
** [Let's Talk Religion] The Unity of Being (Ibn 'Arabi) [24min] + Transcript

The Unity of Being (Wahdat al-Wujud)

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215,475 views  May 11, 2020  #Mysticism #Sufism #Spirituality
This video focuses on the Sufi doctrine called "Wahdat al-Wujud" (sometimes The Oneness of Being), strongly associated with Ibn 'Arabi (d. 1240) and his school of thought.

If you want to watch a more thorough introduction to Ibn 'Arabi and The Unity of Being, you can watch my longer video on the subject (from which large portions of this video is taken):   

 • Ibn 'Arabi & The ...  


Chittick, William (2005). "Ibn Arabi: Heir to the Prophets". OneWorld Publications.

Chittick, William (1998). "The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn al-'Arabi's Cosmology". State University of New York Press.

Chittick, William (2005). "The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi". World Wisdom, inc.

Chodkiewicz, Michel (1982). "The Spiritual writings of Amir 'Abd al-Kader". State University of New York Press.

Chodkiewicz, Michel (1993). "Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and sainthood in the doctrine of Ibn 'Arabi". Translated by Liadain Sherrard. The Islamic Texts Society.

Ibn 'Arabi - "The Ringstones of Wisdom (Fusus al-hikam)". Translated by Caner Dagli. Kazi Publications.

Ibn Arabi - "The Interpreter of Desires (Tarjuman al-ashwaq)". Translated by Reynold A. Nicholson. London: Royal Asiatic Society.

Ibn Arabi - "The Universal Tree and the Four Birds (al-ittihad al-kawni). Translated by Angela Jaffray. Oxford: Anqa Publishing.

Mahmud Shabistari - "Garden of Mystery: The Gulshan-i raz of Mahmud Shabistari". Translated by Robert Abdul Hayy Darr. Archetype.

Fakhruddin 'Iraqi - "Divine Flashes (Lama'at)". Translated by William C. Chittick & Peter Lamborn Wilson. The Classics of Western Spirituality Series. Paulist Press.

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it's quite common to hear people talk  about the Western religions like 
Christianity and Islam as these quite dry and honestly boring philosophies 
where God is this man in the sky he was watching over us in judging us 

and by contrast those so-called Eastern religions like Hinduism or Taoism or
Buddhism is often portrayed as these very spiritual and beautiful philosophies they aren't often non-dual and very interesting by comparison
according to many opinions and with a relationship to God that is a lot more
imminent and often as I said non-dual but not only is this dichotomy very
misguided and narrow it also undermines the incredibly strong and rich spiritual and often mystical traditions within these so-called Western religion

Sufism is often referred to as Islamic mysticism and while this term is rather
problematic there are certainly aspects of Sufism that we could call mystical and one of the most influential widespread and important philosophies or doctrines 
within Sufism is something known as what at elbow Jude [?]  or the unity of being 

the unity of being is a philosophy that has been rather controversial in certain circles and in certain times some Muslim scholars in history have viewed it as dangerous or sometimes even heretical but this should not just this should not confuse us into believing that it is some fringe philosophy 

the unity of being as a doctrine 
  • has been incredibly important and influential in the wider world of Sufism and Islam in general and 
  • has even sometimes dominated the intellectual environment of the certain regions in Muslim lands and 
Sufism itself is of course very entirely diverse with many competing schools of thought and orders and ideas and philosophies 
  • one of these being of course the unity of being or what attitude the unity of being in short terms can be described to use pre simplifying terms as a monastic or even non dual philosophy or school of thought within Sufism 

it states that 
  • there is only one reality which is God 
  • and that all creation are or is his manifestation 

this philosophy is often strongly connected to the medieval Sufi thinker
and mystic Mohideen Ivn Arabi whom I've made a very long video about that you can find on my channel but this isn't to say that if inaudible was the first to
express these ideas or similar ideas in Sufism 

a very famous early example is the Baghdad Sufi man surah al-hajj who 
is said to have entered a spiritual ecstasy and proclaimed an al haqq or I am the truth for I am the reality basically saying I am God. 
similarly by  acid bastami who also lived in the 9th century once proclaimed glory be to me both signify a kind of annihilation of the individual self into the absolute reality that is God. 

but the school of a banana bee is the school that is most strongly associated with this idea and that is this school that I will be basing this presentation on.

As I've said I've made a much longer video where I talk about it but not abhi and his thought in a more comprehensive matter.
and I should also point out that much of this video we'll be using parts of that 
same script so you want a more thorough introduction to these ideas and to even out of in particular and I suggest you go watch that video 

God is the only being in existence 
so what is what a tell would or the unity of being in short terms 

the adoption of the unity of being is based  on 
taking monotheism to its most extreme and 
it not only states that 
  • God is the only divinity in existence 
  • he is the only being in existence 

one of God's so-called 99 names in the Quran is al Haq which means the truth or the real or the reality with this in mind 
the Islamic Proclamation la ilaha ilallah isn't simply read as 
  • there is no god but God or 
  • there is no divinity but the divinity 
but instead as 
  • there is no reality but the real 
  • or thus ultimately there is nothing but God to a banana bee and his followers 
  • there is only one singular reality and that reality is God 
a banana be identifies God in his utmost essence 
as would or being or existence so God is being he isn't a being he is being itself

 and since Islamic theology requires that God not only be the only divinity 
but also that he is absolutely one that must necessarily mean 
that being or existence itself is one absolutely one 

this also means that if anyone says that anything exists except of God 
one is actually committing shidduch or polytheism which is the greatest sin in Islam since you are saying that there is a being that isn't God 

but being is God and that basically means you're saying that there is another God but if God is the only reality 
what are we what is creation there appears to be multiplicity everywhere 
what what's that  a banana be anything other than God 
which is creation basically is utterly non-existent 

it's a kind of illusion he writes 
quote the world is illusory and has no real existence 
this is what is meant by imagination 
hi al you have been made to imagine that the world is 
something separate and independently real outside the absolute 
but in reality this is not so 
but it isn't an illusion in the ultimate sense 
we do have a certain existence on the physical plane 
it's not all a dream like an Advaita Vedanta 
and Hinduism for example the illusion is the idea of separation that I exist as a 
separate being when in reality only God exists 
the only true self is God's self  
and ours our only relative reflections of this self 

one of the more celebrated scholars for Abu Dhabi schools 
Muhammad shall be story or a masterpiece of Persian poetry called the Gulshan Yas in  which he xpick AIT's the doctrine of the unity of being and he writes quote 

when absolute existence is alluded to people 
use the word I as a matter of expression 
when reality has taken form through individuation 
you refer to it in language with the word I 
you and I are accidents of the essence of being like openings and the covering of the lamp of being a banana 
be himself loves to use metaphors to describe this relationship between God in the world 
one of them is where he describes it almost like a lights a pure white light which is God's being that travels through a prism 
and creates a multitude of colors which would be the world 
the colors themselves   are never the same as the white light 
just as the creatures or creation is never the same as God 
but at the same time they consist of nothing but the white light 
latina Rafi another famous writer in the a banana b-school writes the following in his book a llama at quote 

come then into my eyes and look 
and you will see a sun shining through a thousand bits of glass 
beaming to plain sight through each array of color 
why should any difference appear between this one and that
all light is one but colors a thousandfold 

if you've read Hindu philosophy or Taoism or Christian mystics like Meister 
Eckhart Allah 
this will seem very familiar to you 

in fact the doctrine of the unity of being sometimes bears a striking resemblance to philosophies like Advaita Vedanta or certain ideas within Taoism 

first among many other things 
there are differences of course but they share aspects explained thus far 
with a single absolute non dual reality being identified with God 
and denying the reality of anything beside him 

but what creates the forms of the world themselves 
what is the world when it is not pure being and 
where does multiplicity come from 

it will help a bit to try to look at things like the people back then would have viewed the world partly thanks to a benzina or Avicenna philosophically 

one had at this time started to separate between existence or being assured on the one hand and essence or what 'no SMAW here on the other when talking about a thing or an object in the world like this table in front of me 

we can ask two basic questions about it 
we can ask is it and we can ask what is it 

the first question is it is a question of existence or being and 
the answer to that question would be yes or no 

the second question what is it 
gives a completely different answer and 
this is the question of essence or what Ness 

in this case a table 
table is independent of whether or not it exists 
it is an essence or what Ness that can either exist or not exist 
it can either have existence or which would being 
or it can have it can not have existence 

or being so according to what a turtle was 
you would in terms of the existence or the being the was you would of the objects of the world they are God 
because remember God is being / he is being itself /  is the only being / 
and so God is thus our being 

he is our being however in terms of our essences 
are what nasai are absolutely not God 
we are that which by definition God isn't 

I as a human being feel if home cannot possibly be God because I am everything that God isn't 

I am I am finite I am temporal I am mortal I have a certain form these are all things that God cannot possibly be 

so this is the relationship that we have here 
we are simultaneously God and not God 
we are absolute existence and we are absolute 

Nanak systems we are being and non-being all at the same time 
but it doesn't end here 
these essences or what misses also has a relationship with God even if they aren't God directly 

here we will need to have some basic knowledge of Islamic theology again so according to mainstream islamic theology 

God is absolutely transcendent beyond any creaturely qualities 
so he doesn't have any attributes or qualities that any created things or creatures have 
but according to the Koran and mainstream Islamic theology 
he still has certain attributes and each of his names like al-haq or the ar-rahman rahim and so on 
all these names that he's referred to by corresponds to a certain attribute that he has 

so al haqq means the truth or the real he is the real he is the truth and 
a man means the merciful he's merciful 

Rob means the Lord for some 
all these names that he has is also an attribute that he has not traditionally in the Koran 
it is thought said that God has 99 names and thus also 99 attributes 
but according to a banana 
be the names are actually infinite he has an infinite amount of names and an infinite amount of attributes and qualities and these attributes and qualities have a very important role to play 
in creation there's a hadith Qudsi a saying of the Prophet Muhammad where God is speaking through him 
in which God says 
I was a hidden treasure and I loved to be known 
so I created the world so that I might be known 
in gotta be loves this hadith as he used it frequently 
it is the key to understanding creation and the purpose behind it 

I was a hidden treasure refers to God's essence and the attributes that are hidden therein I loved to be known 
he wants to he wants this hidden treasure to be experienced 
and of course he knows his own attributes since he well he is he 
but he still wants his essence and attributes to be experienced through someone who is not him 
so I created the world so that I might be known 
therefore the world is created as a way for God to experience 
himself through someone other than himself 
but since this hidden treasure is to be own through the world 
that must mean that the world contain traces of these 
attributes and qualities of God 
this is absolutely true - banana be 
the loci of God's self-disclosure 
or God's self manifestation 
so everything in the world 
every essence in philosophical terms   
every particle of this world reflect and reveal God's qualities and attributes 
in an indirect sense like in a mirror 

this is based partly on a Quranic verse that 
a banana be loves to apply 
which goes 
whichever way you turn 
there is the face of God 

now remember the things of the world or creation itself is not God 
he is absolutely transcendent of them 
but in a real sense they reflect everything in the world 
the entire cosmos reflects God's attributes 

and thus they are God in a sense 
- in any case since God is infinite 
and so are the possibilities of his attributes 

there is no end to the constant self manifestation of God in the world 
at every moment at every instant the world is created anew 
revealing a new self disclosure 

the world in that sense becomes the continuous unfolding of God's manifestation in limited form 

it's the unfolding of possibilities inherent in actuality 
the essences of the world 

the things are contained in God's knowledge 
beyond time and space 
as something he calls the Ayana Thabet ah
 the immutable entities these are non-existent in themselves 
but function almost as archetypes that determine what is created in the actual cosmos 
and these I Anitha bita are themselves determined by God's attributes 
as they in their totality reflect him 
so God has these attributes of qualities 
and then he has a knowledge of his own attributes or qualities 
which are infinite so there's an infinite number of possibilities an infinite number of ways that his attributes can be manifested and 
all  these ways all these forms in which he can manifest himself are contained in 
his own knowledge beyond time and after which when he wants to create something 
he simply gives those archetypes those iana Thabet ah 
he gives them being and at each instant is a new creation 
at East instant is a new reflection of God 
that's constantly unfolding before our eyes 

I know this is a whole lot to take in 
and you may have to watch this a few times if you this is all new to you but 
believe it or not that is actually the basic very basic simple explanation of   
the adoption of what a Telugu ruled 
it  is you could see a non dual philosophy

where reality is ultimately oneness and 
nothing exists except for God 
he is all of being and he is the one in whose being my being resides 
but there are many other nuances to it that make it a  lot more complicated as I hope I have shown you 

Not patheism
some scholars Western scholars especially in the past have referred to 
a banana B as a pantheist 

and of course well this is understandable 
it really isn't that accurate at least from the traditional prosperity 

traditional understanding of the word pantheism now if not abhi does in a way affirm that the world is God 
since there is nothing but God but at the same time he's very careful to point 
out that the world is happened 
at the same time absolutely not God and that God completely transcends the world 
in fact the world is as I've said the very definition of what God isn't in terms of 
itself the world is absolute nothingness 
non being who has quote never smelled a whiff of existence 

this point is finally expressed by the 19th century figure Amira birth Khadija xiety famous for his defense against French colonialism who was also a follower of banana be on his school he states quote 

I am two things according to two different relations 

with respect to you I am the eternal for ever and ever 
I am the necessary being who epitomizes himself 

with respect to me I am pure non being who has never breathed the perfume of existence 
the adventitious being who remains non-existent in his adventitious Ness 
so as I mentioned earlier 
the entire cosmos is a manifestation a reflection of the entirety of God 

names are the entirety of God's attributes 
while a certain object in the world or a certain thing only reflects one or a certain combination of certain attributes 
or names the entire cosmos reflects all of the names 
so the creation as a whole is a direct reflection of God's entire nature 
his whole all of his attributes 

the cosmos is thus often referred to by Manabi as the macrocosm or the great man in san al Kabeer 
but the human being also has a central role to play in this scheme and 
he is often referred to as the microcosm or the small man in San 
elsewhere the human being thus also reflects all the names and all the attributes 
but in a contained form 

so the human being is a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm 
that is the entire universe and so 
everything that exists on the inside access exists on the outside as above 
so  below and and and so on man in his most perfect and primordial form is known as insanity camel or the perfect or universal man in sanik camel is a designation of god's perfect manifestation in human form 

a human being who has reached a state of complete self annihilation 
where he recognizes himself as nothing but God's reflection 
and acts accordingly in the perfect man 

God is finally able to witness and glorify himself like in a mirror 

one of the more famous writers and poets from the school of a banana be as a man by the name of father Dean Iraqi who wrote a incredible piece of 
was a combination of prose and poetry called LaMotte 
which  means divine flashes 
and in this book he presents this relationship between God and the world through a triad of love lover and beloved which is a rather common theme within Sufi poetry now 

love can be seen as the utmost essence of God being itself and lover and beloved are the relationship between the human being and God as he is experienced by the  being man is the lover who longs for his beloved 
which is God and they gaze upon each other like in in a mirror 

in mirrors so in a sense 
  • God sees his own reflection in the mirror of the human being and
  • the human being sees his own reflection in the mirror of God and 
  • these two these lovers want desperately to be close to each other 
  • they want to unite with each other and so 
  • the human being cleans this mirror of his heart 

so that it more and more can reflect more perfectly God's own reflection and 
when this process is finally finished and reaches its culmination 
the two are finally United 
and they reflect each other perfectly 
and in this meeting they realized that the difference between lover and beloved was only really an illusion 

and the only thing that ever existed was the reality of love itself 
which is identical with God's essence of that or being itself as such 
then the eye of certainty opens and staring inwardly at himself 
he finds himself lost vanished but he finds the friend and 

when he looks still deeper realizes the friend is himself 
he exclaims 

I sought your hair and there 
asked for news of you from all I met 
then I saw you through myself and found we were identical 
now I blush to think I ever searched for the signs of you

 the goal of these while these Sufi practices or the goal of life in general 
is to fight against your nafs your ego or your lower self 
and finally reach a unity 
or you to unite with God 

but to a banana bee and many other Sufis 
there is never any uniting with God 

this would actually be an impossibility since that would mean that's there was an 
imperfection in God if something can be added to him 
non-existence can never unite with absolute being 
this is just an impossibility

 instead if none of it puts a lot of emphasis on self-knowledge 
since these the human being and the self is a direct reflection of God as 
everything else is the key 
to sort of say 

enlightenment is actually 
  • to know yourself 
  • to gain knowledge of your own self 

there's a hadith where the Prophet Muhammad is thought to have said 
know yourself and you shall know your Lord 
thus the goal is to realize that 
one's own separate existence is a kind of illusion 
as we are only the continuous self manifestations of God 

thus to know ourselves and to know our soul in a proper way is 
to know God so there's no uniting with God 
the part of us that is creature 
the part of us that is separate from him can never unite with him 
the goal is to realize that there is nothing but God and 
that our being is his being 

put in another way 
  • uniting with God is not a process 
  • it's a realization of what  has always been 

we don't unite with God 
we realized that we in a sense were God all along 

that about summarizes it 

it should be point out that there have been 
diverging opinions and understandings within Sufism 

regarding details and certain aspects of this idea or this philosophy 
but it has been incredibly influential and important in the history of Sufism 
and has had effects or influence on many regions of the Muslim world 

a banana bee school and the unity of being has had a particularly strong 
spread in the Persian and Indian regions 

and as you can imagine its meeting with certain Vedanta schools of Hinduism 
garnered some incredibly interesting results which I can and probably will 
dedicate several videos to in the future 

but that's for another day 
in any case 
the unit of being has also been a very divisive philosophy while it was rather 
popular in certain Sufi circles

 others have rejected it completely 
scholars like Ivn Tamiya or Ivn Haldol and many more have seen it as dangerous and even heretical and there always been a debate  even though has been very popular in certain times and places 

there has always been a debate about its orthodoxy  so to speak 
I will be doing more videos about these subjects and about individuals from a banana bee school 


this is one of my favourite subjects to talk about 
so be sure that I will be doing more material like 
and I hope this video has shown you that 
it isn't only in the so-called Eastern religions that 
we find deep spirituality or even non-dual understandings of God 
but that the same kinds of philosophies or ideas can be found in our own Western 
context as well 

if you want to support the channel you can like the video or leave a comment and subscribe I'll see you next time



Wren Little
3 months ago
I love your seminars. As an old Christian woman with an open heart I enjoy learning about my brothers and sisters.
How lovely and deep are their thoughts. We are so close but hold ourselves apart.


2 years ago
Peace! I just felt like I should express some appreciation for your work on this channel. As a Muslim, it seems to me to be a great contribution and help in clearing up misconceptions around various people, their thoughts, and movements. I can also learn here about other religions, if they are as well respresented as I find Islam here to be. Keep up the good work!


Let's Talk Religion


2 replies
2 years ago
Many many years ago when I began my spiritual path on my own, I kept meditating on la illah ha il Allah, doing deeper and deeper into it. It was like layers of veils were being peeled off of my mind, and every time that would happen, a deeper meaning of this Divine Statement would come to mind, and I would likewise dive into that. It kept occurring until the meaning came to me that there is no reality except God. And in that moment, I felt real.



45 replies
2 years ago
You've become my favorite religious YouTuber and I just started watching your videos. Amazing.



Let's Talk Religion

5 replies
Cali Caluang
Cali Caluang
2 years ago
Beautifully explained, please continue making videos on Ibn Arabi(qs) and Muslim gnostics and mystics



Let's Talk Religion

9 replies
Heghin Barseghyan
Heghin Barseghyan
2 years ago
I study Oriental studies and I am very interested in Islam and in religions generally. As a student I find your videos very interesting and informative. When I want to watch one of your videos, I need to grab a pen and a notebook, and I usually end up making many notes. Thank you for the great academic content. I am looking forward to watching all of your videos, and do further reading on the topics that interest me more. I hope one day I will know as much about religions as you do. :)  Also thank you for always mentioning the main sources you use.

Much love and respect from Armenia!


Let's Talk Religion


4 replies
2 years ago
The line about God and creation viewing each other in mirrors was awesome



1 reply
Mohamed Barnewi
Mohamed Barnewi
1 year ago
dude my youth has been centered around contemplating and consuming these things, but you manage to rock my world every time. thank you so much.



5 replies
Miral Abualjadail
Miral Abualjadail
2 years ago
One of the best explanations for an often misunderstood concept: "The Akbarian Wahdat al-Wujud (Oneness of Being) transcends duality without denying it: Haqq is Haqq and khalq is khalq. To use numerical symbolism... the number 1,000 gets all its reality from the number 1, without which it is nothing. Even so, one cannot write 1 = 1,000 or 1,000 = 1, which would be to deny the unity of the one or the multiplicity of the multiple. The notion of theophany comes clear in its crucial sense: the three zeroes of the number 1,000 (the word 'sifr,' which designates zero means, precisely, 'nothing,’ ‘emptiness’) in themselves are nonexistent. But preceded by the number 1, they express the series of epiphanies by means of which this principial 1 manifests to itself and by which each is unique: an instantaneous lightning flash of a Name which is not God, but which is not, either, other than God." - Michel Chodkiewicz



15 replies
Seekers of Unity
Seekers of Unity
2 years ago
This exposition of Wahdat al-Wujud was so fine, a diamond of a video and gift to the world. Ibn Arabi would be proud to see youtube used to spread and explain ideas of unity like this. Keep em coming.


Let's Talk Religion


29 replies
Lavida Escorta
Lavida Escorta
1 year ago (edited)
This is my favourite part of Sufism. Especially, the infinite manifestations of god through  "A'yan al-thabita" sounds a lot like the multiverse hypothesis in theoretical physics in which we have infinite worlds being created with different or similar laws of physics (either the many world interpretation of quantum mechanics or the multiverse of the eternal inflation theory). I always found the concept of "A'yan althabita" very similar to laws of physics. I absolutely loved the fact that you very correctly used images of the galaxies and the universe while you were talking about these very complex concepts. 
One small comment about Macrocosm and Microcosm. As much as I have read in Arabic and Persian texts, they are not translations of "Insan al-kabir" (Great man) and "Insan al-saghir" (small man). They are translations of "the great cosmos/world" (Aalam al-kabir) and "the small cosmos/world" (Aalam al-saghir).  And the idea behind it is that the human being is the small world which means that the human being includes all attributes of the world within itself. This idea which surely had existed way before Sufism and even Islam, can again be interpreted via a scientific perspective. It means that all the laws of physics that are valid out there in the world (for particles, planets and galaxies), they are all also valid inside us humans. We are not fundamentally different to the world.



1 reply
Faizulla Khan
Faizulla Khan
2 years ago
Having watched your other videos I feel you enjoyed doing this segment on Ibn Al Arabi the most. The excitement in your voice is unmistakable. Keep up the good work.



Pragya the Polyglot
Pragya the Polyglot
2 years ago
Bought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much. ‏لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ



8 replies
Rasheda Thaha
Rasheda Thaha
2 years ago (edited)
Very impressed with your explanation, thank you for this video. It is indeed good to see someone talk of the real Islam, the Islam that the Prophet (Sal) and the great Saints taught. Today this type of teachings are covered by Wahhabism. Wahhabism does not accept spirituality, neither follow any tradition of the Prophet (Sal), instead divert people from the real teachings of Islam. The real teachings of Islam today can only be found in Sufism and through these teachings one can reach closeness to his/her Lord to the state of saying 'be' and it is, also internal eye can open to see what others cannot see, past present and future. There is no limit to what your Lord can give you when you get close to Him, hence we pray to be among the favoured ones, and favoured are those who become the Saints.



17 replies
Jack Taggart
Jack Taggart
2 years ago
Absolutely fantastic - I am so glad I found this channel. That was a lucid exposition



8 replies
Rocco Sisto
Rocco Sisto
2 years ago
Beautifully presented. Thank you for this video and I look forward to more. Your knowledge is vast and yet I can see your ease in and enthusiasm in sharing your passion. Thank you.



1 reply
1 year ago (edited)
A great explanation, even though I'm exploring these topic for years, I've found a lot of new ideas from this video. Another point idk why you didn't even remind about Rumi when talking about Wahdat-al Wujud and Love, when he known as one of the greatest teachers of this concept.



Erick Amador
Erick Amador
1 year ago
High respects for your knowledge brother 🙏🏽 you are lighting spiritual flames 🔥💯🧘🏽‍♂️



1 reply
Oatmeal Man
Oatmeal Man
2 years ago
I come back to this video over and over again. To me this is the best description of God that I have yet found.



3 replies
corey hingley
corey hingley
5 months ago
If you could provide links to the wonderful art that is often on the thumbnails that would be fantastic <3



Halal Curb
Halal Curb
2 years ago (edited)
Superb presentation. Great work. I’m so glad for the notes, text, illustrations and graphics; especially for such complex and deeply nuanced topics. Furthermore these additions (to the ubiquitous talking head camera shot) are therefore fundamental while adding texture to the presentation thereby cultivating interest to the audience.



Ali T
Ali T
2 years ago
Omg! Im seriously falling in love with your channel! Thank you for this fabulous content ❤️



3 replies
Trent Brown
Trent Brown
2 years ago
Thank you for this beautiful and very clear introduction. What would you recommend for further reading? Would Chittick's book on al Arabi's cosmology (mentioned in your video description) be a good starting point? Are there any of al Arabi's own writings you would recommend to a newcomer?



david de la paz
david de la paz
1 year ago
Excellent video! inspiring and enlightening from beginning to end



Beatnik X
Beatnik X
1 year ago
My favourite religious historian. Your work is so valuable, and necessary in contributing to the current movement of intergrating the best of Human knowledge, and endeavour, in the purpose of Human spiritual evolution. In my view anyway, JZK. :-)



2 replies
Everything and Anything
Everything and Anything
1 year ago
Thank you for taking the time and effort to make this video for us 'the viewers'. Brilliant video as always, well balanced critique and exploration of this difficult topic.  mA. May Allah grant us all knowledge, wisdom and success in both worlds.



1 reply
Cesar Bujosa
Cesar Bujosa
4 months ago
Thank you so much.  I have been wondering about Sufi/Muslim non-duality for some time. It's great to become better acquainted.  Truly appreciate your work.


Mona Taher
Mona Taher
1 year ago
That is profound wisdom, thank you 🙏🏼



Ribal Haj
Ribal Haj
1 year ago
This channel is such a gem!! Please keep it up!!



Mohammad Emamiyeh
Mohammad Emamiyeh
1 year ago
Really great and simple explanation !about the unity of being ! 
Love the prism example and table example !!✨



1 reply
Wicked Haris - COC
Wicked Haris - COC
2 years ago
your Arabic Pronounciation is so good😍



el hadji oumar gueye
el hadji oumar gueye
7 months ago
Excellent video, I think it’s the first time I saw a profound explanation of this Sufism concept made by a non-Muslim. I discover your channel this week, since then, I watched a lot of your videos. 
I don’t know, but if you can also talk about the concept of ‘Haqiqatul Muhamadiyya’ it will be great. 
Again, thank you for your videos.



Ricia Rites
Ricia Rites
1 year ago
Goodness, the longer I listened the more I GOT in my own way.  Relistening!  But long wanted as  'Naf', grin how very much I appreciate the 'drink of art wk' on my big screen, that also draws me back to your work every time I 'make time' and am changed by doing so.  No matter the topic.  You are valued and appreciated.  Naf melting?


1 year ago
absolutely incredible.


AJ Bella
AJ Bella
2 years ago
This is the Truth and it transcends ALL religions. I have came to these same Truths and am just hearing about all of this right now. Pretty amazing



Max Christian Esteffan
Max Christian Esteffan
1 year ago
Really cool explanations.
You're good. It's because you grasp the concepts you can explain it so clearly.



1 year ago
I really admire you as your a real researcher. May Allah blessed you



Jenny Geller
Jenny Geller
4 months ago
Thenk you so much for sharing your knowledge and explaining everything so beautifully. Thank you for showing the connection of the Islamic world to the rest of the religions, as they basically talk about the same, only ecpressed differently, and  the Islamic way of expression very clear and beautiful. I live in Israel and it's very important for me to understand this in order to be able to talk about this, you bringing these truths and teachings here makes it possible, so thanks again :) Hope we can bring peace within ourselves by listening to what your'e sharing and stop these unproductive and destructive ways of life.



Mahasti Kia
Mahasti Kia
1 year ago
Beautifully and masterfully presented. Thank you! 🌹



Malcolm Dean
Malcolm Dean
4 months ago
Good job. Also suggested for reading: "Creation and the Timeless Order of Things: Essays in Islamic Mystical Philosophy", by one of Chittick's teachers, Toshihiko Izutsu, 1994. Out of print, altho copies are still around. There are also PDF's available free online. A series of seven essays, including 'An analysis of wahdat- al-wujud'. From the publisher: "Brings together Toshihiko Izutsu's most important essays on Islamic mystical philosophy. Though primarily concerned with Iranian mystics and philosophers, this penetrating group of essays displays Izutsu's unique insights in comparative philosophy by comparing and contrasting Islamic Sufism and philosophy with Vedanta, Mahayana Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Archetypal Psychology and modern Existentialism. Fluent in over 30 languages, Izutsu's comparative research is based on careful reading of original texts in Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Pali, Sanskrit, Greek, and Japanese. The studies in this volume explore the deep structures of mystical insight and experience."



1 reply
Rosie Begum
Rosie Begum
2 years ago
You have got a subscriber. You go into the most comprehensive knowledge of Islamic historical past and scholars. Ibn Arabi has become my fav. He’s full of knowledge and the nuanced tolerance that he has shown to practice is astronomical. Enjoy listening to you.


Swat is Quantum
Swat is Quantum
1 year ago
Bro your videos are mind blowing. Omg these quotes are so beautiful 😍



Vladimír Korbel
Vladimír Korbel
1 year ago
This is amazing. And it happened to me :) 

After He’s taken me through Heaven and Hell,
He manifested Himself as a ray of light of exact straightness;
I felt being one with that ray of light as if it was the only thing which truly existed;
He shined through my mind, paused, turned around, pointed at Himself and asked: 
Who am I?
He laughed. I laughed too, bathing in love and tears.



3 replies
ishq noor
ishq noor
2 years ago
Thank you for such a lucid explanation with lots of valuable references. God bless your work - making "wine" for the soul accessible without diluting it.



M A Khan
M A Khan
1 year ago
Love described here is ishq of passionate love
Lover is ashiq passionate lover and beloved is mashooq. Be passionately loved.



1 year ago
Your videos are the best I've found describing these different religions. Love your content.



deepak arya
deepak arya
1 year ago
You are providing great content through this channel. .commendable work....Thank you


Shekeb ramzi
Shekeb ramzi
2 years ago
Watched for the second time and it amazed me. Thanks for the beautiful content.



2 years ago
Thank you for an informative video.
I am on the side of such philosophy being "dangerous" since it needs extensive and deeper knowledge and understanding which not every Tom, Dick, and Harry can afford.



1 reply
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius
1 year ago (edited)
Bro, your Arabic pronounciation is on the spot. I dont speak Arabic but have friends that do, sounds legit to me


Ray Stephens
Ray Stephens
2 years ago
Thank you. Well sublimed by your oratory presentation, to listen without also thinking.  I, myself, natural and contemporary physik look forward to more.



Muhammad Bnu Ümar Al Fazazi محمد بن عمر الفزازي
Muhammad Bnu Ümar Al Fazazi محمد بن عمر الفزازي
2 years ago
I absolutely loved it!


2 years ago
Great information! Absolutely the best religion based channel i've seen so far with unbiased information. Thank you for that



Andy The Dishwasher
Andy The Dishwasher
2 years ago
I really appreciate that you are making this material digestible for the current generation of youth. The struggle between Aristotelian and Platonic metaphysical frameworks seems to be at the core of many western religious conflicts throughout history. From what I've read, it really came down to differing distribution patterns of the two philosophers' works across Europe and Asia Minor, but the result seems to have been that Platonic monism became far more popular among philosophers in the Islamic world whereas Aristotelian ideas became more deeply embedded into the Christian context. I think the reason that doctrines like Wahdat Al-Wujud were so controversial was the fact that monists, due to the width of their worldview, are rather difficult to control or govern. Dualistic doctrines tend to make social engineering a lot easier because they allow for us/them mentalities to be cultivated and exploited. I would be interested to see counterexamples to this, but I can't envision a monist philosophical framework that would compel one to participate in state-sponsored violence.



1 reply
john smith
john smith
1 year ago
Super skeptical of all this, but it’s super interesting.



Nicholas Mixon
Nicholas Mixon
2 years ago
This was beautiful



2 years ago
Man! Your channel is really great! Love it! ♥️♥️



1 reply
Ronald Palmer
Ronald Palmer
3 months ago
A gem! Thank you for your greatly informative videos.


Mansoor Lashari
Mansoor Lashari
1 year ago
What a great video! I'm so glad I stumbled upon this channel! Keep it up man! Rooting for you and your future videos!


1 reply
azhar noshahi
azhar noshahi
2 years ago
Great to see a video on a difficult topic of wahdat-al-wajud. To understand this concept one needs to go through functional qulb (spiritual parallel of heart) concept that sufis generally practice and claim that the whole of the universe may not encompass God but He may reside in the instigated qulb of His slaves who selflessly worship Him regardless of any temptation of heaven or fear of hell and seek merely love of God only.


Let's Talk Religion


4 replies
balaji venkatesan
balaji venkatesan
2 years ago
Just when I thought this shares the same concept of Advaita, you said it! Pretty interesting to see similarities!



1 reply
Ozum Asirim
Ozum Asirim
1 year ago
Nice video, very informative and accurate.



1 year ago
Fabulous content! Thank you!



Siti Nurlaila bt Jakaria Saimi
Siti Nurlaila bt Jakaria Saimi
2 years ago
Thanks for making this video, absolutely there so many person out here was asking this topic 
Waiting for more..



Martin Cooper
Martin Cooper
2 years ago
Thank you for sharing your great knowledge .


1 year ago
Absolute a clear explanotion. May Allah bless you. 👌


2 years ago
Oh it touched my heart. Am in tears. Jaxakallah. Jazakallah. Jazakallah. May Allah bless you with the realisation of his eternal nearness. Remember in prayers. Keep it up🙌🏻



5 replies
Life Vibes
Life Vibes
1 year ago
Loved this. Thank you 😊


11 months ago
Love, thank you a million times for this precious work. What is the haunting music in the background?


Cody Wurtz
Cody Wurtz
1 year ago
I've studied religion for years however never knew how diverse and complex Islam was . It would be cool to meet you one day a lot of questions.



1 reply
Tokyo Drift Guy
Tokyo Drift Guy
5 months ago
Anyone know the name of the soundtrack used in this video? I love how eery and mystical it sounds in the background


1 year ago
These talks are so well done, and for me Ill listen to a few times. Very dense. Also how can I get the background music? Thanks


2 years ago
God is Greater, the Greatest.

I type this with tears in my eyes. Thank you for this video and for this channel. May God bless you and Guide you to Him. Ameen.



31 replies
2 months ago
Loved it ❤


Muhammad Khan
Muhammad Khan
2 years ago
Amazing 🙏



Konstantine Muradov
Konstantine Muradov
1 year ago (edited)
Interesting how did you gain 200K subscribers, targeting such small auditory of interest ? Most likely because of quality of work you do. 
Watched original video about Ibn Arabi - you have to do continuation you promised.
I really do enjoy comprehensiveness of information that comes from your videos.



hari priya
hari priya
1 year ago
I want to be sure I don’t miss it when you publish the video on Unity of Being meets Advaita Vedanta.   Is it coming soon?


Haleema Saadia
Haleema Saadia
2 years ago
Beautifully explained


Noorul Soraya
Noorul Soraya
2 years ago
Brilliant....well researched and very clearly presented. Keep up the good work. Stay blessed



Let's Talk Religion

2 replies
Happy Banana
Happy Banana
1 year ago
Thank you for helping me make peace with my own birth religion, thank you for unveiling the beauty within it that has been cluttered by nonsense egos ❤️



2 replies
4 months ago
thank you for doing so much research and study of sufism and presenting it in way which everyone can at least understand some of it . u always try make it simpal but occasionally it get in to mind . THANK YOU FOR WORK ON THIS TOPIC


Ali Ahmad
Ali Ahmad
1 year ago
Listening to you moves the flame inside my chest


2 years ago
I want to thank you for the making of your many videos. They are quite enlightening. I found the subject in this video distinctly provocative, because it reminds me of the pre-Socratic philosopher Parmenides. I suspect you are familiar with this philosopher, who also advocated for a “unity of being”, and whose ideas also are quite challenging to fully grasp. I am curious to know if there is any connection between these two traditions, if perhaps Ibn ‘Arabi might have come across the dialogue by Plato.



Adam A Karu
Adam A Karu
2 months ago
Thank you for the presentation I can never have enough listening to you.


Majid Khakwani
Majid Khakwani
2 years ago
Still experiencing the feeling is different from hearing the philosophy May Allah help you to experience it. Sometime you will experience it and it will not be permanent. So at the end you will live with the attribute Allah want you to live with.



2 replies
Janika Mahmud
Janika Mahmud
2 years ago
Very thoughtful. love your channel.



Abu Sayed
Abu Sayed
2 years ago
Jazakallah khair!one of the best channel I have discovered recently!
Most people(including prominent Maulanas) misunderstand the real concept of wahdat ul wujud, perhaps because it's very very subtle,if you just step up the line, misunderstandings may prevail verily.
Anyway brother,plz make a video or plz explain main difference between wahdat ul wujud and Hindu Advaita principle(by which Hindus verily justify their Idol worshipping is valid which is worst sin in islam!!!)?
I have been in confusion....



1 reply
1 year ago
thank you for your post and time you take with this You're a great teacher do note body language, facial expressions.Do we not communicate with our body and our  languages are twice removed from the truth. do we not have our own personal dictionaries interpretations but our body languages speak one language.



Wayne Ramwell
Wayne Ramwell
4 months ago
Fantastic video that very neatly summarises this often misunderstood concept within Sufism.


Nima Ghaemi
Nima Ghaemi
1 year ago
I appreciate your explanations of unity of being. It was great. Thank you



3 replies
Tahir Abbasi
Tahir Abbasi
2 years ago
I am so impressed by this young scholar. He has been blessed by the Divine



[Let's Talk Religion] Ibn 'Arabi & The Unity of Being [72 min]

Ibn 'Arabi & The Unity of Being
[Let's Talk Religion]
542K subscribers

766,962 views  Premiered Apr 28, 2020  #Mysticism #Sufism #IbnArabi

In this very long video, I give an introduction to one of the most significant, yet often misunderstood thinkers and mystics in history - Ibn 'Arabi.
The video will be released in parts soon as well, but I wanted to put this up first as an epic, full introduction to his life and ideas.



Chittick, William (2005). "Ibn Arabi: Heir to the Prophets". OneWorld Publications.

Chittick, William (1998). "The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn al-'Arabi's Cosmology". State University of New York Press.

Chittick, William (2005). "The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi". World Wisdom, inc.

Chodkiewicz, Michel (1982). "The Spiritual writings of Amir 'Abd al-Kader". State University of New York Press.

Chodkiewicz, Michel (1993). "Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and sainthood in the doctrine of Ibn 'Arabi". Translated by Liadain Sherrard. The Islamic Texts Society.

Addas, Claude (1993). "Quest for the Red Sulphur". The Islamic Texts Society.

Ibn 'Arabi - "The Ringstones of Wisdom (Fusus al-hikam)". Translated by Caner Dagli. Kazi Publications.

Ibn Arabi - "The Interpreter of Desires (Tarjuman al-ashwaq)". Translated by Reynold A. Nicholson. London: Royal Asiatic Society.

Ibn Arabi - "The Universal Tree and the Four Birds (al-ittihad al-kawni). Translated by Angela Jaffray. Oxford: Anqa Publishing.

Mahmud Shabistari - "Garden of Mystery: The Gulshan-i raz of Mahmud Shabistari". Translated by Robert Abdul Hayy Darr. Archetype.

Fakhruddin 'Iraqi - "Divine Flashes (Lama'at)". Translated by William C. Chittick & Peter Lamborn Wilson. The Classics of Western Spirituality Series. Paulist Press.

#IbnArabi #Sufism #Mysticism
Key moments

View all

2 years ago
As a born Muslim I am ashamed by my lack of knowledge about these figures of Islamic Golden Age. Thank you for such a nice and non bias discussion.



150 replies
Holden McRoin
Holden McRoin
11 months ago
I listened to this video twice and the time absolutely flew by, we are so blessed to be alive during a time when information is so readily available and we have people like yourself willing to dedicate their own time to making quality content



3 replies
Richard Engelhardt
Richard Engelhardt
4 months ago
You are undooubtedly one of the best teachers I have ever had the privilege of learning from, in all my 50 years at Yale, Harvard, and Cambridge. Thank you!



12 replies
Denisa Nastase
Denisa Nastase
1 year ago
One of the most profound pieces of information I have ever experienced. This felt to shook my core. I applaud you for being able to put this presentation forth. It felt like a masterpiece in terms of clarity and essence.



1 reply
Quran Mine
Quran Mine
2 months ago
I'm an Arab Muslim from Morocco. 
I watched your video, and I was astonished to the extent of your analysis especially in the 2nd part. Congratulations from my heart!



Super Girl
Super Girl
1 year ago
I have goosebumps and my heart aches with love understanding (somewhat) this concept. It is so beautiful



2 replies
Peter Rosso
Peter Rosso
2 years ago
I would love to see a part 2 that goes more in depth into ibn Arabi's metaphysics/cosmology, regarding insan al kamil etc



10 replies
shahul hameed
shahul hameed
1 year ago (edited)
Almighty has blessed you with incredible knowledge, beautiful voice  and the beauty of articulation ...I am amazed and totally flattered after going through each of your videos - The depth of knowledge in each of video is unimaginable ......Ohh my how much i learnt from you is still a wonder for me. Thank you for this great service brother - May god bless you - Thanks again



10 months ago
I've been bingewatching your videos and i'm impressed of your knowledge, love and respect for the subject matter. Keep up the great work



Ibrahim Khalil
Ibrahim Khalil
1 year ago (edited)
As a Sufi Sheikh from  the Tijanya Order and West African (Senegal), I've been reading Ibn Arabi's work and many other Sufis like Ghazali, Ruzbahani and Abu Yazid al- Bastami for 16 years now
And i don't really find Ibn Arabi doctrine hard to understand at all. Well at least not when you are initiated into fanā  and Baqā. And He was wrong about being The Khatim-il Awliya something he later rectified himself



9 replies
Abdur Rashid Farooq
Abdur Rashid Farooq
2 years ago
Ma Sha Allah, brilliant content. The breadth of coverage along with the consistency of research is truly praiseworthy. 
May God Bless you my friend



Mahi Abrar Amer
Mahi Abrar Amer
1 year ago
Im honestly speechless. Absolutely outstanding. Thankyou, truly from the bottom of my heart, for the amount of time and effort you spend to study, understand and then make and edit long, comprehensive videos like this!



Harry Dee
Harry Dee
2 years ago
I can’t believe I am learning about my own culture from this channel , Great Job 👍🏻



18 replies
2 months ago
As a 7-year-old kid I once said: “God is everywhere and nowhere.” Glad to know I was on the right path ❤



5 replies
Sumaia Saif
Sumaia Saif
1 year ago (edited)
Meister Ekchart, the Vedanta and Jalaluddine Rumi meeting in one place, your video! I can listen to you for eternity 🤍 Thank you for sharing your passion with the world. I always resonated with the prism and the white light analogy but never knew it is by Ibn Arabi. What I want to go deeper within is the centre and the circle analogy of Ibn Arabi. Sending you blessings 🙏



5 replies
will c
will c
7 months ago
Love your videos. Coming from a place of very little knowledge of the faith however a lot of respect, I’ve gotten to know quite a few muslims and have always enjoyed our conversations and the things I’ve learned from them, I’ve always been treated well by the ones I’ve known and know. There is an immense amount of rich and beautiful history you’ve brought to life for me through these wonderfully curated and very well presented lectures. Thank you for expanding my knowledge and helping me to understand this rich culture,



1 reply
דניאלה אוראל
דניאלה אוראל
1 year ago
What a wonderful lecture, unbelevable, thank you so much.



1 reply
Sam Haider
Sam Haider
1 year ago
Thank you for researching this, writing it out, and then recording it. Your work is much appreciated. Regards.



2 years ago
This is such a great distillation of Ibn Arabi's ideas. I remember first reading Fusus Al-Hikam and feeling confounded by most of it, but amazed at what I could understand. You did a great job of presenting the most essential parts as neatly as one possibly can.



Akram Mohamed
Akram Mohamed
2 years ago
I love how engaging and thorough you are, it's rare that I'm 20 mins into a video and not bored



1 year ago (edited)
Thankyou so much for putting this together in such an organized, comprehensive and beautiful way! Would love a part 2 on this. Also a suggestion, could you please put time stamps for different concepts and parts in the description of this video? It would be such a help!



chitranjan kumar kushwaha
chitranjan kumar kushwaha
1 year ago
Self knowledge is foremost the ultimate goal for Nirvana or moksha or enlightenment in Hinduism according to Advaita vedant philosophy of Hinduism i surprised and glad and love to see exactly same thing said by ibn Arabi .this proverb is very true all wise men think alike .namaste from india .love from Bihar India



1 reply
Anime Furry
Anime Furry
1 year ago
Wow that was amazing never have my personal beliefs been described so well to me! Thank you!



1 reply
Shanti Garin
Shanti Garin
1 year ago
Absolutely love your work and I'm glad I came across your channel! Ibn Arabi as other mystics have always fascinated me



ASMR Theory
ASMR Theory
2 years ago
This video was fantastic! I've been trying to find a channel like yours that has high quality videos with scholarly perspectives on religion and was delighted to come across this. You deserve many more subscribers!



Let's Talk Religion

2 replies
Muna Nana
Muna Nana
4 months ago
What a difficult topic you have picked for yourself. I am saving this video to listen to it again. It took me over a year to finish reading the (abridged) english version, the only one I could find, of the Fusus al Hikam, (the settings of the wisdom, I think it means). I kept having to go back and refer to a previous chapter, and kept putting the book down so I could take the time to absorb the amazing ideas he put forth. I have a total fascination with his works. Thank you so very much for this.



Zaka Khan
Zaka Khan
2 years ago
I can hardly say more than has already been said about the wonderful work you are doing... all I can offer is a sincere 'thank you', and I shall pray that you receive manifold the reward of your efforts.



1 reply
Mubi Karimjanovna Bob
Mubi Karimjanovna Bob
1 year ago
MashaAllah May Allah bless you and raise you for opening up such saints life🙏🙏🙏really thank you

Ibn Arabi May Allah raise him higher and higher was ine of the mystical sufi masters and you enlived him in such a beautiful way🙏🙏🙏🙏
By seeing you i remember sheikh AbdulRahman also british origin teacher🙏
Please continue such a beautiful and meaningful work and May Allah open more and more doors and knowledge🙏



1 year ago
These are some great videos. I used to study this stuff a lot and kept finding the same threads in different religions. I was also deep into science and atheism at the time. It's strange to think about how taken in by my own self I was. The part about self-worship is something I was just thinking about. It all comes together the best work of our neuroscientists and sociologists confirms a general theory like this. As of course we see in Advaita, Daoism, Buddhism, etc.. all roads lead to Damascus it seems. As one might expect with Truth. I eventually found my way into the Perennialist corner and then gave Christian mysticism a go. There are so many people that have great wisdom, I am sure much oral tradition was circulated before we know. Anyway great videos I will check to see if you've done one on the Theologia Germanica



1 year ago
Many thanks for this balanced and informative intro to the Unity of Being  ❤️



Luis Gasser
Luis Gasser
2 years ago
Thank you for this most excellent presentation. It is absolutely important to clearly distinguish between a philosopher and a mystic as their respective natures are fundamentally different from one another. Whilst a philosopher's source of knowledge is intellectual speculation, a mystics source of knowledge is the transcendence of individuality/selfhood, thus in a way becoming knowledge itself. Even though a mystic may use his intellect and reason to communicate his insight to others, this does under no circumstances make him a philosopher.



6 replies
Thole molapo
Thole molapo
1 year ago (edited)
you possess a rare attribute called Ilm, like Rupert Spira, you explain Non Duality( Qur'anic Tawhid) with great ease and understanding.



Kaan Bulak
Kaan Bulak
2 weeks ago
I cannot thank you enough for your work. This one was especially exceptional! After finishing (with many times of confused relistening and taking notes) I can breathe deeper now.


Leren Sekyo
Leren Sekyo
1 year ago
This is very engaging. Thank you so much for your hard work 🔥



Adam Tyson
Adam Tyson
1 year ago
Love the work you're doing, thanks for sharing on such a fascinating and challenging topic!   

Good call using Claude Addas who certainly has provided us with the go-to biography on Ibn al-'Arabi. It's an interesting fact that she is also the daughter of Michel Chodkiewicz -- not that I figured that out myself until years after I started studying Wujudi philosophy : /



Esoteric Pilgrim
Esoteric Pilgrim
1 year ago (edited)
Thank Allha , I can very well understand what you are telling, as l read Ibn Arabi books, your explanation is marvellous. You are a enlightened person I can tell it 
Definitely in the words of Ibn Arabi himself “ ENLIGHTENED ARE NOT BOUND BY RELIGION “. May Allah bless all, with lots of love ❤️ from a sufi student from india.🙏🙏



Corsair Caruso
Corsair Caruso
2 years ago
I’d love to know more about how Unity of Being and Vedanta interacted! Interfaith dialogue is so fascinating to me.



4 replies
Aabbish Duaa
Aabbish Duaa
1 year ago
This is so helpful. Truth be told, your channel is so helpful when it comes to learning about different religions in an unbiased manner. Thankyou!



ashley !
ashley !
4 months ago
i’ve watched this video sooo many times and always find more takeaways. you should make more videos on this topic! so interesting



1 reply
1 year ago
Beautiful episode! Please make another sequel about Ibn Arabi 💗



Samaia Traforti
Samaia Traforti
1 year ago
Your work is so beautifully and clearly articulated. Thankyou for sharing insight into this transcendent topic in such a digestible form. Deep gratitude



Aasem Ahsan
Aasem Ahsan
10 months ago (edited)
9:10 Ibn Arabi's meeting with Ibn Rushd
21:45 Famous works
22:45 Wahadat Al Wujud



Abdullah Khodadad
Abdullah Khodadad
2 years ago
I am amazed by your deep deep knowledge of our theology! With this comprehensive video, you reorganized my amateur knowledge of our Orfan and late Aarifs!
Thank you for your great work! Appreciated so much!



1 reply
onnoy saad
onnoy saad
1 year ago
খুব সুন্দর।। অনেক সুন্দর। মাশা আল্লাহ।



1 year ago
This video was incredible and really helpful spiritually. I’m going to spend a lot more time leading about this man and his teachings.



1 reply
Walker Goff
Walker Goff
1 year ago
Your content is excellent. Every video is informative, nuanced, and looks past particularities to point toward possible eclectic interpretations fitting each particularity together. Bravo.



Ace of Bace
Ace of Bace
4 months ago (edited)
Brother, I am a Muslim both by birth and choice, as well as a student of Islamic Theology who has done a thesis at University on the Fusus al Hikam - I can proudly say: You did a great job.
Looking forward to more of Ibn Arabi from you. 
Thank you for this and in advance for the upcoming.



Being Human
Being Human
1 year ago
As soon as I saw the Ibn Arabi, clicked on video ❤️ Such lucky people to live in a era of Ibn Arabi ❤️



Jonathan Kelly
Jonathan Kelly
2 years ago
I had class with Professor Chittick, that was  the best class I have ever taken.



1 reply
Joseph Petrone
Joseph Petrone
1 year ago
I wonder if you have done or will do a video about Guru Nanak and the Sikh religion and philosophy as they too have both "Sufi" ideas and even include writings of Muslim and Hindu mystics in their holy book (the Guru Granth Sahib) =) keep up the good work my friend, your videos are very enlightening and educational.



Abdelhak Laaqira
Abdelhak Laaqira
1 year ago
Amazing stuff! Just bought the "ringstones to wisdom" just few days ago and I'm hungry to read it asap. Thanks


1 year ago
Thank you for explaining such complex subject in understandable terms. You are so knowledgeable and yet so humble.



Gavin Shri Amneon
Gavin Shri Amneon
1 year ago
Thank you so much for this brilliantly  composed and eloquently expressed exposition. Such a hard topic to convey but you did it so well



Phillip Anon
Phillip Anon
1 year ago
Amazingly brilliant presentation and narration! This video should be treasured. Thanks and keep up the good work!



2 years ago
Just wanted to say, love the work you are doing. Also, thank you for mentioning Ibn Barrajan, briefly in this video. Like Ibn Arabi he made predictions about the future, but unlike Ibn Arabi his method involved studying the art of letters. Many topics I intended to cover on my channel someday, you have already covered them on yours. Time saver. Thank you.



Let's Talk Religion

19 replies
Earth is the grave of everything
Earth is the grave of everything
3 months ago
thank you for your hard work  absolutely astonishing and mind blowing  and it's cryze how you spent much time to carefully deliver such knowledge on it's raw form  and explaining them. i really wonder now what's going on  your mind after discovering all these topics.



Noor S
Noor S
1 year ago
Thank you so much for your in depth research and hard work in making this video. I’ve become interested in Ibn Arabi and needed this absolutely enlightening explanation about his life and work. Excellent documentary!


Mystic's Journey
Mystic's Journey
1 year ago (edited)
Please make another video going deeper into these teachings. You are so great at explaining all of this. I love you videos!



Javad Siavashi
Javad Siavashi
1 year ago
Amazing representation of the ideas. Big respect and thank you for your work



10 months ago
Very‌ ‌well‌ ‌put together, both in terms of content and delivery, nothing is left to interpretation


Tousif Rahman
Tousif Rahman
2 years ago
You are doing something that truly special and meaningful. My respect



RF M69
RF M69
1 year ago
Thanks so much for your videos. I have finally been able to understand something of Ibn Arabi's teachings  and that almost qualifies as a miracle!



Nicoleta Rosu
Nicoleta Rosu
1 year ago
thank you for sharing knowledge & wisdom....I loved learning about Ibn "Arabi, I am looking forward to part 2.  Also, I am excited to check out your other videos.  Love & blessing to you


1 year ago
Wow. This channel is a gem. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and thoughts :)


no thankyou
no thankyou
3 months ago
This channel is quite literally a Godsend. I deeply appreciate you sharing this information, and showing everyone that at the deepest and most profound core of the thinkers that affect and change known religions, lie extremely abstract and nearly incomprehensible doctrinal insight.



Chris Hobbs
Chris Hobbs
1 year ago
Really appreciate how you introduce the concepts first, which helps us understand the scriptures presented.


xariqx 🥀
xariqx 🥀
2 years ago
Awesome channel! I can see doing well. 

Getting an academic perspective on religion from a neutral party is very important as it takes away most bias.



Let's Talk Religion

3 replies
2 years ago
Really enjoyed this video! thanks for taking time to deal with such an obviously difficult topic - I am curious as to how he dealt with the problem of evil?



1 year ago
So glad I found your channel. Love your way of explaining these topics.


Karl Tyson
Karl Tyson
1 year ago
Thank you for this monumental presentation!


Sarah -
Sarah -
2 years ago
Wowww is what I can say! Your research, your recitation, your passion... Bravo 👍



Hind Oubraim
Hind Oubraim
4 months ago
Thank you for simplifying this part of our history and sharing it with us . Great information.



Tahsin Khan
Tahsin Khan
2 years ago (edited)
Being someone who’s tried to experience every religion, read a verity of thought, walked on many nations and have a done of lot of psychedelics all of this made sense to me as someone who’s experienced through a Muslim lens. I’m great full for this video. It’s like a complex thought you had but couldn’t really find words for.



13 replies
jalal maache
jalal maache
1 year ago
Outstanding lecture. Am Arab and reading ibn Arabi was The most difficult . Kudos to you.



Attia Bano
Attia Bano
11 months ago
thank you so much for making this facinating video on ibn arabi. It was very well made and inspiring to watch and u made a very intellectual topic easy to understand for simple humanbeings like me. God bless u



1 year ago
Assalamu’alaikoum.. Deep respect for the work you do. Thank you.


waddah Elyemen وضاح اليمن
waddah Elyemen وضاح اليمن
1 year ago
You are one of with explaining such complex mind bending Ideas and thoughts. Perfect Arabic pronunciation is a plus. 👍👍👍



sam biani
sam biani
1 year ago
Reading Golshane Raz (gerden of secrets)  in farsi is such a joyful experience, the only poem that gives me that feeling apart from Hefez. The text sound modern and mysterious


Ziad El Mestekawy
Ziad El Mestekawy
2 years ago
Thank you so much for this incredible work. Beautiful in every  way. Allah Akbar :)



LOV Movement
LOV Movement
1 year ago
This video is beyond fantastic. Absolutely beautiful & insightful breakdown. Thank you for this


Husna Kassim
Husna Kassim
1 year ago
This is new to me. I would have to listen to this a few times to understand this unity of being.


kaja hussain
kaja hussain
1 year ago
No words,  The way you presented this wahdathul wujud  was unbelievable and priceworthy. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Khalid Alnaama
Khalid Alnaama
1 year ago
Huge information about Ibn Arabi who you described as a very difficult figure to understand. Thanks for this great information.



4 months ago (edited)
one of the best contents about Ibn 'Arabi and his works. thanks for the video.



Mrad Belhasen
Mrad Belhasen
2 years ago
This is beyond pure mate,May he  brings you more wisdom and understanding 
Much love from Tunisia (a sufi as well)


Let's Talk Religion


61 replies
Mahasti Kia
Mahasti Kia
1 year ago
This was beautiful! I learned so much. Thank you 🙏

(I could go on and on talking about it but my mind refuses. I need some stillness to absorb all this :)))


1 year ago
Thank u so much..I always want to know about "wahdat ul wajood"..and u made it very easy.Please carry on your work on this.Guide me about any of your book or paper published on it.


C.G. Maat
C.G. Maat
1 year ago
Thank  you . Though so difficult , the one unity message is a great gem for our so divide America and world.
I also love the beautiful art designs ; like particle and wave woven into such lovey color and line with no need of perspective.
I have never seen this art work. And lastly thanks for enduring such a long explain. You are doing a great mission .
How did you get into this path. Maybe one day you do a presentation of your own inspiration.
As above so below, a lot of the Emerald Tablet Laws and Alchemy. You are a modern Manly hall.


1 year ago
Thanks for a great video! I learned so much and have been enjoying your channel.


Story BUG
Story BUG
2 years ago
This was remarkable! Thanks for sharing this full of knowledge and wisdom presentation about a great Islamic scholar.


Let's Talk Religion


6 replies
Neo Lamo
Neo Lamo
9 months ago
Thanks a lot for such clear and detailed introduction to ibnalArabi views ! 🙏🏻♥️🌺🦋🌷🌸💮🏵️🎉💯🎊🙏🏻


Amine Mz
Amine Mz
1 year ago
Wonderful approach to ibn arabi perception of existence! I’d wish if you could quote more of ‘ Al hallaj ‘ as he precedented ibn arabi in trying to to define ‘ wahdat al woujoud ‘ - union -. 
Well done man appreciate your channel content & hardwork! Keep it up


1 year ago
Really love your work. On Ibn Arabi - I came across his work through your introduction and the more I learn about him and his thoughts the more I realise I am only scratching the surface of this Murcian / Andalusian thinker philosopher mystic


xTG4M!NG Piano 
xTG4M!NG Piano
2 years ago (edited)
i am arabian i just really wanna tell ya this is so informative!! nice job mate keep doing this awesome work!



Faye Cassim
Faye Cassim
5 months ago
Greetings this is so so amazing to understand, brings great appreciation for History and Theology .much Appreciated ,blessing upon thre groth of your channel Ameen



Jiren Says
Jiren Says
2 years ago
This was absolutely amazing! Please more of Arabi!!!


Let's Talk Religion


43 replies
1 year ago
I'm getting chills watching this. I have never read any of his works, but plan to now. As a psychedelic enthusiast, his teachings are very eerie. I had also came to very similar internal revelations when taking LSD and DMT. On DMT, you almost separate completely from your body and soul, and become the ethereal, raw, true spirit, and intuitively know that you and the person that lit the pipe for you are the same person, and that the normal "reality" that you return to is false. Very eerie.


V Fergi
V Fergi
1 year ago
So amazed how much he traveled to gain more wisdom and teach..and some people nowadays dont even get out of their own state


1 year ago
This is amazing , I don’t have the right words to praise the concept, it would be like an ant trying to comprehend and appreciate artificial intelligence. For  now I will settle for thanking you for such a well researched topic and amazing compilation.


1 year ago
This is amazing, i've never heard of Ibn Arabi before.. Thank you dear sir.


cyrus dabiri
cyrus dabiri
5 months ago
fascinating,very well researched and beautifully presented.Thank you for your great work.


vpcreationsunlimited P
vpcreationsunlimited P
2 years ago
I am Hindu 🕉 but I love Sufism and Rumi is my favorite poet 💕 . This is a very deep spiritual path in Islamic scriptures.  I think these mystics are  evolved souls,  religion is many but God is one !!! Blessings from NYC 



61 replies
2 years ago
A lot of this is how I've thought myself. This is good and returns me to my best being :)


Kari Harris
Kari Harris
8 months ago
I know I'm late to the show, but this is fascinating! Contrasting Ibn 'Arabi to Maimonides is like night and day!  It took the Baal Shem Tov and Chassidus to incorporate a lot of similar ideas in their interpretation of the divine many years later. I've never studied the Islamic sages and Ibn 'Arabi was a man many centuries before his time!


1 year ago (edited)
I came here by accident, and it was a great accident, I thought I will quickly go through the video, but I found myself listening to every detail, I got hooked, I couldn't stop untill I finished the whole video, thank you very much for all the effort you put on researching the subject and presenting it in a beautiful way. I spent a great time. From Yemen, respect 🙂


1 year ago
This is gold. Thank you. 🤍


Malik Kafoor
Malik Kafoor
1 year ago
Assalamualaikum, could you please make a separate video on Ibn Arabi's (Fusus-al-Hikam). 

Best content ever👍
Much love from Kashmir



Althaf Hussain
Althaf Hussain
2 years ago
Incredibly beautiful.. In fact my experience throughout listening you  was not about Ibn Arabi, but about the beautiful One alone. 

Thank you so much for sharing such immense wisdom and knowledge..



First Take Ltd
First Take Ltd
1 year ago
You are a great scholar and a great teacher !


Hamera Tahir
Hamera Tahir
1 year ago
This is such an interesting topic.  What a wonderful insight into one the greatest minds in history! To find Allah swt is the goal of all of us but due to our limited knowledge, we cannot.  We can only marvel in awe at the greatest minds  of the Golden age of Islam.  If I had a time machine, Al Andalus is where I would return to sit at the feet of these great men and drink in every word they said! Truly they brought light where there was darkness.


Ebrima O. Bah
Ebrima O. Bah
1 year ago
A beautiful presentation! So great...



Abdulkader AlSalhi
Abdulkader AlSalhi
1 year ago
Well done, a very good presentation for Ibn Arabi 's difficult to understand writings.. God bless you


Ibrahim Noori Ashrafi
Ibrahim Noori Ashrafi
1 year ago
This channel deserve 100 million subscriber. Great work you have done brother. Keep  it up❣️



1 reply
2 years ago
really really good content! thank you for this introduction, i have heard about him but didn't know much about his teachings, know i have a brief understanding!



Leaf Zuk
Leaf Zuk
1 year ago
I am amazed by how similar this is to the Hassidic teaching/philosophy I received in Yeshiva. Different words and perspective but so familiar; in essence Hassidus 101. Very cool



1 reply
Rifat Sele
Rifat Sele
1 year ago
Thank you. Your skillful and  informative work answered some of my soul searching questions. Very well presented. Thank you again.


Mullanaver M.B
Mullanaver M.B
2 months ago
What a great info about our Islamic Sufi of Al andulas Hzt Ibnul Arabi, i got enlightenment from vedios love from India bro



Ahmad Alwasim
Ahmad Alwasim
1 year ago
What a rich and respectful video you created. You made me interested to read more about this period of islam.



come towards true islam.
come towards true islam.
2 months ago
Aslamualykum brother you have done tremendous job keep it up may ALLAH bless you and your lovely family.


It’s Me
It’s Me
2 years ago
This video is the best video I have watched on youtube!

Thank you for introducing Ibn Arabi to me. I have recently adopted the Quran into my life and this has connected some big dots for me. I've always had a feeling that this description of Allah was the way Arabi explains it but could never quite make sense of it in my head. I have heard it described by non-muslims but something was missing.




1 year ago
Very informative and enlightening, good video!


Samhat J
Samhat J
1 year ago
Thank you for all the work you have been doing.
Will you make any video specifically about Sufi Master Mansoor Al Hallaj?


K Bone
K Bone
1 year ago
Ibn 'Arabi has always been one of my favorite Sufi thinkers, and Saracen Spain was an amazing blossoming. In my opinion, he was not a mystic, but only spoke as if he was one. This was because of the linguistic tools and socio-cultural structure of the time, which also fed the general self-preservation instincts (I am sure he was aware of them). It is the ESSENCE of the philosophical, religious, and  metaphysical which is being distilled (see the story the different blind people looking for "grapes"... as well as the metaphor of turning grapes into wine ). To become Truth Realized, as I think IA was, is to become something of a heretic. As such, I think that is why your professor said what he said about "understanding" him. IA spoke as a butterfly, and your professor was likely still a caterpillar.


Pankaj Priyadarshi
Pankaj Priyadarshi
1 year ago
Well researched and well spoken. You have done reasonable justice to the wonderful writings of the great thinker. 

Heard a good part of of it. Many are so wise, logical and deep.

It is however, not wise for any of us to impose our (current) understanding on the meanings. It is best to present the teachings/sayings as they are.



Priyaranjan dash
Priyaranjan dash
9 months ago
This might be weird to say but listening ibn Arabi philosophy or experience I feel like I am learning Advaita vedanta in a new and good way since I am follower of Advaita vedanta from start.



3 replies
2 years ago (edited)
Amazing video, very informative and objective! Thanks so much for all the effort you've put into this. Deserves so much more views!



Let's Talk Religion

1 reply
2 years ago
I've checked out a few of your videos before and enjoyed them. But for some reason this one hits like a resonate harmonic! As a Thelemite and modern Gnostic theurge (in the sense of pursuing spiritual experiences) there are many elements of this guy's life and theology that really synch up with my own, except that on a scale of 1:10 my experiences are like a 4 compared with ibn Arabi's 11.



1 reply
Zeeshan Shahzad
Zeeshan Shahzad
2 months ago
Loved it. Great job summarizing a rather difficult subject such as Ibn Arabi.


Hussain Muhammad
Hussain Muhammad
1 year ago
Hej! Imponerande sätt att beskriva djupaste ämne !! Älskar och uppskattar dina videos. Ser fram emot om du skulle kunna göra en avsnitt om Imam Ali ibne Abi Talib!! 
Stort respekt


Art of Metta
Art of Metta
1 year ago
thank you ❤️ i like ur style, very nice presentation. i was captivated the hole way tru, its a pleasure to listen your voice , rythms and expression. im grateful to have found u here.


Rob Haarlem
Rob Haarlem
1 month ago
Well that sounded familiar, nothing and everything as the cradle of creation, in every breath. Beautiful and very inspiring documentary, thank you


Swires Cold
Swires Cold
2 years ago
This is great. Thank you so much for making this available to us. I wish there was some online discussion on how he compares and differs with other philosophical schools on metaphysics and cosmology.



Let's Talk Religion

1 reply
The Path of Eudaimonia
The Path of Eudaimonia
1 year ago (edited)
Splendid! Ibn-Arabi sounds like right up my alley.

Thanks for the work you are doing, brother.


1 year ago
This was fascinating. Thank you.


Dharmapal Sharma
Dharmapal Sharma
2 months ago
Truth never ceases to be; Untruth exists not…. नास्तो विद्यते भावो नाभावो विद्यते सत्🌺✡️☪️♋️☸️🕉️⛎✝️⚛️🛐🌺



Spin Bet
Spin Bet
4 months ago
Subhan Allaha Be Hamdee, Subhan Allaha Al Azeem, Peace and blessings on our Prophet, greater than our lifes.



Julia Connell
Julia Connell
5 months ago
THANK YOU - I have enjoyed this so much, given me so much pleasure & joy.  I was brought up in the christian/catholic faith & though both my parents walked the walk (as opposed to people who worship for one hour per week & therefore consider themselves 'good' no matter their behaviour outside church/temple/whatever your place of worship).  they were both active in their community, quietly helping others.  however when I was 7, walking home from school suddenly realised I did not 'believe' in the teachings/religion.  whether or not jesus was/is god - his teachings were sound/good/right - the problem is the people who have strayed from what he taught - and turned worship of GOD to worship of Jesus.  here in the thoughts of my muslim brothers (& sisters?) I find truth and solace, wisdom and understanding. as much as I find connection here, as a woman, I simply cannot submit to the muslim religion, as much as I find connection - it would interfere with my path, my relationship with GOD. again, here I find such joy & wisdom.  all rivers flow from the same source - my GOD is all, everything, love, truth beauty.  ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎


2 years ago
That was an excellent introduction! You are a very talented popularizer, happy to have found your channel. I was listening to podcasts by Peter Adamson from Philosophy without any Gaps. Its a great resource too, but there is something missing when you can only hear the voice and not see the person talking or be able to read the quotes or leave comments. So, your style and delivery format here on YouTube work extremely well.



Bilal Nasir
Bilal Nasir
4 months ago
A great price of teaching so beautifully explained in such a understandable way. Jazakallah


Husarious Maximus
Husarious Maximus
1 year ago
This was very good. Thank you 🙏🏽


3 months ago
Great effort simplifying Ibn Arabi ideas. Very tough job. Loved the work ❤



2 years ago
What a beautiful video! Thank you so much. This really reminds me of Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka philosophy. I wonder if there is any possibility that ibn Arabi had access to Buddhist texts in his lifetime.



2 replies
Camille Espinas
Camille Espinas
3 months ago
“Mystical unveiling..” love that !


andy forsythe
andy forsythe
2 years ago
' My journey was to myself, and it was to myself I was guided'. 🙏



Let's Talk Religion

6 replies
Jonathan Jensen
Jonathan Jensen
1 year ago
Sheesh, this is like exactly what I received.  I use the metaphor of the wind blowing on the water, but also used light and a prism.  It's because a person can make nothing except based on what is in themself.


Amir Lodi
Amir Lodi
2 years ago
Thank you for this beautiful an brilliant explanation!


Longcoat Gamer
Longcoat Gamer
1 year ago
It seems I need to learn more of this man, because all of this is making too much sense for it to be as your teacher said.


Algerian Pledge
Algerian Pledge
1 year ago
you explain things perfectly. may god help you in your path


Bilge Günlü
Bilge Günlü
1 year ago
You have one of the best video essay about Ibn Arabi. Thank you


الأمين حمادي
الأمين حمادي
2 years ago (edited)
Definitely one of the best that I heard talking about Ibn Arabi on YouTube. Definitely subscribing and watching all of your videos. Thank you again for your magnificent effort :) and may God guide and bless us all.


Let's Talk Religion


Let's Talk Religion

5 replies
5 months ago
Amazing intro to Ibn Arabi! Thanks!


david mcgrath
david mcgrath
1 year ago
I was raised in an American Roman Catholic family, and this is the first time I ever really payed attention to Ibn 'Arabi.  Rumi has been part of my heart and life for years, but after hearing this, I intend to read much more about him.  It struck me how much his path seemed like Jesus. At least he didn't have to deal with the Romans.  Thank you for this wonderful introduction.



1 reply
From Ideology to Unity - Logos Legacy
From Ideology to Unity - Logos Legacy
1 year ago
What do you think of portrayal of Ibn Arabi in the tv show - Resurrection: Ertrugul and the mystical themes of the show?


1 year ago (edited)