I've Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality, and Life Transformation Paperback – November 6, 2017
by Ilchi Lee (Author)
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New York Times bestselling author and one of the most renowned meditation teachers in our time, Ilchi Lee challenges you to radically rethink your ideas on aging, health, personal fulfillment, and what's possible in your lifetime.
This book has been loved by many big name authors including don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Michael Beckwith, and Dr. Emeran Mayer. This is the book of life mastery for the brave hearted.
For most of our lives, we work hard, reaching for success, until we are faced with retirement. If you retire at age 65, you may think you have about 20 more years to relax and enjoy your life. But what if you had more time? What if you had another 40 or 50 years to live? Would it make a difference in how you lived?
Ilchi Lee stresses that you can extend your life way beyond what most of us have accepted as our biological age limit, even up to 120 years. But the real question is, can we have not only a long life, but also a fulfilling one? Lee's answer is a resounding yes, and it starts with the power of choice, a practice of self-reliance, and most importantly, a greater sense of purpose.
A visionary and master teacher who globalized ancient Korea's mind-body tradition, Ilchi Lee lays out a clear path to a new paradigm of longevity and mastery of life. Through personal experience, compelling stories, the wisdom of an ancient Korean holistic practice, and current research on longevity and fulfillment, Lee shows readers how to live fully at any age without regrets.
The inspiration and practical advice you find in this book propels you to make the necessary changes in your life that would make a 120-year life full of vitality, passion, and purpose possible.
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Print length
304 pages
Best Life Media
Publication date
November 6, 2017
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Editorial Reviews
"A delightful guide full of inspiration and information for those who want to live a full, vibrant, and meaningful life at any age." ― Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements
"This magnificent book ignites the true spirit of what it means to live fully. But more than that, this book provides the precise formula you need to follow if you indeed want to live as fully as possible, as healthfully as possible, for as long as possible." ― Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom
"Ilchi Lee's book's genius is not only its scientific, time-tested longevity principles, but also how he infuses it with his own good heart." ― Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation
"I have been fortunate to experience firsthand how his visionary view of the human potential actually translates into reality and I have incorporated his advice into my own life. If there is one book you don't want to miss, it is this one." ― Emeran A. Mayer, MD, PhD, author of The Mind-Gut Connection
"This extraordinary book renders the most complex secret of existence―how to give your life meaning, longevity, and fulfillment―amazingly simple….What a gift!” ― Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God series
"I am personally choosing to study with Ilchi Lee to live 120 years to fulfill my own life purpose. At 88 I feel as though I am getting newer every day!" ― Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution
"This book is a must-read for all of us who seek to maximize our personal joy in life and the fullest realization of our purpose for this miraculous opportunity to experience life." ―Reed Tuckson, MD, author of The Doctor in the Mirror
"This book provides practical strategies, probing questions, and the art of storytelling to inspire readers to challenge themselves not only to age gracefully, but to become fully enlightened." ― Jessie Jones, PhD, co-author of In Full Bloom: A Brain Education Guide for Successful Aging
"This book offers sustainable and practical applications and tools that will guide you into your twilight years with grace. This book is a must read . . . today is transformation day." ― Dr. Darrell Wolfe, author of Healthy to 100
About the Author
Ilchi Lee is an impassioned visionary, educator, mentor, and innovator. He has dedicated his life to help people harness their creative power and potential. He has developed many successful mind-body training methods, including Body & Brain Yoga and Brain Education. Lee is a New York Times bestselling author with over 40 books and a well-respected humanitarian who founded the Earth Citizen Movement and works with the United Nations and other organizations for global peace. Lee serves as the president of the University of Brain Education and the International Brain Education Association.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Now that we are living longer than ever before, everyone is trying to figure out how to live well in their later years. We're now experiencing a flood of advice for aging successfully from fitness companies, nutrient suppliers, books, the Internet, TV, and health gurus.But such advice is missing something, it seems to me. It lacks what I call "spirit." I believe that the most important task in the second half of life is finding a purpose, one that will give the rest of our years meaning. The spirit that brings each moment vibrantly alive comes from such a purpose. Without it, living even to be 80–much less 120–might feel boring and pointless. [...]
You will learn three important things about yourself through this book:
First, the second half of life need not be a time of decline and regression. It can be your golden age–amazingly fulfilling and hopeful. It all depends on what goals you have for your life in your old age. In these pages, I will help you set goals that are truly in alignment with your highest self.
Second, you can take charge of your physical health as you age. You will learn concrete principles and methods for creating your own well-being as you actively manage your aging process. This is not a book on life extension or an anti-aging program, but you will find tips that will help you have a longer and healthier life.
Third, you have the power and potential to affect the future of the entire human species and the earth itself, as well as the lives of individuals around you. You can contribute to birthing a new culture of wisdom unprecedented in human history. It all depends on what values you pursue and what lifestyle you choose for your old age.
This book is full of my thoughts and suggestions for designing a complete life after the age of 60. You may have as few as 20 or as many as 40 years following retirement. How would you like to spend that time? Do you have latent goals you have not yet had the chance to achieve? Let's search for an answer together through this book.
I think that the 120-year life is not an impossible dream. It's not a miracle that can be enjoyed only by those with exceptional genes for longevity. It's a tool that people can use to challenge themselves after entering the second half of their lives. The 120-year life is a global project for furthering the progress of the entire human species, not merely a project for our individual longevity.
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Product details
Publisher : Best Life Media (November 6, 2017)
Language : English
Paperback : 304 pages
Customer Reviews: 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 675 ratings
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Top reviews from the United States
Kathy Overholt
5.0 out of 5 stars A life of meaning.
Reviewed in the United States on February 5, 2022
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After spending the past 35 years growing a business I recently retired, and am ready to start the last 1/3 of my life.
One of my life purposes was to help protect lives and property, which I did by starting a fire alarm \ Security system and access control business. It wasn’t me, but the team I assembled that grew a company to be one of the 100 largest in the US.
The success of our business wasn’t the size, but the bringing together of a team that always strove to do the right thing, even if it meant we didn’t make a profit on the job.
My second life’s purpose was to introduce people to nature and learn to explore God’s creation. While I did dedicate a large percentage of my leisure time to exploring nature - and encouraging others to do so - I feel in the last chapter of life I’ll have more time to devote my energy to contributing to earth improvement by gardening, continuing to bring others closer to nature, and provide stewardship to the planet by recycling.
I also plan to learn more about our imperfect American Political system and to help push forward ideas that will close the political division in our country.
This book came at the perfect time in my life. It has encouraged me that rather than sitting on the couch as I retire, I will use my energy and days remaining on earth to make a difference, Whether it be through my three grandsons, my son, my friends (both old friends and the many new friends I’ll be meeting) I will strive to keep myself healthy, and proceed to do my part to help other people, the planet and all of God’s creatures to thrive on our wonderful planet as it spins though the infinite galaxy.
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16 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars An Essential Manifesto
Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2022
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Living to 120 may not be implausible at the rate we're going. The average human lifespan is getting longer and will average 85 years by 2050. Some experts say that 1 in 3 people will live to 100. Several countries have seniors well above the global average.
Ilchi Lee's idea is that we have to design our life by age 60 as the midpoint, and it begins with our mindset. It may sound idealistic, but Lee's treatise makes perfect sense if we can use it as a guide. The book is easy to read, and like a long conversation. A good starting point when considering anything to do with life or ageing.
6 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful read indeed .
Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2022
Verified Purchase
This is a wonderful read including practical useful tools ,statistics ,and loads of examples . It’s most inviting to those over 60. Let life go on for another 60 years while feeling healthy and strong in mind, body and spirit by adapting or continuing on a path that refuses to succumb to the idiosyncrasies and stereotypes as well as our government and medical system pushing needless ( possibly changeable with out medication ) medication on us… which makes us weaker in the long run anyway.
I am a practicing certified health coach for 10 years and I am graduate of IIN as well as a certified personal trainer for 35 years with vitality specializing in strength cardio and, yoga and holistic health. My over 55 clients should all read this book to hear Ilchi Lee’s perspective.
Belly button compressions , It makes sense !!! It’s natural medicine. I love it.
6 people found this helpful
Karen K
5.0 out of 5 stars Learning how to design the rest of my life...
Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2019
Verified Purchase
I am so glad that I bought this book, and I've bought other copies to share with friends because I've found the insights in it so uplifting and inspiring. Ilchi Lee outlines a plan on how we can all be the masters of our own lives. No matter what our physical or emotional condition, we can always start wherever we are and begin to care take better care of ourselves. There is no guarantee for any of us that we will be able to live a full 120 years. But, I now have a greater awareness of how I can let go of the past, stop worrying about the future so much, and allow myself to be more mindful and present with more self-care. By doing that, I can now see more clearly that no matter how many years I have left, I can live them more fully and happily because I know I can create my own happiness and peace at any time using the techniques and insights provided. It seems to me that if enough of us could see how much power we truly have to create our own happiness, this world would be a much better place for everyone to live... and what a beautiful legacy we could leave for the generations to come!
3 people found this helpful
Maki P
5.0 out of 5 stars A real secret to longevity
Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2019
Verified Purchase
I love this book because it talks about purpose and meaning of your life no matter what age. The book is full of wisdom and antidotes so you can receive a valuable message on every page. In the culture that focuses on success in terms of money and power, old age (over 60 or 65) is often considered time for rest and waiting for the eventual death. Since people are living longer to 80, 90 or 100 and beyond, there is still plenty of time left to contribute to the earth and humanity. All you have to do is choose and take action and always have plenty of Vitamin H (hope) on hand to manage challenges and adversities that arise. Ilchi Lee says increasing your physical power, heart power and brain power is important especially as you age. The companion workbook is also a jewel to help you make a plan to live a healthy, happy and peaceful life to 120 and beyond.
10 people found this helpful
Susan Skywoman
5.0 out of 5 stars A Guidebook for Healthy Aging
Reviewed in the United States on April 13, 2021
Verified Purchase
This is one of my favorite books. It's a really thorough guidebook for living a healthy and meaningful life at any age, but especially meaningful to those who are in mid-life or older. It also makes a great gift for anyone who's questioning their life purpose, who's at a major turning point, who's going through a big life transition or who's decided to "retire." (After reading this book, you'll realize we need a new word for that transition!) Definitely read this book!
4 people found this helpful
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5.0 out of 5 stars Worth the $$$
Reviewed in Canada on May 5, 2020
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I rarely buy ANY kindle book thats more than $4, but I'm sure glad I "splurged" on this one!
What a positive, uplifting and inspiring book, even more so during this trying time in our history.
With so much talk of sickness, death, vaccines and viruses right now, this author delivers a message of hope not just to survive but to aspire to thrive and live fully,long after most people usually expect to be alive.
Filled with practical advice and presented in a beautifully crafted book (even as an ebook) I am finding myself nodding in agreement with so many things that this author shares. This is not your typical anti-aging guide. It is also a book that should also resonate with younger readers and not just older adults.
I decided to "crack" the third digit agewise, many years ago. I do not take drugs of any kind, have been a vegetarian for over 25 years, don't smoke anything, exercise regularly, do yoga faithfully....I'm trying to beat the odds and the averages. And to really LIVE not just exist to a nice ripe old age! This book has reaffirmed those beliefs that my goals are doable.
Geraldine Helen Hartman author of,
Laughing at the Grim Reaper! Gems of Wisdom for Aging Well 🌺
Helpful votes are always appreciated.😊
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Nydia Pobran
5.0 out of 5 stars Just Interesting
Reviewed in Canada on January 18, 2022
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I've Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality, and Life Transformation
Ilchi Lee
283 ratings50 reviews
A New York Times bestselling author and one of the most renowned meditation teachers in our time, Ilchi Lee challenges you to radically rethink your ideas on aging, health, personal fulfillment, and what's possible in your lifetime.
For most of our lives, we work hard, reaching for success, until we are faced with retirement. If you retire at age 65, you may think you have about 20 more years to relax and enjoy your life. But what if you had more time? What if you had another 40 or 50 years to live? Would it make a difference in how you lived?
Ilchi Lee stresses that you can extend your life way beyond what most of us have accepted as our biological age limit, even up to 120 years. But the real question is, can we have not only a long life, but also a fulfilling one? Lee's answer is a resounding yes, and it starts with the power of choice, a practice of self-reliance, and most importantly, a greater sense of purpose.
A visionary and master teacher who globalized ancient Korea's mind-body tradition, Ilchi Lee lays out a clear path to a new paradigm of longevity and mastery of life. Through personal experience, compelling stories, the wisdom of an ancient Korean holistic practice, and current research on longevity and fulfillment, Lee shows readers how to live fully at any age without regrets.
The inspiration and practical advice you find in this book propels you to make the necessary changes in your life that would make a 120-year life full of vitality, passion, and purpose possible.
GenresHealthNonfictionSelf HelpPsychology
304 pages, Paperback
Published December 4, 2017
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About the author

Ilchi Lee81 books393 followers
From a young age, I struggled to find the answers to what I think of are life's fundamental questions: Who am I? and Why am I alive? I found those answers for myself after much study and circumspection, culminating in strict fasting and meditation on top of Moak Mountain in South Korea more than 30 years ago.
What I discovered opened up a new life and a new world for me. Since then, I've sought to find ways to help others answer those questions for themselves, and live healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives as a result. All of my work is focused on developing methods for this and sharing them with as many people as possible. I believe when enough people know their true nature and purpose and are empowered to live by it, the world will become a place of dreams; heaven will be expressed on earth.
This is the purpose and content of all of my books. I hope they enrich your life by reading them.
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7 reviews10 followers
May 19, 2019
I recieved that book in an ARCs from BookSirens in exchange for an honest review. My rating 4/5 stars .
Ilchi Lee, is a 67 years old. Who has decided to live to be 120. he sheds a bright light of ancient and post modern wisdom on the impact of how each of us defines our life purpose and the pathways we choose for its fulfillment. His book’s genius is not only its . . . principles, but also how he infuses it with his own good heart.
The author stated his book with that question... Can you imagine yourself at age 120? Perhaps that idea caught our imagination when we read the title of this book.
Then he reveals that he dosen't have any magic pill that will guarantee that we or anyone else will live to be 120.
But just he has made it his mission to help people uncover their true selves and become the highest possible versions of themselves.
He founded Body Brain Yoga and Brain Education for the development of human potential, both of which are based on Sundo, a traditional Korean system of mind-body training.
He mentioned that through reading this book: we will learn three important things..
First, the second half of our life need not be a time of decline and regression. It can be our golden age—amazingly fulfilling and hopeful. It all depends on what goals we have for our life in our old age.
Second, we can take charge of our physical health through learn concrete principles and methods for creating our own well-being .
Third, we have the power and potential to affect the future of the entire human species and the earth itself, as well as the lives of individuals around us .
This book is full of thoughts and suggestions for designing a complete life after the age of 60.
I entirely recommend you to read that fabulous book that offers sustainable and practical tools that will guide you into your twilight years with grace.
407 reviews28 followers
December 13, 2018
I expect science-y types will pooh-pooh this as a load of garbage. And I would understand that. The problem is there a lot of good overarching concepts in this book, but the way the author addresses them can only be described as less than vigorous. A large part of the book feels like an advertisement for his healthy living community and his other books / training materials. The way to approach this is to put your skepticism aside and to glean out the positives. And there are some not insignificant positives to take away if you can overcome your indignation, such as the proper way to walk, the 5-minutes per hour exercise (you can start with 1 minute and work upwards, give it a try, you will feel more energetic throughout the day), etc. Keep an open mind if you decide to give this a try.
health non-fiction

Bette Castoria
6 reviews
November 1, 2017
'I've Decided to Live 120 Years', by Brain Education Founder Ilchi Lee, is a must read for anyone asking the questions 'Who am I?' and 'What is my purpose?'
Like all of Lees' books, it is a clear and insightful look into how to live a life for growth and completion. By choosing to live 120 years, the entire mindset of how you live changes. When we choose to believe that 60 years of age is potentially only the half way point of our lives, we begin to realize that we want the second half of our life to be meaningful and active. A time to make a contribution for the benefit of humanity, a time to make a difference. We can awaken to the fact that the physical body has already reached its highest completion, but the spirit will go on. We can use life's later years to refine and brighten our consciousness. When physical death does come, we will have no regrets.

21 reviews4 followers
January 16, 2019
Remembering my true self
I gave this book 5 stars because of its gentle juxtaposition of fact and intuition, information and inspiration, the mundane and the profound. There are lots of books out there on diet and exercise. I feel what this book adds to the conversation is Tao philosophy. My favorite part was the discussion on finding your true self in chapter 2 and on the energy system for completing your soul in chapter 3. They really spoke to me and touched my heart and made the whole book worth reading. This book really gave me hope that our later years are not only worthwhile, but important.
Auhsang Lee
8 reviews
November 10, 2017
I am fascinated as I am reading this book. Planning has always been stressful to me, but Ilchi Lee gave me a new perspective and awakening. No plan is No design. My life without a design will be confined by my circumstances and my small mindset. In the beginning, living without a plan seems like a free life, but in reality, I feel suffocated and a kind of dying without anything. Regardless of whether I have a plan, life is challenging and changes endlessly whether I want it to or not. So I made the choice to change my life as I am aspired to make it. Thank you so much, Ilchi Lee!
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Cl Tetrault
1 review
January 19, 2018
I live in what they call an "active retirement" community, so many of us are just starting to deal with this entirely new phase in our lives. I look around and I see that there are some who are embracing their new lives and others who are embracing binge-watching cable and playing games to the exclusion of everything else. ( Don’t get me wrong, I love a good binge-watch but when I overdo, I find myself becoming tired and I lose the energy to pursue other things I love.) Around here, you can tell who is in which group just by watching them walk in and out of the buildings.
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Top reviews from the United States
Kathy Overholt
5.0 out of 5 stars A life of meaning.
Reviewed in the United States on February 5, 2022
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After spending the past 35 years growing a business I recently retired, and am ready to start the last 1/3 of my life.
One of my life purposes was to help protect lives and property, which I did by starting a fire alarm \ Security system and access control business. It wasn’t me, but the team I assembled that grew a company to be one of the 100 largest in the US.
The success of our business wasn’t the size, but the bringing together of a team that always strove to do the right thing, even if it meant we didn’t make a profit on the job.
My second life’s purpose was to introduce people to nature and learn to explore God’s creation. While I did dedicate a large percentage of my leisure time to exploring nature - and encouraging others to do so - I feel in the last chapter of life I’ll have more time to devote my energy to contributing to earth improvement by gardening, continuing to bring others closer to nature, and provide stewardship to the planet by recycling.
I also plan to learn more about our imperfect American Political system and to help push forward ideas that will close the political division in our country.
This book came at the perfect time in my life. It has encouraged me that rather than sitting on the couch as I retire, I will use my energy and days remaining on earth to make a difference, Whether it be through my three grandsons, my son, my friends (both old friends and the many new friends I’ll be meeting) I will strive to keep myself healthy, and proceed to do my part to help other people, the planet and all of God’s creatures to thrive on our wonderful planet as it spins though the infinite galaxy.
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16 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars An Essential Manifesto
Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2022
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Living to 120 may not be implausible at the rate we're going. The average human lifespan is getting longer and will average 85 years by 2050. Some experts say that 1 in 3 people will live to 100. Several countries have seniors well above the global average.
Ilchi Lee's idea is that we have to design our life by age 60 as the midpoint, and it begins with our mindset. It may sound idealistic, but Lee's treatise makes perfect sense if we can use it as a guide. The book is easy to read, and like a long conversation. A good starting point when considering anything to do with life or ageing.
6 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful read indeed .
Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2022
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This is a wonderful read including practical useful tools ,statistics ,and loads of examples . It’s most inviting to those over 60. Let life go on for another 60 years while feeling healthy and strong in mind, body and spirit by adapting or continuing on a path that refuses to succumb to the idiosyncrasies and stereotypes as well as our government and medical system pushing needless ( possibly changeable with out medication ) medication on us… which makes us weaker in the long run anyway.
I am a practicing certified health coach for 10 years and I am graduate of IIN as well as a certified personal trainer for 35 years with vitality specializing in strength cardio and, yoga and holistic health. My over 55 clients should all read this book to hear Ilchi Lee’s perspective.
Belly button compressions , It makes sense !!! It’s natural medicine. I love it.
6 people found this helpful
Karen K
5.0 out of 5 stars Learning how to design the rest of my life...
Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2019
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I am so glad that I bought this book, and I've bought other copies to share with friends because I've found the insights in it so uplifting and inspiring. Ilchi Lee outlines a plan on how we can all be the masters of our own lives. No matter what our physical or emotional condition, we can always start wherever we are and begin to care take better care of ourselves. There is no guarantee for any of us that we will be able to live a full 120 years. But, I now have a greater awareness of how I can let go of the past, stop worrying about the future so much, and allow myself to be more mindful and present with more self-care. By doing that, I can now see more clearly that no matter how many years I have left, I can live them more fully and happily because I know I can create my own happiness and peace at any time using the techniques and insights provided. It seems to me that if enough of us could see how much power we truly have to create our own happiness, this world would be a much better place for everyone to live... and what a beautiful legacy we could leave for the generations to come!
3 people found this helpful
Maki P
5.0 out of 5 stars A real secret to longevity
Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2019
Verified Purchase
I love this book because it talks about purpose and meaning of your life no matter what age. The book is full of wisdom and antidotes so you can receive a valuable message on every page. In the culture that focuses on success in terms of money and power, old age (over 60 or 65) is often considered time for rest and waiting for the eventual death. Since people are living longer to 80, 90 or 100 and beyond, there is still plenty of time left to contribute to the earth and humanity. All you have to do is choose and take action and always have plenty of Vitamin H (hope) on hand to manage challenges and adversities that arise. Ilchi Lee says increasing your physical power, heart power and brain power is important especially as you age. The companion workbook is also a jewel to help you make a plan to live a healthy, happy and peaceful life to 120 and beyond.
10 people found this helpful
Susan Skywoman
5.0 out of 5 stars A Guidebook for Healthy Aging
Reviewed in the United States on April 13, 2021
Verified Purchase
This is one of my favorite books. It's a really thorough guidebook for living a healthy and meaningful life at any age, but especially meaningful to those who are in mid-life or older. It also makes a great gift for anyone who's questioning their life purpose, who's at a major turning point, who's going through a big life transition or who's decided to "retire." (After reading this book, you'll realize we need a new word for that transition!) Definitely read this book!
4 people found this helpful
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5.0 out of 5 stars Worth the $$$
Reviewed in Canada on May 5, 2020
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I rarely buy ANY kindle book thats more than $4, but I'm sure glad I "splurged" on this one!
What a positive, uplifting and inspiring book, even more so during this trying time in our history.
With so much talk of sickness, death, vaccines and viruses right now, this author delivers a message of hope not just to survive but to aspire to thrive and live fully,long after most people usually expect to be alive.
Filled with practical advice and presented in a beautifully crafted book (even as an ebook) I am finding myself nodding in agreement with so many things that this author shares. This is not your typical anti-aging guide. It is also a book that should also resonate with younger readers and not just older adults.
I decided to "crack" the third digit agewise, many years ago. I do not take drugs of any kind, have been a vegetarian for over 25 years, don't smoke anything, exercise regularly, do yoga faithfully....I'm trying to beat the odds and the averages. And to really LIVE not just exist to a nice ripe old age! This book has reaffirmed those beliefs that my goals are doable.
Geraldine Helen Hartman author of,
Laughing at the Grim Reaper! Gems of Wisdom for Aging Well 🌺
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I've Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality, and Life Transformation
Ilchi Lee
283 ratings50 reviews
A New York Times bestselling author and one of the most renowned meditation teachers in our time, Ilchi Lee challenges you to radically rethink your ideas on aging, health, personal fulfillment, and what's possible in your lifetime.
For most of our lives, we work hard, reaching for success, until we are faced with retirement. If you retire at age 65, you may think you have about 20 more years to relax and enjoy your life. But what if you had more time? What if you had another 40 or 50 years to live? Would it make a difference in how you lived?
Ilchi Lee stresses that you can extend your life way beyond what most of us have accepted as our biological age limit, even up to 120 years. But the real question is, can we have not only a long life, but also a fulfilling one? Lee's answer is a resounding yes, and it starts with the power of choice, a practice of self-reliance, and most importantly, a greater sense of purpose.
A visionary and master teacher who globalized ancient Korea's mind-body tradition, Ilchi Lee lays out a clear path to a new paradigm of longevity and mastery of life. Through personal experience, compelling stories, the wisdom of an ancient Korean holistic practice, and current research on longevity and fulfillment, Lee shows readers how to live fully at any age without regrets.
The inspiration and practical advice you find in this book propels you to make the necessary changes in your life that would make a 120-year life full of vitality, passion, and purpose possible.
GenresHealthNonfictionSelf HelpPsychology
304 pages, Paperback
Published December 4, 2017
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About the author

Ilchi Lee81 books393 followers
From a young age, I struggled to find the answers to what I think of are life's fundamental questions: Who am I? and Why am I alive? I found those answers for myself after much study and circumspection, culminating in strict fasting and meditation on top of Moak Mountain in South Korea more than 30 years ago.
What I discovered opened up a new life and a new world for me. Since then, I've sought to find ways to help others answer those questions for themselves, and live healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives as a result. All of my work is focused on developing methods for this and sharing them with as many people as possible. I believe when enough people know their true nature and purpose and are empowered to live by it, the world will become a place of dreams; heaven will be expressed on earth.
This is the purpose and content of all of my books. I hope they enrich your life by reading them.
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7 reviews10 followers
May 19, 2019
I recieved that book in an ARCs from BookSirens in exchange for an honest review. My rating 4/5 stars .
Ilchi Lee, is a 67 years old. Who has decided to live to be 120. he sheds a bright light of ancient and post modern wisdom on the impact of how each of us defines our life purpose and the pathways we choose for its fulfillment. His book’s genius is not only its . . . principles, but also how he infuses it with his own good heart.
The author stated his book with that question... Can you imagine yourself at age 120? Perhaps that idea caught our imagination when we read the title of this book.
Then he reveals that he dosen't have any magic pill that will guarantee that we or anyone else will live to be 120.
But just he has made it his mission to help people uncover their true selves and become the highest possible versions of themselves.
He founded Body Brain Yoga and Brain Education for the development of human potential, both of which are based on Sundo, a traditional Korean system of mind-body training.
He mentioned that through reading this book: we will learn three important things..
First, the second half of our life need not be a time of decline and regression. It can be our golden age—amazingly fulfilling and hopeful. It all depends on what goals we have for our life in our old age.
Second, we can take charge of our physical health through learn concrete principles and methods for creating our own well-being .
Third, we have the power and potential to affect the future of the entire human species and the earth itself, as well as the lives of individuals around us .
This book is full of thoughts and suggestions for designing a complete life after the age of 60.
I entirely recommend you to read that fabulous book that offers sustainable and practical tools that will guide you into your twilight years with grace.
407 reviews28 followers
December 13, 2018
I expect science-y types will pooh-pooh this as a load of garbage. And I would understand that. The problem is there a lot of good overarching concepts in this book, but the way the author addresses them can only be described as less than vigorous. A large part of the book feels like an advertisement for his healthy living community and his other books / training materials. The way to approach this is to put your skepticism aside and to glean out the positives. And there are some not insignificant positives to take away if you can overcome your indignation, such as the proper way to walk, the 5-minutes per hour exercise (you can start with 1 minute and work upwards, give it a try, you will feel more energetic throughout the day), etc. Keep an open mind if you decide to give this a try.
health non-fiction

Bette Castoria
6 reviews
November 1, 2017
'I've Decided to Live 120 Years', by Brain Education Founder Ilchi Lee, is a must read for anyone asking the questions 'Who am I?' and 'What is my purpose?'
Like all of Lees' books, it is a clear and insightful look into how to live a life for growth and completion. By choosing to live 120 years, the entire mindset of how you live changes. When we choose to believe that 60 years of age is potentially only the half way point of our lives, we begin to realize that we want the second half of our life to be meaningful and active. A time to make a contribution for the benefit of humanity, a time to make a difference. We can awaken to the fact that the physical body has already reached its highest completion, but the spirit will go on. We can use life's later years to refine and brighten our consciousness. When physical death does come, we will have no regrets.

21 reviews4 followers
January 16, 2019
Remembering my true self
I gave this book 5 stars because of its gentle juxtaposition of fact and intuition, information and inspiration, the mundane and the profound. There are lots of books out there on diet and exercise. I feel what this book adds to the conversation is Tao philosophy. My favorite part was the discussion on finding your true self in chapter 2 and on the energy system for completing your soul in chapter 3. They really spoke to me and touched my heart and made the whole book worth reading. This book really gave me hope that our later years are not only worthwhile, but important.
Auhsang Lee
8 reviews
November 10, 2017
I am fascinated as I am reading this book. Planning has always been stressful to me, but Ilchi Lee gave me a new perspective and awakening. No plan is No design. My life without a design will be confined by my circumstances and my small mindset. In the beginning, living without a plan seems like a free life, but in reality, I feel suffocated and a kind of dying without anything. Regardless of whether I have a plan, life is challenging and changes endlessly whether I want it to or not. So I made the choice to change my life as I am aspired to make it. Thank you so much, Ilchi Lee!
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Cl Tetrault
1 review
January 19, 2018
I live in what they call an "active retirement" community, so many of us are just starting to deal with this entirely new phase in our lives. I look around and I see that there are some who are embracing their new lives and others who are embracing binge-watching cable and playing games to the exclusion of everything else. ( Don’t get me wrong, I love a good binge-watch but when I overdo, I find myself becoming tired and I lose the energy to pursue other things I love.) Around here, you can tell who is in which group just by watching them walk in and out of the buildings.
Mr Lee is really on to something here. The ones who have found new goals and are working to educate, assist and inspire others (whether family or community) have a spring in their step and life in their eyes. The others are gradually losing energy and vitality steadily. It is scary to watch.
The idea of actually creating a goal you want to achieve with a plan of action is the bottom line of being healthier, happier and more creative. I see it in my own life very clearly. Since I was first exposed to these principles I have lost 85 pounds, gotten off 9 prescriptions, feel less pain in my body, and my mind is clear and confident about the life I want to live. I feel 15 years younger at 66 than I did at 60!
Recently a neighbor and I lost our husbands of 40+ years after long illnesses. We are both feeling our losses deeply but she describes herself “lost” and “having nothing to live for and needing to find something fast”. I read this book a few months before my husband died and I know that it helped me avoid some of the really painful pitfalls of widowhood. (She is reading the book now.)
The idea of actually creating a goal you want to achieve with a plan of action is the bottom line of being healthier, happier and more creative. I see it in my own life very clearly. Since I was first exposed to these principles I have lost 85 pounds, gotten off 9 prescriptions, feel less pain in my body, and my mind is clear and confident about the life I want to live. I feel 15 years younger at 66 than I did at 60!
Recently a neighbor and I lost our husbands of 40+ years after long illnesses. We are both feeling our losses deeply but she describes herself “lost” and “having nothing to live for and needing to find something fast”. I read this book a few months before my husband died and I know that it helped me avoid some of the really painful pitfalls of widowhood. (She is reading the book now.)
The plan is simple, the steps are clear and easy and you can pick and choose the parts that work for you. Just reading the book is the first step to opening up an entirely new stage of your life instead of just helplessly watch the world roll by. I know these words sound very "pie in the sky" and I wish I could make you feel the immense impact this has had on me, but I know I cannot. Just take a chance, read the book, maybe discuss it with friends and see if you see the possibilities it creates for you. Life isn't over just because you're over 60, it can be the start of a great new adventure!

Dami Kim
1 review4 followers
November 14, 2017
When I heard about living 120 years, I thought it was way too long to live. Whenever I thought about how long I could live, I just imagined living as long as my body could function properly. So 120 years really just sounded like a burden. This was just my perception of aging. I believed as you got older, you grew sick and died. After reading the book, I realized I could take care of my body and mind toward fulfillment through self care. It really opened the door of possibility for a healthy and long life for myself and others. Since then, my attitude toward my body and mind changed drastically. I go out of my way to nourish and take care of my body and mind every day, and focus on achieving completion rather than success. Ilchi Lee’s book and philosophies greatly inspired me to live a meaningful life where I can be fulfilled within myself and affect others, too.

Mark Manderson
527 reviews27 followers
March 21, 2022
My top takeaways:
- Sit less than 3 hours a day to extend life.
- Calculate your age by .07 which means 70 is the new 49.
- Food is life. Eating veggies and fruit 7 portions a day lowers premature death by 42%. If lower to 6 portions a day it drops to 36%.
- Doing 150 minutes of moderate exercise and 75 minutes high intensity exercise weekly and 3.4 years to life. Do 300 minted and 150 weekly and add 4.2 years to life but 1/2 will only add 1.8 years.
- If have positive perspective on life will add 7.5 years.
- Social connections add 7.5 years longer than those isolated.
- Reflect on the first part of your life while designing the next part.
- Death can be looked at as the beautiful completion of life.
- What have I achieved in my life?
- When was I most joyful?
- When were things most trying?
- How did I overcome hardship and what did I learn?
- What do I regret?
- What am I proud of and found rewarding?
- What choices became opportunities that changed my life?
- What values did I live by?
- What life goals have I had so far?
- What motivated me?
- Who has had a great impact on my life?
- Whom do I share my gratitude with?
- Whom do I have emotional issues that I need to resolve?
- Which of my habits do I want to keep and develop?
- Which of my habits do I want to change?
- What things have I I really wanted but failed to do?
- What are the reasons I didn't do what I wanted?
- The US has only 5% of worlds population however consumes 75% of the world's medication.
- Walk joyfully and with intention.
- If tired, Great to walk for 5-10 minutes and then lie down.
- Walking for 30 minutes daily helps the brain with memory as you age.
- Lie down on your back.
- Breathe comfortably.
- Press your belly button with 3 fingers from each hand rhythmically 100-200 times.
- After visualize your breath going through your belly button.
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1 review1 follower
November 11, 2017
The message of this book is so profound!!!
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Kim Root
8 reviews
November 14, 2017
This book is more than I expected. It encourages us to make a choice for a bright future. Whether or not is not the whole point, but we can make a choice and and make plans for that choice. I hope you can find inspiration from this book.
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