
Philo Kalia - *성탄절에 생각하는 신학 단상

Philo Kalia - *성탄절에 생각하는 신학 단상 

Philo Kalia
doStprseonl48tf8ulh2f051412tmht163fm31260amclc201fc5u093l56a ·

*성탄절에 생각하는 신학 단상

그리스도교 신학의 주제는 구원과 해방을 통해 자유를 약속하는 살아계신 하느님이다. 
서양 형이상학의 출발적 경험이 존재에 대한 놀람(왜 존재이며 오히려 무가 아닌가?)이라면, 그리스도교 신학의 출발적 사건은 그리스도로 말미암아 성령 안에서 부단히 자각하며 살아가는 생명의 환희와 놀람이다. 

따라서 우리는 이 하느님에 대하여 ‘존재’의 범주가 아닌 ‘삶’(生)과 ‘사랑’의 범주로써, 
탈형이상학적으로 말해야 한다고 본다. 
이러한 시도를 학위논문(1991년)을 토대로 마지막 장 신론을 100쪽 정도 보완하여 『탈형이상학의 하느님. 하이데거, 바이셰델, 벨테의 신론연구』(1997년)에서 시작했었다.
그렇기 때문에 나는 하느님의 현실성을 최근 삼위일체론의 부활을 통해 말하는 것보다는 
근대 형이상학과 무신론 그리고 허무주의의 그늘의 맥락에서 성장한 
장-룩 마리옹(Jean-Luc Marion)의 ‘존재 없는 하나님’(God without Being) 이나 
존 카푸토의 ‘하느님의 약하심’ (John D. Caputo, The Weakness of God. A Theology of the Event, Indiana Univ. Press 2006.)에 더 큰 매력을 느낀다. 

노자의 유약승강강(柔弱勝剛强), 
“부드럽고 약한 것이 단단하고 강한 것을 이긴다”는 가르침은 
고린도전서 1:25절의 말씀 “하느님의 약함이 사람의 강함보다 더 강합니다.”라는 말씀과 통한다.
카푸토는 하느님의 약함을 십자가의 “힘없음의 힘”(the power of powerlessness)이라고 역설적으로 말하는데, 나는 “연둣빛 하느님의 힘”이라고 옮겼다.
 연둣빛은 유약하게 보이는 싹트는 앙증스러운 식물의 어린 잎새에 내장된 무한한 생명의 힘이기 때문이다. 

이 힘은 ‘아기 예수’를 통해 세상에 탁월하게 드러났으며, 기독교는 그 상징의 힘을 온 세상 안에서 축하하지 않을 수 없는 것이다.
최근 입수한 프랑수아 줄리앙(Franois Jullien)의 From Being to Living은 
서양(프랑스)과 동양(중국)적 사유의 치열한 대결 속에서 
서양적 존재(Being)로부터 동서양적 생생(Living)으로 가는 길을 탐구했다는 점에서,
연둣빛 생명 하느님의 빛과 열, 색깔과 힘을 동서양 사유의 길이 갈리는(divergence) 만큼, 
그 교차로에서 역동적 관계로써 표현될 수 있지 않을까 하는 생각을 합니다만,
문구: 'François Jullien From Being to Living au Vivre) a Euro- Chinese lexicon of thought (De l'Être Michael Translated by Richardson & Krzysztof Fijalkowski'의 이미지일 수 있음
From Being to Living : a Euro-Chinese lexicon of thought (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society) First Edition
by François Jullien (Author), & 2 more
5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars    8 ratings 3.9 on Goodreads 22 ratings

This new English translation of François Jullien’s work is a compelling summation of his thinking on the comparison and divergences between Western and Chinese thought. Jullien argues that Western thinking is preoccupied with the question of ‘being’, whereas Chinese thought concerned itself principally with that of ‘living’.

Organised as a lexicon around some 20 concepts that juxtapose Chinese and Western thought, including propensity (vs causality), receptivity (vs freedom), maturation (vs modelisation),between (vs beyond) and resource (vs truth). Jullien explores the ways the two traditions have evolved, and how many aspects of Chinese thought developed in isolation from the West, revealing a different way of relating to the world and the fault lines of western thinking.

An important book for students and scholars throughout the social sciences.

Taechang Kim

서양적 존재(인식)에서 동양적
생생(인식아닌 체인)으로의 사유방향의 전환은 몇몇 선학들이 시도했던 바이지만 후학된
심광섭목사님(저는 새로히 배워가는 후후학의 일원으로 동행함)을 비롯한 공통관심자여러분들의 共協으로 생생(화화=생명개신의 체감 체험 체득)의 개인각성을 공공각성으로
공공화하는 과정으로서의 진지 자유 활발한 대화(를 위한
에토스와 아비투스)촉진 체화
공유를 가일층 주도해주시기를 앙청합니다. 저 자신도 정성껏 따라 가겠습니다.
Philo Kalia
Taechang Kim 늘 성찰적 사유를 주시고 새 길을 보여주시니 감사드립니다
이제 생의 신학을 넘어 AI(인공지능) 의 신학으로 사상적 전환을 해야 될 시점입니다.ㅎㄹ
Philo Kalia
심재민 우주지능으로부터 소위 인공지능까지 생명의 여로라고 생각하는게, 어떠신가?
심광섭 네.어느정도 동의합니다.해석학적 주체가 누구냐에 따라 생명의 기준점 범위를 어디까지 설정하느냐가 관건일것 같습니다. 다음에 만나뵙게 되면 토론하시지요^^
Taechang Kim
심재민 선생님의 생각을 존중하면서 심광섭목사님과의 대화과정을 살리면서 존재에서 생생으로의 사유전환의 단계를 밟고 있고 거기서 인공지능의 단계는 그 다음의 순서로 생각하고 있음을 말씀드립니다. 다만 한가지 사전에 일언하면
여기서 이야기하는 생생(화화)는 생명이라기 보다는 생명력
(생명에너지-물리적에너지+비물질적에너지=원초적 근원적 에너지를 분화합일개념)이고 AI와 그 이상의 발전형태인 양자컴퓨터도 에너지가 없으면 가동자체가 불가능하다는 의미에서 조금씩 사고정리를 (혼자서 앞서기보다는 함께
)해 나가는 공동노력을 너그럽게 이해주셨으면 고맙겠습니다. 언제든 질책과 교시를 흔쾌히 수용 숙고하겠습니다.

Taechang Kim
심광섭(목사님의 기독교적)미학의 작은 한 측면의 현현이라


Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians eBook : Freke, Tm, Freke, Tim, Gandy, Peter: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians eBook : Freke, Tm, Freke, Tim, Gandy, Peter: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

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Timothy FrekeTimothy Freke

Peter GandyPeter Gandy

Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians Kindle Edition
by Tm Freke (Author), Tim Freke (Author), Peter Gandy (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 678 ratings

Why were the secret teachings of the original Christians brutally suppressed by the Roman church?

Because they relate the myth of the Christian Goddess Sophia.

Because they portray Jesus and Mary Magdalene as mythic figures based on the Pagan dying and resurrecting Godman and the fallen and redeemed Goddess.

Because they show that the gospel story is a spiritual allegory encoding philosophy that leads to Gnosis – mystical enlightenment.

Because they undermine all external authority by revealing the Christ within.

Because they have the power to turn the world inside-out and transform life into an exploration of consciousness.

Drawing on the cutting edge of modern scholarship, this groundbreaking book from the authors of the international bestseller 'The Jesus Mysteries' decodes the secret teachings of the original Christians for the first time in almost two millenia.
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Print length

338 pages
18 July 2018
Popular Highlights in this book
What are popular highlights?

But immortality is not access to Heaven as reward for living an upright life. It is the immediate realization, here and now, of our true identity, which was never born and so can never die.
Highlighted by 398 Kindle readers

Christianity was not the cult of a first-century Messiah, but a Jewish adaptation of the ancient Pagan Mystery religion.
Highlighted by 372 Kindle readers

To us myths are irrelevant fantasies, but the ancients regarded them as profound allegories encoding mystical teachings.
Highlighted by 308 Kindle readers

Product description

About the Author

Peter Gandy is a classical scholar with a particular interest in ancient Western spiritual traditions. He is currently studying for an MA in classical civilization at London University. He has been researching this subject intensively for over 5 years. He is the author of The Complete Guide to World Mysticism and Hermetica.

Tim Freke is an authority on world spirituality. His books include: The Illustrated World Scriptures, Tao Te Ching and Principles of Native American Spirituality. He worked with Alan Aeira on the famous documentary on the Kogi people of Colombia.--This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
From the Inside Flap
Why Were the Teachings of the Original Christians Brutally Suppressed by the Roman Church?

- Because they portray Jesus and Mary Magdalene as mythic figures based on the Pagan Godman and Goddess
- Because they show that the gospel story is a spiritual allegory encapsulating a profound philosophy that leads to mythical enlightenment
- Because they have the power to turn the world inside out and transform life into an exploration of consciousness
Drawing on modern scholarship, the authors of the international bestseller The Jesus Mysteries decode the secret teachings of the original Christians for the first time in almost two millennia and theorize about who the original Christians really were and what they actually taught. In addition, the book explores the many myths of Jesus and the Goddess and unlocks the lost secret teachings of Christian mysticism, which promise happiness and immortality to those who attain the state of Gnosis, or enlightenment. This daring and controversial book recovers the ancient wisdom of the original Christians and demonstrates its relevance to us today.--This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Tim Freke Publications (18 July 2018)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 854 KB
Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
Print length ‏ : ‎ 338 pagesBest Sellers Rank: 214,457 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)21 in Gnosticism (Kindle Store)
47 in Gnosticism (Books)
93 in MysticismCustomer Reviews:
4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 678 ratings

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Timothy Freke

Tim is an internationally respected authority on world spirituality. He is the author of over thirty books that have established his reputation as a scholar and free-thinker. He became well known for his groundbreaking work on Christian Gnosticism with his close friend Peter Gandy, including The Jesus Mysteries, which was a top 10 best-seller in the UK and USA, and a 'Book of the Year' in the UK Daily Telegraph.

In his latest book, The Mystery Experience, Tim presents a revolutionary approach to spirituality. He creates a new language of awakening, which makes profound ideas simpler to understand, so it's easier to experience a real transformation of consciousness.

Tim runs Mystery Experience Retreats throughout the world in which he guides people directly to an experience of oneness and all-embracing love that naturally arises in the ‘deep awake’ state.

Website: www.TheMysteryExperience.com

Events: www.themysteryexperience.com/events/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorTimFreke

Twitter: www.twitter.com/TimFreke

Google+: plus.google.com/113011961119357996655

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Peter Gandy

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Tim Freke

Tim Freke is a pioneering philosopher whose bestselling books, inspirational talks, and life-changing retreats have touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

He is the author of 35 books, translated into more than 15 languages, including 'The Jesus Mysteries', which was a top 6 Amazon Bestseller and Daily Telegraph 'Book of the Year'.

In his latest books 'Deep Awake' and 'Soul Story', Tim offers a revolutionary approach to awakening for the 21st century and a visionary new understanding of the nature of reality.

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Customer reviews
4.5 out of 5 stars

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Damien Omen III

5.0 out of 5 stars Explaining Attaining GnosisReviewed in Australia on 11 December 2016
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This would be a great starting point for anyone wanting to learn and/or research Gnosticism. Having waded through quite a few books in search of what Gnostic thought truly *teaches* (most talked about the various historical movements said to be "gnostic", as opposed to what their beliefs really were, or re-hashed the opinions and criticisms of "vaticanised" Christian antagonists...yawn...), I only wish I had found it sooner.
Kudos to the authors for the clarity of explanation of concepts that, in many other (and older) tomes, seem dry, convoluted and somewhat baffling.
The sense of humour amidst this educative text is also welcome; it's not over-done or twee, and it's completely in character with a typical Gnostic education.
The humour gave me a sense of learning from a guru or Sufi, it adds an element of Reality which traditional religious instruction has seemingly forgotten.
This is not to imply that the book is breezy or flippant - for a student of Gnostic thought, there is much to be learnt from reading this book, and there are extensive and interesting footnote links peppered throughout.
In short, interesting, informative, helpful and happy. Which is what a "religious" (or perhaps "philosophical"?) education should be.
A job well done!

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Author and Publisher

5.0 out of 5 stars Five StarsReviewed in Australia on 22 July 2018
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A very insightful and persuasive read.


patricia dimmock

5.0 out of 5 stars A recommended read for the reflective thinkerReviewed in Australia on 10 September 2016
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WOW! A recommended read for the reflective thinker.

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A customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Enlightened thinkingReviewed in the United States on 16 October 2023
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If you were raised as a Christian and were bothered by the contradictions in the bible, you will enjoy this book. We all know the horrors in history inflicted by various religions. Spirituality should not be destructive, but a means for the evolution of humanity.

Here is a bullet list quote from the book regarding fundamentalist beliefs:

“The Bible is the word of God. Ridiculous idea.

There is only one way to God. Obvious nonsense.

The Day of Judgement and the resurrection of the flesh. Spooky ideas.

The world is a bad place and we should hate it. In the face of the wonders all around us that's just ungrateful.

Eternal damnation. Horrible, grotesque, really, really bad idea.

God likes some people more than others. Please! What sort of God is that?

Sex is evil. If you believe this you must be doing it wrong.

God is male. What could that possibly mean? Does God have a penis?

Men are more spiritual than women. This idea must have been thought up by a man who never had a mother.

God has opinions — and only some people know what they are. That's got to be one of the worst ideas ever, because it is regularly used to justify a whole edifice of bad ideas.”

I remember being a young teenager and enduring a blistering sermon regarding original sin. According to the preacher, it was our fault that Jesus was persecuted on the cross. I hated myself; how is that healthy, helpful or inspiring?

Gnostic Christianity had a cosmic belief. If you are interested in an explanation of Gnosticism, this book has an excellent explanation.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent BookReviewed in Canada on 22 November 2022
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Wow, great WAKE UP CALL. This is a necessary read for those of you, like me, who have matured spiritually but still have so many questions. I am so happy I bought this; it feels like it was written for me.

Adalberto Vela
5.0 out of 5 stars Libro reveladorReviewed in Mexico on 16 April 2021
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Uno de los libros más reveladores que me ha tocado leer. Si eres católico muy ferviente probablemente no sea un libro para ti, pero si te gusta pensar y dudar de vez en vez de lo que se escribe sobre la historia de Jesús y el cristianismo, vale la penas hacerse una opinión propia. En lo particular yo creo en la existencia histórica de Jesús y este libro me ha hecho, a diferencia de lo que pretende, entender mejor el contexto histórico de la figura de Jesús en su tiempo y de donde proviene su filosofía. Sin lugar a dudas este es un libro apasionante lleno de cosas que no puedes creer pero que a la vez resultan lógicas del por qué hemos llegado a un cristianismo tan radical que no parece obra de una filosofía tan profunda y reveladora como la que emana del pensamiento y de la figura de Cristo. Este libro me acercó a Jesús de una manera impresionante

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4.0 out of 5 stars Poor page numberingReviewed in India on 15 July 2020
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Page 72 comes TWICE in the Kindle edition. Numbering needs to be improved.

5.0 out of 5 stars THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION OF EVERYTHINGReviewed in the United Kingdom on 3 April 2014
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The authors of this book have thoroughly research their work, and for me reading this book was like a revelation, it confirmed all that I questioned and confirmed that I was not insane, that religions (in the established institutions such as Christianity) were hiding something, I was brought up in a strict Christian Background, but was always rebellious and I'd ask my mother so many questions to do with Christianity and its effects was only youngster then.., fast forwarding to the present in my gut I knew there was something deeper I needed to search and this I found whilst surfing the net, it talks about the Goddess and the world religion's efforts to to get rid of the Goddess, if you want to look deeper into Christianity this book will fill you in nicely. Good job Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. I read this book quite a while back almost two years ago and don't know why I didn't write a review for it anyway this is it.

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(6) Sung-Deuk Oak - THE FAMILY TREE 유대인은 표적을 구하고 헬라인은 지혜를 찾습니다. 한국 교인은... | Facebook

유대인은 표적을 구하고 헬라인은 지혜를 찾습니다.
한국 교인은 기적을 구하고 비교인은 정보를 찾습니다.
그러나 우리는 십자가에 못 박힌 그리스도를 전하니
유대인에게는 거리끼는 것이요 이방인에게는 미련한 것입니다.
우리는 예수의 비우심과 희생을 전하니
대형 교회는 비위가 거슬리고 불신자는 비웃습니다.
그러나 오직 부르심을 입은 자들에게는 유대인이나 헬라인이나 그리스도는 하나님의 능력이요 하나님의 지혜입니다. 하나님의 미련한 것이 사람보다 지혜 있고 하나님의 약한 것이 사람보다 강합니다.
형제자매 여러분, 여러분이 부르심을 받을 때에, 그 처지가 어떠하였는지 생각하여 보십시오. 육신의 기준으로 보아서, 지혜 있는 사람이 많지 않고, 권력 있는 사람이 많지 않고, 가문이 훌륭한 사람이 많지 않았습니다.
하나님께서는, 지혜 있는 자들을 부끄럽게 하시려고 세상의 어리석은 것들을 택하셨으며, 강한 것들을 부끄럽게 하시려고 세상의 약한 것들을 택하셨습니다.
하나님께서는 세상에서 비천한 것들과 멸시받는 것들을 택하셨으니 곧 잘났다고 하는 것들을 없애시려고 아무것도 아닌 것들을 택하셨습니다. 상놈과 천민을 택해서 양반을 없애버린 것은, 아무도 하나님 앞에서는 자랑하지 못하게 하시려는 것입니다.
과부 창녀, 이방인 기생, 외국인 이주민 과부, 간음한 여인, 임신한 처녀 집안을 통해 아기 예수가 나귀 구유에 태어나, 광야의 더러운 목자와 페르시아 점성가들의 축하를 받고, 이집트로 불법 이주난민이 되었다가, 상것들이 살아 귀신이 많은 시골 나사렛 목수의 아들로 자랐습니다. 그는 1평짜리 쪽방에도 머리 둘 곳 없는 청년이었으나, 하나님 나라를 꿈꾸었습니다. 12명 작은 교회, 운동권 출신에 세리도 있는 그 교회를 3년간 하다가 회계 집사의 배반을 당해 십자가에 처형되었습니다. 그가 죽어도 세상은 '당분간' 변하지 않았습니다.
우리는 그를 구주라고 부릅니다.
크리스마스추리를 볼 때마다 패밀리트리를 생각합니다.
메리 크리스마스!