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The Essentials of Hinduism: A Comprehensive Overview of the World's Oldest Religion Paperback – 14 January 2002
Swami Bhaskarananda (Author)
4.5 out of 5 stars
237This book gives clearly written explanations of the basic ideas and practices of Hinduism and its culture. It answers so many questions Do the Hindus worship many gods? Are the Hindus idol worshippers? What is the purpose of life? What are Hinduism's spiritual practices? and so on, covering the most mundane to the most profound ideas and questions of Hinduism.
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247 pages
Viveka Press
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This item: The Essentials of Hinduism: A Comprehensive Overview of the World's Oldest Religion
Product description
Swami Bhaskarananda, a monk of the Ramakrishna order, here offers a brief catechism aimed at Westerners unacquainted with Hindu religious traditions. Perforce covering those traditions in broad terms without going into doctrinal complexities, his book has a straightforward style that should appeal to casual readers and students at a basic level but will not interest advanced students and scholars. Bhaskarananda, who has founded and led several Vedanta societies, has also been involved in interfaith relations. His tone is frequently apologetic, and he corrects American stereotypes about India and Hindus. In general, he points out, Hinduism emphasizes family and personal devotion over communal celebration and values variety in viewpoint and observance. While this book is not broad enough to be a reference work and is somewhat biased toward the Vedanta philosophical school of thought, it could fill a gap in collections on Hindu philosophy and practice, especially in those collections dominated by the works of individual gurus. Recommended for public libraries. James F. DeRoche, Alexandria,
Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. --From Library Journal
This book, now in its second printing, has been hailed by many Hindus and Western students of Hinduism as the book that best explains the profound ideas of Hinduism in a clear, precise and easily understandable way. They especially note the author's use of excellent analogies and examples. Many classes on Hinduism use this book as their main text. Often people buy more than one copy at a time so as to be able to keep one copy and to be able to give another as a gift to friends or family. Since it was first published its popularity has been steadily growing. --From the Publisher
I wanted to help people understand Hinduism without having to go through a lot of technical details. I have tried to make it easy to understand, without indulging in oversimplification. The topics covered address the questions I've most often encountered over the last, nearly three decades of my stay in America. --From the Author
About the Author
Swami Bhaskarananda, a monk of the Ramakrishna Order of India since 1958, studied for many years under the scholarly monks of the Order before he was sent to the United States to head the Vedanta Society of Western Washington in 1974. He is also the spiritual head of the Vedanta Societies in Hawaii and Vancouver, Canada. On invitation, the Swami has traveled extensively throughout the world giving talks on Hinduism and other spiritual topics. He is a founding member and past President of the Interfaith Council of Washington State, as well as an Interfaith Partner in the Church Council of Greater Seattle. The Swami is the author of the book "Meditation, Mind, and Patanjali's Yoga" and is the founder and editor-in-chief of the quarterly journal "Global Vedanta."
Product details
Publisher : Viveka Press; 2nd edition (14 January 2002)
Language : English
Paperback : 247 pages
ISBN-10 : 1884852041
ISBN-13 : 978-1884852046
Dimensions : 13.34 x 1.27 x 19.69 cmBest Sellers Rank: 401,801 in Books (
See Top 100 in Books)328 in
Religious Ethics3,273 in
Hinduism (Books)365,111 in
Textbooks & Study GuidesCustomer Reviews:
4.5 out of 5 stars
237Top reviews from other countries
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4.0 out of 5 stars Brief compendium on HinduismReviewed in India on 10 April 2022
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As the title suggests, this book is a brief compendium covering the core concepts and precepts of Hinduism. It's written in a simple language and does not come across as too heavy or abstract. Many topics will be familiar to most Hindu readers, some of the topics can be refreshed from the content in the book and there will be some content that will lead to gaining new insights. It also covers the righteous and ethical way of living as prescribed in our dharma.
5.0 out of 5 stars In Depth and Well WrittenReviewed in the United States on 3 July 2020
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I've always been interested in Hinduism but was very intimidated by the sheer amount of information available to chose from. This book is exactly what I needed to understand Hinduism. It is clear, concise, and uses analogies to articulate finer points. It has made it easier for me to find aspects of Hinduism I'd like to investigate and learn about more as well as give a great overview of the other subjects so I have a clearer understanding of how Hinduism came to be. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about Hinduism.
12 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Ein interessantes BuchReviewed in Germany on 15 May 2021
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Ein interessantes Buch
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5.0 out of 5 stars UnderstandingReviewed in the United Kingdom on 27 May 2018
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I have a better appreciation of this 5000 year old religion.
Sam Smith
5.0 out of 5 stars Well organized, easy to understand, but not at all lacking in content. Great for those new to Hinduism.Reviewed in the United States on 5 June 2017
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This book is simple to read and rich in content. The author did a fantastic job at painting a worldview for me, a westerner, to understand the Hindu faith in a way that I would not have if I had simply picked up a copy of the Bhagavad Gita translated into English. He breaks down ideas that may seem strange to westerners with Judeo-Christian perspectives, like Brahman or inherent human divinity, and builds a worldview for people who are on the outside of Hindu culture. I admire his work and have read many different parts three or four times, because each time something else stands out to me in a different way. It has truly changed my life.
11 people found this helpful
Displaying 1 - 10 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Aashish Satyajith.
Aashish Satyajith
25 reviews
June 29, 2018
The book is written with the western audience in mind. The author seems to do justice to the title.
However, when Bhaskarananda says "Essentials", he means it. An introduction to the vast, vast array of Hindu literature gets over in a mere ten pages. That said, the book covers a broad spectrum of topics under the umbrella of Hinduism, and you will really learn a lot about it, breadth-wise.
The book also tries to clear many misconceptions and misunderstandings that the West (or even the East, for that matter) may have about Hinduism. Well thought-out analogies help in the same regard, in addition to clarifying various concepts from the Hindu philosophy.
Now, a word of caution. The numerous appearances of the word "God", "soul" etc. might be unsettling for people with a rational bend of mind. It will take more than an open mind for such people to go through the book.
One thing is clear: if you're unsure whether or not delving into Hinduism is worth it, by the time you're done with this book, you will have an answer.
Profile Image for Bill.
115 reviews
April 2, 2022
This is good introduction to Hinduism. The most important thing I learned is that, contrary to the belief of most Westerners, Hinduism is not a polytheistic religion. Hindus often refer to God as singular, and they mean the one great all-pervading God, Nirguna Brahman. The three major gods of Hindu worship, Brahmā, Vishnu, and Shiva, are really just personifications of aspects of Brahman and not separate, independent gods. Each of these big-three has both male and female aspects or avatars, which in turn have many of their own avatars or incarnations representing various powers and responsibilities. Essentials of Hinduism says surprisingly little about the dozens of Hindu gods because ultimately they are all just aspects of Brahman. The focus of the book is on broader issues, including the nature of God, God realization, Hindu society and way of life, creation, ethics, karma, reincarnation, spiritual paths, methods of worship, yogas, and moksha or liberation from cycles of reincarnation.
Profile Image for Anil.
4 reviews
August 25, 2011
This is a very good book. It provides introduction to almost all aspects of Hinduism. Either for the existing generation Hindus or foriegners to Hinduism, it sets the right path to explore Hinduism. The book is very well written with small, simple and effective examples to make one understand the complexities of the elite thoughts in Hinduism.
Unlike other religion books (and the religion themselves), this book nowhere showcases how Hinduism is better than other religions in any way. This book just talks about the basics of Hinduism.
Definitely this book will plant the seeds of divinity in the reader if his/her mind is open for goodness.
Profile Image for Steve Minard.
Steve Minard
15 reviews
April 11, 2011
A perfect introduction to Hinduism for someone who previously knew very little (and probably had several misconceptions). I had no idea just how many similarities Hinduism has with my other main Eastern interests, Buddhism and Taoism. This book explained the history, practice, and philosophy of Hinduism in a very simple, straightforward manner that was thorough, yet easy-to-understand for a newcomer. Highly recommended for anyone interested in Eastern religion and philosophy who has yet to seriously explore Hinduism. Great intro.
Profile Image for Ashok.
16 reviews
May 1, 2013
This is a very good book. it tells all about what is Hinduism and more.Even if you are Hindu, you will love since it has more information which you don't know about hinduism
1 like
Profile Image for Rikas Basheer.
Rikas Basheer
14 reviews
April 2, 2018
I picked up this book to get an overview, relationship of various concepts and a timeline of important events in the evolution of Hinduism that I have been exposed to growing up. One has to admit that it's pretty challenging to present a vast number of complex concepts of Hinduism in a book of this size. Overall, the book felt more like an academic textbook, less interesting and cohesive. Some parts of the book were, certainly, interesting. But the book did serve the purpose of what I wanted to learn. By providing both positives and criticisms of Hinduism, the Author does gain the trust of the reader in being unbiased. The Author goes into detail on the subject of Dalit and Women's treatment in Hindu scriptures and how the reality has been different and continue to evolve from them. I felt that the author could have gone into a bit more detail on the cultural assimilation between Aryan and Dravidian population over the years. After having finished the book, I still end up with some questions, for example, how Hinduism migrated to the south of India and how indigenous traditions and practices became a part of Hinduism. The book is filled with a lot of facts, definitions, key figures, information on different sects and timelines of events. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking to gain a basic understanding of Hinduism, especially, the western audience.
Profile Image for Frank Jude.
Frank Jude
3 books
September 6, 2018
Right off the bat I would recommend this easy to read, very accessible "comprehensive overview of the world's oldest religion" to anyone interested, teaching or practicing yoga in a western environment. Being "comprehensive" and purposefully written for lay-readers, it doesn't go into very great depth and detail, though I was surprised at how detailed it is!
Also, the only caveat is that, as it is written by a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order, it lacks any real critical thought about Hinduism and serves a bit as an apologetic when addressing mostly superficial criticisms leveled at Hinduism.
Still, that said, this book serves as a wonderful introduction to the densely varied world of Indian philosophical/theological thought known as Hinduism. I can imagine how many mis-perceptions and distortions promulgated by western trained (200-hour!) yoga teachers could be nipped in the bud if they were required to read this book as part of their training.
Profile Image for Jeremiah Hopkins.
Jeremiah Hopkins
149 reviews
1 follower
December 13, 2023
Partially inspired from reading up on the history of religion and its roles in civilization as we know it, I thought it fitting to dive into other systems of belief that I may not be as familiar with. This overview of Hinduism, while not as detailed as other works, gives a well-informed and historic summary of this religion, how it was formed, and what modern Hinduism believes and values. I respect the spiritual disciplines and ritualistic dedication that Hindus exude to outwardly show their reverence for their god.
“An unbiased study of Hinduism reveals that it is neither pessimistic nor overly optimistic. Too much optimism causes frequent disappointments, while pessimism robs people of their initiative. Neither is encouraged by Hinduism. Hinduism is purely realistic. It encourages its followers to recognize the true nature of the world and act accordingly.”
Profile Image for Robert J. Gallo.
Robert J. Gallo
24 reviews
December 5, 2018
An Essential Explanation of Hinduism
This author provides an essential outline of Hindu culture and religious practice. The explanation of karma, reincarnation and other esoteric aspects of the East are well developed and presented. A very enlightening read.
Forrest Yoder
22 reviews
June 5, 2019
Very well done, brief overview of the lifestyle that is hinduism
Well written gateway into understanding hinduism. Dispells many of the myths and much of the misinformation surrounding hinduism. Greatly enlightening.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 34 reviews
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