


XVIIIth Academic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica, 21 – 26 August
2014, Budapest
Christians without Borders and Churches on the Move:
Perspectives on Catholicity from Pneumatology and Mission
Kirsteen Kim

‘Christians without borders and churches on the move’ is one way of summing up the subject matter of mission studies and it is also an apt description of the contents of the Acts of the Apostles. It is the stuff of which Christian history is made and one of the things that makes Christianity a world religion. This article lends weight to this view by taking examples from recent study of the history of Korean Christianity and showing how Korean Christians have used pneumatological tools to support their existence as ‘without borders’ and mission theological tools to justify ‘churches on the move’. It concludes that theology of catholicity must take account of the characteristically boundary-crossing nature of Christianity and the historical mobility of church communities