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 Seventh-day Quaker: A spiritual memoir


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DownloadComparison of the Religious Society of Friends with the Seventh-day Adventists (134 KB)

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DownloadJournal: 2004 Beginning the Journey (72 KB)

DownloadJournal: 2005 Emerging Paradigm (364 KB)

DownloadJournal: Grappling with Sabbath (November 8) (57 KB)

DownloadJournal: 2006 Dark Night (315 KB)

DownloadJournal: Embodied Sabbath - Seventh or Eighth Day (March 21) (90 KB)

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DownloadAppendix I: Letter to Grand Rapids Friends Meeting on Conclusion of Ministry (69 KB)

DownloadAppendix II: God-Given Nature Essay (96 KB)

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In an intimate spiritual memoir, Ranger shares her reflections on a journey of self-discovery. Through a narrative written in diary format, she compares and contrasts the Religious Society of Friends and the Seventh-day Adventists and calls for better understanding of and bridges between liberal and conservative Christians. Seventh-day Quaker examines the role and practice of sabbath, silence, prayer, rites and rituals, evangelicalism, the Bible, Creationism, God's existence, and the call to ministry.

Publication Date



Research Rangers


Grand Rapids, MI


Quakers, society of friends, religious society of friends, seventh-day Adventists, spiritual, religious, diaries, journals, biography, autobiography, life, lesbians




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