
thoughts of violence towards the Russian president- how I can remain peaceful ?

Religious Society of Friends | Facebook

Doc Aphobos
261 Febuhmporuuarfy amt l00e:1mgd3  · 
I am filling with feelings/thoughts of violence towards the Russian president and I can’t see any way around it. 
Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can remain peaceful ?

Sharon Fitzpatrick
“Feelings of violence” is a confusing phrase for me. Violence refers to actions.
Humans can have “thoughts of violence,” but the feelings that cause violence are not violence itself.
If you are filled with feelings toward Putin and concerned these feelings are inconsistent with this religion, identify those feelings accurately.

Is it anger? Being angry is not the same as acting in violence.
Is it hatred? Hatred and the equality testimony are incongruent.
“Feelings of violence” is a problem because Quakers discern based on actions, if they are actually following the religion.
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Jonathan Matheu
Be an conscientious observer and do not insert yourself into discussions that will lead to words that may violate your own beliefs. ❤
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Sharon Fitzpatrick
Jonathan Matheu this is literally suggesting to ignore perspectives that differ and not to express own perspective.
Nothing about pretending problems in society aren’t happening is in theology of George Fox. There is NOT an avoidance aspect of faith and practice.
Next, conscientious objector is an actual status. Filing as a C.O. protects those with pacifism ethic to not serve in combat roles. Suggesting that a civilian who is not in any danger of being drafted “be an [sic] conscientious objector” to deal with feelings is like saying, “be a Purple Heart recipient” in that it deludes and dilutes the actual status C.O.
You can’t just claim it—there is a process to gain that status—and it has a purpose that is not “keep citizen from feeling bad.”

Now, I draw your attention to the words in that status. Objector does not mean “stay out of conversations that…” it means OBJECT to what is happening. Conscientious part means to know what it happening both within and externally. There is NOTHING about your suggestion of how to behave consistent with conscientiously objecting, even if not using the technical term C.O.
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Sharon Fitzpatrick
Remember “inner Light of goodness” or “that of God” exists within Putin.
I awoke and wondered what was bad, remembered the war that just started, and asked myself why I have an ethic of not hating any human.
“Oh, that’s right, Putin has that of God, too.”
I sighed with sadness and soon saw this post.
No Friend needs any answer more elaborate than this.
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Sharnia Stanley
Embrace it as just a feeling. There's a difference between feeling violent and being violent. You know that violence isn't what you want already since you've made this post, so letting yourself feel whatever way about it probably isn't going to lead to you being actually violent 🙂 it's not wrong to feel emotions, just sometimes to act on them
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Dana Bush
Anger and fear are ways to warn us that there is something wrong. I too am struggling with them. I find that if I look at them directly and honestly, and welcome their messages, then it is easier to let go of the physical sensations. I find that the We… See more

The Welcoming Prayer by Father Thomas Keating | My Shepherd King
The Welcoming Prayer by Father Thomas Keating | My Shepherd King
The Welcoming Prayer by Father Thomas Keating | My Shepherd King
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Dana Bush
This sounds very wise, but I am not very good at it. It is coming.
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Mary Linda
Find the Light within yourself. Hold the powerful feelings in the Light. Let the Light guide you. Repeat as needed.
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Douglas Berg
War is a total shit show. No winners, lots of losers. 
The US is as guilty as Russia. The US supported Neo Nazis in the overthrow of a Russian friendly Ukrainian Administration in 2014. Since the fall of the Soviet Union the US has supported expanding NATO until Russia feels surrounded. And Ukraine was perhaps the last straw. Ukraine represents a year round warm water port, historically the most important objective of Russian foreign policy. 
Believe me, as a pacifist for 65 years I have found that there are no just wars. 
By using violence you become your enemy.
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Gregory Dietz
Douglas Berg “The US is as guilty as Russia.”
It’s these sorts of false equivalencies that make me distrust the judgment and moral compass of “pacifist types.” If you believe the “mafia gas station” that is the Putin regime is morally equivalent to western democracies (even with all our many flaws) than you need to do some serious reflecting on your worldview.
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Heather Brutz
Douglas Berg I don't see how you can blame the United States for Putin's decision to invade a neighboring country. The President of Ukraine was democratically elected and is Jewish; I don't think he is a neo-Nazi. 
Putin is claiming that his invasion is about the de-nazification of Ukraine because he wants an excuse but that doesn't mean that we should just accept his excuses. I don't think the United States should go to war with Russia (nor do I think anyone on this page believes that). 
But please be careful about not spreading Russian propaganda. 
The Russian government is responsible for its decision to invade. Knee-jerk reactions where we blame the United States for everything are foolish and unhelpful. There have been many conflicts in history where the United States was to blame. But I don't see any credible reason to blame the United States for Putin's decision.
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Douglas Berg
Heather Brutz You should know in your gut, being a Quaker, that there are no good guys and bad guys. 
And there is Russian propaganda but also US propaganda, which one must be careful to scrutinize as well because our government is arguably the most militaristic in the history of the planet. 
Not to excuse Russia in the least, but they were provoked. 
We are not innocent bystanders. 

Please read:
In the rapidly worsening Ukraine fiasco, the U.S. is reaping exactly what it sowed

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Douglas Berg
Heather Brutz At the outset, Ukraine sided with Germany in World War II. 
In the 2014 US supported coup, we helped neo Nazi militias topple the elected Russian friendly Ukrainian government. We also favored incorporating the neo Nazi militias into the current Ukrainian military. 
The current President is not a Nazi, but the Ukrainian Nazis are more powerful now than at any point in the last 85 years thanks to the US. 
And you’re right, Putin uses this as an excuse to invade. An excuse we provided him free of charge.
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Elena Krumgolde
Douglas Berg Ukraine sided with the Germany in WW2???
Look, just enough. Please.
