
Harvard Classics Volume 1: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin; The Journal of John Woolman; Some Fruits of Solitude eBook: Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn, Charles Eliot, Roy Pitchford: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Harvard Classics Volume 1: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin; The Journal of John Woolman; Some Fruits of Solitude eBook: Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn, Charles Eliot, Roy Pitchford: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Amazon Customer
4.0 out of 5 starsWorth it? Probably
25 January 2014 - Published on Amazon.com

Verified Purchase
The main issue I have with the Harvard Classics library on Amazon is that it IS a public domain work, so you should not have to pay for it. However, all versions freely available don't display properly on the Kindle or Kindle fire. They're also loaded with a number of technical errors, flow issues, and very odd scan issues. Luckily or unluckily for us, Amazon has gone through the works and cleaned them up and created a package that is easily accessible and most importantly READABLE. For the list price of two dollars is well worth the work you would put in trying to deal with the number of errors and issues with the versions available on project Gutenberg and archive.org.

NOTE: This volume is pulled from the 1909 publishing of the series by PF Collier & Son.