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The Quantum Doctor: A Quantum Physicist Explains the Healing Power of Integral MedicineShow full title
By Amit Goswami and Deepak Chopra
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About this ebook
For quantum physicist Amit Goswami, medicine is a timely area of application for the new science based on the primacy of consciousness. This new science has a spectacular ability to integrate conventional science, spirituality, and healing. If any field needs integration, says Goswami, it is medicine and healing.
Goswami boldly reinterprets the leading methods of alternative medicine--homeopathy, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Ayurveda, and conventional medicine in this new edition of his popular book. He shows how these seemingly different models can be combined into a new system of integrative medicine and offers profound insights into the relationship between physics and consciousness.
This approach offers physicians and patients a whole new way of applying healthcare with a greater potential for healing and could be the basis for a major paradigm shift in medicine.
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The Quantum Doctor: A Quantum Physicist Explains the Healing Power of Integral Medicine Kindle Edition
by Amit Goswami PhD (Author), Deepak Chopra (Foreword) Format: Kindle Edition
4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 303 ratings
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from $14.72
For quantum physicist Amit Goswami, medicine is a timely area of application for the new science based on the primacy of consciousness. This new science has a spectacular ability to integrate conventional science, spirituality, and healing. If any field needs integration, says Goswami, it is medicine and healing.
Goswami boldly reinterprets the leading methods of alternative medicine--homeopathy, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Ayurveda, and conventional medicine in this new edition of his popular book. He shows how these seemingly different models can be combined into a new system of integrative medicine and offers profound insights into the relationship between physics and consciousness.
This approach offers physicians and patients a whole new way of applying healthcare with a greater potential for healing and could be the basis for a major paradigm shift in medicine.
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Editorial Reviews
"Dr. Amit Goswami as usual has the most brilliant insights into how consciousness conceives, governs, constructs, and becomes biology. As we move into the new millennium, Dr. Goswami's The Quantum Doctor will serve as guiding post to a consciousness-based medicine that will see healing as biological creativity and completely change the way we view health and disease." —Deepak Chopra, author, Quantum Healing and Book of Secrets --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
About the Author
Amit Goswami is a theoretical nuclear physicist and member of The University of Oregon Institute for Theoretical Physics since 1968. Goswami received his PhD in physics from Calcutta University in 1964. He became best known as one of the interviewed scientists featured in the 2004 film What the Bleep Do We Know!? He is also featured in the upcoming documentary, Dalai Lama Renaissance (narrated by Harrison Ford). Visit him at amitgoswami.org.
--This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
A Quantum Physicist Explains the Healing Power of Integrative Medicine
By Amit Goswami
Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.
Copyright © 2011 Amit Goswami, PhD
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-57174-655-9
Part 1. Introducing the Quantum Doctor,
1. Never Fear, the Quantum Doctor Is Here,
2. My Story: How a Quantum Physicist Came to Meddle in Health and Healing,
3. The Integration of the Philosophies,
4. Levels of Disease and Levels of Healing,
5. New Paradigm Thinking of a Few Contemporary Medical Practitioners,
6. More on Quantum Physics and Its Gifts to Medicine,
7. The Place of Allopathy in Integral Medicine,
Part 2. Vital Body Medicine,
8. The Vital Body,
9. Ayurveda and the Healing of Vital Energy Imbalances,
10. Vital Energy Imbalances and Their Healing in Traditional Chinese Medicine,
11. Chakra Medicine,
12. Is Homeopathy for Real?,
Part 3. Mind-Body Medicine,
13. Quantum Mind, Meaning, and Medicine,
14. Mind as Slayer,
15. The Quantum Explanation of the Techniques of Mind-Body Medicine,
Part 4. The Healing Path to Supramental Intelligence,
16. Quantum Healing,
17. Disease and Healing as Opportunities for Waking to Supramental Intelligence,
18. A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Health and Healing,
Epilog: Ageless Body—Myth or Science?,
About the Author,
Never Fear, the Quantum Doctor Is Here
What is a quantum doctor? A quantum doctor is a practitioner of medicine whoknows the fallacies of the Newtonian classical physics-based deterministicworldview that was discarded in physics many decades ago. A quantum doctor is grounded in the world-view of the new physics, also called quantum physics. And there is more. Quantum doctors bring the message of quantum physics alive intheir practice of medicine.
You may wonder: What difference does a worldview make in the practice ofmedicine? In contrast to the classical physics world-view in which the world isseen as a mechanical, determined machine, we cannot even make sense of quantumphysics unless we ground it in the primacy of consciousness: Consciousness comesfirst; it is the ground of all being. Everything else, including matter, is apossibility of consciousness. And consciousness chooses out of thesepossibilities all the events we experience.
Now do you see? Physicians of the old ilk of classical physics aficionadospractice machine medicine, designed for machines (that is the picture of thepatient in the classical worldview) and by machines (the physicians who areself-avowed machines). And make no mistake about it, the medicine that thepatient gets, allopathic medicine, is also of a mechanical nature, with chemicaldrugs, mechanical surgery or organ transplant, and energy radiation. A quantumdoctor, on the other hand, practices conscious medicine designed for people, notmachines. What conscious medicine prescribes includes the mechanical but extendsalso to the domains of vitality and meaning, even love. And most important, aspractitioners of conscious medicine the quantum doctors bring consciousness totheir practice.
Admittedly, the quantum doctor is right now only an idea developed in this book,an idea you are probably reading about for the first time. But if the idea ishere, and as I will show, it is an idea with much integrative power, can themanifestation of the idea be far behind? In fact, a partial manifestation of theidea is age-old and continues to the present era.
I am talking about practitioners of what today is called alternative orcomplementary medicine, including the age-old systems of acupuncture andtraditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda (developed in India), spiritual healing,the more recent homeopathy, and the very recent mind-body medicine. Alternativemedicine practitioners go partway toward being quantum doctors. Their medicalsystems are designed for conscious beings, and they do have more dimensions thanthe mechanical. Unfortunately, alternative medicine practitioners suffer fromconsiderable amounts of worldview confusion (discussed later).
Although our culture promotes the "great" advancements of machine medicine allthe time, still many people are disillusioned with it. Partly, it is because weall miss the conscious human touch that we expect from a healer. Partly, it isbecause, its "miracles" notwithstanding, allopathic medicine doesn't work wellfor the bulk of our day-to-day medical problems—the chronic ailments, forexample. And it is because machine medicine and mechanical procedures are veryexpensive.
So although the machinists in medicine are openly scornful of alternativepractices, alternative medicine is gaining in popularity. Unfortunately, thisonly aggravates the reaction of the conventional allopathic practitioners.Before, allopaths could afford benign neglect. But now, as their bread andbutter is threatened, for many of them it is all-out war against alternativemedicine. Alternative medicine is voodoo medicine, they declare.
If the world is machine, mind is machine, and even the soul is machine, as someobservers contend, then how can anything but machine medicine have any validity?
Alternative medicine practitioners also strike back. Let's note just two oftheir criticisms. Allopathic drugs have harmful side effects, they point out.Why should we unnecessarily poison the body? Allopathic procedures such asvaccinations administered when we are children weaken the immune system so muchthat we become more vulnerable to disease later in life. Why should we acceptsuch procedures without questioning them?
We all are interested in health and healing, in our physical well-being. We allsearch for it when we don't have it. But with the sharp division of medicineinto two camps—conventional and alternative—it is increasingly difficult tochoose the proper healing method when we need it. What criteria should we usefor such a choice? Is a combination of healing techniques better than any onetechnique? What should we do to maintain our health, to prevent disease in thefirst place? Can we heal ourselves without any physical or chemical instrumentsof healing?
The answers to such questions depend on whom you ask. Are at least some of thestories of spontaneous healing true? Some experts answer yes. But is spontaneoushealing accessible to all of us? Experts from some medical traditions nod yes,while others stubbornly shake their heads no. When we are middle-aged or old,are we to feel fortunate if we suffer from only a few chronic diseases, withoutany major life-threatening illness? Should we accept stress and lack of vitalityas the price we must pay for modern living? Maybe so, some experts say. Why iseconomics such an important consideration for health and healing? We are sorry,say the experts. Is medicine only about pathology? Can we not strive forpositive health where vitality and well-being reign supreme? We don't know, saythe experts.
Truth is, we cannot begin to answer such questions with much credibility withoutdeveloping an integral paradigm that embraces all medical systems that haveadequate clinical data to support their efficacy. We must end the currentconfusion of paradigms that pervades medicine.
Never fear, the quantum doctor is here. The quantum doctor, like his or herworldview, is integrative. In this book, I show that when medicine is formulatedwithin the integral metaphysics of the primacy of consciousness, conventional(allopathic) medicine and alternative medicine (including those already listed)can be reconciled. Not only that, their different domains of applicability, eventheir interrelationships, are clearly understood.
Some effort toward integration has already begun (Ballentine 1999; Grossinger2000), but without the benefit of an integral philosophy, the results are notconvincing. Medicine within the quantum worldview of primacy of consciousness,which gives satisfying answers to all the questions posed in the previousparagraphs, can end the paradigm wars in medicine because it defines a new andconsistent paradigm for all of medicine within an integral philosophy.
Is this good news too good to be true? Don't worry. Medicine within quantumconsciousness is an offshoot of a general upheaval, a genuine paradigm shift,far greater in scope than even the Copernican revolution, that is taking placetoday in all of the sciences, including physics, chemistry, biology, andpsychology.
Some more detailed definitions are in order, although it is likely that thereader is already familiar with them.
Conventional medicine or allopathy is based on the premise that disease is dueeither to external toxic agents such as germs (bacteria and viruses) or to themechanical malfunctioning of an internal organ of the physical body. Inallopathy, cure is effected mainly by treating the symptoms of the disease untilthey disappear, via drugs, surgery, and (in the case of cancer) energyradiation. Exotic new techniques such as gene therapy or nanotechnology, thepremise of which is to correct the mechanical disorder at the molecular level,remain only science fiction.
In contrast, in mind-body medicine, the premise is that disease is due to amental problem, for example, mental stress. The cure is to correct the problemwith the mind so that it then will correct the physiology.
In the view of acupuncture, disease arises because of imbalances in the patternsof energy (chi) flow in the body. Cure consists of correcting these imbalancesusing skin puncture with tiny needles at appropriate points of the body. Theenergy referred to in acupuncture is "subtle energy," not to be confused withthe usual manifestations of energy, which are "gross."
Acupuncture is the most well-known example of traditional Chinese medicine, asystem that, in addition to acupuncture, uses special herbs to correct theimbalances in the movements of this subtle energy.
In homeopathy, the basic idea is "like cures like" in contrast to cure by"other" (the drug found by trial and error) in allopathy. The same substancethat produces gross clinical symptoms in a healthy person when applied in amuch-diluted and potentized concentration produces an alleviation of the samesymptoms in an unwell person, which is why homeopathy says, "like cures like."But the cure is made mysterious by often (successfully) applying the medicinalagent in such dilutions as one part in 1030 or even more diluted.
Ayurveda is traditional Indian medicine. Thanks to the work of such luminariesas the physician Deepak Chopra (2000), Ayurvedic concepts such as doshas havebecome the subject of parlor games. Who are you, a vata person, a pitta person,or a kapha person? Vata, pitta, and kapha are the Sanskrit names of the threedoshas, imbalances of bodily structure and movement that we all have in varyingdegrees. A unique dominance of one dosha or another or sometimes a combinationof doshas characterizes each one of us. In fact, we all have a base level amountof each of the doshas. We remain healthy when our doshas remain near ourindividual base-level amounts. Disease happens when deviations occur, taking thebody away from the base levels. Returning the body to the base level of thedoshas, using herbs, massages, and cleansing techniques, effects cure.
Spiritual healing is the idea of invoking the "higher" power of the Spiritthrough prayer and other such rituals to heal (Holmes 1938). Shamanic healing,prayer healing, Christian Science, faith healing, and intuitive healing fall inthis category.
You can see the difficulty many practitioners of conventional medicine have withthe various alternative medicine practices as defined here. Mind-body medicineseems to predicate that a mental thought, presumably a brain phenomenoninvolving a minute amount of energy, can cause disease or healing, whichaccording to conventional medicine requires the emission of neurochemicals andother physiological processes that involve large amounts of energy. "Absurd!"may be the allopathic practitioner's reaction. Chinese medicine talks aboutsubtle energy, but what is this subtle energy? Why can't we find it in the bodyor the passageways (called meridians) through which it moves? Because they don'texist, the conventional medicine person declares in exasperation.
Similarly, if you are scientifically minded and want to understand therelationship of conventional medicine and dosha medicine, you will bedisappointed in your readings of the current Ayurvedic literature. Given thelack of understanding in conventional medical (physiological) terms of wheredoshas originate, the allopath remains skeptical.
About homeopathy, the conventionalist is scornful. In some of the medicinaldilutions that homeopaths prescribe, not even one molecule of the plant or othersubstance from which the medicine was derived is present. According toconventional thinking, the homeopathic medicine must then be regarded as pure"placebo"—an intake of sugar pills disguised as medicine—and the cure must beconsidered entirely fortuitous.
In the same vein, spiritual healing, the idea of relying on Spirit for healing,encounters resistance. The Spirit, for an allopath, is a dubious concept, and,therefore, relying on it is tantamount to relying on the natural processes ofthe body, which are often inadequate for healing. To do so when all the powerfuldrugs of allopathy are available seems preposterous to allopathic practitioners.
Many practitioners of alternative medicine are equally scornful of allopathicpractice. Allopathic drugs are mostly poisons to the body with harmful sideeffects, they say, so why should we poison the body when alternatives areavailable? For chronic and degenerative diseases, allopathy is ineffectiveanyway. Finally, allopathic medicine is not cost-effective. As the reader surelyknows, it is the economics of allopathic medicine that are making people lookfor alternatives in medicine.
How do we go from these deep divisions among the practitioners of the two campsto an Integral Medicine that both camps can accept? The answer is this: We haveto go to the philosophical roots of all medical practices and discover theunifying bridge-building philosophy.
The Disparate Philosophies behind Conventional and Alternative MedicinePractices
Our normal tendency is to see things as separate, and the scientist's job is todiscover the thread that unifies, that weaves the separate flowers into oneunified garland.
The various alternative medicine practices sound more mysterious than theyreally are. This is because their practitioners have tacitly been sold on theuniversal validity of the materialist metaphysics. According to thismetaphysics, all is made of matter and its correlates, energy and force fields.All phenomena (this includes what we call mental and subtle energy, even what wecall Spirit) are due to elementary particles and their interactions at asubmicroscopic level.
In this model, causation is always upward causation, always rising up from thebase level of elementary particle processes (see figure 1). Elementary particlesmake atoms, atoms make molecules, molecules make cells (some of which areneurons), and neurons make the brain. The cells make all the energies of thebody that must include the subtle energies of alternative practices if theseenergies exist. The brain makes the processes that we call mental or spiritual.
In this view, to ascribe causal efficacy to an upper level of the hierarchy inwhich matter exists is paradoxical. How can the mind, an aspect of the brain,have causal efficacy of its own to influence the brain to produce a cure? Itseems like brain acting on brain without a cause—a paradox.
In the same vein, to the materialist, the subtle energies of traditional Chinesemedicine must be products of the underlying chemistry of the body cells. Butthen, how can a by-product of the cells or their conglomerates, the organs,produce a cure for what causes that by-product? Paradox again.
How can mere faith (because a "doctor" said so!) make sugar pills curative, asin homeopathy? Paradox, once more.
But if you are a reader of the history of the alternative healing literature, itwon't take you long to observe that there are several paradigms operating there.The vast majority of the healing literature in the West is of coursematerialist—based on materialism, which is the conceptual foundation ofconventional medicine.
In the alternative medicine paradigm, you can see three primary currents: One isbased on the idea of "mind over body," that mind causes disease and mind heals,hence mind-body healing. Mind over body is possible because the causallyefficacious mind is nonphysical. Mind is not brain. The Freudian idea of diseaseas suppressed emotional thought and healing as the awareness of the suppression(Sarno 1998) falls in the same category—psyche over soma, mind over body.
The second current is based on the idea that a nonphysical "life force,"variously called subtle energy, prana, or ITLχITL, is the causal agent behindhealing. Subtle energy is not a by-product of material chemistry; instead, it isthe movement of a vital world. Hence a more appropriate English word for subtleenergy is "vital" energy. Eastern models of healing, both Chinese and Indian,fall into this category.
A third current is the idea of a nonphysical Spirit (or God) who is the healerin all cases of spiritual healing. Spiritual healing is "God's Grace." Here onemakes the distinction between "self healing" (healing when only you are involvedand nobody else) and "other-healing" (healing with the help of somebody else, ahealer). But in either case, the ultimate causal efficacy is given to anonphysical entity called God (or Spirit).
To the materialist, to the practitioners of conventional medicine, a causallyefficacious nonphysical mind, nonphysical subtle energy, or nonphysical God isdualism. And dualism is scientifically untenable. This has been argued since thetime of Descartes, who tried to introduce mind-matter dualism. If mind (orsubtle energy or God) and matter are dual substances, having nothing in common,how can the two interact without a mediator? You may have read the book Men Arefrom Mars, Women Are from Venus, by John Gray. It is about the difficulty menand women have in communicating because they don't have much in common.Fortunately for them, the sociologist or a counselor can act as the mediator.But where is the mediator to mediate the interaction of mind and matter, subtleenergy and the body, God and the world?
Excerpted from
The Quantum Doctor
Amit Goswami
Amit is a retired professor of physics from the University of Oregon, where he served on the faculty from 1968 to 1997.
The meaning of quantum physics was highly obscured. While researching this, Amit discovered that when quantum physics is formulated within the metaphysics of qualified non-dualism, as in Indian Vedanta, questions regarding meaning are immediately resolved. His work thus integrates science and spirituality. This work has culminated in his most recent book with the physician Valentina Onisor, Quantum Spirituality.
Subsequently, he developed a theory of reincarnation and integrated conventional and alternative medicine within the new quantum science of health. Among his discoveries are the quantum theory of the creative process, the theory of quantum evolution, and the theory of quantum economics that extends Adam’s Smith’s capitalism into a workable paradigm for the 21st century.
In 2009, he started a movement called “quantum activism,” now gaining ground in North and South America, Southern and Eastern Europe, and India. In 2018, together with his collaborators, he established Quantum Activism Vishwalayam, an institution of transformative education in India, based on quantum science and the primacy of consciousness. This program offers master’s and PhD programs in the Quantum Science of Health, Prosperity and Happiness under the auspices of University of Technology, Jaipur.
Amit is the author of numerous books, most notably: The Self-Aware Universe, Physics of the Soul, The Quantum Doctor, God is Not Dead, Quantum Creativity, and The Everything Answer Book.
He was featured in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? and the documentaries Dalai Lama Renaissance and The Quantum Activist.
Amit is a spiritual practitioner and calls himself a quantum activist in search of Wholeness.
To learn more about Dr. Amit Goswami, please visit www.amitgoswami.org.
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Top reviews from the United States
Joseph J. Truncale
4.0 out of 5 stars An interesting and informative book on integral medicine theories.
Reviewed in the United States on May 15, 2023
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Even though I am well into my senior years my voracious reading interests still influences my choice of topics, which range from A to Z, from astronomy to zoology. This is why when I saw this 297-page soft cover book (Quantum Doctor: A Quantum Physicist explains the healing power of integral medicine by Amit Goswami Ph.D.) on Amazon I purchased it.
Research over the years in Quantum Physics has produced some amazing possibilities in numerous areas; even though it seems the laws of Quantum physics at this super small level may or may not apply to other topic areas. This book introduces the concept of Integral medicine that combines traditional medicine with other energy type healing techniques.
I have read many books in the past on numerous forms of energy healing, and I also like the approach this author has proposed in this book. Indeed, he provides both a traditional scientific approach in combination with his study of several esoteric healing methods.
This book covers an enormous area and is organized into four parts. Part one introduces the Quantum Doctor and his thought processes. Part two focuses on body medicine topics. Part three explains mind-body medicine. The final part concludes with “the healing path to supramental intelligence.”
In conclusion, if you are fascinated by the sometimes-strange possibilities of quantum physics and how it relates to health, healing and consciousness you may want to check out this book.
Rating: 4 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: Chair/Seated Tai Chi/Qigong/Yoga stretching for seniors and the physically challenged).
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Robert Fately
2.0 out of 5 stars As "scientifical" as homeopathy
Reviewed in the United States on December 26, 2014
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I had recorded a movie on PBS called "The Quantum Activist", circa 2009, which I hadn't heard of before but was getting interesting. The move showed Dr. Goswami, a retired professor of quantum physics in Washington state, describing his realizations as to how consciousness and material mechanics need to be considered together - the thought of what Kevin Kelly said in "What Technology Wants" occurred to me about perhaps technology is the next evolutionary stage that is bringing intelligence/consciousness to more advanced stages, with the biological evolution being the current stepping stone, so to speak. The book got 4+ stars with 39 reviews on Amazon, and so I decided to get it.
12/26/14 - Well, I am officially quite disappointed with this book. My hopes for an intelligent appraisal of evaporated towards the middle or second half of the tome. At first, phrases like "Consciousness comes first; it is the ground of all being" had me thinking it might address the concept to which Kelly alluded in "What Technology Wants", but that turned out to be misleading. He also mentioned that "According to von Neumann, when we measure a quantum object, consciousness changes the quantum waves of possibility of the object into an actual event of experience." which seems like a reasonable way to approach the topic.
But then Goswami delves into the shaman-istic stupid: his story of how a sadhu "proved" he has spiritual power by touching Goswami's brother on his stomach and saying "Your ulcer is cured" and - voilá! - his brother experienced no pain after eating a heavily spiced meal. Sure, that couldn't be explained by some psychosomatic effect, could it?
He goes on to "explain" how homeopathy works - essentially it's not a matter of zero molecules of the curative agent being in the solution any more (thanks to infinite dilutions) but the "conscious plane" level of impact said magical substance has on said solution that causes the curative effect. Right.
When he stars citing himself it becomes apparent that he has little else to work with but his prior ramblings.
As he explains to us how acupuncture works, he states "The acupuncture probe is designed to be a trigger of the correctional mechanism for the vital imbalance" but my question is how does the real-molecular structure of the needle interact with this theoretical vital-level of reality in which consciousness resides? To me this is more pablum designed to sound scientifical but in truth meaning nothing.
He says "Creativity is an undeniable compnent of bilogical beings" but I wonder if he includes beings like mosquitos or paramecium or rose bushes or rabbits. I mean, where does one draw the line? Birds that have figured out how to use tools?
Later, he explains, when talking about the immune system, that "It makes sense that this malfunction may be due to the malfunction of the vital blueprint..." which kleads me to ask if the common cold "may be due" to the rhinovirus? Is this the escape clause when the homeopathic cure fails to do anything?
He brings up evolution as the result of mutations, which themselves are quantum processes. He states "consciousness waits until many possiblities accumulate and develop into a gestalt that consciousness recognizes." Which makes me wonder, when life bgan on Earth 3.5 billion years ago and single cell anaerobic life forms were all that were present, what consciousness decided that some aggregate of mutations was "good to go"?
Perhaps the greatest argument for the siliness (and disappointment) of this book is at the end, when he says "The third type of evidence is more controversial. The idea is that recently there has been an increase of visitors to us from "outer space".....now why would such people come to visit us unles we are ready to make the evolutionary leap to their level?"
Why, indeed.
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Rogier F. van Vlissingen
5.0 out of 5 stars Here is the practical shift from Newtonian to Quantum physics.
Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2018
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This is the book that finally defines the next frontier in medicine, the insight that the mind of the patient is the healer, argued from a purely scientific standpoint. The Whole Foods Plant-Based diet is already shifting the responsibility for our health and wellness to the patient, because diet and prevention are becoming topmost in any concept of wellness and health.
On the other hand, it is regrettable that Goswami, at the time of this writing apparently was not aware of the revolution of the Whole Foods Plant-Based diet, for if he were, he would not have had that heart operation, but gone on the Esselstyn diet, and he would not have made exception for allopathy for viagra, for ED is merely an early warning for cardiovascular disease and the only known actual cure is a whole-foods, plant-based diet without added sugar, oil or salt. Nor would he have allowed cholesterol lowering drugs, they all produce more harm than good. The whole foods plant-based diet will fix your cholesterol in short order. In short there are now two paradigm shifts going on, one is that of "let food be thy medicine," based on the new nutritional paradigm of plant-based food, which followed from the China Study. That empowers the patient to take responsibility for their health, or in other words, that shifts the focus to the mind of the patient. That is where The Quantum Doctor comes in. That really makes it clear that well being is a decision in the mind, which then may be executed by, among other things, choosing a plant-based diet. if you stay trapped in the physiological logic of the Newtonian reality of the body, and the neurophysiological problems such as The Pleasure Trap, there is not much hope for breaking out of the food addiction.
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5.0 out of 5 stars All around great
Reviewed in the United States on March 2, 2023
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This arrived in great shape, ahead of schedule and excellently packaged. Thank you
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Elazar de Lusignan M.
5.0 out of 5 stars Definately, The "Wave" of The Future
Reviewed in Canada on July 2, 2015
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Does matter give rise to and inform consciousness? Or, does consciousness precede and inform matter? Is man primarily spirit having a physical experience? Or, is man primarily matter searching for a spiritual experience? What is the major difference between a computer and the human mind? Can effects be caused by "contiguous" local, or dis-contiguous non-local consciousness? How are waves in the "non-local" domain of possibility, "collapsed" into "localized particles" and matter? How can we, the "observer" know? Does quantum physics -- what Dr. Goswami calls "Monistic Idealism" (as opposed to Material Realism), have a role to play in modern medicine?
Goswami asks, "Why do we need a paradigm shift in modern medicine? As noted by the philosopher Thomas Kuhn," Goswami responds, who formulated the idea of paradigms and paradigm shifts, a paradigm is useful to its practitioners only until it begins to exhibit paradoxes that it cannot resolve and anomalous data that it cannot explain." Once again, asks Goswami, "Why is a paradigm shift in medicine needed? Because," he answers, "clinical trials are demonstrating the validity of alternative medicine practices, which constitute paradoxes," for the material realistic nature of, "conventional medicine. In addition, there are now definitive data for spontaneous healing, prayer healing at a distance, even placebo healing, which constitute anomalous data for the mainstream paradigm," which is more fully explained.
Goswami writes... "The truth is that most practitioners of medicine continue to think strictly according to classical physics even after a hundred years of the advent of the new quantum ideas. Classical physics," explains Dr. Goswami, "gives us some invalid prejudices, the most blinding one being that there is an independent separate reality out there, and it is objective, that is, independent of (and separate from) consciousness. In medicine, this prejudice forces practitioners to ignore the causal role of the healer's and the patient's consciousness in healing, much evidence and even common sense notwithstanding." So, more important it seems, is the question of will and the myopic thrall of classic notions. Indeed, do practitioners of modern medicine, which is predicated upon the Newtonian physics of Material Realism, have a capacity to be receptive to the implications of a non-local consciousness that precedes and informs matter? Goswami asks... "Do we have the capacity to choose our own reality? It would seem, it's simply a matter of time. What is time? Time is grace. Time is the grace we have been gifted to change our minds. And finally, Dr. Goswami offers a quantum answer to, what is "faster" than the speed of light?
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3.0 out of 5 stars Quantum Doctor
Reviewed in Canada on October 23, 2021
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I found it a little heavy for my understanding.
Amazon Customer
4.0 out of 5 stars Worth reading
Reviewed in India on October 27, 2018
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Explains the underlying cause of illnesses, mind, body relationship, overview of how different alternative medicines work. ,the allopathic, modern science deals everything as materialistic, by turning blind eye to things it can't explain like spontaneous healing..Little dragging in between , but worth reading.Very insightful!!!!
2 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Very Interesting explanation
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 29, 2012
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I think this is the best and most likely explanation to date. It is evident that allopathic medicine can't cure all the problems of mind and body. It is also evident that the alternative medicine practices work but are similarly restricted. What Amit Goswami does in Quantum Doctor is to give a very plausible theoretical explanation as to why they both work within the unifying framework of Quantum Physics. What he does is to show why and where they should be used in treating the body. A very beautiful synthesis that was sorely needed given the attempts by material science to totally dismiss holistic medicine using the experimental methods. I would reiterate Deepak Chopra in his forward when he hopes the day will come when it is required reading for all new medical students.
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Aoife Hogarty
5.0 out of 5 stars I absolutely love this book!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 21, 2022
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The Quantum Doctor: A Physicist’s Guide to Health and Healing
Amit Goswami
314 ratings31 reviews
For Amit Goswami, PhD, a leading quantum physicist, medicine is a timely area of application for the new science based on the primacy of consciousness. This new science has a spectacular ability to integrate conventional science, spirituality, and healing. If any field needs integration, says Goswami, it is medicine and healing. The Quantum Doctor boldly reinterprets the leading methods of alternative medicine—homeopathy, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and Ayurveda—and of conventional medicine from the viewpoint of quantum physics. He shows that these seemingly different models can be integrated into a new multi-tiered system based on the new "science within consciousness." At the heart of all illness and healing is consciousness, Goswami says. And The Quantum Doctor gives physicians, practitioners, and patients a whole new way of applying medicine, with a greater likelihood of healing. Goswami calls it integral medicine, and it's based on an integration of the underlying metaphysics of all medicine models. "This is a very new approach. This can be the legitimate basis for a paradigm shift in medicine."
320 pages, Paperback
First published September 15, 2004
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About the author
Profile Image for Amit Goswami.
Amit Goswami
73 books202 followers
Amit Goswami is a nuclear physicist and member of The University of Oregon Institute for Theoretical Physics since 1968. Dr. Goswami is a revolutionary in a growing body of renegade scientists who in recent years have ventured into the domain of the spiritual in an attempt both to interpret the seemingly inexplicable findings of their experiments and to validate their intuitions about the existence of a spiritual dimension of life.
He became best known as one of the interviewed scientists featured in the 2004 film What the Bleep Do We Know!? , the recent documentary Dalai Lama Renaissance , and stars in the 2009 documentary The Quantum Activist .
Please visit www.AmitGoswami.org for the latest events and information.
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Kimberly Carlson
34 reviews
July 9, 2008
It was like being on a really great drug for a few years cause that's how long it took me to read it. Supported my life in lots of ways along the journey. If you want to imagine breaking down everything you ever thought was "true" go ahead and let go and read it. In small chunks its easier to digest. Don't forget to pay attention to your life as you read through it cause the clues to getting it will be there. blah blah blah I love this life, its amazing
Profile Image for Carol Ann .
Carol Ann
30 reviews
December 3, 2013
Amit Goswami shares his knowledge of Quantum Physics and applies it to our current western medicine beliefs. He is excellent at conveying knowledge at the lay person and at the same time he can capture the interest of medical professionals. Good book if you are interested in alternative medicine.
Profile Image for Vikrant.
89 reviews
July 22, 2020
Quantum theory is still as challenging for the mind to understand despite 20+ yrs of first getting exposed to it. However, practice part is what this books focus on, in the realm of health and wellness. Quite interesting to see how Ayurveda, TCM, Homeopathy traditions work on the body-mind-consciousness-vital energy approaches versus pure body-material approach of allopathy! Finally- might not term Homeopathy as pseudo science :-)
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Profile Image for Joshua J.
Joshua J
39 reviews
April 12, 2023
This was amazing! Finally a concept that employs all manner of healing, from allopathic, homeopathic, ayurvedic, holistic etc and shows how they can all work in tandem to heal those in need. I am so glad I read this book, it wouldn't surprise me if I did again at some point.
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Kira Lospinoso
6 reviews
1 follower
August 25, 2023
I recommend this book to anyone who has ever questioned or became frustrated with the materialist dogma that our institutions and methodologies rely on in the west. Not enough good can be said about this book - just the ability for such vast concepts to be explained in a way that’s digestible let alone the scope and number of threads explored and discussed throughout this book —- defiantly will be back to reference, read again, and continue learning/realizing — reading this alongside my ‘yoga journey’ has helped open and shape my perspective in indescribable ways — spirituality and healing, both these rediscoveries, regeneration, opportunities to connect and embody something more
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Profile Image for Rogier.
6 books
March 9, 2018
Crystal clear. The mind of the patient is the healer. As much as that was metaphysically clear to me before from Advaita and Buddhism and later from A Course in Miracles, having Goswami's explanation based purely in quantum physics really helps flesh it out more.
Ever since I've started to live the Whole Foods, Plant-based lifestyle, it is clear to me that while this model 'empowers' the patient, that this is in and of itself futile, and leaves you stuck with no way out, unlerss you knew you had a mind which is capable of making a different decision.
You get no further than the mechanistic reasoning of The Pleasure Trap, which explains nothing, although it makes you more aware of the mechanics of food addiction. Shifting the focus to the mind (and not the brain) really facilitates the realization that the mind can make a different decision, that I don't want to live like that any more. The healing modalities are then a matter of choice. The Whole Foods Plant-Based diet then is just one healing modality, albeit a big one.
Had Goswami really known about it, he would not have had his bypass operation, nor would he have made an exception for allopathy in respect of cholesterol lowering drugs or viagra, since high cholesterol and ED are purely symptoms of the bad diets that lead to cardiovascular disease, and there is no reason not to change your diet once you understand that. He would also have understood the real reason that the genetic angle is largely pointless because of T. Colin Campbell's clear demonstration that cancer is 90% nurture and not nature. In other words, cell damage is unavoidable if you do any living and while it is always good to reduce your exposure to known carcinogens, there is no way to do so 100%. Campbell's research proved clearly that cell damage must be supported by bad nutrition in order to lead to cancer. In a high nutritional state cell damage is less likely to occur, for your body will have plenty of anti-oxidants, but beyond that animal proteins are the fuel that eventually produces cancer, and you now have the ability to avoid them.
The upshot is, for me, that the Whole Foods, Plant-Based lifestyle shifts the action to the mind of the patient. Things like The Pleasure Trap help explain and understand the addiction to bad food, but it is the realization, with Goswami, that the mind is in charge of the body, introduces the meaningful possibility of a different decision. We choose healing, and the particular modalities are then mostly a matter of personal preference, what works for you. The Quantum Doctor is the new paradigm where the mind of the patient is in charge of the healing, and this wipes away the mechanistic, body-centered, and ultimately Newtonian paradigm of allopathy, but it equally wipes away the silly paradigm of naturopathy of mind-body-spirit, which explains nothing. Once we start understanding the primacy of the mind in healing, new things become possible.
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Profile Image for J.
159 reviews
May 7, 2011
Fundamentally this book is about causality. But that topic is presented in a rich context of health and disease. Goswami gets specific when he dives into the different modalities of allopathy, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, chakras, and homeopathy.
My brains pretty much splattered all over the walls when I realized that the excerpt below was backing up Unity and taking down the illusion of separateness:
pg 43
"For large masses, the quantum dynamics of matter is such that the objects expand as waves of possibility very slowly, so slowly that the effect of the uncertainty principle is hardly visible. So when your friend observes a chair in a certain position, and then you observe the same chair, your friend's observation affects the object's position so negligibly that you virtually observe the same chair in the same place.
So the two of you can compare your data and decide that since both of you are seeing the same thing, the thing must be independent of your observation, must be outside your awareness. That is, consensus data mesmerize us to conclude that this macro-world of matter is external to us. (But laser experiments show that objects like chairs do mauve by some imperceptible 10^-16 centimeter between two observations).
Now consider the subtle body. Here there are no extended bodies, and no micro-macro division. We have indivisibly an extension of worlds, infinite oceans of which the waves are experienced as individual events. But now the quantum uncertainty principle extends to all such waves; therefore one's observation always affects the object in the subtle body, so another cannot experience the identical object. Because of the lack of consensus, in this case we do not make the mistake that the objects are outside us. We experience them as private, and therefore we easily conclude that they must be internal."
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Profile Image for Tine!.
133 reviews
October 28, 2011
Maybe my emotions regarding this book are a bit naive, but perhaps it struck me as the-best-thing-ever because I have been slowly building up to it; that is to say that I have been unintentionally preparing my mind for the complete dissolution of the tangible world by reading books steeped in mysticism and an inward-focused philosophy. Then along comes this book, making - if you'll excuse the expression - a quantum leap from a manner of thinking to a more promising worldview backed by ongoing "discoveries" of science that are leading us through a funnel of tightening certainty before spitting us right back out into the big ol' void. Goswami did a fine job pulling all of his collected knowledge in and deftly interlacing it to form a fairly confident net - enough to catch the reader as he falls through that void. Ok! That does it! Clearly I can't talk about this book except in metaphor - I give up!
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Profile Image for Cristina Smith.
Cristina Smith
22 books
December 15, 2017
Dr. Goswami is a quantum evangelist. He does a great job of introducing and explaining these fairly complex concepts to a right brained person like me in a way that I grok. I enjoyed this book and really got a lot out of his explanation of Ayureveda and healing vital energy imbalances.
Recommended for healers, alternative medicine advocates and those wanting a scientific perspective on healing.
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아미트 고스와미 (지은이),최경규 (옮긴이)북랩2017-05-09
원제 : The Quantum Doctor
양자의사는 수십 년 전 폐기된 뉴턴의 고전물리학에 기반한 결정론적 세계관의 오류를 아는 의사다. 양자의사는 새로운 물리학적 세계관인 양자물리학에 기반을 둔 의술을 펼친다. 즉 물리적 신체라는 기계가 아니라, 인간의 의식을 위해 고안된 의술을 행한다. 따라서 기계적인 처방 외에 활력, 의미, 사랑의 영역에 대한 처방을 포함한다. 신체에 대해 마음을 우위에 놓고, 마음-몸 질병, 마음-몸 치유를 강조한다.
위생적인 공중보건, 감염 치료, 놀라운 수술 효과 등은 현대 대증요법 치료의 성공적인 측면이다. 그러나 우리의 생활방식이 자연으로부터 과도하게 분리되고, 현대생활의 광범위한 스트레스로 인해 수많은 질병이 활력체와 정신체에서 시작되고 있다는 사실을 보지 못하는 것은 대증요법의 한계이다. 이런 상황에서 양자의사들은 질병의 치유 너머를 바라보고, 궁극적으로 우리의 영성 자체를 치유하고자 한다.
· 추천사 / 04
· 머리말 / 11
· 옮긴이의 말 / 16
제1부 양자의사(量子醫師) 소개
1장. 두려워하지 말라, 양자의사가 여기 있다 / 22
2장. 나의 이야기: 어떻게 양자물리학자가 건강과 치유에 관여하게 되었나? / 33
3장. 철학의 통합 / 45
4장. 질병의 수준, 치유의 수준 / 58
5장. 일부 현대의학 시술자들의 새로운 사고 패러다임 / 78
6장. 양자물리학의 조금 더 깊은 세계와 의학에게 선사한 선물 / 84
7장. 종합의학에서 대증요법의 위치 / 106
제2부 활력체(活力體) 의학
8장. 활력체 / 122
9장. 아유르베다와 활력 에너지 불균형의 치유 / 134
10장. 전통 중국의학에서의 활력 에너지 불균형과 치유 / 157
11장. 차크라(Chakra) 의학 / 172
12장. 동종요법(同種療法)은 효과가 있는가? / 185
제3부 심신의학
13장. 양자 마음, 의미와 의학 / 200
14장. 살해자 마음 / 210
15장. 심신의학의 기법에 대한 양자적 설명 / 237
제4부 초정신(超精神) 지적 능력으로 가는 치유의 길
16장. 양자치유 / 252
17장. 초정신 지능을 깨우는 기회로서의 질병과 치유 / 269
18장. 건강과 치유를 위한 양자물리학자의 안내 / 293
· 에필로그
불로장생 신체, 미신 또는 과학? / 314
저자 및 역자소개
아미트 고스와미 (Amit Goswami) (지은이)
신간알리미 신청
이론핵물리학자로서, 1964년 인도 캘커타대학에서 물리학 박사학위를 받았고, 조기에 미국으로 이주하여 연구 활동을 시작했다. 오레곤대학 이론물리학연구소 멤버로서 32년 동안 물리학을 가르쳤다. 38세 때부터 양자 우주론, 양자측정 이론, 그리고 심신 문제에 관한 양자역학의 적용에 관해 연구를 시작했다. 2004년 <양자물리학의 이해(What the Bleep Do We Know?>라는 영화에 출연한 후 언론이 가장 많이 인터뷰하는, 잘 알려진 과학자들 가운데 한 사람이 되었다. 또한 이후의 다큐멘터리 영화 <달라이 라마 르네상스(Dalai Lama Renaissance)>에 출연했다. 2009년 발표된 다큐멘터리 <퀀텀 행동주의>의 주인공이기도 하다.
2003년 교수직에서 은퇴한 고스와미 박사는 현재 미국뿐 아니라 전 세계에서 강연 활동을 펼치고 있다. 그는 현재 노에틱 사이언스 연구소의 자문위원회 위원이며, 해당 연구소에서 1988년부터 2000년까지 수석 학자로서 연구 활동을 한 바 있다. How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization, The Quantum Doctor, Physics of the Soul, God is Not Dead, The Visionary Window, Quantum Economics: Unleashing the Power of an Economics of Consciousness, The Everything Answer Book 등 다수의 저서가 있다. 접기
최근작 : <양자의사>,<영혼의 물리학>,<신은 죽지 않았다> … 총 3종 (모두보기)
SNS : http://www.amitgoswami.org/
최경규 (옮긴이)
신간알리미 신청
현 이화여대 명예교수이자 경기도립 노인전문 동두천병원의 병원장이다. 연세대학교 의대를 졸업하고 세브란스병원에서 신경과 전공의를 수료했으며, 미국 미네소타 의대 신경병리 교환교수, 이화여대 의대 신경과학교실 교수 및 주임교수로 재직했다. 대한치매학회 회장, 대한신경과학회 회장, 건강보험심사평가원 상근평가위원 등을 역임했다. 인도의 비디야 구루쿨(Vidya Gurukul) 아쉬람에서 요가를, 미얀마의 마하시(Mahasi) 명상센터에서 명상을 수행하고 양자물리학자 아미트 고스와미(Amit Goswami)의 책을 번역하는 등, 현대의학에 새로운 관점을 도입하는 데도 앞장서고 있다. 지은 책으로는 《임상 신경국소 진단학》, 《최신 신경학》, 《신경학》, 《치매: 임상적 접근》 등이 있고, 옮긴 책으로는 《신경국소 진단학》, 《신경과학》, 《하버드 대학병원의 의사들》, 《치매 예방과 최적의 기억력》, 《영혼의 물리학》, 《양자 의사》 등이 있다. 접기
최근작 : <최신 신경학> … 총 6종 (모두보기)
출판사 소개
도서 모두보기
신간알리미 신청
최근작 : <대한민국 국가 경쟁력, 궁극적인 질문에 답하다>,<살아남기>,<생각을 내려놓고 마음으로 사는 법>등 총 2,394종
대표분야 : 과학소설(SF) 32위 (브랜드 지수 601점)
출판사 제공 책소개
종합의학, 신체보다 마음을 우선한 치료로 주류의학의 한계를 뛰어넘다!
고전물리학의 오류를 극복한 21세기 양자역학 시대의 새로운 의학 패러다임. 고스와미 박사가 스트레스에 찌든 현대인에게 알려주는 마음 - 몸의 질병과 그 치유법
새로운 양자 개념이 출현한 지 백년이 지났는데도, 주류의학은 고전물리학적 사고에 따라 물질적 신체에만 집중한다. 그 한계를 보완하고 빈 곳을 채우고자 대체의학은 물리적 형성의 청사진이 되는 활력체에 집중한다. 하지만 이 또한 반쪽짜리 의학일 뿐이다. 따라서 두 가지를 통합한 전체론적 의학의 필요성이 절실한데, 바로 종합의학이다. 종합의학은 대부분의 질병이 물리적 신체, 활력체, 정신체, 초정신체, 영성체 등 의식의 다섯 가지 신체의 하나 이상에서 동시에 일어나기 때문에, 그 모두를 치유의 장으로 삼아야 한다는 패러다임에 근거한다. 저자는 주류의학, 대체의학 같은 두 종류의 의학이 있을 수 없다고 본다. 오직 적절히 검증된 의학과 검증되지 않은 의학, 효력 있는 의학과 효력 없는 의학, 곧 ‘하나의 의학’이 있을 뿐이다.
양자의사는 수십 년 전 폐기된 뉴턴의 고전물리학에 기반한 결정론적 세계관의 오류를 아는 의사다. 양자의사는 새로운 물리학적 세계관인 양자물리학에 기반을 둔 의술을 펼친다. 즉 물리적 신체라는 기계가 아니라, 인간의 의식을 위해 고안된 의술을 행한다. 따라서 기계적인 처방 외에 활력, 의미, 사랑의 영역에 대한 처방을 포함한다. 신체에 대해 마음을 우위에 놓고, 마음-몸 질병, 마음-몸 치유를 강조한다. 이는 마음을 뇌의 일부로 보는 서양의학이 받아들이지 못하는 것이다. 위생적인 공중보건, 감염 치료, 놀라운 수술 효과 등은 현대 대증요법 치료의 성공적인 측면이다. 그러나 우리의 생활방식이 자연으로부터 과도하게 분리되고, 현대생활의 광범위한 스트레스로 인해 수많은 질병이 활력체와 정신체에서 시작되고 있다는 사실을 보지 못하는 것은 대증요법의 한계이다. 이런 상황에서 양자의사들은 질병의 치유 너머를 바라보고, 궁극적으로 우리의 영성 자체를 치유하고자 한다.
“이 책이 주는 개념은 아주 명확하고 우리 모두가 절실히 필요로 하는 것이다. 나는 곧 의과대학 학생들이 졸업하기 전에 의무적으로 이 책을 읽게 되길 간절히 바란다. 이 책은 세상 전부는 아니더라도, 의학계를 변화시킬 수 있을 것이다.”
- 디팩 초프라의 추천사에서 접기
양자역학으로 전통의학의 원리를 설명하다
사람이 하는 일이 점점 분업화되다보니 의사라는 직업도 자꾸 나뉘는 것 같습니다. 언젠가 부대장 관사에서 키우는 애완견을 돌보아야했다고 푸념하는 군의관 이야기를 들었던 것 같습니다만, 옛날에는 의원이 병든 동물을 돌보던 시절도 있었습니다. 그러다가 수의학이 독립했고, 요즈음은 수의사에서 수산동물관리사라는 일종의 어의사가 전문화되는 추세에 있는 것 같습니다.
추세는 그렇다고 쳐도 <양자의사>는 아무리 생각해도 처음 듣는 직업인 듯 싶습니다. 이 책을 번역하신 분은 저와 같이 근무하시는데, 대학에 계실 때 안식년을 인도에서 요가를 미얀마에서 명상을 수련하시게 되었다고 합니다. 인도에 계실 때 인연으로 이 책을 번역하게 되신 듯합니다. ‘양자물리학자가 설명하는 종합의학’이라는 부제가 붙어있는 것을 보면 미래의학이 가야할 방향을 제시하는 느낌이 들었습니다.
<완전한 삶>을 쓴 하버드의대 출신 의사이자 작가인 디펙 초프라는 추천사에서 이렇게 말합니다. “고대 인도 사상과 현대 물리학의 깊은 성찰을 바탕으로 하여, 용기와 지혜를 가지고 마음과 신체의 관계에 대한 중요한 이론을 세울 필요를 충족시켜준다.”
저자는 머리말에서 주류의학, 즉 현대의학은 시술과정이 너무 침습적이고 위험한 부작용이 많고, 특히 만성이나 퇴행성 질환에 대한 치료모델이 아직 없으며, 비용이 너무 많이 든다고 지적합니다. 이와 대조적으로 여러 다른 철학에 바탕을 둔 많은 대체의학이 존재한다고 말합니다. 여기서 말하는 대체의학이란 인도나 중국의 전통의학을 지칭하는 것으로 보입니다. 사실 현대의학은 과학적 방법을 통하여 근거중심의 치료를 수행합니다. 전통의학에 뿌리를 두고 있지만 방법론에서 차이가 있다고 하겠습니다. 반면 전통의학은 저자의 논리대로 철학에 바탕을 두고 있을 뿐 아직은 과학적으로 설명이 가능하지 않은 영역에 머물고 있습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 전통의학의 치료효과는 분명 있다고 보기 때문에 현대의학과 전통의학의 정신을 하나로 묶는 통합의학이 필요하다는 주장입니다.
양자물리학자인 저자는 양자의학이야말로 현대의학과 전통의학을 하나로 묶어 통합의학의 이론으로 가장 적합하다는 주장을 <양자의학>에 담았습니다. 하지만 책을 읽어가다 보면 현대의학에 대한 이론보다는 전통의학에 주장하는 것들을 양자물리학으로 설명하는데 치중하고 있다는 인상을 받습니다. 양자물리학이 어렵기는 합니다만, 슈뢰딩거, 하이젠베르그 등에 관한 책들을 읽으면서 그 기본 이론은 이해할 수 있었습니다.
다음백과에 정리된 양자물리학의 설명을 보면, ‘이러저러한 힘을 받는 물체가 어떤 운동을 하게 되는지 밝히는 물리학의 한 이론’으로 ‘프랑크와 보어의 초기 양자역학은 전자의 궤도가 점프하는 현상을 강조한 반면 후기의 슈뢰딩거, 하이젠베르크의 이론은 전자의 위치가 확률적 분포로 밖에 알 수 없다는 점을 강조했다고 볼 수 있다.’라고 하였습니다. 그리고 양자역학의 형식은 성립되었어도, 그 물리적 해석에는 아직도 많은 문제가 남아 있다고 합니다. 저자는 뉴턴의 고전물리학은 끝났다고 하지만, 과연 그런가 싶습니다.
상황이 이런데 과학적으로 설명이 가능하지 않은 전통의학을 양자물리학이라는 풀어야 할 문제가 많은 양자물리학으로 설명하려다보니 구체적이지 못하고 역시 추정으로 일관할 수밖에 없는 한계가 노정되는 것 같습니다. 어떻든 이 책의 1부는 종합의학에 대한 개요를 설명하고, 2부는 대체의학에 머물고 있는 인도의 전통의학 아유르베다와 차크라, 중국의 전통의학 그리고 동종요법을 다루었습니다. 3부는 심신의학을 양자물리학으로 설명하고 있으며, 4부는 영적치유를 역시 양자물리학으로 설명합니다.
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