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In the Beginning Was the Spirit: Science, Religion and Indigenous Spirituality Paperback – 25 July 2012
by Diarmuid O'Murchu
4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 30 ratings
3 Used from $44.286 New from $31.80
모든 창조물에 활력을 주고, 유지하고, 관통하는 <위대한 영>에 대한 인류의 이해를 놀랍게 종합한 것입니다. 시인들은 그것을 알고 있었습니다. 미스틱들은 그것을 알고 있었습니다. 원주민들은 그것을 알고 있었습니다. 이제 Diarmuid O'Murchu는 종교가 종종 잊어버리거나 무시했던 것, 즉 <우리 삶과 모든 것의 숨결 속에 있는 성령의 능력과 임재>를 밝혀냅니다. O Murchu는 <과학과 영성의 통찰력을 사용하여 고대 신앙의 지속적인 매력을 다시 포착>합니다. 그분은 우리에게 모든 것의 근원에 대한 현대적이고 잊을 수 없는 이해를 제공하십니다. <태초에 성령이 계셨다>(In the Beginning Was the Spirit)는 우리가 하나님, 종교, 세계를 이해하는 방식에 영향을 미친 중요한 작품을 쓴 작가의 최고의 업적입니다.
An astonishing synthesis of humankind's understanding of the Great Spirit that energizes, sustains, and runs through all creation.
260 pages
Product description
About the Author
Diarmuid O Murchu is the author of a number of pioneering books that include
Quantum Theology (1996 - revised in 2004), Reclaiming Spirituality (1998), Evolutionary Faith (2002), The Transformation of Desire (2007), Ancestral Grace (2008), Jesus in the Power of Poetry (2009), Adult Faith (2010), and Christianity's Dangerous Memory (2011).
A priest, missioner, and social psychologist, Diarmuid O'Murchu has worked with homeless people and refugees on three continents. His books have inspired people to ask him to lead workshops in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, India, and Peru and in several African countries. He lives in London where (when not reading every book every published and writing his own) he works as a counselor in bereavement work and with AIDS-HIV patients.
Product details
Publisher : Orbis Books (25 July 2012)
Language : English
Paperback : 260 page
4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 30 ratings
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5.0 out of 5 stars Riveting Treatise of Universal Appeal
4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 30 ratings
3 Used from $44.286 New from $31.80
모든 창조물에 활력을 주고, 유지하고, 관통하는 <위대한 영>에 대한 인류의 이해를 놀랍게 종합한 것입니다. 시인들은 그것을 알고 있었습니다. 미스틱들은 그것을 알고 있었습니다. 원주민들은 그것을 알고 있었습니다. 이제 Diarmuid O'Murchu는 종교가 종종 잊어버리거나 무시했던 것, 즉 <우리 삶과 모든 것의 숨결 속에 있는 성령의 능력과 임재>를 밝혀냅니다. O Murchu는 <과학과 영성의 통찰력을 사용하여 고대 신앙의 지속적인 매력을 다시 포착>합니다. 그분은 우리에게 모든 것의 근원에 대한 현대적이고 잊을 수 없는 이해를 제공하십니다. <태초에 성령이 계셨다>(In the Beginning Was the Spirit)는 우리가 하나님, 종교, 세계를 이해하는 방식에 영향을 미친 중요한 작품을 쓴 작가의 최고의 업적입니다.
An astonishing synthesis of humankind's understanding of the Great Spirit that energizes, sustains, and runs through all creation.
Poets knew it. Mystics knew it. Indigenous people knew it. Now Diarmuid O'Murchu unearths what religion has often forgotten or ignored -- the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the breath of all things.
Using insights from science and spirituality O Murchu recaptures the enduring fascination of an ancient belief. He gives us a contemporary and unforgettable understanding of the Source of everything.
In the Beginning Was the Spirit is the crowning achievement of an author whose seminal works have influenced the way we understand God, religion and the world.
260 pages
Product description
About the Author
Diarmuid O Murchu is the author of a number of pioneering books that include
Quantum Theology (1996 - revised in 2004), Reclaiming Spirituality (1998), Evolutionary Faith (2002), The Transformation of Desire (2007), Ancestral Grace (2008), Jesus in the Power of Poetry (2009), Adult Faith (2010), and Christianity's Dangerous Memory (2011).
A priest, missioner, and social psychologist, Diarmuid O'Murchu has worked with homeless people and refugees on three continents. His books have inspired people to ask him to lead workshops in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, India, and Peru and in several African countries. He lives in London where (when not reading every book every published and writing his own) he works as a counselor in bereavement work and with AIDS-HIV patients.
Product details
Publisher : Orbis Books (25 July 2012)
Language : English
Paperback : 260 page
4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 30 ratings
Top reviews from other countries

5.0 out of 5 stars Riveting Treatise of Universal Appeal
Reviewed in the United States on 22 December 2012
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우리 시대의 말과 지혜의 마법사인 선구적인 진화 사상가 오무추(O'Murchu)는 <현대 공기학의 또 다른 고전>을 탄생시켰습니다. 인류 역사의 모든 시대, 모든 토착 문화와 모든 세계 종교는 직간접적으로, 공식적으로나 암묵적으로 다양한 수준에서<영적 힘>을 이해하고 어떤 방식으로든 이를 의식화하고 표현하려고 시도했습니다. 인간의 문화와 의식에서 '위대한 정령'의 의미, 역할, 위치에 대한 철저하게 연구되고 확장된 탐구에서, 그리고 더 중요하게는 끊임없이 확장되고 결말이 열려 있는 창조의 중심에서 Diarmuid는 인간의 풍부한 층을 능숙하게 벗겨냅니다. <우리가 흔히 '영'이라고 부르는 신성한 생명력에서 나오는 의미와 아름다움>. 너무 오랫동안 이 우주적 '생명의 호흡'은 신학적인 추상이나 신조의 공식화 속에서 반쯤 잠자고 있었습니다. 과학, 종교, 영성이 이전과는 전혀 다른 방식으로 서로 정보를 주고받는 세상에서, 이 책은 디어뮈드의 말처럼 <우리의 성장과 삶을 지탱하는 지구에 관심을 갖고 있는 사람들이 사려 깊고 최첨단의 '꼭 읽어야 할 책'>입니다. 우리가 완전히 속해 있는 더 큰 우주의 집, 그리고 우리가 새롭고 더 깊은 존재와 생성으로 우리를 영원히 부르고(유인) 펼쳐지는 신비에 지속적인 '관상적 관심'을 기울이는 것입니다. Diarmuid에 대한 열광: 그렇습니다. 영혼이 정말로 '복수를 가지고 돌아왔습니다!'
A wizard of words and wisdom for our times, visionary evolutionary thinker O'Murchu has produced another classic in contemporary pneumatology. Every era of human history;every indigenous culture and all world religions, have to varying degrees, directly or indirectly, formally or implicitly, attempted to understand 'Spirit Power' and to ritualise and express it in some way. In this thoroughly researched and expansive exploration of the meaning, role and place of 'The Great Spirit' in human culture and consciousness - and more importantly at the heart of the ever-expanding, open-ended creation - Diarmuid masterfully unpeels the rich layers of meaning and beauty emanating from the divine life force we commonly refer to as 'Spirit'. For too long this cosmic 'breath of life' has lain semi-dormant in theological abstraction or creedal formulations. In a world where science, religion and spirituality are informing each other like never before, this book is a thoughtful and cutting-edge 'must read' for those who, in the words of Diarmuid, care enough about the earth which sustains our growth and flourishing, and our greater cosmic home to which we integrally belong, that we pay continuous 'contemplative attention' to its unfolding mystery forever calling (luring) us forth into ever new and deeper being and becoming. Rave on Diarmuid: yes, the Spirit is indeed 'back with a vengeance!'
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11 people found this helpfulReport

John S. Wintermyer
5.0 out of 5 stars The Spirit, a living, lifegiving MysteryReviewed in the United States on 16 November 2012
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It seems that every year, Diarmuid O'Murchu puts out another book which envigorates the search for the meaning of the great mystery of the universe. With all the discussion of "dark Matter" and "dark energy", it seems that there is space to seek out and understand a deeper spiritual principle which underlies all of reality. The notion of "God" seems "overplayed" and "undervalued" in our time of history. Yet there seems to be a dynamic which we have yet to truly discover. Diarmuid goes back to ancient and tribal customs which have not been "corrupted" by western philosophical thinking and language. Those cultures had a true sense of "experience" of something much deeper than what the western, European mindset seems to have imposed on the theological struggle to understand our earth, our universe and the time frames of this whole evolutionary development. Diarmuid offers the reader a deeper insight into understanding the power of quantum thinking and finding some deeper sense of that "mystery" in terms of "Spirit", as recognized and experienced by our ancestors as found in aboriginal cultures, whether, Africa, Australia, the arctic eskimos or the original inhabitants of the Americas.
Truly another splendid work from a very brilliant expositor of the "New Cosmology" and "New Theology".
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20 people found this helpfulReport

Edward R. Dick
5.0 out of 5 stars A Prime example of what you can learn from a writer who has done his researchReviewed in the United States on 19 June 2019
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The is very well informed and is easy to understand.
His understanding of the prime importance of the Spirit in understanding Ourselves and all there is and ever has been rubs off very easily as you read the role the Spirit in our development as humans which is essential to understanding our relationship with God and Jesus and how much we need each other.

Kindle Customer Omogusii
5.0 out of 5 stars Shedding light on a GREAT MYSTERYReviewed in the United States on 22 May 2014
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I have a love for O'Murchu's writings and this work feeds my love. It explores the cult and understanding of the Great Spirit in many cultures throughout the world that prompts me to explore further. O'Murchu writes about the Great Spirit that leads the reader to a new appreciation of the Mysterious working of the Holy Spirit throughout all time. The Third Person of the Trinity has often been relegated to a small role in the work of salvation. Not so in this work. The book is well worth the time and effort required for all who want to know something more and wonderful about the Holy Spirit.
One person found this helpfulReport
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우리 시대의 말과 지혜의 마법사인 선구적인 진화 사상가 오무추(O'Murchu)는 <현대 공기학의 또 다른 고전>을 탄생시켰습니다. 인류 역사의 모든 시대, 모든 토착 문화와 모든 세계 종교는 직간접적으로, 공식적으로나 암묵적으로 다양한 수준에서<영적 힘>을 이해하고 어떤 방식으로든 이를 의식화하고 표현하려고 시도했습니다. 인간의 문화와 의식에서 '위대한 정령'의 의미, 역할, 위치에 대한 철저하게 연구되고 확장된 탐구에서, 그리고 더 중요하게는 끊임없이 확장되고 결말이 열려 있는 창조의 중심에서 Diarmuid는 인간의 풍부한 층을 능숙하게 벗겨냅니다. <우리가 흔히 '영'이라고 부르는 신성한 생명력에서 나오는 의미와 아름다움>. 너무 오랫동안 이 우주적 '생명의 호흡'은 신학적인 추상이나 신조의 공식화 속에서 반쯤 잠자고 있었습니다. 과학, 종교, 영성이 이전과는 전혀 다른 방식으로 서로 정보를 주고받는 세상에서, 이 책은 디어뮈드의 말처럼 <우리의 성장과 삶을 지탱하는 지구에 관심을 갖고 있는 사람들이 사려 깊고 최첨단의 '꼭 읽어야 할 책'>입니다. 우리가 완전히 속해 있는 더 큰 우주의 집, 그리고 우리가 새롭고 더 깊은 존재와 생성으로 우리를 영원히 부르고(유인) 펼쳐지는 신비에 지속적인 '관상적 관심'을 기울이는 것입니다. Diarmuid에 대한 열광: 그렇습니다. 영혼이 정말로 '복수를 가지고 돌아왔습니다!'
A wizard of words and wisdom for our times, visionary evolutionary thinker O'Murchu has produced another classic in contemporary pneumatology. Every era of human history;every indigenous culture and all world religions, have to varying degrees, directly or indirectly, formally or implicitly, attempted to understand 'Spirit Power' and to ritualise and express it in some way. In this thoroughly researched and expansive exploration of the meaning, role and place of 'The Great Spirit' in human culture and consciousness - and more importantly at the heart of the ever-expanding, open-ended creation - Diarmuid masterfully unpeels the rich layers of meaning and beauty emanating from the divine life force we commonly refer to as 'Spirit'. For too long this cosmic 'breath of life' has lain semi-dormant in theological abstraction or creedal formulations. In a world where science, religion and spirituality are informing each other like never before, this book is a thoughtful and cutting-edge 'must read' for those who, in the words of Diarmuid, care enough about the earth which sustains our growth and flourishing, and our greater cosmic home to which we integrally belong, that we pay continuous 'contemplative attention' to its unfolding mystery forever calling (luring) us forth into ever new and deeper being and becoming. Rave on Diarmuid: yes, the Spirit is indeed 'back with a vengeance!'
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11 people found this helpfulReport

John S. Wintermyer
5.0 out of 5 stars The Spirit, a living, lifegiving MysteryReviewed in the United States on 16 November 2012
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It seems that every year, Diarmuid O'Murchu puts out another book which envigorates the search for the meaning of the great mystery of the universe. With all the discussion of "dark Matter" and "dark energy", it seems that there is space to seek out and understand a deeper spiritual principle which underlies all of reality. The notion of "God" seems "overplayed" and "undervalued" in our time of history. Yet there seems to be a dynamic which we have yet to truly discover. Diarmuid goes back to ancient and tribal customs which have not been "corrupted" by western philosophical thinking and language. Those cultures had a true sense of "experience" of something much deeper than what the western, European mindset seems to have imposed on the theological struggle to understand our earth, our universe and the time frames of this whole evolutionary development. Diarmuid offers the reader a deeper insight into understanding the power of quantum thinking and finding some deeper sense of that "mystery" in terms of "Spirit", as recognized and experienced by our ancestors as found in aboriginal cultures, whether, Africa, Australia, the arctic eskimos or the original inhabitants of the Americas.
Truly another splendid work from a very brilliant expositor of the "New Cosmology" and "New Theology".
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20 people found this helpfulReport

Edward R. Dick
5.0 out of 5 stars A Prime example of what you can learn from a writer who has done his researchReviewed in the United States on 19 June 2019
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The is very well informed and is easy to understand.
His understanding of the prime importance of the Spirit in understanding Ourselves and all there is and ever has been rubs off very easily as you read the role the Spirit in our development as humans which is essential to understanding our relationship with God and Jesus and how much we need each other.

Kindle Customer Omogusii
5.0 out of 5 stars Shedding light on a GREAT MYSTERYReviewed in the United States on 22 May 2014
Verified Purchase
I have a love for O'Murchu's writings and this work feeds my love. It explores the cult and understanding of the Great Spirit in many cultures throughout the world that prompts me to explore further. O'Murchu writes about the Great Spirit that leads the reader to a new appreciation of the Mysterious working of the Holy Spirit throughout all time. The Third Person of the Trinity has often been relegated to a small role in the work of salvation. Not so in this work. The book is well worth the time and effort required for all who want to know something more and wonderful about the Holy Spirit.
One person found this helpfulReport