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할레드 호세이니 - 위키백과, Khaled Hosseini

할레드 호세이니 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

할레드 호세이니

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
둘러보기로 이동검색으로 이동
Picto infobox auteur.png
할레드 호세이니
خالد حسینی
백악관에 온 할레드 호세이니
백악관에 온 할레드 호세이니
작가 정보
출생1965년 3월 4일 (56세)
아프가니스탄 카불
직업소설가, 내과 의사
활동기간2003 - 현재
주요 작품
연을 쫓는 아이천 개의 찬란한 태양

할레드 호세이니(페르시아어خالد حسینی, Khaled Hosseini, 1965년 3월 4일 ~ )는 아프가니스탄 출신의 미국 작가이다.


호세이니는 아프가니스탄 카불에서 외교관 아버지와 고등학교 선생님인 어머니의 아들로 태어났다. 1970년에 그와 그의 가족은 아프가니스탄 대사로 일하는 아버지를 따라 이란의 테헤란으로 이주하였다가 1973년 다시 카불로 돌아온다. 1976년에는 파리로 이동하였다가 마침내 1980년 가족과 함께 미국으로 정치적 망명을 한다. 1984년 캘리포니아 산호세 고등학교를 졸업하고 샌디에이고에서 의학을 전공하였고, 1996년 로스엔젤레스의 시더사이나이 메디컬 센터 내과 레지던트 과정을 마쳤다.

의대 졸업 후, 캘리포니아에서 의사로 활동하는 틈틈이 소설을 써, 2003년 첫 소설 《연을 쫓는 아이》를 발표하면서 데뷔하였다. 그의 작품은 '퍼블리셔스 위클리'가 매년 미국에서 가장 영향력 있는 문학작품에 수여하는 푸시카트 상 후보에 오르기도 했다.

2007년 5월, 두 번째 소설 《천 개의 찬란한 태양》(A Thousand Splendid Suns)을 출간했다. 소련 침공, 군벌들 간의 내전, 탈레반 정권, 그리고 미국과의 전쟁 등 아프가니스탄의 비극적인 현대사와 그 전란의 소용돌이 속에 남겨진 여자들의 이야기를 그린 이 소설은 출간 전 예약판매를 시작하면서부터 아마존닷컴 종합 베스트 1위를 차지하며 큰 화제를 불러 일으켰다.

자신이 쓴 아프가니스탄에 관한 이야기에 많은 책임감을 느낀다는 호세이니는 독자들에게 그처럼 비참한 처지에 놓인 아프가니스탄 여성들에게 많은 관심을 가져줄 것을 당부하고 있으며, 현재 난민들을 돕기 위한 UN 전문기구인 UN Refugee Agency - UNHCR에서 활동중이다.

연을 쫓는 아이는 2007년 영화로 개봉됐다. 사진은 연을 쫓는 아이의 출연배우 바흐람과 Elham Ehsas와 함께 서 있는 호세이니.

주요 작품[편집]

< 연을 쫓는 아이 >

연을 쫓는 아이(The Kite Runner)는 2003년 5월 29일 미국에서 발행된 할레드 호세이니의 첫 번째 장편소설이다. 2007년에 같은 이름의 영화로 만들어지기도 했다. 이 작품은 1973년의 군주제 폐지, 1979년의 소련의 침공, 탈레반 정권, 아프가니스탄 전쟁 (2001년 ~ 현재)에 이르는 아프가니스탄의 역사를 배경으로 하고 있다. 퍼블리셔스 위클리가 매년 미국에서 가장 영향력 있는 문학작품에 수여하는 푸시카트상 후보에 오르기도 했으며 2005년엔 베스트셀러로 등극되기도 했다.

<천 개의 찬란한 태양>

천 개의 찬란한 태양(A Thousand Splendid Suns)은 할레드 호세이니가 2003년에 쓴 데뷔작 연을 쫓는 아이에 이어 2007년5월 22일에 출판된 소설이다. 이 작품은 1960년대부터 2003년까지 격동적이었던 두 명의 아프간 여자에 초점을 맞추고 있다.

<그리고 산이 울렸다>

그리고 산이 울렸다(And the Mountains Echoed)는 할레드 호세이니가 2013년에 출간한 소설이다. 아프가니스탄의 한 가족을 초점으로 아프간의 역사와 가족사를 조명하는 작품이다.

전기와 중요 출처[편집]

  • Booklist, 7, 2003, Kristine Huntley, 연을 쫓는 아이의 비평
  • Kirkus 리뷰, 5/1, 2003, 연을 쫓는 아이의 비평
  • 라이브러리 저널, 4/15, 2003, Rebecca Stuhr, 연을 쫓는 아이의 비평11/15, 2003, 마이클 아담스, 연을 쫓는 아이 비평 (오디오 용)

뉴욕 타임즈 서평, 8/3, 2003, 에드워드 하워, 연을 쫓는 아이의 비평

  • Publishers Weekly, 5/12, 2003, 연을 쫓는 아이의 비평
  • 학교 도서관 저널, 11, 2003, 페니 스티븐스, 연을 쫓는 아이의 비평
  • Stuhr, Rebecca. Reading 할레드 호세이니. 산타 바바라, 칼리프: 그린우드 보도자료, 2009.
  • 타임즈 (런던, 영국), 8/30, 2003, 연을 쫓는 아이의 비평

Khaled Hosseini

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Khaled Hosseini
Khaled Hosseini at the White House in 2007
Khaled Hosseini at the White House in 2007
Native name
خالد حسینی
BornKhaled Hosseini
4 March 1965 (age 56)
CitizenshipUnited States
Notable worksThe Kite Runner
A Thousand Splendid Suns
And the Mountains Echoed
Sea Prayer
SpouseRoya Hosseini

Khaled Hosseini (Persianخالد حسینی‎ [ˈxɒled hoˈsejni]/ˈhɑːlɛd hˈsni/; born 4 March 1965) is an Afghan-American novelist and UNHCR goodwill ambassador.[1][2] His debut novel The Kite Runner (2003) was a critical and commercial success; the book, as well as his subsequent novels, have all been at least partially set in Afghanistan and has featured an Afghan as the protagonist.

Born in Kabul, Afghanistan, to a diplomat father, Hosseini spent some time living in Iran and France. When Hosseini was 15, his family applied for asylum in the United States, where he later became a naturalized citizen. Hosseini did not return to Afghanistan until 2003[3] when he was 38, an experience similar to that of the protagonist in The Kite Runner. In later interviews, Hosseini admitted to feeling survivor's guilt for having been able to leave the country prior to the Soviet invasion and subsequent wars.

After graduating from college, Hosseini worked as a physician in California, a situation he likened to "an arranged marriage".[4] The success of The Kite Runner meant he was able to retire from medicine in order to write full-time. His three novels have all reached various levels of critical and commercial success.[5] The Kite Runner spent 101 weeks on The New York Times Best Seller list, including three weeks at number one.[6] His second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007), spent 103 weeks on the chart, including 15 at number one[7][8] while his third novel, And the Mountains Echoed (2013), remained on the chart for 33 weeks.[9][10] In addition to writing, Hosseini has advocated for refugees, including establishing with the UNHCR the Khaled Hosseini Foundation to support Afghan refugees returning to Afghanistan.[11]

Early life and education[edit source]

Early life[edit source]

Hosseini was born on March 4, 1965 in Kabul, Afghanistan, the eldest of five children.[12] His father, Nasser, worked as a diplomat for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kabul while his mother worked as a Persian language teacher at a girls' high school; both originate from Herat.[12] Regarding his ethnicity, Hosseini stated, "I'm not pure anything. There's a Pashtun part of me, a Tajik part of me."[13] His mother's family is believed to be from the Mohammadzai tribe of Pashtuns.[14] Hosseini describes his upbringing as privileged. He spent eight years of his childhood in the upper class Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood in Kabul.[12][13][15] Hosseini does not recall his sister, Raya, ever suffering discrimination for being a female,[15] and he remembers Kabul as "a growing, thriving, cosmopolitan city", where he regularly flew kites with his cousins.[16]

In 1970, Hosseini and his family moved to Iran where his father worked for the Embassy of Afghanistan in Tehran. In 1973, Hosseini's family returned to Kabul, and Hosseini's youngest brother was born in July of that year. In 1976, when Hosseini was 11 years old, his father secured a job in Paris, France, and moved the family there.[17] They were unable to return to Afghanistan because of the April 1978 Saur Revolution in which the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) seized power. In 1980, shortly after the start of the Soviet–Afghan War, they sought political asylum in the United States and made their residence in San Jose, California. Hosseini, then aged 15, did not speak English when he first arrived in the United States. He describes the experience as "a culture shock" and "very alienating".[17]

Despite their distance from the country's turmoil, the family was aware of the situations faced by a number of their friends and relatives. Hosseini explained:

We had a lot of family and friends in Kabul. And the communist coup, as opposed to the coup that happened in '73, was actually very violent. A lot of people rounded up and executed, a lot of people were imprisoned. Virtually anybody [who] was affiliated or associated with the previous regime or the royal family was persecuted, imprisoned, killed, rounded up, or disappeared. And so we would hear news of friends and acquaintances and occasionally family members to whom that had happened, [who] were either in prison or worse, had just disappeared and nobody knew where they were, and some of them never turned up. My wife's uncle was a very famous singer and composer in Kabul who had been quite vocal about his dislike for the communists and so on, and he disappeared. And to this day, we have no idea what happened to him. So that sort of thing, we began to hear news over in Europe of mass executions and really just horror stories. So it was surreal, and it also really kind of hit home in a very real way.[12]

Education[edit source]

Hosseini graduated from Independence High School in San Jose in 1984 and enrolled at Santa Clara University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in biology in 1988. The following year, he entered the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, where he earned his M.D. in 1993. He completed his residency in internal medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles in 1997. He practiced medicine for over ten years, until a year and a half after the release of The Kite Runner.

Career[edit source]

Novels[edit source]

Hosseini with President George W Bush and First lady Laura Bush
Khaled Hosseini with actors from The Kite Runner, Bahram and Elham Ehsas.

In 2003, Hosseini published his first novel, The Kite Runner, the story of a young boy, Amir, struggling to form a deeper connection with his father and coping with memories of a traumatic childhood event. The novel is set in Afghanistan, from the fall of the monarchy until the collapse of the Taliban regime, as well as in the San Francisco Bay Area, specifically in Fremont, California. The novel was the best selling novel of 2005 in the United States, according to Nielsen BookScan.[18] The Kite Runner was also produced as an audiobook read by the author. The Kite Runner has been adapted into a film of the same name released in December 2007. Hosseini made a cameo appearance towards the end of the movie as a bystander, when Amir buys a kite which he later flies with Sohrab.

Hosseini's second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, was published in 2007, and is also set in Afghanistan. The story addresses many of the same issues as Hosseini's first book, but from a female perspective. It follows the story of two women, Mariam and Laila, whose lives become entwined when Mariam's husband takes on Laila as a second wife. The story is set during Afghanistan's tumultuous thirty-year transition from Soviet occupation to Taliban control and post-Taliban rebuilding. The novel was released by Riverhead Books on May 22, 2007, at the same time as the Simon & Schuster audiobook. The adaptation rights of the novel were subsequently acquired by producer Scott Rudin and Columbia Pictures.[19]

Hosseini's third novel And the Mountains Echoed was released on May 21, 2013. Prior to its release, Hosseini said:

I am forever drawn to family as a recurring central theme of my writing. My earlier novels were at heart tales of fatherhood and motherhood. My new novel is a multi-generational family story as well, this time revolving around brothers and sisters, and the ways in which they love, wound, betray, honor, and sacrifice for each other."[20]

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees[edit source]

Hosseini is currently a Goodwill Envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).[21] He has been working to provide humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan through the Khaled Hosseini Foundation. The concept for the foundation was inspired by the trip to Afghanistan that Hosseini made in 2007 with UNHCR, with the organisation raising funds to build homes for refugees returning to Afghanistan.[11]

In 2018, Hosseini published an illustrated short story, Sea Prayer, inspired by the death of Alan Kurdi, a three year old refugee who drowned when trying to reach Europe from Syria. Proceeds from sales went to the UNHCR and the Khaled Hosseini Foundation.[11]

Influences[edit source]

As a child, Hosseini read a lot of Persian poetry, especially the works of poets such as RumiOmar KhayyámAbdul-Qādir Bēdil, and Hafez. He has also cited a Persian translation of Jack London's White Fang as a key influence from his youth, in addition to translations of novels including Alice in Wonderland and Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer series.[22][23] He has cited Afghan singer Ahmad Zahir as a key musical influence, choosing the songs "Madar' and "Aye Padesha Khuban" as his two Inheritance Tracks during an appearance on BBC Radio 4's Saturday Live, and naming Zahir as "the Afghan Elvis" and stating his music was "one of the seminal memories of my time in Afghanistan".[24][25][26]

Personal life[edit source]

Hosseini is married to Roya and they have two children, Haris and Farah. The family reside in Northern California. He is fluent in Persian and Pashto, and has described himself as a secular Muslim.[27][28][29]

Bibliography[edit source]

Awards[edit source]

Exclusive Books Boeke Prize

British Book Awards

Book Sense Book of the Year Awards

  • 2008: A Thousand Splendid Suns for Adult Fiction[32]

California Book Award Silver Medal

  • 2007: A Thousand Splendid Suns for Fiction[33]

Goodreads Choice Award

Other Awards[edit source]

In 2008, he received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement.[35][36]

See also[edit source]

References[edit source]

  1. ^ Bilal ibn Rasheed The not-so-curious case of Khaled HosseiniArchived 2013-10-22 at the Wayback MachineJang Group of Newspapers
  2. ^ "A Critical Response to the Pashtun Bashing in The Kite Runner, by Nationalist Pashtun Rahmat Rabi Zirakyar". Dawat Independent Media Center (DIMC). Archived from the original on 2014-08-15.
  3. ^ Grossman, Lev (2007-05-17). "The Kite Runner Author Returns Home"TimeISSN 0040-781X. Retrieved 2021-05-28.
  4. ^ Miller, David (June 7, 2013). "Khaled Hosseni author of Kite Runner talks about his mistress: Writing"Loveland Magazine. Archived from the original on August 31, 2013. Retrieved August 4, 2013.
  5. ^ Kaur, Harmeet (August 21, 2021). "The author of 'The Kite Runner' has a message for anyone worried about Afghanistan"CNN. Retrieved 2021-08-22.
  6. ^ "Best Sellers: Paperback Trade Fiction: Sunday, September 18th 2011"The New York Times. September 18, 2011.
  7. ^ Schuessler, Jennifer. "Hardcover"The New York Times.
  8. ^ "Hardcover Fiction"The New York Times. May 11, 2008.
  9. ^ Dallas Morning News archive. Retrieved February 11, 2015.
  10. ^ New York Times Best Seller list, January 12, 2014. Retrieved February 11, 2015.
  11. Jump up to:a b c Refugees, United Nations High Commissioner for. "Khaled Hosseini"UNHCR. Retrieved 2021-03-25.
  12. Jump up to:a b c d "Khaled Hosseini, M.D. Biography and Interview"www.achievement.orgAmerican Academy of Achievement.
  13. Jump up to:a b Tranter, Kirsten (June 1, 2013). "Remaking home"The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved August 4, 2013.
  14. ^ Rabi Zirakyar, Rahmat (May 31, 2013). "KITE RUNNER: A PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION?"Sabawoon Online. Retrieved August 4, 2013.
  15. Jump up to:a b Young, Lucie (May 19, 2007). "Despair in Kabul" Retrieved August 4, 2013.
  16. ^ "'Kite Runner' Author On His Childhood, His Writing, And The Plight Of Afghan Refugees"Radio Free Europe. June 21, 2012. Retrieved August 4, 2013.
  17. Jump up to:a b Hoby, Hermione (May 31, 2013). "Khaled Hosseini: 'If I could go back now, I'd take The Kite Runner apart'"The Guardian. Retrieved July 2, 2013.
  18. ^ "Harry Potter tops US best-seller list for 2005" 2006-01-07. Archived from the original on 2007-03-02. Retrieved 2007-02-14.
  19. ^ LaPorte, Nicole; Fleming, Michael (2007-02-01). "Rudin buys rights to 'Suns'"Variety. Retrieved 2007-02-14.
  20. ^ "'Kite Runner' author Khaled Hosseini will release a new novel this spring"Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 22 November 2012.
  21. ^ "(22 May 2007) "Words of support for UNHCR as Kite Runner author publishes new novel" United Nations Commission on Human Rights". Archived from the original on August 24, 2010.
  22. ^ And the Mountains Echoed Q&A with Khaled Hosseini Archived2013-11-02 at the Wayback Machine page 2
  23. ^ (June 6, 2013) Khaled Hosseini: By the Book
  24. ^ Terry Deary, Khaled Hosseini and Mr Mitchell Saturday Live - 26 October 2013,
  25. ^ "BBC Radio 4 - Saturday Live - Downloads"BBC.
  26. ^ (May 23, 2013) Pick Three: Khaled Hosseini Archived 2015-12-08 at the Wayback Machine
  27. ^ Journal, The Flint (October 17, 2008). "Author Khaled Hosseini visits Flint area, talks about books and foreign cultures"mlive.
  28. ^ "Biography" Archived from the original on 2014-06-05. Retrieved 2014-01-23.
  29. ^ About our Executive Team Archived 2017-01-03 at the Wayback Machine The Khaled Hosseini Foundation
  30. ^ Exclusive Books Boeke Prize Winners – Goodreads
  31. ^ Rowling honoured at book awards Archived 2017-01-11 at the Wayback Machine BBC News
  32. ^ Book Sense Book of the Year Award Winners Goodreads
  33. ^ California Book Award Silver Medal Winners Goodreads
  34. ^ CHOICE AWARDS 2013 Goodreads
  35. ^ "Golden Plate Awardees of the American Academy of Achievement"www.achievement.orgAmerican Academy of Achievement.
  36. ^ "2008 Summit"Dr. Khaled Hosseini, the author of The Kite Runner, receiving the Golden Plate Award presented by Awards Council member Dr. Elias A. Zerhouni, the Director of the National Institutes of Health, during the 2008 Summit in Hawaii.

External links[edit source]