
My First Experience Speaking in Tongues and Interpretation


My First Experience Speaking in Tongues and Interpretation

May 14, 2020






Vihan Damaris93.5K subscribers

Some of ya'll asked about speaking in tongues, so I'm sharing my experience/testimony of it. I first received the gift of tongues and interpretation one night about 4 years ago. I want to stress that this gift is NOT necessary evidence of the Holy Spirit. It is actually placed 8th and 9th in the list of gifts mentioned as evidence of the Holy Spirit, according to 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. It is, however, a most beautiful gift. I am posting this not to boast, but to tell my story, hoping to clear some misconceptions, and possibly shed some light on the vague and distorted subject. Let the Holy Spirit be your final Teacher and Guide. God bless. Scripture mentioned in the video on tongues was taken from- 1 Corinthians 12:4-31 1 Corinthians 14:2-28 Acts 2 Romans 8:26-27 version used - Amplified version Check out my NEW video on how I got Hindi as a tongue, though I don't speak it! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-elFG... The reason I make videos - For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 You can become a patron at - https://www.patreon.com/vihandamaris Social Media links- Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/vihan_damaris Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/vihandamaris Twitter- https://twitter.com/vihandamaris




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Pinned by Vihan Damaris

Vihan Damaris
1 year ago (edited)
Scripture mentioned on tongues- (Amp version) 1 Corinthians 12:4-31 1 Corinthians 14:2-28 Acts 2 Romans 8:26-27 Additional verses - Matthew 6:1-2, James 1:5-6Read more



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Ivy Mudzusi1 year ago
I was 13 years when I received the gift of Tongues in class at school. Our teacher taught us about Jesus and she prayed for us to receive the Holy Spirit and we all started praying in tongues, we didn't even know what it was but we where praying and crying for no reason. I went home and told my mom who was not Christian at that time. I said Mama I received the Holy Spirit and I can pray in tongues. And she said how? The Holy Spirit came upon me again and I started praying and could not stop myself. My mom was giggling and I was deep. Her friends would come and she will call me to come and do my thing, funny enough the Holy Spirit will still come to the point where I thought thats how He does things. They will be laughing so much and I will be drunk in Him. Later on my mother recieved Christ and same day the thing she was laughing at now came on her and she started praying in tongues and crying. Today she's a great woman of God who walks in the gifts of healings and deliverance, raising the dead. All by grace, we never worked for it and we didn't even know who the Holy was. Praise to Jesus.Show less



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cici ciel1 year ago
I' was so dry and thirsting for God's words so I was praying and fasting to Jesus for guidance. Your video pops up in the notification this afternoon after watching this video I pray to Jesus for the gift of tongue and read the bible n went for a short nap Jesus appear in my dream. I woke up and pray to Jesus suddenly I started speaking in tongue for the first time in my life and it goes on more hour it was an amazing experience. thank you vihan for your wonderful video.Dear brother and sister in christ please remember in your prayer.Show less



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REGO PAUL6 months ago
The Holy Spirit is using you so beautifully and you speak so clearly better than any seasoned minister, that includes me, I am so excited to see God using the youths so mightily, continue to enjoy the journey with the Spirit of God.



Vihan Damaris
1 year ago
These are amazing gifts, nothing to be scared of! Hear my story, and share yours. :)



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serakelz1 year ago
I love how you speak of God. I got saved last year and I got the gift of tongues later, but I heard people say that sometimes we could be speaking evil tongues. That scared me a while, but when I’m in deep worship and prayer the tongues come and I cannot doubt it is God on my heart.



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Carine Keza1 year ago
If I pray in my own understanding I get mixed but once I start to pray in tongues I will pray like 40min no stop and the Holy spirit will keep giving me words. What a good way to pray praise God the enemy is confused can't mess up with your plan koz he doesn't know what is next



Izzy Natty Ali Willy Izzy1 year ago
Your love for our Lord is so beautiful



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Carole Fettig1 year ago
Amen sister. If anyone doubts the power of speaking in tongues please read the book”Chasing the dragon,” by Jackie Pullinger. She ministered to hundreds of drug addicts in the Walled City of Hong Kong (which has been torn down now) and they came off of opium etc without the torturous withdrawal symptoms, purely by speaking in tongues. God is a supernatural God that so graciously allows us to partake in the supernatural too. Don’t be afraid of the gift of tongues, as it is a beautiful and much needed gift, that empowers believers in so many ways.Show less



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Shani Marais1 year ago
I e been blessed with this beautiful gift, but when I speak to God, the words don't form in my head, they just come out and I hear it for the first time wn I verbalize it. I am also praying for the gift of interpretation. I was praying for a friend one day and she was agreeing with every word I was praying. When I was done she asked me how I knew what to pray for, when I told her I didn't know what I was saying because I was praying in tongues, she argued saying I spoke in her home language, which is Afrikaans. God is good and so powerful. It may sound morbid, but I cant wait to go "home". May Gods blessings be upon everyone. In Jesus' name. AmenShow less



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I Will Forever Praise Thee1 year ago
Amen. So funny, I didn't want the gift of tongues, but the LORD had other plans. The moment He baptized me with His spirit I fell on my face and started speaking a mile a minute in a language I had never heard before. To this day I still think it sounded like Hebrew. The love of God came into my room and completely transformed my life. The old was gone and all things were new. I was born again! I love to speak in tongues; to commune with Him in this way is so intimate. I love to worship in tongues too....beautiful! Thank you for sharing!Show less



Bennyhin Benjamin1 year ago
Hey Vihan. Watching your video, I am reminded of how I received the gift of tongues after many years of failed prayers, laying on of hands by Christians and leaders that I thought this gift was not for me. I remember this one time(the last instance before I spoke in tongues) in my church when my pastor aunt had asked the people to lift up their hands who hadn't received the gift. Being a very active member in the church, it was kinda embarrassing to lift up my hands but then I did. She looked at me from the stage with such a shock that she exclaimed "BENNY!!!!!! You don't speak in tongues????" embarrassingly I said "No" in-front of 100 odd people. The ones who lifted their hands were called froward, laid hands on and prayed; to my dismay everyone except me were speaking in tongues. I went home dejected vowing never to ask for this gift for I thought this was not my thing and the Bible also says in 1 Corinthians 12:30 "Do all speak in tongues?" Definitely NOT was my theology until I went to this Bible course where they extensively taught on Tongues and why it is necessary, essential and important for a New Testament believer. My faith shot up. I was ready to attempt for one last time. During the prayer, the leader laid hands on me annnnnd No I didn't get it this time as well. With real disappointment I stood there all alone desiring to receive it. Determined not to give up, I just said "Lord, I'm gonna open my mouth now and speak, you're gonna have to give me the words." With that prayer, I just opened my mouth and spoke in faith. Oh my world! Words came out of me like a river. I spoke and spoke right until this day I enjoy speaking in tongues. Many a times I have received prophetic words for other people and my personal life and God's guidance as a result. One thing I've realised, it is the lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) that robs people of this wonderful gift of God which is available to every believer. That is why Paul says "I wish you all spoke with tongues (1 Corinthians 14:5)" because all can speak. If I can, I believe all can. For those of you who would want to know more about Speaking in Tongues, I would like to suggest this book called "Tongues-Wonderway to Wonderworld" by Ezekiah Francis and this video on Tongues by him ( https://youtu.be/Ir-DWbXG0po?t=998 ) which helped me in my walk with the Lord. God Bless.Read more



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DYTS channel1 year ago
It's 4am and I'm shedding tears! I've waited for this gift for many years(20+), I did everything they told me( desire, pray, fast, respond to alter calls...). Maybe there is still one more thing to do...He'll reveal it! I love God so dearly



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Ms1 year ago
I remember the first time I spoke in tongues. After many years of being a believer and asking for the gift. I was in church one day, when the minister asked for people who desired the gift to come upfront. I didn’t go because I felt (ashamed/sad) that after so many years in faith I still didn’t know how to pray in tongues. I decided to go to the restroom to stall and I remember shedding tears because I thought I’d never happen. Went back to my sit not expecting anything and just prayed then suddenly I started speaking in tongues. I was overwhelmed and overjoyed. Best experience ever! Show less



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asha asha1 year ago
Those so called pastors and evangelists who make debate videos and accuse other religions and their preachers learn from this young girl.she describes her spiritual experiences so humbly without hurting others



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xoxoVnGxoxo1 year ago
You have to really desire it to get it. God honours your diligence and effort. Not just wishing it, believe in it, receive it, believe that all you ask for, believing, you have already received. So it is already in you. Don't let your mind block you



beryl roy11 months ago
What a wonderful testimony...God bless you with all of His spiritual blessings in Christ !



Drooblemeister1 year ago (edited)
I can testify that sometimes God brings tongues to us when we are not even seeking it. I was a theology student, burnt out, bible-knowledge and bible-science crammed into my brain. I went on a mission trip to Australia. I was alone one night by myself and suddenly felt this indescribable heavenly presence flood me and come on me and suddenly without even trying, I involuntarily started saying and uttering words I couldn't understand, it felt scary and overwhelmingly peaceful at the same time. It was the Holy Spirit coming upon me and praying through me. Never heard tongues before, never asked for tongues, never thought it would happen to me and yet, not closed to the Lord, I knew it was biblical. That was 13 years ago and more recently it feels it has become less and less frequent, I feel I need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life now, but God did change me that night and felt alot more fire for the Lord, boldness, easier to hear His voice, and easier to witness to people after that moment. The lesson for all should be if an unlikely candidate like myself can get baptized in the Holy Spirit in this way and be given the gift of tongues, it can happen to anyone, it might just happen at the time you are least expecting it!Show less



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Debbie Patten1 year ago
Wow, I KNOW Holy Spirit led me directly to this video today. You could not have explained it any more beautifully. You just lifted my Spirit so much. I try to explain it to people & they really don't understand. I sought the Lord in this way & received at a Bible study one night. That was around 23yrs ago now. God has brought me so far & blessed me So. About a year ago the Lord began using me to interpret tongues during our service at church. Can I say, the enemy (satan) hates us having these gifts. I have been attacked spiritually lately, but Praise the Lord for my church family to cover me in prayer. We need to agree in prayer together. I don't care what the enemy tries to do..I know GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN ME than he that's in this world. One of the biggest lies he tells people in their ear is, if God wanted you to have it you would have it. So then they stop asking & believing for the gifts. God says, when we spend that close time with the Father, He will show us great & mighty things which we do do know. Jeremiah 33:3. Blessings from Georgia, USA.Show less



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Asha Devi1 year ago
What a divine experience of speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues, communicating to God in his language. Thankyou for sharing your first experience. God bless you dear.



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