
Prime Video: Building Your Resilience: Finding Meaning in Adversity

Prime Video: Building Your Resilience: Finding Meaning in Adversity

Building Your Resilience: Finding Meaning in Adversity
Season 1
Research shows we thrive when we embrace problems, confident that we're resilient enough to work through them. In "Building Your Resilience: Finding Meaning in Adversity," you’ll learn how to create greater resilience. Whether you’re a trauma survivor or someone who is simply reaching for a more fulfilling and joyful life, your life will be enriched when you proactively increase your resilience.
24 episodes
S1 E1 - The Foundation of Resilience

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Will we be crippled by adversity or see an opportunity for growth? The answer lies in our ability to be resilient. Meet the eight themes of resilience this course will bring to life: core values and purpose, finding meaning in adversity, equanimity, self-care, healthy coping skills, a positive sense of self, support and connection with others, and a proactive worldview.
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Prime Video: The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness

Prime Video: The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness

The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness
Season 1
Uncover the essential secrets to a healthy mind and body and empower yourself to take charge of your happiness and life satisfaction. These 24 science-based lessons, taught by Dr. Robin Miller, will introduce you to the many ways that health and happiness are intertwined. Uncover the essential secrets to a healthy mind and body, and empower yourself to take charge of your happiness and life satisf
24 episodes
S1 E1 - The Health and Happiness Connection

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Are health and happiness intertwined? In this opening episode, Dr. Robin Miller suggests they go hand in hand. She begins by defining health and happiness and then explores the areas of the world which report the most happiness. She explains the deep connection between happiness and your health, longevity, and even your genetics.
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Prime Video: Practicing Mindfulness: An Introduction to Meditation

Prime Video: Practicing Mindfulness: An Introduction to Meditation

Practicing Mindfulness: An Introduction to Meditation
Season 1
In recent decades, science has confirmed that meditation, when correctly practiced, offers lasting benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Gain a clear understanding of the essence of meditation - and how best to practice it - in 24 lessons filled with guided exercises, principles and techniques, and more.
24 episodes
S1 E1 - Mindlessness - The Default Setting

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Do you control your mind, or does your mind control you? Investigate how the mind operates and the condition of "mindlessness" - the pervasive swirl of thoughts and judgments that separate you from the world around you. Consider the possibility of cultivating the mind in ways conducive to deep well-being for yourself and others.
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Prime Video: The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-Being

Prime Video: The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-Being

The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-Being
Season 1
In this astonishing look at the wide-scale adoption of mindfulness techniques into mainstream psychology and healthcare, study the brain science underlying these traditional wisdom practices and experience their extraordinary effects in your own life.
29 episodes
S1 E1 - Why Mindfulness Matters

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Begin by exploring the nature of mindfulness practice as a means of developing awareness with acceptance of our present experience. Review its remarkable range of psychological and physical benefits, dispel common misconceptions, and uncover the three core skills it employs as part of an empirically-supported path to well-being.
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Prime Video: The History and Achievements of the Islamic Golden Age

Prime Video: The History and Achievements of the Islamic Golden Age

The History and Achievements of the Islamic Golden Age
Season 1
It is nearly impossible to overstate the power and importance of the crucial 500-year history of the Abbasid Empire. This is your opportunity to get to know the story and the accomplishments of this great period in human civilization. With acclaimed lecturer Eamonn Gearon, get brilliant insights into an era too often overlooked.
24 episodes
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
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Prime Video: Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body

Prime Video: Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body

Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body
Season 1
Explore what modern science has revealed about mindfulness and the many ways in which it can benefit your life. In these 22 lessons, renowned specialists share their own personal experiences and their latest research, and they guide you through several mindfulness exercises. 

The result: an immersive experience of mindfulness, its practice, and its benefits.

22 episodes
S1 E1 - What You Practice Grows Stronger

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Mindfulness can strengthen our immune system, decrease stress, increase cognitive function, and allow us to feel more compassion. With Dr. Shauna Shapiro, explore your own purpose for engaging on a journey of mindfulness with respect to intention, attention, and attitude. Given that what you practice grows stronger, what do you want to practice in your own life?
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Prime Video: Real Zen for Real Life

Prime Video: Real Zen for Real Life

Real Zen for Real Life
Season 1
With the academic purview of a philosophy professor, the view of an academic scholar, and the spiritual experience of a practitioner and teacher of Zen, Professor Bret W. Davis’ Real Zen for Real Life reflects the push and pull between Eastern and Western traditions and cultures with the goal of making the study and practice of Zen more accessible and engaging to all viewers.
24 episodes
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
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S1 E1 - What Is Zen? Recovering the Beginner’s Mind

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Professor Davis introduces you to the concept of Zen by explaining that you need to clear your mind of anything you think Zen might be in order to understand what Zen actually is. He debunks common Western interpretations of what Zen is not, while introducing what we can take away from traditional Zen teachings and apply in modern Western culture.
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S1 E2 - The Zen Way to Know and Forget Thyself

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Professor Davis first helps you move past superficial titles you might use to define yourself and understand more about who you really are through holistic meditation. As he walks you through a brief practice meditation, he’ll help you understand how to better empty your mind and leave the meditation with “less” than you came in with.
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S1 E3 - Zen Meditation: Clearing the Heart-Mind

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Professor Davis helps you achieve a better intellectual understanding of meditation by breaking down the different methods of meditation, providing tips on how best to prepare, and addressing how to overcome common blocks to meditating properly, such as anxiety about wasting time. He breaks down five benefits of successful meditation and reveals how it can help give rise to inner confidence.
S1 E4 - How to Practice Zen Meditation

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Moving you from learning about Zen meditation to actually trying it, Professor Davis walks you through setting up an optimal time and place for your practice, determining which positions work best for you. He provides an in-depth explanation of the best ways to properly breathe and how to focus on your breathing, in order to calm the “monkey mind."
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S1 E5 - The Middle Way of Knowing What Suffices – Meditation Checkup: The Middle Way of Meditation

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
As Professor Davis notes, “It is impossible to understand Zen Buddhism without learning something about the teachings of the Buddha.” Professor Davis analyzes the traditional concept of the Middle Way through stories and diagrams and looks at how we have reinterpreted the meaning in the context of modern western culture.
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S1 E6 - Embracing the Impermanence of Life

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Professor Davis breaks down the doctrine that became the framework for the Buddha’s other teachings: The Four Noble Truths. Through anecdotes, examples, and parables, you’ll gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the goals of the Buddha’s teaching. Professor Davis will challenge you to examine and potentially reconsider desires you may have previously had.
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S1 E7 - The True Self Is Egoless – Meditation Checkup: Lead with the Body and Physical Stillness

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Professor Davis introduces the first of three lessons focused on the philosophical core of Zen Buddhism—which he admits, up front, may be the most intellectually and emotionally challenging. The crux of this episode focuses around how we are not, and can never be, exactly the beings we deeply desire to be, and how the true self may be ungraspable.
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S1 E8 - Loving Others as Yourself

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Spend this episode looking further into the interconnected nature of the true self and what it means to say that “the whole world is you.” Professor Davis explores the concept of self and others. With a focus on the senses and coexistence, this episode shows you how to “taste” the oneness of all life without losing sight of the real differences between individual lives.
S1 E9 - Taking Turns as the Center of the Universe – Meditation Checkup: From Mindless Reacting to Mindful Responding

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
What happens when two persons who have had a realization of their true self meet? Do worlds collide? Is the world big enough for more than one true self? Look at how we are united in our differences as you explore the answers to these questions and more. Examine the idea that to realize oneself as the center of the universe requires, paradoxically, letting go of all self-centeredness.
S1 E10 - Who or What Is the Buddha?

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Take a step back with Professor Davis to look at who Buddha actually was, as you explore the various meanings of “Buddha” across the various traditions of Buddhism. Looking at Buddha through the lens of Western examples, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how the meaning of “Buddha” is by no means restricted to a historical teacher, but rather an appellation that means “enlightened one.”
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S1 E11 - Mind Is Buddha: If You Meet Him, Kill Him! – Meditation Checkup: Dealing with Unavoidable Pain

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Professor Davis continues to discuss Zen’s understanding of the Buddha. You’ll look more closely at the manner in which the term “Buddha” is used in Zen, ending with perhaps the most shocking statement in any religious tradition, namely Zen master Linji’s admonition, “If you encounter the Buddha, kill the Buddha!” Examine the idea that Zen is all about freeing ourselves from our fixations.
S1 E12 - Dying to Live: Buddhism and Christianity

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Take an in-depth look at how Eastern and Western religious beliefs and philosophies can work in tandem as Professor Davis addresses our most entrenched attachment. He focuses namely on our attachment to our egos. Examine how in Zen, as in Christianity, in order to truly live, we must undergo a great spiritual death and rebirth.
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S1 E13 - Zen beyond Mysticism: Everyday Even Mind

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Discover how altered states of consciousness can manifest during meditation—and why you should ignore them and focus on the ordinary. The goal of Zen practice is to get rid of the things that crowd your mind, not add new clutter. Learn how to attain and keep the “everyday even mind” rather than reach toward the mystical or the superficially profound.
S1 E14 - Engaged Zen: From Inner to Outer Peace – Meditation Checkup: Dealing with Distractions

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
What does it mean to achieve peace? Should we punish evil or enlighten the ignorant? Take a closer look at how Zen Buddhism frames inner peace as the means to attaining outer peace through practice and example. Also look at the ways Zen Buddhism can give you invaluable insight into the ways we conceive of justice, peace, and personal responsibility.
S1 E15 - The Dharma of Karma: We Reap What We Sow

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Karma is not about comeuppance. Rather, it is about your own behaviors and how they shape the person that you are—or want to be. Examine the meaning of “situated freedom” and learn the truth about karma beyond the simplistic ideas of reward/punishment or retribution. Gain a more thorough understanding of your own role in karma as a concept of cause and effect and its relationship to free will.
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S1 E16 - Zen Morality: Follow and Then Forget Rules

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Zen teachings on morality have often been distorted to present the idea of being “beyond good and evil.” In reality, Zen Buddhism takes a view of morality that is more complex than this duality. Examine the concept of a morality that is not dictated by fixed rules of right and wrong and learn how to confront moral dilemmas through the lens of reducing harm.
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S1 E17 - The Zone of Zen: The Freedom of No-Mind

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
What does it mean to be free from ego and selfishness? In the Zen concept of “no mind,” you are able to free yourself from binary thinking and achieve a more childlike state of openness and wonder. Look closely at how zazen (Zen meditation) can help you live in the moment and be present in every step of your own journey instead of obsessively focusing on end results or future outcomes.
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S1 E18 - Zen Lessons from Nature: The Giving Leaves – Meditation Checkup: Three Ways of Breathing In and Out

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Learn about the practice of samu, in which you engage wholeheartedly with the task at hand, no matter how insignificant that task may seem. Professor Davis reveals his own personal journey as you discover how to become a part of the give-and-take of nature, embrace gratitude, and release yourself from the weight of expectation.
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S1 E19 - Zen Art: Cultivating Naturalness

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Is it a paradox to cultivate spontaneity? Perhaps, yet as you will learn, Zen teaches us how to develop our human capacity for participating in nature in ways that offer both structure and originality. Look at the Ways of Zen—the cultivated artistic and creative methods of Zen practitioners—and see how form and discipline can lead to greater freedom and creativity in your own pursuits.
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S1 E20 - Zen and Words: Between Silence and Speech – Meditation Checkup: Chanting as a Meditative Practice

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
As you will see, the Zen stance on the written word can seem contradictory. Zen is a practice that both values poetry, stories, parables, and other writings, yet also encourages practitioners to “go beyond words” and embrace silent meditation and reflection. Dig into this seeming contradiction to understand why Zen values the power of the language, but also acknowledges its many limitations.
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S1 E21 - Zen and Philosophy: The Kyoto School

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Look closer at how Zen emphasizes a holistic approach to both practicing and understanding its tenets, and see why Zen is more than an intellectual exercise. Learn about the Kyoto School and its approach to acknowledging philosophy as a part—but not the whole—of Zen Buddhism.
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S1 E22 - Just Sitting and Working with Kōans – Meditation Checkup: Walking Meditation

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Delve into the two major Japanese schools of Zen. First, examine the direct approach of the Sōtō school, in which the practice of sitting and clearing the mind to a state of “nonthinking” is emphasized above intellectual exercises. Then, turn to the “pressure cooker” Rinzai approach, which focuses on kōans and examining the paradoxical nature of being to work towards enlightenment.
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S1 E23 - Death and Rebirth: Or, Nirvana Here and Now

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Is change a disruption of continuity, or a part of that continuity itself? In Zen Buddhism, change is an acknowledged part of life, with death merely being another change every living thing must face. Delve into the core teachings of Zen surrounding life and death and better understand why it is important to face your own mortality and embrace impermanence to live fully here and now.
S1 E24 - Reviewing the Path of Zen: The Oxherding Pictures – Finding a Zen Community

December 23, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Follow Professor Davis through a commentary on a beloved Zen text: Ten Oxherding Pictures. This series of illustrated poems, recreated from the work of a 12th-century monk, portray the path of a Zen practitioner through the stages toward enlightenment and offers a glimpse into the cyclical nature of self-discovery. After all, the journey is the destination.

Prime Video: The Meaning of Life: Perspectives from the World's Great Intellectual Traditions

Prime Video: The Meaning of Life: Perspectives from the World's Great Intellectual Traditions

The Meaning of Life: Perspectives from the World's Great Intellectual Traditions
Season 1
What is the meaning of life? How do we find that meaning? To whom should we listen as we shape the path we will walk through the world? This course is an invigorating way to begin or continue your pursuit of these and other questions. Embark on an intellectually gripping course that is every bit the equal of the monumental subject it sets out to explore.
36 episodes
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
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S1 E1 - The Meaning of the Meaning of Life

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Establish the solid ground from which your journey will begin. You'll learn the meanings that the word "meaning," itself, may embody and preview the approaches you will take to the question that gives the course its name.
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S1 E2 - The Bhagavad-Gita - Choice and Daily Life

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
One of the core texts of the Mahabharata - a major moral and religious text for most Hindus - introduces you to the critically important skill of truly reading a text, deeply and with comprehension. It also begins your consideration of the concept of human choice.
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S1 E3 - The Bhagavad-Gita - Discipline and Duty

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Plunge more deeply into the Bhagavad-Gita's wisdom by grasping the three kinds of yogas, or disciplines, embedded in its metaphors. See why these disciplines of action, knowledge, and devotion are all required if life is to be coherent, integrated, and rational.
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S1 E4 - The Bhagavad-Gita - Union and Purpose

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Conclude your reading of the Bhagavad-Gita with an appreciation of the theophany - Krishna's revelation of the nature of divinity. True freedom, says the Gita's final message, comes from disinterested action, reflective knowledge, and a finding of value at the cosmic level of a universe divine in its own right.
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S1 E5 - Aristotle on Life - The Big Picture

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Shift your perspective from India to the roots of Western thought about life's meaning by beginning your study of Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics. This introductory lecture sets out the framework of Aristotle's view, as set forth in the lecture notes kept by his son and pupil, Nichomacheus.
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S1 E6 - Aristotle - The Highest Good

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Explore Aristotle's search for the "highest good." It is a search that takes you through his famous "function argument" and offers an explanation of the comprehensive state of being known as eudaimonea, the fully flourishing life that may well elude evaluation until long after death.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E7 - Aristotle - The Happy Life

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Your examination of Aristotle's ethical teachings concludes with his explanation of virtue, its key dimensions, and its necessary coupling with action. Special attention is also paid to the importance of friendship.
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S1 E8 - Job's Predicament - Life Is So Unfair

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
As you move to the Hebraic tradition, you grasp how the core question has shifted. Instead of seeking our answer in our relationship to the cosmos, as in the Indian tradition, or to society, as in that of the Greeks, the focus is now on our relationship to a personal God.
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S1 E9 - Job's Challenge - Who Are We?

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The book of Job brings an encounter with a troubling conclusion. Although life may indeed have meaning, it is a meaning shrouded by a mysterious divine, and we may need to live in ignorance of what that meaning may be.
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S1 E10 - Stoicism - Rationality and Acceptance

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Your focus moves to the beginnings of Stoic moral theory in the writings of Seneca and Epictetus. Their accounts of a good life describe one that is moderate, reasonable, and controlled, living in harmony with the universe and society, and accepting of the inevitability of death.
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S1 E11 - Human Finitude - The Epicurean Synthesis

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
A brief introduction to Lucretius, the foremost Epicurean philosopher, serves as a gateway to the thought of Marcus Aurelius. Aurelius's Meditations synthesizes Stoic ideas about rational order and the importance of emotional control with Epicurean ideas about finitude and impermanence.
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S1 E12 - Confucius - Order in the Cosmos and in Life

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Your focus shifts to China and the ideas attributed to the man known to the West as Confucius. Hear what his teachings have to say about concepts like warm-heartedness, propriety, virtue, filial piety, the nature of the universe, and the achievement of an effortless excellence of character.
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S1 E13 - Daodejing - The Dao of Life and Spontaneity

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
An exploration of a very different Chinese approach to understanding than that set forth in Confucianism begins with a cautionary demonstration of the startling differences in interpretation that will always be present among various translations of a text.
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S1 E14 - Daodejing - The Best Life Is a Simple Life

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Some beautiful readings from the Daodejing bring out the profound differences in outlook that set it apart from Confucianism. Grasp how it turns away from social structures and the "cultivation" of individual excellence in favor of a simple, natural life.
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S1 E15 - Daodejing - Subtlety and Paradox

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Conclude your immersion in the Daodejing with this examination of some of its most important aspects. Take in its perspectives on the nature of the universe, the subtlety and suppleness of virtue, the value of "negativity," and the delicacy of life.
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S1 E16 - Zhuangzi on Daoism - Impermanence and Harmony

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Your exploration of Daoism ends with its longest classical text, the Zhuangzi. You find not only the themes of spontaneity and the suspicion of logic, but also ridicule of the Confucian emphasis on ritual, propriety, and rigid relationships.
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S1 E17 - The Teachings of the Buddha

January 23, 1970
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
This lecture begins with the search for enlightenment by a young Indian prince and concludes with an introduction to what he found - the so-called Four Noble Truths, including the eightfold path to sharing that enlightenment.
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S1 E18 - Santideva - Mahayana Buddhism

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Here you begin your study of one of the major evolutions in Buddhist thought, the Mahayana, and one of its major texts - Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara - a "how-to" manual for leading an enlightened life.
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S1 E19 - Santideva - Transforming the Mind

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Enhance your grasp of Mahayana Buddhism and Santideva's description of the meaningful life, achieved only through the "six perfections" - the pursuit of generosity, propriety, patience, effort, meditation, and wisdom.
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S1 E20 - Zen - The Moon in a Dewdrop and Impermanence

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Expand your understanding of Buddhism with an introduction to Zen. This path to Buddhahood is aimed at direct transformation. Knowledge is handed directly from mind to mind, with great emphasis placed on a teacher-disciple lineage that each Zen master can trace directly to Zen's originating moment.
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S1 E21 - Zen - Being-Time and Primordial Awakening

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
This lecture takes you through Zen concepts like duality and non-duality, perception and conception, Dogen's presentation of time as the very nature of our world, and what is required to reawaken our primordial Buddha-nature.
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S1 E22 - Taking Stock of the Classical World

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
A look back at the classical traditions studied thus far reveals that although there is no unanimity, there are common dimensions, as well as a consensus about the value of a virtuoso life attained through contemplation and practice.
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S1 E23 - Hume's Skepticism and the Place of God

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
European modernity brings the first challenges of science and reason to the primacy of theology. David Hume argues that, although theism may well be reasonable, it cannot be rational, establishing the foundation for separate public and private spheres.
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S1 E24 - Hume's Careless and Compassionate Vision

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
You explore Hume's distinctions between Nature and Second Nature, the importance of our social lives to our cognitive lives, and the key roles our passions and imagination play in our beliefs and actions.
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S1 E25 - Kant - Immaturity and the Challenge to Know

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The work of Immanuel Kant is considered the demarcation line for modern academic philosophy. Here you take up Kant's view of the Enlightenment as a call for people to emerge from their self-imposed immaturity and realize their nature as fully formed human beings.
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S1 E26 - Mill's Call to Individuality and to Liberty

June 1, 2020
Readings from John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" reveal the first purely individualistic doctrine of the meaning of life encountered in the course. Mill presents the strongest possible defense of the connection between a meaningful life and a liberal social order.
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S1 E27 - Tolstoy - Is Everyday Life the Real Thing?

June 1, 2020
A novella by Tolstoy presents a very different and critical view of modernity, suggesting that its values of secularization and mass society invariably lead us, in fact, to a life that is meaningless.
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S1 E28 - Nietzsche - Twilight of the Idols

June 1, 2020
Nietzsche initiates postmodernism in philosophy - its first sustained attack on modernity. Through readings from his "Twilight of the Idols", you grasp Nietzsche's dismissal of modernity's core values, including philosophical progress, reason, systematicity, god, and transcendent value.
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S1 E29 - Nietzsche - Achieving Authenticity

June 1, 2020
Nietzsche's repudiation of modernity's concept of a meaningful life does not mean he lacks his own. This lecture presents his vision of life as a successful creative act on a grand scale, with oneself as the hero of a great autobiography.
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S1 E30 - Gandhi - Satyagraha and Holding Fast to Truth

June 1, 2020
Your introduction to the thought of Gandhi reveals him as even more radical than Nietzsche. Although a realization of Gandhi's views would admittedly sacrifice many of modernity's benefits, including much of technology, medicine, and law, it is a price he says we must be willing to pay.
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S1 E31 - Gandhi - The Call to a Supernormal Life

June 1, 2020
Gandhi's own life serves as an example of the supernormal life he advocates. See how his argument for what he believes to be the only meaningful life includes echoes from almost every text we've examined.
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S1 E32 - Lame Deer - Life Enfolded in Symbols

June 1, 2020
Readings from "Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions" offer a different vantage point for seeking meaning: a symbolic view of life. It is not that modernity lacks its own symbolism or is without meaning, says this Lakota Sioux holy man, but that it means the wrong things.
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S1 E33 - Lame Deer - Our Place in a Symbolic World

June 1, 2020
Go deeper into Lame Deer's critique of modernity, examining his ideas about the impact of money and our fetishism about it, the alienation from nature it brings about, and modernity's simultaneous denial and spreading of death.
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S1 E34 - HH Dalai Lama XIV - A Modern Buddhist View

June 1, 2020
You are introduced to the Dalai Lama's Buddhist-inflected but very modern, secular vision about the universal human goal of happiness. You learn its components and the relationship between their pursuit and the interconnectedness of human life.
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S1 E35 - HH Dalai Lama XIV - Discernment and Happiness

June 1, 2020
A vigorous discussion of how to achieve happiness reveals how the Dalai Lama's views of a meaningful life, modern as they are, also contain a deep traditionalist thread. We must still commit to the bodhisattva path, the altruistic aspiration to attain awakening for the benefit of all.
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S1 E36 - So, What Is the Meaning of Life?

June 1, 2020
Tempting as it may be to form a single answer agreed on by all, there is none to be found. What is clear is that there are recurrent themes, with the answer that works for you likely to be found among them.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

Prime Video: Sacred Texts of the World

Prime Video: Sacred Texts of the World

Sacred Texts of the World
Season 1
Throughout history, religious expression has been an essential human activity, influencing the development of civilizations. Humanity’s religions are grounded in their sacred texts - foundational writings that crystallize the principles and vision of the faiths, forming the basis of belief and action. Reveal a global legacy of faith, thought, and spirituality.
36 episodes
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
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S1 E1 - Reading Other People’s Scriptures

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Throughout history, the world's sacred texts have held profound significance for the cultures that produced them. Consider five key reasons for the importance of studying them, from their accessibility and centrality to their cultures of origin to the wisdom they contain and the enlarged perspective they offer on our own traditions.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E2 - Hinduism and the Vedas

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Grasp the nature and roles of sacred writings within Hinduism, as contrasted with the Judeo-Christian tradition. Learn about the structure of the Vedas, comprising collections of hymns and commentaries, and their meaning and function in Hindu ritual. Read compelling excerpts from the Vedas, and learn how Western religious scholars have approached them.
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S1 E3 - What Is Heard - Upanishads

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The Upanishads constitute the philosophical or wisdom texts of the Hindu Vedas. Study the composition of the Brihadaranyaka and Chandogya Upanishads, containing spiritual arguments and dialogues revealing the underlying unity of brahman (ultimate reality) and atman (the self or soul). Trace the Upanishads' influence on Westerners.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E4 - What Is Remembered - Epics

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
A second body of Hindu sacred writings encompasses literature, texts that explore the nature of dharma, the eternal laws and principles that give meaning and shape to life. Here, discover two great Indian epics: the Ramayana, a mythic narrative of kingship; and the Mahabharata, a complex story of familial bonds and discord.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E5 - Laws of Manu and Bhagavad Gita

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Learn about the huge canon of Hindu sutras, shastras, Puranas, and Tantra. Delve into two highly influential texts: the Laws of Manu, outlining rules, customs and guidelines for living for the four Indian castes; and the beloved Bhagavad Gita, which speaks to matters of spiritual insight, social obligation, and worldly success.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E6 - Related Traditions - Sikh Scriptures

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Trace the evolution of the Sikh religion, and the lineage of gurus that produced the faith's sacred text, the Adi Granth. Study the composition of the Adi Granth; sample its beautiful hymns, poems, and prayers; and learn how the book is treated by Sikhs as a living guru.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E7 - Judaism - People of the Book

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
In approaching the sacred texts of Judaism, learn the dramatic history of the Aleppo Codex, a historically significant copy of the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible). Track the origins of the Tanakh and its constituent sections - the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings - and grasp how the Tanakh became the focus of Jewish identity.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E8 - Five Books of Torah

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Study the contents of the Torah - the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Then consider two kinds of responses to the text - the religious perspective that regards it as a repository of eternal truths, and the historical-critical perspective that approaches the text with the tools of the scholar.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E9 - Prophets and Writings

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Through the Prophets, chart the unfolding of the political and religious history of ancient Israel. Then explore the rich spectrum of the Writings, containing stories, proverbs, poetry, psalms, and theological explorations. Contemplate the core themes of these texts, from ethical monotheism and the destiny of Israel to the nature of God and humanity.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E10 - Apocrypha and Dead Sea Scrolls

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Taste the stories and historical narratives of the Apocrypha (included in Catholic but not Jewish or Protestant Bibles), noting their thematic emphasis on the spiritual and political challenges faced by the Jews. Learn what the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us about the community that produced them and the evolution of the Hebrew Bible.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E11 - Oral Torah - Mishnah and Talmud

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Within Judaism, two central texts form the basis for devotion to God through study. Grasp the nature of the Mishnah, a body of legal judgments and maxims teaching students how to think critically. Then encounter the Talmud, a vast analysis and commentary on the Mishnah and Jewish life - a marvel of world literature.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E12 - Related Traditions - Zoroastrian Scriptures

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Zoroastrianism envisions the universe as ruled by good and evil beings of equal status. Study its principal sacred text, the Avesta, comprising books of hymns, myths, and religious regulations promoting holiness. Sample the Gathas, dialogues between the priest Zoroaster and the creator god, Ahura Mazda, and trace Zoroastrianism's influence on the monotheistic faiths.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E13 - The Three Baskets of Buddhism

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Get an introduction to the huge library of Buddhist scriptures. Study the origins and contents of the three major Buddhist canons - the Pali canon, the Chinese canon, and the Tibetan canon. Learn about the devoted efforts through Buddhist history to preserve these texts, and the nature of their significance to Buddhists.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E14 - Vinaya and Jataka

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Here, investigate two prominent types of Buddhist scriptures and how they are used. Delve into the Vinaya, regulations and stories comprising rules for living for monks and nuns. Then sample excerpts from the Jataka, the large body of stories concerning the Buddha's past lives, used for teaching Buddhist morality.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E15 - Theravada Sutras

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Among textual riches of the Theravada tradition of Buddhism is the Buddha's teaching on the origins of suffering. Contemplate the Therigatha, poems of women's enlightenment; the Dhammapada, verses of advice and inspiration; and the Discourse to the Kalamas, where the Buddha outlines a spiritual path of direct experience and observation.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E16 - Mahayana Sutras

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The Mahayana Sutras are those of the East Asian tradition. Study the Mahayana conceptions of the perfection of wisdom and the nature of emptiness, non-duality, and no-self. Observe how these notions were expressed through the renowned Lotus Sutra, Diamond Sutra, and Heart Sutra, and how the texts were venerated as sacred objects.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E17 - Pure Land Buddhism and Zen

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Two distinctive forms of Buddhism took root in Japan. Learn first about the Pure Land School, which directs spiritual efforts toward entering a celestial realm where seekers can learn the dharma. Through Zen scriptures and koans (paradoxical sayings used in teaching), contemplate the tradition's direct, experiential approach to enlightenment.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E18 - Tibetan Vajrayana

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
In studying the remarkable and elaborate Tibetan canon, grasp how Vajrayana Buddhism combines the Mahayana philosophy of the perfection of wisdom with Tantra, secret rituals and practices that offer shortcuts to enlightenment. Also encounter the Tibetan Book of the Dead - in reality, a treatise on rebirth.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E19 - Related Traditions - Jain Scriptures

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Jainism, a sister religion to Buddhism, maintains an unusual relationship to scripture. Explore the principles and ascetic customs of the faith's two groups, the Shvetambara and Digambara, which reject each other's scriptures as forgeries. Study excerpts from each group's sacred texts, revered yet never held as the heart of the faith.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E20 - Five Confucian Classics

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Here, confront the intriguing question of whether Confucianism is a religion or a philosophy. Learn about the Confucian canon and how it became the foundation of Chinese state ideology. Sample texts encompassing poetry, history, ritual, rules for living, and explorations of morality, and consider why we refer to them as "classics" rather than "scripture."
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E21 - Four Books of Neo-Confucianism

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
In a second look at Confucianism, investigate the renowned Yijing and how its system of divination has actual practical applications. Then delve into Neo-Confucianism, its principles of self-cultivation and harmony with humanity and the cosmos, and its embodiment in the texts of the Analects, the Mencius, the Great Learning, and the Constant Mean.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E22 - Daoism and the Daodejing

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The foundational text of Daoism, the Daodejing, speaks of the Way (Dao), a transcendent order underlying all phenomena. In excerpts from the text, contemplate the Daodejing's compelling expression of harmonious duality and its conception of effortless, spontaneous human action. Also sample the Zhuangzi, a related masterpiece of literature and philosophy.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E23 - The Three Caverns of Daoist Scriptures

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The full canon of Daoism comprises roughly 1500 texts. Study seminal scriptures such as the Neiye, the Huainanzi, the Scripture on Great Peace, and the Declarations of the Perfected. Grasp how the Daozang, or complete canon, is organized into three "Caverns" or divisions, reflecting the major schools of Daoism.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E24 - Related Traditions - Shinto and Tenrikyo

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Explore the customs and rituals of the Japanese Shinto religion, aimed at harmonizing the human and natural worlds. Study excerpts from its revered texts, comprising histories of Japan and ritual prayers, and learn about its integral role in Japanese life. Also encounter the Tenrikyo faith and its three distinctive books of scripture.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E25 - Christian Testaments Old and New

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
In approaching Christian scripture, trace the complex origins of the New Testament, beginning with the letters of Paul and the Gospels. Follow the proliferation of later Christian texts and how they were categorized, and study the composition of the first complete Christian Bibles in comparison with more recent versions and translations.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E26 - Gospels and Acts

June 1, 2020
The New Testament Gospels present four distinct accounts of the life of Jesus of equal authority. Compare the discrepancies between the four Gospels, taking note of key hypotheses regarding the sources and theological motivations underlying them. Continue with the Acts of the Apostles as it outlines Christian practices that serve to define the faith.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E27 - Letters and Apocalypse

June 1, 2020
Letters, as exemplified in the New Testament writings, were an important means of instruction in the early church. Study seven key letters written by Paul, speaking to theological understanding, challenges faced by early Christians, and essential doctrine. Conclude with Revelation and its dramatic vision of the coming kingdom of God.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E28 - Apocryphal Gospels

June 1, 2020
Alongside the four canonical Gospels, competing accounts of Jesus's life emerged, which we now call "apocryphal." Here, discover the Gospel of Peter, which directly portrays the Resurrection, and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, which recounts events of Jesus's childhood. Finally, encounter Gnostic Christianity in the Gospel of Thomas, containing mystical sayings of Jesus.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E29 - Related Traditions - Mormon Scriptures

June 1, 2020
The Mormon religion offers its own unique scriptures, used in conjunction with the Christian Bible. Learn about the Book of Mormon, an epic religious-historical narrative, as well as its other sacred texts, including Mormonism's oral temple ceremony, and grasp how they are used as expressions of the faith.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E30 - Islam and Scriptural Recitation

June 1, 2020
The remarkable oral tradition in Islam mandates that the Qur'an be recited and regards memorization as an act of devotion. Delve into the Qur'an's origins in the life of Muhammad, the conception of its text as direct revelation, and its recitation as a sophisticated and esteemed art form.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E31 - Holy Qur’an

June 1, 2020
Study the Qur'an's structure and contents, noting how the message of faith - revolutionary for its time - is spread throughout the suras (chapters). Read the beautiful poetry, explore the Qur'an's major themes, and consider how its stories compare to the same stories as told in the Old Testament of the Bible.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E32 - Hadith and Sufism

June 1, 2020
The Islamic Hadith recounts the actions and sayings of Muhammad. Study the sources and composition of this revered body of texts, and observe how they provide guidance on essential matters of Muslim life. Also encounter the superlative poetry of Sufism, Islam's mystical tradition, which employs refined spiritual practices to reach direct union with God.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E33 - Related Traditions - Baha'i Scriptures

June 1, 2020
Trace the 19th-century emergence of Baha'i, a distinctive faith with origins in Iran. Learn about the tenets of the religion and the huge canon of scriptures written by the faith's founders. Read from foundational Baha'i texts as they speak to the oneness of God, the oneness of humanity, and the unity of religions.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E34 - Abandoned Scriptures - Egyptian and Mayan

June 1, 2020
Explore the value of studying sacred texts from traditions that have not survived. Read striking excerpts from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compendium of spells guiding the deceased in the afterlife. Then discover the Popol Vuh, a text containing sacred mythological stories of the Maya.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E35 - Secular Scripture - U.S. Constitution

June 1, 2020
Here, uncover thought-provoking parallels between religious texts and certain secular ones. With reference to the key ways in which scriptures are received and employed within religious faiths, delineate how the founding documents of the United States have come to function as many sacred texts do in other cultures.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E36 - Heavenly Books, Earthly Connections

June 1, 2020
Conclude with Professor Hardy's recommendations, from each of the major religious traditions, of specific texts with which to begin your own reading of sacred writings. Finally, contemplate the question of what difference the comparative study of sacred texts might make in our lives when we read them with empathy and understanding.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

Sacred Texts of the World
Season 1

Throughout history, religious expression has been an essential human activity, influencing the development of civilizations. Humanity’s religions are grounded in their sacred texts - foundational writings that crystallize the principles and vision of the faiths, forming the basis of belief and action. Reveal a global legacy of faith, thought, and spirituality.
202036 episodes

Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
Play Season 1, Episode 1
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S1 E1 - Reading Other People’s Scriptures

June 1, 2020
Throughout history, the world's sacred texts have held profound significance for the cultures that produced them. Consider five key reasons for the importance of studying them, from their accessibility and centrality to their cultures of origin to the wisdom they contain and the enlarged perspective they offer on our own traditions.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E2 - Hinduism and the Vedas

June 1, 2020
Grasp the nature and roles of sacred writings within Hinduism, as contrasted with the Judeo-Christian tradition. Learn about the structure of the Vedas, comprising collections of hymns and commentaries, and their meaning and function in Hindu ritual. Read compelling excerpts from the Vedas, and learn how Western religious scholars have approached them.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E3 - What Is Heard - Upanishads

June 1, 2020
The Upanishads constitute the philosophical or wisdom texts of the Hindu Vedas. Study the composition of the Brihadaranyaka and Chandogya Upanishads, containing spiritual arguments and dialogues revealing the underlying unity of brahman (ultimate reality) and atman (the self or soul). Trace the Upanishads' influence on Westerners.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E4 - What Is Remembered - Epics

June 1, 2020
A second body of Hindu sacred writings encompasses literature, texts that explore the nature of dharma, the eternal laws and principles that give meaning and shape to life. Here, discover two great Indian epics: the Ramayana, a mythic narrative of kingship; and the Mahabharata, a complex story of familial bonds and discord.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E5 - Laws of Manu and Bhagavad Gita

June 1, 2020
Learn about the huge canon of Hindu sutras, shastras, Puranas, and Tantra. Delve into two highly influential texts: the Laws of Manu, outlining rules, customs and guidelines for living for the four Indian castes; and the beloved Bhagavad Gita, which speaks to matters of spiritual insight, social obligation, and worldly success.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E6 - Related Traditions - Sikh Scriptures

June 1, 2020
Trace the evolution of the Sikh religion, and the lineage of gurus that produced the faith's sacred text, the Adi Granth. Study the composition of the Adi Granth; sample its beautiful hymns, poems, and prayers; and learn how the book is treated by Sikhs as a living guru.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E7 - Judaism - People of the Book

June 1, 2020
In approaching the sacred texts of Judaism, learn the dramatic history of the Aleppo Codex, a historically significant copy of the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible). Track the origins of the Tanakh and its constituent sections - the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings - and grasp how the Tanakh became the focus of Jewish identity.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E8 - Five Books of Torah

June 1, 2020
Study the contents of the Torah - the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Then consider two kinds of responses to the text - the religious perspective that regards it as a repository of eternal truths, and the historical-critical perspective that approaches the text with the tools of the scholar.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E9 - Prophets and Writings

June 1, 2020
Through the Prophets, chart the unfolding of the political and religious history of ancient Israel. Then explore the rich spectrum of the Writings, containing stories, proverbs, poetry, psalms, and theological explorations. Contemplate the core themes of these texts, from ethical monotheism and the destiny of Israel to the nature of God and humanity.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E10 - Apocrypha and Dead Sea Scrolls

June 1, 2020
Taste the stories and historical narratives of the Apocrypha (included in Catholic but not Jewish or Protestant Bibles), noting their thematic emphasis on the spiritual and political challenges faced by the Jews. Learn what the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us about the community that produced them and the evolution of the Hebrew Bible.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E11 - Oral Torah - Mishnah and Talmud

June 1, 2020
Within Judaism, two central texts form the basis for devotion to God through study. Grasp the nature of the Mishnah, a body of legal judgments and maxims teaching students how to think critically. Then encounter the Talmud, a vast analysis and commentary on the Mishnah and Jewish life - a marvel of world literature.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E12 - Related Traditions - Zoroastrian Scriptures

June 1, 2020
Zoroastrianism envisions the universe as ruled by good and evil beings of equal status. Study its principal sacred text, the Avesta, comprising books of hymns, myths, and religious regulations promoting holiness. Sample the Gathas, dialogues between the priest Zoroaster and the creator god, Ahura Mazda, and trace Zoroastrianism's influence on the monotheistic faiths.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E13 - The Three Baskets of Buddhism

June 1, 2020
Get an introduction to the huge library of Buddhist scriptures. Study the origins and contents of the three major Buddhist canons - the Pali canon, the Chinese canon, and the Tibetan canon. Learn about the devoted efforts through Buddhist history to preserve these texts, and the nature of their significance to Buddhists.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E14 - Vinaya and Jataka

June 1, 2020
Here, investigate two prominent types of Buddhist scriptures and how they are used. Delve into the Vinaya, regulations and stories comprising rules for living for monks and nuns. Then sample excerpts from the Jataka, the large body of stories concerning the Buddha's past lives, used for teaching Buddhist morality.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E15 - Theravada Sutras

June 1, 2020
Among textual riches of the Theravada tradition of Buddhism is the Buddha's teaching on the origins of suffering. Contemplate the Therigatha, poems of women's enlightenment; the Dhammapada, verses of advice and inspiration; and the Discourse to the Kalamas, where the Buddha outlines a spiritual path of direct experience and observation.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E16 - Mahayana Sutras

June 1, 2020
The Mahayana Sutras are those of the East Asian tradition. Study the Mahayana conceptions of the perfection of wisdom and the nature of emptiness, non-duality, and no-self. Observe how these notions were expressed through the renowned Lotus Sutra, Diamond Sutra, and Heart Sutra, and how the texts were venerated as sacred objects.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E17 - Pure Land Buddhism and Zen

June 1, 2020
Two distinctive forms of Buddhism took root in Japan. Learn first about the Pure Land School, which directs spiritual efforts toward entering a celestial realm where seekers can learn the dharma. Through Zen scriptures and koans (paradoxical sayings used in teaching), contemplate the tradition's direct, experiential approach to enlightenment.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E18 - Tibetan Vajrayana

June 1, 2020
In studying the remarkable and elaborate Tibetan canon, grasp how Vajrayana Buddhism combines the Mahayana philosophy of the perfection of wisdom with Tantra, secret rituals and practices that offer shortcuts to enlightenment. Also encounter the Tibetan Book of the Dead - in reality, a treatise on rebirth.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E19 - Related Traditions - Jain Scriptures

June 1, 2020
Jainism, a sister religion to Buddhism, maintains an unusual relationship to scripture. Explore the principles and ascetic customs of the faith's two groups, the Shvetambara and Digambara, which reject each other's scriptures as forgeries. Study excerpts from each group's sacred texts, revered yet never held as the heart of the faith.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E20 - Five Confucian Classics

June 1, 2020
Here, confront the intriguing question of whether Confucianism is a religion or a philosophy. Learn about the Confucian canon and how it became the foundation of Chinese state ideology. Sample texts encompassing poetry, history, ritual, rules for living, and explorations of morality, and consider why we refer to them as "classics" rather than "scripture."
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E21 - Four Books of Neo-Confucianism

June 1, 2020
In a second look at Confucianism, investigate the renowned Yijing and how its system of divination has actual practical applications. Then delve into Neo-Confucianism, its principles of self-cultivation and harmony with humanity and the cosmos, and its embodiment in the texts of the Analects, the Mencius, the Great Learning, and the Constant Mean.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E22 - Daoism and the Daodejing

June 1, 2020
The foundational text of Daoism, the Daodejing, speaks of the Way (Dao), a transcendent order underlying all phenomena. In excerpts from the text, contemplate the Daodejing's compelling expression of harmonious duality and its conception of effortless, spontaneous human action. Also sample the Zhuangzi, a related masterpiece of literature and philosophy.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E23 - The Three Caverns of Daoist Scriptures

June 1, 2020
The full canon of Daoism comprises roughly 1500 texts. Study seminal scriptures such as the Neiye, the Huainanzi, the Scripture on Great Peace, and the Declarations of the Perfected. Grasp how the Daozang, or complete canon, is organized into three "Caverns" or divisions, reflecting the major schools of Daoism.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E24 - Related Traditions - Shinto and Tenrikyo

June 1, 2020
Explore the customs and rituals of the Japanese Shinto religion, aimed at harmonizing the human and natural worlds. Study excerpts from its revered texts, comprising histories of Japan and ritual prayers, and learn about its integral role in Japanese life. Also encounter the Tenrikyo faith and its three distinctive books of scripture.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E25 - Christian Testaments Old and New

June 1, 2020
In approaching Christian scripture, trace the complex origins of the New Testament, beginning with the letters of Paul and the Gospels. Follow the proliferation of later Christian texts and how they were categorized, and study the composition of the first complete Christian Bibles in comparison with more recent versions and translations.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E26 - Gospels and Acts

June 1, 2020
The New Testament Gospels present four distinct accounts of the life of Jesus of equal authority. Compare the discrepancies between the four Gospels, taking note of key hypotheses regarding the sources and theological motivations underlying them. Continue with the Acts of the Apostles as it outlines Christian practices that serve to define the faith.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E27 - Letters and Apocalypse

June 1, 2020
Letters, as exemplified in the New Testament writings, were an important means of instruction in the early church. Study seven key letters written by Paul, speaking to theological understanding, challenges faced by early Christians, and essential doctrine. Conclude with Revelation and its dramatic vision of the coming kingdom of God.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E28 - Apocryphal Gospels

June 1, 2020
Alongside the four canonical Gospels, competing accounts of Jesus's life emerged, which we now call "apocryphal." Here, discover the Gospel of Peter, which directly portrays the Resurrection, and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, which recounts events of Jesus's childhood. Finally, encounter Gnostic Christianity in the Gospel of Thomas, containing mystical sayings of Jesus.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E29 - Related Traditions - Mormon Scriptures

June 1, 2020
The Mormon religion offers its own unique scriptures, used in conjunction with the Christian Bible. Learn about the Book of Mormon, an epic religious-historical narrative, as well as its other sacred texts, including Mormonism's oral temple ceremony, and grasp how they are used as expressions of the faith.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E30 - Islam and Scriptural Recitation

June 1, 2020
The remarkable oral tradition in Islam mandates that the Qur'an be recited and regards memorization as an act of devotion. Delve into the Qur'an's origins in the life of Muhammad, the conception of its text as direct revelation, and its recitation as a sophisticated and esteemed art form.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E31 - Holy Qur’an

June 1, 2020
Study the Qur'an's structure and contents, noting how the message of faith - revolutionary for its time - is spread throughout the suras (chapters). Read the beautiful poetry, explore the Qur'an's major themes, and consider how its stories compare to the same stories as told in the Old Testament of the Bible.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E32 - Hadith and Sufism

June 1, 2020
The Islamic Hadith recounts the actions and sayings of Muhammad. Study the sources and composition of this revered body of texts, and observe how they provide guidance on essential matters of Muslim life. Also encounter the superlative poetry of Sufism, Islam's mystical tradition, which employs refined spiritual practices to reach direct union with God.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E33 - Related Traditions - Baha'i Scriptures

June 1, 2020
Trace the 19th-century emergence of Baha'i, a distinctive faith with origins in Iran. Learn about the tenets of the religion and the huge canon of scriptures written by the faith's founders. Read from foundational Baha'i texts as they speak to the oneness of God, the oneness of humanity, and the unity of religions.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E34 - Abandoned Scriptures - Egyptian and Mayan

June 1, 2020
Explore the value of studying sacred texts from traditions that have not survived. Read striking excerpts from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compendium of spells guiding the deceased in the afterlife. Then discover the Popol Vuh, a text containing sacred mythological stories of the Maya.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E35 - Secular Scripture - U.S. Constitution

June 1, 2020
Here, uncover thought-provoking parallels between religious texts and certain secular ones. With reference to the key ways in which scriptures are received and employed within religious faiths, delineate how the founding documents of the United States have come to function as many sacred texts do in other cultures.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

S1 E36 - Heavenly Books, Earthly Connections

June 1, 2020
Conclude with Professor Hardy's recommendations, from each of the major religious traditions, of specific texts with which to begin your own reading of sacred writings. Finally, contemplate the question of what difference the comparative study of sacred texts might make in our lives when we read them with empathy and understanding.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription