
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Complex but very good
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 August 2017
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Just as described. Thanks
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Carolyn Winter
5.0 out of 5 stars I love Ken Wilbers work but must admit it has taken ...
Reviewed in Canada on 21 March 2018
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I love Ken Wilbers work but must admit it has taken a while to really 'get' all of the theory. This book and some of the recent online courses are taking his amazing body of work on consciousness (or thinking about HOW we think) and making it accessible, practical and very inspiring for most of us. We often stop and remark about how rapidly life is changing and ways we used to do things have become obsolete - tv guides, phone books, etc. What we rarely think about is how our actual way of thinking is changing, how are physical brain is actually getting reshaped. In ken's work they refer to the 'frothy edge of evolution' - this book helps you to find your new place in time and history. It will help you to understand the world changing around you and encourage you to create your own world.
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S M Bothra
5.0 out of 5 stars Foundation for a complete system
Reviewed in India on 19 October 2018
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Integral Meditation :Mindfulness as a way to grow up, wake up and show up is one of the gems from the Ken Wilber stable. It comprehensively explains the AQAL framework (all quadrants, all states all stages all lines all types) -the 4Qudrant matrix proposed by Wilber, the states of consciousness -waking up, the stages of development- growing up ,multiple intelligence lines and typologies.
Ken Wilber was a pioneer in Transpersonal Psychology. He later branched out propounded the 4quadrants system and founded Integral Psychology, which provides the theoretical foundation for integral spiritually and integral meditation.
Traditional meditation systems take care of the waking up aspect, the consciousness dimension. The integral meditation system also takes care of the growth aspect, the development dimension, integrating the two holistically. The book offers it's theory only. For getting into actual practice you will need to be formerly initiated into it. At one of its centers or by one of its teachers. But do read this book. It does complete justice to its sub title.
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5.0 out of 5 stars A Lighter way of Life
Reviewed in Canada on 21 April 2016
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Excellent! As a long time meditator I found the material very uplifting and useful. Plus discovered some new twists with an integral approach to meditation and spirituality. As always, Ken never fails to expose new patterns of awareness available to everyone when you are open to deeper understanding. A truly refreshing read with options to take action in your own life. There is light even within the shadows of humanity.
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Aki Karvonen
3.0 out of 5 stars Buddhist mediation is already integral
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 28 July 2016
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Ken Wilber is a brilliant thinker, I have all (sic) his books and used to be a kind of fan in the past. But...nowadays Ken is packaging the same stuff in different packages, now combining AQAL model and meditation. Sometimes I feel, to be honest, that he is trying to make more money than writing good books as he did in the past. Well, he has written a lot of good books already, but this is the feeling I sometimes have. Maybe this is the way of Integral; using AQAL concepts in different contexts. But, sometimes the usage of the concepts seems a bit artificial and calling integral mediation somehow astonishing and revolutionary is in my opinion artificial in deed. Mediation, especially Buddhist, has always been "integral" by combining the body, gross, subtle and causal (Ken often uses these) , i.e. Satipatthana, the four foundations of mindfulness including body, feelings, mind, and dhammas. Neverthless, this is a good book for Ken's fans and a good repetition of the his integral thinking model, but it did not bring anything new to meditation as such.
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in Canada on 9 May 2018
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Wonderful book. Not a very easy read though...
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in Canada on 23 April 2017
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Une vision vraiment intéressante !
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Ed Anderson
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in Canada on 1 January 2017
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A modern review of old Buddhist principals
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