
Maruntabo- The Forest Kindergarten

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I recommend to watch you this...very enlightening (copyrighted)

In the Heart of Nature:
The Forest Kindergarten

Produced by San-in Chuo Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd., 2011

Broadcast Schedule (UTC) Mar. 19 (Mon.)
Mar. 20 (Tue.) 23:10

Visit the idyllic mountains of western Japan and discover a school without any buildings, where nature itself is the classroom, and the teachers act as guides instead of guardians, encouraging their students to think and act independently as they grow up in the heart of nature.

Filmed over a period of two-and-a-half years in the rural town of Chizu, Tottori Prefecture, this eye-opening documentary introduces an unauthorized private nursery school called Marutanbo. The school's unique style of fostering independence in young children raises interesting questions about early education, and stands in stark contrast to the overprotective childrearing practices that have become popular in contemporary Japan.

Director's Voice

Kenta Hirai
San-in Chuo Television Broadcasting
Co., Ltd.

The nursery school in the forest called 'Marutanbo' was opened in April, 2009, and we started filming it four months later. "Let the children do as they wish in the forest". It's difficult to make any judgment as to whether or not that is beneficial for the children without spending a certain period of time. While I was working on this program, however, I had the strong impression that the expressions of the children were full of life and so were the expressions of the adults watching over them. Even in the San-in region, which is rural and very different from Japan's urban areas, most people don't have the chance to come into daily contact with nature as much as they do. The government will not authorize this kind of childcare because it lies outside the current national system. But many parents want their children to attend the school, and today five times more children are receiving an education there compared with the number when the school began. Why do people choose Mar utanbo rather than the various other nursery schools and kindergartens available? After observing and filming its activities, I think I can understand the reasons.

NAB Awards 2011 Meritorious Award in Documentary & News Feature Program Div.
The 49th Galaxy Honors for programs recommended



Schools are Prisons
Practice in Place
Government Legislation


It has been proven that schools very much act like prisons through the way they are structured, as many have taken on some of Bentham’s ideas of the Panopticon Prison; schools have windows in doors and strategically placed offices where children can be monitored at all times. As well as this Foucault agrees that schools behave like prisons, due to the rules and regulations created in order to maintain power over children which are very similar to rules set by guards for prisoners. Furthermore the Big Brother Scandal highlights that schools are taking their power out of control, through the amount of CCTV which has been installed over the years, as a way to keep children under constant surveillance. Again this is very similar to how prisons operate, as they too have CCTV to monitor prisoner’s actions and behaviours.

Evidently children do learn best outside the classroom and this can be seen through Summerhill and Marutanbō. Through promoting freedom and giving children their individual rights, these educational establishments are providing children with the opportunity to learn about their own interests, through a more hands-on approach. Therefore children are benefitting greatly and are learning more from real life experience, than what they would in a classroom.

Finally the Government and Ofsted both agree that learning outside the classroom should be an integral part of every child’s learning, as it allows children to freely explore; something which cannot be easily done within the classroom. Therefore learning outside the classroom is essential to every child’s learning if they are to form correct understandings of a variety of situations.

동안거결제: 홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나라 > 실상사에서 알려드립니다 | 실상사

동안거결제: 홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나라 > 실상사에서 알려드립니다 | 실상사

동안거결제: 홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나라
작성자 실상사 20-11-29 17:50 조회102회 댓글0건


불기 2564년 동안거 결제법회를 했습니다. 코로나로 인해 대중법회를 하지 못하고, 산중스님들을 중심으로 모였습니다.

신도님들도 참석하지 못하니 많이 안타까웠는데, 그래도 사중스님들, 백장선원에 방부들인 수좌스님들, 약수암과 서진암 감원스님까지 모두 모이니 반야전에 밝은 빛이 가득해서 큰 위로가 되었습니다.

"미처 몰랐네, 그대가 나임을 - 홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나라"

실상산문 사부대중이 이번 겨울 3개월 동안 수행하고 탁마하는 주제입니다.

실상사의 특별함라고도 할 수 있는 '빛나라 시리즈'는, 반야심경에 나오는 공(空)의 사유방식을 긍정의 언어로 표현한 것이죠. 
그동안 안거 주제로 

  1. △ 삶도 빛나고 죽음도 빛나라 
  2. △ 젊음도 빛나고 늙음도 빛나라 
  3. △ 출가도 빛나고 재가도 빛나라 
등이 있었습니다.

회주스님(도법스님)은 이번 동안거 주제를 승찬스님의 <신심명> 첫구절을 가지고 설명해주셨어요.

  1. 지도무란(至道無難) 지극한 도는 어렵지 않으니
  2. 유혐간택(唯嫌揀擇) 오직 간택하지 않으면 된다네
  3. 단막증애(但莫憎愛) 무릇 싫어하고 좋아함이 없으면
  4. 통연명백(洞然明白) 곧바로 환하게 드러나리

회주스님은 이 귀절을 개인과 공동체를 예로 들어 설명해주셨습니다.

'홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나라'는 바꾸어 말하면, '개인도 빛나고 공동체도 빛나라'라고 할 수 있겠지요.

"우리를 보면, 대체로 소임을 맡은 사람은 공동체를 강조하고, 그렇지 않은 사람은 개인을 강조한다. 그러나 실제로 보면 개인없는 공동체, 공동체 없는 개인이 존재할 수 있는가. 이는 나무와 숲의 관계 같아서 어느 하나만 취하거나 버릴 수 없다."

"싫어하는 길, 좋아하는 길이 아니라 홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나는 길, 개인도 빛나고 공동체도 빛나는 길이 곧 지극한 도다."

'홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나라'는 우리 삶에서 여러 가지로 구체적으로 적용해볼 수 있겠어요.

우리 삶에 한 번 잘 적용해보시겠어요?

나도_빛나고 우리도 빛나라

나도_빛나고 가족도 빛나라

우리집도_빛나고 우리마을도 빛나라

우리절도_빛나고 우리마을도 빛나라

노동자도_빛나고 회사(일터)도 빛나라'

홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나는 길, 자리이타의 삶

그렇다면, 홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나는 길은 어떻게 열어야 할까요?

회주스님은 이어서 초기불전에 나오는, 꼬살라국 빠세나디,왕과 말리까 왕비의 대화를 소개해주셨습니다. '이 세상에서 가장 사랑스러운 사람은 누구일까'라는 주제의 대화죠.

이 경전의 가르침은 "세상에서 가장 소중한 것은 나"이며, "다른 이도 자신이 사랑스러우니 남을 해치지 말라'는 것이죠. 연기적 사유방식으로 세상을 보면, 자리이타의 삶, 즉 홀로도 빛나고 함께도 빛나는 길이 열린다는 말씀이었습니다.

동안거 결제법회 소식을 간단히 전하려고 했는데, 그만 법문 중계가 되려고 해요. ^^*

회주스님의 마지막 당부로 법회소식을 마치겠습니다.

  • "연기적 사유방식을
  • 우리 삶에서 나타나게 하려고 노력하고
  • 공동체의 삶에도 녹아
  • 우리가 그렇게 이번 동안거를 보낼 수 있다면,
  • 그게 바로 참다운 정진이요,
  • 바람직한 수행이 될 것입니다."

  • 페이스북으로 보내기
  • 트위터로 보내기

Challenges of Globalization and Prospects for an Inter-civilizational World Order | Ino Rossi | Springer

Challenges of Globalization and Prospects for an Inter-civilizational World Order | Ino Rossi | Springer


Challenges of Globalization and Prospects for an Inter-civilizational World Order

Editors: Rossi, Ino (Ed.)

  • Provides the most significant research in the field of globalization by the founders of the field as well as by second generation scholars
  • Includes substantive essays on globalization processes and anti-globalization movements as well as guidelines for strategies and policy-making  
  • Is truly comprehensive and offers perspectives from the Global North and Global South

An encyclopedic coverage of regions and issues, some of the best scholarship in the field, and an emphasis on solutions make this book an important contribution.”  Miguel Angel Centeno, Princeton University
“Exceptionally diverse and comprehensive… [this] is certain to become an essential reference work on the economic, moral, human rights and civilizational aspects of globalization.” Daniel Chirot, University of Washington
“…a much-needed comprehensive, updated, and non-Western-centric introduction to the origins, dynamics, and latest trends of globalization as seen from the perspectives of Global North and South.” Ho-fung Hung, Johns Hopkins University
“..a timely and solid overview of the key theoretical and methodological challenges faced across the social sciences as we seek to understand the possible futures of globalization.” Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz, University of Maryland
“Ino Rossi has brought together a range of authors covering multiple aspects of our current condition. This diversity of engagements is what we need to sort out our major challenges.” Saskia Sassen, Columbia University
"It is the best collection of studies on ecological globalization, latest impact on the Global South, millennia ascent of individual rights, and alternative designs of the future world order." Alvin Y. So, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

This is a must-read volume on globalization in which some of the foremost scholars in the field discuss the latest issues. Truly providing a global perspective, it includes authorship and discussions from the Global North and South, and covers the major facets of globalization: cultural, economic, ecological and political. It discusses the historical developments in governance preceding globalization, the diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to globalization, and analyzes underdevelopment, anti-globalization movements, global poverty, global inequality, and the debates on international trade versus protectionism. Finally, the volume looks to the future and provides prospects for inter-civilizational understanding, rapprochement, and global cooperation. This will be of great interest to academics and students of sociology, social anthropology, political science and international relations, economics, social policy, social history, as well as to policy makers.

Table of contents (57 chapters)