
Martin Luther (1953 film) - Wikipedia

Martin Luther (1953 film) - Wikipedia

Martin Luther (1953 film)

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Martin Luther
Theatrical release poster
Directed byIrving Pichel
Written by
Produced byLothar Wolff
StarringNiall MacGinnis
CinematographyJoseph C. Brun
Edited byFritz Stapenhorst
Music byMark Lothar
Distributed byDe Rochemont/Lutheran Productions
Release dates
  • 4 May 1953 (Milwaukee)[1]
  • 4 March 1954 (West Germany)
Running time
105 min
CountryUnited States/West Germany
Budget$500,000[2] or $350,000[3]
Box office$3 million[3]

Martin Luther is a 1953 American–West German film biography of Martin Luther. It was directed by Irving Pichel, (who also plays a supporting role), and stars Niall MacGinnis as Luther. It was produced by Louis de Rochemont and RD-DR Corporation in collaboration with Lutheran Church Productions and Luther-Film-G.M.B.H.

The National Board of Review named the film the fourth best of 1953. It was nominated for two Oscars, for Best Cinematography (Black-and-White) (Joseph C. Brun) and Art Direction/Set Decoration (Black-and-White) (Fritz MaurischatPaul Markwitz).[4] The music was composed by Mark Lothar and performed by the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra. It was filmed at the Wiesbaden Studios in Hesse in West Germany.

A notice at the beginning of the film characterizes it as a careful and balanced presentation of Luther's story: "This dramatization of a decisive moment in human history is the result of careful research of facts and conditions in the 16th century as reported by historians of many faiths." The research was done by notable Reformation scholars Theodore G. Tappert and Jaroslav Pelikan who assisted Allan Sloane and Lothar Wolff.

The film was commercially very successful.[2]


DVD cover

The time frame of the film is 1505–1530: Luther's entrance into St. Augustine's Monastery in Erfurt to the presentation of the Augsburg Confession. It recounts Martin Luther's struggle to find God's mercy: his discovery of the gospel in Romans 1:17, the posting of the Ninety-five theses, and the subsequent controversy, which led to Luther's being separated from the church of Rome. It shows Luther's resistance to the forces of radicalism, and his work to establish and maintain the evangelical movement of his day. The dramatic climax of the film is Luther's "Here I Stand" speech before the 1521 Diet of Worms, and the grand finale is the singing of "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" by Luther's congregation.


Narrator John Wiggin begins the film with a scholarly overview of the place and time of the life of Martin Luther. He points out that power is divided between the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church. To set the stage for the presentation of Luther's conflict with the church of his day he states, "the church had largely forgotten the mercies of God and, instead, it emphasized God's implacable judgments."

Since he will soon be entering St. Augustine's Monastery, Martin Luther holds a "going away" party at a local pub with his fellow law students. Conspicuous among his guests is George Spalatin, who provides an inquiring interest into Luther's motivation to leave the study of law.

Luther's entrance into monastic life is then portrayed. He does not find the spiritual peace he sought even though he follows a strict regimen of ascetic piety to the point of flagellating himself half to death. 

He is shown in sheer terror at the celebration of his first Mass as a newly ordained priest. 

After he struggles through his first Mass he confesses to his mentor, Vicar General Johann von Staupitz that he cannot love God. Subsequently, the dour-faced prior proposes expelling Luther from the order because of his restless mind, but Staupitz believes that rigorous theological study and a pilgrimage embassy to Rome will help the troubled young friar.

After he had returned from Rome, just after completing a prayer office, Luther expresses his opinion to his fellow friars that the common people could more easily find God to be merciful if they had the Holy Scriptures in 

Then while studying in the Erfurt university library Luther is met by George Spalatin, who had also left the study of the law for a vocation in the church: in his case to serve Frederick III, Elector of Saxony

Spalatin renews his interest in Luther's quest, "Have you found what you were looking for?" Luther responds, "Not yet." Spalatin then recommends Luther to the Elector as a preacher at the castle church and professor of Biblical studies at the newly founded University of Wittenberg. Luther is then shown baptizing an infant in the castle church.

At Wittenberg, Luther receives his degree of Doctor of Theology when he promises to be a faithful teacher in the church; however, he has difficulty in accepting the practice even there in Wittenberg of collecting and showcasing relics

The film presents Luther as having undergone his "reformatory discovery" through his study of the Epistle to the Romans for his lectures on this Biblical book. 

He tells his mentor Staupitz that one only need have faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Staupitz leaves unpersuaded, 

but Luther writes the word "sola" (alone) in the margin of his Latin Bible to show his firm persuasion in the doctrine of justification by faith alone.

A few years go by. It is now 1517, and in Rome Pope Leo X arranges with Archbishop Albert to promulgate in Germany a special jubilee indulgenceJohann Tetzel is the main preacher of this indulgence, and his pitch is presented in public with the beating of drums. That same evening Martin Luther comes across one of his parishioners in a drunken stupor with the conviction that he does not need to go to confession anymore because he has bought one of Tetzel's indulgences.

Luther then preaches against what he believes to be the abuse of indulgences with the appeal, "Beloved, you cannot buy God's mercy." 

He then also posts his The Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the castle church, which does not seem to arouse any attention until his theses are copied down, translated, and printed for all of Germany to read, hear, and comment about. 

Tetzel finds that his sales of indulgences have fallen off, which moves Archbishop Albert of Mainz to send a copy of Luther's theses to the pope.

In 1519 Andreas Karlstadt tells Luther and newly installed professor Philipp Melanchthon of his being invited to Leipzig to debate what he calls "our theses." To Karlstadt's disappointment Luther invites himself and Melanchthon along. When they arrive in Leipzig, they see that there is a movement afoot to link Luther with Jan Hus in order to brand him as a heretic. Luther debates Johann Eck, who shouts, "Heresy, Dr. Luther, Heresy!" with Luther responding, "So be it! It is still the truth!" After the debate at which he was present, Staupitz releases Luther from his vows as an Augustinian friar when Luther refuses to stop promoting his doctrine.

The pope is furious with Luther's publications of 1520 (On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, and On the Freedom of a Christian), so he issues his bull Exsurge Domine threatening Luther with excommunication. It too is disseminated in as public a manner as Luther's Ninety-five Theses, but Luther responds by burning it on the deadline demanded for his retraction. 

Cardinal Aleander goes to Elector Frederick to demand that he hand Luther over to the pope. It is there that the film has him meet Desiderius Erasmus, who seems to trivialize the matter. The Elector says that Luther will appear at the upcoming Diet of Worms.

At Worms Luther is surprised by the procedure instigated by Aleander of simply asking him if he acknowledges his printed writings and whether he is willing to retract any of his assertions in those writings. Luther asks for time and is given until the next day. Then he gives his answer that he will not recant, ending with, "Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen." 

Emperor Charles V angrily promulgates his Edict of Worms outlawing Luther and giving him twenty-one days to return to Wittenberg. Elector Frederick, spurned by the emperor, has Luther quietly abducted to his stronghold of the Wartburg near Eisenach where for almost a year Luther stays in hiding. 

It is here that he translates the New Testament into German. He has a retainer of the Elector read a portion of John 6 to show that "a German lark can sing as sweetly as any Greek or Latin nightingale."

Luther's exile is brought to a close with Karlstadt's revolutionary uprising in Wittenberg and the Electorate of Saxony, which causes churches to be desecrated. 

Luther preaches his "how dare you" (Invocavit) sermons to restore order to his troubled congregation. In the course of the film, Luther is shown marrying a former nun Katharina von Bora to the delight of his father, who is shown attending the wedding. Luther and Kathie's family room is the scene of Luther holding instructions from his catechism. He is dismayed that he cannot join his fellow reformers in Augsburg as they appear before the diet there in 1530. There the Augsburg Confession is courageously presented to the emperor followed in the film by the pealing of bells, and Luther offering a prayer of thanksgiving to God for his faithfulness to his generation. The film ends with the people of his congregation, young and old, rich and poor alike, singing to him his hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" in its isometric tune.


MacGinnis in the film

Historical inconsistencies[edit]

  • Pope Julius II is represented as being in Rome when Luther was there when, in reality, he was not.
  • Tetzel is represented as saying that no confession was necessary when one bought the indulgences he was selling when, in reality, the indulgences specified that the buyer was to go to confession if he had bought the indulgence for himself.
  • Luther's 1520 treatises are represented as having been in print by June 15, 1520 when Exsurge Domine was issued when, in reality, they had not.
  • Luther is represented as telling Karlstadt to leave Wittenberg in 1522 when, in reality, Luther pleaded with him in Orlamünde to return after Karlstadt had voluntarily left.
  • Luther is represented as being at home in Wittenberg during the Diet of Augsburg in 1530 when, in reality, he was staying in Coburg.
  • The isometric form of "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" did not exist in Luther's time; It was a product of the later Pietistic movement which found fault with early rhythmic chorale melodies because their dance-like rhythms were too secular in nature.


The film received positive reviews from critics. Bosley Crowther of The New York Times praised the film as "a brilliant demonstration of strongly disciplined emotions and intellects," with dialogue "done with such forceful delivery and in such well-staged and well-assembled scenes that it commands intelligent attention and stimulates the mind."[5] Variety wrote: "An artistic achievement of its kind, reflecting careful research and preparation, boasting a magnificent performance by Niall MacGinnis, of London's Old Vic, in the title role, and given reverential, straightforward, honest, sincere treatment, as well as eschewing anything savoring of sensationalism, it is well calculated to stir the enthusiasm of Lutheran and Protestant ministers along with the more devoted laity."[6] Harrison's Reports called the picture "tops" and thought the entire cast did "superb work."[7] John McCarten of The New Yorker wrote that every player in the cast "commands attention," and thought that the documentary-like film techniques were used "to good advantage."[8] The Monthly Film Bulletin found the film increasingly "tedious" as there was "no dramatic structure as such," but nonetheless concluded, "That the film was made at all, however, and that its honesty and truth hold their own for so long, is as remarkable as creditable."[9]


The film failed to be approved by Quebec's film censorship board, which was made up entirely of French-speaking Catholics, because Luther's radical teachings remained as heretical in 1953 as they were in the 16th century, and thus was never released in Quebec's movie theaters; it could be seen there only in the basements of Protestant churches.[10][11][12][13]


  1. ^ "Martin Luther"AFI Catalog of Feature Films. Retrieved June 22, 2018.
  2. Jump up to:a b "'Luther' Winds up Theatrical Run"Variety. 31 August 1957. p. 7.
  3. Jump up to:a b "'Schweitzer' Documentary to be Sold a La 'Luther"Variety. 13 March 1957. p. 19.
  4. ^ "NY Times: Martin Luther". Movies & TV Dept. The New York Times. 2008. Archived from the original on 2008-03-21. Retrieved 2008-12-21.
  5. ^ Crowther, Bosley (September 10, 1953). "The Screen: Two Films Make Debut". The New York Times: 22.
  6. ^ "'Martin Luther,' Under Church Auspices, Looks OK Theatre B.O. Also". Variety: 6. May 13, 1953.
  7. ^ "'Martin Luther' with Niall MacGinnis". Harrison's Reports: 154. September 26, 1953.
  8. ^ McCarten, John (September 19, 1953). "The Current Cinema". The New Yorker. pp. 108–109.
  9. ^ "Martin Luther". The Monthly Film Bulletin21 (251): 173. December 1954.
  10. ^ "Lutherans Protest 'Martin Luther' Ban"The New York Times. January 1, 1954. Retrieved February 17, 2019.
  11. ^ Canadian Press (January 1, 1954). "Toronto, Dec. 31"The New York Times. Retrieved February 17, 2019.
  12. ^ Community Besieged: The Anglophone Minority and the Politics of Quebec By Garth Stevenson, page 52
  13. ^ "Film Censorship"The Canadian Encyclopedia

External links[edit]

Amazon Review
From the United States
Professional Student
5.0 out of 5 stars Classic type film with a wonderful actor
Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2021
Verified Purchase
I love classic films and I know that this was not so much a hollywood production but am here to say that the actor in this film is magnificent! When he stands before the council and makes his statements, you are in awe because you can see his understanding of what consequence may transpire (death or death by burning at the stake) in his eyes, yet you also see a courageous decisive moment where his mouth speaks and utters the words that he thinks that he Must say in order to have a clear conscience. The words do not come easy but are stated clearly. Sometimes, he may appear a little over dramatic but most the time, he plays his part so well, that you would think the events were truly transpiring and you were a witness in the room. The film shows much emotion on all leaders' parts whether they are bishops, cardinals, or kings. Each actor exhibits their own characterization of the part that they play instead of all characters just blending in to the woodwork or trying to outdo each other. Instead, characters compliment the story line and each other so that it appears realistic. This is a story of a holy passion in a time where that passion could lead to death. This gives an appreciation to the life of Martin Luther and his faith in the written Scripture (Sola Scriptura).
2 people found this helpful
1966 Alex Cat
5.0 out of 5 stars contrast to "Luther" 0f 1973
Reviewed in the United States on May 26, 2014
Verified Purchase
This work has much more scholarly objectivity due to narration throughout ; it provides much in historic content and a Luther character true to best historic guess than '73 movie leaves out in favor of character entertainment and feelings emoted by situation. Both should be seen to get a fuller understanding of issues, related suffering and value related to culture and history brought on by Luther events. The main gift to the viewer is understanding the scriptural gospel summarized so well by the beer drinkers of Wittenberg. " He did it for us ; he does it in us and He does it through us." ; " Behold the Lamb of God who has taken away the sin of the world." So Its too late for you to do anything for yourself ; its already been done! Welcome to the freedom of the Gospel -say goodbye to slavery to sin and hypocritical manipulations of some Christians and many of their church groups that center up on man instead of God.. Did you know Bowling and Christmas trees are credited to Luther? Some Christians tribute their "awakening" to one of these movies because they identify with Luther against the legalism or other man centered abuse or bad theology in their own life.
7 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Censored yet today.
Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2018
Verified Purchase
Quite factual - as the picture announces at the beginning - and, with a chiefly British (or Anglo-Irish) cast of seasoned theatrical performers, well acted. 
The movie has the unusual coincidence of being nominated for two Academy Awards (cinematography, black and white; art/set design) and at the same time banned or censored in numerous locations in the US and Canada! 
If you investigate the Wikipedia entry for the movie, you will find that the film still irks its critics, to the point where analysis for historical error is performed with a microscope.
The Luther depicted here may be a little softened, as befits the 1950's; the real Luther was more rough-hewn and even, at times, scatological (although not to the degree of, say, an unexpurgated Sir Thomas More, who also extended the practice to the sexual realm). The physical risk to Luther (and his wife), while briefly mentioned, also may not receive all the attention it deserves. 
Both were effectively under a sentence of death had they gone to unsympathetic regions of the empire.

An interesting side issue is that the director, Irving Pichel, was originally Jewish and a Communist, to the point where he was blacklisted (this may partially explain why this movie and the next one, a biography of Christ entitled Day of Triumph, were made in Europe and not the US, and may also provide one motivation for the usually nonChristian Hollywood moguls to give Martin Luther two Academy award nominations). At the time Mr Pichel made Martin Luther, he was a Christian socialist. Incidentally, he can be seen towards the end of the movie, where he introduces the representatives presenting the Augsburg Confession.
Finally, contrary to the mantra, this movie was not shown in church basements. Our family drove 100 miles to see it in a theater that would show it in 1953 and it was broadcast by local TV in Mason City, Iowa, regularly thereafter on Reformation Day. But in the 1950's and 1960's, churches did not have movie projectors. Now let's see if Turner, AMC, etc, will show it on cable.

21 people found this helpful

Neil Roger Chertcoff
4.0 out of 5 stars Reformation : Religion and Revolt in the 16th Cent.
Reviewed in the United States on March 27, 2015
Verified Purchase
Pretty Good . But i think it should have gone moreto the material and social reasons
for the German nobility, town merchants, and peoples disgust
with paying indulgincies to Rome. They felt it was just a TAX on them a way to
pluck money from the faithful for the interests primarily of the centre in
the Roman -Vatican led church.
But also society was growing anew into towns, small cities,
meerantilism and trade on goods , services was growing as these new Burghers, etc
felt THEy would not submit to to the autocratic Catholic imperial authority still hanging
over them That is the roots of the Reformation revolts themselves.
Martin Luther . very brave, was a key as politics then had to have a RELIGIOUS justification
to be heard out and accepted more widely! ,Luther was shown as eloquent in his knowledge of
Church doctrines, contradictions and hypocrisy .
Proof f this was how the struggle quickly spread as it had supporters n other European states.
Luther was lucky to have obtained the escort support of the princes at Worms for sure !
3 people found this helpful
Maxie Ehieze
4.0 out of 5 stars Martin Luther: An Eloquent and Fierce Critic of a Corrupt System.
Reviewed in the United States on August 14, 2008
Verified Purchase
Martin Luther was a man without Cant. He Shattered the structure of the Medieval Church. He fiercely spoke against the corrupt religious practices that existed in his days. He waged an intellectual war against the moribund religious hierachy of the Catholic Church. A climate of social change had splintered the unity of medieval christian culture. These changes provided the background for Luther's theological challenge. The development of his thought was both sympton and catalyst in the transformation of the middle ages into the modern world. His demand that, the only religious authority ought to be the Bible and Doctrines and not the Bishops, Popes or Ecclesiastical councils echoed around the world and ignited the great reformation of the Christian Church. Luther was accused of heresy, debased and expelled from the Catholic Church. He never gave up the fight. His crusade against religious abuses ushered in the Protestant faith. To his credit, the world have Christians who are not blind worshippers of Hierarchy, Doctrine and Faith, but critical thinkers backed by Reason and Conscience.
2 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars I believe it was an accurate description of Martin Luther's life.
Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2014
Verified Purchase
I have never watched this movie before and I am glad I bought it. I liked how the struggles Martin Luther had in searching for God. How he realized after studying God's Word that it is by grace alone that we are saved. There is nothing we can do to merit God's forgiveness for the sins we have committed except by receiving Christ as God in the flesh who by God's design was able to take our place for punishment on the cross. I believe Martin experienced salvation and was reborn as a new creation in Christ. His sins, past, present, and future were dealt with and I too have experienced what it means to find the path to salvation. Jesus came to earth as a man and was also God and it was in obedience to the Father God that He did this. His death and His resurrection demonstrated that we need to believe in the payment for our sin by accepting that Jesus died and rose again for our freedom to one day experience eternal life and this life with God. Well acted. Worth the watch.
6 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars An Honest Portrayal
Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2013
Verified Purchase
I remember I found this movie on VHS about 3 years ago. Back then I didn't know much about the Reformation and Martin Luther was a name I got confused with an African American civil rights leader. I watched the movie and it made a lasting impression on me. This movie is still the best adaptation of this historical reformer I have seen to date. I have watched the 2003 version with Joseph Fiennes and it also is a fine piece of work, but still prefer this old black and white version. Martin Luther is passionately played by Niall MacGinnis. This movie also proves you don't need all the fancy special effects to have a great movie to hold your attention.
After watching the movie a couple of times now, I can honestly say I think it does a fair job of presenting both sides of the issue (concerning Catholics and Protestants) fairly. For those who are looking for a deeper understanding into the life of Martin Luther, I would suggest the PBS documentary on him. It gives a better profile into what made the man "tick."
11 people found this helpful