
On My Walk on Apple Podcasts

On My Walk 
on Apple Podcasts

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100 episodes


On My WalkTommy KiedisBusiness
5.0 • 17 Ratings

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AUG 30, 2022#205 - Football Great Ronnie Lott on What Great Coaches Do

#205 - Football Great Ronnie Lott on What Great Coaches Do
The top priority of any manager is . . . . Let’s talk about it! PLAY
6 min
AUG 26, 2022#204 - What Great Managers Do

#204 - What Great Managers Do
Operational excellence is the executive’s “must do” in every successful company. But the leadership trait I will share with you today is the very heart of operational excellence. PLAY
8 min
JUL 15, 2022#203 - What Sacrifice Looks Like

#203 - What Sacrifice Looks Like
If you want to know what sacrifice looks like – real sacrifice (and we need to know), you have to listen to John Adams. PLAY
5 min
APR 19, 2022#202 - Are You A Coach or a Mentor?

#202 - Are You A Coach or a Mentor?
Are you a coach or a mentor? Adam Grant makes a nuanced distinction between the two that I think is worth exploring. PLAY
9 min
APR 5, 2022#201 - Vision Derision

#201 - Vision Derision
What do you do when your vision is challenged, critiqued, laughed at … derided? I’d suggest following Sloan’s practice. PLAY
9 min
JAN 16, 2022#200 - The “first thing” the Wright Brothers did

#200 - The “first thing” the Wright Brothers did
They were under heavy pressure, intense criticism, stiff competition, and frustrating setbacks . . . but that didn’t matter, first things were first things. PLAY
13 min
JUL 14, 2021#199 - The True Test Of Servant Leadership

#199 - The True Test Of Servant Leadership
The real test of leadership is what the leader does when others ask him or her to step aside. PLAY
9 min
JUN 23, 2021#198 - D-Days Unlikely Heroine

#198 - D-Days Unlikely Heroine
One woman who defied the odds and helped save Europe. PLAY
7 min
JUN 16, 2021#197 - Do You See The Tigers Around You?

#197 - Do You See The Tigers Around You?
Do you see the tiger? Are you willing to ride the trike? PLAY
11 min
JUN 11, 2021#196 - Churchill's Most Important Word

#196 - Churchill's Most Important Word
Of the five million. words Churchill employed in his public speeches, this one was the most important. PLAY
7 min
JUN 6, 2021#195 - Looking For Great Ideas In All The Wrong Places

#195 - Looking For Great Ideas In All The Wrong Places
When it comes to innovation and ideation, the best ideas often come from the people & places we least expect. So how do we capture these great ideas? PLAY
10 min
MAY 17, 2021#194 - Who Determines The Role Of Women In The Church?

#194 - Who Determines The Role Of Women In The Church?
If God allows good to come from a non-ideal situation, is that a stamp of God’s approval? PLAY
10 min
MAY 14, 2021#193 - Why You Must Remember To Remember

#193 - Why You Must Remember To Remember
If you are going to live wisely in the present, here's why you must remember the past. PLAY
12 min
MAY 10, 2021#192 - The Godfather And Jesus

#192 - The Godfather And Jesus
If you want to bring about change, especially with those who are resistant, you must practice this principle. PLAY
9 min
MAY 7, 2021#191 - And Now An Important Word About Failure!

#191 - And Now An Important Word About Failure!
It is a necessary part of leadership, so why are we so afraid of it? PLAY
11 min
MAY 6, 2021#190 - The Help You Need For Your VUCA World

#190 - The Help You Need For Your VUCA World
The world has gone VUCA. That’s okay. God has the help you need. PLAY
10 min
APR 30, 2021#189 - Is Sex-change The Lobotomy Of The 21st Century?

#189 - Is Sex-change The Lobotomy Of The 21st Century?
“The great enemy of the radical transgender movement is science.” Here are some findings that should concern us. PLAY
18 min
APR 23, 2021#188 - Before You Erase Your Past

#188 - Before You Erase Your Past
We forget history to our own demise. PLAY
9 min
APR 19, 2021#187 - 6 Reasons Leaders Wimp Out

#187 - 6 Reasons Leaders Wimp Out
When faced with difficult decisions, great leaders don’t wimp out. PLAY
12 min
APR 16, 2021#186 -Rubies In The Backyard

#186 -Rubies In The Backyard
Nations and leaders get better when they dig up the rubies in their backyards. PLAY
10 min
APR 14, 2021#185 -The Man Who Knew Too Little

#185 -The Man Who Knew Too Little
Sometimes it when we think we know enough that we are the most dangerous. PLAY
9 min
APR 9, 2021#184 - The Communicator's 5 Questions

#184 - The Communicator's 5 Questions
If you have a talk to give, don’t give it until you can say “Yes” to these five questions. PLAY
9 min
APR 8, 2021#183 - Drucker's Four Appraisal Questions

#183 - Drucker's Four Appraisal Questions
When it comes to performance appraisals, Peter Drucker asked had four essential questions. PLAY
12 min
APR 3, 2021#182 - The Third Thing Power Does...

#182 - The Third Thing Power Does...
There are three things that power does. Let’s talk about the third one! PLAY
10 min
MAR 29, 2021#181 - Do You Have A Wooden Head?

#181 - Do You Have A Wooden Head?
Wooden-headedness; it’s the downfall of governments and business and people. Do you have a wooden head? PLAY
8 min
MAR 28, 2021#180 - Adams, Jefferson, and the March of Madness

#180 - Adams, Jefferson, and the March of Madness
It’s March Madness. It’s the Sweet 16. I’m thinking hoops, our founding fathers, and the Equality Act. PLAY
13 min
MAR 24, 2021#179 - What The Best Decisions Demand

#179 - What The Best Decisions Demand
Peter Drucker said, “To make decisions is the specific executive task.” And the best decisions demand this tool. PLAY
9 min
MAR 22, 2021#178- Are You "Top Management"?

#178- Are You "Top Management"?
Are you “top management”? The answer is not in your title or pay. It is, however, in how you answer one simple question. PLAY
7 min
MAR 19, 2021#177 - The ONE THING Effective Executive Executives Have In Common

#177 - The ONE THING Effective Executive Executives Have In Common
Effective executives share one thing in common. That one thing points to one principle every leader must learn to be effective. PLAY
7 min
MAR 17, 2021#176 - The First Practice of Effective Leaders

#176 - The First Practice of Effective Leaders
Peter Drucker had a 65-year consulting career. He said the best leaders always asked this question. PLAY
7 min
MAR 15, 2021#175 - The Quiet Repeal Of The American Revolution

#175 - The Quiet Repeal Of The American Revolution
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but . . . has the federal government been buying up your freedom with your own tax money? PLAY
13 min
MAR 12, 2021#174 - Statistics Are Not People

#174 - Statistics Are Not People
Beware: Statistics are not people. PLAY
9 min
MAR 10, 2021#173 - Which Quest Are You Pursuing

#173 - Which Quest Are You Pursuing
Do you have a heart for social justice? That’s great! But a heart for social justice, apart from a definition of justice, is only going to lead to injustice. PLAY
12 min

MAR 8, 2021#172 - Throw Away Your Stopwatch

#172 - Throw Away Your Stopwatch
Sometimes to make progress you have to give up on your deadline and throw away that stopwatch. PLAY
10 min
MAR 5, 2021#171 - The Wit And Wisdom Of G.K. Chesterton

#171 - The Wit And Wisdom Of G.K. Chesterton
Here's much needed common sense for these most uncommon times. PLAY
8 min
MAR 4, 2021#170 - Gender Dysphoria, The Transgender Life, and Buyer's Remorse

#170 - Gender Dysphoria, The Transgender Life, and Buyer's Remorse
Is it possible that someone who is 100% certain she is transgender might walk down a path toward sexual reassignment only to experience “buyer’s remorse”? PLAY
13 min
MAR 1, 2021#169 - The Transgender Catch-22

#169 - The Transgender Catch-22
Is the LGBTQ+ community facing a sexual and ideological Catch-22? I think so! PLAY
9 min
FEB 26, 2021#168 - The Transgender Craze

#168 - The Transgender Craze
Our nation is appropriately concerned about the unprecedented rise of COVID, why not about the unprecedented numbers of adolescent girls identifying as transgender? PLAY
15 min
FEB 24, 2021#167 - Which World Are You Living In?

#167 - Which World Are You Living In?
We are living in a new “war of the worlds,” and if we don’t understand it, it is very likely that we will be on the losing end of it. PLAY
15 min
FEB 23, 2021#166 - Stop Pining For The Good Old Days

#166 - Stop Pining For The Good Old Days
Do you long for the good old days? It's time to stop whining and start understanding. PLAY
13 min
FEB 20, 2021#165 - No Third Option

#165 - No Third Option
Are you creating a toxic environment at work by allowing a “third option” when it comes to “buy-in”? PLAY
7 min
FEB 18, 2021#164 - The Best Feedback Mantra I've Ever Heard

#164 - The Best Feedback Mantra I've Ever Heard
What is the most important aspect of developing and sustaining accountability at work? It has to do with feedback and Cy Wakeman has the answer. PLAY
7 min
FEB 18, 2021#163 - Storytime

#163 - Storytime
If you want to reduce employee drama and improve performance, help people listen to the stories they are telling. PLAY
11 min
FEB 16, 2021#162 - Why "Don’t Worry, Be Happy” At Work, Doesn’t Work

#162 - Why "Don’t Worry, Be Happy” At Work, Doesn’t Work
If keeping people happy means shielding them from stress or challenging circumstances, your role as a leader is doomed. PLAY
9 min
FEB 10, 2021#161 - The Transforming Power of One Book

#161 - The Transforming Power of One Book
We don’t usually think of torment as a good thing, but for Frederick Douglass, one book tormented him to the point it freed him. PLAY

10 min
FEB 8, 2021#160 - The Battle With Mr. Covey

#160 - The Battle With Mr. Covey
A personal battle (physical and emotional), a defining moment, and a man who would never be the same. PLAY

9 min
FEB 5, 2021#159 - The Story Every Teacher Needs To Hear

#159 - The Story Every Teacher Needs To Hear
It’s the story every teacher needs to hear! PLAY
8 min
FEB 3, 2021#158 - Stuck In Ego

#158 - Stuck In Ego
If you’re a leader and you feel you’re just not seeing the production you think you should, maybe you have people stuck in ego. PLAY
9 min
MAY 13, 2020#157 - The Past Is Dead

#157 - The Past Is Dead
The individual who had the greatest reason to hold a grudge, displayed the greatest sense of magnanimity. PLAY
12 min
MAY 8, 2020#156 - The Inner Circle's Greatest Temptation

#156 - The Inner Circle's Greatest Temptation
It’s not that you tell your leader, but whether or not you supply a “certain kind of facts” that makes all the difference. PLAY
7 min
MAY 5, 2020#155 - Why Churchill Pitied Undergraduates

#155 - Why Churchill Pitied Undergraduates
What would Winston Churchill say to college undergraduates in the midst of a world pandemic? I think I know. PLAY
10 min
APR 15, 2020#154 - Winning Over Unhappy Customers

#154 - Winning Over Unhappy Customers
Anyone who has customers must occasionally deal with those who are unhappy. Here's the solution in two words. PLAY
7 min
APR 13, 2020#153 - The Myth Of The Short Sleeper

#153 - The Myth Of The Short Sleeper
If you are leading through these COVID-19 days, chances are you are sleeping less — and that’s not a good thing. PLAY
11 min
APR 1, 2020#152 - Drop Your Familiar Tools

#152 - Drop Your Familiar Tools
It's counterintuitive, but dropping your most effective tool, might be one way to be most effective. PLAY
9 min
MAR 31, 2020#151 - Don't Let Distractions Undo You

#151 - Don't Let Distractions Undo You
If you want to make progress on that goal of yours, if you want to keep moving when the country is stalling b/c of COVID-19, then now is the time to assess & eliminate distractions. PLAY
5 min
MAR 25, 2020#150 - Keeping Score

#150 - Keeping Score
If you want to make progress on that goal of yours, you’ve got to “keep score.” Here’s the why and how. PLAY
8 min
DEC 20, 2019#149 - Sleep Crimes

#149 - Sleep Crimes
If you want to get a great night’s sleep, don’t get caught committing any of these 10 sleep crimes. PLAY
7 min
DEC 17, 2019#148 - Discovering Bedtime's "Moneytime"!

#148 - Discovering Bedtime's "Moneytime"!
Timing your sleep is like timing your investment in the stock market . . . when you invest in that sleep matters. PLAY
10 min
NOV 22, 2019#147 - What Color Is Your Belt?

#147 - What Color Is Your Belt?
If you want to know if you are on the path to high performance, simply check the color of the belt you are wearing. PLAY
6 min
NOV 13, 2019#146 - This Is What It Costs To Be A Leader

#146 - This Is What It Costs To Be A Leader
Today is a good day to stop and consider what it costs to be a leader. PLAY
9 min
OCT 25, 2019#145 - Woodrow Wilson’s Confrontation Maxim

#145 - Woodrow Wilson’s Confrontation Maxim
You can’t get away from confrontation! But learn this maxim and confrontation won’t cripple you either. PLAY
8 min
OCT 22, 2019#144 - How To Test Your Leadership Timber

#144 - How To Test Your Leadership Timber
If you are afraid of this . . . your leadership is not as strong as it needs to be. PLAY
6 min
OCT 13, 2019#143 - What Wise Leaders (And Parents) Know

#143 - What Wise Leaders (And Parents) Know
When you are tempted to “write off” the fledgling leader, don’t forget what every great leader (and parent) knows. PLAY
9 min
OCT 10, 2019#142 - The Non-negotiable Of Leadership

#142 - The Non-negotiable Of Leadership
It’s the non-negotiable of leadership… so leaders guard it at all costs. PLAY
4 min
OCT 10, 2019#141 - When Your Enemy Becomes Your Ally

#141 - When Your Enemy Becomes Your Ally
Enemies can become allies. To quote Dickens, "The worst of times can become the best of times." PLAY
5 min
SEP 20, 2019#140 - The Last Job Of A Leader

#140 - The Last Job Of A Leader
There is a first job and a “last job” when it comes to leadership. PLAY
8 min
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Customer ReviewsSee All
5.0 out of 5
17 Ratings


Sarah145394, 03/07/2021
Insightful and relative

Such a great quick way to get insights on books of all kind.

Elli8367, 03/08/2020
Excellent way to start the day!

I love Tommy’s quick, short podcasts! A wonderfully simple way to discover a myriad of leadership based subjects that are sure to help you “on your walk” through life. I usually listen in on my way to the gym in the morning.