Showing posts with label Yasuo Yuasa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yasuo Yuasa. Show all posts


Internet Archive: Yuasa, Yasuo 3 books

Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine

Overcoming modernity : synchronicity and image-thinking

By: Yuasa, Yasuo
Published: 2008
Views: 13
Topics: Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961, Philosophy, Comparative
vii, 247 pages : 24 cm

The body : toward an Eastern mind-body theory

By: Yuasa, Yasuo
Published: 1987
Views: 292
Topics: Body, Human (Philosophy), Mind and body, Philosophy, Japanese
vii, 256 p. : 24 cm. --

The body, self-cultivation, and ki-energy

By: Yuasa, Yasuo
Published: 1993
Views: 73
Topics: Qi (Chinese philosophy), Human body (Philosophy),
Self-actualization (Psychology), Philosophy and science, Philosophy, Comparative
xxxvi, 229 p. : 24 cm

Yasuo Yuasa - Wikipedia 湯浅 泰雄 ゆあさ やすお

Yasuo Yuasa - Wikipedia

Yasuo Yuasa

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yasuo Yuasa
Born5 June 1925
Era20th-century philosophy
RegionJapanese philosophy
SchoolKyoto School
Main interests
Mind-body problem

Yasuo Yuasa (湯浅 泰雄Yuasa Yasuo, 1925–2005) was a Japanese philosopher of religion. Yuasa is known for his works on the theory of the body in Western and Asian philosophy and for his teaching. He has been referred to as "one of the most provocative and far-reaching" among Japan's contemporary philosophers.[1]

Early life and education[edit]

Yasuo Yuasa studied ethics under Watsuji Tetsuro at Tokyo University. He later also studied yoga with Motoyama Hiroshi, and these studies influenced his philosophical views.[2]


In his early years Yuasa took up a position as assistant in the Ethics Department at the University of Tokyo. His places of employment include Yamanashi UniversityOsaka University, the University of Tsukuba and Obirin University.[2]


Much of his work, particularly since the end of the 1970s, has focused on theories of the body in Asian and Western philosophy, in religion and in medicine. He had particular interest in the mind-body problem, also developing his own model of mind-body function.

The basis of Yuasa's work lies in both Eastern and Western traditions. He studied the works of Kitaro Nishida, of his teacher Tetsuro Watsuji, of Kiyoshi Miki and of Hajime Tanabe;[3] he also took into consideration Eastern meditation practices such as zen meditation and yoga, the Eastern notion of the meridians of the body, as well as Western depth psychology, in particular the Jungian approach.[4]

Yuasa looks at Descartesdualism, and the contrasting philosophies of idealism with focus on the mind (spirit) and materialism with focus on the body (matter), and re-evaluates them in the light of Eastern non-dualistic thinking.[3] True to Eastern tradition, he emphasizes that there exists no clear distinction between body and mind. While this is mainly an Eastern point of view, Yuasa acknowledged that similar thoughts have been expressed also by some Western thinkers, for example Merleau-Ponty. Yasuo goes further than existing philosophical tradition in postulating that the unity of body and mind is not a natural state or innate relationship, but rather a state to be achieved.[5] He points out the crucial role of self-cultivation for achieving such 'oneness of body–mind'.[4]

Expressed in simplified terms, Yuasa's scheme of the body consists in four systems: sensory-motor awareness (somesthesis, much like the sensory-motor apparatus of Bergson or the sensory-motor circuit of Merleau-Ponty[6]), kinaesthetic awareness (kinesthesis), emotion-instinct (governing the autonomic nervous system) and an unconscious 'quasi-body' (exemplified in the ki-energy flow through the body's meridians).[5]

Yasuo distinguishes bright consciousness and dark consciousness, comparing the latter to the Western idea of the unconscious. It has been pointed out that his concept of dark consciousness is more similar to the notion of subconsciousness of Frederic W. H. Myers and William James than to Sigmund Freud's concept of the unconscious.[7]

Yuasa has written numerous books on Western philosophypsychoanalytic theoryAsian philosophy and on the cultural history of Japan.

He has authored more than 50 books and over 300 articles.[2]


English translations[edit]

  • Yasuo Yuasa: Overcoming Modernity: Synchronicity and Image-Thinking (translated by Shigenori Nagatomo and John W.M. Krummel, with an introduction by Shigenori Nagatomo), State University of New York Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7914-7401-3
  • Yasuo Yuasa: The Body, Self-Cultivation, and Ki-Energy (translated by Shigenori Nagatomo and Monte S. Hull), 1993, State University of New York Press, ISBN 0-7914-1624-0
  • David Edward Shaner, Shigenori Nagatomo, Yasuo Yuasa: Science and Comparative Philosophy: Introducing Yuasa Yasuo, Brill Academic, 1989, ISBN 90-04-08953-5
  • Yasuo Yuasa: The Body: Toward an Eastern Mind-Body Theory (translated by Shigenori Nagatomo and Thomas P. Kasulis), State University of New York Press, 1987, ISBN 0-88706-469-8


  1. ^ Thomas P. Kasulis, Ohio State University, book cover of The Body, Self-Cultivation, and Ki-Energy
  2. Jump up to:a b c Erin McCarthy: Yuasa Yasuo (1925–2001): A retrospective of his life and work (first page view)
  3. Jump up to:a b Boutry-Stadelmann, B.: Yuasa Yasuo's Theory of the Body
  4. Jump up to:a b Chikako Ozawa–De Silva: Beyond the body/mind? Japanese contemporary thinkers on alternative sociologies of the body, Body & Society, 2002 Sage Publications, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 21–38 doi:10.1177/1357034X02008002002 (full text)
  5. Jump up to:a b Ornello Corazza: Rethinking embodiment: A Japanese contemporary perspective. A workshop in commemoration of Professor Yasuo Yuasa (1925–2005), Center for the Study of Japanese Religions, CSJR Newsletter, January 2007, No. 14/15 (with an account by Shigenori Nagatomo of Yuasa's Theory of the Body
  6. ^ Thomas P. Kasulis, Roger T. Aimes: Self As Body in Asian Theory and Practice, chapter "Yasua's Bodily Scheme", pp. 334 ff., State University of New York Press, 1993, ISBN 0-7914-1079-X
  7. ^ G. William Barnard: Living Consciousness: The Metaphysical Vision of Henri Bergson



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

湯浅 泰雄(ゆあさ やすお1925年6月5日 - 2005年11月9日)は、日本哲学者桜美林大学名誉教授。







  • 『宗教と人間性』理想社、1964年
  • 『古代国家の倫理思想』理想社、1966年
  • 『経済人のモラル』塙書房・塙新書、1967年
  • 『近代日本の哲学と実存思想』創文社 1970年、再版1978年
  • 『神々の誕生 日本神話の思想史的研究』以文社 1972年
  • 『身体 東洋的身心論の試み』創文社 1977年/『身体論』講談社学術文庫、1990年 
  • 『ユングとキリスト教人文書院 1978年、講談社学術文庫、1996年 
  • 『ユングとヨーロッパ精神』人文書院、1979年6月。ISBN 978-4409340035
  • 『古代人の精神世界』ミネルヴァ書房 1980年
  • 『日本人の宗教意識 習俗と信仰の底を流れるもの』名著刊行会、1981年、講談社学術文庫、1999年  
  • 和辻哲郎 近代日本哲学の運命』ミネルヴァ書房 1981年、ちくま学芸文庫、1995年
  • 『東洋文化の深層―心理学と倫理学の間』名著刊行会、1982年11月。ASIN B000J7GR6U
  • 『歴史と神話の心理学』思索社 1984年
  • 『気・修行・身体』平河出版社、1986年12月。ISBN 978-4892031212
  • 『共時性とは何か』山王出版 1987年
  • 『宗教経験と深層心理 自我・こころ・魂のエコロジー』名著刊行会 1989年
  • 『ユングと東洋』人文書院 1989年
  • 『日本古代の精神世界―歴史心理学的研究の挑戦』名著刊行会、1990年1月。ISBN 978-4839002497
  • 『「気」とは何か―人体が発するエネルギー』日本放送出版協会NHKブックス、1991年1月。ISBN 978-4140016138
  • 玄奘三蔵 はるかなる求法の旅』名著刊行会 1991年
  • 『宗教と科学の間 共時性・超心理学・気の科学』名著刊行会 1993年
  • 『身体の宇宙性 東洋と西洋』岩波書店 1994年、岩波人文書セレクション 2013年
  • 『共時性の宇宙観 時間・生命・自然』人文書院 1995年
  • 『宗教経験と身体』岩波書店 1997年
  • 湯浅泰雄全集』全17巻+補巻、1999-2013年、白亜書房(のちBNP)[1]
  • 『哲学の誕生―男性性と女性性の心理学』人文書院、2004年7月。ISBN 978-4409040683




  • 『マックス・ウェーバー 倫理と宗教』 金子武蔵編 以文社、1976年
  • 『仏教の比較思想論的研究』 玉城康四郎編 東京大学出版会、1979年


  1. ^ 『湯浅泰雄全集 第12巻 日本哲学・思想史(Ⅴ)』白亜書房、2007年2月。ISBN 978-4891729226、17巻目までは著作、補巻は晩年の思索と補遺。予定されていた第19・20・21巻は翻訳、別巻は外国語論文・総索引は未刊。

