
How to Read the Bible as Literature: 8

How to Read the Bible as Literature: . . . and Get More Out of It: Chapter Eight  Parables    The Parables as Stories 

Chapter Eight 
The Parables as Stories 
MY DISCUSSION OF THE PARABLES OF JESUS will focus on the ones that tell a story. 
Some of Jesus’ brief parables are not stories but similes or analogies. To under- 
stand them we need to apply what I said about metaphor and simile in the chapter 
on poetry. But the longer parables are stories composed of setting, characters 
about whose destinies we care, and plots that move through conflict to resolution. 
Recent biblical scholarship has made so much of the parallels between parable 
and metaphor that we are in danger of missing the story element in the parables. 
This I take to be a great error. Furthermore, the parables, intended to be simple 
(though profound at the same time), have been buried under such a weight of 
scholarly controversy and esoteric terminology that they have ceased to commu- 
nicate with power. 
Masterpieces of Popular Storytelling 
There is no doubt that the parables of Jesus lend themselves to almost indefinite 
reflection and application, but why do they capture the listener’s attention in the 
first place? They are folk literature, originally oral. Indeed, they are the very touch- 
stone of popular storytelling through the ages. 
Realism and Vividness 
Virtually the first thing we notice about the parables is their everyday realism and 
concrete vividness. “It is ‘things’ that make stories go well,” writes P. C. Sands of 
the parables; here “everything. . .is concrete and vigorous. Everything is described 
in solid terms.”¹ The parables take us right into the familiar world of planting and 
harvesting, traveling through the countryside, baking bread, tending sheep, or re- 
sponding to an invitation. The parables thus obey the literary principle of verisim- 
ilitude (“lifelikeness”), and a perusal of commentaries always uncovers new evi- 
dence of how thoroughly rooted in real life the parables are.² There is no fantasy 
in the parables of Jesus—no talking animals or imaginary monsters, only people 
such as we meet during the course of a day. The parables reveal “an amazing 
power of observation.”³ 
The Parables as “Secular” Stories 
This minute realism is an important part of the meaning of Jesus’ parables. On the 
surface, these stories are totally “secular.” There are few overtly religious activities 
in the parables. If we approached them without their surrounding context and pre- 
tended that they were anonymous, we could not guess that they were intended for 
a religious purpose. An important by-product of this realism is that it undermines 
the “two-world” thinking in which the spiritual and earthly spheres are rigidly di- 
vided. We are given to understand that it is in everyday experience that spiritual 
decisions are made and that God’s grace does its work. 
Simplicity of Action 
Combined with the delightful fidelity to actual life is the extreme simplicity of ac- 
tion. We can call this the principle of single action. The parables of Jesus have 
simple plots that focus on one main event: sowing and harvesting a crop, taking a 
journey and returning, hiring workers to labor in the vineyard, inviting guests to a 
Simple Plot Conflicts 
These simple situations gain vigor from equally uncomplicated plot conflicts. The 
seeds that the sower plants struggle against the destructiveness of their natural 
environment. The conflict between the poisonous tares and the wheat has as its 
background a feud between the farmer and his neighbor. The elder and younger 
brothers contend for their father’s favor. As we read through the parables we listen 
to character clashes and watch robbers beat up lone travelers. There is enough 
plot conflict to seize an audience’s attention, but probably none of the parables 
can be said to have a unifying plot conflict that persists all the way through the 
The rule of suspense operates effectively in the parables. The opening situation is 
invariably one that arouses curiosity about its outcome. The act of sowing is a risk 
about whose outcome we wonder. When the younger son leaves his parental 
home with his share of the inheritance in his pocket, we wonder how the action 
will turn out. When people who work different numbers of hours get equal pay- 
ment, we are curious about how the workers will respond. Often the parables turn 
upon a test that arouses our curiosity (e.g., the entrusted wealth in the parable of 
the talents or the wounded man on the highway in the parable of the good Samar- 
Heightened Foils or Contrasts 
Like other popular storytellers, Jesus used obvious and heightened foils (con- 
trasts) in his parables. The rich man and Lazarus, the Pharisee and publican, the 
generous employer and the selfish workers, the wise and foolish virgins are obvi- 
ous examples. Sometimes a pair of characters is contrasted to a single character, 
as with the two faithful stewards and the lone slothful servant, or the two passers- 
by and the compassionate Samaritan. 
The Functions of Contrasts 
Why the heightened contrasts? Because folk stories deal with simple contrasts, 
because the very brevity of the parable precludes subtle shades of good and evil, 
and because the oral nature of the genre requires simple, heightened patterns. But 
the strategy also fits well with the purpose of Jesus to elicit a response from his 
hearers. Parables are an invitation and even a trap to move a listener or reader to 
take sides for or against the characters in a story. By confronting the audience with 
an obvious contrast, a parable by Jesus “tends to polarize the hearers. . . .The 
lines along which polarization takes place must be signaled by an unambiguous 
code in the narrative; like highway markers along the interstate, they must be leg- 
ible at a glance. So we have pairs like Levite, priest/ Samaritan, laborers hired 
fìrst/last, invited/uninvited, etc.”⁴ 
The parables make conspicuous use of the principle of repetition, which produces 
unity and emphasis. The owner of the vineyard goes out to the marketplace five 
times to hire laborers. We twice hear the prodigal’s speech, “Father, I have sinned 
against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son,” and 
the father twice explains that the prodigal “was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and 
is found.” 
Threefold Repetition 
Especially noteworthy is the folktale pattern of threefold repetition, often com- 
bined with the rule of end stress (the crucial element comes at the end). Thus we 
get three types of soil that yield no harvest and three degrees of good harvest, 
three people who refuse the invitation to the banquet, three stewards to whom 
wealth is entrusted and three corresponding interviews when the master returns, 
and three passersby. 
The Rule of End Stress 
The rule of end stress is pervasive in the parables, leading some interpreters to 
claim that the last element in a parable is the most important. In the parable of the 
sower, the fertile soil with its abundant harvest comes last. The lesson of the para- 
ble of the workers in the vineyard turns upon those hired last. Similarly, it is the 
last steward who is judged harshly, the last traveler who is generous, and the last 
invited group who enjoy the banquet. 
Universal Character Types 
The characters in the parables are anonymous. Only one of them (Lazarus) is 
named. The result is that they become universal character types. Paradoxically, 
these nameless characters assume a quality of vivid familiarity, like the characters 
of Chaucer and Dickens. Someone has aptly commented that “nowhere else in the 
world’s literature has such immortality been conferred on anonymity"⁵ 
The surface appeal of these stories also depends on the presence of powerful 
archetypes. Archetypes are recurrent images and motifs that keep appearing in 
literature and life and that touch us powerfully, both consciously and uncon- 
sciously. The parables are filled with archetypal situations. Jesus told parables 
about master and servant (employer and employee), for example, that tap our am- 
bivalent feelings toward employers—feelings of fear, dependence, security, inse- 
curity, gratitude, and resentment over injustice. 
Archetypes Touch Us Where We Live 
So also with the motif of lost and found that figures in several parables. All that 
we experienced the last time we misplaced something of crucial importance enters 
our experience of these parables—the panic that accompanied the discovery that 
we had lost it, the self-laceration and sense of worthlessness that accompanied 
our search for it, the relief and regained self-esteem that accompanied finding it. 
The Psychological Dimension of Archetypes 
Or consider the parable of the prodigal son. The prodigal is an archetypal char- 
acter that represents an impulse that lies within each of us. It is the impulse away 
from the domestic and secure and morally governed toward the distant, the 
adventurous, the rebellious, the indulgence of forbidden appetites (including the 
sexual), the abandonment to unrestraint. The elder brother in the same parable 
represents something that is equally a part of our psychic and moral make-up: the 
voice of duty, restraint, self-control, self-righteousness. It is no accident that the 
prodigal is the younger son (a figure of youth with its thirst for experience and 
abandonment to appetite) and the other the elder son (representing a middle-aged 
mentality, judgmental and self-righteous). Furthermore, the parable describes a 
family situation, replete with sibling rivalry and parent-child relationships. 
The Appeal of Archetypes 
In sum, there is an abundance of human psychology and archetypal (universal) 
human experience in the parables. Even when the theological or moral point of the 
parable does not directly hinge on them, these archetypes do help to account for 
the powerful grip the parables have on our attention and emotions. As Amos 
Wilder has stated, 
Human nature has always responded to stories about quests and adventures, 
ups and downs, rags to riches, lost and found, reversals and surprises . . . , 
good and bad son or daughter, . . . masters and servants, the wise and the 
foolish, rewards and penalties, success and failure.”⁶ 
Points of Exaggeration or Unrealism in the Parables 
I have said that the parables are realistic rather than fantastic or supernatural, but 
there is often an element of exaggeration or improbability in them. There are 
“cracks” in the realism that tease us into seeing more in them than the surface 
story would call for. For all their verisimilitude, the parables have an element of ar- 
resting strangeness. We think of such details as a hyperbolic hundredfold yield of 
grain (though not all commentators agree that this is an exaggeration), or the 
Samaritan’s lavish generosity to an unknown victim, or the Oriental father’s run- 
ning to his son and then bestowing such unrestrained luxury on him.⁷ 
The Artistic Excellence of the Parables 
My discussion thus far has focused on how the parables are told and has been an 
implied plea to relish the parables as masterpieces of popular or folk storytelling. 
The parables represent the beauty of simplicity, and they can be enjoyed first of all 
as examples of narrative art. They can be analyzed for their pleasing narrative 
qualities of lifelike and vivid realism, for their skill in arousing the narrative curios- 
ity to discover what happened next and how it all turned out in the end, for their 
skillful conciseness in which every detail counts, for the universal character types 
that are part of our own life, for the archetypal patterns, for the element of strange- 
ness that teases us (as riddles do) to discover what the story is “getting at,” and 
for “a structure and balance of narrative form which can scarcely be accidental.”⁸ 
The Parables Are More Than Stories 
But of course we do not read the parables only as stories. There are several rea- 
sons why we cannot rest content with the surface level of the narrative. The stories 
are too simple to satisfy us at a purely narrative level. The “cracks” in the realism 
hint at a meaning beyond the literal. Some of the details already had symbolic 
meanings in Jewish analogues (e.g., sowing = teaching, seed = word, the owner of 
the vineyard = God). Most conclusively of all, we have Jesus’ own recorded inter- 
pretations of the parables of the sower (Matt. 13:18-23) and the wheat and the tares 
(Matt. 13:36-43), which show that the parables have a meaning beyond the narra- 
tive level. The parable is a story that means what it says and something besides, 
and in the parables of Jesus that something besides is the more important of the 
Are the Parables Allegorical? 
How, then, can we go about finding the intended meanings in a parable? My an- 
swer is much less unfashionable now than it would have been a decade or two 
ago: by treating the parables as allegories. I am not, to be sure, calling for a return 
to the arbitrary allegorizing of the Middle Ages. I have in mind the kind of alle- 
gorical interpretation that Jesus himself gave to the parables of the sower and the 
wheat and tares, namely, translating at least some of the details of the story into a 
corresponding other meaning and then deducing themes and applications on the 
basis of those symbols. 
I am well aware that many biblical scholars have deeply ingrained objections to 
calling the parables allegorical. I would hope that all of my readers would give an 
openminded hearing to what I say in the next several pages and in the appendix. 
Literary scholars do not share the aversion of biblical scholars to allegory. They 
acknowledge only one literary classification (allegory) for stories in which a sub- 
stantial number of details have a corresponding “other” meaning. 
A literary critic, therefore, is at once inclined to ask questions like these: Why 
should we deny to the parables the literary classification that we apply to the same 
type of literature when we encounter it outside of the Bible? What substitute lit- 
erary term can possibly be invoked for stories in which numerous details stand for 
a corresponding person, thing, or quality? Why would we create a confusing lit- 
erary situation by avoiding the term allegory simply because the concept is capable 
of abuse? 
To think of the parables as being either allegorical or not allegorical is already 
to confuse the issue. What we find in the parables is a range of degrees to which 
the narrative details are allegorical. The idea of an allegorical continuum proposed 
by Northrop Frye is the most useful framework for analyzing what we actually find 
in the parables.⁹ 
According to Frye’s scheme, any work of literature can be placed somewhere 
on an allegorical continuum. He describes that continuum thus: 
Within the boundaries of literature we find a kind of sliding scale, ranging from 
the most explicitly allegorical. . .at one extreme, to the most elusive, anti- 
explicit. . .at the other. First we meet the continuous allegories, like The Pil- 
grim’s Progress . . . . Next come the poetic structures with a large and insistent 
doctrinal interest, in which the internal fictions are exempla, like the epics of 
Milton. Then we have, in the exact center, works in which the structure of im- 
agery, however suggestive, has an implicit relation only to events and ideas, 
and which includes the bulk of Shakespeare. Below this, poetic imagery begins 
to recede from example and precept. . . .¹⁰ 
We can visualize the continuum something like the diagram on the next page. The 
great advantage of this model is that it does not force us into a “great divide’’ ap- 
proach where a story is either allegorical or not allegorical. Instead, we can gauge 
the degree of allegory in a work. 
Degrees of Allegory in the Parables 
The parables of Jesus range over the left half of the allegorical spectrum. In para- 
bles like those of the sower and the talents we translate virtually every detail into a 
corresponding meaning. Moving a notch to the right, we have the parable of the 
prodigal son in which, for example, the father is God and the elder brother repre- 
sents the Pharisees and scribes, but in which we do not allegorize such details as 
the prodigal’s money, the harlots, the pigs, or the shoes that the father gives to his 
repentant son. In the middle we can place the parable of the good Samaritan, 
where the story as a whole embodies the moral meaning. 
Decline of the Anti-Allegorical Bias in Biblical Scholarship 
But doesn’t an allegorical approach to the parables run counter to what everybody 
learns in seminary and Bible courses? This may have been true until recently, but 
the anti-allegorical bias is on its way out and has, in fact, been questioned for a 
long time. “Certain of the parables cry out for an allegorical interpretation of their 
details,” writes a noted biblical scholar.¹¹ “The parabolic narratives are never whol- 
ly free from allegory,” writes another, adding that “the difference which should be 
emphasized is between a story which in itself is allegorical and the arbitrary al- 
legorization of one which is not.”¹² “Parable and allegory. . .are partial synonyms,” 
writes a third biblical scholar as he dismantles Jülicher’s influential theory that 
none of the parables is allegorical, and he, too, makes a distinction between al- 
legorizing (“to impose on a story hidden meanings which the original author nei- 
ther intended nor envisaged”) and allegorical interpretation of texts in which the 
details were intended to convey a corresponding set of meanings.¹³ 
Most conclusive of all is the study of a biblical scholar who devised a simple 
scheme for determining the allegory content of the parables in the synoptic 
Gospels.¹⁴ As he went through the parables, he listed the main details in each 
story and then counted how many of them have a corresponding “other” meaning 
(e.g., sower = evangelist, seed = word, etc.). His conclusion should settle the 
issue of how allegorical Nţhe parables are: the allegory content of the parables m 
the Gospel of Matthew is 82 percent, those in Mark 75 percent, and those in Luke 
60 percent.¹⁵ 
Guidelines for Interpreting Parabolic Details 
What guidelines do we have for interpreting the details in a parable? One signpost 
is the surrounding context in the Gospel narratives. If the narrative lead-in to the 
parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:1-2) alerts us that the parable is Jesus’ reply to 
the Pharisees’ and scribes’ complaint that Jesus “receives sinners and eats with 
them,” then it is plausible to see the prodigal as a representative of “sinners,” the 
father who forgives him as a symbol of God and Christ, and the unforgiving elder 
brother as a picture of the Pharisees and scribes. 
Another signpost is details in the parables that had an established Hebraic 
(usually Old Testament) meaning: God as father or owner of a vineyard or master, 
seed as God’s Word, sowing as teaching, and so forth. Other details rather au- 
tomatically call to mind the familiar teachings of Jesus or of New Testament writ- 
ers: the banquet or marriage feast is a picture of salvation, the master’s return 
after a long journey (Matt. 25:19) suggests Christ’s second coming, the father’s 
forgiveness of the prodigal cannot be anything other than God’s forgiveness of 
sinners, and the employer’s payment of his workers is a judgment that calls to 
mind the final judgment at the end of history. 
The One-Point Rule Challenged 
Another long-established rule of parable interpretation that is under increasing at- 
tack is that parables can have only one main point. This is an extremely arbitrary 
rule of interpretation and one that we do not otherwise impose on a work of liter- 
ature. It is one of the glories of literature that it can embody a multiplicity of mean- 
ings even in so small a unit as a metaphor. How can the metaphor of God as fa- 
ther, for example, ever be reduced to a single meaning? The one-point approach of 
past biblical scholarship strikes at the very heart of a literary approach. As one lit- 
erary critic exclaims, “No wonder there are six or eight one-point interpretations of 
the Sower currently put forth, each to the exclusion of the others!”¹⁶ 
Multiple Themes in Parables 
Even when a parable has a single main point, why would we deny legitimate sec- 
ondary or related themes? The context of the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 
15:11-32) would lead us to look for the main point in the satiric attack on the elder 
brother, who stands for the Pharisees and scribes who occasioned the parable. Is 
the only main theme that the Pharisees and scribes were wrong for not accepting 
repentant people into fellowship? Are there not, rather, a number of rich themes in 
this parable? Does it not give us insight into the nature of human life as a choice 
for or against God, into the nature of evil and selfishness, into the selfdestructive 
consequences of sin, into repentance as the first step to true satisfaction, into the 
nature of God as forgiving, into the nature of forgiveness as a genuine personal 
reconciliation, and into the joy that accompanies forgiveness? Surely we cannot 
ignore all of these themes simply because of an arbitrary rule that a parable can 
have only one main point. 
Why Some Parables Have More Than One Meaning 
Nor is the originally oral nature of the parables an argument against the notion 
that they can have multiple meanings. For one thing, biblical truth holds together 
as a system. In teaching a specific doctrine such as the certainty of final judgment, 
Jesus would naturally touch upon related doctrines that are part of the total pic- 
ture, such as stewardship or the second coming or heaven or glorification. Fur- 
thermore, it is entirely possible for an audience listening to a story to make contin- 
uous connections between details in the story and a corresponding symbolic 
meaning, provided the story is not too complex. We should remember also that a 
parable was not intended to yield all of its meanings at once. As Archibald Hunter 
the Gospel parable is not always sun-clear. . . .The Gospel parable is designed 
to make people think. . . .And sometimes. . .it conceals in order to reveal. Seen 
thus, the parable is not so much a crutch for limping intellects (as so many 
illustrations are) as a spur to spiritual perception.¹⁷ 
Liabilities of the One-Point Approach 
The one-point theory is something that we would do well to discard. As A. T. 
Cadoux long ago noted, that approach has produced two unfortunate results: 
The judgment for which the parable asks is likely to be sought for in one ele- 
ment of it only and is thus unduly simplified; and all other elements of the 
parable are regarded as. . .unnecessary ornament. . . .A parable is the work of a 
poor artist if the picture or story is a collection of items out of which we have 
to pick one and discard the rest.¹⁸ 
Analogy or Comparison as the Basic Principle 
If we agree that the parables are designed to convey meaning, how should we go 
about interpreting what the stories mean? The basic principle of a parable is that 
of analogy or comparison. Literally the word “parable” means “to throw along- 
side.” This means that the literal level of the story has a corresponding meaning, 
either continuously or as a whole story. Amos Wilder writes that “there is the pic- 
ture-side of the parable and there is the meaning or application.”¹⁹ The corre- 
sponding activity that this requires of a reader has been stated succinctly by 
Cadoux: “The parable elicits a judgment in one sphere in order to transfer it to 
The Fourfold Process: 1. Analysis of the Literal Story 
Once we have been alerted to the need to make such a transfer of meaning, the ac- 
tual analysis of a parable falls rather naturally into a four-phase process. It begins 
with looking as closely as possible at the literal details of the story. Here is where 
we should apply all that I said about the parables as masterpieces of storytelling. 
If, as modern scholarship has taught us, the parables function partly as 
metaphors that have as a main thrust to shock our deep-level ways of thinking, 
then we need to let the shock at the literal level of the story sink in—shocks such 
as a good Samaritan, or outcasts being invited to a banquet while the respectable 
members of society are excluded, or all workers receiving a day’s wage regardless 
of how short a time they worked.²¹ 
2. Interpreting Symbolic Details 
The second thing to do is determine whether any details in the story require a 
symbolic interpretation. In the parable of the good Samaritan, none of the details 
requires such an interpretation. In most parables, at least some of the details do. 
In either case, this is the point in one’s analysis to apply the idea of the allegorical 
scale or continuum discussed earlier. 
3. Determining the Theme(s) 
Having allowed the literal details to have their impact, and having interpreted the 
symbols, the reader next needs to determine the theme(s) of the parable. The 
rules for deciding what the parable is about are exactly the same as those for sto- 
ries in general (see pages 33-73). Often the surrounding context in the Gospels al- 
ready establishes an interpretive framework, but even in such instances the para- 
ble might have implicit themes beyond the one(s) suggested by the lead-in or 
concluding comment. In the parable of the talents, once we have interpreted the 
allegory (the master = God or Christ; the entrusted money = abilities, time, and 
opportunities; the master’s commendation and condemnation = the final judg- 
ment; and so forth), we then have to decide what themes are conveyed by this mix- 
ture of narrative and allegory. Using what we know about the doctrines of the 
Bible and the clues that are inherent in the very nature of this parable’s action, it is 
easy to interpret the parable as embodying ideas about stewardship or calling, the 
sovereignty of God as creator and judge, and the eschatological doctrines of the 
second coming and heaven/hell as the destination of people. 
4. Application 
Having identified the theme(s), there is, fourth, the matter of application. Granted 
that themes a, b, and c are present in a given parable, to whom, or how, did those 
themes apply in the specific context in which Jesus uttered them? And further- 
more, how do those same themes apply today? As with other parts of the Bible, 
interpretation deals with the double question of what a parable meant then and 
what it means now.²² 
The parables of Jesus are masterpieces of storytelling. We should first of all enjoy 
them in the same ways that we enjoy other stories. These simple stories are didac- 
tic in their purpose. Before they fully interest us or assume their true significance, 
we must usually attach a symbolic meaning to some of the details in the story, 
and we must always find one or more religious themes in them. 
Further Reading 
The most convenient starting point is the excerpts collected under “Parable” in 
The New Testament in Literary Criticism, ed. Leland Ryken (New York: Frederick 
Ungar, 1984). The sources cited in the foregoing footnotes are all profitable ones 
to consult. Much of the scholarship on the parables that has been touted as being 
a literary approach strikes me as the worst possible type of pedantry. 
¹Literary Genius of the New Testament (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1932), 
²For a particularly outstanding example of commentary that uncovers the Ori- 
ental verisimilitude of the parables, see the books by Kenneth Ewing Bailey: Poet 
and Peasant: A Literary Cultural Approach to the Parables in Luke(Grand Rapids: 
Eerdmans, 1976) and Through Peasant Eyes: More Lucan Parables (Grand Rapids: 
Eerdmans, 1980). 
³Geraint V. Jones, The Art and Truth of the Parables (London: S.P.C.K., 1964), 
113. This is one of the best literary studies of the parables. 
⁴Robert W. Funk, “Critical Notes,” Semeia 1 (1974): 188. 
⁵Jones, Parables, 124. 
⁶Jesus’ Parables and the War of Myths (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982), 92. 
⁷For more examples, see Norman A. Huffman, “Atypical Features in the Para- 
bles of Jesus,” Journal of Biblical Literature 97 (1978): 207–20. 
⁸Jones, Parables, 120. 
⁹For Frye’s theory of allegory, see Anatomy of Criticism (Princeton: Princeton 
University Press, 1957), 89–92. 
¹¹Raymond E. Brown, “Parable and Allegory Reconsidered,” Novum Testa- 
mentum 5 (1962): 36–45; reprinted in New Testament Essays (Milwaukee: Bruce, 
1965), 254–64. 
¹²Jones, 105–9, 137–41. 
¹³G. B. Caird, The Language and Imagery of the Bible (Philadelphia: West- 
minster, 1980), 160–77. Archibald M. Hunter, Interpreting the Parables (Phila- 
delphia: Westminster, 1960), 92–100, also distinguishes between arbitrary allego- 
rizing and interpreting the intended allegorical elements in the parables. 
¹⁴M. D. Goulder, “Characteristics of the Parables in the Several Gospels,” Jour- 
nal of Theological Studies, n.s., 19 (1968): 58–62. 
¹⁵The easiest way to prove the allegorical nature of the parables is to compare 
them to the fables of Aesop. Aesop’s fables are truly one-point, relatively nonalle- 
gorical stories, and they at once strike a reader as far different from Jesus’ multi- 
faceted parables in which numerous details call for identification and interpre- 
¹⁶John W. Sider, “Nurturing Our Nurse: Literary Scholars and Biblical 
Exegesis,” Christianity and Literature 32 (Fall, 1982): 15–21. A good source for bib- 
lical scholars to consult. 
¹⁷Interpreting the Parables, 13–14. 
¹⁸The Parables of Jesus: Their Art and Use (London: James Clarke, 1930), 51–52. 
¹⁹Earlỵ Christian Rhetoric (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971), 74. 
²⁰The Parables of Jesus, 56. 
²¹Good discussions of the parables as an assault on the reader’s “deep struc- 
tures’’ of thinking include Robert W. Funk, Language, Hermeneutic and the Word óf 
God (New York: Harper and Row, 1966); John Dominic Crossan, The Dark Interval 
(Niles, 111.: Argus, 1975); Sallie TeSelle, Speaking in Parables (Philadelphia: 
Fortress, 1975). 
²²For a good statement of the literary principle that we need to see universal as 
well as first-century meanings in the parables, see Jones, “Toward a Wider Inter- 
pretation,” 135—66 in The Art and Truth of the Parables. A lot of modern parable 
scholarship has surrounded the parables with so much first-century context that it 
becomes hard to see their relevance for twentieth-century people.

How to Read the Bible as Literature: 7

How to Read the Bible as Literature: . . . and Get More Out of It: Chapter Seven  The Gospels    Traditional Approaches to the Gospels 

Chapter Seven 
The Gospels 
Traditional Approaches to the Gospels 
BIBLICAL SCHOLARSHIP ON THE GOSPELS has been preoccupied with questions of 
historical authenticity, theological content, relation to the religious milieu of the 
first century church, literary precedents or models, and stages of oral trans- 
mission that can be traced backward to a primitive original from the written form 
in which we currently find the Gospels. 
A Literary Approach to the Gospels 
A literary approach substitutes an entirely different agenda of interests that are 
complementary to the traditional questions and that have been unjustifiably ne- 
glected. A literary approach begins with the conviction that the Gospels are first of 
all stories. Once this premise is accepted, the reader’s attention focuses on a clus- 
ter of related concerns: unifying plot conflicts that move toward a final resolution; 
the overall structure and progression of the story; narrative and artistic patterns 
such as repetition, contrast, and framing; the characters who generate the action; 
the settings in which events occur; the point of view from which the story is told, 
including patterns of approval and disapproval of characters and events that the 
story encourages the reader to adopt; image patterns and symbolism; style (with 
emphasis on economy of expression, choice of concrete details that suggest a 
bigger picture, the prominence of dialogue and speech patterns, and the poetic 
bent of Jesus); and the characteristics of the narrative “world” that each Gospel 
builds in the reader’s imagination. 
The Primacy of Story 
These matters have long received scattered attention, but not until recently have 
they been integrated into a systematic and popular approach to the Gospels. The 
main new factor is a growing consensus that the primary form of the Gospels is 
narrative or story, not sermon or saying. Above all, literary critics are now saying, 
the Gospels consist of characters doing certain things in a series of settings. “The 
genre characteristics of the gospel are. . .narrative characteristics,” writes a biblical 
scholar as he criticizes the inadequacies of traditional approaches.¹ “The Gospel 
writers produced neither volumes of learned exegesis nor sermons,” writes an- 
other; “rather, they told stories; and if we wish to understand what the Gospels 
say, we should study how stories are told.”² And a third warns that “there are spe- 
cial aspects of narrative composition which biblical scholars will continue to ig- 
nore if there is not greater awareness of how stories are told and how they 
communicate.”³ In short, the starting point for understanding the Gospels is what 
I said about stories in chapter 2. 
The Hybrid Nature of the Gospels 
If we come to the Gospels with the usual narrative expectations of cause-effect 
plot construction, a strict beginning-middle-end framework, and the principle of 
single action, we will be continuously frustrated. The Gospels are too episodic 
and fragmented, too self-contained in their individual parts, and too thoroughly a 
hybrid form with interspersed nonnarrative elements to constitute this type of uni- 
fied story. The Gospels are an encyclopedic or mixed form. They include elements 
of biography, historical chronicle, fiction (the parables), oration, sermon, dialogue 
(drama), proverb, poem, tragedy, and comedy. 
The Realism of the Gospels 
This very mixture and randomness produce an unusually powerful realism. They 
capture a sense both of the kind of life that Jesus actually lived and of what it 
would have been like to live through the experiences narrated in the Gospels. The 
kaleidoscopic variety of scenes, events, characters, dialogues, speeches, and en- 
counters, always revolving around Jesus at the center, conveys an astonishing 
sense of reality. 
The Portrait of Jesus in the Gospels 
The unifying focus of the Gospels is the central character, Jesus. How, then, is 
Jesus portrayed? Let us pause for a moment to analyze how three types of visual 
art—a photograph, a painted portrait, and an abstract painting—portray a land- 
scape or person.⁴ The photograph is virtually objective: it shows every detail as it 
appears to the eye (with the corresponding limitation that it cannot highlight a 
given aspect of the scene or offer an interpretation of the subject). A painted por- 
trait is more selective in its details, highlighting whatever features of the subject a 
painter wishes to call attention to as he or she tries to capture the spirit of a scene 
or event or character. An abstract painting conveys only a vague impression of its 
subject and depends almost wholly on the subjective response of the viewer for 
its final content. 
Given these three possibilities, the portrayal of Jesus in the Gospels is most 
like the portrait. The Gospel writers did not record everything about Jesus. They 
were highly selective in what they included. Through a combination of selection of 
material, arrangement, repetition, contrasts (foils), and interpretive commentary, 
each Gospel writer produced a verbal portrait in which certain features of Jesus 
and his message are highlighted. 
Complementary Perspectives in the Four Gospels 
Because the Gospel portraits are interpretive in nature, the four Gospels are com- 
plementary. Trying to harmonize them into a single photograph is, from a literary 
perspective, unnecessary (though I do not thereby imply that a literary approach is 
sufficient by itself). Someone has proposed the helpful analogy between the 
Gospels and the slow-motion replays that are familiar to us in television coverage 
of sports events: 
In these replays the action can be dramatically slowed down so that one is able 
to see much more than one was able to see in the action as it actually oc- 
curred. If one is given the full treatment—closeup, slow-action, forward-and- 
re-verse, split-screen, the same scene from several perspectives, and with the 
verbal commentary and interpretation of an expert superimposed—one has a 
fair analogy of what the evangelists do. . . .One might add to the force of the 
analogy by pointing out that the true significance of certain plays can only be 
known after the game is over. Now they are often seen in a new light, their true 
meaning dependent on what subsequently transpired.⁵ 
As we watch a television event from various angles, we often do not even see the 
same people or scenic details from one perspective to the next. Might the same 
thing not be true of the Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus? 
The Narrative World of the Gospels 
Each of the Gospels creates its own narrative “world,” and one of the best general 
approaches to the Gospels as stories is to allow them to build a total, self- 
contained picture in our imaginations. Someone has rightly said that in every story 
there is presented to us a special world with its own space and time, its own 
ideological system, and its own standards of behavior. In relation to that 
world, we assume (at least in our first perceptions of it) the position of an 
alien spectator. . . . Gradually we enter into it, becoming more familiar with its 
standards, accustoming ourselves to it, until we begin to perceive this world 
as if from within.⁶ 
In Matthew’s Gospel, for example, we enter a Jewish world where Old Testament 
prophecies and religious practices are a constant force, where Jesus is repeatedly 
portrayed in terms of royalty, and where the teaching of Jesus is presented in very 
orderly fashion. When we read the Gospel of Luke, we are in quite a different 
world, a cosmopolitan world in which people on the social and religious fringes— 
women, outsiders, the poor, people in shady professions—are important because 
they are the ones who receive Goďs grace. 
The Gospels, taken as literary wholes, are first of all stories. As readers we can 
best organize our total impressions of them around such narrative concerns as 
the characterization of the central hero, the general (but not strict) chronological 
arrangement of incidents in the life of Jesus, the presence of unifying plot con- 
flicts (they mainly involve Jesus and groups of characters such as the disciples 
and Pharisees), a linear or progressive movement of the action to the climactic 
death and resurrection of Jesus (if we count chapters, the four Gospels devote 
anywhere from twenty-five to thirty-eight percent of the total story to the Passion 
and Resurrection), and the distinctive narrative “world” that unifies each Gospel. 
Individual Stories in Gospels 
If narrative provides a literary framework for a Gospel as a whole, it is an equally 
good device for dealing with individual narrative units within the Gospels. These 
brief stories will yield their meanings best if we ask the usual narrative questions: 
where? who? what happens? At the level of action, these brief stories (unlike a 
Gospel as a whole) follow the Aristotelian principle of one event leading by a 
cause-effect link to the next event. These stories are tightly constructed, with one 
detail producing the next in a marvelously coherent fashion. Most of them have a 
central conflict moving to resolution, and many of them progress toward a cli- 
mactic epiphany (moment of revelation, insight, understanding). The story of 
Jesus’ meeting with the woman at the well (John 4:1–42) is a classic case of how a 
Gospel story moves from one event to the next in a seamless progression from an 
initial situation to a final resolution or epiphany.⁷ 
Individual Gospel Stories as Small Dramas 
Because the Gospels contain so much dialogue and encounter, it is also a helpful 
procedure for many of the longer episodes to lay out the story into separate dra- 
matic scenes, as though it were a play, focusing on each segment and also noting 
the sequence or positioning of scenes as we move through the episode from 
beginning to end. Many of these stories are, in fact, dramas in miniature. As a 
variation on this model, we can approach some of the episodes as though we 
were watching the event on television. There are distant (overview) shots, close- 
ups, shifting of focus from one speaker to another, scenes of the crowd, and so 
Genres Within the Gospels 
Another thing we can do with individual units within the Gospels is to identify the 
precise subtype to which a given unit belongs. The Gospels are made up of sev- 
eral general types of material. Many of them can be further subdivided (see chart 
on following page). There are, for example, six specific types of pronouncement 
stories: correction stories, objection stories, commendation stories, quest stories, 
test stories, and inquiry stories.⁸ 
How Knowing the Genre Helps a Reader 
What does such a taxonomy of genres achieve? It tells us what to look for in a 
given Gospel passage. It usually provides the best descriptive framework for orga- 
nizing a given unit. And sometimes the correct interpretation of a unit depends on 
identifying the precise genre of the passage. It is important for the interpretation 
of a pronouncement story, for example, to know that story and saying correlate 
with each other as stimulus and response. Frequently some of the details in a 
story will seem irrelevant until we place the passage into the right literary family, 
when suddenly every detail falls into place. 
Nonnarrative Elements in Gospels 
The list of subtypes reveals that, although narrative is the overriding framework 
for the Gospels, much of the material falls into genres covered elsewhere in this 
book. The sayings and discourses of Jesus need to be approached with the tools 
appropriate to poetry, proverb, parable, satire, and apocalypse (visionary liter- 
The Gospels are stories about Jesus. To describe and interpret them, we need to 
apply all that we know about narrative as a literary form. Within that general cate- 
gory, there is much that is unique about these stories, including the range of spe- 
cific literary types into which they can be divided. 
Further Reading 
The best overview of literary commentary on the Gospels is the excerpts col- 
lected under “Gospel as a Literary Form” and the four individual Gospels in The 
New Testament in Literary Criticism, ed. Leland Ryken (New York: Frederick Ungar, 
1984). David Rhoads and Donald Michie, Mark as Story: An Introduction to the 
Narrative of a Gospel (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982), is a model for approaching a 
Gospel as literary narrative. On a briefer scale, I conduct a sequential literary anal- 
ysis of the Gospel of John in The Literature of the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 
1974), pp. 276–91. Kenneth R. R. Gros Louis does something similar with the 
Gospel of Mark in Literary Interpretations of Biblical Narratives (Nashville: Abing- 
don, 1974), pp. 296–329. John Drury’s Luke (New York: Macmillan, 1973) is an 
example of a commentary that shows great sensitivity to the narrative qualities of 

How to Read the Bible as Literature: 6

How to Read the Bible as Literature: . . . and Get More Out of It: Chapter Six  The Proverb as a Literary Form 

Chapter Six 
The Proverb as a Literary Form 
The Bible: An Aphoristic Book 
A PROVERB OR APHORISM (I will use the terms interchangeably) is a concise, 
memorable statement of truth. It is one of the dominant literary forms in the Bible 
and is not confined to what is called Old Testament wisdom literature. The Bible 
as a whole is the most aphoristic book in the world. The English poet Francis 
Thompson, commenting on how the Bible influenced his writing, called the Bible 
“a treasury of gnomic wisdom. I mean its richness in utterances of which one 
could, as it were, chew the cud. This, of course, has long been recognised, and 
Biblical sentences have passed into the proverbial wisdom of our country.”¹ 
Examples of Proverbs 
In seeking to gain an understanding of the proverb as a literary form, we can best 
begin by noting the characteristics of an individual proverb. I will generalize about 
the form on the basis of the following five specimens, deliberately chosen from di- 
verse parts of the Bible to show how widely the form appears in the Bible. 
1.“He who loves money will not be satisfied with money; / nor he who loves 
wealth, with gain” (Eccl. 5:10 RSV). 
2.“The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, / shining ever 
brighter till the full light of day” (Prov. 4:18). 
3.“My yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:30). 
4.“A man reaps what he sows” (Gal. 6:7). 
5.“The tongue. . .is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body”(James 
Proverbs Are Striking and Memorable 
The first thing that we notice about these specimens is that they are memorable. 
When we first hear or read a proverb, we obviously do not know if we will remem- 
ber it, but it has a striking effect on us at once, and we recognize that it is worthy 
of memorization. The aim of a proverb is to make an insight permanent. A literary 
scholar has theorized that 
to epigrammatize an experience is to strip it down, to cut away irrelevance, to 
eliminate local, specific, and descriptive detail, to reduce it to and fix it in its 
most permanent and stable aspect, to sew it up for eternity.² 
The proverb shares with other literary forms the desire to overcome by means of 
arresting strangeness the cliché effect of ordinary discourse. To create an apho- 
rism requires a skill with language that most people lack. It is, in short, a literary 
gift, a way with words. 
Proverbs Are Both Simple and Profound 
A second excellence of proverbs is that they are both simple and profound. On the 
one hand, they are glorious proof that the simple can be a form of beauty. 
Proverbs are short and easily grasped. They strip down an experience to its 
essence and omit everything extraneous. Yet they can penetrate life to its most 
profound level, and we never get to the end of their application. For example, the 
observation that “he who loves money will not be satisfied with money” is a 
deceptively simple statement. It is actually a double comment about money: a per- 
son is unsatisfied by money because (a) the appetite for money grows by indul- 
gence and is therefore insatiable, and (b) material things do not satisfy perma- 
nently and at the deepest level. 
Proverbs Are Both Specific and General 
Another paradoxical quality of proverbs is that they are both specific and general, 
both particularized and universal. Notice all the particulars in the proverbs cited 
above. They talk about money and path and light and yoke and sowing and reap- 
ing and fire. Yet each of these proverbs covers a whole host of similar events. 
Proverbs always express an observation about a general tendency in life, not about 
a unique occurrence. Furthermore, a specific proverb often covers a whole cluster 
of related experiences. The aphorism “What a person sows, that he will also reap” 
applies to many areas of life. Proverbs thus follow a very basic literary principle: 
their way of getting at the universal is through the particular. 
Proverbs Are Often Poetic in Form 
Another crucial fact about proverbs is that they are often poetic in form. Much of 
the wisdom literature in the Bible is expressed in the form of parallelism. But re- 
gardless of whether proverbs are in verse or prose, they frequently use the re- 
sources of figurative language. Everything that I said about the poetic idiom in the 
chapter on poetry applies to proverbs; indeed, proverbs could legitimately be in- 
cluded among the types of biblical poetry. 
Simile and metaphor are especially abundant in proverbs, as the specimens 
cited above demonstrate. Whole chapters in the Book of Proverbs consist of com- 
parisons. Makers of proverbs love to use one area of human experience or exter- 
nal reality to cast light on another area. For example, all that is beautiful and posi- 
tive about the godly life is pictured as the rising sun. The destructiveness of 
speech is rendered metaphorically as a fire. Jesus’ great aphorism that his yoke is 
easy and his burden light combines metaphor and paradox. All of this means that 
the rules for interpreting figures of speech are a necessary part of interpreting 
Proverbs Are Observations About Human Experience 
Creators of proverbs are also truly literary in their ability to observe life. To write 
literature of any type, a person must be a sensitive observer of the human scene. 
This is exactly what the wisdom teachers of the Bible are. They are the 
photographers of the Bible, says Robert Short in a book that is the best on the 
subject.³ In Hebrew culture there were three main classes of religious leaders— 
priests, prophets, and wise men. Jeremiah 18:18, referring to all three, attributes a 
distinctive type of writing or discourse to each: law, word, and counsel respec- 
tively. There is a crucial difference between law and prophecy on the one side and 
proverbial wisdom on the other. Law and prophecy are God’s direct word to 
people. The proverbs of wisdom teachers are wise human observations about 
reality. They rarely are direct moral commands like the Ten Commandments. 
Descriptive and Prescriptive Proverbs 
By placing proverbs in the context of the Bible’s moral law, we can usually sense 
at a glance whether a given proverb is descriptive or prescriptive. Unlike moral com- 
mands, proverbs tend to state general principles to which there might be excep- 
tions. Those who utter proverbs do not worry about possible exceptions (neither 
do lyric poets); they trust people to use their common sense in recognizing that a 
proverb need not cover every possible situation. The Hebrew mind tends to state 
the general rule and not to worry about exceptions (as in the claim of Ps. 1 that the 
godly person prospers in “whatever he does”). 
Proverbs Are High Points of Human Insight 
Proverbs are high points of human insight. To use a literary term, a proverb is a 
moment of epiphany (insight, revelation). If proverbs appeared in a story or poem 
(as they sometimes do), we would recognize them as summing up the main 
thrust of the whole work. The modern story writer James Joyce once described a 
moment of epiphany as the point in a story where a spiritual or intellectual eye ad- 
justs its vision to an exact focus. A proverb is just such a moment of intellectual 
focus. It masters a whole area of life by bringing it under the control of a verbal 
focus. A proverb captures the clearest and most affecting moment, the point of 
greatest light. 
The Urge for Order 
As a literary form, the proverb illustrates the human urge for order. Aphoristic 
thinking enables us to master the complexity of life by bringing human experience 
under the control of an observation that explains and unifies many similar experi- 
ences. How many times have we not observed people whose compulsion was to 
make money and acquire possessions, only to find themselves dissatisfied. The 
insight that puts the many instances of this phenomenon into focus is the 
proverb, “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money.” Proverbs are a 
way of organizing what we know to be true of life. In the words of Norman Perrin, 
The essence of a proverbial saying is that it is based on observation of how 
things are in the world. It is a flash of insight into the repeatable situations of 
life in the world, and its aphoristic form not only represents insight but com- 
pels it. . . . Naturally, in the context of a firm belief in God, the proverb comes 
to express insight into the way things are, or should be, in the world ordered 
by God and a challenge to behaviour that God will reward.⁴ 
Proverbs Are True to Human Experience 
It pains me to see the biblical proverb belittled as a repository of truth simply be- 
cause it does not have the prescriptive all-inclusiveness of a moral command. “A 
maxim,” Coleridge correctly said, “is a conclusion upon observation of matters of 
fact.”⁵ Proverbs are true in the same way a story or poem is true: they are true to 
human experience and to reality. Proverbs express truths and experiences that are 
continually being confirmed in our own lives or the lives of people around us. 
Proverbs are timeless and never go out of date. The one unanswerable proof that 
proverbs can be trusted to tell the truth is a long, hard look at what is going on 
around us in the world. 
Proverbs Belong to Real Life 
This experiential truthfulness of proverbs is reinforced by the fact that the envi- 
ronment in which a proverb truly lives is not a collection of proverbs but the 
everyday situation of life where it applies. The individual proverb is a self- 
contained unit. Its point of contact is not with the next proverb in a collection but 
with the real-life situation it illuminates. This is well illustrated by the pronounce- 
ment stories in the Gospels, where an aphorism of Jesus is recorded together with 
the event or encounter that prompted the saying. 
The Pervasiveness of Proverbs in the Bible 
Where do we find proverbs in the Bible? Everywhere. They are concentrated in the 
wisdom writings of the Old Testament, chiefly the books of Proverbs and Eccle- 
siastes. But the sayings of Jesus in the Gospels are nearly as concentrated in their 
use of aphorism. The New Testament Epistle of James is also largely aphoristic in 
Indeed, the Bible is such an aphoristic book that it is hard to find individual 
parts of the Bible that do not contain proverbs. They appear in the brief stories of 
the Bible: “Am I my brother’s keeper?’’ (Gen. 4:9). Naturally we find aphorisms 
throughout the poetry of the Bible: “Taste and see that the LORD is good’’ (Ps. 
34:8). The prophets are likewise aphoristic in style: “they will run and not grow 
weary, / they will walk and not be faint’’ (Isa. 40:31). And the New Testament Epis- 
tles frequently have the memorable, chiseled effect of aphorism: “So faith, hope, 
love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love’’ (1 Cor. 13:13 RSV). The 
aphoristic nature of the Bible is well attested by the large number of titles for 
books and works of literature that have been taken from the Bible, and by the fre- 
quency with which individual verses have been put on plaques. 
An additional word needs to be said about the Old Testament wisdom books 
of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs. Here we find series of proverbs collected into small 
anthologies. How can we best read and study these books? 
The Quest for Meaning 
The Book of Ecclesiastes, the most misunderstood book in the Bible, is skillfully 
structured around two unifying patterns. One is the quest motif. As readers, we 
accompany the speaker as he recalls his quest to find meaning in life. In recount- 
ing this quest, he describes both the dead ends he pursued and the alternative to 
that futility, namely, a God-centered life. 
A Structure of Opposites 
The other structural principle is a dialectical system of opposites. The writer alter- 
nates between negative “under the sun” passages and positive “above the sun” 
passages. This dialectical principle accounts for the contradictions the book 
presents. When the writer describes the futility of life “under the sun” (that is, life 
lived by purely human or earthly standards), he is not offering his final verdict on 
life. In literary fashion, he is sharing his observations about how life should not be 
The Positive Passages Throughout the Book 
Balancing the negative sections are positive ones in which the writer portrays a 
God-centered alternative to life under the sun. God and spiritual values are domi- 
nant in these sections, and they transform the very aspects of life (e.g., work, eat- 
ing, drinking) that are declared empty in the under-the-sun passages. It is untrue 
that the Book of Ecclesiastes becomes positive only at the conclusion. The affir- 
mations made at the end have already been repeatedly asserted in positive sec- 
tions of the book (such as 2:24-26; 3:10-15; 5:1-7; and 5:18-20).⁶ 
The Book of Proverbs presents more serious difficulties for a literary approach. 
There are some clusters of proverbs on a single topic, such as the passages on 
the drunkard (23:29-35), the king (25:2-7), and the sluggard (26:13-16). Chapters 
1-9 are also more unified than the rest of the book. They are a coherent section of 
instruction unified by a common theme (wisdom), common images and char- 
acters, and a unifying plot conflict between wisdom and folly. 
A Topical Approach 
Beyond these sections, though, the structure is miscellaneous and the unity 
nonexistent. Two approaches to the collected proverbs are possible. One is a top- 
ical approach. It is relatively easy to arrange the Book of Proverbs into various top- 
ics (such as work, use of money, good and bad women, etc.). Once we have put 
such proverbs into their topical “family,” we can meditate on the complementary 
aspects of a single experience, much as we can turn a prism in the light to get var- 
ious colors. 
Reading by Chapters 
The other approach is to read through a chapter as it stands. Such reading should 
be slow, reflective, and imaginative. This is a good way to become familiar with 
individual proverbs, so they will rise to our consciousness and lips when a real life 
situation fits a given proverb. Reading by chapters, noting the wide range of phe- 
nomena touched upon, is also true to the mixed nature of actual experience. 
Reading Reflectively 
Whatever approach we take, it is essential to respect the compression that is a 
hallmark of the proverb as a literary form. A single proverb covers a whole cate- 
gory of experiences. Instead of passing quickly from one proverb to the next, in 
the process reducing each proverb to a cliché, we need to pause at each one, 

How to Read the Bible as Literature: 5

How to Read the Bible as Literature: . . . and Get More Out of It: Chapter Five  Types of Biblical Poetry   

Chapter Five 
Types of Biblical Poetry 
TO CALL SOMETHING POETRY is to identify the special idiom in which it is written. 
Virtually any literary genre can be written in poetry. In the Bible we find such di- 
verse forms as poetic narrative (the Book of Job), poetic satire (much of Old 
Testament prophecy), and poetic discourse (parts of the Sermon on the Mount). 
Mainly, though, poetry implies various types of short poems, and it is the purpose 
of this chapter to describe the leading biblical examples. 
A Definition of Lyric 
What most people mean by “poem” is a lyric poem. A lyric can be defined as a 
short poem, often intended to be sung, that expresses the thoughts and especially 
the feelings of a speaker. Breaking that definition into its individual parts yields 
the following anatomy of lyric as a genre. 
Lyrics Are Brief 
To begin, lyrics are brief. They express a feeling or insight at the moment of great- 
est intensity, and we all know that such moments cannot be prolonged indefi- 
nitely. The fact that lyrics are often sung likewise accounts for their characteristic 
brevity. Because of this brevity, lyrics are self-contained, even when they appear in 
collections like the Old Testament Book of Psalms. As part of this self- 
containedness, lyrics usually have a single controlling topic or theme (which may 
be an emotion rather than an idea). This unifying theme is stated early in the 
poem and exercises a formative influence on the poem’s development. Unless a 
reader identifies the unifying theme, a lyric will remain a series of fragments, and 
nothing can be more disastrous to the unified impact that is a hallmark of lyric. 
Theme and Variation 
The best means of grasping the unity of a lyric is to recognize that it is built on the 
principle of theme and variation. On the one hand, there is a unifying idea or emo- 
tion that controls the entire poem. The details by which this theme is developed 
are the variations. This principle places a twofold obligation on the reader: to 
determine the theme that covers everything in the poem, and to discover how 
each part contributes to that theme. Some of the Old Testament Psalms are, in 
fact, very miscellaneous and consist of a series of loosely related ideas. But most 
of them become unified wholes if a reader exercises patience and creativity in 
looking for a unifying theme. 
Lyrics Are Personal and Subjective 
A lyric is also personal and subjective. Lyric poets present their own thoughts and 
feelings directly, not through a story about characters viewed from the outside. 
The speaker in a lyric speaks in the first person, using the “I” or “we” pronoun. As 
readers we usually overhear the speaker, who may address anyone—God, himself, 
the stars, a group, enemies—but who rarely conveys the impression of speaking 
to the reader. 
Lyrics Are Reflective or Emotional 
Whereas stories present a series of events, a lyric presents either a sequence of 
ideas or a series of emotions. In other words, lyrics are either reflective/meditative 
or emotional. Emotion, especially, is often considered the differentiating element 
of lyric. We should not go to a lyric looking for a story; we will find only occasional 
snatches of narrative to explain the poet’s emotion or to elaborate such feelings as 
praise or despair. Because lyrics are often emotional, and because even reflective 
lyrics tend to be mood poems, a good question to ask of a lyric poem is, “How 
does this poem make me feel?” 
How Poets Express Emotion 
It is not easy to put emotion into words, and the means of doing so are rather lim- 
ited. They include use of exclamation, hyperbole, emotive words, vivid description 
of the stimulus for the emotion (thereby evoking a similar feeling in the reader), 
projecting a feeling onto external nature, or describing parallels to the speaker’s 
situation (as when the psalmist in Psalm 102 compares his loneliness to an owl 
and “a bird alone on a housetop”). 
Lyrics Are Concentrated 
Lyrics are concentrated and compressed. They are moments of intensity, very dif- 
ferent from a drawn-out story with highs and lows of feeling. Stories have occa- 
sional moments of epiphany (heightened insight or feeling), but lyrics are mo- 
ments of epiphany, without the surrounding narrative context. They are intense 
and packed with meanings. We must therefore emphatically not expect a lyric to 
cover the whole territory on a given topic. Lyric captures a moment and does not 
give a reasoned philosophy on a subject. It would be foolish to take such state- 
ments as “whatever he does prospers” (Ps. 1:3) or “no harm will befall you” (Ps. 
91:10) out of their lyric context and treat them as absolutes. 
Lyrics Are Abrupt in Movement 
Because lyrics are heightened speech, they often contain abrupt shifts and lack the 
smooth transitions of narrative. C. S. Lewis speaks of “the emotional rather than 
logical connections” in lyrics.¹ Such abrupt jumps of course demand tremendous 
alertness and even interpretive creativity on the part of the reader. 
The Voice of Response 
Lyric is preeminently a poet’s response to a stimulus. In the lyric poetry of the Bible 
the poets are always busy responding to something that has moved them—God, 
their enemies, a personal crisis, nature, victory, defeat, a beloved, and so on. One 
of the most helpful things to do with a lyric is to identify the exact stimulus to 
which the poet is responding. 
Three-Part Structure: 1. Statement of Theme 
The overwhelming majority of lyrics are built on the rule of three-part structure. 
They begin with a statement of theme, which is also the idea or emotion or situ- 
ation to which the poet is responding. Ways of stating the theme are varied: a de- 
scription (Ps. 121:1), a situation that is hinted at (Ps. 2:1), an invocation (Ps. 3:1), 
an address to an implied human audience (Ps. 107:1), an idea (Ps. 19:1). Regard- 
less of how the theme is stated, it alerts the reader to what will control the entire 
2. Development of the Theme 
The main part of any lyric is the development of the controlling theme. There are 
four ways of doing this, and many poems combine them: 
1.Repetition, in which the controlling emotion or idea is simply restated in dif- 
ferent words or images (Ps. 32:1–5). 
2.The listing or catalog technique, in which the poet names and perhaps re- 
sponds to various aspects of the theme (Ps. 23 or any of the praise 
3.The principle of association, in which the poet branches out from the initial 
emotion or idea to related ones. A common pattern in the Psalms is move- 
ment from God’s character to his acts, or vice versa. In Psalm 19, the poet 
moves from God’s revelation of himself in nature to his revelation in the 
moral law. 
4.Contrast, in which the poet is led to consider the opposite emotion or phe- 
nomenon as he develops the main theme (Ps. 1). 
3. Resolution 
In the last, brief part of a lyric, the emotion or meditation is resolved into a con- 
cluding thought, feeling, or attitude. Lyrics do not simply end; they are rounded 
off with a note of finality. In the Psalms this is often a brief prayer or wish. 
Explicating a Lyric 
The key to a good discussion or explication of a lyric is to have an orderly and dis- 
cernible procedure, so a reader or listener knows what is going on. The best plan 
of attack is to move from the large to the small, according to the following four- 
fold procedure. 
1.Identifying the topic, theme (what the poem says about the topic), under- 
lying situation or occasion (if one is implied). This part of the explication 
should produce an understanding of what unifies the poem. 
2.Laying out the structure of the poem, including the following consid- 
erations (using whichever ones are appropriate for a given poem): 
•Identifying whether the primary controlling element is expository (a sequence 
of ideas or emotions), descriptive (of either character or scene), or dramatic 
(an address to an implied listener). 
•Dividing the poem into its topical units from beginning to end, thus show- 
ing the sequential flow of the poem. 
•Identifying underlying contrasts that organize the poem. 
•Determining whether a given unit develops the theme through repetition, 
catalog, association, or contrast. 
•Applying the framework of theme and variation. 
3.Progressing through the poem unit by unit and analyzing the poetic “tex- 
ture” (in contrast to the “structure” already discussed). This means identi- 
fying and exploring the meanings of the figures of speech and poetic devices 
discussed in the previous chapter of this book. We should isolate whatever 
unit lends itself to separate consideration; it might be an individual image 
or figure of speech, a line, a verse, or a group of verses. 
4.Techniques of versification (in biblical poetry, parallelism) or patterning 
that make up part of the artistry and seem worthy of comment. For exam- 
ple, the imagery in Psalm 1 is organized around an envelope pattern in 
which the metaphors of the assembly and the path appear early and late, 
with harvest imagery occurring in the middle. After we have said all that we 
wish to say about the structure and meaning of a biblical lyric, there tends 
to remain a residue of artistic beauty that simply deserves comment and 
Most Short Poems Are Types of Lyric 
It is by now apparent that when we speak of “a poem,” we usually mean a lyric 
poem. In fact, most of the additional categories I am about to describe are sub- 
types of lyric. The further traits of each of these subtypes may provide a supple- 
mental framework for organizing an analysis of them. But even in such cases it is 
necessary to make use of the lyric considerations that I have noted. A lament 
psalm or praise psalm, for example, does not bypass the general features of lyric 
but rather builds on them. 
Let me say at the outset that biblical scholars have identified so many types of 
psalms, and made so many arbitrary and subtle distinctions, that the whole enter- 
prise is in danger of collapsing under its own weight.² I say this because sooner or 
later it may be liberating to realize that we are under no obligation to use a compli- 
cated system of classification. All of the Psalms are lyrics, and we can do an excel- 
lent job with any psalm by using what we know about poetic language and lyric 
form. We should also note that classification of the Psalms rests largely on ele- 
ments of content or subject matter, not on literary form as such. 
Lament Psalms 
The largest category of psalms is the lament psalm, which can be either private or 
communal. A lament psalm consists of the following five elements, which (note 
well) may appear in any order and which can occur more than once in a given psalm. 
1.An invocation or introductory cry to God, which is sometimes expanded by the 
addition of epithets (titles) and often already includes an element of peti- 
2.The lament or complaint: a definition of the distress; a description of the cri- 
sis; the stimulus that accounts for the entire lament. Most lament poems 
are “occasional poems,” arising from a particular occasion in the poet’s life, 
which is usually hinted at in the complaint section. 
3.Petition or supplication. 
4.Statement of confidence in God. 
5.Vow to praise God, or simply praise of God. 
Psalms 10, 35, 38, 51, 74, and 77 are typical lament psalms.³ 
Psalm 54 as a Lament Psalm 
Psalm 54 (RSV) illustrates the form of the lament psalm in succinct fashion. It re- 
verses the normal order of events by beginning with the petition or supplication: 
Save me, O God, by thy name, 
and vindicate me by thy might. 
This is followed by the cry to God to hear the prayer (the element that usually 
comes first): 
Hear my prayer, O God; 
give ear to the words of my mouth. 
The lament or complaint, as so often in the Psalms, defines the crisis in terms of 
threat from personal enemies: 
For insolent men have risen against me, 
ruthless men seek my life; 
they do not set God before them. 
The poet then asserts his confidence in God: 
Behold, God is my helper; 
the LORD is the upholder of my life. 
He will requite my enemies with evil; 
in thy faithfulness put an end to them. 
The poet ends with a vow to praise God: 
With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to thee; 
I will give thanks to thy name, O LORD, for 
it is good. 
For thou hast delivered me from every trouble, 
and my eye has looked in triumph on my 
Praise Psalms 
The second major grouping of psalms is the psalms of praise. The English word “to 
praise” originally meant “to appraise; to set a price on.” From this came the idea 
that to praise means “to commend the worth of.” The psalms of praise, theo- 
centric in emphasis, direct praise to God. Such poems are the voice of response 
to the worthiness of God. 
Elements of Praise 
The elements of praise (not to be confused with the form of praise psalms dis- 
cussed below) are what give these poems their distinctive traits. One of these ele- 
ments is the elevation and exaltation of the person being praised. A second one is 
the directing of the speaker’s whole being away from himself or herself toward the 
object of praise. Psalms of praise are filled with the speaker’s feelings, but we do 
not look at the speaker. Instead, we share his feelings as a way of experiencing the 
worthiness of God. In the words of C. S. Lewis, “The poet is not a man who asks 
me to look at him; he is a man who says ‘look at that’ and points.’ ”⁴ Another 
ingredient of much praise is testimony. Praise, in other words, has a communal 
dimension to it, and it often occurs in a worship setting. 
Declarative and Descriptive Praise 
There are two main types of praise in the Psalms. Declarative or narrative praise ex- 
tols God’s activity on a particular occasion. Its main thrust is that God has done 
such and such on a specific occasion. Descriptive praise describes God’s qualities 
or the acts that he does perpetually. Its thrust is that God is this or that, or that he 
habitually does these things. Descriptive praise, in other words, is not occasional 
in the way that declarative praise is. Both types can be either private or communal. 
The Form of the Praise Psalm 
The psalm of praise has a fixed form, just as the lament has. There are three parts. 
1.The introduction to praise regularly consists of one or more of the following 
elements: (a) a call or exhortation to sing to the Lord, to praise, to exalt; (b) 
the naming of the person or group to whom the exhortation is directed; (c) 
mention of the mode of praise. Psalm 149:1–3 is an introduction possessing 
all three elements. 
2.Development of the praise ordinarily begins with a motivational section or 
phrase in which the poet gives the reason for the call to praise. The most 
important part of any psalm of praise is what follows, namely, the catalog 
(listing) of the praiseworthy acts or qualities of God. 
3.The conclusion or resolution of the praise ends the poem on a note of finality. 
It often takes the form of a brief prayer or wish. 
This three-part structure is obviously a specific manifestation of the three-part 
lyric structure noted earlier in this chapter. 
The Catalog of Praise 
The most crucial element in a praise psalm is the catalog of praiseworthy acts or 
qualities of God. Accordingly, a necessary part of explicating such a poem is to di- 
vide the catalog into its topical units. Such a division will show the remarkable 
range in most psalms of praise. It might also uncover the presence of declarative 
praise and descriptive praise in the same catalog. Typical psalms of praise include 
Psalms 18, 30, 65, 66, 96, 97, 103, 107, 124, 136, and 139.⁵ 
Worship Psalms 
Worship psalms, also known as songs of Zion, are an important category. They do 
not have a fixed form like lament and praise psalms, but they are readily identified 
by the presence of references to worship in Jerusalem. Many of these poems also 
allude to the pilgrimages that were a regular part of Old Testament religious expe- 
rience (in fact, the heading “A Song of Ascents” for Psalms 120–134 shows that 
these pilgrim songs were sung or recited on the trips to Jerusalem). Worship 
psalms are among the most beautiful in the Psalter and are well represented by 
Psalms 27, 42–43, 48, 84, 121, 122, 125, 137. 
Nature Poems 
Nature poems are also a high point of the Psalms. Although nature finds its way 
indirectly into dozens of psalms, there are five psalms that we can call nature 
poems—Psalms 8, 19, 29, 104, and 148. They all share common traits: they take 
some aspect of nature as their subject; they praise nature for its beauty, power, 
provision, and so forth; and they describe nature in evocative word-pictures that 
awaken our own experiences of nature. Needless to say, the poet in each of these 
poems does not treat nature as the highest good but allows nature to become the 
occasion for praising God, the creator of nature. 
The psalms of lament and the psalms of praise are the two primary lyric types in 
the Psalter. A host of smaller categories fill out the Psalms. In addition to the cate- 
gories of worship psalms and nature poems discussed above, there are descrip- 
tive-medi-tative poems (such as Psalm 1 on the godly person or Psalm 119 on the 
law of God), royal psalms that deal with the king, penitential psalms (prayers for 
forgiveness), and imprecatory psalms (psalms calling misfortune on one’s ene- 
mies). Psalms such as 23 lack the opening call to praise of the praise psalms, but 
in every other way belong to that type. 
The Bible contains some of the most beautiful love poetry in the world. It ap- 
pears mainly in the Song of Solomon. The best way to understand this frequently 
misinterpreted book is simply to compare it with the love poetry that one can find 
in a standard anthology of English poetry. 
Types of Love Poems in the Song of Solomon 
My present purpose will be served by simply categorizing the types of love poems 
in the Song of Solomon. The largest category is pastoral love poems, in which the 
setting is an idealized rural world and the characters are described metaphorically 
as shepherds and shepherdesses. Such poetry describes in rural images and 
metaphors the delights of the love relationship. In the pastoral invitation to love 
the lover invites the beloved to share the life of happy, fulfilled love by metaphor- 
ically picturing that life of shared love as a walk in nature (Song of Sol. 2:10–15; 
A blazon is a love poem that praises the beauty and virtue of the beloved, usu- 
ally by comparing features of the beloved to objects of nature (e.g., 2:3). In an em- 
blematic blazon, the lover lists the features of the beloved and compares them to 
objects or emblems in nature (4:1–7; 5:10–16; 6:4–10; 7:1–9). The key to inter- 
preting such poems is to realize that they are symbolic rather than pictorial; literally 
pictured, these comparisons are ludicrous. An epithalamion is a poem celebrating 
a wedding (Song of Sol. 2:3–5:1; and Ps. 45).⁶ 
Definition of an Encomium 
One of the most appealing of all lyric forms in the Bible is the encomium. An en- 
comium is a lyric (whether in poetry or prose) that praises either an abstract qual- 
ity or a general character type. The conventional formulas in an encomium are 
1.An introduction to the topic that will be praised. 
2.The distinguished and ancient ancestry of the subject. 
3.The praiseworthy acts and/or attributes of the subject. 
4.The indispensable or superior nature of the subject. 
5.A conclusion urging the reader to emulate the subject. 
Encomia in the Bible 
A few biblical encomia are in prose rather than poetry, but the prose is so tightly 
packed with imagery and so highly patterned that it is virtually poetic in effect. 
Psalms 1, 15, 112, and 128 all praise the godly person (a general character type). 
Proverbs 31:10–31 is an acrostic poem that paints a composite portrait of the ideal 
wife. John 1:1–18 and Colossians 1:15–20 praise Christ with the conventional en- 
comiastic motifs. Hebrews 11 (and 12:1–2) and 1 Corinthians 13 (and 14:1) praise 
the abstract qualities of faith and love respectively. The portrait of the Suffering 
Servant in Isaiah 52:13–53:12 is a reversal or parody of the conventional formulas.⁷ 
Further Reading 
Hermann Gunkel’s seminal monograph The Psalms: A Form-Critical 
Introduction, trans. Thomas M. Homer (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1967), remains a 
good brief introduction to types of Psalms. Arthur Weiser, The Psalms: A 
Commentary, trans. Herbert Hartwell (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1962), written 
from a liberal theological perspective, is particularly thorough on analyzing the 
types of Psalms. 
Full explications of specimens of all the types discussed in this chapter appear 
in my book The Literature of the Bible, pp. 121–230. C. S. Lewis, Reflections on the 
Psalms (New York: Macmillan, 1958), is a thematic study of the Psalms that shows 
great sensitivity to the lyric and poetic form in which those themes are presented. 
¹Reflections on the Psalms (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1958), 3. 
²The strengths and limitations of these classifications are well represented by 
the books of Claus Westermann, including the following: The Praise of God in the 
Psalms, trans. Keith R. Crim (Richmond: John Knox, 1965); and The Psalms: Struc- 
ture, Content, and Message, trans. Ralph D. Gehrke (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 
³They are explicated in my book The Literature of the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zon- 
dervan, 1974), 138–44. 
⁴E. M. W. Tillyard and C. S. Lewis, The Personal Heresy (London: Oxford Univer- 
sity Press, 1939), 11. 
⁵They are explicated in Ryken, Literature of the Bible, 146–64. 
⁶For explications of the poems in the Song of Solomon, see Ryken, Literature of 
the Bible, 217–30 and 234–35. 
⁷Detailed explications of these passages appear in Ryken, Literature of the Bible, 