
박길수 - . '종교'는 보수적이며, '종교하기'(religioning)는 진보적

박길수 - [개벽라키비움-천도교회월보연구회] 1. '종교'는 보수적이며, 실용주의적이다. 그것은 현실적이어서, 돈과... | Facebook


1. '종교'는 보수적이며, 실용주의적이다. 그것은 현실적이어서, 돈과 권력을 추수하거나 스스로 권력이 되고, 저속하다는 의미에서 세속화되었거나 되는 중이다.
반면에 '종교하기'(religioning)는 그 자체로 진보적-반항적이며, 이상주의적이다.
돈과 권력을 우습게 알고, 스스로 권력이 되는 일을 극도로 혐오한다. 하늘에 해와 달이 있고, 땅에 물과 흙이 있는 것처럼, 사람에게 '종교하기'가 있다. 해와 달, 물과 흙이 없으면 한시도 살 수 없는 것처럼, 사람이 '종교하기'를 하지 않으면[無所宗敎] 한 시도 살 수 없다.

이때 '종교하기'란 속세를 떠나는 어떤 것이 아니라, 세속화하는 것(일상화)이면서도 고결함을 추구하는 어떤 행위(상태, 과정)이다.
그것은 마음을 기울이는 것이다. 기울어진 마음은 기울일 수가 없다. 반듯한 마음이라야 기울일 수 있다. 고요한 마음이라야 움직일 수 있다. 하여 종교하기는 수양하기가 된다.

고요한 마음이 기울어질 때, 마음이 흐르고, 흐르는 마음은 청신간결(淸新簡潔)하여 '즐겁고 즐겁다!'

종교하기란 즐거워지는 일이다.
[이종린, '신교의 자유설'(<천도교회월보, 제14호), 정진홍 '서양 종교학의 미로'(현재 편집교정 중인 책-한국의 종교학)]을 읽으며

2. 이런 대목들을 읽으며, '동학'에서 '천도교'로의 개신(改新)이 이루어지던 1900-1920년 사이
  • 천도교에서의 '종교'의 의미 구축 과정,
  • 천도교인들의 '종교(개념)' 이해와 심화화 탈 종교화 추구 과정,
  • 그러하여, 천도교의 천도교 되기와
  • 천도교 넘어서기의 과정들을 톺아 보아서,
지금 이후의 천도교, 천도교'들'에 관하여 이야기해보아야 할 필요성, 흥미를 느낀다.

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You, Taechang Kim, 이찬수 and 5 others
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  • Taechang Kim
    종교보다 종교하기가 더 중요하다는 것은 마치 철학보다
    철학하기가 더 중요하다는 저의 생각과 기까워서 공감됩니다. 그런데 철학하기가 "함께
    철학하기" 로 발전하도록 애를
    썼던 것이 공공하는 철학하기였던 것처럼 종교하기도 "함께
    종교하기" 가되면 공공하는 종교하기가 될것같은데요.

모르고 있었던 순우리말 '톺아보다'

 모르고 있었던 순우리말 '톺아보다'


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Inflected form
톺아보아(톺아봐) [토파보아(토파봐)] 톺아보니 [토파보니]
이전 탭댜음 탭
1. 샅샅이 톺아 나가면서 살피다.
좀 더 차근차근하게 상배의 아래위를 톺아보며 밤마다 공동묘지에 숨어들어야 될 셈속을 들춰 보기로 했다.

Source <<이문구, 장한몽>>

Source : Standard Korean Dict.
Examples 3
좀 더 차근차근하게 상배의 아래위를 톺아보며 밤마다 공동묘지에 숨어들어야 될 셈속을 들춰 보기로 했다. → 톺아보다 
All 1Standard Korean Dict.
사람을 아래위로 톺아보지 마라. → 톺아보다 
All 1Korea Univ. Korean Dict.
팀장은 사내 공모를 앞두고 그동안 생각했던 아이디어들을 팀원들에게 톺아보라고 지시하였다. → 톺아보다 
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[문화 속으로] 말의 품격
강희진 음성예총 회장
현재위치 HOME오피니언문화속으로
입력 : 2022.02.14 14:04 기자명By. 충청신문

▲ 강희진 음성예총 회장

얼마 전 KBS 9시 뉴스를 보고 있는데 ‘톺아보기’라는 단어가 화면에 떴다. 무슨 뜻인지 생각해 보았지만 난 써 본 적이 없는 단어였다. 우리말을 사용하여 오랫동안 글을 써 온 사람인데 그 단어의 뜻을 몰랐다. 바로 찾아보니 ‘샅샅이 더듬어 뒤지면서 찾아보다’란 뜻이란다. 이 단어 대신 나는 ‘훑어보다’란 단어를 더 많이 쓴 것 같다.

톺아보다는 ‘톺다’에서 나온 말이며, 톺다는 가파른 곳을 오르려고 길을 더듬어 찾거나, 빈틈없이 모조리 뒤지면서 찾는다는 뜻이라고 적혀 있다. 그래서 이번 대선을 ‘톺아보기 하자’라고 뉴스를 전하고 있었다. 인터넷에서 찾아보니 나 같은 사람이 많은 모양이었다. 톺아보기라는 단어의 뜻을 묻기도 하고 처음 들었다는 사람들의 글이 올라와 있었다.

오후에 지인과 통화를 했다. 그분은 우리가 인간사전이라고 하는 사람이다. 출근하는 곳이 도서관이다. 수십 년을 도서관으로 출근을 해서 글을 쓰고, 읽고, 자료를 찾는 일을 일과로 하는 분이다. 그래서 문집이나 개인집을 낼 때 그분에게 맞춤법이나 문장이 어순에 맞게 써진 것인지 보아 달라고 부탁을 하고는 한다. 그분 말이 자기도 그렇게 공부를 하지만 순수한 우리말이 나올 때는 모르는 단어가 많고 이번에도 장구를 만들 때 끈을 매는 방법에서 나온 말이었는데 처음 듣는 단어라 찾아보고 글을 쓰고 있노라며 완성되면 보여 주겠다고 했다.

이분을 보면 생각나는데 알고 있는 단어가 많다는 것과 말하는 것은 너무 다르다는 것이다. 알고 있는 지식에 비해 이분이 말할 때 쓰는 단어를 보면 평범하다. 그래서 늘 의외라는 생각을 하게 된다. 그런데 내 곁에 또 한 분이 계신다. 이분은 단어 선택이 기가 막히다. 우리가 쓰는 단어와는 차원이 다르게 적재적소에 한자, 고유어, 영어를 섞어 쓰는데 누구든지 이분과 대화를 하고 나면 그 말솜씨에 넘어가지 않는 사람이 없다. 그래서 처음 만난 사람은 최고의 지성인이라고 칭찬을 아끼지 않는다.

동계올림픽이 한창이다. 우리 선수들이 어려운 여건에서 메달 소식을 전해 올 때 하루의 피로가 풀리는 기분이다. 요즘은 국민의 인식이 좋아져서 메달을 따지는 못했지만, 열심히 하는 선수들에게 격려를 아끼지 않아 우리나라 국민 수준이 높다는 세계 네티즌들의 글을 읽었다.

집에 들어가면 동계올림픽 채널을 보게 된다. 그런데 중계방송과 해설을 어떻게 하느냐에 따라 보는 재미가 너무 다르다. 가끔은 방송 용어로는 부적절한 단어가 나오기도 하고 너무 흥분해서 무슨 말을 하는지 자기들만의 방송이 되는 때도 있다. 또한 공중파 3사의 기자들의 보도에도 미묘한 차이가 있는 것을 느꼈다. 같은 경기를 두고도 단어 하나가 그 경기의 맥을 짚어줘 감탄할 때가 있다.

이기주 작가는 ‘말의 온도’에서 언어에는 따뜻함과 차가움, 적당한 온기가 있다. 라고 했다. 언어는 한순간 사람의 마음을 꽁꽁 얼리기도 하고 꽁꽁 언 마음을 녹여주기도 한다는 말이 가슴에 와닿았다. 또 이 작가의 ‘말의 품격’에 나오는 “언위심성(言爲心聲): 말은 마음의 소리이다. 사람이 지닌 고유한 향기는 사람의 말에서 뿜어져 나온다”라고 쓴 제3장을 좋아한다.

이 책이 많은 사람에게 읽혔던 이유는 나처럼 흥분하면 무슨 말을 하는지 모르는 사람들이 읽지 않았을까 싶다. 말을 해 놓고 후회로 온 밤을 뜬눈으로 새운 적이 여러 번 있다. 말은 그 사람의 품격이라는데 나는 세 살부터 말을 시작했다고 한다. 그런데 이 나이에 아직도 품격 있는 말을 못 해 고민하고 있으니 어쩌면 좋단 말인가. 언위심성(言爲心聲)이라 했지만 그래도 오늘 저녁 ‘말의 품격’ 책을 다시 읽으며 공부해야겠다.

「동사」 【…을】
「001」샅샅이 톺아 나가면서 살피다.

좀 더 차근차근하게 상배의 아래위를 톺아보며 밤마다 공동묘지에 숨어들어야 될 셈속을 들춰 보기로 했다.≪이문구, 장한몽≫


1 h  · 


우리가 아는 渾沌혼돈이라는 그 단어가 중국의 신화에 의한 것이었다. 
‘중국인의 신화를 알 수 있는 山海経에 나오는 ”혼돈“이란 신이 장자에 우화로 등장하다
인간에게는 7개의 구멍이 있는데 혼돈에게는 없다. 무분절의 상태…
그곳에 구멍을 그리는 사이에 혼돈은 죽는다. 
절대자라는 실재는 본질적 구별에 의해 이성으로 파악하려하면 절대자는 죽어 버린다’

중국신화-주석정리4 <펌>*혼돈(混沌, 混敦, 渾敦 / 제강帝江)

중국신화-주석정리4 <펌>

*혼돈(混沌, 混敦, 渾敦 / 제강帝江)
* 혼돈(混沌, 混敦, 渾敦 / 제강帝江) : 142~144 (143 제강 그림), 산해경 98

- 신화와 비슷한 것으로 우언寓言이라는 것이 있는데, 「천문」보다 조금 이른 시기에 나온 「장자障子」에 기록되어 있다.

그 내용은 다음과 같다.

Dynamism and the Ageing of a Japanese 'New' Religion: Transformations and the Founder - Baffelli, Erica, Reader, Ian | 9781350086517 | Amazon.com.au | Books

Dynamism and the Ageing of a Japanese 'New' Religion: Transformations and the Founder - Baffelli, Erica, Reader, Ian | 9781350086517 | Amazon.com.au | Books

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Dynamism and the Ageing of a Japanese 'New' Religion: Transformations and the Founder Hardcover – 13 December 2018
by Erica Baffelli (Author), Ian Reader (Author)

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2 Used from $319.0012 New from $194.24
10 New from $58.42

Examines modern a Japanese religion and its founder, exploring issues of charisma, the concept of 'new religions' and how movements may age and change within their first generation of leadership.

"This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com.
This book examines the trajectory and development of the Japanese religious movement Agonshu and its charismatic founder Kiriyama Seiyu. Based on field research spanning 30 years, it examines Agonshu from when it first captured attention in the 1980s with its spectacular rituals and use of media technologies, through its period of stagnation to its response to the death of its founder in 2016.

The authors discuss the significance of charismatic leadership, the 'democratisation' of practice and the demands made by movements such as Agonshu on members, while examining how the movement became increasingly focused on revisionist nationalism and issues of Japanese identity. In examining the dilemma that religions commonly face on the deaths of charismatic founders, Erica Baffelli and Ian Reader look at Agonshu's response to Kiriyama's death, looking at how and why it has transformed a human founder into a figure of worship.
By examining Agonshu in the wider context, the authors critically examine the concept of 'new religions'. They draw attention to the importance of understanding the trajectories of 'new' religions and how they can become 'old' even within their first generation.
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An excellent study that uses the case of Agonshu to effectively connect with broader research questions in the study of Japanese religions and will with no doubt benefit any potential reader who is concerned with the question of what is 'new' about 'new religions' in Japan and elsewhere. ― Journal of Religion in Japan

Reader and Baffelli raise critical questions about the concept of new religion in Japan, which encompasses religious movements from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries . This is also a valuable reference for scholars of Japanese religions both in Japan and abroad. ― Nova Religio

I wondered whether one day a comprehensive book, in English, would be published about this important Japanese "new religion," and one updated to its post-charismatic phase inaugurated by the death of the founder, Kiriyama Seiyu (1921-2016). My wish was granted by this fascinating, splendid book, which will remain the definitive treatment of Agonshu for many years. ― Reading Religion

Offers an excellent overview of the main themes and findings on the religious organizations founded during the past one hundred and fifty years commonly known as "new religions" in Japan. Focusing on Agonshu, it contributes fascinating insights ... A very important contribution to field of Religious Studies. ― Japanese Journal of Religious Studies

The first longitudinal study of a Japanese new religious movement, Dynamism and the Ageing of a Japanese 'New' Religion, by Ian Reader and Erica Baffelli, is a superb study of Agonshu that sets a new standard of excellence. Based on thirty years of research, it documents the history of an influential religion, contextualizing Agonshu within the broader issues of Japanese religious life and social change. Highly recommended. ― Helen Hardacre, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute Professor of Japanese Religions and Society, Harvard University, USA

An excellent introduction to the landscape of new religious movements in Japan in general ... well-argued and thoroughly accessible. ― International Journal for the Study of New Religions

This book offers a fascinating portrayal of the Japanese Buddhist organization Agonshu with a focus on its founder. For students, it is an engaging introduction to Japan's so-called "new religions". For scholars, it is the best book to date for understanding religious leadership in contemporary Japan and for showing us the problems with characterizing a religion as "new". ― Clark Chilson, Associate Professor of Religion Studies, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Both authors, who have co-worked already successfully on a couple of topics, are a perfect match for this particular publication. [.] A highly recommendable monograph on a rather recent development in the Japanese religious landscape with additional interest in general questions in Religious Studies and the Sociology of Religions. An excellent and inspiring publication! ― Franz Winter, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, University of Graz, Austria.

The authors are a perfect match for this publication. Excellent and inspiring! -- Benjamin E. Zeller, Associate Professor of Religion, Lake Forest College, USA

The book offers many new insights into Agonshu ... This book is an excellent starting point for future comparative research on the aging of contemporary movements. I highly recommend this book to scholars and students in the field of religious studies and to a general audience with an interest in contemporary society and politics in Japan.― Asian Ethnology
Book Description
Examines modern a Japanese religion and its founder, exploring issues of charisma, the concept of 'new religions' and how movements may age and change within their first generation of leadership.
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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ BLM ACADEMIC UK (13 December 2018)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 224 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1350086517
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1350086517
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.6 x 1.27 x 23.39 cm

Media and New Religions in Japan (Routledge Research in Religion, Media and Culture) eBook : Baffelli, Erica: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Media and New Religions in Japan (Routledge Research in Religion, Media and Culture) eBook : Baffelli, Erica: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Media and New Religions in Japan (Routledge Research in Religion, Media and Culture) [Print Replica] Kindle Edition
by Erica Baffelli (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 13 ratings

Part of: Routledge Research in Religion, Media and Culture (10 books)

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The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781135117849, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivative 4.0 license.

Japanese "new religions" (shinshūkyō) have used various media forms for training, communicating with members, presenting their messages, reinforcing or protecting the image of the leader, and, potentially, attracting converts. In this book the complex and dual relationship between media and new religions is investigated by looking at the tensions groups face between the need for visibility and the risks of facing attacks and criticism through media. Indeed media and new technologies have been extensively used by religious groups not only to spread their messages and to try to reach a wider audience, but also to promote themselves as a highly modern and up-to-date form of religion appropriate for a modern technological age. In 1980s and early 1990s some movements, such as Agonshū , Kōfuku no Kagaku, and Aum Shinrikyō came into prominence especially via the use of media (initially publications, but also ritual broadcasts, advertising campaigns, and public media events). This created new modes of ritual engagement and new ways of interactions between leaders and members. The aim of this book is to develop and illustrate particular key issues in the wider new religions and media nexus by using specific movements as examples. In particular, the analysis of the interaction between media and new religions will focus primarily on three case studies predominantly during the first period of development of the groups.
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192 pages

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‘Erica Baffelli’s book breaks new ground by providing us with the first comprehensive analysis of the ways in which Japanese new religions use media forms to create marketable images of themselves and to construct images of their leaders and to transmit their teachings. Her study shows how the charismatic standing of leaders may be constructed and reinforced via media-ised processes, publications and rituals, and how new religions make use of spectacular, media-oriented rituals to attract new audiences. Yet she also shows that new religions at times have problems with new media, as her account of the ways in which they may struggle with the potentialities of the Internet, shows. As such this is a valuable study of importance to anyone interested in Japanese religions, new religions, and the media.’ -- Ian Reader, University of Manchester, UK--This text refers to the paperback edition.
‘Erica Baffelli’s book breaks new ground by providing us with the first comprehensive analysis of the ways in which Japanese new religions use media forms to create marketable images of themselves and to construct images of their leaders and to transmit their teachings. Her study shows how the charismatic standing of leaders may be constructed and reinforced via media-ised processes, publications and rituals, and how new religions make use of spectacular, media-oriented rituals to attract new audiences. Yet she also shows that new religions at times have problems with new media, as her account of the ways in which they may struggle with the potentialities of the Internet, shows. As such this is a valuable study of importance to anyone interested in Japanese religions, new religions, and the media.’ -- Ian Reader, University of Manchester, UK --This text refers to the paperback edition.

About the Author

Erica Baffelli is currently a Senior Lecturer in Japanese Studies at the University of Manchester, UK. She is interested in religion in contemporary Japan, with a focus on groups founded from the 1970s onwards. Currently she is examining the interactions between media and "new religions" (shinshūkyō) in 1980s and 1990s and the changes in the use of media by religious institutions after the 1995 Tokyo subway attack.--This text refers to the paperback edition.
From the Publisher
Erica Baffelli is currently a Senior Lecturer in Japanese Studies at the University of Manchester, UK. She is interested in religion in contemporary Japan, with a focus on groups founded from the 1970s onwards. Currently she is examining the interactions between media and "new religions” (shinshūkyō) in 1980s and 1990s and the changes in the use of media by religious institutions after the 1995 Tokyo subway attack. --This text refers to the paperback edition.
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Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09M65SRYW
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Routledge; 1st edition (5 February 2016)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 4900 KB

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions : Baffelli, Erica, Castiglioni, Andrea, Rambelli, Professor Fabio: Amazon.com.au: Books

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions : Baffelli, Erica, Castiglioni, Andrea, Rambelli, Professor Fabio: Amazon.com.au: Books

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Fabio Rambelli

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions Paperback – 17 November 2022
by Erica Baffelli (Editor), Andrea Castiglioni (Editor), & 1 more

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Providing an overview of current cutting-edge research in the field of Japanese religions, this Handbook is the most up-to-date guide to contemporary scholarship in the field. As well as charting innovative research taking place, this book also points to new directions for future research, covering both the modern and pre-modern periods.

Edited by Erica Baffelli, Andrea Castiglioni, and Fabio Rambelli, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions includes essays by international scholars from the USA, Europe, Japan, and New Zealand. Topics and themes include gender, politics, the arts, economy, media, globalization, and colonialism.

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions is an essential reference point for upper-level students and scholars of Japanese religions as well as Japanese Studies more broadly.
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344 pages


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The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions is a comprehensive set of essays addressing all areas of current research in the study of Japanese religions. Reflecting both ongoing work on established topics as well as introductions to emerging research on new areas, this Handbook is sure to be highly appreciated across the discipline of Religious Studies. ― Helen Hardacre, Professor of Japanese Religions and Society, Harvard University, USA

The broad range of the topics treated, the emphasis on methodology, and the use of case studies make this book a unique and indispensable tool for anyone interested in Japanese religion. ― Bernard Faure, Professor of Japanese Religion, Columbia University, USA

This is another valuable tool for studying religion in Japan, which I would warmly recommend to students and more advanced researchers in the search for updates and new perspectives. ― Religious Studies Review
Book Description
An innovative and up-to-date handbook that provides insights into current and future research in religion and society in pre-modern and modern Japan.

About the Author
Erica Baffelli is Senior Lecturer in Japanese Studies at the University of Manchester, UK.

Andrea Castiglioni is Senior lecturer in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagoya City University, Japan.

Fabio Rambelli, Professor of Japanese Religions and Cultural History and ISF Endowed
Chair in Shinto Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ BLM ACADEMIC UK (17 November 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 344 pages

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