
Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary W. Tileston | Goodreads

Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary W. Tileston | Goodreads

Daily Strength for Daily Needs
by Mary W. Tileston
 4.01  ·   Rating details ·  659 ratings  ·  42 reviews

Kindle Edition, 230 pages
Published May 17th 2012 (first published 1928)

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 Average rating4.01  ·  Rating details ·  659 ratings  ·  42 reviews

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Feb 26, 2013Roxanne rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Each day of the year has Bible quotes and from Christians. The quotes from believers are from before the 18th century so the English is a bit complex and dated BUT, I love how the quotes speak of a human's duty to trust themselves to the Lord even in suffering. Books these days do not address suffering that way anymore.


July 5
He stayeth His rough wind in the day of the east wind.--ISA. xxvii. 8.
A bruised reed shall He not break.--ISA. xlii. 3.
All my life I still have found, And I will forget it never; Every sorrow hath its bound, And no cross endures forever. All things else have but their day, God's love only lasts for aye.
We never have more than we can bear. The present hour we are always able to endure. As our day, so is our strength. If the trials of many years were gathered into one, they would overwhelm us; therefore, in pity to our little strength, He sends first one, then another, then removes both, and lays on a third, heavier, perhaps, than either; but all is so wisely measured to our strength that the bruised reed is never broken. We do not enough look at our trials in this continuous and successive view. Each one is sent to teach us something, and altogether they have a lesson which is beyond the power of any to teach alone.
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Jan 21, 2017Laurie rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
-Pray till prayer makes you forget your own wish, and leave it or merge it in God's will. The Divine wisdom has given us prayer, not as a means whereby to obtain the good things of earth, but as a means whereby we learn to do without them; not as a means whereby we escape evil, but as a means whereby we become strong to meet it. F. W. ROBERTSON.

- Every relation to mankind, of hate or scorn or neglect, is full of vexation and torment. There is nothing to do with men but to love them; to contemplate their virtues with admiration, their faults with pity and forbearance, and their injuries with forgiveness. Task all the ingenuity of your mind to devise some other thing, but you never can find it. To hate your adversary will not help you; to kill him will not help you; nothing within the compass of the universe can help you, but to love him. But let that love flow out upon all around you, and what could harm you? How many a knot of mystery and misunderstanding would be untied by one word spoken in simple and confiding truth of heart! How many a solitary place would be made glad if love were there; and how many a dark dwelling would be filled with light! ORVILLE DEWEY.

-I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do.--JOHN xvii. 4. She hath done what she could.--MARK xiv. 8. He who God's will has borne and done, And his own restless longings stilled, What else he does, or has foregone, His mission he has well fulfilled. FROM THE GERMAN. Cheered by the presence of God, I will do at each moment, without anxiety, according to the strength which He shall give me, the work that His Providence assigns me. I will leave the rest without concern; it is not my affair. I ought to consider the duty to which I am called each day, as the work that God has given me to do, and to apply myself to it in a manner worthy of His glory, that is to say, with exactness and in peace. I must neglect nothing; I must be violent about nothing. FRANÇOIS DE LA MOTHE FÉNELON. It is thy duty oftentimes to do what thou wouldst not; thy duty, too, to leave undone what thou wouldst do. THOMAS À KEMPIS.

Be sure that if you do your very best in that which is laid upon you daily, you will not be left without sufficient help when some weightier occasion arises. Give yourself to Him, trust Him, fix your eye upon Him, listen to His voice, and then go on bravely and cheerfully.

Man, by living wholly in submission to the Divine Influence, becomes surrounded with, and creates for himself, internal pleasures infinitely greater than any he can otherwise attain to--a state of heavenly Beatitude. J. P. GREAVES.

O Lord, who art our Guide even unto death, grant us, I pray Thee, grace to follow Thee whithersoever Thou goest. In little daily duties to which Thou callest us, bow down our wills to simple obedience, patience under pain or provocation, strict truthfulness of word and manner, humility, kindness; in great acts of duty or perfection, if Thou shouldest call us to them, uplift us to self-sacrifice, heroic courage, laying down of life for Thy truth's sake, or for a brother. Amen. C. G. ROSSETTI.

Be sure that if you do your very best in that which is laid upon you daily, you will not be left without sufficient help when some weightier occasion arises. Give yourself to Him, trust Him, fix your eye upon Him, listen to His voice, and then go on bravely and cheerfully. (less)
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Aug 15, 2011Cheryl rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
This is another one of my many daily meditation books that I have been reading throughout the year. This is one that I really did look forward to each day.

There is a quote from the bible to start each day off. Here is a quote from the book just as an example:

“Run not in any hasty ways of your own. Be patient under the sense of your own vanity and weakness; and patiently wait for God to do his own work, and in his own way.” (location 2416 of kindle)

This was also free on kindle.
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Nov 05, 2012Naomi rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: spiritual-practices, christianity
An enduring compilation of christian meditations for people experiencing long term suffering or life trials, Daily Strength For Daily Needs draws on the deep wisdom and invites readers into growing spiritually with, through, and because of their pain. In our current cultural preference to believe that all pain can be managed or dispelled, to rush as fast as we can from or eliminate all suffering, Daily Strength for Daily Needs brings a quiet steady word to the great many who are living with limiting illness, suffering, or other life trials. (less)
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Dec 04, 2012MB rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
I just started it (one of the many thanks r my new list taken from "The End of Your Life Book Club"). This is a very nice devotional and I'm reading it on my Kindle w/ iPhone app since I plan on reading it daily). I already have "Our Daily Bread which is also a wonderful free devotional that has its own app and you can also listen to the devotional). (less)
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Anita Coleman
May 16, 2013Anita Coleman rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: devotionals
The author did an excellent job in her selections of spiritual passages in prose and verse - totally inspiring and uplifting. Because many are out of context reader can interpret them too. Authorial intention (and the problem of possible misinterpretation)is completely eliminated (since it doesn't matter really and is up to the reader completely). Brilliant! (less)
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Dec 31, 2013Laura rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition
Many words of encouragement and grace

I've been through this book twice now since downloading it to my Kindle and every day I look forward to ending my devotional time with its words of strength, comfort and grace. Tomorrow starts a new year and I will go back to the beginning to start reading it through a third time, and I know it will be an encouragement in 2014 as well. (less)
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Jan 04, 2013Lynn rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
34 highlights
Old fashioned and beautiful, with lots of emphasis on surrender to God...and lots of modern resonance, because the authors are also advocating mindfulness of the present moment versus fretting about the future or resentfully dwelling on the past. And that is surrender too.
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Dec 31, 2013Kathy rated it it was amazing
Shelves: haveread
This book has been a perfect companion book to A Course in Miracles. It was recommended in The End of Life Book Club book. It has a devotional reading for each day of the year. I look forward to reading January 1st tomorrow!
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Dec 06, 2009Melody rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: christian
I love this devotional. It's so comforting, encouraging, and challenging. (less)
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Oct 29, 2012Annie marked it as to-read  ·  review of another edition
My mommy just gave me a beautiful 1891 edition of this book.
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Aug 03, 2014Regina rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
The best devotional ever! I turn to it time and time again for strength and comfort. It speaks so readily to the pain and trial of the Christian life in a sin-filled world.
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May 23, 2015Carolyn rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Inspirational. Practical wisdom. Graceful poetry. A great companion to understand God's Word. (less)
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Feb 24, 2013Cagne rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition
Recommended to Cagne by: Will Schwalbe
Shelves: read-in-2015, for-the-mind, read-in-2013, read-in-2014
Heard about this on 'The end of your life book club'. I'm planning fantasizing to read the bible as i write this and i thought reading a page of this book daily would be a good introduction to religious texts, looking for bits of wisdom that apply to a secular life.

It wasn't a pleasant read, often the old english used was an obstacle to understanding, and I found myself skimming through it before I realized I was thinking about something else and had to go back to try to understand. I ended up finding interesting calls for mindfulness, and points in common with other religions, but overall I'm happy I'm done with it. (less)
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Aug 04, 2013jennyreadit rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: christian
The original Jesus Calling. This book was listed in The End of Your Life Book Club and includes a daily Bible verse(King James)as well as a short poem or quote to complement the Bible verse. This is a great book to have on Kindle/ iPad/Kindle app for easy access. This copy is an older version, so the language was a little difficult at times. However, there are many updated versions. A must-have for Christians that want to walk closer to Him.
Each day can also be accessed at
http://www.crosswalk.com/devotionals/... (less)
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Aug 05, 2011writer... rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Recommends it for: meditate on these wisdom quotes daily ...
Shelves: celtic-wisdom
a faithfilled standby of wisdom from the past for the present ~
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Jul 20, 2013Kristin rated it did not like it  ·  review of another edition
I didnt really enjoy this one. I got it free in the kindle app so I guess I cant complain.
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Jan 01, 2014Joanne rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: devotional
Pleasant little devotional. Wish it were a little longer each day.
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Dec 22, 2014Nell rated it it was amazing

The book maybe in old English, but the content really blessed me and quenched and strengthened my heart and soul.
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Joy Gerbode
Nov 05, 2019Joy Gerbode rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
I didn't completely love this book, as much of it was difficult to read, being written in the old "King James" style of writing. However, there are many good thoughts, and each day's reading is brief and quick, so there is no excuse for falling behind. I'd like to find a similar book written in a more modern style. (less)
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Sep 16, 2021Shanna rated it really liked it
Shelves: nonfiction
Spent the last year reading this daily, at the recommendation of a friend, who heard it recommended by Elisabeth Elliot somewhere. Enjoyed the daily reminders to place my full weight of trust in God! V worthwhile! That said, some of the verses are totally out of context and some of the quotes were questionable, so you just have to read thoughtfully.
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Michael Keetch
Jan 01, 2022Michael Keetch rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
A thoroughly enjoyable and challenging read.

I started this as the end of my morning devotions and was at first challenged by the rather stoical style. But I continued and found that it blessed me as I accepted the things I disagreed with (and still do) and received it in the spirit in which it is given. It takes a lot of will power but highly recommended.
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Kristen Hogrefe Parnell
Jan 05, 2018Kristen Hogrefe Parnell rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
This book combines Scripture and inspirational messages from godly men and women of the past. It makes a great supplement to one's quiet time. I'll likely read it again this year, because I enjoyed it so much. ...more
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Sandra Ulmer
Jan 02, 2021Sandra Ulmer rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Seriously inspirational in a not so random way

Oh my it almost never fails to inspire often on a particular circumstance I am facing on that day. Whether talking about diligence or forgiveness, it hits the spot.
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Ambrose Miles
Aug 21, 2017Ambrose Miles rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
The book is like a religious pep rally led by God's cheer leaders. Generally not my favorite kind of book, but this is well thought out and gently done. (less)
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Dec 01, 2019Brittany marked it as to-read  ·  review of another edition
Christian library recommendation
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Linda Powell
Dec 31, 2019Linda Powell rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition

Worth reading year after year. I'm sure it has been a blessing to many through the years. Doesnt need to be read in order. You can start on any day. (less)
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Breezy Lida
May 22, 2020Breezy Lida rated it really liked it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Didn't realize it was so Godly when I got it. But still an okay positive read. (less)
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Dec 31, 2020Margaret rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
This is one of the devotional books I used this year. It was written in the 19th century, I think, and some of the language reflects that.
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Trish Boese
Jan 03, 2018Trish Boese rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: christian, devotional
5* This 365-day devotional book was compiled and published in 1884, so it is old. Most of the writers lived in the 1600's, 1700's, and 1800's. It surprised me how relevant the devotions were to me and my daily challenges in Christian living. The theme is strength and encouragement for the day's work, and how God is with us in all of it. This book spoke to my deeper needs while I read through it this year. My mom recommended 'Daily Strength' to me, but as a young person I never connected with it. Because of its depth and content aimed more at the weary, overwhelmed soul, I would say this book is most likely to impress you if you are middle-age or older. I highly recommend Daily Strength for Daily Needs; this book now a cherished favorite of mine. (less)
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