
Ecovillage Design Education - Findhorn College

Ecovillage Design Education - Findhorn College

Ecovillage Design Education

6 Jun – 3 Jul 2020


The Park, Findhorn Ecovillage




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Four weeks’ beginner to intermediate training unique in its emphasis on design tools & skills applied through an action learning design team experience
This design team format provides you with an opportunity to develop your design, facilitation and collaboration skills which can be adapted to your project, career or community setting
Inspired by Gaia Education’s Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) curriculum, drawing on the expertise of educators from some of the most successful ecovillages and transition projects around the world.Certified by

The Findhorn EDE will take you on a journey through the interwoven dimensions of Sustainability, broadly these are Social, Ecological, Economic and Worldview. These dimensions provide a comprehensive overview of the components that underpin all Ecovillages.

Design Studio focus is woven throughout the schedule, offering you an applied learning opportunity in the context of the Findhorn Ecovillage. These projects are based on real-life scenarios of the Findhorn Ecovillage and focus on the challenges and improvements needed for each project. Participant’s choice of project will reflect the issues most relevant to the action needed in your home communities as well as your personal learning needs. Small design teams will be co-formed, where you will work with other participants that share both similar and different skill and interest. As part of the Social dimension of ecovillage design, each team will develop agreements to define and adjust their collaborative process along.

Previous participants have become change agents and sustainability designers, taking active roles in transitioning their projects, institutions, and neighborhoods toward more sustainable patterns of production and consumption, as well as leading more joyful, meaningful and healthier lives.


Until 2020, you may be eligible for funding via Erasmus+, if you are an EU resident and are affiliated with a registered organisation in your home country. The following links may help you get started:

Please contact us for the necessary details you will need to complete your Erasmus+ application.

I found this course to be
exciting, broad, insightful, fun,
with an excellent range of
learning methods used. I now
understand sustainability in
the context of the social,
economic and spiritual perspectives
as well as the ecological.Klina, EDE Participant

The course catered to a diversity
of learning styles and there
was an holistic approach to all
topics. This has been an
outstanding course and I believe
that the quality of the trainers,
the content, and the enthusiasm
of the participants made it so.Stephen, EDE Participant
Ariane Burgess

Ariane has been engaged ever since arriving to the Ecovillage. She holds an MSc in Integrative EcoSocial Design and Leadership through Gaia University and is currently an advisor and coach for students. She is a certified CTI Leader and trained coach. In the aftermath of 9/11, she designed and installed The Labyrinth for Contemplation in Battery Park, New York. Ariane runs a consultancy, Regenerative Living and Leading, providing people with tools to support their communities in this rapidly changing world.
Lisa Shaw

Lisa is an artist, designer and environmental educator. She is a partner in the Ecovillage Institute, and Biomatrix Water, an ecological design and engineering company based at Findhorn. She has worked on water restoration projects in India, China, Bolivia, Russia and the UK, educating for the restoration and sustainable use of water and soil. She co-founded Lookfar Connections, an environmental education cooperative and led the ‘Arts in Community’ course for the Findhorn College’s undergraduate semester course.
Michael Shaw

Michael is a residential Ecovillage community member and is respected for numerous contributions to the Ecovillage including his extensive experience of serving on governance circles. Trained as an engineer specialising in ecological design, Michael is a founder of Biomatrix Water, delivering waterway restoration projects internationally. In his long term service in the Findhorn Foundaiton Michael Chaired the Trustees circle for over a decade. Michael helped found the Ten Stones community in Vermont and the Soillse co-housing project in Findhorn. He has co-authored two wastewater treatment patents and generously shares his experience and knowledge with Universities and students on the College’s sustainability courses.
Alex Walker

Alex is Chairman of Ekopia Ltd., a Development Trust that has raised substantial investment capital for Ecovillage projects in retailing, ecological accommodation and wind energy, and operates both a local currency scheme and a land trust in west Moray. He is also a consultant working in the fields of sustainability and social enterprise. His main interests are in creating community-based enterprises for both renewable energy and affordable housing projects. Alex also lectures widely in the UK on the prospects for a low carbon economy and the philosophy of sustainability. He was the chairman of Development Trusts Association Scotland, is a member of the Rural Development Council, which advises the Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment, and a he is a Director of Findhorn Wind Park Ltd.
Kosha Joubert

Kosha is an international facilitator, trainer, manager and consultant. She has worked extensively in the fields of curriculum development, international collaboration and sustainable development. Kosha currently serves as Executive Director of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN-International). She has been a driving force behind the emergence of GEN-Africa as an independent region and the strengthening of the global aspect of GEN. Kosha is one of the GEESE (Global Ecovillage Educators for a Sustainable Earth), who met in the Findhorn Ecovillage in 2004 and subsequently contributed to the EDE-curriculum and founded Gaia Education.
Course Fees

The fee includes tuition, outings, materials, food, and accommodation. The higher fee helps support others to attend, the middle fee covers costs and enables course development, the low fee is the minimum cost of the course.
Application Information

£100 deposit is required to process your application and secure your place on this training.

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