Showing posts with label Starseeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starseeds. Show all posts


** I Am a Pleiadian!: Starseeds on Earth! By The Abbotts 2023 Scribed

I Am a Pleiadian!: Starseeds on Earth! Scribed

I Am a Pleiadian - Starseeds on Earth 
By The Abbotts 
Revised Edition 2023 
A Beacon of Light Book

The Abbotts Books 
Working towards: Peace, Harmony and Unity 
Many people are drawn to the Pleiades star system as have many ancient cultures for thousands of years. The Abbotts paranormal specialists explain that 80% of all men and women born since 1971 are Starseeds or ex- Pleiadians. They incarnate with many Pleiadian Off-Planet traits and a strong urge to create Pleiadian conditions here on Earth! Learn about life on the Pleiades Home Worlds from Pleiadian beings and from intriguing channelled messages from the Ascended Masters. 

The Abbotts add their own unique and easy to understand knowledge that they have gathered as hypnotherapists and clairvoyants. A fascinating book with special knowledge for all Starseeds, ex-Pleiadians and students of esoteric para-sciences.

Print length ‏ : ‎ 110 pages
Customer Reviews: 4.5 out of 5 stars    22 ratings

The Abbotts

The Abbotts, writers of over 250 low-cost books; new releases on psychic abilities, star seeds, off planet lives, aliens, love, relationships, health; the paranormal.

 Please visit Amazon's The Abbotts Page and " + Follow" us for regular updates.

The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing more alternate books and branching out into other forms of mass media including films, animation and speaking and translated books.

The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. And please recommend us to your friends & family.

Love and Light

The Abbotts

Tony Abbott and Robyn Abbott

From other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 19 July 2021
Verified Purchase
I love this book. It resonates with me so much and how I've been feeling all my life since I was a child. It is very validating 💕
One person found this helpful
Amazon Kunde
3.0 out of 5 stars Nice
Reviewed in Germany 🇩🇪 on 24 June 2018
Verified Purchase
It's a nice book to read but most of the context is the same as in "I am Sirian", so it didn't really impress me.
Helen Patz
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 28 February 2015
Verified Purchase
Great read, thanks!
2 people found this helpful

Victor Rouă
2 books · 2 followers

March 18, 2022
I perceived 90% of the contents of this book to be very accurate and real to me. However, the lifespan of the Pleiadians is, according to other sources I read, much higher than the one mentioned in this book. Also, according to my intuition and deepened spiritual research, Lemuria (Mu) and Atlantis were primarily Pleiadian colonies here on Earth. They even coexisted for a certain period of time. Greed, thirst for power, materialism, and 'playing' God in a very dark manner decisively manifested their downfall...

Otherwise, plenty of very good lessons in the living indeed! I can definitely recommend it to like-minded interested people. It will be well worth it, trust me! All the best, much health, take care, and stay safe to everyone reading this! 😊

Table of Contents 
Title: - Starseeds on Earth 

  • The Pleiades 
Chapter One - Pleiadian Divine Missions 
  • Daily Unity 

Chapter Two - Pleiadian Love 
  • Twin Flames 
  • The Four Aspects of Life 
  • The Physical Body 
  • The Emotional and Thought Processes 
  • Spiritual/Religious Beliefs 
  • Twin Flame Message 

Chapter Three - Pleiadian Work 
  • What Do You Most Love to Do in Life Exercise 
  • Life Plans 
  • What is Meditation? 
  • Guides for Meditating 
  • Basic Meditation
  • Divine Plan Work Exercise 

Chapter Four - Pleiadian Health 
  • Pleiadian Diet on Earth 
  • Mental Health 
  • The Motivation Chakra and Illegal Drugs 
  • Health Ideas? 
Chapter Five - Pleiadian Relationships 
  • Omni - Principle 4 : Parable 3 
  • Question & Answer 1 - Family 
  • Question & Answer 2 - Physical body 
  • Question & Answer 3 - Parents 
  • Question & Answer 4 - Brothers and Sisters 
  • What Have Your Brothers and Sisters Taught You? 
Chapter Six - Pleiadian Finances 
  • Meditation Exercise for More Money 
Chapter Seven - Pleiadian Spirituality 
  • Meditation to Meet Your Personal Spirit Guides 
  • Astral Travelling 
  • Exercise to Astral Travel 
Chapter Eight - Pleiadian Future 
  • The Seven Laws that Pleiadians Live by Are - 
  • 1. We are all One! 
  • 2. We have All incarnated for a Higher Purpose 
  • 3. All Pleiadians Work to Help Others and the Planet 
  • 4. We Have Respect for All Life Forms 
  • 5. We All Strive to Make a Society Built on Equality 
  • 6. We all have Free will tempered with Unconditional Love 
  • 7. We All Act Like an Ascended Master and Treat Others as Such 
  • Earth Healing Meditation 
  • Other Book Titles by The Abbotts 
  • Who Are You? - Discovering Your Cosmic Origins 
  • Pleiadian Tales - Life and Love! 
  • Twin Flames 
  • Merkabah! - Your Amazing Spiritual Vehicle! 
  • Pleiadian Ways - Starseed Relationships! 
  • The Authors 
  • Who Are The Abbotts 
  • Tony Abbott 
  • Robyn Abbott 
  • Book Categories by The Abbotts 
  • Search: The Abbotts Books 
  • End of Book

Hi, we are The Abbotts, counsellors, writers and paranormal experts. Many of our readers and clients have asked us to tell them more about Off-planet lives following them reading our book ‘Who Are You? Discovering Your Cosmic Origins’. Many men and women have found that they are Pleiadians after doing our quizzes and want to know how the Pleiadians live on their own planet. 

They also want to know how their previous existence on the Pleiades effects them on Earth, in this current lifetime. Through our own research and with help from channelled messages from Pleiadian entities and the Ascended Masters, we have gathered as much information as we can, to fulfil this desire for more Pleiadian knowledge. We hope that this book will give you the answers that you seek. 
The Ascended Masters, Archangels and Pleiadian Beings add their own particular wisdom to our work. They are wise, loving, understanding and humorous beings! 

We have channelled them for over forty years and they have always enriched our lives with their Higher wisdom! We hope that you will read this book with an open heart and mind. 

Many of the scenarios we write about are taken from actual experiences we encounter and from our clients’ everyday life problems. However, names and situations have been changed. You will find that the many exercises and explanations in this book are written in an easy-to-understand manner. 

Our aim is to illuminate you, not confuse you even further! 
We hope that you will find this book as fascinating as we did discovering the Pleiadian outlook on life! 
Tony Abbott & Robyn Abbott 
The Abbotts 
Eden Park. 2012 
This revised edition 2023

The Pleiades 
The Pleiades are a star system in the constellation of Taurus. Also known as the Seven Sisters, it contains over 3000 stars, six of which are clearly visible to the naked eye. The Pleiades has been the source of much mythology in many civilisations and was known to the Egyptians, South Americans and Australian Aborigines. Alcyone is the brightest of the blue white stars and is considered the central sun, astronomically and religiously.

Chapter One - Pleiadian Divine Missions 
Everyone has had lives on various Off-planet worlds. As hypnotherapists, we have heard many clients describe these amazing planets of vivid green skies or double-mooned nights. Whether you have incarnated directly from the Pleiades or have had a previous incarnation there or know someone who is obviously an ex-Pleiadian, you should find the information that we have gathered as important, 
to understanding the Pleiadian outlook on life. For Pleiadians or Starseeds do think differently to the many other Off-planet races! 
At present over 80% of all males and females born since 1971 are Pleiadians! This means that they spent a lifetime on a Pleiadian Home world planet before their death. They would have then spent some time on the Higher realms, what we call Heaven - then finally, they incarnated to Earth. 
At certain times in history, certain specific groups of people are sent en masse to Earth, to bring in important social changes. In the past there would have been Andromedan cultures such as Ancient Rome, Early Greece and Atlantis where beings incarnated from Andromeda to bring in social changes of structure, law and philosophy. 
There would have been some Pleiadians there but they would have been only around 5% and would have been the actors, poets and artists etc. The ridged societies of the Andromedans would not have appealed to the sensitive Pleiadians! 
Nor were they suited to the Orion cultures of the Middle Ages farming in Viking colonies or the busy Sirian cultures of Egypt or South America Aztecs. Again a few men and women in these societies would have been the more sensitive, artistic people, but not the common man or woman. 
But in this current era, they have incarnated as a huge group, why? It is in order to make real positive changes to the structure of societies all over the planet. This time in large overwhelming numbers, they can shape the Earth, as they want! But of course, most of them are completely unaware of their Divine Missions for incarnating to Earth. Most of these ex-Pleiadians have not yet woken up to 
who they truly are! More importantly, they have not realised that how they lived their former lives on the Pleiades, now affects their thoughts, feelings and actions in this current life! They are now in human bodies, but their subconscious minds strongly remember their Pleiadian past and culture and is trying to make them relive it now! 
Many of our clients who are ex-Pleiadians, come to see us worried about their behaviour or are puzzled as to the way life works on Earth, not realising that they are acting instinctively in a Pleiadian manner not in a Terran (Earth) manner! So if you have ever felt ‘out of step’ with others, it is highly likely that you had a previous life on the Pleiades and are still ‘acting it out!’ 
We shall examine many important issues in this book concerning life on Earth, as seen from a Pleiadian and Terran outlook. Those everyday issues that involve us all - such as love, sex, work, relationships, health, spirituality and entertainment. Examined from both viewpoints, Pleiadian and Terran, you can learn to make informed choices in life that will enhance your lifestyle. Remembering your 
Pleiadian past will not be a disadvantage to you but a real asset! 
So open your mind to new possibilities and remember the old adage - Don’t say - “When I see it, I will believe it” but instead say - “When I believe it, then I will see it!” 
One of our most friendly Pleiadian contacts for channellings has been Kirri of the Rings, who described herself once as a type of Anthropologist, interested in all life forms! 
Message from Kirri of the Rings 
“Your Mission on Earth as one huge collective force is to spread Unity! Unity throughout the nations of the Earth. To make everyone feel, act and think as One. To improve the social conditions of all men, women and children, so all are equal. To promote the equality of all sexes, races, ages and reli- gions. To understand on a spiritual level that you are all created equal and are connected as One. This 
is your combined mission. It can be performed in many ways - in your homes; in your relationships with others; in your communications; in your literature; in your leisure time activities; in your music and in your spirituality! 
On the Pleiades everyone works for the betterment of others as well as themselves. Every action is preceded by the thoughts - “Is this the Highest thing to do?” “Will it harm someone else or result in a negative influence on the planet?” if it is not the Highest action, then a Pleiadian will sacrifice his or  her own desire for the good of the whole society. 
On your own Earth, you can follow these same procedures when you can not decide on a suit- able course in life. If you all worked in this way, you would have no poverty, no wars and no pollution! 
Here is another cosmic message from Kirri of the Rings concerning the Pleiades. 
Kirri of the Rings 
“You ask me who are the Pleiadians and I will tell you a little of our beautiful, green world. You call the Pleiades the Seven Sisters, as you see seven stars above, but our galaxy is really made up of over 3,000 stars. Of course, most are inhabitable. But we have colonised quite a few! 
We are a gentle race of men and women who live in peace and unity. We help each other to our full potential and strongly encourage artistic and musical abilities. We have no dirty factories and no pollution or crime. We live in harmony with our beautiful home planets. We do not strip the forests for wood or rape the land for gemstones and fuel. This is not of the highest! We were once like you, brash and troublesome, but we outgrew our need for great materialism and power. We choose instead to live simple, natural lives, increasing our psychic powers and creating harmony with all life forms. 
We are vegetarian and would never harm another living animal or life form. We are designed physically to ingest our green sunlight and simple fruits and nectar liquids. Those of us who are adventurous of spirit, may choose to join the Ashtar Command and travel to distant galaxies in mighty space craft, to help less advanced civilisations - for this is a good purpose! 
We know that we all come from the one source and the first life planet near the sun Vega in the constellation of Lyra, so you are our distant cousins. This is why I send my mind out to you in astral projection, to talk to you, cousins of mine! To encourage you all to live better, end famine, war and 
pain and live more naturally and in harmony with your Earth’s spirit - Gaia. Then you will have a lov-ing, happy world like our own! 
But it must start with everyone taking on responsibility for their own actions and lifestyles. Are you living the best possible life for yourself, others and the planet Earth? Consider this, cousins and please adjust your lives accordingly! 
So we are now aware that all Pleiadian men and women incarnate with one special agenda -to spread Unity throughout Earth. We now ask you to write down three ways in which you can try to achieve this mission each day.

Daily Unity 
I try to create Unity each day by ?




The Four Aspects of Life 
As spiritual beings it is becoming increasingly very important to realise that our lives are made 
up of four major components. These components include: 
1. A Physical body 
2. An Emotional process 
3. A Thought process 
4. Spiritual/Religious beliefs 
As you begin to take control of your life and these four aspects, you will gradually learn how to 
create around yourself, a very personally fulfilling, healthy, harmonious and prosperous lifestyle. 
Now, to explain each of these components in greater detail -


Chapter Three - Pleiadian Work 
Work on the Pleiades is very different to employment on Earth. No one has to work, but everyone 
chooses to contribute to their society in some way. There are many artists on the Pleiades. They have 
many many years to work on perfecting their techniques. 
Kirri has told us that - 
“My own recreational and artistic talents lie in the playing of the Rings, a Pleiadian instrument of 
musical light and sound. Rather like a laser, sonic show. 
Others perform dances and aerial ballets of great beauty. Many musical instruments are similar 
to your pipes, drums and harps, but pitched at a higher tone and they produce colours and symbols, 
which affect the emotions. 
No one forces us to work, but we merely follow our interests and passions. Some people are 
administrators of great wisdom; others are interested in farming and plant growth. We may have sev- 
eral careers over our long lives. One friend has been a healer, then a scientist and is now a gifted 
Our personal needs are simple. We do not desire many clothes, electronic equipment or status 
symbols as your society does. Our homes are small or communal and our personal possessions are 
few. Why do we need pictures on our walls or televisions when we have so much natural beauty out- 
When we decide on a career path, we seek out masters in that field to teach us over many years. 
We have hands-on-experience from day one, as you would say. We learn our craft by doing! Simple 
work at first and then more intricate designs or skills. We may take 80 years to perfect a craft or pro- 
fession. Hurrying is not our style! 
Our families, communities and friends support our study and work. They are happy to house 
and feed us if necessary in our ‘apprenticeships’ because our work will in the long term benefit every- 
You may think that Kirri’s lifestyle and work sounds very idyllic and that this is not how Earth 
operates! But if you look at the social changes that have occurred since the first Starseeds incarnated 
in late 1960’s and early 1970’s, you will find that the Pleiadian influence is creating many changes in 
our social set-up. 
We know many people who live on social service payments while they follow their artistic and 
musical careers. They refuse to ‘buy into’ the materialism of society and live cheaply and simply while 
they follow their passions. Others live at home well into their thirties and forties with their parents 
while they establish themselves in their creative ventures. 
Ex-Pleiadians have manifested a freer, more liberal society which tolerates their creative pursuits 
and does not force them to work in factories and offices, as it once would have done! 
How then can you find your special talent that will fulfil you and help you contribute something 
to Earth society? We call this your Life Plan. A Life Plan is a schedule of events you wish to occur dur- 
ing your lifetime that will bring you great personal satisfaction and spiritual growth. 
In your Life Plan are such things as career choices, sexual relationships, friendships, travel activ- 
ities etc. Your Life Plan is doing the work that you love to do! Work that is fulfilling to you and actually 
enriches your own and other’s lives. It may not provide you with great wealth or fame, but you jump 
out of bed each morning, looking forward to using your special talents. 
All beings are born with certain talents, abilities and skills. Some are obvious from an early age - 
the child singing star, the young super athlete or the child mathematical genius. Many of these chil- 
dren have had many previous lives, perfecting these skills. 
For instance a spirit may have had a life as a famous composer such as Chopin or Bach and 
wishes to continue this love of music in the next life. Some of his talents will emerge at an early age. 
The three-year-old genius, who can play the piano within a few short lessons, is an example of this. 
However, most of us will have skills which are much subtler and which have to be relearned in this 
current life. 
For instance, perhaps you were a studious, young girl, with your head always in a book. People’s 
behaviour and exploits, always fascinated you. You would counsel your playmates and even attempt to 
psychoanalyse your dolls! 
Your impulse to counsel and help others is strong and the human mind fascinates you. This is 
the sort of gift that if developed gradually and with the appropriate schooling, a counsellor, psychi- 
atrist or psychologist, could emerge. 
This will shape the girl’s Life Plan, into being, as she uses her counselling, empathy and caring 
skills. They will provide her with a comfortable living and satisfy her inner need, to understand and 
work with people. 
Her parents who encourage her in her studies, her clients who respond to her counselling tech- 
niques and her boyfriend who supports her in her endeavours are all usually soul group members 
who are trying to help her achieve these goals. 
She can further develop this into her World Plan or Divine Mission of Unity, by perhaps writing 
about her discoveries about confused people and how to fix their special problems. Or perhaps, she 
will offer her services to a free clinic, to help poor people with mental problems, overcome their diffi- 
In the same way, a boy born with a love of colour and form may begin to paint as an amateur and 
later become a professional artist. His imaginative paintings may give great joy to many people 
around the Earth, inspiring and uplifting them emotionally. He could further, hold free painting clinics 
for young aspiring artists. 
He is therefore living both his Life Plan and his World Plan. Everyone who hinders him or helps 
him is acting karmically and is usually part of his soul group. Perhaps, your gift has not yet emerged. 
But, you will definitely have it within you! 
If you are not quite sure, just what your Life Plan is and how it can be developed to be your 
World Plan that helps the world, you might like to try the following steps.

What Do You Most Love to Do in Life Exercise 
Write down the TEN (10) things/activities that you most love to do 
in life!? 
Now notice if there is a common thread running through your favourite activities. For instance, if 
you have listed - movies, television, playing with cosmetics, fashion, and acting, as your five most 
favourite activities and you have always daydreamed about being involved in the movie or television 
industry, begin to look for opportunities to work in that field. 
Everyone can’t be a movie star, but you could do a course that enables you to become a makeup 
artist or even enter as a general helper. If you are not yet confident enough, to begin to work profes- 
sionally in this field, offer your services to an amateur theatrical society and get some practical expe- 
rience. The important thing is to be doing what you love! 
On the other hand, if you answered - talking to people, helping people, herbal tonics, gardening, 
playing with children, you may decide to start classes in herb growing, teaching people, particularly 
children, to use natural remedies and relate to Mother Earth. 
Begin on an amateur level, then study the vocation and eventually, you may find yourself doing 
this professionally for a job. The important thing is to define your gifts, which should be your loves 
also, and begin to practically use them, first as a hobby then later as a profession. This will greatly sat- 
isfy you and make your life more fulfilling and content! Share what you do well!
Life Plan
Spirit has spoken often about our Life Plans. 
“You all have two plans that you incarnate with, firmly implanted within you. One is to use the 
thing that you are most talented to do, for your own life’s work. This is called your Life Plan. The other 
is your World Plan and this involves your contribution to help humanity. It may be the same or an off- 
shoot of your life plan, such as a professional musician who gives free concerts for charities. Or it 
may be that your professional work is as a nurse, but you also love to sing, so you entertain the elderly 
for free, at the weekends. 
As you begin to do what you are truly meant to do, other opportunities will open up for you, to 
expand your gifts and talents. 
Look for how we have already attempted to nudge you. Look for the coincidences that try to lead 
you gently, along a certain pathway in life. Look at the opportunities offered to you. Take chances that 
irresistibly call to you, to fulfill your life’s dream. Deep in your heart, you know what makes you happy 
and fulfilled - find ways now, to achieve that in your life!” 
Here is how to find out a little more about your Life and World Plans using meditation.

What is Meditation? 
On the Pleiades meditation is taught from early childhood. Meditation is a conscious state of 
relaxation in which the mind is disengaged from its usual worries and thoughts, while the physical 
body becomes relaxed and the emotions are uplifted. During this meditative state the person can 
experience thoughts and sensations beyond their normal range of being. 
Meditation can help your body regain natural good health by lowering your blood pressure and 
relieving your body of stress and tension. Its powers have been used by doctors to fight cancer and re- 
lieve ulcers. It is a sedating agent and restorative for the mind, as problems can be put aside tempo- 
rarily while meditating and often solutions to problems are obtained with greater insight while medi- 
Spiritual insights are often experienced while meditating. It is said, “That prayer is you talking to 
Spirit (God), while meditation is a chance for Spirit to speak back to you!”

Guides for Meditating 
Room temperature - warm and comfortable, your body temperature may drop during meditation. 
Noise levels - as quiet as possible. Gentle music may be conducive to relaxing into meditation. 
Sweet smelling - perfumed oils may help to create a relaxed mood. Try sandalwood, lavender or 
Calming colours in the room such as blues, greens or neutral. Not vibrant reds or oranges, as 
these stimulate. 
Gems - such as clear quartz crystal and amethysts can be helpful for meditating. They help in- 
crease focus and awareness. 
Light levels - you should not have to meditate in the dark, semi-light is fine. 
Posture - sitting comfortably in a chair is fine. Lying down is not recommended, as you may fall 
Imagination - is a very special gift to be encouraged during meditation. 
It is always sensible to protect yourself spiritually and psychically by imagining yourself inside a 
gold and white eggshell of divine light before meditating. This will protect you from negative influ- 

Basic Meditation 
For novice meditators, we suggest that you sit quietly with your eyes closed. 
Begin with three deep breaths. Breathing out tension on the ‘out’ breath and breathing in relax- 
ation on the ‘in’ breath. 
Relax your entire body. Imagine that you are floating in a bath of warm water. 
Clear your mind of all thoughts. When a thought intrudes, merely push it to one side. If this is 
difficult to do at first, visualise a beautiful rose and keep your attention on it and nothing else. 

Divine Plan Work Exercise 
1. Place your protective eggshell of gold and white light around yourself. 
2. Sit quietly and meditate. Allow all thoughts to fade away. Take 3 deep breaths. 
3. Then begin to relax all parts of your body. Start at your crown and then slowly work down to 
the ends of your toes. Relax all of your muscles 
4. Now send from your heart and mind a gold coloured beam of light out into the Universe and 
accompany it with the thought - 
“I wish to become more wakened to my true being! 
I want to understand my Life Plan and my World Plan!” 
5. Now, breathe deeply and move your arms and legs and open your eyes. 
6. Do this once a day for one week. 
7. Be aware of events occurring in your daily life that get your attention. Ask yourself “Is there 
anything for me to learn from this situation that will help me with my self-improvement and Divine 
If you can’t do the thing you love professionally, at least do it as a hobby or service to humanity. 
A service to humanity is your World Plan. 
Can’t sing professionally for money? Join a choir that visits the elderly in nursing homes and joy- 
fully express your talent for free. 
Your soft toys are not good enough to sell commercially? Either go to classes to improve your 
skills or donate the toys freely, to an orphanage. If you have a good voice, read books to the elderly or 
blind people. Do not give up your talent or true love! This is unique to you. Don’t live a half-life, as so 
many people do! 
As you begin to do what you are truly meant to do, other opportunities will open up for you, to 
expand your unique gifts and talents. Look for how Spirit or the Universe has already attempted to 
nudge you in your daily life. 
Look for the coincidences that try to lead you gently along a certain pathway in life. Look at the 
opportunities offered to you. Take chances that irresistibly call to you, to fulfill your life’s dream. Deep 
in your heart, you know what makes you happy and fulfilled - find ways now, to achieve that in your 
Flowing with these simple plans will make your life unique and joyful! But be warned, often it will 
mean a reduction in income! This is one of the biggest resistances we find, to people wanting to live 
their Life Plan. They may hate the work that they currently do, but it pays well. Some people are on an- 
tidepressants and feel suicidal, but suggest that they stop the hated, but well paying job and try some- 
thing they love to do and they get very angry and defensive! 
They place money and success, well above their own happiness and mental health! This seems 
very odd to us, but is much more common than you realise! To these misguided people we suggest 
that at least, they do their loved activity as a hobby and hopefully one day, turn it into something more 
Pleiadians love their work, why can’t you?

Chapter Four - Pleiadian Health 
Pleiadians are generally exceptionally healthy people who enjoy a lifespan of nearly 400 years. 
Unlike us Terrans of Earth, they have not had their physiology interfered with by other alien races! 
They live active lives and enjoy water sports such as sailing and swimming. Their diet is a light one of 
natural fruits, honey-like substances and vegetables. They are vegetarian and long ago gave up hunt- 
ing and eating animals. 
Nevertheless, when they are ill or worried they seek guidance and treatments from healers of all 
types. These healers stress that balance is important in a person’s life as well as a good connection to 
the Spiritual Force. Alcyone the Pleiadian central sun’s rays are also healing and life-giving. 
Many ex-Pleiadians find that they are confused about dietary issues on Earth. At first they may 
over-indulge in the unfamiliar fast food products of fried chicken and beef burgers etc. When they find 
they are putting on unneeded weight, they may become bulimic or anorexic in order to unconsciously 
become ‘as thin as a Pleiadian!’ 
Others find that they are allergic to certain Earth foods such as wheat, gluten, yeast and milk 
products. Oddly enough, they are unconsciously bringing over Off-Planet responses to unfamiliar 
food! Wheat and cows don’t exist on the Pleiades! 
Since the mid 1980’s there has been a dramatic increase in the number of young girls and 
women suffering from various types of eating disorders, across the world. These include Bulimia 
(over eating and then vomiting up the food), Anorexia Nervosa (intentionally starving oneself to 
achieve a slimmer body shape) and constant dieting by young women and men in order to achieve an 
idealized body size and shape. Many of these unhealthy eating disorders result in body disfigurement, 
stomach complaints, fatigue and mental confusion and in some cases, eventual death. Kirri the Pleia- 
dian has told us in channellings - 
“One reason for these dietary disorders occurring is that these young Starseeds have very pow- 
erful unconscious memories of living on the Pleiades, in tinier bodies. They are used to eating tiny 
amounts of food, which on the Pleiades is normal. These Starseeds are unaware that it is impossible 
to eat such tiny amounts of food on Earth and remain healthy! 
They need to realise that they are NOW on Earth inhabiting a human body, which needs larger 
amounts of food to sustain it. They are not on the Pleiades, inhabiting a Pleiadian body, which also 
takes nourishment from pranic energy. 
If you are currently suffering from an eating disorder and you wish to overcome the illness, we 
encourage you to follow our recommendations, which are - 
1. The first thing to do is fully realise that the human body does need a certain amount of solid 
food to remain healthy and strong. Therefore, Starseeds need to develop their own dietary needs that 
combine Pleiadian and Earth principles. 
2. Gradually change your eating habits, so that you begin to consume food, which is naturally 
high in pranic energy. As you do this, you will develop a healthy and attractive physical body! What 
could be better?

Pleiadian Diet on Earth 
Foods and liquids high in pranic energy include: 
1. Natural fresh fruit and vegetables (eat when in season). 
2. Natural foods like fresh cheese, butter and yoghurt or soy if preferred. 
3. Unprocessed or lightly processed foods including whole grain breads (try corn instead of 
wheat) and unrefined sugar. 
4. Foods with a high water content like soup. 
5. Foods that you are naturally feel drawn to. 
6. Natural honey and malt type foods. 
7. High carbohydrate foods like pasta bread and natural flour products (corn, soy, rice, rye etc.) 
8. Pure water (If necessary filter your drinking and cooking water). 
9. Natural fresh fruit and vegetable drinks like orange and tomato juice. 
For more physical energy, try eating radishes, red capsicum, peppers, chillies and hot spicy food. 
As you may have noticed, this list is quite extensive and highly adaptable to suit individual tastes. 
We encourage everyone to eat a well-balanced, high pranic, energy diet. This is suitable for all 
While your Pleiadian past incarnations are very important to you, as they have instilled in you a 
strong desire for Unity (Oneness), Peace, Tolerance and Non-materialism, remember you have en- 
tered this present lifetime on Earth, as a volunteer! You chose deliberately to come to Earth this life- 
time to complete a Spiritual Mission, not to become addicted to trying to regain a lighter, smaller 
Pleiadian body. 
The Pleiadian diet is simple and very light and they exist on strong sustaining pranic energy 
found in sunlight, but you are unable to do this in this current lifetime, as your human body is not de- 
signed for this. To try to live on a Pleiadian diet is contrary to your life work and Mission. Please do 
not jeopardise your important soul work, by being distracted and fixating on your body image. 
Accept the difference and uniqueness of the human Earth body with all its beauty. You might like 
to try this affirmation daily to inspire you to accept your special Earth body. 
“In this incarnation, I have chosen to have a healthy, strong Earth 
I am on a special Spiritual Mission and I need a healthy, active body, 

full of energy to achieve this goal. 
I will eat well and this will give me strength and vitality! 
I am a creative, loving spirit and I love my new human form!” 
We understand where your problems on diet have arisen, but we do urge you to accept your new 
earth body with joy and wonder, for Spirit has often told us - 
“To us, you are all creatures of beauty and promise. None of you are ugly; none of you are lesser, 
only in your own mistaken eyes. You are angels in resplendent forms, capable of great, wise acts of 
kindness. Love yourself!”

Mental Health 
Mental health is important on the Pleiades and any problems are usually sorted out by kind 
counsellors during childhood or adolescence. Young men and women who seek adventure and are 
discontented with the Pleiadian slower lifestyle often join the Ashtar Command, an interplanetary 
peace force for excitement. Being able to travel in space is a great cure for itchy feet! 
However many ex-Pleiadians find Earth a very confusing place. They see life as alien and fright- 
ening and often create mental illness in order to escape from reality. Unfortunately the more unusual 
they behave the worst people treat them. So it is a type of Catch 22 scenario! However as psychiatry 
and healers generally become gentler and more tolerant in their treatments, so many confused 
Starseeds will find greater balance and courage in their daily lives. 
Drugs are also a method that Starseeds use to escape the harshness of Earth life. But again they 
make the situation worse. As the ex-Pleiadian becomes dependent on the drugs, so they lose moti- 
vation to complete their Life Plans and create Unity. Their health often deteriorates rapidly and rela- 
tionships with others degenerate as the addiction overwhelms them. 
Men and women do not use recreational drugs on the Pleiades. They get ‘high’ by creating love 
and positivity wherever they go. They find their individual passions such as art and music and begin 
to work enthusiastically with them. They enjoy the healthy company of others and don’t need artificial 
chemicals to make life exciting!

The Motivation Chakra and Illegal Drugs 
Lord Sananda has tackled the question of marijuana use in this channelled message - 
“I will explain something others do not know, and that is that prolonged use of marijuana, alco- 
hol and other recreational drugs affect the Motivation Chakra located in your brain’s hippocampus re- 
gion and is stopping you, the Starseeds, achieving your higher spiritual goals of Unity! 
Now, a scientist would explain to you that the horse shoe shaped hippocampus, (where your 
Motivation Chakra is located) affects your ability to remember things that have happened recently, 
intricately connect relevant information memories, sleep patterns and affects your spatial awareness. 
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) elements in recreational drugs such as marijuana, alcohol etc., 
damage the brains hippocampus. People with hippocampus damage, often lose their way down famil- 
iar streets and can’t find their way home. Isn’t this what the Starseeds have done, lost their way? Not 
home on Earth, but to achieve their Higher Spiritual goals and find and put into action, their Mission 
in life? 
Because the Starseeds see life on Earth as so hard, so harsh, so alien, they are willing to compro- 
mise their spiritual higher mission to achieve respite from Earth’s drudgery, by using recreational 
drugs regularly, to soften the experience of being here. Unfortunately, they don’t realise that they are 
also negating and ruining their major reason for incarnating! The drugs that make the Earth experience 
bearable also make it impossible for them to achieve the goals that they set out to achieve! Their moti- 
vation is gone. In other words they are wasting a life and don’t know it! 
This is not to say that the Starseeds are not caring, spiritual beings, but they are limiting drasti- 
cally their spiritual and psychic powers. They are achieving only a small percentage of the tasks that 
they agreed to achieve on Earth. Many are finding that the drugs damage their brains and bodies and 
predispose them towards suicide - because they think that, ‘Life has no meaning!’ Their Motivation 
Chakras have been closed down by drug use and they have tragically lost their way. Just as the earlier 
colonising races lost their way by overusing their Control and Power chakras! 
But, you can reactivate your Motivation Chakra! You can defeat your Nemesis! You can achieve 
your Life Plans! 
How can this problem be fixed? How can your Motivation Chakra come back ‘online’? By you, 
dear Starseed, deciding do you want to achieve your Higher Mission to aid the people of Earth and the 
planet, by achieving Unity and your individual Life Missions or do you want the frequent escapist 
‘high’ of drug use? Only you can make the decision! 
I send you my Love, Light and Hope always”, 
Pleiadians are amongst the kindest, most sensitive beings in the Universe, but are often their 
own worst enemies at helping to maintain their health and life balance. They abuse their bodies with 
dieting and bad food, they take harmful drugs and often think of suicide. They don’t fear death, which 
is right, but they also don’t value life enough! Until they discover why they are here on Earth, they 
often live unfulfilling lives. Yet the answer is within them. They need to realise that they are here for a 
special purpose! 
Sexual diseases are also a concern for the Starseeds as such illnesses do not exist on the 
Pleiades. Combined with bad personal cleanliness problems such as pubic lice (crabs), the Human 
papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes, Chlamydia and AIDS can affect young men and women who are too 
lax with personal hygiene and preventative condoms. Often they do not realise the life-long effects of 
some of these sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including problems conceiving and giving birth! 
Depression is a common illness for ex-Pleiadians as they often experience a feeling of loss. This 
makes them apathetic towards life and finding fulfilling work and relationships. This vague feeling of 
loss is their subconscious desire to return to a more familiar and pleasing Pleiadian lifestyle. 
Anxiety can affect many men and women who also experience a fear of the future and what it 
holds for them. Finding a reason for living and learning to have faith and trust in the Universe and 
therefore flow with whatever happens, can help alleviate these fears. 
Many Starseed young mothers suffer post-natal depression after the birth of their child. Although 
they long for someone to love, they are often shocked at the amount of hard work involved with rais- 
ing a baby and toddler! Often Starseed fathers are not very helpful or empathetic with their depression 
and this further exacerbates the situation. In all these cases of depression and anxiety, finding a caring 
doctor and professional counsellor who understands you will help you to deal your problems and 
achieve good emotional, mental and physical health! 
Everyone can recreate a healthy Pleiadian style life here on Earth. You can eat well, exercise for 
pleasure, work at fulfilling employment, refrain from drug use and overcome your mental and emo- 
tional blocks and problems. But it must begin with you! How can you begin now?

Health Ideas? 
Use that Pleiadian resolve to change your life for the better!






The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds - Understanding Star People and Finding Your Own Origins in the Stars

The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds - Understanding Star People and Finding Your Own Origins in the Stars

The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds - Understanding Star People and Finding Your Own Origins in the Stars

Author(s): Whitney Jefferson Evans


Discover the nature of the mysterious, spiritually potent starseeds--intuitive people who help change the world--with this easy-to-read and accessible beginner's guide!Explore the ancient new age concept of starseeds, spiritually advanced people with strong psychic abilities sent to help the earth heal, grow, and change. The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds offers a look at who starseeds are and where they come from, as well as their innate skills and spiritual sensitivities. You will gain fascinating insight into the unique personalities and nature of starseeds and even figure out if you're a starseed, too! Perfect for anyone hoping to change the world or curious about different dimensions, this book is an illuminating and enlightening look at life on a higher plane of existence.

Publication date : November 2020
Language : English
Pages : 208
The Beginner's Guide to Starseeds: Understanding Star People and Finding Your Own Origins in the Stars Hardcover – Illustrated, 3 February 2021
by Whitney Jefferson Evans (Author)
4.5 out of 5 stars    93 ratings

Discover the nature of the mysterious, spiritually potent starseeds—intuitive people who help change the world—with this easy-to-read and accessible beginner’s guide!

Explore the ancient new age concept of starseeds, spiritually advanced people with strong psychic abilities sent to help the earth heal, grow, and change. The Beginner’s Guide to Starseeds offers a look at who starseeds are and where they come from, as well as their innate skills and spiritual sensitivities. You will gain fascinating insight into the unique personalities and nature of starseeds and even figure out if you’re a starseed, too! Perfect for anyone hoping to change the world or curious about different dimensions, this book is an illuminating and enlightening look at life on a higher plane of existence.
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Print length
208 pages

Product description

About the Author
Whitney Jefferson Evans is a spiritual seeker: she spent the years of 2015–2018 studying the energy healing modality of Reiki, where she completed all four levels of training and eventually received the title of Reiki Master. She spends her free time learning about other healing modalities and using herself as a test subject for the latest in wellness trends. Throughout her studies, she’s received certificates in Crystal Reiki and Color Psychology. In her day job, Whitney currently serves as Deputy Editorial Director and Director of Pop Culture at BuzzFeed, where she manages a bicoastal team and oversees all entertainment content for BuzzFeed. She’s appeared on the Today show, CNN, HLN, Nightline, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, MTV, and VH1. She cohosted BuzzFeed’s SiriusXM radio show, BuzzFeed Radio, and has appeared on Watch What Happens Live.

Whitney Jefferson Evans
Whitney Jefferson Evans is a modern-day spiritual seeker. She spent years learning Reiki, a method of energy healing, and eventually became a Reiki Master. In her day job, Whitney serves as Managing Editor at BuzzFeed where she's and editor who writes about pop culture, wellness, and vegan food whenever she can. She’s appeared on the Today Show, CNN, MTV, VH1, HLN, Nightline, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, and Watch What Happens Live. For the latest updates, check

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Joseph J. Truncale
4.0 out of 5 stars A sometimes-fascinating book for those interested in star people.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 19 December 2022
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As someone who has been a curious and voracious reader for more than seven decades, I am always seeking interesting, unusual and even strange things to read about. This is why when I saw this 207-page hardcover book (The beginner’s guide to star seeds: Understanding a star people and finding your own origins in the stars by Whitney Jefferson Evans) on Amazon I decided to purchase it. I have to admit this book was a compelling read.

Like many those into their senior years I grew up with watching the old science fiction shows of Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Rocket man and other serials. Later in life my passion was astronomy and cosmology. Though I have read numerous books over the years on the UFO mystery beginning as a believer and ending up agnostic on the subject; nevertheless, I still find the subject fascinating and I enjoyed reading this book very much.

This book is organized into 12 chapters covering the following topics: An introduction to star seeds, a Starseed’s mission, shared traits of starseeds, unique abilities of starseeds, introduction to star families, Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Lyrans, Orions, Arcturians, and how to meet your star family.
I found the six quiz sections fun to answer where you find out which star family you probably belong too. For me it was the Orion starseed even though it also could be some of the other star family groups as well.

If you are fascinated by the idea of ancient astronauts and that we may indeed have originated from the stars, (after all we are all made of star stuff), you will enjoy reading this book.
Rating: 4 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: Zen Poetry Moments: Haiku and Senryu for special occasions).
5.0 out of 5 stars We are starseed
Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on 25 May 2022
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Mari H- NE
5.0 out of 5 stars A Great Research of Knowing
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 7 May 2022
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Starseeds,by Whitney Jefferson, is for beginners who believe they are so much more than their earth bodies.
The universe is huge, beyond our wildest imaginations! What if we have left our homes & volunteered to come
To help the planet earth?
This author is presenting us a book, to create a curiosity of really who we are.
It is written in simplified form, that all can understand. Recommended for anyone who loves who they are..but feels there is more to themselves,
then just this earth body.
Curious? It is a great key to solving one of earth's greatest mysteries.
One person found this helpful
Josh Thompson
5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 7 June 2022
Verified Purchase
I learned so much from this book. It's a great read!
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Easy Informative Read....
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 28 February 2021
Verified Purchase
Amazing book. Really glad I purchased it. Very informative but also a really easy read, nothing wrong with that sometimes. Reminded me a lot of some books I have read about Empaths but with a lot of other interesting information. Would definitely recommend!
5 people found this helpful
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