
Paul Deussen - Wikipedia 파울 도이센

Paul Deussen - Wikipedia

Paul Deussen

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul Deussen
Paul Deussen, circa 1914
Born7 January 1845
Died6 July 1919 (aged 74)

Paul Jakob Deussen (German: [ˈpaʊl ˈjaːkɔp ˈdɔʏsn̩]; 7 January 1845 – 6 July 1919) was a German Indologist and professor of philosophy at University of Kiel.[1] Strongly influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer, Deussen was a friend of Friedrich Nietzsche and Swami Vivekananda. In 1911, he founded the Schopenhauer Society (Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft). Professor Deussen was the first editor, in 1912, of the scholarly journal Schopenhauer Yearbook (Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch).

Deussen, who Sanskritised his name to "Deva-Sena"[2] as a mark of his admiration for the language, is one of the distinguished roll of Europeans who — often with lyrical admiration — participated in the scholarly Western discovery of Sanskrit and Hinduism that took place in British India itself, Germany, France and England.


Paul Deussen was born on 7 January 1845 in OberdreisNeuwied in the Rhine Province,[3] one of eight children of a clergyman of modest means. He became a student, and lifelong devotee, of the German philosopher Schopenhauer, and of the philosophy of Kant; and he became a friend of Friedrich Nietzsche. Deussen was educated at BonnTübingen and Berlin Universities between 1864 and 1881, writing his dissertation on Plato's philosophy. Deussen was appointed Privatdocent (1881-7) and Extraordinarius (1887-9) at the university of Berlin, and Ordinarius (1889–1919, the year of his death), at the University of Kiel. Until 1919, Deussen continued to edit the Schopenhauer Yearbook, as well as working on an edition of Schopenhauer's works.

It was when he attended a lecture at the University of Bonn by Professor Christian Lassen (1800-1876), expounding the Shakuntala, that Deussen was fired by Sanskrit and Hinduism. Deussen's first publication (1877) was published in English as The Elements of Metaphysics in 1894. It was followed by the translations of The Sutra of the Vedanta in 1906; The Philosophy of the Upanishads also in 1906; and The System of the Vedanta in 1912. His visit to India in 1904 was published in English as My Indian Reminiscences in 1912. However, his autobiographical papers, edited by his daughter Erika (1894-1956) and published in German in 1922, have so far not been translated into English.[citation needed]

Deussen's System of the Vedanta has been reprinted several times: he uses the Brahmasutra and – rather less — Adi Shankara's commentary on it, as the structure for his exposition.

His scholarship has been described as immense, perceptive, and meticulous. Mahinder Gulati refers to him as an Orientalist and Sanskrit scholar.[4]

Paul Deussen's name is thus linked with George Boucher, Sir William Jones and Sir John Woodroffe in British India, Anquetil-Duperron and Eugène Burnouf in France, Heinrich RothFranz BoppFriedrich von Schlegel and Max Müller in Germany, in the European revelation of the wealth of Hinduism as revealed by Sanskrit documents.[citation needed]


  • Die Elemente der Metaphysik (1877) - "nebst einer Vorbetrachtung über das Wesen des Idealismus" - 6. Auflage (1919)
  • Das System des Vedânta. Nach den Brahma-Sûtra's des Bâdarâyana und dem Commentare des Çankara über dieselben als ein Compendium der Dogmatik des Brahmanismus vom Standpunkte des Çankara aus (1883)
  • Die Sûtra's des Vedânta oder die Çariraka-Mimansa des Badarayana nebst einem vollständigen Kommentare des Çankara. Aus dem Sanskrit übersetzt (1887)
  • Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Religionen (1894ff.):
    • Band I, Teil 1: Allgemeine Einleitung und Philosophie des Veda bis auf die Upanishad's (1894)
    • Band I, Teil 2: Die Philosophie der Upanishad's (1898)
    • Band I, Teil 3: Die nachvedische Philosophie der Inder (1908)
    • Band II, Teil 1: Die Philosophie der Griechen (1911)
    • Band II, Teil 2,1: Die Philosophie der Bibel (1913)
    • Band II, Teil 2,2: Die Philosophie des Mittelalters (1915)
    • Band II, Teil 3: Die neuere Philosophie von Descartes bis Schopenhauer (1917)
  • Sechzig Upanishad's des Veda (1897)
  • Erinnerungen an Friedrich Nietzsche (1901)
  • Erinnerungen an Indien (1904)
  • Vedânta und Platonismus im Lichte der Kantischen Philosophie (1904)
  • Outlines of Indian philosophy, with an appendix: On the philosophy of the Vedânta in its relations to Occidental metaphysics (1907)
  • Vedânta, Platon und Kant (1917)
  • Mein Leben (1922)


Deussen has been called an "outstanding scholar",[5] a "great scholar" who spearheaded study of the Upanishads and Vedic literature,[6] and as a "critical scholar".[7]


  1. ^ Hans Rollmann (1979), Deussen, Nietzsche, and Vedānta, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1978), pages 125-132
  2. ^ Gopal Stavig (2011), Western Admirers of Ramakrishna and His Disciples, Vedanta, ISBN 978-8175053342, page 434
  3. ^ Stuart Brown; Diane Collinson; Robert Wilkinson, eds. (2012). Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers. Routledge. p. 184. ISBN 978-1-134-92796-8.
  4. ^ "Comparative Religious And Philosophies : Anthropomorphlsm And Divinity", by Mahinder N. Gulati, p. 106
  5. ^ Natalia Isaeva (1992), Shankara and Indian Philosophy, State University of New York Press, ISBN 978-0-7914-1281-7, page 4
  6. ^ Georg Feuerstein (2003), The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and Practice, Shambala, ISBN 978-1570629358, page 65
  7. ^ Walter Kaelber (2004), The Hindu World (Editors: Mittal and Thursby), Routledge, ISBN 978-0415772273, page 384

External links[edit]


파울 도이센

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

파울 도이센
학자 정보
출생1845년 1월 7일
사망1919년 7월 6일(74세)

파울 야코프 도이센(Paul Jakob Deussen, 1845년 1월 7일~1919년 7월 5일)은 독일의 철학자이다.


우파니샤드같은 인도 경전을 연구했고 1887년에 베를린대학교, 1889년에 킬대학 교수를 역임했다. 쇼펜하우어에게 막대한 영향을 받았고 평생 쇼펜하우어를 연구했다. 1912년에는 쇼펜하우어학회를 창립하여 활발히 연구활동을 하였다. 또한 플라톤칸트에 대해 연구하였으며 동양사상에 대해서도 연구를 해서 여러 저서를 남겼다. 인도사상에 대한 중요한 연구자로 평가받는다.



The Future of Food by Fred Kirschenmann

wingit | cos everything falls in place

The Future of Food by Fred Kirschenmann

The current trend of Agriculture is going to reach its limits. Being a fossil fuel based economy, that has been the fuel for yield and crops in the last 100 years. However there are going to be limits on Energy, and Water. To have a continued future of agriculture based on more intensifying production – like the mega farms, is not going to cut it.

For more than four decades, Fred has been a champion of agricultural resilience, an articulate advocate for soil health and a pioneer of organic farming. His work has helped transform what was once obscure and marginal work—resilient, sustainable agriculture focused on the health and restoration of the soil—into an international movement. (Stone Barnes Centre)

His solution rests on a simple principle – Diversification.

We are preparing to expect a few big shifts. First, that energy will shift from a reliance on fossil fuels. What can we do as an alternative? We can diversify agriculture so that it creates mixes and combines different ecosystem to do the work.

“We have to diversify the food system if we’re going to diversify agriculture.”

How can we do this? By incorporating wilderness.

“You can incorporate wildness into the farm and improve their productivity” – Fred Kirschenmann

“In industrial agriculture what we have done is turned a solar powered ruminant into a fossel fuel machine”-Michael Pollan

But we can do otherwise, to the current situaton.

Animals form a beautiful circular economy in this system.Free solar grows grass, and plants which feeds ruminants like cows
Chickens forage for insects, and larvae in cow manure and help to spread them
Chicken manure adds fertility
Grasses are managed
Fertility builds soil, and stores more carbon in the soil
More soil carbon holds more water
You get more biodiversity, increased ecosystems,

You can find out more about what he says in this article:





Reflections from my 10 Day meditation retreat

Life is but an endless cycle of suffering and joy. We have to accept it, when we were born into this world we were set up for this cycle.

Suffering is simply a mental state, we create the concept of suffering in our minds.

We too have the authority to reframe that same concept of suffering into joy.

We cannot predict the future, and the more we think of about it, and the more we try to cling on to our posessions, the more we sorrow we cause for ourselves.

What we CAN do is focus on ourselves in the present by being a better person. We would have known that we have done our best, and that’s the best that we can do.

So lets focus on this and when we have a strong and trained mind and body, it may be possible that one day we could break out of this cycle when we reach enlightenment. 

Our rooms, also called kutis

Ejoying a cuppa w vissen and evo, this is the coffee shop where we have our daily catchups with Ahjan Clyde

The pond where the BCDC hall overlooks

The BCDC meditation hall

One of my favourite places to meditate in the compound , the bamboo forest

Every Tuesday’s precession with the community at the Wat Sri Boonrung Temple

Every Tuesday’s precession with the community at the Wat Sri Boonrung Temple

Beautiful farms surrounding the BCDC centre

Evening sunset around Fang

Triangle lake in Fang, with floating houses





‘Folks, this ain’t normal’

Joel F. Salatin (born February 24, 1957) is an American farmer, lecturer, and author whose books include Folks, This Ain’t Normal; You Can Farm; and Salad Bar Beef. – Wikipedia.

I chanced upon Joel F Salatin during my readings on Regenerative Agriculture, and I was happy to hear about his thoughts on what shifts are required to shift the food system to a regenerative one. Below are some exerpts by Joel, from the video interview at Google.

Googler: It is still not economically viable for many people to Farm the way we want to and live that lifestyle of pureness. How does one deal with this struggle?

‘We have taken our western grecko Roman-linearised-individualised-compartmentalised- way of thinking to a philisolphical apartheid, and I think that those of us that want to come back together in a eastern wholistic, come together, and live in our teepees, have our medicine man should be able to opt out of the greater cultural that normalcy may not vanish from this side of our world.

‘It is a struggle, but, keep to it. The more people do it the more it gets easier, but it takes someone to start. Keep going’.

Googler: How do you break a cycle where capital flows to the people who own the system etc- people in the Govt?

Joel: ‘I believe that the greatest innovation & opportunity is when we allow people to self-actualize their own individual expression…rather than trying to regulate out what we don’t like, if we allow the people who want to eat differently and buy differently, and create a different landscape for their grandchildren, it would completely topple the Big Ag companies. The reason they are allowed to continue their position at the top is because they are protected from competition at the bottom.

Googler: Many entrepreneurial start ups morph into wall-street-ified companies that lose their disctinctives. And in the process, the business chews up its workers and founders in an attempt to dominate something. Does middle ground exist?..What values are more important than growth? Especially since, cancer is growth.

Joel: We didn’t want to get gobbled up, be bought over and turned into something else. What is it that defines us? We created a 10 liner-mantra. i.e. We would never have a ‘sales target’, you begin looking at people as commodities. All growth has to come from second-hand, word of mouth. If sales drop off- we need to look internally. Something we may not be doing well etc. We will never patent or copyright, and have to stay one step ahead of the copiers.





Being in nature

“When you spend too much time in an urban environment, you start to magnify your problems and your sense of self-importance. The scale of the architecture is human, and where-ever you go things cater to your needs. We have no frustration tolerance because everything revolves around us.

But in the countryside, nature puts you in your place. You walk in nature and you are an ant amongst the towering gum trees and the craggy mountains. You come back after six months of being away on a farm, and in the busy., paths you have painstakingly carved and slashed have vanished. Nature does not care if you hit the unsubscribed button and fly off to Boca Raton.

But yet your spirit soars. There is a certain bliss in being reminded of your smallness, your mortality. When you know you can’t control everything, you start to let go of the reins that never led to anything much anyway, and your incessant worrying mind starts to relax and stops drowning out your emotions and the senses of your body.

When you walk, there you are just walking.

When you ear, there you are, just eating.” Crystal Lim-Lange


Thanks for sharing this Crystal, it’s a beautifully written piece and I had to share it!





Being a Linchpin – Seth Godin

Seth is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker. In addition to launching one of the most popular blogs in the world, he has written 18 best-selling books, including The Dip,Linchpin, Purple Cow, Tribes, and What To Do When It’s Your Turn (And It’s Always Your Turn).

My good mate Bryan who created https://bryanvictor.com/ introduced Seth’s podcast to me. What really stood about about Seth is his level headed-ness and almost no BS answer that achieving your goals are non-complicated, there are no shortcuts, and we live in an ecosystem where people can help us get to where we want to be. We just need to put in the work, intelligently. Here are some pointers from his interview. Happy Sunday!Being a LinchpinThe problem is that people are seduced into thinking that they should fit in more in the system.
Through the school system & the industrial system, people are taught to fit in.
On the flip side social media throws in ‘quick wins’ technique
People are starting to feel broken because the promises are not kept on both sides
If someone can tell you how to do your job, we can find someone cheaper, better and faster to replace you.
You have a choice. Either be the replaceable cog in the pyramid who gets paid as little as possible, or be the founder owner, or, be the linchpin, the people who figures out what to do next.
There is a real good reason to be afraid, it is for survival. You will need some of that, when you get into competition. But it is less relevant today. To do the things you want to do – like public speaking, etc you need to hack it.
The work is the point, the process is the point.

2. How to get into that ‘space’ Being proactive. Putting yourself there into the space which may be uncomfortable, but extremely positive and opens up opportunities for yourself.
Working in a space of some ‘fear’ keeps us on our toes.

3. Choosing happinessPeople are happy when they have agency in their life. When they can take control.
How can I do things in the world to leave a better trail.
The world does not like being hustled, how do I do things so I get my fair share.
Its how you choose to react. You have a choice to react, you can either choose to be curious, or by angry at any given moment.
The world responds really well to people who people who take responsibility, and give away credit.
If you can’t find a fit in an organisation that accepts that, there is another one that wants you.

4. How do you define success?Turning down a billion dollars in stock options because he knew how to do that, but what would change for the better if he did.
Don’t do it for money, do it because its meaningful
This might not work, there might be no shortcuts, but you might be able to see a different way through.
How can you live a life where you don’t need a fineprint, or a lawyer. As you build so much trust with people.
The goal is to build that trust – putting things into the world with the promise that I made

5. How do you remove self-talk? When your limiting mindset loop gets started when you get certain triggers, how do you stop the reinforcing loop?
Congitive Behaviour Therapy helps to put things in a distance and reflect on them.
The minute you start saying – here we go again, we can reprogramme the cycle.
Be present. Not to run away from the things that scare us, but to dance with them instead.

6. How do you put ‘getting better’ into a processIf you have enough ‘bad’ content, it is a great start because the environment will help you make it better.
There is very little relevance about ‘Talent’, as we are in a culture where someone else can make things better for you.
You can put yourself into a culture that helps you make things better.
People get better in compounding ways, because they edit, they make improvements in their writing etc.
Get into an iterative cycle, do more, do projects, get feedback, improve.
You can simulate a bootstrap with people around you. i.e. a mastermind group.
If you think you have a shortcut, you are WRONG.
Seth had written 3000 direct emails before he got the hang of it.
This economy is a connection economy, its not about who trusts you and how you can put things together, with what resources you can access. That is ignored by too many people.
There may be a few people who will prod, provoke and encourage.

7. Should you follow your passion?Reframing following your passion to- choose to LOVE the thing we DO
We don’t find the passion, we CREATE it
Programme into yourself, this mindset
Hack the fear in your head – fear of death, fear of being alone. Accept the fact that it’s all going to go away.





Rationalising why I did not get my IPPT gold

3weeks ago our group was told we could take our individual physical proficiency test (IPPT) when we headed back to camp for a briefing. I and most of the officers gladly chose to sign up for it, for some obvious reasons haha. I decided that despite a short timeline I would try out to aim to get a Gold. Something I had not have since my active days 10 years ago.

Long story short, we found out days before that it was canned. I definitely was disappointed because I didn’t want all that training to go to naught. Quickly I chose to book a test at one of the more challenging locations, where I had not managed to get a gold in the last 5 attempts.

So I had created a training programme with little or no experience in following one, and tried to get the shortest route to meet my targets to get gold, which I now felt was more achievable.

Race day.

First I did not have breakfast.

Push ups were a disappointment. On my first attempt I only had 30 counted pushups . My average was 50-55 when I did it regularly.

Sit-ups, I did 33. My average maxed out at 40.

2.4 run

From my training, the fastest I have reached was 9:08.

I clocked a 10:14.

In totally I had of 82 points, just missing gold by 3 points.

From my training I thought that had prepared myself mentally. Here’s why I think I did not get my Gold.

1. Lack of sticking through the training programme religiously.

– as much as I can give excuses on how busy I was and how many things got in the way. The fact remains that I was only about 50% close to the schedule. The last few days before the IPPT I let it slip.

2. Lack of preparation for race day.

A few things I could have done better. Slept a little earlier. Had breakfast earlier. Then I wouldn’t have run out of energy. I could have reached camp earlier. The wait was dreadful and it was energy sapping too.

3. Lack of a winners mentality

I did not PUSH hard enough. No other way to put it or excuse to give. Mentally I had relaxed.

So what am I going to do to redeem myself?

1. Try again

I plan to book the next test next week.

2. Train hard

Need to nail the key activities like push ups and sit-ups. Then the run requirements will be less intensive

3. Be prepared for race day

Sleep earlier, wake up earlier, have breakfast early.

4. Push an additional 10% on race day

If I work for it, I will get my gold, I believe I will. Hoo yah.





Create clarity through the spring cleaning of one’s mind

Anxiety is caused by thinking about a future that has not happened. Will we get hired in our future job? How will we do in our exams? Chances are we always tend to play the negative outcomes in our mind. Having a tense moment, worrying about the multiple things happening at once ie moving abroad, and not being able to get a job, jumping into an unfamiliar new industry, not doing anything with the projects I have had wanted to do, brought a surge of anxiety over me.

I looked at the book rack I had and thought, well well, aren’t there these 15 books that I’ve been wanting to read but never got down to touching them ever. It seems many of the projects which I have been keen to work on or explore have ended up this way. Becoming white elephants.

I don’t want to continue producing white elements. I want to start producing real world results. In order to start, I need to empty my list and start building it up.

At that very moment, I decided to remove all my books at keep them in my cabinet. This is what I felt- taking on many things on my plate cosnstantly gets me distracted. In the ends all the bits and pieces tend not to have a solid end result/deliverable. What if I chose to focus on completing one activity at a time. To have depth instead of breadth? Would this habit change the way I operate?

At that very moment when I played the audio book on zen za meditation, the words below was spoken.

It basically said, chris. Stop trying to understand and learn everything about anything. Start by understanding yourself.

However in order to do that, you need to do something quite counterintuitive. You need to remove all thoughts about the future. Your dreams, goals, etc. You need to completely empty your mind.

And when you do, practise sitting, (ie medication) and slowly, you may allow whatever necessary thoughts into your mind.

This was a moment that spoke to me. The universe had given me my answer.

This is what I needed to do next. To empty my mind, my thoughts and my expectations.

On a practical sense, of course there are things that were still needed to be done and projects needed to be completed. Ie job research etc. What I would need to do is list them out and work on them as projects. Not putting any expectation about the future of these projects but focusing on doing each of them well. Only then will I not dwell too much about the future, but be able to focus on good work in the present moment.





A check-in with myself

In Jan 19 – I had the following items listed on my wallCreate a Personal Brand
Write a book by 31 Nov 2019
Create a Framework
Start Focusing on Adult-Learning

In April 19, (4 Months ago) I had a coaching session with Danny to gain mental clarity. Here was what I had put down

What I want to achieve ****Having mental clarity. Which is to know what my goals are.
Ideal life is one of being involved in nature. Surfing, water etc.
Farm to table – being able to eat naturally good food

Next Steps

– The PlanResearch – Do an indepth study of the topic (April-June)
Create a proof of concept (July – Nov) – This includes writing a book and publishing it in Dec.
Monitor plan – Be accountable to someone. Check in on that plan weekly.

That did not go as planned. And here’s the new plan.

New planFocus on Creating a Sustainability consultant’s package by End of August

– Utilizing current skillsets and experience to create a viable product – Engagement & Projects

– Writing a book about being a Farmer (1 month – August). Complete End August.

2. Focus on Job Search for 2020.

– Create CV, Portfolio

– Job Search

– Gain skillset required

I’m not sure if i’m getting better clarity or getting more confused. Plan after plan, idea after idea, my focus keeps changing. With the constantly shifting goalpost, I think its time to calm myself down and focus on the long term plan.

When I shared with Bryan what a ‘Good Job’ Meant for me, he asked me to list down what good meant to me. It was a great exercise because it helped me to define what I am truly looking for.

– Income: $42000 ~ $66000/year
– location: Singapore (by 1 Feb 2020), then Vancouver on (Dec 2020?).

Definition of a Good Job
1. Company culture of respect, trust, growth mindset like a lab.
(What question would you ask the people working there to test for this?)
2. Being able to create new ideas/innovations to exercise my design thinking/Creative/problem solving muscles, being able to Work on new projects every 6 – 12 months.
3. Agriculture / Food/ Environment/ psychology/ related field
4. Being able to work independently- ie not in a regimented style, being micromanaged, Given time and trust to execute plans.
5. No office cubicle. Outdoor element preferred.
6. Flexible working hours preferred.

So just putting it out there. Im gonna need to stick to my plan…!! Gahhh!



0:01 / 12:02


Reflections of Life
564K subscribers


25,138 views  Feb 24, 2024
We live in a culture that dreads the inevitability of growing older, treats it like a disease to be cured with potions, tries to silence it with botox. And through all of this, we’ve forgotten that to grow old at all is a tremendous privilege - to become a person worthy of old age is the triumph of life.  

Our goal shouldn’t be to cling to youth as we get older, but to keep our joy alive by tending our inner child throughout our days while also nurturing our connection to the changing world. In doing so, we balance wisdom with wonder, confidence with curiosity and depth with delight.

A long life is a gift. But will we really be grateful for it?

Featuring Vicki Robin (https://vickirobin.com) and friends Ross and Deborah Koff-Chapin.
Filmed in Whidbey Island, Washington State, USA.

The full quote shared by Vicki during this film is by Florida Scott Maxwell - "You need only claim the events of your life to make yourself yours. When you truly possess all you have been and done, which may take some time, you are fierce with reality. When at last age has assembled you together, will it not be easy to let it all go, lived, balanced, over?"

All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons.
To be part of this journey :  

 / reflectionsoflife  
If you'd prefer to make once off contribution, our PayPal details are : paypal.me/reflectionsfilms

Join our YouTube channel to get early access to our films :

 / @reflectionsoflife  

Who is Reflections of Life?  We are Justine and Michael (previously known as Green Renaissance).  We use our passion for filmmaking and our love of storytelling, to remind our audience of one simple truth – that we are all human.  The more that we understand and believe in this interconnectedness, the more we will treat ourselves, one another, and planet earth with a greater sense of compassion.

Filming - by Michael Raimondo
Editing - by Justine du Toit
Sound mix - by Tamryn Breakey

[인도철학 10강 -3강] 존재의 근원-일자에 대해(요약)


[인도철학 10강 -3강]
존재의 근원-일자에 대해(요약)

우파니샤드 사상가 ’웃다라카 아르니‘Uddālaka Āruṇi BC 8C의 생각은
신화적 사고와 합리적 사고가 뒤섞여 있었지만 종교철학으로 발전해 가는 특징이 나타나 있음. (웃다라카아르니는 근원적 일자를 인정)

1 근원적 일자에서 다양한 사물이 산출(넘쳐 흐르듯이 자동적으로 뿜어져 나오는 것으로 )
2근원적 일자에 의해 다양한 사물이 만들어 진다.(창조자가 만드는 것으로 외부의 힘이 작용.. )
3근원적 일자가 변용해 다양한 사물인 実在로 나타나는 것(일자의 변용)
4근원적 일자가 변용해 다양한 사물 非実在인데 환영으로 나타나는 것

-2장에서는 근원적 일자라는 초월적 존재를 인정하지 않는 사상을 다뤘었다. 불교(붓다), 자이나교(마하비라)

-3장에서는 브라만 또는 아트만이 무엇인가를 묻는 이들의 사상

BC3세기경 슈베타슈베타라 우파니샤드
브라만의 근본원인은 무엇인가, 무엇을 근본 원리로 브라만은 나타나는가.

인도 철학자 파울 도이센은 여기에서 브라만은 원리에 부여된 일반적인 명칭이다라고 함. 
무엇이 브라만인가 질문에 여기에서는 시간, 자성, 정해짐, 우연, 제 원소 푸르샤 아트만이라는 답이 제시된다. 이른 시기부터 근본원인에 대한 물음이 있었음.

자이나교 경전…세상을 존재하게 하는 근본 원리에 대한 생각은

뿌르샤는 과거 미래에 걸친 모든 것이며 신들, 인간도 지배하는 모든 존재물의 근본 원인.
(여기서 뿌르샤는 우파니샤드의 브라만이나 아트만과 같은 위치)-
푸르샤와 현상계의 비교는 몸에 대한 궤양과 몸이 안 좋은 관계, 대지에 있어 개미지옥이나 나무나 연꽃의 관계, 물에 대한 파도나 포말의 관계
뿌르샤=브라만=아트만(베단타의 생각, 후에 아트만 설 ,아트만 불이일원설로 불림)

쟈이나교 “고맛타사라”-아트만은 위대한 자기이고 중심이고 모든 부분의 숨겨진 것이고 이성을 가지며 속성을 가지지 않는 최고의 근원적 일자로써 아트만을 주장하는 설..일원론 그 일자만을 실재로서 인정한다.
아트만설에서 발전한 근원적일자가 다시 인격적인 신의 모습으로 나타나는 것이 이슈바라이다. 그것이 슈베다슈바라 우파니샤드에 나타난다. (힌두교의 지배적 생각…시바교나, 비슈누교)

아트만의 행 불행은 이슈바라가 모든 것을 주관한다, 신이 과보를 가져오는 업을 만든다,,이슈바라 신은 그 자신의 죄에 더럽혀질 것이다라고 “마하바라타”여 주인공이 폭력적 운명의 힘을 원망.
업의 관념은 신화적 색채가 강한 근원적 일자의 관념을 대신해서 전혀 다른 종류의 원리로써 인도 사람에게 강박관념처럼 된다

시간 자성 운명 우연..운명이나 숙명 이라는 관념과 연결된다. 아트만의 활동과 함께 인간의 자유의지도 또한 부정되어 인과 관계 조차 그 존재가 부정되는 경우가 있다.
이번 세계에서 한 노력의 결과는 다음 세계에도 이어지고 행위의 결과가 제로가 되지 않는다. 영원히 해탈 할 수 없다 어떻게 하면 좋은가? 자이나교가 생각한 것은 아무것도 행위를 하지 않으면 된다는 것. 이 결론은 힌두교 경전인 바가바드기타에서도 마찬가지인데 자이나교의 경우는 막대기처럼 선채로 있는 것, 직립부동, 이것이 이상인데 자이나교는 이 부동의 실천이 과거 행위의 결과를 소멸 시킴과 함께 행위의 결과를 새롭게 만들어 내는 것은 아니다라고….
이에 대해 고사라.. 과거 행위를 소멸시킬 수 없다고 생각 누구나가 840 만대겁의 기간 윤회를 계속 한다 그리고 운명으로써 괴로움을 멸 하고 해탈 한다고 생각.

”마하바라타“-시간은 살아있는 모든 것을 성숙시킨다 시간은 태어나는 모든 것들을 다시 죽음으로 몰아 놓는다 시간은 사람들이 잠자고 있는 동안에도 눈을 뜨고 있으며 감시하고 있다. 실로 시간은 초월 하기 어려운 것이다.-
시간을 의인화, 인격신화..시간을 표현 “아타르바 베다“BC1000이래의 전통적 관념.

2C 쿠샤나 왕조 궁정 불교시인 ”아슈바고샤“
가시 나무의 가시의 날카로움은 누가 만듭니까. 짐승이나 새들의 다양한 성질은 도대체 누가 만듭니까. 모든 것들은 스스로의 성질로 그렇게 되는 것입니다. 자유로운 의지에의한 행위는 없습니다. 노력 따위는 기능할 여지가 없습니다.
왕의 사주로 왕자붓다에게 대신이 설득하려 한 말…자성이란 그 자신의 본래 성질…모든게 정해져 있으니 해탈하려고 노력해도 쓸데 없다.
이미 이 시대에 근원적 일자를 둘러싼 문제가 활발하게 논의되었다는 걸 알 수 있다

-우연설-그리고 무인설
자성설은 그것의 원인은 없다라는 것과 연결 되어 세상에서 일어나는 일은 정해진게 없다는 것이다. 무인설를 외치면 궁극적으로 어떻게 되는가? 모든 원인을 인정하지 않는 것이기 때문에 근본원인으로서 신의 존재도 인정하지 않는 것이 될 것이다. 이것은 인도 사상사의 흐름 속에서 오랫동안 영향을 미치는 문제이다.
쉽지않다. 일어 표현도 이해가 어려운 것이 있다.
그렇지만 신서로서 정리 요약은 잘 해 놓았다고 볼 수 밖에 없다.
내용이 생소해서일 수 있지만 완전 생소하다고 보기도 어려운게 이즈츠도시히코의 수피즘앤타오이즘의 독서가 도움이 되고 있다.